Showing posts with label mandatory vaccines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mandatory vaccines. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Peanut Butter & Banana Chicken Brochettes, Working With More Food, Cancellations, & Backlogged Headlines About....

Covid 19


May 30, 2022

As my parents instilled the credo of "waste not, want not" in me, I can't let anything especially anything that can be eaten go to waste.  My parents were products of the Great Depression and every scrap of food was precious to them and their families. So they didn't let anything go to waste. As a result I was taught to save all leftovers for future meals, not to let things that you can eat go to waste (and now a days there's even cookbooks that have recipes showing you how to use the whole  thing - from the peels and roots to bones and fat). So as a result, we had a yard full of dandelions recently which as you may or may not know I turned into jelly and syrup. 
We also had a watermelon, and I saved the white part of the rind to make into watermelon rind pickles - one of my favourites since I was a kid. A neighbour gave me an armful of rhubarb (even though we grow our own), which I chopped up according to the amount needed for a rhubarb strawberry pie recipe that I happened to find. I also chopped up the required amount of strawberries (which was essentially all the strawberries we had in the fridge) and put them into a large freezer bag with the recipe in question folded so the name of it shows, in another smaller freezer bag and sealed and stuck that inside the bag of rhubarb and strawberries to freeze for later use, as I also bought blueberries (before the neighbour came along with the rhubarb) to make a pie with.Which I want to make first, but haven't been able to get around to it yet. 
So I figured before the rhubarb and strawberries go bad, I'd chop them up and freeze them for a particular use (as the quantity required of each fruit is already in the bag) and to ensure I knew precisely which strawberry/rhubarb pie recipe it was for and so I didn't have to go searching for it when I was ready to make the pie, I'd print out the recipe and fold it so the title showed inside the smaller freezer bag and slip that bag inside the bigger bag containing the fruit and ziplock them altogether before freezing. That way when I take the bag of fruit out to make the pie, I can just remove the bag containing the recipe and I'm good to go without trying to hunt down that particular recipe. 

I still had enough rhubarb leftover so I chopped it up and made a rhubarb crisp out of it, for tomorrow night's dessert when we have a friend over for dinner.

Then I was looking at the chicken cubes I had in the fridge for supper tonight and wondering what to do with them and was thinking "satay" kebabs/brochettes.... But I know my husband isn't that fond of chicken and I didn't know if he'd like satay or not, so I jazzed it up a little by adding 1 inch chunks of ripe (not overly ripe - just ripe) banana inbetween the chicken marinated in the satay marinate recipe I found and passed it off to him as "peanut butter & banana chicken" (he loves peanut butter & banana sandwiches so hey why not?). Shhhh don't tell him it's "satay" because he has a hard time with "foreign food" sometimes especially when it involves chicken (his least favourite meat beside fish). He loved it, so did our little dachshund - who hobbled out to the kitchen to bum food, despite her sore paw that she's been trying for the most part to stay off of.  He even grilled it for me on the BBQ because he liked the name I gave it. So chicken satay with banana chunks is my invention and that is called Peanut Butter & Banana Chicken brochettes/kebabs (brochettes is what the French call kebabs or skewers). 

So phew all the food has been taken care of, except I want to marinate the chops we'll be having for supper tomorrow when our friend is here for dinner. Then it's just sides I have to worry about - which will probably be a salad of some kind.
And because of more road work today,  the house visitation that was scheduled for today was cancelled. So I have no clue when we'll actually get any offers on this place as our record for visitations for this year so far isn't good. It's been one thing after another whenever the realtor schedules appointments they usually wind up being cancelled or postponed for one reason or another. It's like the universe doesn't want us to move. I can't imagine why, because I definitely want to move. 
Now back to the backlogged headlines which never ever seems to end. The more I post it seems the more I have to post. The bookmark file always seems to be the same size no matter how many headlines I go through per post. Anyhow, starting from where I last left off....
COVID-19 hospitalizations, cases and deaths start to plateau as provinces lift measures Just to prove they didn't really need to keep those measures in place like they were trying to do despite all the protests against them.
Businesses still requiring proof of vaccination risk challenges, constitutional experts say Like said before, there's an easy way to deal with that. If you don't agree with their demands don't do business with them - boycott them. It's as simple as that. If enough people do like you, they'll get the message and drop their demands or not get the message and go bankrupt. 

Are B.C.'s COVID-19 rules based on science or politics? Here's what Dr. Bonnie Henry had to say So in other words based on her answer - politics. That's what their policies are based on if they agreed beforehand on when to lift measures etc, between provinces... That says politics with nothing whatsoever to do with science.


Drink milk to prevent COVID? Scientists say dairy protein may fight viral infections Well milk does have vitamin D added to it, so maybe that's why?  The additional vitamin D helps fight it? Like they were saying at the beginning of the plandemic - which I said could be the case as bats probably lack vitamin D since they basically spend all their time in the dark.
Canada’s Trudeau Faces Fallout After Trucker Protest I wish he faced it. He faced more of a fallout in EU's parliament than he did in our own. 




Convoy organizer Tamara Lich wants out of jail, appeals bail denial She should've never been arrested in the first place, much less denied bail. This whole system in Canada from judicial to parliamentary systems are corrupt and rotten to the cores  and ALL OF THEM - EVERY F'N MEMBER OF THEM NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE & TRIED FOR THEIR OWN CRIMES, WHETHER THAT'S UNILATERILY & WITHOUT CAUSE ABROGATING SOMEONE'S CONSTITUTIONAL & LEGAL RIGHTS OR FOR GENOCIDE & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY & TREASON (giving Canadian taxdollars away to terrorists should be grounds for treason I think) AND OTHER CRIMES. EVERY F'N ONE OF THEM, INCLUDING THAT JUDGE.
Numbers suggest many American protest convoy donors also gave to Trump, Republicans Oh doncha JUST LOVE THIS....😝😝😝 The CANADIAN Broadcasting Corp doing an investigative journalism on TRUMP & AMERICAN DONORS & TRUCKERS!!!!!! Hey Crap for Brains Corp.... WHAT ABOUT DOING INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM ON THE CROOKEDNESS OF MR. DRESSUP AND HIS TYRANNICAL RESPONSE TO OUR TRUCKERS???????? Hypocrites are us..... There is no shortage of Canadian BS Companies - when it comes to our lamestream media. They can gawk and point fingers and even do a what colour underwear they're wearing article about others, but they can't be bothered to ask any questions of the morons that head this country up and expose anything to do with them. Why? Probably because of the outrageous BRIBE SHIETE FOR BRAINS GAVE THE CDN MEDIA TO REPORT FAVOURABLY ABOUT HIM WITH THAT 60 MILLION DOLLAR GRANT HE GAVE THEM BEFORE.

