Showing posts with label passports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passports. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2022

It's TIME that this Obstinate Wanna-be Dictator Mr. Dressup WAS DEPOSED, and THROWN IN JAIL. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, With the Draconian Measures Used in the Name of Fighting....

 Covid 19


A picture chosen to show my support for the truckers, who are standing up for all of us across Canada against the tyranny & dictatorship being carried out in the Capital of Criminals, Terrorists & Tyrannical  Despots Club House Shown Below: 

Courtesy Wikimedia

Feb 11, 2022

Speaking of which one of the head hypocrites in this whole gov't fiasco, the ONE & ONLY ONE WHO HAS ALLOWED THE WANNA BE DICTATOR DESPOT TO REMAIN IN POWER THIS LONG, Jagmeet Singh leader of the NDP Party (the one who has been propping up this minority dictatorship gov't with his party's support) had this to say tonight about what's happening in parliament in this video: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh "I'VE HAD ENOUGH" - Exposes 💩Justin Trudeau 💩*BREAKING NEWS***  That "he's had enough". Well hello shit for brains, I swear if you had one brain cell under that turban of yours and a modicum of a vertebra in your back, you might actually have the intellect and courage to take that moron despot on, but since you're just another one of his sycophants propping that despot up, why should we believe that you've actually had enough???? Considering that IF YOU DID, IT'S IN YOUR POWER & YOUR POWER ALONE TO DEPOSE HIM BY GOING AGAINST HIS POLICIES AND NOT VOTING FOR THEM!!!!!! Um f'n duh..... I swear like I've said many many times before, in order to be a politician in Canada, you have to be a brainless wonder. I think omoebas have more braincells in one of  their bodies than most Canadian politicians could muster as a collective!
And one video for ALL CANADIAN NEWS MEDIA OUT THERE!!!!! TO SHOW WHAT KIND OF HYPOCRITICAL BS LIES YOU'VE BEEN SPEWING! TALK ABOUT FAKE NEWS!!!!!  Tucker: Crumbling regimes always resort to this He shows up the Canadian journalists for what they are. Liars and self interested botox using ass holes. It's freaking hilarious. But it is also sad, because it's the story of how the Canadian press is covering the  truckers convoy and the bull crap they're feeding us as a steady news diet.  That's why I implore those who have the ability (as in means - like internet for example or American cable channels) to balance your news intake by getting it from a variety of sources. If they all agree in tone and coverage then maybe what the Canadian media are saying is indeed the truth but if there's large variations between what the Cdn media is saying about Cdn affairs and foreign media are saying about them, take the Cdn media's version with a grain of salt and put more credence in the foreign media's version. Because as I'm demonstrating here in this message, the truth of what the foreign media is saying using video and news stories from around the globe.
Now here's a current LIVE video being shot there tonight backing up the bouncy castle comments made by Carlson Tucker in the US news media (something our news media never even mentions let alone covers): 🔴LIVE Ottawa - RAW Footage: Freedom Convoy 2022 Day 14 - Parliament Hill - Thursday February 10 pt2  Party still going on the guy says in the video.... AS I WRITE THIS IT'S NOT EVEN 9PM YET and that video was finished being recorded when I went back to get the URL of it just now. 
Okay, so that gives you an idea of the lies and hypocrisy going on here in Canada at the moment. Most of the lies are coming from the politicians and the CANADIAN MEDIA which when juxtaposed with the media from other parts of the world, covering this protest, makes you wonder which protest the Canadian media are covering. Whether it's the same one or a different one. I know I was in shock to hear Maya Johnson (I think that's her name) the anchorwoman for Montreal News at 5 on CTV, call the protesters criminals and terrorists and when I heard that I screamed at the TV that it was her and her colleagues that were criminals and terrorists along with the politicians. 
I seriously can't understand what's wrong with those talking head idiots. Do they not realize that those truckers are there protesting for ALL OF OUR RIGHTS INCLUDING THEIRS?????? Or are they that brainwashed by the $600 million that shit for brains gave them to "report favourably for him"????? Seems like it. 
In other words we Canadians are being LIED TO OVER & OVER & OVER AGAIN BY EVERYONE WE LOOK TO NOT ONLY INFORM US OF WHAT'S GOING ON BUT TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS (THAT BEING BOTH THE MEDIA & THE GOV'T)!!!!!!! But they're the ones building those cages around us as I speak. So that eventually we won't be allowed to breath without their permission, nevermind, move. Moving even a single limb will be a luxury reserved for the rich who can bribe them to look the other way and ignore the movement, if this keeps up and we don't stop them now, while we still can. That's WHY IT'S IMPERATIVE THAT WE SUPPORT THE TRUCKER CONVOY!!!!!!!   
I remember back in the beginning of 2020 when I first proposed the "passport" in a public forum, it was because I and others that I knew including other members of my family thought we had the virus already when they first started talking about masks and lockdowns and confinements etc.... I was thinking that we should be allowed to be checked for antibodies and if we had them already be given a pass of some sort to live a normal life. But even though they had tests for antibodies we weren't allowed to get any. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why. It just seemed to be plain idiocy and obstinance to not allow someone to be tested for antibodies against the virus - considering at the time there was no vaccine and those people who had antibodies might've been tapped to donate blood so that their blood could be used to produce an antigen against the virus for the severely ill - like Redemsevir is supposed to be. And as they would have antibodies in their system they would basically be immune to the virus and should be allowed to carry on with their lives as usual sans masks & other BS. Now I know why they didn't want to allow us that privilege, because then they wouldn't have a reason to FORCE EVERYONE  TO BE VACCINATED WITH mRNA vaccines that were not previously tested (any kind of mRNA vaccine - whether that was for chickenpox, measles or Covid19) and those passports wouldn't have been able to be used as a bribe in order to get people to get those vaccines. Now the fact that they don't want to drop those passports but instead are extending their use to cover every type of business except grocery stores and pharmacies, makes me think it's not just for vaccine purposes anymore but more for tracking us instead. That's why I refuse to go anywhere where one is needed, even though we both have one. Period end of story.  THOSE PASSPORTS NEED TO BE ABOLISHED NOW!!!!! ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER MEASURES PUT IN PLACE TO DENY US OUR RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! 

