Showing posts with label international travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label international travel. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lots of Headlines to Get to About....



February 15, 2021

As you might've surmised by the picture above, some serious border controls have been introduced in various parts of the world, recently. The most stringent being in the UK, which came into effect today apparently. Since there's a rather steep fine and or jail time associated with breeching the laws surrounding that border control mandate, I thought everyone visiting the blog ought to be made aware of it, in case they have travel plans to the UK.
There's new rules in effect for people coming into Canada today as well. I do believe it's for those crossing the land border between our country and the US.  There shall be more about this in the news stories posted below. So keep your eyes peeled if you need that particular information.
Anyhow, I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day with their significant other. I know I did. We had planned to have something specific for supper, but wound up having something else entirely - which was an awesome surprise to me as it's my all time favourite meal, which up until yesterday I had to rely on my own recipes I concocted for it, because I didn't know the real recipe (I was close but no cigar). All I had wrong though was I was using Sherry instead of vinegar in the recipe. Anyhow I found the recipe, online,  from one of the family members of the restaurant that invented and served this recipe.  When I made it as per their recipe, it was awesome! Now I don't have to go back to NS just to get a decent serving of it, I can make it in my own kitchen now. That is so awesome! 
But what's even more awesome is my husband agreed to have some with me, for dinner, because he is not a big lover of fish or seafood, so a hot lobster sandwich isn't his thing. He's more of a smoked meat sandwich guy. 
Hmmmm, I just noticed something..... Both of our favourite sandwiches are regional to the areas where we grew up. I'm from SW NS, which is where that lobster sandwich was invented and he's from the Montreal area, where Smoked Meat originates. 
If anyone wants the recipe to that lobster sandwich there's a link to it on my Valentine's page - just click on the Valentine's label in the right hand side bar to get there. 
Then afterwards we watched a movie together with a glass of wine in hand. That was our pandemic lockdown Valentine's celebration. Normally we'd go out to a restaurant where we could enjoy a good meal and a drink in a nice ambience. 
Now on with the neverending news about this dreaded disease and all the fallout from it.... 
Challenges to Covid-19 Lockdowns Have Been Mostly Losing in Court  This is bad, bad news. If they're losing in the US, they'll never fly in Canada, because in the US the courts actually knows what their constitution says and means, whereas in Canada the whole entire judicial system from the courts on down to lawyers have no f'n clue what it says or means or how to interpret it or defend it, apparently because everytime there's a case that someone wants to bring to court because of the constitutionality involved in the case, it's a big deal just to find a lawyer who can do that. Then the judges have to deliberate on it forever before making a decision of any kind so it could be decades before we'd know if our laws breached our civil rights as defined in our constitution. Meanwhile they've rotted in the jail cell forever, if they refuse to grant them bail. 

Even despite the much hyped vaccination campaign? Hmmmm..... Wondering why.... 


COVID-19: More than a quarter of adults struggling financially as pandemic bites - poll That's sad. Considering it's ALL the gov't's fault 1) because they didn't act soon enough to close their borders to all incomers when the plandemic first started and 2) because it was by their mandates that people were forced to shut down their businesses causing all of this hardship. So it should be the gov't that pays these people to support them during this time!!!! Not charities and other organizations but the ones directly responsible for all this BS, namely the governments!!!!! Not just in the UK either, but all the gov'ts who can be tarred with the same brush. Like this book  Snakes and Ladders: The great British social mobility myth  depicts, to the ruling elite it's all just a game, they let you climb so high on the socio-economic ladder and then whoops that's it, you're back down on the ground again. I think they play that game all over the western world, because they're very adept at playing it in North America too as the next story demonstrates....

Again very sad! And I applaud Biden for giving them some relief in the form of a $1,400 cheque, but in the case of these people I think it's going to take much more than that to get them at least in some form of secure shelter with enough food to eat. And same as I just said above, it should be the gov'ts responsibility to take care of them since it's the gov't's negligence and then resulting policies  that caused them to be in this position in the first place! So the gov't is the guilty party here (no matter who the president was at the time) and they need to fix it, but in the meantime they also need to help the people that were worst affected by their negligence and lousy decisions. 
Manitoba buys COVID-19 vaccine candidate, first province to bypass Ottawa Quebec should do the same thing, only buying the one made in Quebec by Medicago. 

Parents of children returning to UK alone face ‘stressful’ quarantine dilemma What's going to happen to the kids if they forget to mention some place they've been? Or don't understand what's being asked and so answer erroneously? Are they going to be fined 10,000 pounds and locked up for 10 years too?
The science behind why hobbies can improve our mental health Without even reading this article I can tell you why they help me. First they give me something to focus my attention and mind on while I'm working on them. I mean you have to watch what you're doing when you're using dremels,  utility knives, hot wax, woodburning tools, sewing needles or machines,  or knitting patterns - counting stitches and rows and paying attention to all the various stitch instructions. (And yes I actually use all those things, along with a lot of other tools, materials and machines in my crafts) You can't afford to let your mind wander - you have to stay focused. So if you're staying focused and concentrating on what you're doing, you aren't thinking about other things. Plus once you complete your project, it gives you a sense of satisfaction and if others compliment you on it, a sense of pride as well. That's why I enjoy making things (not just crafts but food items as well, from a jar of chutney or jam, to jerky, or bread to a sumptuous feast for guests.) It gives me not only something to do but something else to focus my mind on so I can forget about what's going on out there in the world for a little while. 

I hope they get the answers they're looking for and if they do they share them with the rest of the world, so we all know.
China refused to give COVID data: WHO investigator Right there it looks like they have something to hide and are trying to cover it. So why wouldn't we think they had something to do with it, when they refuse to be transparent about it?

7 Small Things You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself From COVID-19 Variants All good advice, amazingly. Since we don't see that in the media very often. 

Pharmacies ready to help administer COVID-19 vaccines across Canada, association says Good. Then if it goes the same way they administered the flu shot in November, we don't have to do anything except answer a phone, make an appointment note on the calendar and show up at the appropriate time wearing the appropriate clothing (short sleeved shirt). 

Families could get stimulus checks every month, starting this summer  Not sure if they have family allowance in the US or not, already. If not this may be their excuse to implement one, in order to come more in line with what Canada has. I mean after all if we're going to make one happy hemisphere under the OAS  (Organization of American States) then eventually we'll all have to align our policies one way or another, if it's going to be anything like the EU in the end.
How Emergencies Like Coronavirus Expose Nonsense Business Practices Not to mention how it exposes the ash holes in power and all their agendas, intelligence or lack thereof etc.... 

Desperately Seeking Septuagenarian: Vaccine Buddy System Sets Off Old Rush Yup, the day this was announced Trevor Noah had a little joke about this too. 

CDC: Strong evidence in-person schooling can be done safely  Then other things like going to church or movies where people remain seated and can be seated so many feet apart from each other like in school, should be allowed. I don't see the difference there. 

To bad they don't say why, because from what I read here, there's no reason for a stay or acquittal either for that matter.

White tiger cubs in Pakistan likely died of COVID Awwww so sad, such beautiful creatures too.



How much are Schwab & Gates paying you to be their front man for them? I hope it's worth it in the end.

Except "some" countries in the G7 have NO VACCINE with which to do that! Or did you conveniently forget that the EU blocked shipments of the vaccine even to Canada and the US won't share any of it's vaccines with us..... So um yeah so much for partnerships and allies. With friends and allies like the likes of you hypocritical clowns, who needs f'n enemies anyhow?????

Talk about overkill. Nfld & Lab are HUGE areas, separated by ocean, requiring ferries to traverse from one area to the other or back to Canada's mainland. So if  a variant was found in St. John's for instance, why are you shutting down the entire province? Why not just shut down the highways that leads from St. John's to anywhere else, that way Corner Brook and Portes aux Basques aren't affected by this stupidity too, especially if there's no need for them to be affected by it.  Not to mention Anthony's and Gander and the rest of the province, or Labrador City for that matter. I just find it incredibly draconian when gov'ts do this, especially for no explicable reason.
Taking Valentine's Day safety to heart Yup, you're supposed to SOCIALLY distance yourselves, so remember that. Can't be developing any kind of social bonds, doncha know that? That's what socially distancing is all about and lockdown and quarantine - being cut off from emotional support groups and those that care about us and those we care about. Has nothing to do with staying 6 feet away from each other because if it did, people wouldn't be acting the way they do in stores. 

You want to talk about power tripping and abuse of power???? Here's a prime example. The cops weren't happy enough with handing out the tickets to the couple in the car, they had to follow them to their destination and then try to get inside but couldn't without a warrant which they got and then went in the house to ticket everyone inside too. Wow, just wow.... That's not exactly what I call fair and unbiased here. Like the clowns driving with their lights off after curfew and the cops searching their car for all the weapons and everything else they found. They might've had a leg to stand on in court about that if they weren't caught driving with their lights off, but since they were the cops could use that as a reasonable excuse for search and seizure and arrest too. But following a couple that's already been ticketed for something in order to give them another ticket???? That's like following someone who was caught speeding in order to give them another ticket the moment they're one kilometer over the speed limit. I think that's called harassment.  Anyhow.... Just f'n WOW.  
Ontario unveils more reopening details as 3rd wave fears grow I don't live in Ontario, but if I did, I'd be demanding that these reopenings are pemanent, no matter how many dozens more waves we have to face. Because I get the feeling that a lot of these "new strains" are merely more means of scaring us into compliance and letting them shut things down and cage us up in our houses for even longer. If we don't stand up to them and refuse to be put back in our cages every few weeks, we'll have wave after wave after wave and this will go on forever, like the waves in the ocean. They'll just never end. So at some point people are going to have to stand their ground and refuse to be put under lockdown anymore . And the only reason anyone should allow themselves to be put under quarantine is if they have the disease themselves or know of someone who does and they were in contact with them. Otherwise F that noise too and defy the hell out of it. Because it's getting ridiculous now, here in QC where cops ticket someone and then follow them so they can not only ticket them again but everyone else in the house where they went. That's called police state and police abuse and harassment and that's what all other places will wind up being if they let the authorities (aka gov't) have that much leeway. So before you get there, stop it and stop it in it's tracks. You're lucky in Ontario that Ford isn't as much of a power tripping dictator as Legault is here in QC, that's all I've got to say about that.