COVID-19: End of 2 more public health measures in Ontario supported by the numbers, experts say  Doncha just love how these numbers that support the ending of health measures fall in line with the demands of the  truckers??? How convenient that the numbers say those measures should be dropped just then - it has absolutely NOTHING to do with how terrified the politicians were of losing control of things because of the massive protests country-wide started by the truckers. No, no, no.... Definitely not - it's the numbers and the science that all seem to agree with the truckers. I bet the numbers and science agreed with the mass population and truckers LONG BEFORE THE CONVOY STARTED, but the powers-that-be loved the unbridled power trips those measures afforded them and so didn't want to give them up. That's why they decided to fight the truckers rather than dialog with them - because they knew they had nothing they could say to them, because whatever they would've tried to say in order to keep their measures in place would've been nothing but lies and knew the truckers and others would've been able to disprove their lies publically. So that's why they didn't dialog with the truckers and instead decided to fight them the way they did. That's the whole story in the nutshell kiddos.
Multiple COVID-19 variants may be able to infect a person at the same time: study Is this elementary school health class or what? Of course multiple variants or viruses can infect a person at the same time. It doesn't mean because you got sick with this virus that that virus somehow can't attack you too. It's not like the first virus is a gatekeeper to your immune system and doesn't let other viruses in unless they have special VIP passes or something. I  mean hello, who thought that multiple variants could NOT infect you at the same time? Show me that person's license to practice the hoodoo voodoo witch doctor medicine they're practicing and I'll suggest that that gets revoked as they're too stupid to even practice that. I mean seriously.

FIRST READING: Oh, look at that, nobody cares about COVID anymore Yup and before the truckers came along that's ALL they cared about and had their shorts all wadded up over the least little thing to do with COVID.

La santΓ© publique cherchait comment justifier le couvre-feu, 6 heures avant l’annonce As per this French article, where the CBC discovered that there was NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THE LOCKDOWN & CURFEW JUST BEFORE NEW YEAR'S EVE PROVES, it was just another maniacal grab for power and way of separating and fining people just for Gestapo Bozo Legault's jollies. PERIOD END OF FRIGGING STORY. And he wants to be re-elected?????? If anyone French, English, Italian, Chinese, Martian speaking re-elects that idiot is even stupid than he is. Especially after I've proven already he was the one that closed all the walk-in clinics in the province, renamed all the hospitals so their phone numbers were impossible to find in a timely manner (read emergency situation), under staffed and just in general FAILED THE MEDICAL SYSTEM HERE IN QUEBEC BIG TIME & MISERABLY. But yet he has the cahunas to try to claim "he fixed it". F off.... You can't even get to see a doctor anymore. Instead you have to call this number in order to be told which number to call, so you can TALK TO A DOCTOR ON THE PHONE. How does one get a throat culture to see if they have strep, or get their lungs or heart listened to to see if there's any serious issues with either of them, get an injection like a tetanus shot, get a knee put back into joint, get a stitch in your forehead because of a wack in it with a hockey stick, etc, over the phone.... All things that used to be done by walk-in clinics without swamping hospital ERs that were already swamped before he eliminated the walk-in clinics. So he's trying to claim those are improvements to our medical system here in QC????? I guess he obviously doesn't know what the word "improvement" means, then eh? Proving how f'n stupid he is and anyone voting for the moron is even stupid than he is.
Quebec public health director defends plan to lift COVID-19 restrictions early  Like I said above.... The real truth is the protests scared the crap out of them, THAT'S WHY they changed their tyrannical minds about it and no other reason.



Use ArriveCAN to enter Canada Because sheitehead in Ottawa is so f'n stubborn he doesn't know when to quit. While he had no qualms about letting the virus in, in the first place, he now doesn't know when enough is enough and to drop it already. Talk bout a slow learner.


Russia backs jail time for 'fake' army news, restricts media That would be an awesome idea especially for ALL CANADIAN MEDIA who's reports didn't jive with international reports on domestic matters. Like the trucker convoy for instance. All Canadian journalists who covered that should now be in jail as none of them told one iota of truth regarding that event. EVERY F'N ONE OF THEM EITHER LIED, OMITTED FACTS OR EXAGGERATED, BUT NONE OF THEM PORTRAYED ANY SENSE OF  TRUTH OR REALITY OF THE WHOLE AFFAIR.  Instead they only painted the picture the government wanted them to paint and that was that the truckers were terrorists.  Which couldn't have been further from the truth if you tried. So yeah, CTV, CBC, GLOBAL, CITYNEWS and all the newspapers' JOURNALISTS SHOULD ALL BE BEHIND BARS NOW!!!!!!


CRA asking residents to justify receiving CERB in Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton and rest of Canada Well my parents always said "the gov't gives with one hand and takes back with the other". So this isn't anything new.


More than 1,000 vehicles gather outside Washington to protest COVID-19 measures And Mr. Moronface thought it was bad in Ottawa, eh? He would've been peeing and poohing his pants if there were that many in Ottawa.



Seniors should be refunded for services lost due to COVID-19, advocacy group says Or for their extra expenses, like when they weren't allowed to go out shopping for themselves and told to stay home and order everything. Most of that "everything" required credit cards in order to order it, credit cards comes with interest charges which aren't free. So those should be reimbursed. 

Coping one stitch at a time during lengthy pandemic Like I said in the first few posts of this blog, hobbies, cooking, gardening, learning new skills was a way to kill time and accomplish something. I even provided copious links to several of those endeavours for those wishing to try their hand at such, or just to find new recipes or projects/patterns for hobbies they already had. I love making and trying new things almost on a daily basis. New recipes, new hobbies, new techniques, new projects etc...  Today's "new thing" was "Peanut Butter & Bananas Chicken Brochettes" and some of last week's new things were dandelion jelly and dandelion syrup. While I've knit more afghans (large double or queen size bed covers like what the woman is holding in the picture) than I care to count, knitting is not one of my preferred hobbies. It's just the oldest one I have as I taught myself how to knit when I was about 7 or 8 years old using pencils as knitting needles. I really don't have the patience for it though as I find it super tedious and sometimes downright boring and annoying (especially when you think you've got it only to find out, oops you worked the 3rd stitch back wrong or the 3rd stitch on the 3rd row down wrong, or dropped a few stitches here or there). Or when the yarn starts to get tangled in the skein/ball and it's hard to pull. And other aggravating things like that. I prefer working with things like clay  or wax - or even beads - things that if it goes wrong, you can either improvise and turn it into an improv work of art, or simply smoosh it all up together or melt down into a blob and start all over again either with the same design or something else.  Where there are no perceived imperfections because there is no precise pattern like there is with knit patterns. I prefer doing things that I enjoy rather than cause me boredom and aggravation.

COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health professionals pushed back again  Guess they're finding out what the other provinces that tried that found out.... That if they do that, they'll have even less health care workers than they have now.

Northern Health goes to court to shut down Prince George nightclub defying COVID-19 health orders Yup the fun police have to find a way to punish a club that defied orders to shut down during the plandemic and not allow people to enjoy life on their premises.

1 in 40 Islanders now has COVID-19  So that's essentially 2.5% of the population. It's scarier when you see 1 in 40 as opposed to 2.5%, isn't it? 1 in 40 sounds like way more than a mere 2.5% sounds, doesn't it? This is how they scare you into complying with their BS and they're still trying to do that even after they've lifted all the mandates.


Queen pays understated tribute to Ukraine in first in-person meeting since catching COVID OMG Mr. Weenie Dickhead is trying to impress the Queen with his vocabulary except that he's a f'n moron and even with his attempt to impress her with his vocabulary he failed miserably because what he said is redundant because insightful and perspicacious mean the exact same thing. I'm telling you every time he opens his mouth he shows us what he really is - a freaking moronic genocidal, tyrannical imbecile. A total and colossal embarrassment to the Canadian people. 

More Nova Scotians turn to food banks as cost of living continues to rise That was then.... Yesterday I saw a local ad in a grocery flier online for T-bone steak for $19.99 a pound. My husband couldn't believe it, so I showed him and he shook his head. He said that's insane. I said, yup, if it keeps it up, pretty soon it'll cost us a hundred bucks and all we'll get out of that is a peep show. We'll get to see a t-bone steak for $100.00, if we want to smell it, it'll cost more and for a 1 cubic inch of the stuff it'll be double the peep show price. Seriously that's what it seems like it's coming to if the gov'ts world wide don't put their adult pants on and put the kibash on the BS between the WEF and Gates, the BIS and other money grubbers of this world and stand up for their populations who can barely afford to breath as it is, nevermind eat. Eating is becoming a luxury it seems like. Maybe that was what the forced vaccinations were for - as they were for the most part mRNA - meaning they might alter our genetic code somehow - maybe that was to allow us to survive on merely love and water and not need food to stay alive. Who knows?


School superintendents could face arrest for trying to enforce mask, vaccine mandates Here in Canada the parents would throw them a heros parade and give them medals.

THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A POTTED HISTORY FOR (FUTURE) READERS If you want more than just a "potted history" feel free to read this blog in it's entirety as it was started just a couple of days after the pandemic was declared and there's almost every English language COVID story I could find on the net along with a few French ones as well, covering ALL ASPECTS OF IT. Lately though, since near the end of last year I got more and more cynical as I saw what was happening and the lies and BS the authorities were trying to feed us coupled with the insane draconian laws and fines, it just got to be too much. I could no longer "just be an old ex nurse" my anti-gov't, anti-BS, self came screaming to the surface, so much so I couldn't force it down anymore and had to just call 'em as I saw 'em whether anyone else out there liked what I was saying or not, because to me when it's the truth, it's the truth and no amount of whitewashing it, will change it. So while you get the headlines and the stories, you also get my take on it and what my BS & lie detector is screaming at me about it. So far, I've yet to be proven wrong.


First wine of defence? Quebec researchers find tannic acid can stop COVID-19 from replicating Hmmmm wondering if that's the same researchers that said having a couple glasses of red wine cut down on heart attacks, when they proved that it's actually the red wine drinkers themselves were less genetically inclined to have heart disease, not because they drank or didn't drink wine but because they weren't predisposed to it to begin with due genetics and lifestyle.

Exclusive ski club received $1.4M in federal COVID relief amid 'record' year Someone should investigate to see if that's where Mr. Moron Dickhead Dressup was a snowboard instructor before he landed the much more lucrative career of being the Cdn PM. 

COVID long-haulers dealing with issues accessing financial assistance Perhaps they should each open an exclusive ski club, maybe then they'd get some financial assistance.


California officials raided preschool, interviewed 2-year-olds over mask policies Wow.... Even Gestapo Legault hasn't sunk that far, yet.


'Freedom Convoy' assets to remain frozen through end of March They shouldn't have been frozen at all. Nothing like legalized robbery. This is what you call robbing the poor to pay the rich. The exact opposite of Robin Hood, given the lion's share will go to the city of Ottawa and businesses. While the citizens of Ottawa will be lucky if they see 10 cents each.  But on top of that, why should the truckers pay for this as protesting is LEGAL or was until sheiteface in parliament who trembled in his boots at the thought of the big bad "terrorist" truckers and had to go into hiding, came along. Yet the real terrorists like Omar Khadr, he's not only NOT afraid of, but actually likes enough to give 10 million of Canadian taxpayers dollars too. Talk about F'd in the head moron - he's his mother's son alright. She's equally F'd in the head. So he can GIVE a REAL TERRORIST 10 Million dollars of OUR MONEY, but has to try to FLEECE hard working truckers who he deemed to be terrorists 20 Million dollars of THEIR MONEY.  Got the picture yet of what kind of tyrannical asshole we're dealing with here in Canada?  A total f'n wack job.
Ottawa police confirms it's investigating officers for allegedly supporting 'Freedom Convoy' OMG we can't have any of that, actual police who want to stand up against a tyrannical dictator by supporting those who are doing just that. No the police are supposed to operate as the long arm of the tyrant in power and be his jackbooted gestapo, not actually want to stand up against such a tyrant by supporting those who are doing just that.

COVID pandemic death toll may be 3 times higher than official tally, new study finds That, that's just freaking impossible because that means there'd have to have been 3 times more deaths overall from everything. Because right now if you were in a motorcycle accident but knew someone who had covid, your death from the accident was automagically written up as being COVID related. If you died of cancer, but caught covid while you were in the hospital your death certificate listed covid as cause of death, if your uncle that you never saw had covid and you died of a sudden heart attack your death was listed as covid. If you went to an establishment where someone 6 weeks before your visit was, that had covid and you died due to some other illness, it was listed as covid. So in other words EVERYONE WHO DIED DIED OF COVID. So for there to be 3x more covid deaths, there would've had to have been 3 times more deaths period. That's pretty much how the CDC instructed hospitals to list covid deaths. Don't believe me? You can find the documents by clicking on the relevant link in my right hand side panel. 