There are several other videos and news stories just since I posted a couple of days ago that I want to get to, but first I want to point out the hypocrisy of the gov'ts  decrying the forced shutdowns of various businesses due to the trucker convoys and protests going on across the country now. How come you moronic hypocritical lying 2 faced despotic scum bags didn't give two flying Fs about the businesses you shut down FOR MONTHS ON END????? Oh and to address the BS I heard come out of Jagmeet Singh's mouth in a video I watched earlier, in regards to the poor (oh boohoo sob) businesses in Ottawa that have been forced to close for a couple of weeks while the trucker convoy has immobilized the city (which is good, I'm glad), where he said "they at least had take out and home delivery so they weren't completely shut down like they are now". Oh yeah???? Really???? The NON ESSENTIAL STORES had home delivery and take out eh? Not every store has an online site! The gyms had take out and home delivery too eh? Wow.... Must be some kind of gym. Not to mention the bars, home delivery and take out too, is that the LCBO by any chance that you're referring to there buddy? And the hair salons and spas also had take out and home delivery too, I suppose???? Rightttttt you're so full of shit we could probably give you an enema and bury you in a matchbox. So this is totally cherry picked BS you're spewing - which are total lies. Gawd until tonight when I saw both of those videos of yours that one and the one linked above, I had a much, much, much higher opinion of you than I do now. Now it'll take me the rest of my natural life to trust another NDP leader again, seeing as  how they too, lie worse than freaking rugs for the most part, as demonstrated in both of those videos! 
So you know what!?! I have ZERO SYMPATHY FOR THOSE BUSINESSES CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS PROTEST! The ONLY sympathy I have for them is because they're being used and abused at the politicians whims in Ottawa. That's all! When it's convenient to have them shutdown, the politicians don't give a rat's ass about how many or who are being hurt economically by such measures. They only seem to care when it's people protesting their BS, that's causing these very same businesses to be hurt, but ONLY BECAUSE IT SERVES THEIR PURPOSE TO TRY TO GARNER SUPPORT FROM THE PUBLIC TO END THE PROTESTS. 
Otherwise if the protests weren't against them and their measures and instead were against a school or a particular company, so long as it wasn't a crown corporation or "vital to the country", they wouldn't give two flying Fs about it. It would be up to those being hurt by the protests to do something about it to have them stopped. 
Looking at the latest headlines it seems we don't only have the Canadian gov't against the trucker convoy, but now the US gov't is "offering to help the Cdn gov't get rid of the convoy" at least on the US Canada border in Michigan & Ontario. Because OMG the economy is being hurt. Neither of those ass holes at the helm in both countries - the scarecrow stickman (he looks exactly like the Wizard of Oz Scarecrow) Joe Biden and Mr. Dressup in Ottawa want to recognize the hurt THEY THEMSELVES INFLICTED ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE & ECONOMIES WITH LOCKDOWNS. But OMG the truckers tie the border up for a day or two and that's it, it's the end of the world as both dictators know it. I think Joe Scarecrow Biden ought to mind his own f'n business and sit down and shut the f up and leave CANADA ALONE!  That's what I think.  
And I hope and I hope and I hope some more that the US idiot bowl football game IS BLOCKADED BY TRUCKERS THIS WEEKEND! The Oscars too! It would serve the moron in power right if it is and all the whiners and cry babies with tickets to both in the US complained to him about it. What could he do about it anyhow? They have a right to protest in the US too. So what call in the National Guard or perhaps the FBI to do some sniper practice at big rigs tires and radiators or what? I mean seriously what can lamebrained scarecrow man do about it if they do decide to blockade those two events????? Which I hope they do!
As this situation has become super dynamic, with circumstances and "laws" surrounding this whole plandemic BS in Canada, changing  almost on a  minute by minute  basis, it's become super hard to stay on top of it all. That's why I haven't posted in a couple of days now, because I am no where near finished gathering the stories, let alone having had time to read/listen to them all. So I am just going to do the best I can at the moment and get out the most up-to-date and relevant headlines for now and then work on the backlog of headlines of lesser importance in future updates. 

So I will start with the absolute most recent headlines regarding this major protest - the only one of it's magnitude that this Canadian senior citizen can remember occurring in her lifetime. Most protests are minor and very short lived in comparison to this one. I am very heartened to see all the copycat protests taking place all over the globe now. I hope the governments get the message that we the people have had it up over our heads with this shit and it's time to end it now before we end them. I mean hey if they want to talk insurrection, then maybe we should give them insurrection since we the people are being accused of it anyhow. If we're being accused of it, then maybe we should show them what a real insurrection is.  Just saying.....

I mean even a Canadian army Major Stephen Cheldowski had this to say - I am posting the first link I ran into of his here:  Freedom Convoy - Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski  - just what he says here that hasn't been censored by YouTube, is enough to have him court martialed for sedition and treason - I am sure and I figured he had guts to say and post that online, as I'm sure he's well aware of the possible consequences he faces as a result of it. So imagine, the gravity of the situation when a career army major comes out and says what he did publically - not just to a few in a mess hall or in his livingroom, but for the entire world to see and hear, by posting it online, for anyone with access to YouTube to see & hear across the globe. I was blown away just by this video here. But then I was left wondering what the F YouTube censored here, so I went searching to see if I could find the full uncensored video, which I found here: A true hero CANADIAN ARMY MAJOR STEPHEN CHLEDOWSKI breaks rank and speaks the truth The only reason I think he may have risked his career and freedom is because he is fairly certain he can and get away with it. That he may have a large portion of his "brothers-in-arms" backing, who believe as he believes that they joined the military to protect their families and communities and that the only way now to protect them is to protect them from the tyranny of the gov't.  And I hope and pray that he does indeed have a large segment of the military behind him.  And I hope they step up to the plate and do their job to protect us from the tyrants in power. Since Mr. Singh (the only other MP in Parliament who could bring shit face down) is about as useless as tits on a bull - to quote some rather raunchy ranchers, so we can't rely on that lump of shit wrapped in a turban as he's just another chicken shit in a suit. 

So of course because Major Stephen Cheldowski said what he said, I was of course expecting this to be hot on the heels of the release of his video (which YouTube might acquiesce into removing - even without a court order to do so, just because they enjoy pandering to the tyrants in charge) and I was right. So without further ado here is the follow-up I was expecting with more to follow, I am sure (assuming his brothers in arms don't give the ass holes at the helm what for and show them who the real bosses are and who has the biggest guns in the country at their command - and here's a clue for the clueless it ain't no suited chicken shit sitting behind a desk in parliament that's for sure). So that being said, this is the story in question on that regard: Military investigates officer who is calling on soldiers to fight government's pandemic "tyranny"   And they are using this paragraph to cite his "hypocrisy":

But his view in the video is in contrast to what he wrote in 2005 for the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. Citizens in a democratic society must see its military to be professional and above partisan politics, Chledowski wrote. “A nation’s military must be politically neutral,” he added in his 2005 article. “It is therefore vital that the military be under the firm control of a responsible, popularly elected civilian democracy.”
But you will note that in the last sentence of that paragraph it says "under the firm control of a responsible, popularly elected civilian democracy". 
ALL of which this government IS NOT. It is NOT responsible, except for allowing the pandemic into the country in the first place and for all their genocidal and draconian policies - that's all this gov't is responsible for because they sure don't behave responsibly. 
I don't think we could ever in a million years accuse someone who resorts to Mr. Dressup's trunk of costumes and wearing black face everytime he wants a disguise, of being responsible. Immature, childish, irresponsible, RACIST, yes, but responsible in a mature adult kind of way, NOPE. 
And democracy???? Really??? Where???? Maybe when he took over from Stephen Harper in 2015,  it was a democracy but now we've descended into an authoritarian police state it looks like from my perspective. 
So NONE OF THOSE CONDITIONS CITED IN HIS 2005 ARTICLE APPLY TO THE CURRENT SITUATION!!!!! Ergo no reason to remain under the firm control of the assholes at the helm now as they are polar opposites of what Major. Cheldowski described in his article. 