We just had some sczechuan food at home, with some sake and that was our muted celebration this year. Normally we'd have gone to the restaurant for such an event, but alas it wasn't open so we couldn't go and could only order. It was better than nothing and gave us a little something to celebrate to change the mood from monotony, boredom and apathy towards the plandemic and anger towards the govts, to something a little happier and nicer. 

While my son's wife is a nurse and she's not in danger of losing her job anytime soon on account of the plandemic, his work life has been a bit precarious, given that he's an interior architect/designer and also a professor teaching 3d design via AutoCad. Because for a while all construction was shut down that meant there was no demand for interior designers or architects and because all schools were shut down or went online in the spring, for a while he wasn't teaching at all and then he was but online. But that took almost his entire waking life because what he teaches is complicated and so he had to allow a certain period of time after class per student for them to get help if they needed it. I forget how much time he had to allot to each student but he said he wound up basically spending 16 hour days with the class online and then he still had to grade their work afterwards (which he did  on weekends). So he was basically only getting paid for 1/4 of the amount of time he worked. Which he wasn't too happy about and I don't blame him. Since his motorcycle accident he hasn't been able to walk without crutches and a boot cast, and so hasn't really gone anywhere. Fortunately for him I guess, he has a partner that works with him and so does all the running around and our son does all the design work and other "paper work" (mostly done on computers with no paper involved, but you get the idea).  So while he didn't lose his job per se, he did lose a lot of business and a large portion of his work was unpaid because of the plandemic. But it caused a great deal of anxiety and uncertainty for him and his wife because of their finances, as CNA nurses (which is what she is - it's equivalent to an LPN in the US I guess) they don't make a ton of money. You'd think they made more than they do, but basically it's the same rule of thumb as it was when I was a nurse - 2x whatever the minimum wage is. That's the basic salary. When you look at the training involved, the responsibilities (I mean legal liabilities they face if things go wrong, or a doctor wishes to lay the blame at the nurse's feet), all the sheite (literally and figuratively speaking) they deal with and abuse they take from anxious angry relatives to belligerent patients or male patients with grabby paws that you just want to smack but can't. I mean to me it just wasn't worth the paltry sum I was getting paid to put up with that, but she is and all I can say is she deserves way more than she's getting. So do all nurses. But there were times when he had no work because the construction was stopped that they were worried about things because they had to rely on what she was making which wasn't much more than double the minimum wage. 
Saskatchewan pressured to prioritize all health care workers for vaccines That should've been a no-brainer.... But like everything else with this plandemic most people in charge of dealing with any aspect of it, seem to have no brains... 

Seriously???? You clowns make it sound like we never administered vaccinations en masse before!!!! I guess most journalists were only born after 2009 when H1N1 went through eh???? So now we have 12 & 13 year olds in charge of our vaccination campaigns and news media do we???? No wonder they don't know how to do it. Look you bunch of inbred idiots (gawd, it's incredible how f'n stupid everyone's gotten all of a sudden) if we could vaccinate all 35 or 37 million Cdns in 3-4 months max for H1N1, I'm pretty sure we could do it again for the Coronavirus, if we really wanted to. Trouble is, it seems like everyone's pretending they have mass amnesia and dithering and dancing about it as a means of procrastinating the rollout, for some reason. And I'm sure it's not a good reason either.
Some foreign nationals are getting coronavirus vaccines in the United States  Geez you're only finding this out now? Canadians could've told you think about a month ago or so when some Cdns in Florida were getting vaccinated along with the residents of Florida.

 Hmmmm wondering why.... Does he know about something to do with it, that no one else does? 

Ummmm.... Either because they don't exist or they're not so much deals as they are raw deals? Could either of those be the reason? I'd go with the first reason as in they don't exist.
Canada is 'playing chicken' with COVID-19 by reopening while variants are spreading widely Apparently there's 4,000 variants that scientists are aware of. So if we were to keep our economies shut while each of those took a turn at sauntering through our population, the economy would sink and collapse and never revive or relaunch again. So at some point we're just going to have to suck it up and open up and hope for the best. But if we're removing the restrictions on businesses we should be removing ALL restrictions on everyone for everything. Because it's not fair forcing someone to risk their lives just to go to work, without having any opportunity to enjoy their lives outside of work. After all it is their life and if they want to do something they should be allowed, even if it means putting their life at danger - after all it's their life to live and die as they please.


I hope these passport thingies are just temporary until the vast majority are vaccinated and there's a herd immunity thing going on. Because the passport I proposed a year ago was for this very reason, to allow people with immunity to move around unimpinged while the vast majority of people still didn't have immunity and were subject to acquiring the virus and getting sick from it. Just as a temporary measure so that those who were immune wouldn't have to wait months more for everyone else's immunity to be equally protected from the virus, in order to start to live a little and visit others (who were immune or not). That's what I proposed the passport for but it wasn't meant to be digital and definitely not after there was full herd immunity. That after that, the passports would become redundant and just not used anymore or thrown out altogether.
Owners of CHSLD Herron to seek delay, publication ban in public inquiry on deaths in long-term care homes I think part of their punishment should be FULL PUBLIC HUMILIATION and so they shouldn't be allowed a publication ban. 

I bet you anything, that IF we did check for strain differences when doing the negative/positive tests we'd have noticed that we have several different strains all uniquely Canadian and have had since the beginning. They say there's 4,000 variants in the world, that they know about. I bet there's a couple dozen or more Canadian strains too, only no one knows about those because no one ever checked for those. In fact Canada never checked for strains at all until the UK said "oh btw, we have a particularly contagious strain floating around here in the UK and have had since September". Then health Canada and the other health depts across the country pulled their pants up and sat up and took notice of what was going on and decided that maybe they should at least check for that strain here in Canada, but only since the recent announcement out of the UK. They didn't go back among the positive samples taken since October to see if there might be any of that strain in those samples. In fact they never looked for various strains before recently. So these growing threats of variants are probably already here and maybe there's more than a couple that are Cdn in origin but we'd never know because of the whole shoddy way this whole plandemic BS has been handled from the get go.

Of course, just as I thought. I'm sure that back in November there were people running around Wuhan with the virus. 
Lockdown opponents call for arrest, assault and murder of Niagara’s medical officer of health I'm not so sure I'd call for assault and murder of the guy, but arrest yes, having him removed from office yes, defy all his directives yes definitely. 

My Phony Valentine: Covid Fuels Romance Scams  Why not? There's been puppy scams, vaccine scams, cat scams and now this all related to COVID.... Might as well. I'm sure it's not going to be the lst one before this plandemic is over with either.

Did you think they'd abstain from swindling during the plandemic? 
Coronavirus: Canada to receive 400,000 Pfizer vaccine doses next week As I said before, I'll believe it when I see it. 




I guess Canada's one of the poorer ones then even though we're in the G7.
Some Europeans get choosy about which vaccines they want It's your body, so you should have a say as to what goes in it. If you want one particular vaccine for whatever reason and they have the doses available then you should be allowed to have it.

But again as I stated above, these should only be used until there's mass herd immunity and then after that thrown out. 
Ozzy Osbourne receives first dose of vaccine after sharing COVID-19 fears: 'As soon as I got it, I felt relieved' I have a lot of comments I want to make about this one.... But I'll refrain from it. Trying to act my age and not my shoe size here. But ummmm there's some humdingers I could make.... 

More than 15 million in UK given first dose of coronavirus vaccine

Schools need more resources to reopen safely amid pandemic, CDC says 

Dr. Anthony Fauci sees 'sobering' data on South Africa variant; US daily cases below 100K, but danger lurks: Latest COVID-19 updates 

Quebec health minister calls for caution as hospitalizations continue to decline Better listen to Dr. Pencilneck Dubious... After all he got his medical license out of cracker jack box, so he ought to know all about what he's talking about when it comes to medicine.

4 N.B. RCMP employees self-isolating after COVID-19 exposure on duty

France reports 21,231 new coronavirus cases over 24 hours Wow....

City reports COVID-19 variant of concern at Toronto homeless shelter 

'She looked after a lot of people': Beloved 'Namgis elder, Lilly Whonnock, dies of COVID-19 

La détresse psychologique en hausse chez les adolescents 

Motoneige en temps de pandémie: sortir de sa zone 

Retirement home operator launches probe after handles removed from residents' doors Can anyone of those idiots imagine what would've happened if there had've been a fire and the people couldn't get out or be rescued because of lack of door handles???? It's just totally unbelievable the lack of brains out there and how many empty clueless brainless bobbleheads are walking around and what's even more shocking is they're getting employed in jobs where their total lack of brains could do the most harm.