Two years of the COVID-19 pandemic: What's changed and the real reason we can loosen rules now I can save you the trouble of reading all that BS.... The REAL REASON is Called the Freedom Convoy. Period end of story.

What is an 'adverse event?' Inside the recently released report on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine Yes, that's called massaging the data to make it look more benign than it actually is. At this point in the game, I neither know nor care what those "events" were because no matter what anyone says the so-called "experts" are going to soft peddle them to make them seem harmless, when in actual fact I and most everyone else out there already knows thats total BS, based on all the previous stories and data released up until now. Facts are facts folks and it doesn't matter how much you massage them they aren't going to change.


No going back to what we used to think of as normal, experts say on pandemic anniversary Why the F not? I haven't worn a mask since the requirement was dropped here in QC. I've gone to packed restaurants, I've hugged people and I'm no worse for the wear. I refuse to live whatever time I have left in fear and constantly scared of every little thing. Like my mother used to say, "when it's your time to go, it's your time to go". I want to enjoy whatever time I have left. The tyrants in power already robbed me of 2 precious years of that time. I'm not letting them or anyone else rob me of another second of it.



Quebec opts for quiet, reflective day to mark 2nd anniversary of COVID-19 pandemic Yeah if it's quiet and not in your face, Gestapo Legault will be less likely to be grilled about his role in those deaths.

Canada posts significant jobs gains as COVID restrictions lift That definitely would NOT have happened if the restrictions were NOT lifted. So thank the big bad scary truckers for that, as they're the ones that got the restrictions lifted in the first place.

Pandemic Fears Give Way to a Rush for Bomb Shelters Don't you just love it!?! The powers that be, need one way or another to keep you off balance, scared and compliant. Don't you think it's more than just  a tad convenient that Putin decided to invade Ukraine just as the Freedom Convoy won it's point and got the Cdn gov't and other world gov'ts to drop all their restrictive mandates???? I'm wondering if this wasn't all planned out in advance somehow.... Gawd, I wouldn't doubt it at all.

Pfizer CEO: Fourth Covid Shot is ‘Necessary’ Necessary so he can make more money. 


Now I'm going to try to stealthily sneak off to bed, before anyone notices I'm gone.... Until next time take care and stay well.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:





Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Super Exhausted But Still Trying to Wade Through Tons of Backlogged Headlines About ....



May 10, 2022

As you might've gathered by the picture chosen for the post this time, I'm super happy, but exhausted. In fact, chances are I might fall asleep on the keyboard here before I finish even though I was given a double espresso this morning to wake me up earlier than usual, so I could start my day, because we had a lot to do, as it's our first get together since Legault put the kibash on our gatherings back in December.
 We decided to have smoked meat sandwiches for supper in our front yard with our neighbour friends (not the NHL hockey puck heads next door, but the other neighbours who are our friends). 
So one neighbour brought over a table that we used to set the food, plates and utensils up on and some pickles and coleslaw to go with the meal and the other neighbours brought some soft drinks to go with it. We went through pretty much a half a brisket between the 6 of us. One couple wanted to take some of the meat back with them for their lunch tomorrow and for their dogs (they have 3 dogs and I love every one of them). There's still meat left out of that half for us for our lunch or snacks if we want it. 
But it was a frenzy of activity from us and the other neighbours that supplied the extra table and some of the cutlery and glasses (they were all disposable - yeah I know not eco conscious at all - but we already had them from years ago, so might as well use them and then throw them out as opposed to just throwing them out unused. No?). They all got immediately excited when we broached the idea to them in email. There was a flurry of emails back and forth between the 3 of us about who should do what and when.... So I could tell everyone was excited for this kind of event.
It was a spur of the moment thing and we all got together to supply various parts of the meal and equipment and had a great time together. It was a beautiful evening for that too, with a light breeze, sunshine and hardly any bugs around. Though some mosquitoes were bugging one the men that were invited. We offered him some Muskol to put on, but he didn't want any. Guess insecticides and food don't go well together.  What also helped to tire me out, is I was primarily the legs of this operation - carrying everything in and out, and setting up all the chairs and taking them back again, and then sitting facing the sun with the sun in my eyes - so squinting for a large part of the evening. The sun on my face and in my eyes probably helped tired me out a bit too. So while it was tiring, it was fun and worth all the extra effort we put into it, I think. The first fun of the season. 
Well winter only really departed maybe 10 days ago and now we're into the "hell" portion of QC weather.... You know how I say hell freezes over because I live there? Well this is it.... It went from -2C about 10 days ago to +24C today and is going up to +30C (and we have no clue what the humidex will be then so it'll likely feel much hotter than that even still) by Friday.... So um yeah.... Welcome to hell... Typical QC weather. We have 1 week of spring and 1 week of autumn and the rest of the time it's either hell or it's frozen over.

Anyhow.... On with the trainload of headlines about this silly plandemic that never seems to end.... One day maybe I might catch up with them, but I have no clue when that will be.... So just stay tuned for as long as you can stand it and you might eventually see current headlines appearing here again...

America Is Running Out of Everything Yup same here, now, I guess.

Just 180 More Days Until Your Oven Arrives: Appliance Delays Cause Havoc That's why knowing how to repair your own appliances comes in handy. My husband had to do repairs on our dishwasher lately. He has before too, but this time it was crucial as we can't get another one in any timely fashion - at least not one that we actually want or can afford.

What is frozen shoulder? Symptoms, treatment and a possible pandemic connection. Oh of course, according to all the hysterical morons out there, EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO COVID EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING TO EVERYTHING AND MORE OF EVERYTHING. Just look at the news. Anything that's wrong or gone wrong or people can't come up with an explanation for, it's because of COVID naturally. I mean give me a break about this one.  
I can guarantee you this girl has been resting her arm in an unnaturally high position (maybe a higher than usual armrest on a chair she sits in for long hours - like an office chair with armrests and because she uses a mouse with one hand the other isn't really used much and so rests on the armrest) and that is probably the cause of the whole problem. If she rests her arm in her lap or does other things like  type with both hands for most of the time assuming her desk is proper height for that, she wouldn't have that problem. 
I had that problem once and that was when we had our other dachshund. He insisted on sitting on my lap whenever and wherever I sat down - even if it was while I was on the computer typing and he would lie upside down on his back in my arms - he'd actually fling himself onto his back on my left arm and make me hold him like a baby like in that position while I was holding him. So because I couldn't hold my elbow in midair with his weight on my arm, I rested my elbow on the armrest of my chair which is a tad too high for me. So whenever I tried to reach behind my back (even to clasp my hands behind my back) it hurt like hell in my shoulder too. After he died, and I no longer did that, I didn't have that problem anymore. It went away because I no longer needed to rest my elbow on that tad too high armrest, for long periods of time. Just to prove not everything is caused by or related to covid.



