Showing posts with label Vaccine idiots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaccine idiots. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Change of Season, Change of Pace, Change of Mood, But No Changes With...



October 2, 2021

Autumn is officially underway here in QC, with the colder temperatures and the leaves starting to change colours. Not quite as much as in the picture above, but they're starting.  You definitely know it's autumn out there and not springtime. 

So that means we're going to be busier than usual trying to hustle to get things done before winter.  There always seems to be too much to do all at the same time or nothing at all. Like that song goes "it never rains in California, but man it pours".  On top of that things keep adding to the list of things we have to do. Unforeseen things, like little problems cropping up with the car, that needs attending to, that weren't occurring before when we had the time to take care of it. A computer breakdown (my husband's computer broke down a couple of days after he got it back) so now he's scrambling to find parts amongst some of the older computer parts he had lying around - like drives, fans, RAM, cases, video cards etc in order to build another one for himself. 
On top of that there's harvest time (no we don't have a garden but we do take advantage of the specials to be had at this time of year garden or not, so I can find a way to preserve the stuff to have during the year) and we've got a bunch of veggies for me to take care of, on top of the various meats we want to get before the specials are over with, that he'll have to butcher into the cuts we want and package to freeze.  Especially considering all the scaremongering stories I've seen about the cost of food lately. So when we find food at reasonable or sale prices we buy in quantity so that we can have those foods over the course of time, by blanching & freezing or butchering & freezing in meal sized packages for us.  That way when there's huge hams on special we don't have to decline the special. We just buy it and butcher it into a large portion to treat as you would a ham for special occasions and ham steaks and small chunks with the rest of it. Packaged in meal sized portions for the 2 of us. That way we have our ham for whatever special occasion we want it for plus small ham chunks for pea soup or scalloped potatoes throughout the year along with the occasional ham steak. With no waste and no need to gorge ourselves on ham forever and a year after bringing it home and cooking it. We currently have a large pork roast waiting to be butchered into strips and cubes and we plan on getting a chuck roast that's on special to make into various beef cuts like steaks, cubes, strips, a roast and ground beef. That should take care of the meat for a while. Except the turkey that we still need to find and buy for Thanksgiving which is a week from this Monday.
But first we have to defrost the freezer and also accommodate real estate brokers who want to show the place. 
Oh and not to mention that next weekend is our Thanksgiving holiday here, so that means I also have a pie or two to make as well.  
Right now I'm taking a little break before going to make a loaf of bread (while the yeast comes to room temperature). Maybe after I finish doing that, I'll have more time to blog and post some headlines here. As they used to  say in chatroom parlance BRB.....
Anywho.... I'm back now.... So on with the headlines... There's tons of them still that must be older than Methusela  and a ton of more current ones, I'll try to get to as much as I can and maybe skip over some of the older ones that seems to be repeats of other stories - like how bad it is in Alberta & Sask. We are perhaps well aware of that by now so unless there's a story there that accentuates the situation or adds an entirely new wrinkle to it or it's a newer more current story about it, I won't post it. That ought to cut down on a few stories but not diminish the picture of the true scope of this neverending nightmare called the Covid19 plandemic.  So think of this as an abridged version of the headlines this time around, just so I can manage to catch up to the current headlines to a degree. 
Otherwise I'll always be way behind. So those stories I think we already all know about up until recently, I'll just skip over. I realize that because of this blog and hunting the headlines for it, I probably know things a lot of others don't and may think that it's pretty much common knowledge by now and so skip it, when others have no clue about it. So I apologize for that in advance, but I really have to draw the line somewhere if I'm going to get current again, or just quit doing this altogether. And trust me that thought has crossed my mind more than a few times too and there have been several days lately where it's more and more tempting considering the fact that this virus never lets up and I just don't see myself doing this for the rest of my life and will quit at some point or another if the virus doesn't first. And on top of that we're super busy these days with all the stuff we have to do around here, so I don't know how much time I can spare towards this anyhow.

So now on with it....