Quebec reports 910 COVID-19 cases, 15 deaths as hospitalizations continue decline

China fires back at Washington after it raises concerns about WHO COVID report 

EU to speed approval of variant-modified coronavirus vaccines: paper That would be good, especially if you stop hoarding the stuff for yourselves and honour contract commitments like Canada's for instance!

Catalonia election: Separatist movement put to test as region votes despite pandemic

Ontario health-care workers sounding alarm over burnout as economy prepares to reopen 

Australia's locked down Victoria state reports 2 new local COVID-19 cases

Police investigating after Niagara's top doctor allegedly threatened over COVID-19 restrictions 

Nearing vaccine target, Britain offers COVID shots to more people

Prince of Wales ‘saddened’ by ‘variable’ uptake of Covid-19 vaccines 

UK watchdogs say people with learning disabilities have been given inappropriate 'do not resuscitate' orders for COVID-19

If this is true it's totally reprehensible! Not only should they be blamed for their actions but held to account for them too! I wonder if this is part of the triage group in QC, that's supposed to be left to die if the hospitals can't handle the amount of patients any more? I'm pretty sure there's age groups in the triage, along with certain health problems other than covid, involved as well, but I wonder if there's other criteria like learning or other disability or perhaps ethnicity? I'm talking about the type of people doctors will be asked to triage to the back of the line if the hospitals become over crowded here in QC. I mean until I saw this article it never even occurred to me that they'd use such classifications for such purposes. 

Homebuying Intentions Soar As Canadians Redesign Their Lives For An Era Of Remote Work Yup I know. We've had a couple of real estate agents call us about selling our house and then we had a neighbour come over and ask if we thought about selling our house and if we do to let them know as they'd be interested in buying it. Yeah, sure I'll do that immediately considering I know they won't be able to afford it.... I mean I don't know what's the sudden interest in our house all about..... Anyhow when we do decide to sell it'll be on our terms for our price and if the buyers don't like that, oh well that's their problem not ours. One way or another we have to live somewhere and we might as well continue living here as anywhere else, especially considering we love it here and the only reason we'd sell is so we could get a nicer place, that's all. If we can't afford something nicer after selling this place, then what's the point of it? Might as well stay where we are.

New app created by U of M researchers gives Indigenous people voice during COVID-19 pandemic

Contagious variant of COVID-19 now identified in all 10 provinces as P.E.I. logs case 

Kelowna 'mega rally' draws about 250 protesters against public health orders to combat COVID-19 250 protesters isn't much of a "mega rally" but at least it's a start and we have to start somewhere, standing up for our rights against the tyrannical draconian gov'ts, if we're going to protect the ones they haven't trampled on yet and gain the others back.

Can I gather with friends and family after getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Can I travel? Here is what health experts say

Personally, I don't give a sheite what the experts say. If I am fully vaccinated against COVID19, then I'm going to do what I bloody well please and I want to see the power tripping ash hole on his high horse try to stop me. We'll be in court so fast his head will spin. I can promise that, for sure.

Japan formally approves its first COVID-19 vaccine 

Fewer sexual assault survivors visit Ottawa Hospital emergency department during pandemic  

New rules at border affect more than just snowbirds 

Dealing with stress in this leg of the pandemic 

Business is good; COVID didn’t cause rose shortage this Valentine’s Day, shop owners say (3 photos) 

Coronavirus in North Texas: Cases falling, though deadlier variants are spreading 

Covid: New Zealand Auckland lockdown ordered 

Covid-19: Celebrating Valentine's Day during a pandemic 

Covid-19: Five ways to avoid lockdown eye strain I think I'm falling victim to eye strain from spending so much time on the computer doing this blog that sometimes I need time just to do other things so my eyes can refocus and readjust and get rid of the headaches and eye strain.

The greatest security threat of the post-truth age

You know gov'ts should've thought about this before they agreed to go along with the WEF/Gates plandemic plan and let Gates sully up all the vaccines on the markets by investing in them all. If you wanted people to take the vaccines it would've been better if Gates had nothing to do with the whole damned plandemic and there was no RNA based vaccines either. With those 2 things together you're lucky anyone wants to get the vaccine. 

COVID-19 'didn't scare me away': Nursing schools see enrollment bump amid pandemic 

Galentine's Day: What is it and how do I celebrate it during the COVID-19 pandemic?

We do – but we can't. COVID-19 has changed everything about weddings 

Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer jokes about conspiracy theory after getting Covid-19 vaccine hahaha.... So funny I forgot to laugh. She sounds about as retarded as her father is.

How to rekindle the flame that the pandemic extinguished

It's better later than never....

They love each other but Covid has torn them apart 

How Brazil gambled on unproven drugs to fight Covid-19

Nearly all US kids live in red zones under new CDC school guidance 

In pictures: Lunar New Year 2021 Just something a little different.

Virus may never go away but could change into mild annoyance

COVID-19: 40% of new serious cases are under 60 - here’s why 

For Better Health During the Pandemic, Is Two Hours Outdoors the New 10,000 Steps?   2hrs a day out in these temps? What for? There's no sun to be seen since it's overcast and/or snowing all the time!

'Our grandchildren's grandchildren will get Covid'

I hope not. I hope we are able to develop a vaccine that's good enough to cope with all potential variants, sooner or later.

How Effective Is AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine? Here’s What Experts Know so Far 

Royal Caribbean Group, Norwegian probably will require crew to get COVID-19 vaccines before boarding cruise ships

They should, considering that those things are nothing but floating petri dishes. So the fewer people aboard carrying fewer germs is probably better for everyone overall.

India to ship COVID-19 vaccines to Canada as diplomatic tension eases Of course because the leadership of India is way more mature and wise than the little imbecile we have at our helm. It's very nice of India to do that for us. I would like to thank India myself, for that.

Bill Gates says innovation sparked by COVID-19 pandemic could help eradicate global diseases

Oh yeah right. I'm sure it's going to eradicate everything from cancer & cardiac problems to arthritis and ulcers. This guy is such a freaking blowhard, he's unreal.

Quoting the blowhard, now: He said the pandemic had led to great strides in global health  ------> Yeah 2 million people dying who probably wouldn't have died otherwise was great strides in global health alright. Strides backwards he means.

N.B. has received only 59% of COVID-19 vaccine doses expected 

Israel plans to reopen restaurants in March, restart tourism with Cyprus 

'On its knees' travel sector demands UK government plan for summer holidays 

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now 

Lebanon administers 1st vaccines to health workers, elderly 

The Latest: Mardi Gras muted in New Orleans by coronavirus I do believe that's supposed to today's celebration. Too bad it's going to be muted somewhat. But I do hope that those who celebrate the day find a way to enjoy it.

Une St-Valentin sans cas de Covid-19 sur la Côte-Nord

How love survived the pandemic air, N.W.T. edition 

How To Deal With Being Around Your Romantic Partner 24/7

Face au scepticisme des employeurs, les télétravailleurs se rendent plus disponibles pour signaler leur engagement 

COVID isolation kits created for vulnerable seniors, disabled

That's very nice of them, to help the seniors and disabled out with kits like that. I'm sure they'll be very much appreciated.

OGOW means 'to know': Canadian man helping Somalis understand COVID-19 

Most at risk, first in line: Public health experts say racialized Canadians should be prioritized for vaccines

So basically that leaves the below 65 whites at the end of the line. I mean if you're prioritizing the elderly, the essential service workers, the health care workers, the natives, the criminals, and now the visible minorities, that only leaves the whites below the age of 65, who will find themselves at the back of the line. Talk about reverse racism and prejudices.... Just for your information only 16% of the world population, is of European descent. While the Asian races makes up almost 50% of the population. So who's more at risk of going extinct here? White Canadians or other race Canadians besides blacks who make up 13.x% of the population and the natives who make up a very minor amount? So how about this if you want to go by race, then fine put the Natives first, Blacks second, Whites 3rd and then all the rest behind the Whites!?! That way it would be fair to the population demographics of the planet.

Instead of a universal basic income, governments should enrich existing social programs

I agree and that should also include the seniors pensions as they perhaps have the highest upkeep costs - just to maintain their health on all levels. Not to mention that groceries, gas, rent, and just about everything else that it costs the single young adult making minimum wage, it also costs the senior citizen living on very minimum pensions (usually less than $1,000 a month for single individuals). So if it costs a young person $2.50 for a loaf of bread, it also costs the senior citizen that as well. There aren't any senior citizen discounts on things like food, gas, shelter and the like. So if you can give a young person $2,000 a month to live on you should bloody well be giving single seniors the same damned amount unless their income tax returns show that they earned over a certain amount the prior year. 

Considering this is what they had in mind to do: On the other hand, according to a report released by the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer in 2020, the estimated cost of a watered-down version of UBI — called a guaranteed basic income — covering only low-income, working-age Canadians (estimated at 9.6 million Canadians between the ages of 18 to 64) would be in range of $47.5 billion to $98.1 billion for a six-month period

Leaving the senior citizens high and dry without any help yet again. Gawd I hope and pray that when those little self entitled idiots in parliament get to be retirement age that they get next to no money to live on too. That none of them manage 8 years in office and so don't qualify for a cushy gov't pension and instead have to live off the scraps they throw the way of the average Cdn senior citizen. And whoever is in power when they get to be that age, is as callous and stingy with them as they are with the current senior citizens of today. Or maybe with any luck they'll have a reincarnation of  Paul Martin as a finance minister and he'll use their pensions to pay off the deficit with. Then they'll find out what it's all about... Hope they like the deschets haute cuisine because they'll have to live on it.