Now, Flying Microchips Are Headed Our Way  There's a supply chain shortage for microchips for everything from computers to cars, but yet they can make microchips to fly around in the air, ostensibly to monitor the air, and presumably because of covid amongst other things, but who says they aren't also watching us as the sub headlines infers? But yet they can't make microchips for things we actually need, because "there's a shortage". Funny doesn't seem to be any shortages here though....
U.S. Job Growth Falls to Slowest Pace of Year  The headlines date of this article is Oct 8, 2021

7% of Israel’s serious COVID cases had three vaccine shots  Which were basically all Pfizer, probably as that was the vaccine of choice Israel chose to use. So that only goes to show you how lousey that vaccine is, if after being inoculated THREE TIMES with the vaccine, there are STILL SERIOUS COVID CASES DESPITE THAT, THERE'S A PROBLEM WITH THE VACCINE. It DOES NOT APPEAR TO WORK THAT WELL.

COVIDIOTS No-jab celebrities paying £750 for FAKE Covid passports so they can appear on TV shows They probably make more than that for their appearance on the TV show, so it's worth it to them.


Are COVID-19’s big waves over? Experts are split  It doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting here on May 10, 2022. 

Thousands march in Rome to protest workplace vaccine rule  If that were here in Canada, sheitehead in Ottawa would've called the army in with tanks to run them over like the rulers he admires did in Tienanmen Square, considering he had cops on horseback run little old ladies over with their horses during the Trucker protests. 



Lawyers brace for first wave of layoffs related to COVID-19 vaccine mandates I hope these aren't law school students or legal aid lawyers, but rather lawyers that are familiar with and defenders of constitutional rights. And I hope they stick it to the gov't so good Mr. Turdo doesn't know if his ash hole is bored or burnt.

Preliminary Ontario data shows lasting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy  That is ONLY BECAUSE THEY INDISCRIMINATELY MIXED BOTH THE PFIZER & MODERNA DATA TOGETHER! IF they separated them like they did for the other vaccines you'd see that PFIZER FAILS MISERABLY IN COMPARISON TO MODERNA!  as per this ....

Canada's overworked healthcare sector brace for staff shortages as vaccine mandates loom That was mostly threatened but never implemented here in QC. Which infuriated my daughter-in-law as she had no plans to get vaccinated (she's a nurse), but was told she would be laid off or put on unpaid leave if she wasn't vaccinated by such and such a date (don't remember exact date now), so reluctantly she got vaccinated in order to keep working, but she really didn't want to and still regrets doing it, but it's done now and so can't be undone.


Global National: Oct. 10, 2021 | Loose COVID rules in Canadian Prairies prompt Thanksgiving concerns

New Covid-19 cases continue to drop Until they drop to 0 and stay there, there's no cause for celebration as far as I'm concerned.

How disagreements over vaccination and COVID-19 have ripped apart these Alberta families Maybe before hanging friends and family members out to dry for their views on anything to do with this plandemic, they should edjumekate themselves first as they're obviously oblivious about the whole issue as nothing is cut and dried over this plandemic especially anything to do with the vaccines as they're still no better than snake oil elixir as far as this ex-nurse is concerned. If they were worth their salt as vaccines there would be no breakthrough infections and people who've had both doses wouldn't need umpteen million more booster shots to stay protected either. Look at all other vaccines from the past. ALL OF THEM WERE WAY MORE EFFECTIVE THAN ANY OF THESE VACCINES HAVE BEEN EVEN WITH THE BAZILLION DOSES NEEDED TO KEEP FENDING THE VIRUS OFF. But IF ANY ONE OF THEM CAME CLOSE TO THAT GOAL THEN THE REST OF THEM HAVE THAT WOULD BE MODERNA, from all I've read about them - and I can pretty much safely say I've probably read more than the average Canadian has, or journalist too for that matter. 

Or else the journalists aren't doing their work - as in querying blanket statements about certain things like when Pfizer gets up on their bandstand and starts bragging about how great they are. If there are journalists there in the audience that have done their homework, they'd know that was an outright lie and grill them about it. Instead they seem to accept it as fact and publish it as such. So either they aren't doing their jobs as journalists or they have no clue about it and so accept it as fact. Either way they aren't fit to be reporting about it, if they don't know their facts or don't challenge bald faced lies especially when it's detrimental to the public's health, like that. Or.... And this would connotate that they're on the take.... Either accepting bribes from certain companies to report it as fact (in which case that should be a paid advertisement and not a news story) or have a vested interest in the companies - such as being a shareholder of that company. That's the only way I can see that... Either they're lying because of money involved to them or their news organization, or they're lazy or just ignorant. So not at all qualified to report on such things to the public. And that's why there's so many ignorant people out there as well - because they're relying on the BS the fake journalists are reporting as news.

‘The system isn’t working,’ says B.C. mom of 9-day COVID-19 school exposure notification delay I don't get that.... When my kids went to school the moment there was a case of chickenpox or lice in the school, letters were sent out to parents that very day or the next day at the latest. So what's going on now, that it takes that long to send notifications out to parents?

'Important measures' coming for 15,000 unvaccinated Quebec health-care workers, minister says In hindsight we can now say that was a HUMONGOUS PILE OF UNADULTERATED BS πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©, as no such things happened. Which like I said infuriated my daughter-in-law no end. 

Grenada PM's message for Canadian tourists amid pandemic: 'Please come'

Southwest Air Pilots Seek to Block Covid Vaccination Mandate 

Sydney starts to live with covid after 106-day lockdown. First stop: The pub.

Inside Melbourne’s eternal lockdown 

Masks Are Changing How Kids Interact

Smoking marijuana could lead to breakthrough COVID cases, study finds  

Merck requests FDA authorization for COVID-19 antiviral pill 

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near Maybe because they know the gov't is bluffing because if all those troops were thrown out of the military, the US - the country that likes to stir up the hornet's nests the most - would be left pretty much defenceless. 