Quebec judge rules boy, 12, can get COVID-19 vaccine despite father’s objections Really, honestly and truly I do not see how judges, prosecutors or even defense lawyers can make any determinations on anything to do with health as that's not their specialty. And  when it's something as detrimental as someone's life or health at stake I don't think anyone who doesn't hold a license to practice medicine should be making any binding pronouncements on that at all. And even doctors who do have a license to practice medicine can be and are wrong at times. No one's perfect. That's the reason you're told to seek at least 3 different medical opinions when given a serious diagnosis or prognosis. That way you can see if any other doctors agree with the original one, or if there's 2 out of those 3 that tends to agree with each other while the other one appears to have a totally other opinion from everyone else's. Unless the judge heard from at least 3 different doctors on this subject - without having those who've been censured by their professional collective for speaking out against the mainstream consensus being excluded from giving their medical opinion (because it's just as valid as the others who genuinely believe the lamestream narrative on this BS plandemic we're going through). 

More than 500,000 U.S. children tested positive for COVID-19 in 3 weeks And we were told that kids couldn't get the virus eh? hehehe.... Anyone who thought or believed that had sheite for brains. I mean when they were saying that it was kids who were spreading it to adults, it had to be obvious that for them to be able to spread it, they had it, but they were asymptomatic. I mean duh.... How stupid do you have to be to not understand that? I mean just look at my sidebar here with all the things to do with kids - one of which is covid symptoms in kids. If they weren't supposed to get it,  how come they had symptoms?


Employers can demand workers be vaccinated against COVID-19: Quebec premier  Is this just a pronouncement by his royal lowness Legault or is this an actual law? Just wondering....

Canada suffers shock economic contraction, casting shadow over recovery According to a story in the Guardian today they say the world supply crisis could blow the entire world's economy off course and not just here in Canada.

'Vaccine snob' travelers flock to Guam for sun, sea and shots This should've been named "Vaccine Idiots", considering that anyone who would go out of their way to get that shot have to be idiots, since all immunity provided by the Pfizer shot is completely GONE IN 7 MONTHS. So anyone who think's they're getting the best shot on the planet is sorely mistaken. At this point I'm laying odds of 100 to 1 that basically ALL OTHER VACCINES ON THE PLANET ARE BETTER THAN THE FAUCI & GATES SALINE SOLUTION THEY'RE TRYING TO PASS OFF AS A VACCINE. I'm sorry but after all the stories and headlines I've seen to do with that shot, I have no use for it and I can't understand for the life of me WHY the FDA gave it full approval or approved it for use in kids under 12. Someone at the FDA must've gotten their palms greased by Fauci & Gates that's for sure.
With no tourist handouts, hungry Bali monkeys raid homes The plandemic is even hurting the Bali monkey's economy.

America's in a COVID funk As far as I'm concerned the whole handwashing and walking a half a mile apart from each other was nothing but a bunch of over the top BS. Wearing a mask (since it is a respiratory infection first - meaning you inhale droplets containing the virus that sets off the infection in your lungs and the rest of your system) was the only part of that over the top BS I adhered to. Still do, except in the stores where they have those hand sanitizers or sinks with someone watching to make sure you do as they say. Otherwise I don't bother. I used to carry hand sanitizer around with me and used it after I touched everything. Then one day I didn't but I had to stick my fingers in my mouth because of a hair in my mouth. I tasted the stupid sanitizer I'd used from the store on my fingers and it was awful. I got the hair out of my mouth, reapplied my mask and that was it. No worse for the wear. Despite having gone through the entire store, picked things up off the shelves that others obviously handled before me - like the stockboy for instance and probably other store employees and patrons as well, left the store - touching the very handles everyone else before me touched on their way out without sanitizing their hands before leaving the store (as there's no hand sanitizers available on the way out, only on the way in), no worse for the wear. I didn't get sick or even get a sore throat. 
Since that incident, I haven't been so paranoid about things and wear a mask because it is a respiratory illness and from what I've read about the break through infections - it's because the RNA based vaccines generate an over the top response to fight the virus off, kind of akin to using a sledge hammer when a mere tap of the hand would do, to kill it. So that's why vaccinated people are getting sick with it. It's not the "with it" part that's making them sick, it's the immune response their bodies mounted to combat it, that's making them sick, as per this magazine here: What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ - October 2021  You'd be doing yourselves a huge favour if you download and read all the Covid related articles in there. Just download it from the longfiles link - it's in PDF format, so if you have the Adobe PDF reader you'll be able to read it.