Pfizer Canada head says company 'extremely committed' to meeting vaccine delivery targets Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. 

COVID-19 'long-hauler' calls for greater availability of antibody tests in B.C. to determine spread of virus

Those tests should be available Canada wide including here in QC too as I'd like to know my status in regards to that as well.

Too early to say if COVID-19 booster shots will be needed, Pfizer Canada head says  While others are saying we will need them and still others are saying this damned virus will be around for generations to come.

French hospitals to move into crisis mode from Thursday, report says

LeBlanc: Ottawa not blocking provinces from buying vaccines, despite Manitoba premier’s accusations 

Well good then. QC should do the same then.

Canada's Wonderland to be COVID-19 vaccination site as mass immunization plans ramp up

Such grandiose plans for such piddly amounts of vaccine that will actually be available at any one time. It doesn't matter if you designate half of Ontario as a mass immunization site, you're not going to have that much more than you're already slated to get. So you really don't need that big of a space really. Unless you plan to use all your doses up in 1 or 2 days. I mean the way you're ramping up you'd think you were getting a gazillion doses a day or something. Gawd all of Canada is only getting 400,xxx doses per week. That's like 40,000 doses per province and even fewer when we take the territories and Nunavut into the equation.  I mean gawd use your common sense, why don't you? That works out to about 8,000 jabs a day given per province. So unless your whole entire population is near that theme park, that's just pure unbridled silliness. I mean what about places like Barry? Sudbury? Ottawa? Thunder Bay? Windsor? Kitchener/Waterloo? London? Wawa? They're not all going to want to drive from wherever they live to that theme park. That's for sure.

Oil hits pandemic high as winter storm pushes demand and poses production risk 

Study finds 7 new 'worrying' coronavirus variants in the U.S. 

From medieval times to our current crisis, plagues often accelerate extremist movements 

The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories 

Remote students are more stressed than their peers in the classroom, study shows 

Ancient Rome Has an Urgent Warning for Us 

Honolulu mayor extends coronavirus restrictions 

Israel to ease more COVID curbs, launch leisure 'Green Pass' on Feb. 21 That could've been us, if numbnuts hadn't dropped the ball and let us get sucker punched by Pfizer, Moderna and the EU the way we did. After all we had the vaccine right after the UK (they were the first in the world and we were right behind them by a few days). Israel only started later near the end of December. 

Remote Workers Flee to $70,000-a-Month Resorts While Awaiting Vaccines 

Geez most remote workers or workers of any kind don't even make that in an entire year.... 

Pakistan lab expects Sputnik V doses for commercial sale in a week 

WHO authorizes AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine for emergency use

COVID-19 : l'espoir pour appuyer la santé mentale 

Mounties say church ignored COVID-19 rules again following charges against pastor Good and I hope they keep right on ignoring them and I hope all other establishments, churches, bars, restaurants, etc all ignore them too. Until the f'n gov't and courts get the idea that we're not putting up with this sheite anymore and that we've had enough.

COVID-19: 'No decision' made on how long to keep 'one metre plus' rule for restaurants, bars and pubs

Author Murakami hosts live jam for relaxation amid pandemic 

Japanese suspicious of Covid vaccine despite pressing Olympics timeline

Racialized adults on revised federal COVID-19 vaccination priority list Like I said above: 

So basically that leaves the below 65 whites at the end of the line. I mean if you're prioritizing the elderly, the essential service workers, the health care workers, the natives, the criminals, and now the visible minorities, that only leaves the whites below the age of 65, who will find themselves at the back of the line. Talk about reverse racism and prejudices.... Just for your information only 16% of the world population, is of European descent. While the Asian races makes up almost 50% of the population. So who's more at risk of going extinct here? White Canadians or other race Canadians besides blacks who make up 13.x% of the population and the natives who make up a very minor amount? So how about this if you want to go by race, then fine put the Natives first, Blacks second, Whites 3rd and then all the rest behind the Whites!?! That way it would be fair to the population demographics of the planet.

All residents of Mississauga condo building to be tested for COVID-19 variant 

The Latest: Fauci wins $1 million for "defending science"

Colombia to start COVID-19 vaccinations on Wednesday: president 

Four people in Oregon contract Covid-19 after receiving both doses of vaccine

So what was in those shots? Water? Diluted maybe?

Variants make school reopenings a 'challenge' despite new CDC guidelines; IRS won't push back tax deadline: Latest COVID-19 updates 

Premier warns of COVID-19 bullying as cases escalate in Newfoundland and Labrador

S.Korea cuts Q1 COVID-19 vaccination plan, restricts use of AstraZeneca shot 

Ontario plans to expand vaccination as COVID cases stabilize in several provinces

Tam takes aim at COVID-19 'infodemic,' urges vigilance over misleading online content You want to talk about misleading information and outright lies do you?????? WELL YOU & NUMBNUTS ARE THE 2 BIGGEST BALD FACED LIARS & MISINFORMATION BS SPECIALISTS IN THIS F'N COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Considering you started by denying the need to close the border after the announcement from China about the Wuhan epidemic AND THEN you lied and said we didn't need masks and to wash our hands and SOCIALLY distance and we'll be fine and then suddenly when the rest of the world was making you look like a total clueless dunce, which undoubtedly you are, you decided to follow them with oh you must wear a face mask and socially distance and we'll be fine. Then suddenly we had to all go under lockdown (even though as a doctor you should KNOW that's not how infection control is handled) and we'd all be fine etc... YOU HAVE BEEN THE ONE MAJOR LYING MISINFORMING MASTERMIND IN ALL OF CANADA!!!!! So you want to call the kettle black do you???? Well look at your own lying face in the mirror first and tell me who's the worst misinformation specialist in Canada.  If you're honest you'll admit it and label bozo brains in Ottawa as the runner up.

Adults 80 and over among next priority groups for vaccination, Ontario task force says

Israeli study finds 94% drop in symptomatic COVID-19 cases with Pfizer vaccine 

Canadian military short thousands of troops as COVID-19 impedes recruitment, training

Nothing like advertising to our adversaries that our once colossal 10 man military is now down to 2 and dwindling fast on account of COVID.

Nisga'a couple died of COVID-19 nine days apart 

CDC chief warns it's too soon in U.S. to lift COVID-19 mask mandates 

Biden to discuss pandemic, economy and China in Friday G7 meeting What's Trudeau going to do at that online meeting? Show off his falling down stairs skills? Or maybe his Mr. Dressup trunk? Or perhaps just sit around and whine and moan about everything instead?

Negative COVID-19 test no longer required to enter Alaska

It must be nice to be so confident. I think Nfld was pretty confident too, not too long ago. Now look at them, on full lockdown and worrying about their upcoming election.

Cancer patient travelling to U.S. for treatment wants exemption from quarantine rules 

Negative COVID-19 test required at border crossings

What we know about COVID-19 variants so far 

U.K. enacts hotel quarantine rules

Feds expect Pfizer to start ramping up vaccine deliveries to Canada this week 

A closer look at where $82 billion in CERB payments went at the beginning of the pandemic

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Monday 

Snowbirds seek exemption from new COVID-19 inbound travel regulations 

N.L. marks first hospitalization in new COVID-19 wave; 7 new cases confirmed 

Lawyer for CHSLD Herron requests delay as coroner's inquiry into COVID-19 deaths begins

Oh lookit this.... People who couldn't wait to frigging hightail it out of there in a living hurry when Covid was inside ravaging their patrons, now want a delay.... How come you lousy no good for nothing negligent homicidal maniacs couldn't delay your departure from there and stick around and take care of the people that were paying you do to that for them????????? I wouldn't grant a delay in fact I'd hurry the proceedings up just to show you what it's like when people are in a hurry to treat you the way you don't want to be treated.

For 10 months, this West Islander has been feeding the Lakeshore General's front-line workers Kudos to her.

Toronto will likely enter grey zone of province's reopening framework next week, Tory says

Coronavirus: Web portal, service desk in development for Ontario COVID-19 vaccine appointments 

Covid-19 cases have declined sharply. Experts say these factors will determine how the pandemic unfolds

Quebec reports lowest COVID-19 increase in months with 728 new infections 

Federal government looking at testing essential workers crossing land border: Blair

Now that we have and can use (even though everyone else was using them back in May) those rapid tests, I don't see why they shouldn't be tested. It's only fair. Everyone else has to be, even returning Cdns. 

'I'm literally breaking inside': As COVID-19 leaves millions jobless and struggling, the mental health toll rises 

Boris Johnson says 'very low' Covid case rate key to easing lockdown

He's probably just riding high on his power tripping draconian dictatorship he's got going now and doesn't want to loosen the grip on it any because he can bear giving up some authority and power like that.

Dominic Cummings denies pushing for lucrative Covid contract to be awarded to ‘friends’ Ahhhh I see patronage scandals aren't exclusive to Canada.... 

Palestinians accuse Israel of preventing COVID-19 vaccine transfer to Gaza

The Feds Did a Good Job: Bankruptcies in Canada in 2020 Hit a 20-Year Low 

Boris Johnson says move to ease lockdown will be ‘irreversible’

It SHOULD BE irreversible considering the amount of time it's gone on now. I mean aren't you afraid that if you don't ease up on the lockdown some irate citizens somewhere will find a way to have your head on a platter (figuratively or literally)? I mean there's only so much people will take, before they've had enough.

