Showing posts with label Torrents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Torrents. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2020

An Asssortment of Stuff

I Have All Kinds of Info For You,

Some Sites, Some Books, Some News,

Just a Grab Bag of Pretty Much Everything

May 1, 2020

I don't want to get into any of the heavier news stories here in this post but some of the lighter stuff, with info you can use, or the few rays of sunshine peeping through in the news stories of the last couple of days. I also want to share some ebook links on getting by during this time, a list of music for this time we're living through, some educational and useful sites - to learn a variety of different things or to be able to do different things, maybe some fun sites as well. Got so many of them though I'm afraid I'll need a few other posts to deal with those. Yayyyyy, just what we need more fun! But not to bring you down the "serious news" about this pandemic just doesn't relent, so it will be taking turns with this post and the fun site posts, just so I don't wind up having an overwhelming amount to deal with all at the same time.  This post isn't apt to be sectionned off into main themes like some other posts were, as I am still wading my way through my husband's bookmark file and so I'm tackling the sites from there as I go through it and not in any necessary order. So if you're looking for educational sites, that might be interspersed with the other stuff and you'll just have to look through this post for the things that interest you.  Just a reminder though that all ebooks are downloadable at the "longfiles" link given at the bottom of the book's description. Just so I don't have to keep repeating that.

How to properly remove and dispose latex gloves  Very meticulous video demonstration given here.

How to Make a No-Sew Face Mask from a Bandana  You know if you can make your own, you should since I was staring at $12.00 masks like this on a pharmacy's countertop yesterday and thinking gawd there isn't even 50 cents worth of material in there and for all the good it'll do, that's a colossal rip-off. So if you can make your own if you have no other alternatives available to you, then by all means do it, because the ones being sold out there in the world aren't worth the money they're asking.

A Cleaning Expert Explains the Best Way to Clean Cloth Face Masks After You Wear Them  If you're going to take the trouble to make one, then you should know how to clean it in order to take care of it.

Navigating best-before and expiry dates in your pandemic pantry Very useful information here for those trying to figure out if that can of beans is still good to eat or not.

How to make a calming shower bomb Just in case you're missing some of the smaller luxuries in life.

Everything you need to know about harvesting and storing homegrown veggies There are a few more ways than just what's mentionned here. Perserving by making pickles, jams, jellies, chutneys, salsas, sauces and you name it. Not to mention dehydrating as well. Granted dehydrated beets aren't something on the top of anyone's culinary list, but very often you'll find dehydrated onions and carrots being used in soups and stews and the like and they take up less space than the ones in sandboxes and frozen (though frozen onions aren't the greatest - in fact besides sandboxes I don't know of another way of keeping them for long periods of time besides dehydrating them, or perserving them in pickle or weird onion jelly form maybe, but enough pickle and salsa and chutney recipes calls for a lot of onions so they get preserved in that way too). 

Three Easy-to-Grow Herbs For the cooks that like fresh herbs in their food, you can grow a lot of them yourself. These are 3 of the easiest, but my experience has been that parsley aka cilantro is one of the very easiest to grow it grows like wildfire.

11 Fresh Groceries That Will Last in the Fridge for at Least Two Weeks

Mixing cleaning chemicals can be fatal, warns BCCDC following spike in cleaning product exposure calls

20 Cheap Dinner Ideas to Leave Both You and Your Wallet Full probably more useful now that a lot of us are out of work and need to drastically tighten the budget.


Remember all of these books are downloadable at the longfiles link given below the descriptions:

Survivor Kid  epub - more for wilderness survival than anything to do with COVID19

Survival Hacks azw3 - again more for wilderness survival but you never know there might be a few tricks in here that could help if society totally breaks down.

Attainable Sustainable epub, a National Geographic book on self-reliant living. Probably of use during this pandemic where we're isolated and on our own and have to survive using our own abilities & resources.

Ultimate Bicycle Book  PDF - The ultimate maintenance book for bicycles. 

COVID-19 - Basics you need to know MP4 Video, on what you need to know about the virus (at least current up until the video was made).

Seniors' Rights: Your Guide to Living Life to the Fullest PDF - I have no clue which jurisdiction covers these rights, whether it's the USA, Canada or if they're universal. It's totally unknown to me.

The Little Book of Slow epub - This book was written for a faster paced life, than the one most of us are forced to live now, but you may be able to get a lot of benefit from this book nevertheless as it is intended to show you how to savour the slower paced life and moments. What a lot of us need now, I think, instead of pining for the "good ole days" when we were able to take off on a whim and do whatever we liked with whomever we liked.

Homegrown Whole Grains epub, For those who wish to grow their own grain during this time.

7 Keys to Staying Sane During the COVID-19 Crisis  epub


Coursera An online university with millions of students and lots of various courses. 

Create beautiful, professional resumes in minutes, free. By CVMaker, something that many of us might need once we're let out of quarantine and need to go back to work.

Google Translate Allows translation of phrases & documents from one language to another.

How Stuff Works  If this site is an interesting as the books of the same name, then it should be really awesome.

IMDb Ratings Reviews & More One of the oldest sites on the internet. The Internet Movie Data Base has everything you want to know about everyone & everything to do with movies and  TV shows.

Instrutables Another oldie but goodie from the early days of the Internet. I'm not sure if they charge for complete access to the site now or not, but for a time I think they did, but in the beginning the site was free. I hope at least a part of it is free now, because you can learn how to do anything you can think of here - this is where I learnt how to make wine out of dandelions. It was actually quite good and quite strong as well.

Khan Academy This seems to be a kindergarten through grade 12 online educational site, which seems to operate on donations - at least during the COVID19 pandemic.

Udemy Online Courses These courses aren't free, but they do seem to be reasonably priced. 

ManualsLib An online library of manuals of all kinds. If you're looking for a manual for something but haven't been able to find it, maybe you can find it here.

Tech Support Guy If you're having problems with computer equipment during this COVID19 shutdown you might be able to find some help and support here.

Adblock Plus We wouldn't be able to stand to navigate the net without this. It stops literally all the ads and annoying pop-ups, so that you just see the pages you want to see without all their annoying ads. Oh some news sites wants you to disable them in order to read their articles, which I don't do. There's plenty of news sites out there, where you can get the same story from a different news provider and not have to disable the blocker or allow their ads.

Calm Sleep more, stress less, live better - or so their slogan says.

Rainy Mood Sounds for sleep & study.

Coffivity For all the common crowd life sounds you might be missing like the cafe, lounge, campus cafe, bistro etc.... So that if you're used to eating surrounded by such sounds, you can still have them even if you're forced to eat all your meals alone due to COVID19.

No More Ransom Project  This site helps you regain control of your computer and fight ransomware. 

Public Domain Movie Torrents - These are movie torrents in the public domain. 

Bored? Go ahead, press the Bored Button. Some of us have had ample opportunities to be bored since the lockdown started. If you are, you can just press this button and you'll get transported to some random site on the net, where hopefully you'll find something to pique your interest.

Free Magic Tricks Learn to do cool magic tricks.