The Scariest Part of Halloween This Year Is the Supply Chain 

Unvaccinated family members infect lung transplant recipient with COVID-19 

Past Covid infection plus vaccination gives greater protection, study suggests It's probably got more to do with the past infection than the lousey vaccines. 

Most Alberta offenders sentenced to weekends in jail, now serving at home due to pandemic

French study shows vaccination is highly effective against Covid and its variants 

Torontonians 12 and over will have to show proof of vaccination for indoor sports 

Foreign travelers with COVID-19 vaccines approved by FDA, WHO can enter the US in November 

U.S. administers nearly 402 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, CDC says 

Key COVID-19 numbers in the Ottawa area today  Oct 10, 2021

Pushback grows as vaccine mandates become more widespread in Canada I wonder why...

Peace officers keep watch over Saint John church service

COVID-19 outbreak declared at N.W.T. Legislative Assembly after 6 test positive, new exposures identified 

$1 device developed in Halifax that helps detect COVID-19 in sewers drawing global interest

AstraZeneca antibody cocktail study shows success treating COVID-19 

EU assesses Regeneron/Roche COVID-19 antibody cocktail for authorisation

Risk of dangerous blood clots linked to moderate COVID-19; high-dose blood thinner can prevent clots 

Texas governor bars all COVID-19 vaccine mandates in state, rips Biden for 'bullying'

COVID Variant Medical Detectives Deploying To San Francisco International 

Gas prices skyrocket as the global energy crisis worsens They think the prices sky-rocketted then... eh? Yet they were nowhere near the deep space prices we're seeing now.

In search for covid origins, Hubei caves and wildlife farms draw new scrutiny

B.C.'s vaccine card fails to show 2 doses for some as deadline approaches for full vaccination 

More vaccines, climate help needed for poorer nations, say UN, Non-Aligned Movement 

This is where I'm leaving it tonight as I can barely see through my eyes now Can't struggle to stay awake any longer. Will be back again soon with more headlines, so stay tuned.

In the meantime remember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:
Until next time take care and stay well.....






Sunday, January 3, 2021

Continuing On From 2020 Is .....



January 3, 2021

When I started this blog back in March 2020, when we first went into lockdown, I never dreamed I'd have 2021 dates on any of the postings in it. I thought for sure the whole thing would be over with by now. But alas, here we are, the 3rd of January 2021 and its raging stronger than ever and the morons in charge of our country are too f'n stupid to figure out how to roll out a vaccination campaign, so it wouldn't surprise me any that on January 3, 2022 I'll still be having to post postings in here as it still won't be over here in Canada. 

I mean I can't figure out how they managed to inoculate most of the population against H1N1 in about 3-4 months time, but they can't figure out how to inoculate 50,000 people in a month's time now. Seems like the more time passes, the stupider our population gets. Instead of learning from the past and maintaining some memory of it and how it was done, they promptly forgot as soon as it was over and done with and now they have to reinvent the entire wheel from scratch again. I mean it's not as if we're making the vaccines themselves so having to figure that out isn't the problem - it's the logistics of how to get it from a FedEx truck into our arms that seems to be the problem here. 
Whereas it wasn't a problem when it was the H1N1 virus. Everyone had their shots in no time then. I guess though that wasn't as lethal and actually, would've had a detrimental effect on the pharmaceutical industries if they didn't get as many people inoculated against H1N1 as they were able to, because then everyone who contracted H1N1 would've been automatically immune to all flues and colds coming along afterwards - thereby drastically cutting back on flu & cold medicine sales. 
So that's why they were able to figure it out and implement it in a flying hurry, but can't seem to figure stuff out this time around, because the longer it takes them to figure it out the more "useless eaters" get exterminated.  That's what it feels like to me. 
Too bad one of those "useless eaters" doesn't turn out to be bozo brains mother, Ms. Piggy or one of their spawn, or Haggydodo's kin, or Tam, the genocidal witch doctor's kin (though I don't think that would make a difference in her case, as I don't think she'd care anyhow - heartless beitche that she is). 
I mean it's only after Ms. Piggy and Mommy Dearest both returned from the UK in the spring with the virus themselves that bozo brains started taking it seriously - before that he was standing at the border welcoming it with open arms and kisses on both cheeks, because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings (namely the Chinese people's feelings - as if they give a flying F about us or our feelings). He wasn't worried about our feelings (you know his taxpaying voters) if we were to get sick with it or have a loved one die from it. That didn't seem to bother him one little bit. He was more concerned about hurting the feelings of some Chinese people than he was about the health and wellbeing of Canadians. Tells you what kind of short sighted ignorant ash hole we have for a PM here in Canada, doesn't it?
Just a short recap of what actually happened here in Canada to wake the morons at the helm up a bit and stop being so hospitable to virus carriers by letting them in and letting them "voluntarily self quarantine" - in other words let them in and let them traipse around the country as they pleased, because you can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as one of those who promised to voluntarily self quarantine ran out of an essential item like toilet paper, they were off to the store to get some, or if loss of their job was a threat they went to work, or failing a semester because of it, they went to school guaranteed. You know it, I know it and the offenders knows it too. 
I mean look at the woman on the south shore of Montreal who was told to self-quarantine, but instead of staying home and staying put she managed to ride all over Montreal on buses a few times in a week. Yeah like that helped a lot. Helped spread it hither and yon a lot, that is. So if one woman did that (and got caught) how many others do you think did that but didn't get caught then and even now? And we wonder what's going on and why..... 
So much for the quarantine methods of the past - which actually helped quell rampant disease outbreaks so they didn't become pandemics. But hey we can't use those methods because someone's civil liberties might be infringed upon - so instead we'll infringe on everyone's civil liberties equally by imposing province wide or country wide lockdowns, which aren't working because they're only half ashed, when the only sectors shut down are retail, & hospitality/entertainment, while everything else is open & working.

So now, on with the bleak reality of it here at the start of 2021.....
Despite pandemic, Montreal's real estate market had a record year I believe it, considering we don't live in Montreal and we've had 2 people wanting to buy our property in the last couple of months,  even though it's not for sale yet at least. But as our son suggested we could make a killing on it maybe if we put it for sale but for some outrageous price we want for it and if we don't get it, we don't sell. Given the amount of interest shown in it, in the last couple of months we might just do that. 
Travellers to Canada will require proof of negative COVID-19 test This should've been required since the beginning of the plandemic and not near the end of it. 