Cuomo defends handling of nursing homes Covid tragedy: ‘New York was ground zero’ I thought Wuhan China was ground zero.

Anyhow, that's it for now. Take care & stay well and for all of those who celebrate Mardi Gras, have a great celebration no matter how muted it is.






















Saturday, February 13, 2021

Something to Celebrate Amidst the Doom & Gloom of ...

 Covid 19


February 12, 2021

I know how a lot of the world feels about China in relation to this plandemic we're going through now. But whether China is to blame for it or not (and the more I research the Great Reset, I'm inclined to say "NOT") , it would be the Chinese gov't that would be at fault and not the people themselves. I mean to hold the people themselves at fault is as silly as blaming everyone in Canada for Trudeau's idiocy and saying we're as daft as he is. 
A weirdly skewed percentage that was not the majority but managed to be the majority anyhow, got numbnuts elected. But honestly most of us voted for Andrew Scheer, who oddly enough got dumped by his party and replaced with an automaton that just mimicks and regurgitates what the majority of his party wants him to say/do. 
So the majority of us, are not airhead imbeciles like the clown in power is. 
So saying the Chinese people are to blame for this when in actuality if any Chinese are to blame for this at all it's 1 or 2 people, maybe with the acknowledgement and maybe directives of some gov't officials, but not all the Chinese people even knew about it, let alone were involved in it. 
And as for it getting into Canada, they wouldn't have if numbnuts et. al. closed the borders pronto the minute it was known this was going on in China, so you can't blame the Chinese people for that either. It's not their fault they were let into this country knowing there was a full blown epidemic going on in theirs at the time of their arrival. It was up to us to keep them out, after all it's our country and up to us to protect it. 

It's the Chinese gov't themselves that I distrust and despise, ever since they grabbed the 2 Michaels and started breaking trade agreements by refusing shipments of food sent to them using one excuse or another and then threatening us and on top of that to rub salt in the wounds even further absconding with the joint vaccine that we and China were supposed to be working on together in Winnepeg. That was supposed to a vaccine developed in Canada that both Canada and China would use. But nope they f'd off with the data, the samples and everything else so we have nothing. That's what I have against China, but that's all to do with the lying conniving crookeder than snakes in the grass government over there, not the average Chinese person you see on the streets.
So all that being said, we have to find reasons to keep happiness, joy, fun, interests alive during this deprivation of freedoms we're suffering from due to harsh power tripping overlords who figure the best way to rid us of the virus is to deprive us of reasons for living (well I guess if you kill off the host you'll also kill off the parasite feeding on the host). 
But if like me, you refuse to be put down and trampled on and having all your joy and fun in life snuffed out on the say so, of some gestapo bootied wanna-be dictator and try to find reasons to still enjoy and celebrate life under lockdown conditions, then maybe you'll want to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year (which is today) too. We are going to be having Schezwan food for dinner tonight (naw, I didn't make it - it's from a local Chinese restaurant) as a means of celebrating the occasion even though we're not Chinese nor even Asian. 
That doesn't stop me though. Like I said I like celebrating things, so even though we're not Mexican we still celebrate Cinqo de Mayo also with Mexican food and Tequila & Margaritas. 
Always have enjoyed celebrations of all kinds and it's not just due to the plandemic.  

So maybe we can set the mood for the celebrations starting with this Lunar New Year 2021: Ushering in the Year of the Ox  and this  Lunar New Year horoscope for 2021 — the year of the Ox  where you'll also find your horoscope for the year. So make a paper Chinese lantern or 2 and hang them in the diningroom where you'll eat, order some awesome Chinese takeout for dinner or cook up your own using the recipe links for Chinese food in the "The Culinary Celebrations in February"  post that I posted a few days ago,  and have yourselves a celebration. Maybe get a bottle of Sake to go with it, and unwind and blow some steam off. 

Now if you need to generate some steam in order to blow it off later...... Grab your goggles and get seated comfortable and start reading..... 
There's a lot to get through and I don't know if I'll be able to today, but I'll give it my best shot, as I decided that while I go through, digest and formulate the post/s to do with the Great Reset, Bill Gates and this plandemic of ours, I should try to continue posting the headlines links. 
If I can't muster the 2 chores together, well, at the end of the headlines entries which will end on March 16th - I'll work on the Great Reset & Bill Gates etc post afterwards, and post that whenever I get it completed. 
Since there's tons of headlines that never let up, I don't get much chance to work on anything else. So I may have to do that after I quit doing the daily headlines. 
In any case, I hope that it won't be too late by then, because there is a plan afoot and people need to know about it, in order to find ways to stand up for their rights against what looks like a planned authoritarian regime, designed to cut down on population, impoverish us, and eventually enslave us. Sorry to say but that's what it looks like from this end so far.... Though I hope I'm wrong on all accounts there.
That alone, should be plenty to generate enough steam, to blow off over a bottle of Sake.
If you need to generate more steam than that, well get ready to boil over....
WHO mission says lab leak virus theory 'extremely unlikely' This actually is the ONLY scenario I see where the Chinese AND AMERICANS (Gilead Sciences is an American company) are directly responsible - but I believe that was done, on behalf of the WEF & Gates Foundation requests. When I do finally get around to posting the Great Reset & Bill Gates post, you'll see ample evidence in there that points to this being planned from the get go right on up until now and even on through now until their final objectives are achieved. 
Partiers Are Renting Luxe Airbnbs in Madrid for Secret Raves Aside from being a great method to catch and spread the virus, I'm sure the owners of those luxe aibnbs are going to be thrilled to know ravers were renting their places. Wondering how extensive the damages were...

Yup SOCIALLY DISTANCING.... Are they going to outlaw the elbow clink too? What about happy dances? Are they illegal as well? I mean it seems showing any kind of positive emotions these day are forbidden, from hugs and high fives to shaking hands and well since we're all wearing masks it's hard to see smiles.... Seems like positive emotions are banned.
Gum disease patients 9 TIMES more likely to die from COVID-19! All the more reason the jack bootied gestapo party here in QC, ought to cover the cost of dental care and dentures for seniors. But they don't. Just like they don't cover the cost of glasses or hearing aids for them either. 

There may be a few reasons for this and not because dementia is directly related to it. 1) Most people with dementia wind up in nursing homes because relatives find it too hard to keep track of and care for them on a 24/7 basis and nursing homes is where the virus has been running rampant and killing most of the patients in them. 2) If they're not in nursing homes, perhaps because they do have dementia, they're not always aware of what they're doing and where they're going so perhaps they wander into areas (like stores or crowds) with no mask on because they forgot about wearing one. But it may not be because they have dementia that they're automatically 2x as likely to die from it, especially if they don't go out alone and don't live in one of those nursing homes where the disease is running rampant. That's my take on that one. 

And it starts, the draconian dictatorship power tripping BS. I agree that people should be forced to disclose where they've been (and have been advocating for that since day one of this plandemic, here in Canada but we have idiots at the helm who can't understand the simplest of measures of protection), but I strongly disagree with such harsh punishments for not complying with the rules.  I mean if it doesn't show on the passport where they've been and they insist that they weren't in any of those countries/areas, how are the authorities going to prove otherwise? Or is this another medieval dark ages method of incarcerating those you merely find suspicious or just plain don't like, without any proof whatsoever?  Personally, I hope the courts overturn that ridiculous piece of legislation and maybe throw the ash hole/s who came up with it in jail for 10 years instead for trying to usurp people's rights like that.  

Until this plandemic is under control, ALL INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL EVERYWHERE SHOULD BE CANCELLED. And I mean ALL with NO EXCEPTIONS. Period end of story.

Really? Ya Think?
Ottawa announces breaks for CERB and other COVID-19 benefit recipients Finally some decency and good news for some people who need it.

The simplest reason is we have a simpleton at the helm. A gullible idiot who takes anyone's and everyone's word for everything without any way of proving anything one way or the other. So it's always a matter of he said, they said, without any paper trail to back anything up or any witnesses on behalf of Canada to provide proof of what he says. 
Passenger arriving from South Africa walked through Heathrow unchecked 'within 10 minutes' Sounds like the UK has plenty of people falling down on the job too. Good to know that's not exclusively a Cdn thing. 

 Well if they refuse to do it now, we can always do it after they're drummed out of office and then charge them with crimes against humanity and genocide and hold each and everyone of the CAQ and public health officers that went along with them on those charges and if found guilty each and everyone of them gets an appropriate sentence for their part in it. Maybe we can bring the death penalty back just for them. Not just them but ALL CDN POLITICIANS  & PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERS WHO HAD ANYTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!!! Charge them all and hang them all afterwards!!!!

Meili calls Moe's lockdown comment 'slap in the face' to health-care workers and those grieving, sick From what I can understand we're putting too much faith in the vaccines that are currently available (maybe the ones coming down the road will be better than the ones currently available) and given that they're both RNA based vaccines which is a brand new technology and there has been NO LONG TERM STUDIES in this field, never mind on these particular vaccines, we just don't know how good or bad they really are. For anyone even scientists to say different, they're just lying that's all. Because anything that's brand new and hasn't been tried and used and studied for a long period of time, could be as good as it's touted to be, or it may have hidden or latent repercussions that we haven't seen yet and that's the truth, whether the lamestream media, gov't and lientists like it or not.