While we're on the subject of doctors and what they do or don't tell you, you might want to check out what the Doctors for COVID Ethics has to say about all of this. Remember these are doctors and not accountants masquerading as health ministers or self-appointed know it alls like courtroom judges or lamestream media government mouthpieces masquerading as journalists. They are actual doctors who may also be taking professional risks for coming out and joining that organization to promote the truth about this disease. 
Doctors dismayed by patients who fear coronavirus vaccines, but clamor for unproven ivermectin they're dismayed by patients who fear vaccines but clamor for unproven ivermectin eh? Well I'll tell you something there folks, ivermectin has been used to treat people and is infact being studied by the NIH (a US government agency) as a COVID 19 treatment. The link to that site's page is right here folks: NIH logo COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines And the vaccines they want us to take aren't any more proven (even less so, I think in some cases especially the RNA based vaccines) than that medicine. So they're against you taken something that's unproven but yet telling you to take unproven vaccines. Does that make any sense to anyone out there? Because it doesn't make sense to me. If you don't want someone taking something not proven, then don't force them to take those stupid vaccines because they're not proven and in fact the world's population has now become the guinea pigs for those vaccines. Which are proving not to be reliable and in a lot of cases downright harmful or deadly.
Hundreds of Florida parents lined up at a chiropractor's office after he signed mask-exemption forms for students No wonder QC regarded chiropractors as being nothing but quacks, up until the late 70s or early 80s.

Canada election 2021: Votes the country could be missing because of the COVID-19 pandemic So just imagine how much differently things could've turned out, if we had those votes on election night, instead of a repeat of the last election we might've had a different outcome this time around.

Canada's 'window of opportunity' to stop COVID-19 cases reaching 15,000 daily is 'narrowing,' top doctor says You mean Canada's top witch doctor or genocidal maniac, don't you? She probably wishes it were that number or higher. 
U.S. heads into Labor Day with Covid vaccines but a substantially worse outbreak than this time last year A lot of that may have had to do with widespread lockdowns and restrictions and more precautions on the part of the public than they are displaying these days thanks in large part to the vaccines. They may believe that because most people or they themselves are vaccinated that it's safer out there for them and so they aren't taking nearly as many precautions as they were this time last year. 

Coronavirus can spread among vaccinated people, so officials urge cautious Labor Day As I've been saying for awhile now..... And that What Doctors Don't Tell You (link above) says as well, along with an explanation as to why.
Why cloth masks are on some airlines’ no-fly lists  After everyone went overboard trying to make and sell them. 

Australia Traded Away Too Much Liberty According to the headline directly above this one, you could say this headline is an understatement.

'Your life in Alberta is only worth $100': Canadians furious after Alberta's promise to pay unvaccinated residents to take the shot You might remember Biden also tried this in the US and it didn't work any better for him than it did for Kenney. I guess only those who are so desperately poor that $100 actually looks like a lot of money, went for this, both in Alberta and the US.

Researchers Infect Volunteers With Coronavirus, Hoping to Conquer Covid-19  I hope none of those volunteers die on account of volunteering for this.


Doctor says gunshot victims forced to wait for treatment as Oklahoma hospitals overwhelmed by coronavirus patients Well if they didn't have so many guns that everyone & their dog had one to play with and fire at each other or accidentally at themselves, there wouldn't be that problem, instead the place of urgency taken up by trigger happy idiots would instead be taken up by people suffering heart attacks and strokes or car accident victims.  You know.... REAL emergencies.
Protesters against COVID-19 vaccine mandates say they're pro-freedom, 'not anti-vax' Even though I was a nurse & also got the vaccine, I too am pro freedom and not against the vaccine. I think since this is an experimental method of making vaccines and we don't know what it will do to us in the long run and since it doesn't seem to be preventing people from catching the virus, anyhow, I think it should be up to each individual as to whether or not they wish to get it or not. And not have it forced on us.



