Showing posts with label QCs daily rate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QCs daily rate. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas Related & ......

 Covid19 News


December 5, 2020

Things aren't going as planned for me. I did not plan on spending so much time on my blog again for a while, but while going through the bookmark files to start on the Bill Gates post, that I promised some time ago, I found a bunch of news headlines, some to do with Christmas and/or COVID19 that I wanted to post and didn't. That's aside from the other posts about Christmas that I want to make too. 

Then tonight the figures for today's new infections here in QC, almost  doubled the 1,211 cases from when I left off  on November 15th, according to this story:  Quebec posts record 2,031 new COVID cases, 48 deaths
Considering what I said about things getting worse and me restarting the blog again, I took a huge gulp when I saw that in the news tonight and decided that a promise was a promise, but again, I want to make sure this isn't just a one day blip in the figures before resuming hours and hours of work each week. So I'll be waiting a few days longer to see how things go. If they continue along the same path, then I guess I'll be resuming the routine blogging activities about this disease by the end of the week. If it's a one day blip, then I'll continue on with the way I've been going recently and maybe hopefully accomplish some other things in life, too.
Anyhow before I tackle the other posts on Bill Gates and other Christmas related posts for the blog, I'll get the news articles I have out of the way for now. So fetch your eggnog or hot chocolate and a warm blanket with your reading glasses and settle in to start reading those headlines....

This year has been so devoid of happiness, spontaneity, magic and just sheer delight for everyone especially the kids, that we have to take what we can get and wherever we can find it, it seems. So here's a little magic that you can maybe use to delight & surprise your little ones with - just remember Santa would only be seen by your tree on December 24th. So any earlier than that and your little one might just call you on it and call the picture a fake.
Fun Christmas Party Ideas to Help You Throw a Memorable BashThat is assuming you're ALLOWED to celebrate Christmas. Here in QC in the red zones it's forbidden. Like I said before, try to stop me. Just see if you can and what I do in response. My husband and I are in the senior category and we don't even know if we'll live to see another Christmas after this one or not, regardless of the viruses out there - maybe our tickers will just stop ticking and have nothing to do with Corona nor any other virus for that matter. So we're celebrating Christmas and I want to see the prick that'll try to stop us. 
‘Travel is good for the soul’ — how limitations on our movement affects us psychologically That's the whole idea, they're trying desperately to break us down psychologically so we'll be more amenable and compliant to their BS dictates to come.
Oxford COVID Vaccine in India: Here’s All You Need to Know The production of which was partially funded by the Gates Foundation, in case you were wondering.... More about that and the other vaccines he had his paws in (which pretty much looks like all of them except the one made here in QC - which we heard was being made in QC, but no more than that about it...).
Ontarians should only celebrate holidays with people in their own home, province announces Looks like Ford was ahead of Legault in cancelling Christmas on his taxpaying voters this year. 
Coronavirus robs biblical Bethlehem of Christmas cheer Even Jesus' birthplace is affected by this horrible plague.


Santa Claus pre-approved for travel to P.E.I., says Morrison Good! Because as everyone can see from his picture here at the top of the page, he's already got his mask on!

I'm not one of that 88%, that's for sure. I'm bound & bent to have Christmas with our son & his wife. 
COVID-19 was silently infecting Americans before first cases emerged in Wuhan: CDC study Not sure if I posted this one before or not, but even if I did, it bears repeating, considering not many people are aware of this fact and will argue until they're blue in the face, that "oh no it wasn't here, it only got here in March" (even though we have international flights that are capable of traversing the world in a single day, and so its quite possible that even if it did start in Wuhan and not the US it still could've been here much earlier than March, if someone who was asymptomatic hopped on a transcontinental flight from China to North America). It doesn't take much time today for a disease to spread globally. Less than 24 hours and that's it, it's hopped from one continent to another if the wrong person boards an international flight to another continent. So the March the earliest date I never could swallow, knowing how people travel the world these days. And especially around the Chinese New Year (which was at the end of January early February last year). Lots of Chinese people go back to China for their new year for the celebrations and to visit relatives and then return back to Canada or the US afterwards. So what's so hard for someone to understand it was here before March considering all those possibilities? You'd have to be as short sighted and stupid as the idiots at the helm here in Canada that allowed the disease to walk across our borders in the first place, if you believed it could've only made it here by March even if it can from Wuhan and not the US as this article implies. I knew it was in Canada before March, because I had it in the first week of January. This article only helps confirm that to me.