So according to that, there would be NO SEDITION OR TREASON IF THE MILITARY WENT IN THERE AND HAULED THE LITTLE PUKE TRUDEAU, OUT BY HIS GONADS & HUNG HIM OUT TO DRY IN THE BRIG FOR THE NEXT 20-30 YEARS FOR TREASON!!!!!! I rather that idea, I think. So long as the military doesn't pull a Junta act on us unwitting Cdns and impose themselves as the gov't. IF they haul the puke out and try him for treason, crimes against humanity and genocide and find  him guilty (which he is) and lock him up and throw away the key and then ask the GG to call an election so we could vote for new leaders, I'm up for that. 

So I seriously hope this Major's video plea didn't fall on deaf ears out there in the military and police communities. 
But here in QC, I know the cops love the feeling in their kahunas for the new gestapo powers they keep getting issued by gestapo barbie, so the QC gestapo aren't likely to follow his pleas, but I hope the rest of the police forces across the country do. But I do hope that Legault et. al. got the piss scared out of them by the trucker rally last weekend and the ones coming up again, so that they too rethink their draconian gestapo measures, and drop them ALL. Or have the Cdn military go into QC City and clean up those wanna-be dictators too. I doubt your QC gestapo forces could go up against the Cdn military and win. The truckers might be the least of your problems if you don't watch out. I hope if you don't learn, that that is precisely the case too.
The one thing though that both of us (my husband and I) are wondering is where is this wonderful Queen of Canada who is tasked with UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION??????? How come she's blithely ignored the fact that Canadians' constitutional rights have been violated and trodden on by the tyrants in power for the last 2 years and has NOT UPHELD OUR CONSTITUTION EVEN THOUGH SHE WANTS TO CALL HERSELF "QUEEN OF CANADA"?????? How can you call yourself a Queen of anything if all you do is ignore them????? And for that you want our allegiance and a portion of the collected taxes????? Why???? Why do you deserve anything, much less to call yourself Queen of our country when all you do is ignore the plight of the citizens who are having their constitutional rights trampled by the very people elected to serve the people and protect those rights? Don't those dickheads in parliament swear an allegiance both to you and to protect and honour our constitution, when they're sworn into office? If so, doesn't it strike you in the least that they've basically violated their oaths of office and should be thrown out????? Anyhow, because you've done nothing to protect our Constitutional Rights as you pledged to do as Queen of whatever realm you decide to be Queen of, we no longer recognize you nor your offspring at all. You've failed us miserably, and so we figure you have no right to be our sovereign head, at all. 
Trudeau warns of 'severe consequences' for anti-vaccine mandate protesters who don't stand down I hope and I pray that Major Cheldowski has some clout behind him and FORCES YOU TO STAND DOWN. It's time YOU LISTENED TO THE PEOPLE! NOT JUST THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY & THOSE YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO, BUT ALL OF US!!!!!!!

Opportunity to end convoy protest peacefully is slipping away, experts say Oh, I'm afraid you've probably got that right, especially when you consider what he said in the article above. Which is his latest stance on it. I hope the convoy shows him who's standing their ground and who's standing down once and for all. I'm pretty sure that many big rigs can do LOTS & LOTS OF DAMAGE TO ALL SORTS OF THINGS IF THEY WANTED TO. And if the little prick keeps it up, they may want to pretty damned soon and if they did, I wouldn't blame them. Now if Major Cheldowski gets in there with a few tanks to help them out a bit, those barricades don't stand a chance.

Frank Stronach: Canada's truckers remind us why freedom is worth fighting for  Now this is the guy who owns or owned (think his kid/s now own it and he's retired) Magna Auto Parts - which makes auto parts for the auto manufacturers. So you've got to love the irony, where he says the truckers remind us why freedom is worth fighting for when the automotive sector is the one trying to shut the protests down, by crying to Biden and Bozobrains about it.  So imagine....

Conrad Black: Trudeau's wretched smear-job of truckers highlights sorry state of Canadian leadership Full disclosure here.... I have a personal grudge against Conrad Black for past wrongs against me and others I was associated with. But despite that I have to say I agree 100% with this assessment of his. 

Trucker protests: ‘Unlawful activity from spitting on side walk to hate crimes’ will be strictly enforced, Ottawa police say  Ahhh you've got to love this... Spitting on the sidewalk is now related to being a protester and "hate crimes" well if that's the case go arrest the asshole at the helm, as he's guilty of 3 hate crimes (wearing black face in public  at least 3 times that we voters know about). And as for the poor spitter.... I guess they'll be the scapegoats for the truckers because obviously the Ottawa cops are too scared to contend with them, unless they're little old shrivelled up men who's less than half the size of one of the 2 cops manhandling him away from his vehicle. Someone should bring in a few truckloads of lamas, camels and other animals that like spitting and let them loose in the city. The cops ought to be in their glory then, then they'll have plenty of spitters to chase around. When they finish chasing all the empty jerry cans around all over the place. hehehehe...... Who knows with any luck, maybe a few of those animals will spit in their eyes! 

Elton John's farewell tour to skip Canada next month over COVID-19 restrictions See? Even he protests our restrictions!!!!!! Maybe he should do a protest song about them - considering his husband is Canadian and so by extension so is he! So he has as much right to protest the restrictions as the rest of us do and if he were to write a protest song against such restrictions that lives on in the music record - it won't soon be forgotten.

Quebec unveils new isolation guidelines for those who caught COVID-19 in 5th wave So I guess spreading it to others is of no more consequence then. Well considering that even fully vaccinated and boosted people are spreading it to others (even though they show no symptoms of having it themselves) I guess there's no big difference there. Now if they would just clue in and realize that, and remove the vaccine passport BS because being vaccinated against the virus doesn't protect anyone - not the vaccinated themselves, nor others. So what's the point first of the vaccine and second of the passport? 

Canada and US warn COVID truck protests risk serious economic damage Anddddd months long lockdowns on both sides of the border had no serious economic damage????? Is that what you braindead morons are trying to infer here? Is it???? Because I'd argue that with you for sure and I'm pretty sure all the data and facts would support my side over yours anyday and everyday.

Pfizer postpones FDA request for Covid vaccine for kids under 5 Of course because the greedy guts company wants to make little kids take 3 doses rather than 2 to provide "full" immunity. It's just pure greed that motivates this company, that's all. 

Trucker protests in Canada starts to hurt food supply for independent grocers   That's why Canada has to become as self-sufficient as possible. Growing most if not all of our own food here in our own country. Now that we have the means with greenhouses, hydroponics, backyard & even balcony & rooftop gardens, there's no reason why we can't feed ourselves year around. Okay, so we won't have mangos, pineapples, avocados and dragonfruit or even bananas probably ever on account of that, but hey our ancestors had a lot more restrictive diet than that, considering most of them lived on whatever they could forage and grow themselves and they got by. Granted I know city dwellers aren't going to be able to forage for much beyond dandelions (you'd be amazed what you can make with dandelions) and most don't have any yard of their own, but nearly everyone has a window with a windowsill, a hallway, maybe a balcony or a rooftop where they can grow things. It may not be enough to feed a single person let alone a family, but it will help defray some of the costs of food, whatever little bit you do manage to grow on your own.


Ottawa close to removing pre-arrival COVID-19 test for fully vaccinated Canadian travellers: sources Euuuuu big whoopdie doo! Something that should've never been implemented in the first place, they're removing.... Big whoopie! 