Quebec should do the same with the Medicago vaccine that's being produced here. Get it tested, approved and into production ASAP!

L.A. County Fair is canceled for the second year in a row Wow! That must come as a huge shock to the people of LA County.

For these tipped workers, $15 minimum wage is a matter of COVID-19 survival I dunno.... Here in our area, tipped workers expect at least 15% of the cost of the meal or gas, and some want as much as 25%. Given that neither gas nor meals are very cheap any more, a tipped worker waiting 4-5 tables (as is the custom in most restaurants - some wait on more tables than that), and gas station attendants who pump gas - depending on amount of cars and pumps they can make a freaking fortune a the percentage rates they expect. I know we don't get up from a restaurant table without leaving a minimum of $10 tip and that's just our table, what about the 3-4 others the same waiter is waiting at the same time as us? If they all do that that's $50 right there for that hour of work plus the $15 minimum wage. Seems pretty lucrative to me, way more than I made as a nurse. That's for sure. Even more than most nurses make even now a days. Granted there are a lot of hours they may work where there are no or very few customers but the rush hours make up for that pretty well I think. 

hehehehehe.... Nearly 3/4s of them do NOT wear masks NOW while the plandemic is in full swing! So instead of wearing them now, they're going to wear them AFTER IT'S OVER????? hehehhe.... Talk about bassackwards!!!!!

NO ONE should be travelling internationally until this plandemic is over with!
COVID outbreak, winter weather in Newfoundland slows pace of election campaign These cases in Nfld and NS are baffling me. Where'd they come from if there were no cases left in those provinces? Since these provinces don't let anyone in, and when they get in they're under strict quarantine measures. So where are all of these cases coming from all of a sudden? That's what I'd like to know. Is there some other form of transmission besides droplets from coughing and breathing? Like is it in the water supply or is the incubation period of it much longer than the lulls in disease those provinces have had? Or was the virus on some item or something and dormant while on it and picked up by a human when they touched it months or weeks later and it started propagating in that human who then spread it to others? I mean I find it super weird that places that have no virus for longish periods of time wind up having outbreaks again. Someone ought to investigate that because it could be detrimental to the rest of society later on when we think we've finally got it beaten, but find out we don't.

You mean via Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the WEF, the Gates Foundation, Gilead Sciences and finally the Wuhan Lab Gilead was working with? Yeah, that's a long convoluted path alright starting in Klaus Scwab's head back in 2014.... 
WHO will end research into 'extremely unlikely' theory that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan lab Of course, we expected nothing less, given that they want to avoid exposing the sister branch of the UN, the WEF and it's founder Klaus Schwab, along with Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation, since he provides a large portion of their funding. 
Newsroom Ready: Edmontonians happy about province reopening restaurant dine-in service Gawd, I wish we had dine in service at restaurants here in QC where I live, because I'd be there right now seated at a table in my favourite Chinese Restaurant in the area, waiting to be served a sumptuous Schezwan meal instead of waiting here at home. 

It's about time seniors living in the community were shown some concern for something as we've been ignored and glossed over this entire plandemic. With next to no help for anything. 

You might want to look at the release date and times of this article and the one above saying that people don't have to pay them back, to see which one is the latest. The latest one I would think takes precedence given that that would be the latest decision coming from numbnuts in Ottawa. But again who knows? It is numbnuts decisions we're talking about here. So if you're not sure maybe you should contact the specific branch of gov't dealing with your particular benefit to find out what applies to you.
Analysis: Child poverty a hidden focus of virus relief plan Look, I know people don't like child poverty and want to fix it, but the reality of the situation is in most instances, that if a child is living in poverty so are their parents. The way to fix that would be to ensure the parents had enough to live on as well and not just the children.

So essentially it's only Cdns who need the negative test. Everyone else is free to come in no matter what their tests indicate? I mean generally the only people who would be returning are those who left in the first place and we would assume that probably a good 90% of those would be Cdns or Cdn citizens (those living in Canada with gov't permission). Otherwise most other people coming across the border for the 1st time would be tourists or travellers of another sort, so not Cdns or Cdn citizens. And those people would be allowed in no matter what their tests said? WHY? HOW COME? Why are foreigners with positive tests going to be allowed into our country when taxpaying voting Cdns aren't allowed????? EXPLAIN THAT ONE TO ME NUMBNUTS!!!!!!

For English speakers, this news agency has been reporting a few sanitizers and disinfectants being recalled by Health Canada now. Perhaps  visit  Health Canada's site: Recall of certain hand sanitizers that may pose health risks
The site is also available in French by choosing the "Francais" option at the top of the page.
Ontario to begin gradual reopening of economy Wednesday, state of emergency to expire I don't think the state of emergency has ever expired here in QC, except that one time in July where it expired for a few hours before it was reimposed.



I have other words for it, invasive, restrictive, probably illegal.... But hey who am I? Definitely not an Austrian citizen, so for them it might be just hunky dory. 

Cautiously optimistic after limited spread of variants in schools??????????? Why????? Which numb skull fell on their head and cracked it wide open so their brains spilled out all over the place???? How can you be optimistic about such a thing? Considering it spreads faster and easier and seems to be worse overall  and all of those students have families - you know with working adults and siblings that attend other grade levels perhaps in other schools????? Instead of being cautiously optimistic maybe you should be hyper vigilant about the possibility of major spread!!!!!! 
Maples Care Home report shows ‘blame at every level’: advocate There's a good many like that here in QC too! I wouldn't doubt it if there's many more like that country-wide as well.



 I'm amazed that QC has been able to retain any nurses at all ever, given the lousy work conditions, lousy pay, lousy treatment by superiors & others and the demands and stress caused by it all. I quit a long time ago, and those were just some of the reasons why. There were others too, but won't go into here.

Legault warns of March break restrictions as variant COVID-19 cases leak into province  "Leak into province"!?!?!? Seriously??????? Gawd, I know, and probably half the f'n world knows by now that the UK variant snuck into wherever it could since f'n October. Even the Liberal leader in the NA admitted that they knew about the variant since October but didn't do anything about it. So this is just more BS on top of the humongous pile of BS this plandemic has already excreted on us!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Watch here: Mass COVID-19 outbreak due to coronavirus variant, N.L. under lockdown Like I said earlier, someone ought to find out how and why those outbreaks started, as NL was relatively covid free for a longish time. So for there to be outbreaks now, if no one is getting into the province from elsewhere or having to quarantine if they do, then something else beside human to human spread via droplets in the air and society in general needs to know precisely what that is, if we ever hope to get rid of the disease. Because if it's in the water, or lingers on certain items for long periods of time, or is on certain items but appears to be a dead virus but isn't really and instead is just merely dormant, then we need to know things like this.


Yup taxes of all kinds are upon us now, everything from income taxes to property taxes.... So maybe some information in this article might provide a heads-up about certain things pertaining to taxes and the plandemic rescue funds. In other words it's time to pay the piper, now that you've been rescued.

This one is proven to be useless against the South African strain though. 
Everything You Need to Know about Homeschooling This is an epub downloadable at the longfiles link. 

So the CEO makes it sound to me anyhow that this particular vaccine may not be all that effective or have as long immunity as other potential vaccines out there might have.


It's time all western populations woke up and realized that ALL their governments are raging incompetents!!!!! Not fit to even lead an idiot's parade, as they're not smart enough for that.

Maybe for some, but for others like me who've resigned from fighting the heat and the weeds,  gardening is no consolation only a nightmare that I'm glad to put an end to by simply not doing it anymore. But for those still not discouraged from it, this article might offer some helpful pointers.

WHO recognises 'concerning news' of COVID-19 vaccines not working against variants Yeah? So what they recognize it? What if anything do you think they'll do about it? Probably nothing, or nothing until it's irrelevant as in everyone around the world has had an inoculation already.

New coronavirus variants are everywhere: Will they drag out the pandemic? Short answer.... If the vaccines don't protect against them, yup.


Most Americans to qualify for stimulus payments, as Democrats reject calls to limit eligibility  So in other words Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffet et. al. also gets the same amount the unemployed and desperate get???? Why???? What difference is that money going to make to billionaires???? Why not take the money that would've been destined to those billionaires and millionaires (like all the entertainment & sports celebrities) and divide that up equally to give to the unemployed? Like everyone else except those who are millionaires and above, gets the stimulas payment planned but the unemployed gets a little bit extra? I think that's more just than handing Bezos, Musk, Gates, Buffet, and all the singers movie stars and sports figures more money that they don't really need.




And it starts..... By doling out excuses as to why it needs to collect more data. Pretty soon it'll dispense with doling out excuses and just start collecting even more data secretly, until pretty soon it's collected all the data on you it could possibly get via your phone, the mic and camera on your phone etc... And it'll all be stored and collated and correlated to anything and everything in CSIS's databases and shared with the 5 eyes... Uk, US, NZ & AUS (we're the 5th eye in case you were wondering who the 5th was) - it's a spy network established during the Cold War shortly after WWII. It was called Echelon, but it keeps changing names - I guess to confuse people, or something.
New symptoms linked to COVID virus revealed by major study of 1 million people in England Quoting the story now:

A major COVID-19 study has revealed new symptoms associated with coronavirus.

A study of more than 1 million people in England has revealed chills, loss of appetite, headaches and muscle aches have been reported as coronavirus symptoms.   