Florida Will Issue $5,000 Fines to Businesses and Schools That Require Proof of Vaccination Here it's completely the opposite. Those businesses who don't require proof of vaccination, can get fined $6,000.00.

Albertans fully vaccinated for COVID-19 urged to stay cautious during pandemic's 4th wave As we all should considering what kind of reactions our vaccines can cause us to have when we encounter the virus. 

Florida doctor to refuse in-person treatment for unvaccinated patients She sounds an awful lot like our doctor, except our doctor refuses in person treatment of everyone regardless of vaccination status.


Former UK PM Blair warns West should prepare for bio-terrorism threat  Gawd this one is a daft slow learner isn't he? What's he think this COVID19 BS is all about? That it just evolved naturally in a lab without any help from humans and managed to escape that lab without any help either? Especially since the Chinese thought they were going to have the world wide patent rights to Redemsivir which at the time was the only known antidote to this disease? Which would allow China to dictate the conditions and terms that would allow each country to acquire some/enough for their citizens. I mean how dumb is that clown? Must be pretty dumb considering all the pyres he dictated to burn livestock in England as a means of a "sacrifice" because he and Baby Bush wanted to start a war in Iraq. He used the then spreading hoof and mouth disease as an excuse for those pyres. But livestock suffering from hoof and mouth generally recover on their own and poses absolutely no threat to humans. Maybe he inhaled too many of those fumes and it affected his brain in the long run. Anyhow Blair wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, nor was Baby Bush and the 2 of them together were like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. It was a toss up sometimes figuring out which one was Tweedle Dumb.
B.C. doctors debunk misinformation spread at 'health freedom' protests Is it really misinformation though and not just information that they don't want you to know about?



Eric Clapton mocked over new anti-lockdown anthem Well just look at who's doing the mocking the gullible snowflake sheeple of the millennial generation.

Protesters throw gravel at Trudeau; Liberal leader won't bow to 'anti-vaxxer mobs' Euuuu by the looks of things some Canadians have had way more than enough both of this plandemic and that nitwit.



Quebec health minister pens open letter as COVID 19 cases rise Like as if this pencil necked idiotic accountant knows anything at all about medicine.....

Daunting debt: What the pandemic public spending spree will mean for Canada’s post-COVID economy I'll sum it up truthfully, unlike this article.... We'll be taken over by the IMF and Bank of International Settlements for monies owed. That's what'll happen.  Which will make Paul Martin's belt tightening exercises in the 90s look more like Christmas morning rather than just merely a picnic.

How many double-jabbed people are dying from COVID? Keep in mind those people didn't have to die at all if they were only given real vaccines and not placebos masquerading as one.

Canada's "Crucial moment": new modelling reaffirms Delta's dangerous surge So that's precisely the moment you throw open the borders to most of the rest of the world, just incase we were running low on cases. I mean how'll that look to everyone else if we don't have any cases, but they're running rampant with them?


U.S. travel advisory for Canada ‘is bonkers’ Yup! Seriously bonkers considering our vaccination rates compared to theirs!

Denmark bans unvaccinated US tourists following latest EU guidance All international travellers everywhere should be banned from travelling internationally if they aren't fully vaccinated. If they don't have the required vaccines they shouldn't be allowed to leave their country to go to another period.


Chile authorizes Sinovac vaccine for kids of 6 and older I hope for their sake that vaccine works better than Pfizer's with less side effects and longer efficacy ratings.

UPDATE 1-Moderna seeks EU authorization for COVID-19 vaccine booster dose Why? Is one even needed? Because from all the news reports and data I've seen, it's doubtful that one would even be needed.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Moderna May Not Be Ready for Biden's Proposed Sept. 20 Booster Rollout I'm sure he hoped it wasn't and was probably ready to do everything in his power to ensure that it wasn't too, considering it's the rival vaccine to his much vaunted and highly invested in Pfizer vaccine.

COVID-19 boosters are coming but who will get them and when?  I know I won't be getting a booster no matter what, as I had a rough enough time with my 2nd dose. So won't be going through that again.