46% of Canadians sympathize with trucker convoy, but many disagree with their tactics: poll Well it's an IPOS poll - the pollsters that the Lieberals and NDP parties use when they want to get the results with a bias towards their agendas. So of course that means if only 46% are for them, then obviously 54% are against them. Wondering what other polls that other parties normally use would've said.... Pollsters lie - in order to support their clients - the ones who are paying to have the polls done. That's already been established and I am not sure but there may even be an article or two about such things somewhere in this blog, which you can probably find in the side bar by clicking on "polls" and "fake polls".
How one province is trying to squash a ‘Freedom Convoy’ rally before it begins — and why some ask whether it’s a step too far Police states are us! Canada should change it's national anthem to something like:  True North Oppressed and Policed, Oh Canada, Oh Canada, We Do NOT Want to Stand On Guard For Thee, As We're No Longer Free, Oh Canada, We Do NOT Stand On Guard for Thee.

‘Freedom convoy’ protests: Injunction granted to remove Windsor blockade; Ontario’s state of emergency ‘responsible, and necessary,’ says Trudeau This just in.... I wonder how many actual defense lawyers partake in these court hearings where judges just indiscriminately (so it seems to me) grant the gov'ts their wishes like some kind of genie in a bottle? Just wondering because it seems to me that it's always so dammed easy for the gov't to get judges to go along with the abrogations of all our rights and freedoms without even so much as a rebuttal let alone a refusal. So I think the gov'ts get judges to hear their cases but without anyone representing the opposition present, and so the judges are so happy to grant their requests because they're all hoping for a seat on the Supreme Court of Canada which we all know it's only the PMs that can grant that wish to them. So all the judges will be only too happy to comply with the PMs wishes hoping that the PM will remember them when there's a vacancy in that court where they can remain until they die or leave of their own volition. In other words it's a cushy well paid job for life if they want it, merely for kissing the PMs butt a time or two during the course of their judgeship in lower courts. 

Kelowna naturopathic doctor speaks in favour of vaccine mandate  Doctor!?!? Doctor!?!? 😂😂😂 ROFLMAO OMG.... That journalist really needs to learn the definition between doctor and quack. Seriously. Naturopaths are the idiots that proclaim that if you drink one of those elixirs that contains a micro dot's worth of medication in the whole bottle of VERY EXPENSIVE WATER with that micro drop in it (so as to be so diluted that it's not even detectable via any means whatsoever) that it'll cure everything from Herpes and Migraines to Cancer and you f'n well name it. That shit was sold here in QC in pharmacies until people complained that it was for all intents & purposes tiny bottles of VERY EXPENSIVE WATER that did NOTHING AT ALL, certainly nothing that it claimed to do on the bottle (after being tested extensively) and so was akin to snake oil sales and thus was illegal to sell. So no wonder this snake oil salesman backs the vaccine, because it's basically the same idea. Useless shit in a phial that does SFA. Anyhow please media morons don't insult our intelligence by calling naturopaths doctors, because they couldn't be further from that if they tried. Little kids playing doctor with tictacs and smarties as "pills"  probably have better medicinal abilities than that is. 

Lawyer says Sask. businesses can require proof-of-vaccination past Monday Well I guess if they're private businesses they're free to cater to whoever they wish, so long as no one starts slapping them with discrimination lawsuits, that is.

Anonymous donations to convoy as high as $215,000 concern Canadian MPs hehehehe I'll say. They're probably pissed that no one can donate that much to them for their campaigns. hehehehe.... Jealous, much, I would say.

Manitoba moves to drop vaccine requirements, all COVID-19 restrictions by mid-March Well so far that's Alberta, Sask, and now Man., the 3 prairies, so that's 3 down 10 more to go (if you include the territories as well in the count). 

DHS bulletin warns trucker convoy could disrupt Super Bowl Sunday Good! I f'n hope so! It'll teach Mr. Stickman in Washington to meddle in Canadian politics some more. 


Canadian Judge Gives Green Light to Remove Protesters From Bridge This was before the injunction to remove the blockade came into effect.


‘Misinformation’ Means Whatever the Media Don’t Like, Want Censored As a vivid example of such censorship by YouTube was posted above showing the difference in what YouTube allowed in Major Stephen Cheldowski's posted video and what the original whole video as posted on proves. You can now see a real live example of that for yourselves by viewing those 2 videos. 

Quebec Public Health Isn't Ruling Out The Possibility Of More COVID-19 Vaccine Doses  QC public health can shove their further doses up their asses. Period. I had the 2 I'm having and that's all, I'm having until I die. Period. If I want to modify myself, I'll do things like pierce odd bits and parts of my body, colour every hair on my body a different colour, get some plastic surgery done, maybe some liposuction too, paint every nail a different colour, shave my eyebrows completely off, or do whatever but NOT CONTINUOUSLY MODIFYING MY DNA. Why? What's the point of that anyhow? The Israeli study shows that even the 5th doses DOES NOT WORK. So why do we continue to subject ourselves to potential DNA damage or modification like that? For what? To make us more appetizing to the aliens that are coming for lunch is that why?

Data, tests and transparency: What Quebec needs to live with COVID-19 Except now they've dicked around with us, and our rights and freedoms so much the ONLY TRANSPARENCY I'll believe is when they say ALL MEASURES INCLUDING PASSPORTS & MASKS HAVE BEEN REPEALED. Not just lifted but REPEALED. Lifted means that they can reimpose them anytime they like as the law hasn't been repealed, merely lifted temporarily. Like all the other times the measures were lifted. They were lifted for a half hour or so and then reinstated and sometimes longer with stricter measures. So lifting doesn't do the trick anymore. REPEALING THEM IS ALL THAT COUNTS NOW!

Trudeau calls on all parties to denounce ‘illegal’ trucker occupations, blockades The sad thing about these Trudeau ass kissers is they ALL HOLD THE POWER TO BRING THIS LITTLE PRICK TO HIS KNEES & KICK THEM OUT BY CALLING A NON-CONFIDENCE VOTE & THEY ALL VOTE AGAINST THE DRACONIAN DICTATOR!!!!!!! We don't live in a democracy anymore. We live in a dictatorship propped up by a bunch of chicken shit ass holes in other parties. That's what we have in Ottawa now. NOT ONE OF THOSE PATHETIC SORRY EXCUSES OF EXCREMENT WHO THINK THEY LEAD ANYTHING ARE WORTH VOTING FOR IN THE NEXT ELECTION (IF WE'RE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE ONE). Because I get the feeling those morons in opposition are propping the little prick up and intend to do so forever if it means they can remain in parliament forever and keep collecting their salaries to do nothing but pick their noses and sleep on the back benches, without having to face another election. 

How organizers with police and military expertise may be helping Ottawa convoy protest dig in Good! Now if they could only help depose the little authoritarian prick at the helm that would be even better!

U.S. offers Trudeau government help to end border blockade The only time they want to help us is when it benefits them. When we actually want and need their help, they set up so many conditions and hoops to jump through it's ridiculous if not totally futile. But when we don't want or need their help they're johnny on the spot extending it - actually probably more than just offering it. Probably forcing us to take it. Would be more like it.