And I bet they'll have all 1.5 billion people inoculated before Canada even gets a half a million of our citizens inoculated. 

That's one way to get that long overdue disclosure going..... Now that, that bill has been signed into  law by Trump, I guess they'll have to comply.
Les premiers vaccins sont arrivΓ©s en MontΓ©rΓ©gie Oui mais, it's a long way from Valleyfield and Vaudreuil Soulanges which are part of Monteregie too. When do you think that part of the Monteregie will see some vaccines??????

Trump's $2,000 Checks All But Dead As GOP Senate Refuses Aid Oh but I bet if it were $2,000 a month increases in their salaries they were voting on, it would've been a landslide "yes". They'd have no problems on allowing that for themselves, but for those they've caused to basically become insolvent and maybe even on the verge of destitution, by their laws and shutdowns etc, they can't give them a $2,000 a month helping hand until their plandemic is over with eh? They vote it down and then have the nerve to blame Trump for the people not getting it. What a bunch of lying hypocrites.... Gawd....  

11 Things We Won’t Take For Granted Again In 2021 And Beyond Hmmmm I don't know. Most of the things listed there were not missed let alone taken for granted here. I'd have thought perhaps the journalist would've been a little less shallow person then they are and have listed things that actually matter, like being able to see loved ones you missed seeing and actually spending time with them in person & doing things together. Not taking your parents or grandparents for granted and resolving to spend more quality time with them. Being able to meet new people and make new friends, etc... Not this shallow "oh now we can party and greet each other with a kiss" kind of sheite. I guess if you're a 20 something flake, that's the be all and end all of your existance so probably the only thing you're capable of thinking about or missing.
Quebec changes COVID-19 vaccine strategy, won't hold back doses for booster shots Is that a good idea? Given that we're only getting vaccines delivered a drip at a time? Thanks to bozo brains for his total ineptitude at doing this.....

I bet they're gouging the governments on the cost of the vaccines though. 

Well at least some Canadians somewhere can enjoy a nice meal out with a loved one. Though being from NS, there's not all that many restaurants in most of the province, they're only really in towns and the two larger cities of Dartmouth & Halifax. Most of the rest of the province is rural consisting of fishing villages and well they may have a clam shack or snackbar, not many are going to have full blown restaurants to go to anyhow.

The variant isn't that new - it's been around since mid-September in the UK and probably since October here in Canada & the US - which probably accounts for the soaring case numbers even though certain places like here in Quebec we've been under a lockdown since the beginning of October.



Alberta municipal affairs minister took Hawaii vacation, sources say If they can flout the laws with impunity, why can't the rest of us? After all, THEY WORK FOR US! So if we're their bosses, we should be the ones flouting the laws with impunity while they pay hefty prices for doing so. 

It's not limited. What's limited is your intelligence. There's nothing wrong with re-examinating past tests to see if they show signs of that variant in them and I'd hazard a pretty good guess and say they do.  

I'm sure we're all hoping for that end.
The Mutated Virus Is a Ticking Time Bomb Probably not any more so now, than when it probably first arrived in October.

What Canada will learn & forget is the whole damned thing, just like they did with the H1N1 roll out. After that was done with, they promptly forgot everything about it. Like some kind of mass amnesia amongst the medical community.

For school at least that will probably be a good thing.
Covid camps? Put disease ‘carriers’ in DETENTION CENTERS, proposed New York law suggests  Well at one time they had sanatoriums for TB patients. When my mother was a young girl she spent 6 months in one, where she wasn't even allowed to see members of her own family - they weren't allowed to visit her.  Most people didn't have telephones at home then either, so calling on the phone was out of the question and forget things like iPads and laptops, they were merely a sci fi fantasy back then. The only means of communication she had with them was through handwritten letters. My mother was never a big letter writer either, so that basically limited that. So there's nothing wrong with this idea if they change the name from COVID Camp to something more palatable - considering that has a connotation of a death camp rather than a place of healing.


Federal officials shut down single-dose Moderna vaccine proposal Well if the manufacturer says you need 2 doses for it to be fully effective, then generally you need 2 doses of it. So whatever made the bozos in power think otherwise anyhow?


Once upon a time, teachers and students got inoculated at the same time in the school gym or auditorium. 
Vatican City plans swift COVID-19 vaccination drive for residents Everyone, everywhere is planning a swift vaccination drive except for here in Canada. Canada plans to take an entire year to vaccinate 35 million people, rather than the 3-4 months that they managed to get it done in, when it was H1N1 circulating. At the rate Canada wants to move at, India would need 2 decades to inoculate their entire population.

Vaccine rollout picks up speed in First Nations across Canada So you mean instead of inoculating 2 natives like you did yesterday you managed to inoculate 3 of them today? At that rate you'll be finished in the year 9,999 December 31.



How Israel got vaccines to 9% of its population in less than 2 weeks - far more than any other country That would be equivalent to Canada vaccinating roughly 3.5 million of us in less than 2 weeks. We can't seem to even get 35,000 of us vaccinated in that time frame. Talk about pathetic....



When they so readily flout their own laws like that, you have to wonder how serious this plandemic really is. Because you would think the politicians would know better than anyone else the situation in their own jurisdictions and the numbers associated with it. So if it's as dangerous as they say it is, why are the politicians willing to risk not only their own lives but also those of their families like they're doing when they flout those laws? So if it's as dangerous as they say it is, they should be terrified into staying home, but since they don't you have to question it and figure that those numbers are just meant to keep us in line, but they know the real numbers which aren't quite so bad as the ones released publicly. 
'Sky is the limit:' Pilot project using drones to send medical supplies, COVID tests Oh goody for them. They got their toys to work in order to inoculate a couple of people, but what about the rest of us? You know the few million south of there that needs to be vaccinated too!?!

So did pretty much the rest of us across this country with an exception or two here or there.

Another self-entitled nitwit that thinks the laws are only for the rest of us. 
Two more UCP MLAs returning to Alberta from trips abroad So obviously this plandemic is nowheres near as bad as they'd have us to believe with all their draconian lockdown laws, when they can so blithely flout them without care nor consequence. Not even the care or consequence of them contracting the virus and either dying from it themselves or possibly a family member of theirs. So like I said I wonder just how bad it really is. If they're not overblowing it on purpose in order to scare us into compliance but the pigs at the taxpayers troughs know the real truths and thus the real numbers and know it's not nearly half as bad as they're letting on that it is. That's what I'm starting to think.