Look all of those symptoms cited above are linked to fever. When you have a fever you commonly have chills, headaches, loss of appetite and muscle aches. And fever is already one of the main symptoms. So more scaremongering, trying to get people who have arthritis believe it's COVID19 that gave it to them. I mean NOT EVERYTHING is a symptom of COVID19. If that's the case you'd better report every pimple, ingrown toenail, and papercut too in case those have something to do with COVID19 that we've not heard about yet. I mean it's going from the sublime to the ridiculous and the outright insane now, considering headaches, loss of appetite and muscle aches can have several causes all of which have nothing to do with any infectious disease, but more likely to do with strains, injury, stress & other causes.

Ontario reports 1,072 new COVID-19 cases as more schools reopen, three regions move out of lockdown

N.S. imposes 14-day quarantine rules on N.L. travellers amid jump in COVID-19 cases 

ArcelorMittal et ses employés remettent 100 000$ à Centraide Duplessis Wow! Just wow! That is awesome! Too bad more companies don't follow suit and make generous donations to their local charities in this time of need too! I'm sure the beneficiaries of that donation will greatly appreciate it. I bet there's lots of people who are needing help in that area now too.

Area municipalities receive funding to offset COVID costs

Le Musée régional de la Côte-Nord est prêt pour sa réouverture 

Haliburton County to remain in lockdown until at least Feb. 16 

Un 2e cas de COVID-19 à Uashat mak Mani-utenam 

Health-care workers will soon have to wear N95 masks in COVID-19 hot zones In the beginning of this plandemic we had a few N95 masks having heard that that was the best. But we couldn't get very many as the QC was hoarding them all for health care workers, so we got some of the surgical masks instead and a couple P100 masks. I'm just glad we didn't have that many N95 masks, because I couldn't stand them for the few minutes I had them on in order to go into a store or something. They hurt my face because they were so tight and while I could breathe, I wouldn't say it was the easiest time breathing through them, that's for sure. So when we ran out and we started using the surgical masks, I didn't mind until those started fogging my glasses up or slipping up over my eyes especially when I bent my head down to see something or pick something up off the ground. So now I have a hate hate relationship with those things too. The only other option we have are cloth masks we can barely breathe through or the P100 masks which are huge - they look like the masks cops use when they're making fentanel busts with 2 breathers one on each side of the face.  So I'm not sure I want to use those either, but if we're told we have to double or triple mask or get fines, I'll use those instead as I know I won't be able to breathe through double or triple masks. Might as well just get clothespins and pinch my mouth and nose closed in that case.

More than 150 students ‘left behind’ as internet issues disrupt online learning

Gatineau gym padlocked after owner kept it open for months I guess he was looking for it. 

Ontario launches IT portal for COVID-19 vaccine bookings

Canada's Suncor Energy running COVID-19 rapid test pilot project 

Death toll reaches six at Sunnybank, eight cases active

Safer Internet Day 

Central Europe leaders focus on vaccination, nuclear energy

India will 'do its best' to send vaccines to Canada, Modi tells Trudeau  Bozo Brains should do his best to stop acting like an idiot, playing Mr. Dressup, and voicing opinions that goes against other gov'ts policies like he did recently when siding with the farmers against the new Indian gov't laws. The brainless wonder has to stop and realize how he'd feel if other leaders voiced opinions about his policies and laws here in Canada, that were different than his own. He'd think about helping those nations who's leaders did that too, I'm sure. But he wouldn't think too long or hard about it, before deciding against it. I'm sure of that too. 

2 of Alberta premier’s caucus members join coalition fighting COVID-19 restrictions

This is the coalition they joined (which I guess besides elected officials everyone's welcome to join): Liberty Coalition Canada: End the Lockdowns Caucus formed by Representatives from across Canada The following is a signed statement that those elected & government officials belonging to this coalition signed: 

“We are current and former elected representatives from municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government across Canada, unified in pursuit of the truth, and resolved to ensure there is open, honest, and public debate regarding the COVID-19 government response.

After careful examination and scrutiny of mitigation measures undertaken by all levels of government, it is now evident that the lockdowns cause more harm than the virus and must be brought to an end.

We devote our energy and efforts to the just and compassionate objective of reopening our businesses, schools, places of worship, recreational facilities, along with the full resumption and expansion of efficient medical services. We desire to restore dignity and respect for all Canadians by safeguarding our representative democracy and its institutions, defending our Constitution, personal freedoms and responsibilities, whilst implementing focused protection for the most vulnerable.

We hereby voluntarily sign this agreement on the 2nd day of February, 2021."  

So if you wish to support such a group or get their newsletter then I encourage you to visit their site and either lend your support or for their newsletter. Whichever you prefer.
Canadians are 'cynical' about Trudeau's promises: Nik Nanos  Oh really? You don't say??? Whatever gave you that idea? A poll eh??? Well anyone could've told you that, without needing to have a poll to figure it out!!!! Ummm duhhhh...


China's COVID Secrets (full documentary) | FRONTLINE Set aside an hour and a half for this informative video available on YouTube.


It's really nice to see people like him, doing things like this in the public service. Kudos to him. 

I think I need to read and follow the advice in this article myself as trying to get myself in gear to do anything is a chore and a half these days. 

Here are 10 ways to celebrate Mardi Gras at home Coming up on Tuesday. I know it's mostly celebrated in the US but in case you get the urge to do a home version of it because you can't travel there this year, here's a few ideas and recipes. For those who wish to celebrate the Carnivale the Quebecois way with the snow sculptures and ice castles you can visit their page at: Carnival of Quebec
The page/site is available in English, French & Spanish by making a choice of language at the top right hand corner of the screen. There's a virtual tour available online and despite what it says about ending on the 14th, it's been extended to the 21st. You can visit it in person if you're allowed to traverse all the red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and purple zones to get there. Gawd, that reminds me like it does my husband of the movie Airplane with the PA announcement of all the various coloured parking zones. 

That seems only right. They should be able to skip all the restrictions really. They should be allowed to visit whoever they want, whenever they want, go wherever they want and do whatever they want without any restrictions whatsoever.
A hug, a fishing trip, the symphony: Seniors long for simple pleasures after 2nd dose of Covid vaccine Anything to change the scenery and the monotony and loneliness.... Right?

Vaccinated workers at Massachusetts hospital volunteer to sit with Covid-19 patients Warning only read this if you're in need of a good cry as it's a real tear jerker.

UK warns all vacations could be canceled for 2021  Yup well it seems the UK has gone totally draconian dictatorship on the people there and so of course they don't want any captives escaping on them, or even enjoying themselves at home apparently. All forms of happiness and enjoyment or escape are officially cancelled from here on in, apparently - well at least for the rest of this year and probably next year and the remainder of the decade too, if they get their way, probably.

Trump's bungled vaccine rollout is forcing governors to get creative — and political Okay, now let me get this straight. Biden's been president for 3 weeks - which is 21 days, roughly 1/4 of his 1st 100 days in office where he promised 100 million vaccinations. So are you telling me his directives aren't superceding that of Trump's? If 21 million doses in 21 days is a bungled rollout, what does a good one look like? Because according to Canadian standards 21 million doses in 21 days is more than good, it's beyond exceptional. You want bungled, look at bozo brains rollout plans here in Canada and then compare the difference between the two and tell me which one is bungled here.... So stop this lamestream media BS bashing of a former president who no longer even has control of the rollout and smarten up and realize what you do have and then if you want to bash a lousy no good for nothing bozo brained nitwit look north of your borders and see what we have for a rollout and the nitwit behind it all and THEN write your slamming and shaming articles and have a field day with it while you're at it. Maybe it'll shame him into flying right for a change, though that's doubtful since I think he's too f'n stupid to feel shame or embarrassment, so that probably won't help either, but it's worth a try.

Well if like here in QC, where everything is closed and doing everything is forbidden, where would you like for them to spend their money anyhow? 



Directly from the WEF and Schwab himself.... Ergo NOT a conspiracy theory. More on this in a future post.

and Pierre Polilievre's petition to have it stopped can be found and signed here: STOP THE GREAT RESET. 
As a Canadian who's watched the antics in parliament since bozo brains took office I often lament why we got stuck with such an idiot and couldn't have had someone like Polilievre instead as PM. I mean that guy has more brains in  his little toe than bozo brains has in his whole freaking body. So if Polilievre thinks the Great Reset ought to be stopped, then maybe it ought to be stopped. Whatcha think? So perhaps signing his petition might do something to stop it though it's hard to imagine what because even if every single Cdn signed it, that's only 37 million vs. nearly 8 billion who didn't sign it. So.....
 Well I think the title speaks for itself....


As the title implies "Explosive if true"....
How COVID-19 'Vaccines' May Destroy the Lives of Millions Now, I don't know who this guy is, if he's a real doctor or not, or if he's a doctor but from some other discipline other than medicine, as in Ph.D in rocket science for instance (which would indicate he knows SFA about medicine) and have no way to check his credentials, but on the off chance he is an MD and he's right, perhaps you ought to pay attention to what he has to say.

I'm including this link though I'm not sure of it's veracity given that the link it's using as reference seems to be going to a nobody's site - looks more like a survivalist's site than anyone with any credentials in anything except the luney tunes college of science fiction... So make of it what you will....