'Freedom Convoy' protesters shut down third border crossing as U.S. officials urge Canada to get control of spiraling crisis or what..... They'd send the army in to do it for us? What? Because when they talk like that it's usually got a veiled threat behind it.

US urges Canada to use federal powers to end bridge blockade Yeah why not urge them to quash one more of our guaranteed chartered rights - the right to peaceful protest. Trucks stopped completely or idling on a bridge is about as peaceful a protest as I can imagine. Nothing's moving, can't be any more peaceful than that, I don't think. But hey, yeah let's just abrogate another one of our chartered rights and freedoms as they haven't abrogated enough already over the past 2 years. We've got to go for broke and abrogate as many as we can before this plandemic is over with apparently. Why doesn't the stickman do shit like this in his own f'd up country, eh?????

Pfizer's COVID Product Sales to Top $50 Billion This Year, Investors Want More This is what I've been saying about the probable reason that they keep pushing more and more doses on us - because the shareholders (who probably number in the hundreds among the political classes just here in Canada), want more money - so in order to make more money - more doses have to be sold, so it's in their (as in the shareholding politicians) interests to make their populations have more doses.
Now, I am going to post a slew of video links all to do with this convoy protest and I urge you to watch them all or at least as many as you can, if you wish to be enlightened FULLY as to what's REALLY GOING ON IN OTTAWA AND WHY. You will be inspired, ashamed (if you're Canadian or shocked if you're not), laugh, want to cry or scream in anger among other things, but your emotions will run the gamut if you watch them all, from beginning to end. But some of them will definitely surprise you. That is a guarantee. So get enlightened and enjoy the process: 







Ontario Police Pay Visits to Supporters on Facebook - Freedom Convoy 2022 If you needed actual proof that Canada has devolved into a fascist police state look no further than this video.



Ben Shapiro: This is going to backfire on Trudeau I freaking hope so, but in an authoritarian police state, like we now find ourselves in, probably not unless the cops and army are on the people's side, we people don't stand a snowball's chance in hell, if they're not though.






These aren't in any particular order. Just the manner in which they were bookmarked and retrieved therefrom while posting them here. So you need to look at the publication dates on them to find out where they fall in the chain of events unfolding out there in gestapo land. 
Stay well, take care and watch out for the nazis out there in gestapo land. They may be coming to your door soon, to "inform you of your rights" (I bet it wasn't a copy of the charter of rights and freedoms that cop handed that woman, either). 






Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tired of the Game Playing, Boggle Our Minds With BS and Outright Lies & Hypocrisy About

 Covid 19


August 14, 2021

I know I can be super dense and thick skulled at times, but pulease someone explain this twisted logic BS to me if you can. WHY, oh why do I NEED TO PROVE I'M VACCINATED to get into a place where it's NOT MANDATORY THAT THE EMPLOYEES BE VACCINATED, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THEY CAN STILL INFECT ME EVEN IF I'M VACCINATED AND I CAN GO SPREAD IT AROUND TO OTHERS EVEN THOUGH I AM VACCINATED!!!!!! (Oh and Mr. Dube I know you said you can't regulate that because "everyone has a right to work", well Mr. Health Minister - THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR JOB NO??? Doesn't EVERYONE also have a RIGHT TO LIFE and not to have that jeopardized by others????)  So please explain to me how that makes sense. I need to prove I'm vaccinated in order to go into a place where the workers aren't vaccinated so they can spread the virus to me, so I can leave and spread it to others unbeknownst to me. Great f'n idea, if you ask me ! 
I'm telling you they must spend all their f'n time trying to think up ways to not only kill us but track us while they're doing it. 
And why does it matter to an establishment where the employees aren't vaccinated, whether or not their customers are????? Especially since even the vaccinated customers can still get & spread the virus anyhow!!!! So what's the point of those stupid passports anyhow?????? They're obviously not providing any protection to anyone, not to the bearers of such passports nor to the unvaccinated! Since the unvaccinated are a danger unto themselves - they don't need anyone else putting them at risk, as they're doing it all on their own anyhow and willingly too, I might add. But they're putting the vaccinated at risk of catching it from them and then spreading it around to others (because the vaccinated may not even know they have the virus and might assume rightfully so, that they are immune and thus don't have it).  So what's the BS with that electronic passport anyhow? Other than to perhaps use it for other nefarious agendas, when a paper passport would've done the job to start with! 

Then finding out that Whoops maybe the vaccines the governments preferred and were pushing in the western countries (Pfizer) isn't all that great at protecting anyone from anything after all and as time goes by it's even less great than it was originally. Was that on purpose that the gov'ts pushed that one over Moderna because F faces Gates and Schwab and Fauci were behind that vaccine? Is that why? Just wondering why they spent so much time and effort pushing that one over the others. I know here in QC that if you had any vaccine other than Moderna for your first shot you were allowed to choose what you wanted for your 2nd dose, but if you had Moderna for your 1st shot you had to have it for your 2nd one too. Like as if Moderna was a second class vaccine. Well as it turns out it's top of the vaccine class when it comes to protection (both long term and against the various variants including Delta). So I'm glad I had Moderna, but I'm pissed that some of my closest friends were basically coersed into getting Pfizer by making them think it was the top of the line vaccine as far as what was available, when it turns out it's practically bottom of the line. Maybe Sputnik and the Chinese ones are worse, but I'm sure that Astra Zeneca and J&J's are even better than Pfizers. 

I seriously can't wait for all this BS to shake out in the wash and all those responsible for their parts in creating the virus, letting it loose, maybe modifying it to create variants & letting those loose, using it as an excuse to restrict rights & freedoms, enacting fines and punishments just because people walked a a half inch closer to someone else than they were supposed to, used it as an excuse to gouge the eyeballs out of our heads for everything from lumber, gas, food and anything needing computer chips in them (all electronics, vehicles, appliances, etc...) to forcing us to carry stupid passports that serve no purpose (as I demonstrated above) other than to perhaps track us and keep tabs on our activities, gets found out and gets strung out to dry in public (hopefully by their necks or gonads or maybe both and give a good tug at them from both ends). Because those SOBS needs to rot in hell for all the harm and hardships they've caused people the world over.  