Canadians’ hopes, fears and resolutions as 2021 begins  My hope is that I'll soon be able to post the last post in this blog, my fear is that I won't be able to this year and my resolution is just to enjoy life as much as possible.

No sheite sherlocke, I think we could more or less ascertain that for ourselves when we were told that it was more contagious - more contagious means it's spreads more and faster. Um duhhhh....

Canadian scientists work to track new coronavirus variant Good luck with that one.... You'll have to figure out a way to backtrack it to October because it's been here since then.

Because this country's medical authorities are nothing but airheads, imbeciles and genocidal witches. That's why.
U.S. millions of doses behind COVID-19 vaccine targets Guess they're taking lessons from the clueless buffoons that are in charge of Canada's vaccinations.

Yet ANOTHER CASE of authorities flouting the laws, as per this quote from the article: The police did not have their masks, or at least most of them. Either they wore it wrong or they just weren’t, says the resident of Gatineau.  --- Followed by this quote: Arriving with a bang on the scene, these reinforcements did not have time to put on their masks, reports communications manager Mariane Leduc. --------- Um so they don't have to wear their masks in the cars when driving together? So those 2 cops in the cop cars live together in the same house then? I mean we know there's not 2 meters distance between the driver and the passenger cops in the cars, so shouldn't they be wearing their masks before they even get in the squad cars together????? Or are those laws only for the rest of us, to give those lamebrained power trippers someone to ticket as there aren't many drivers left on the roads due to the lockdowns now? Is that it? If not then other cops seeing that should issue them hefty tickets for breaking the plandemic laws as well!!!!!! I'm so sick and tired of this culture of do as I say but not as I do, otherwise I'll gouge the eyes out of your heads in fines if you don't, BS. I think all these clowns behaving like that, should have their eyes gouged out of their heads for real. Have that happen to a few of these high and mighty politician & cop, BS flouting ash holes and the rest of them would smarten up and fly right.
Quebec shoppers and retailers frustrated and confused about what is an 'essential product'  What's essential to one, may not be to another. And what might seem like it shouldn't be essential to anyone might be under various circumstances. Like say a pair of winter boots because the ones you have got  a broken zipper or maybe a part of the sole missing letting cold water and snow inside, because most people by now would have their boots for the winter. Or you suddenly find out you need to be hospitalized and can't find any decent pjs, housecoat, nor undies either for that matter and need some before you can get admitted. There's all sorts of things that could be a necessity to someone but not necessarily to everyone, depending on situations. That's why I don't like that stupid law. 


That's putting it mildly. 
Plane crash deaths rise in 2020 despite Covid pandemic I thought we were all supposed to be staying home and not travelling! If we did, there wouldn't have been as many plane crash deaths as that.

Maybe you can find some helpful advice in this article. 
Why the pandemic is causing spikes in break-ups and divorces  Well my mother always said there's what she called a "7 year itch", that generally on the 7th year and again at each multiple of 7 years, like 14, 21, 28, etc... you experience the "7 year itch" where no matter what your partner says or does it just irritates the hell out of you and you wish you could be anywhere except where they are. So if the plandemic occurred on the 7 year multiple of a couple's marriage that probably didn't help things at all. But I've found in my own marriage that we do go through rough patches every now and then and while I can only say that maybe out of the 45 years we've been together, those rough patches might've occurred on 2 of the 7 year multiples, the other rough patches were at random. But generally speaking in our case anyhow, the rough patches didn't last a whole year, maybe a few months tops and that was it, they resolved themselves (actually we resolved our issues ourselves). 

And here in Canada too! Like I said since I found out it started in the UK in mid September and since all the lockdowns and other measures meant to slow the spread didn't seem to be working at all. 
New coronavirus spread swiftly around world from late 2019, study finds As did the other original virus, only no one will admit that because to do so would be putting the WHO at fault for not alerting us sooner. Which they should've done while it was STILL JUST AN EPIDEMIC IN WUHAN.

I don't know if you can blame the virus for all your violence, because if the virus is to blame for your violence, why didn't we see that everywhere? 

Who needs to be furious here in order for the vaccinations to rollout faster? Doesn't seem like there's any adults in charge of our vaccination campaign.
Local food pantry feels impact after federal food program abruptly ends This is just sad and doesn't bode well for the year ahead either.


Fauci not in favor of expanding gap between COVID-19 vaccine doses

 The US is not prepared for the next phase of COVID-19 vaccinations  You sure they were prepared for the 1st phase because all the headlines I've seen up until now wouldn't suggest that. Quite the contrary if you ask me.

Ontario reports record COVID-19 cases as more politicians cop to foreign travel

And yet more politicians flouting their own laws..... Why would anyone seeing all these flouters do that and get away with it, think they couldn't do it too and why should they obey the laws if those clowns don't have to? I certainly don't think they're any more above the law than I am, so therefore I should be able to flout the laws and get away with it too. 

Scores of people protest conditions at Tendercare after 60 deaths due to COVID-19 

Care residents, health-care workers receive first doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on Siksika Nation 

Australia's COVID-19 cases on the rise as masks made compulsory 

More Canadian politicians caught ignoring COVID-19 recommendations Annndddd on it goes..... 

$1,000 Federal Sickness Benefit Can Be Used To Quarantine After Non-Essential Travel

Yeah sure, give the rich who can afford non essential travel, even more money that they don't deserve. Meanwhile we have thousands of homeless rotting in gutters because they can't afford a place to live, seniors getting kicked out of places because they can no longer afford their rents, the working poor struggling to put food in their mouths and a roof over their heads at the same time.... But yeah, it's obvious these rich SOBs needs the money way more than any of those people do, so give it to them and continue ignoring the most needy in this country like you've been doing since 1867!

Feds weigh cutting COVID-19 benefit for travellers as Canada surpasses 600,000 cases You should do more than just weigh it there bozos, try doing something about it. Maybe pass the savings on to the groups I mentionned above - they actually need it, more than those who can afford to travel for non-essential purposes do.

Pandemic inactivity causing rise in injuries, say Alberta practitioners

N.L. sees active cases drop to single digits as no new cases reported Sunday That's excellent news! Now let's hope it stays like that!

COVID-19 shows the cracks in public education – here’s how to repair them

India OKs AstraZeneca and locally made COVID-19 vaccines 

Aide Γ  la quarantaine : Ottawa entend rΓ©examiner la question

Coronavirus: Which European country is fastest at rolling out the vaccine? 

Until my next post, take care & stay safe....