Well ummmmm duhhhh.... Of course we're not going in the right direction when you forced everyone to put their own lives and enjoyment behind the economy and made them return to work and school. What idiot thought that contagious diseases can only be spread in venues of entertainment like bars, restaurants, water parks, movie theatres, sports events, etc????? It's a CONTAGIOUS COMMUNICABLE DISEASE THAT SPREADS WHEREVER THERE'S OTHER PEOPLE TO SPREAD IT TO!!!!! It does NOT MATTER if that's at a bar, a bingo hall, a hair salon, a gym, a store, a restaurant, an assembly line, a construction site, a meat packing plant, a clothing manufacturer, a school, or the apartment building hallway where you live. If a person who has it comes into contact with someone who doesn't that someone who doesn't is apt to get it too and then take it spread it further, no matter where it is they meet the person it gets spread to.  
You were doing much better containing the numbers when you had that lady doctor who was our "Health Minster" then the pencil necked idiot accountant Dube you've got masquerading as a Health Minister. YOUR MISTAKE MR. LEGAULT WAS DUMPING HER IN FAVOUR OF DUMBO DUBE!!!!! In English dube is the beginning sounds of dubious. Which means doubtful and it's doubtful that that ash hole even knows how to apply antiseptic to a paper cut, let alone a bandaid, so forget being a health anything. He's as qualified as that airheaded arrogant ash hole art teacher Haggydodo in Ottawa. So REINSTATE THE REAL DOCTOR AS OUR HEALTH MINISTER & TAKE YOUR GUIDANCE FROM HER AS WE WERE DOING MUCH BETTER WHILE SHE WAS HEALTH MINISTER THAN WE'VE DONE SINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Gawd, it's so pathetic we need to point this out to you..... You don't know why it's getting worse.... Well 1) we don't have her in charge and anymore and 2) you had a total lockdown except for essentials going before and it kept it under control. 
Now you don't. Now it's full wide open except for allowing us to enjoy our lives. Oh we're not only free to, but actually almost forced to sacrifice our health and lives to keep YOUR ECONOMIC ENGINE GOING, but to be able to sacrifice OUR HEALTH & LIVES TO DO THINGS ********** WE WANT TO DO*********** THAT APPARENTLY IS FORBIDDEN!!!!!! 
Well as far as I'm concerned you & everyone that looks like you can go F yourselves, it's MY LIFE & I INTEND TO ENJOY WHATEVER'S LEFT OF IT AND I WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU OVER REACHING GESTAPO NAZIS TRY TO STOP ME!!!!! There'll be the biggest constitutional fight in the country you ever saw. If you think Meach Lake was bad, wait'll people like me start taking the gov't to court on account of their draconian over reaching laws!!!!! It's called abuse of power! To start. Especially when we can prove that you have no qualms about allowing get togethers where people work and in school rooms allowing for the rampant spread of the virus in those venues but not allowing people to enjoy their own lives and putting them at risk for things they want to do rather than what you dictate that they risk their lives for on your account.  So like I said F U & Everyone that looks like you!!!!!
Have a Christmas Netflix Marathon With These Movies Available Right Now  If you can't go anywhere for fun and have to stay home, maybe you can find some Christmas cheer here.

Bill Gates had a hand in this vaccine for sure and basically 9 others or so, too. The only one he doesn't appear to have his meddlesome paws in is the one featured in this story: Quebec company making plant-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate here at home
Christmas cancellation: Quebec backtracks and calls off holiday gatherings In case you missed all my gripes about this, here's the story itself...

I told you in a previous post on here, that it'll finally be done in the year 3,001 on December 31st.
Heavy Fines Coming For People Who Gather in Stores Another way the Grinch Legault is trying to ruin Christmas, by making it as difficult as possible to go shopping for dinner items and gifts. So you might want to avail yourselves of a previous post in here on Christmas Crafts and make your own decorations and gifts if you can't get out to buy any.  