And I am just 10,000% BEYOND TIRED of it now. The more I see of their unadulterated mind boggling BS and games they're trying to play and methods they're trying to use to persuade us to get vaccinated and to carry a tracking device with us (first it was the contact tracing app and now it's this vaccine passport BS when it could've merely been a piece of paper - laminated with an embossed gov't seal and signature over the top like they used to do to prevent forgeries, merely to be seen and acknowledged by the gatekeepers of those establishments like IDs for entering bars, are and not captured with an app on another phone). Now instead they want us to have that stupid QR code on our phone. Well who says no one can forge that huh? They already announced on the news here in Montreal a couple of weeks ago that the QR code was not only hacked by a hacker but read. So what's stopping some unscrupulous nightclub or greasy spoon joint from doing the same and selling the info to the highest bidder online on the dark web???? It's just another way to keep track of us and have our privacy and identities stolen from us as far as I can see, because it's intended use as I demonstrated above is useless as far as that goes. 
And the people who can't seem to see the twisted logic behind this BS, well all I can say is they deserve whatever they get if they're so ready to blithely and blindly do whatever the gov't wants without thinking about any of it and saying "whoa, wait a minute, if I as a vaccinated person have to have a passport to get into this place to protect the other patrons from the virus, WTF doesn't the staff have to, too"?  They're the ones more likely to cough on the other patrons food, or contaminate it or them by their proximity to them and their food than someone who's sitting at another table and doesn't even get anywhere near them, like the staff of that establishment does. So what kind of BS is that anyhow? 
So if they're so gung ho to get onboard the crazy passport gravy train without thinking about it or question, then if they get their whole identities and lives stolen out from under them, then all I can say is, they had it coming. And let the gov't collect more info on them then the gov't should be entitled to and as a result gets audited by the CRS or RQ because they seem to be spending more money then they make, or the cops pick them in their favourite bar that they tend to frequent every Friday night, for some past crime or infraction - like unpaid fines for walking too close to someone during the plandemic. Then they got what they asked for.  Period. End of freaking story.
Now that that's off my chest.... We've had a few visits to see our house and a couple of offers. We gave one a counter offer, but I think they rejected it. That's fine. They were a contractor anyhow and well as the saying goes, if you wanna make money you gotta spend money. So if he thinks we're giving him the place for a song and dance he's got another think coming.  Hope he got the message via our counter offer. 😁 I hate predators and that was one. That's why I said that. 
Like our son said, this is our house, we don't owe anyone anything, it's free and clear so no mortgage to pay on it and we can stay here as long as we want, we don't have to sell it to anyone least of all predatory people like that. But as we're literally the only property for sale with a view on the water in this whole community if that's what someone wants then they'll have to cough up the money for it, because we're not strapped for cash or desperate to sell. We just want to sell to get away from the neighbours from hell.  
He was at it again today throwing his crap all over our lawn, until my husband went out and threw it all back in his yard. hehehehe.... F'n ash hole. Gawd, I'll be so glad to get rid of the arrogant prick who thinks he owns the world because he has a rich & famous relative. Who I surmise is the one that gave him the money to buy the land and build there as the sheite face himself could never afford it on his own, I'm sure of that.

Aside from that I did have an enjoyable afternoon with another neighbour, getting my butt kicked while playing backgammon and crib with her. So there are still some good neighbours in the neighbourhood, regardless of the riffraff next door.

Finally, after all that.... I'll get on with posting some of the headlines accumulated since last time, but it won't be all of them as there's too many. So whenever I feel like doing it again or have the time to, I'll post more, but the way things are going there'll be yet a ton more to post on top of that, so it'll never end. But if we sell the house and move, it will end, because I won't have the time required to look after the blog, hunt down the headlines and post them, on top of the regular stuff, like eat, sleep, shower, sort, pack, clean, do all the necessary work to move (like the legal stuff, informing various entities that we're moving and to stop supplying their services to this address under our names etc., figuring out how we're going to get our stuff from here to wherever we move to, once there unpacking and putting it away etc...). That may be as long as 3-4 months (as we have 90 days after we accept the offer before closing the deal and moving), so by then I'll be so far behind in the headlines on this BS, that I'd never catch up to it again, so I'd just quit, or only resume from the point in time where I picked the blog up again. So say we got settled in and I could resume posting headlines in January 2022 (and I know this BS will still be going on then) then I would only start with the current headlines of that time and not all those that came out between the time I stopped and resumed.  That's IF I resume. I may not, because I want to get a place where I have room for my crafts and things I like to do besides surf the net and blog. If that's the case, I won't be spending much time on the net at all and more time making and doing things I enjoy doing. So that was a heads up to anyone who cares....
Sharon Stone threatened with job loss after insisting on vaccinated set This is another disease protected by law like HIV was, it seems. What the F is the matter with making getting this vaccine mandatory anyhow? 
It's a good thing the mindset of today didn't exist back when we had to get our smallpox vaccinations, or it'd still be around today. I still have my scar on my upper left shoulder from that vaccination. Faded somewhat but still discernible. 
Now imagine if my mother protested that shot along with almost all the other mothers of the time, how many of you snowflakes do you think would be alive today? I bet over half of you wouldn't be here, either because your parents weren't here because their parents died of it before they were born, or they died of it themselves before you were born or you yourself died from it, because they had the same mindset as you and didn't get you vaccinated against it. 
I'm sorry but some diseases if you want to stamp them out and rid humanity of them, you need to have EVERYONE VACCINATED AGAINST IT in order for that to happen, or it'll just keep going around in one form/variant or another until the end of freaking time. Look at how many millenia the smallpox virus survived until we started vaccinating people against it, it wiped out large portions of the population. 
You can ask the Native Americans and Canadians about that fact if you don't believe me. They can tell you about the Hudson's Bay blankets that were smeared with smallpox fluid allowed to dry and then traded to them for their goods and services at the trading posts, which pretty much decimated their entire populations. 
So yeah, let this virus keep on spreading, replicating into new variants and spread some more. Why enact a law against it? Afraid of some pansy ashed snowflake getting in your faces about "abrogation of their rights"????? Well if that's the case, why the F weren't you worried about them doing that over all the draconian BS abrogations you've done since the start of this plandemic? It didn't bother you then, so why should it bother you now, eh jackash lying gov'ts of the world!?! 
Does anyone see the hypocrisy and BS in this? They aren't worried about abrogating your right to see your mother or walk behind someone else by a 5 foot instead of 6 foot distance, but they're worried about abrogating your right to decide whether you want the vaccine or not????? I mean com'on folks.... 
It's just sheer hypocrisy, lame excuses and BS, because they want this virus to continue to propagate and spread to infect and kill more people as there's still too much population in the world according to them. Ergo the reason they were probably foisting Pfizer off on everyone as the "ultimate vaccination & protection", when it couldn't be further from the truth and I'm sure they knew all this ahead of time as they apparently did efficacy tests on these vaccines before they were approved. 

So I don't see anything wrong with her request/demand. I think those who don't want to be vaccinated should be the ones being let go as they're the ones most at risk of getting sick (and as a result being absent from work) and spreading it around to everyone else vaccinated or not and causing them to be off sick, ergo delaying the production overall, but hey what do I know? After-all,  I'm just a retired nurse.

Just some of my thoughts on that one....

Rising COVID-19 transmission in Sask. a 'troubling' trend: statistician Maybe because the gov'ts all insisted on using Pfizer as their main vaccine???? That might explain it...