Vietnam court sentences man to 5 years in jail for spreading COVID-19 If we had laws like that here, everyone but everyone who tested positive would be sure to stay home and isolate.

New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab If you follow all the links in this article you'll be able to get pdf versions of a lot of the documents referenced and be taken to linked stories about the whole affair. Which apparently points the finger at the NIH for helping fund the research into creating that virus in the Wuhan Labs. Or so I'm taken to believe by the amount I read of the articles (they're long with lots of additional materials and so haven't read them all). So if that's the case, the US & China are jointly to blame here. Well even if the NIH weren't involved, Gilead Sciences was and it's an American company. So no matter how you slice it, the Americans and Chinese were in cahoots together on this. Guess their little genie got out of the bottle and not only did harm to other areas of the world, but their own too! That's what you call karma biting you in the ash. And from what I can tell Fauci is shown to be the liar that I thought he was here when he denied the NIH funded anything to do with the research on this virus in Wuhan. Given his and Gates salivating over the money to be made on vaccines against a global pandemic (such as this one) and all the other too convenient happenings and forums on everything to merely be coincidental, I'd say he probably 100% KNEW and probably even was behind the NIH funding on this project.

U.K. Is Among First Western Nations to Increase Taxes to Cover Covid-19 Costs I don't even want to try to imagine what kind of nightmare our tax situation will look like once this plandemic is over and done with. 

Rutgers bars unvaccinated student from attending virtual classes From attending VIRTUAL CLASSES eh? Isn't that just a little over the top in the dictatorship territory there Rutgers? It's not as if you're one of the elite universities out there, either. 

Newspaper headlines: PM's social care gamble and highest tax since war Which war? The Afghan war? If so that wasn't so long ago.... Or maybe the Iraq war? Didn't the hoof & mouth disease pyres cover the cost of that one? Oh.... Maybe the Falklands war, guess the coal miners strike that occurred then didn't help with the cost of that one either? Oh but the GST was introduced around then, so that must've helped gouge a few eyeballs out to cover that war. Otherwise which war are you talking about? The one where Canadians were conscripted to go fight on your behalves? That one or the one before it where they were also conscripted? It's not like Britain hasn't been involved in any wars in the last century or so, so it would help to clarify which war you're talking about there dear journalist.


Northern Peninsula COVID cluster grows as N.L. reports 9 new cases 9 Cases is a lot in the tiny little towns and villages in the Northern Peninsula, as St. Anthony's the biggest little town has only a population of 2100 or so souls. All other places are much smaller than that in size on that peninsula. So it's a good chance that everyone in those areas knows everyone else, including all the infected. So that means the whole area could wind up with it, if they aren't careful.

Canada has opened up its borders to fully vaccinated foreign travellers. Are there risks? Of course there are risks. Risks of people showing up with fake vaccine passports (that we can't prove as we aren't aware of what the official ones from those regions look like) or the vaccine that they had was little better than water at preventing an infection, or it's worn off already, or even though they are vaccinated they're still carrying and spreading the virus (which has been happening A LOT LATELY). 

No jab, no pay: Quebec gives health-care workers deadline to get fully vaccinated My daughter-in-law has finally decided to get her vaccine, she had the first dose a couple of weeks ago. Now that the QC gov't introduced that one time bonus for nurses, I guess since she's getting her vaccinations she'll be eligible for that bonus as well. And I know they'll be able to put it to good use once she gets it too.


Vaccine passports coming, Furey says, as N.L. reports 5 new cases So essentially all of Canada will be using those passports. Now if they could unify & standardize them, so they all look the same and convey the same information from one province to another it would make it that much easier for us Cdns to travel between provinces.

Vaccine now required for hospital visitors and all health workers Oh goody for us, we'll be able to visit each other when one of us goes to the hospital. Yay!

WHO chief wants rich countries to halt booster shots for remainder of 2021 Well unless your vaccine was Pfizer you may not need a booster before then anyhow, as all the other vaccines seem to be better than Pfizer.

COVID-19-positive person attends Cornwall, Ont. anti-vaccine protest: health unit Were they aware they were positive at the time they attended the protest?