When the sanctimonious prick invokes a full lockdown like before where only essential services remain open, then and only then would I consider obeying this BS rule. If it's okay for someone to risk their health and lives to keep the economy going, it should also be okay for them to enjoy their lives too even if it means putting such at risk. After all it's their life and THEY SHOULD BE THE ONES DETERMINING WHAT THEY WANT TO RISK THEIR OWN LIVES FOR - WHETHER THAT'S TO BE AN ECONOMIC SLAVE TO KEEP THE ECONOMY GOING, OR WHETHER IT'S TO DO SOMETHING THEY ENJOY AND WANT TO DO.  
 I know a lot of people who don't mind risking their lives doing something they enjoy but would never do it for their job - like my son for instance. He thinks he's Evil Knevil when he gets on his motorcycle (I mean you've already heard of one of his motorcycle accidents here in this blog, but he's also had a few previous ones as well - he's like a cat with 9 lives), but when it comes to his job - which is one aspect of the construction trade - interior design/architecture - he wouldn't risk his life on that - even to check out whether or not something was constructed properly as per his design unless the means of getting to that particular area was totally safe and easy to get to. 
He's not the only one like that either. Lots of people don't mind doing risky things like that for fun and enjoyment but it's another thing when it comes to work. So what right has the premier to dictate that people risk their lives to keep the economy going but depriving them of their right to enjoyment of their lives?????? 
So until I see him putting lives before the economy again, I'm doing as I freaking well please and I want to see someone try to stop me.
COVID-19 vaccine approval could be days away as pressures mount on health-care system Is it the pressure on the health care system really? Or is it the fact that countries are starting to get scared that they won't have any doses of  the vaccines if they wait too long to approve of them and that they'll get put so far behind in the line of available doses they have time to eradicate the virus from the entire world except for their country? Because that's what I noticed, heads of countries like Trump were getting mad that the vaccine wasn't approved before and now that the Brits have approved it, everyone's going to approve it. It seems to me that it's in an effort to ensure there'll be some doses left for their countries before everyone approves of it and all the doses are already spoken for in those countries. Because now suddenly everyone's in a rush to approve of that vaccine - even 3rd world countries where having freezing abilities of -70 is almost like a pipe dream than a reality. I guess they figure if they approve of it and get some doses reserved for their population, they'll worry about the freezer abilities later, but the important thing is to secure doses. 

America's hidden depression Again, this is very sad and I'm not sure what the numbers are here in Canada but I'm sure there must be some Canadians falling between the cracks and having a hard time to make ends meet too.



Yup, Quebec tightened the screws on shopping alright.... In the middle of winter that's going to be fun standing in long lineups in the freezing cold. Guess Legault has a slave to do all his shopping for him, so he won't have to endure the long cold lineups to wait to get into a store.

I've noticed lots of beautiful Christmas Tree lights out there this year. I'm wondering if they did it this way or wrapped them around like we were all taught? The wrapping them around method was because we didn't have wire clips to keep them clipped to branches so instead we relied on resting them on the branches.

Alberta breaks one-day COVID-19 case increase record yet again, add 1,879 new cases Alberta seems to really be getting hit hard with this pandemic.

For those that didn't see this yet, just a wonderful touch of Christmas to look at in a picture.
No student fails -- at least on paper -- under Concordia's new pandemic grading rules Yet another step in the total dumbing down process. Don't forget.... These graduates are going to be tomorrows professionals and teachers and doctors (now that's a scary thought, considering how dumbed down many of them already are and likely the cause of us being in this mess to start with because they were too dumb to realize what was coming and what to do about it, even though it was very basic elementary medical training when I was in nursing). So imagine what the future holds for such dumbed down dimwits..... Gawd, I'm glad I won't be around to see it....

Of course if the government words something unclearly on purpose or not, the error is always in their favour and never in the citizen's favour. That's basically been the story since I've been around anyhow.
I do believe I've taken care of the headlines in my bookmark file, for now. The next post/s in here will likely be to do with Christmas again - one on recipes for the meal itself and another on other diversions to do with Christmas like books, and activities and suggestions for wrapping gifts etc... So even if you can't invite the usual life of the party this year, you can still have one anyhow with the people in your own household, if you're so inclined.
Until then take care & stay well.....