Political violence related to COVID-19 could lead to 'unravelling of societies' worldwide, observers say Oh really???? Ya think??? I hope it unravels the crooked wanna be authoritarian gov'ts and the liars at the helms of the gov'ts world wide. That's for sure and that would not only be a good thing, it'd be an awesome thing! It would serve all the lying draconain mother f'n ash holes right!!!!!! They brought this all on themselves by themselves. They saw an opportunity to scare the living daylights out of people hoping they'd kowtow to every stupid mother f'n law they could dream up to muzzle, oppress, repress, fine, incarcerate and just other wise deprive people of their rights to freedom and liberty, using the virus as an excuse and exaggerating the death rates from it, by indicating the virus killed everyone including motorcycle accident victims on their death certificates and keeping everyone else out of the hospitals so they couldn't refute it. So yeah I think it would be awesome if this turned around and not only bit their butts but basically mauled them to death. The idiocy, BS, excuses, lies, etc and the sheeple who spend all of 10 seconds or less digesting what's been said by these ash holes and goes along with makes it even worse. I mean hello people please the next time you hear a gov't broadcast/announcement about anything to do with the plandemic, please don't just listen and go "oh okay, yeah" and then continue on with whatever you were doing. Seriously sit down and think about it. See if you can find anything about it that doesn't make sense to you, see if it contradicts with other aspects of what you know about this disease (like now how Wobby Eye Waterhole - the moron we have representing Canada aka our PM is letting the Americans in across the border even though the Delta variant is running rampant in the US and they have as much if not more disease and cases there now as they did back at the height of the plandemic before vaccines became available - but hey that's okay, they're allowed in even if they were vaccinated - mostly all with Pfizer though because that's what Fauci favoured - wondering why, could it possibly be because he's financially invested in Pfizer himself? um duh)....  The sooner the masses wake up and smell the coffee and take back control the better off we'll be. So I don't think society necessarily has to unravel, but that the people who consider themselves to be law authorities (cops, judges etc) allow themselves to start considering justice. What is really just here? And then arresting those who are breaching the justice.  Throwing those who are abrogating our rights and freedoms for nothing in jail and letting those who walked a half inch too close to someone out or off from their fines. THAT would be justice. What we see now are just gov't ash kissers with no form of justice in the equations. Like that police dept in Quebec and in Ontario that refused to follow the draconian laws being set out by their provincial gov'ts saying they weren't going to be the governments SS agents. We need more cops like them and more FAIR &  HONEST JUDGES (which seems to be a rareity in this country that's for sure).
A look at COVID-19 reopening plans across the country  Some are backtracking on those plans, others are stalling them while others are full steam ahead.

States race to use COVID-19 vaccines before they expire What difference would that make anyhow? The expired trash probably works as good as the non-expired trash they're injecting into people's arms over there, especially if it's Pfizer. 

Do I need to get tested for COVID-19 if I'm vaccinated? I rest my case about the idiocy and hypocrisy about the vaccines and passports.


Only half of Israelis want a third COVID-19 vaccine shot - survey  Since they had Pfizer they're probably going to need one anyhow. Wondering if Pfizer made their vaccine like that on purpose, hoping/knowing that the population would need another shot of it in the not too distant future and maybe another one and one every few months afterwards for as long as they can reasonably convince us that there's another strain of it circulating out there.

2 travelers to Canada who gave false COVID-19 vaccination information each fined almost $20K I'm not sure how Canadian customs agents can determine whether the US documents were false or not, considering there aren't any agreed upon standardized documents between each state let alone each international country yet. So this sound more like a made up "warning" story than an actual one. Let's call it what it sounds like "fake news" put out by USA Today and picked up and reproduced by Yahoo News. But if it's for real then hey why should they be allowed to get away with forged documents? If that's what they tried to use and they got caught then I'm glad they had to cough that much up to pay for the infringement.

A group of 500 San Francisco bars will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to drink inside One question for those bar owners.... Will you and your employees also have to have vaccinations in order to work in those bars? 

Why some experts recommend upgrading to N95 masks to help fight the delta variant Hey why not demand P100 masks with dual breathers on them? Or better yet the one that looks like an old wartime gas mask the MIRA safety CM-7M mask? Pretty soon we'll all be required to walk around in full biowarfare suits with face shields and gas masks, like Dustin Hoffman wore in the movie Outbreak.
10 COVID-19 Breakthrough Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore, According to Doctors hehehe.... Some of those symptoms just sounds like getting old, like the brain fog symptom, the joint pain is another and multitasking or focusing on a task. The rest sounds like ordinary cold or flu symptoms. So differentiate between a breakthrough case and just getting old or having a cold or flu.... 


Opinions | Vaccine mandates will backfire. People will resist even more. Seriously? You've got to be kidding! What ever gave you that idea anyhow???? 😉

French police clash with anti-virus pass protesters in Paris Well at least some people are rebelling somewhere on this globe instead of just rolling over and letting the wanna-be dictators walk all over them.

Berlin protesters decry coronavirus measures; 600 detained It looks like the populations have had enough and are now fighting back. Good for them. To quote John Lennon "Power to the People". 

The Latest: Arizona reports over 2,000 new COVID-19 cases So of course this epitomizes the exact perfect time to reopen our borders to the Americans with daily case counts like that in one state alone.

Florida Emerges As Epicenter Of COVID Outbreak: ‘Numbers Are Unbelievably Frightening’ Making what I said just above even more scary, when you think about the moronic bozo in power in Canada that did that - and he wants to be re-elected on the 20ieth of September? I think he should be thrown OUT of office and INTO JAIL. That's where he should go.


2 in 3 adults say summer gatherings are therapeutic — but 45% won’t allow unvaccinated guests in home When you have your house up for sale you have all kinds of people in and most you don't know about as you aren't there when the realtor takes them through it.

Nasal spray vaccine that uses nanoparticles fights all flu strains — and potentially COVID, too That is awesome. It would be super awesome if it's a one time inoculation and you don't keep needing booster shots or new vaccinations the following year everytime flu season starts again.

A tsunami of deferred debt is about to hit homeowners no longer protected by a foreclosure moratorium I think this is another thing the plandemic was for: to allow the elite to pick up businesses and properties cheap. 

Hungary: health care workers protest for higher wages That's what the nurses in QC ought to do too, as their wages are atrocious for the most part.



Canada could be seeing the start of a delta variant-driven 4th wave Oh there's no doubt about it, now that we've opened the border to the Americans where it's running rampant.

Mass. businesses now requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccine to enter Even though an incident in that very state earlier last month proved that not only could the vaccinated get the virus they could transmit it too. So the point of that is as stupid as the QC gov't passport is.

COVID-19: New deadlier coronavirus variant that could kill one in three 'a realistic possibility', SAGE warns That would be right up Kissinger's alley. Something that he's been fomenting for since the 1960s. 

Coronavirus transmission among vaccinated people could raise the risk of an even more dangerous variant Which is what I think caused the Delta variant in the first place. Too many different vaccines & types of vaccines along with strains and variants among the unvaccinated and the vaccinated alike. So something had to get churned out from a cocktail mix like that and of course it wasn't pretty.
Majority of COVID-19 cases at large public events were among vaccinated -U.S. CDC study  And this lends even more weight towards the stupidity and uselessness of the passports for the vaccinated. So you really have to ask yourselves why and WTF they are pushing those on us for if this is the case????

Old Montreal restaurant draws mixed reaction for policy requiring diners to have 2 vaccine doses Wondering if all the restaurant staff have their 2 doses as well? If not, what's the hypocritical point of this other than to pretend to be looking out for the public's health, when I've proven above that that's a pack of BS.

Australia's east coast battles rising COVID-19 cases They even have lockdowns going on there still.



Obama's mask-less ball: Ex-president risks super-spreader event by inviting 500 people to his 60th at $12m Martha's Vineyard mansion: Pearl Jam will perform and guests including Spielberg will be served by 200 staff When the ex-president who probably has the inside scoop on what's really going down behaves like this, then you have to wonder what's really going on here? Is it really all as bad as they're trying to make us believe or is there really nothing going on at all and it's all just a big ruse to try to remove as many rights and freedoms as possible, all the while bankrupting and bleeding the little guys to death, so that they (the elite) can pick up everything on the cheap? That's what I think it's really all about myself.