As I used to work for Jeff Rense and knowing how he works, if he didn't change his habits, he's vetted this Dr. and knows for sure that she is a real doctor and not just some fruit loop in a cornflakes box. If he thought that 4.x minute blurb was important enough to save in his archives on his site, it must be worth at least 4 minutes of your time and your consideration of what she's saying. 

What They Said About Lockdowns Before 2020 Funny how things change, when it's convenient for them.

Real life study: Masked schoolchildren are harmed physically, psychologically, behaviorally and suffer from 24 distinct health issues Recently the QC gov't introduced some see through masks for preschool teachers because they said kids need to see the lips for proper pronounciation of words and to distinguish emotions - like seeing smiles etc.... For proper language skills and emotional and psychological development. 

This is another doctor that I don't know so can't vouch for, so you're on your own to make up your own mind about what he's saying here and whether to believe him or not.

We all recognize this POS so should be able to understand when he talks about what this vaccine will do, that if he's saying it, he's not lying. So it's NOT a conspiracy theory. This right from his own lips.
There Is No Virus – The Latest Proof There's a link to the "full article" at the foot of the page, which you can read for yourself. 


So then maybe it's the vaccines that are causing the sudden spike in deaths? I mean these deaths only started spiking after the vaccines got under way and after the first lot have had time to get their 2nd doses. I don't know it just seems mighty suspicious to me, especially after reading all the above linked articles about the vaccines.

This is just sad when a CEO of a website has to tell the out of touch politicians that their electorate needs help financially.


At the crazy prices I saw recently, I don't doubt it.

Don't worry if it's not a crime now, they'll make it one. Then pretty soon, breathing will become a crime too.

COVID-19: Ministers should have 'learned lessons properly' from first wave, adviser saysGiven that the UK & Canada have a parliamentary system, and knowing how it works in Canada, I'm quite sure it's the same in Britain. So that being said, what makes anyone believe parliamentarians are capable of learning anything? In order to do so, wouldn't they need a braincell or two first? Given that most don't have any, learning would be a miraculous feat for them. So of course they didn't learn anything, except how to become world class draconian wanna be dictator jerks.


Deliveries of COVID-19 vaccine doses to Canada set to more than quadruple next week Hmmmm that's interesting.... Considering 4x0 still equals 0. 


Pandemic sees an increase in senior isolation and loneliness You're only just starting to realize that now????? Heck, I could've told you that almost a year ago now, as soon as it started and seniors were forbidden to leave their residences.


Lucky them. Wish we were so lucky.
Nova Scotia's home-care system to be redesigned after concerns over accountability If it's over accountability, it should've been redesigned decades ago when a beitche named Marge had a nursing home and ripped all the residents in it off and dumped in a social services care home. Then the useless tits working in the NS gov't and RCMP depts there wouldn't help anyone with anything concerning that. That beitche and all her associates needed to go to jail for among other things grand theft auto, embezzlement and fraud. But we who had relatives in that care home got no help from anyone for anything to do with it. That was in the early 1990s long before COVID ever came on the scene. So it's been LONG OVERDUE FOR A LONG TIME NOW!!!!!! 


Well um duh, if a Liberal Leader KNOWS that we've had the variant around since October your fears are probably right.
Regina man becomes author at 70 years old, publishes 5 books during pandemic Good for him! He probably got the chance to realize a lifelong dream of becoming an author, but only managed when he had the time and solitude in order to do it.

All 5 factors depends on if an idiot is the head of it or not. In Canada's case it's the idiot that heads it.



117-Year-Old French Nun Beats COVID-19 With No Complications Absolutely amazing! Good for her! Wishing her all the best.

Valentine's Day roses in short supply due to COVID-19: floral industry What's Covid got to do with it? I'd think that Valentine's Day would be celebrated just as much as any other year. 


I wish I could find the actual stats with percentage of deaths from the flu patients who had it. 
DIY home gym cable pulley machine (cable crossover, high pulley, low pulley system) For those missing the gym and wanting to stay fit, perhaps you can make some of your own gym equipment to use at home.

COVID-19 Variants In Canada: How Should It Change Your Pandemic Habits? Considering the UK variant has been here since October and is probably what accounted for the high case levels starting in October onwards, I don't think it's going to make any difference now whether we change habits or not. 


To quote Emerson Lake & Palmer..... Oh What a Lucky Man He Was..... NOT. That's very strange and very sad. 
Pandemic fever got you down? Smash up stuff at the rage room Or if physical violence isn't your thing, do like I do, lambast some of the lamestream media, idiots at the helm and the evil SOBs who contrived and seem to control this whole plandemic, publicly on the net. 
Or instead of smashing stuff, confront the ash holes that are responsible for this plandemic or those trying to abrogate all our rights and freedoms on account of it. 
I'm not saying to smash them, what I am saying is to defy them and their laws, en masse, to FORCE THEM TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO US AND RESCIND THEIR BS DRACONIAN LAWS and stop being so damned compliant and obedient and scared. And protest en masse any future designs they might have on abrogating our rights and freedoms with any further measures. 
Open your businesses everyday, allowed to or not, when they shut them down, reopen them, everyone who has a business should do that. Swamp the courts with civil disobedience cases and then the judges will finally get sick and tired of it all and declare the gov'ts laws null and void, if they don't do it themselves. Or unless some brave lawyers who knows constitutional law decides to stand up for the people and takes them on and wins.  

Sign those petitions talked about above and support those people. 
Just do something besides sit on your thumbs and wreck your basement in the "rage room". That won't help to get rid of the problem, all that'll do is cause a lot of bruises maybe a few broken bones and lots of broken stuff in the "rage room". But the problems will all still be there when you emerge from the room, all black and blue and in pain with regrets at breaking that hideous vase that you just found out was worth a fortune because it was a valuable antique.

STOP PUTTING UP WITH THIS SHEITE!!!!! Don't forget there's way more of us than there are of them. We have them vastly outnumbered and there's not enough jail cells in the entire world to hold us all in so..... If we band together as one cohesive movement we can stop this BS if we really wanted to.



Promises, promises, promises..... 



First case of COVID-19 variant found at city long-term care home It really should read this way, "First found case of..." That would be more accurate.

That's BS because he was previously lamenting that he wouldn't be able to see his sons and his mother during one of our previously locked down holidays. So if he couldn't go see his sons then, how come they're living with him now?
Coronavirus: Canada on track to receive 4 million doses of Pfizer vaccine by end of March | FULL So.... That's good for 2 million more people.... Only 35 million more of us to go.

LEFTOVER doses???? I didn't know we had any to have leftovers from. So why don't we wait until we're lucky enough to actually have such a problem before we start worrying about something that may never happen!?!
COVID-19 variants could be spreading across Canada. Are labs doing enough to detect them? Could be??? They are, without a doubt and no the labs aren't doing enough and have never been doing enough since the plandemic started. 

Awwww.... How thoughtful. I'm sure there'll be a lot of seniors who'll appreciate that. 

As they should be. It wouldn't be the first time nor apt to be the last time that people like that got away with blue murder and a whitewashing of their crimes to the public.

Air Canada and Bombardier have to be the biggest white elephants the taxpayers have continually had to bail out and pay for over the years. I'm sure with the money given to those companies each of us could've had our own private jets instead.
Quebec small-town mayors call for police checkpoints to limit travel during spring break Hey, I have an idea....  I agree we should set up checkpoints but to work in reverse of what you clowns want, in other words to stop you cretans from leaving the boonies and coming into our area and then going back home with the disease and blaming it on us. So yeah set up roadblocks but don't let the inbred backwoods and backwards yokels escape the confines of their one horse towns.


WHO says all hypotheses still open in probe into virus origins Except for the obvious and most probable ones, because that would wind up implicating Gates, Schwab, the WEF, Gilead Sciences and of course the Wuhan Lab too.

Oh don't worry there WILL be a 3rd wave. In April.  We already know that. 



In case you haven't figured out by now that Canada's way down at the bottom of the heap, you can check on it here, I guess.
Anyhow.... Phew.... Finally got through them all. But as you can see by some of the links there's a huge controversy over the vaccines currently being used and you'd be doing yourself a favour to investigate all angle of these controversies before making a decision on whether or not to get vaccinated yourself. 
I'm trying my best to provide as much coverage and angles on the whole plandemic/vaccine topics as I can, so that we can be as well informed as we can possibly get. My intention isn't to misinform anyone, only to provide all sides to the story and not just the lamestream media & gov'ts side because we know what that is.... Stay home, don't move, don't breath, don't enjoy life, must get vaccinated, must get vaccinated and must get vaccinated before you can dare to do any of those things again. 
I think we all know that already. What we don't know are the other angles to the whole affair. Nor the whys and wherefores either.... Which is what I'm trying to find and provide before March 16th creeps up on me and I still haven't managed to get the vital pertinent information out there. Because like I said come hell or high water, March 16th is the last headlines post I'll be making in here. 
After that I'll do the Great Reset/Gates post and then after that on occassion I might post fun things, like maybe new recipes or how tos or fun sites etc.... 
But as I've already had more than my fill of this plandemic it sure won't be about that after the 16th of March. For those wondering why the 16th of March, - because it'll mark a whole year that I've been doing this as the blog was started on the 17th of March last year, when we went into lockdown. 
I figure a year of this doom, gloom, misery and hopelessness is about all I can take before I start looking for someone who's got all the variants and try to go hook up with them and maybe drink out of their glasses and nibble on their already half eaten food, just to make sure I get it and get it over with, one way or the other. 

So anyhow, until next time, take care and stay well.