European Countries Are Banning US Travelers. Here’s What You Need to Know And if Canada weren't being run by such a pack of clueless idiots as we are, we'd be following suit and banning the Americans from crossing our borders too.


Porter and Air Canada Rouge return to the skies months after COVID-19 groundings Yup that's all this earth needs is for the 250,000 flights daily around the globe to resume like as if it was business as per usual. Too bad they couldn't stay grounded and let everyone telecommute to work like they were doing the whole plandemic long. 


Ontarians can download a PDF copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record There's a live link  here to the place where you can do that, if you need to.


Coronavirus: Hongkongers stranded overseas still face several hurdles to return, including flights, hotel rooms, and confusion over entry documents They must be taking lessons from Canada on how to screw up everyone's lives, except of course the Americans, who are being let into Canada with no problem.

Croatia & Austria Among First Countries to Set a Maximum Validity Period of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates Oh I'm sure if authorities here in Canada see this and figure out ways to exploit such measures - like maybe make it a renewable passport but with exigences on getting the renewal - like say needing booster shots or flu shots in order to do so, other wise you're back to square one with none.



Worries over economic recovery shake world stocks, dollar pares gains There's a whole boondoggle of problems associated with the recovery, from lack of workers and low wages, to unaffordable wage demands, to shortages of everything from the raw materials to vital components to make certain things and then there's the sky high prices of the things that are available - maybe in scarcity, but still available for a certain price. And the people betting on the stock markets and futures markets, along with monetary policies the world over. Not to mention the regular people who will lose whatever income support they had and thus may be defaulting on their loans and mortgages and now talk of negative interest rates, where you pay the bank to keep your money instead of them paying you for letting them use your money to lend to make more money with. And an introduction of a digital currency which by the looks of things in El Salvador is going over like a lead balloon. It's on account of all those things occurring at the same time, that is going to cause mega problems, I'm sure.


Monster risk: Fauci says COVID cases 10x too high If you ask me, the Monster Risk in this picture is Fauci himself.

When Was the First U.S. Covid Death? C.D.C. Investigates 4 Early Cases Wondering if the cases here jive with earlier reports on this very subject, which I'm sure were posted in this blog too? 

Four factors that increase the risk of vaccinated people getting COVID For the full picture on why they get the virus, download and read that magazine What Doctors Don't Tell You linked above and read that.


Breakthrough COVID-19 deaths are happening in Saskatchewan, so what does it all mean?  It means the vaccines aren't working. That's what it means in a nutshell.

Moderna, Novavax developing combined COVID-19, flu shots That's one way to get people who are resisting one type of vaccine but want the other to get both by foisting them off on them as one shot that's inseparable.

Treating COVID-19 patients in intensive care costs at least $50,000: report I guess then it's a good thing we all have medicare and it covers it for us. Otherwise we'd be a nation full of bankrupt covid survivors or dead. 


Days into Alberta’s $100 COVID-19 vaccine incentive, experts say initiative is futile, insignificant Like I said it's probably only the extremely poor people who would be enticed by this, so of course it didn't make much of an impact.

Are you feeling re-entry anxiety? Here’s how to ease back into the social world  Sometimes I think journalists make up causes to write about. Things that aren't actually a problem for anyone anywhere they'll pretend like they are and write about it, as if their imaginings are based on real world cases. And I think this is one of them. I can't seriously see any normal sane people having a problem getting back out there in society. Only those who are agoraphobic normally might have a problem like that or those who are normally recluses anyhow, but otherwise most normal, people shouldn't have such a problem. 

Microsoft return to U.S. offices delayed indefinitely Awww what's wrong? Doesn't Microsoft have enough confidence in Bill Gates' Pfizer vaccine to protect them against the virus? How come? 

Poll: 80% Oppose Tax Hikes Coming Out of Pandemic Sure why not? Just keep hitting the population while they're down! What clown thought it would be a good idea for a tax hike then? Especially considering a lot of people are out of work and can barely afford things as they are!
For now, that's it. Until next time take care and stay well. Maybe I'll make it a little closer to catching up then.