Billionaires Segregate Themselves On Luxury Private Islands As Ordinary People Told They Can't Travel Well as we've just seen from the headlines directly above this headline, the elite have a whole other set of rules for themselves apparently. So this shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone out there.

New mask guidelines trigger backlash New? Here in QC we've been ordered to mask up sometime last year and that has never been repealed, we STILL have to mask up even if we're fully vaccinated.

Fauci: More ‘pain and suffering’ ahead as COVID cases rise All the while he rubs his hands together dancing around in glee thinking of the bazillions more he'll make from getting everyone to get a 3rd and possibly 4th Pfizer shot. 


White House frustrated with ‘hyperbolic’ and ‘irresponsible’ Delta variant coverage, sources say Now I think they're trying to spin it the way the US gov't wants it rather than the way it is. But then again, I haven't personally seen that CDC report they're talking about, so I could be wrong about that and for once the media is admitting it's own BS tactics at spreading lies resulting in fear and confusion.

Cuomo asks businesses to go to 'vaccine-only admission' Now that he stepped down I don't know as this is relevant and if the businesses will actually listen to him.

CDC says 7-day average of daily U.S. Covid cases surpassed peak seen last summer Let that sink in for a moment. That's LAST SUMMER you know, summer of 2020 BEFORE THERE WERE ANY VACCINES AVAILABLE, OR ANYONE WAS ABLE TO GET VACCINATED. Now that there are vaccines available and a lot of people have had them, they are getting MORE CASES than they did in the pre-vaccine era! So think about that, before you rush out to get your vaccine for that useless tracking device called a passport.

Germany to offer booster against COVID-19, vaccines for children Like I said Fauci, et. al. probably Gates and Schwab too are all rubbing their hands together salivating over all the extra money they'll be making on all those extra booster shots that will be required. And required, and required, because they'll keep losing their efficacy or won't be good against the newer variants coming out etc... So they've literally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that will never run out of gold for them. 

Colombia town orders vaccine refusers to stay home or face fines, jail That's maybe because they're under the false belief that they actually work.

MA Outbreak of 900 COVID Cases Leads to Only 7 Hospitalizations: 'The Vaccines Are Working' When vaccines truly work the inculated person is IMMUNE to the virus. So an outbreak of 900 cases in a cluster of people that big means THE VACCINES ARE NOT WORKING or JUST BARELY WORKING. For 7 people to die because they contracted the disease AFTER BEING VACCINATED means it's basically a rotten vaccine with very little protection rates. I don't care what kind of numbers they're massaging in that article to try to make you believe otherwise. The truth is that that's a pretty big number of infections for supposedly fully vaccinated people. 

COVID SCIENCE-Delta infections among vaccinated likely contagious; Lambda variant shows vaccine resistance in lab Just freaking wonderful..... Another variant - one that the vaccines are totally useless against. Wonderful. 
COVID vaccines are working, data show. They’re designed to prevent death — not infection Then they were designed shoddily. If the smallpox vaccine was designed like that, it would still be making it's non stop rounds around the globe. I think those vaccine manufacturers ought to fess up to their botched vaccine supplies. That's what I think.

‘It just went boom.’ ICUs are being overwhelmed with younger — and sicker — patients People should've realized that once it did it's rounds of the elderly population and then the middle aged, it would eventually work it's way down to the younger crowd. I mean when an amoeba eats through this supply of food it'll go looking for the next until it's worked it's way through the supplies. Same with most contagious viruses. They'll attack anyone that's not immune, usually without any age or gender biases, but this virus seemed to have wanted to start with particular age groups and work it's way down to the younger ones. Almost like it was planned or designed like that.


Americans' Optimism About COVID-19 Dashed as Cases Surge That's going to happen here in Canada too as we get more and more cases and more come in from the US now that the border is open and they're already trying to use fake documents to enter the country with.

US employers ratchet up the pressure on the unvaccinated The governments have the power to remedey that by making the vaccines compulsory to go to work, school, or travel or to congregate together with others outside of your immediate family. So no get togethers with friends, no working, no school and you can't travel either. So you're pretty much remaining in strict lockdown where you're only allowed out for essentials. And if the governments truly wanted this plandemic to end once and for all, they'd all do something like that to make sure everyone got a vaccine (but hopefully one with much more efficacy than Pfizer's has, like Moderna maybe). But it seems like they don't have the will to do that, so there must be a reason why.... Probably because it doesn't fit with their overall agenda of what they want to accomplish with this neverending and always mutating virus.

Severe travel warning for US, Italy, France and Greece delayed Canada should do the same to the US border crossers, now that the Delta virus is blazing through their country like a cat with it's tail on fire.


Sydney's ticket out of COVID lockdown? Six million shots What for, I don't know because the Delta strain will still be running rampant even through the vaccinated population. 

US hits 70% vaccination rate -- a month late, amid a surge Despite that, it's still not stopping the surge in cases.



China's Wuhan to test all 12 million residents as Delta variant spreads I hope they all catch it and get horribly sick with it. It would serve them right for creating and releasing that virus.

The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online I honestly can't understand how anyone can even tolerate that place for longer than 5 seconds. I'm there 5 seconds and I'm totally bored out of my mind and have to leave and I seriously can't understand anyone who spends more time than that there let alone take anything they see there seriously.





US COVID hospitalizations surge as Delta variant spreads I don't know if anyone else sees the confusion and insanity with all of this. Hospitalizations are rising, but yet we're removing masks and restrictions. We're mandating vaccines, but they don't work and you'll need a passport indicating you've had your shots, in order to get in somewhere, where the staff aren't inoculated and could potentially be spreading the virus to you, which you'll get even if you are fully inoculated. Opening the border when there's a higher caseload now than there ever was in the US.  So um yeah, a whole lot of inconsistencies, incogruencies, a lot of hypocricy and lies. I mean what gives here anyhow? It looks, feels and smells like they're TRYING to kill us Canadians off, one way or the other. So long as we die, is all that counts.

Six New Cases of COVID-19, Three Recoveries  By all standards that's not a lot of cases, but I think NS counts it as a lot because I don't think they've had very many since the whole plandemic started.

COVID-19: Canada's Moderna vaccines risk expiring due to hesitancy and preferences And who instilled that preference in Canadian minds anyhow? Now they're finding out that the Moderna vaccine is the far superior vaccine of the 2. Too bad those shots are expiring. The gov'ts should've done more to use that supply because from what I've read it's the only vaccine that stands up to anything for very long.

Booster shots for coronavirus 'are going to become a reality,' doctor says Yeah well he's not going to be able to count on this boomer getting more shots. I've had enough already. 

COVID likely to lock India’s women out of job market for years Of course they'll be locked out and if they aren't, some enterprising men will find some sort of excuse to keep them out unless they're really needed (like the men can't figure out how to use sewing machines or sew a straight line), in those cases perhaps they'll find themselves locked out except under certain circumstances.
Anyhow, I can barely keep my eyes open now and I wonder if what I'm writing makes sense or if it's spelled right etc... So it's time to pack it in for the night. Until next time, take care and stay safe.