Showing posts with label Thanksgiving 2020 & recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving 2020 & recipes. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving & COVID19 Related Regulations

 Happy Thanksgiving 2020


October 10, 2020

As all Canadians must know it's our Thanksgiving celebration this long weekend - on Monday to be specific. So I thought I'd post a special post having solely to do with that. All links in here are either to Thanksgiving recipes, COVID related news stories or other miscellaneous articles. 

Maybe change things up a bit with a different dessert besides the traditional apple or pumpkin pies that generally gets served at the Thanksgiving table. This year, I myself, varied it a little bit as I can't go too far afield otherwise my husband and  son won't appreciate it. So to hedge my bets I made an apple pie along with pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting sprinkled with maple sugar flakes - which my daughter-in-law loved. 
30 Cozy Fall Cake Recipes That Scream Sweater Weather Or maybe you'd prefer a cake instead. 

Adding a nice salad to go along with the meal, is a welcome touch to many.
20 Best Pumpkin Pie Recipes to Finish Your Holiday Meal Strong If you really can't forfeit the pumpkin pie, maybe you'd like to try a new twist on it instead.

You will find the recipe I used for the pumpkin cupcakes here, except I added 1 tsp of cinnamon to the cream cheese icing mixture, then sprinkled the top with maple sugar flakes. The apple pie is an old recipe from an old style paper magazine from the early 90s, that was given to me when we had apple trees in our backyard and I was hard up for ideas to use the apples up with, as it had several apple recipes in it along with that pie recipe I use
More choices for desserts to go with the big meal. Or maybe for other times as well.
40 Apple Desserts That Are Delicious to the Core Maybe instead of pie you can find an alternative idea for Thanksgiving dessert here.

As the title implies....
17 Pumpkin Muffin Recipes That Are Perfect With Your PSL I have no clue what a PSL is but alright....

Yet more choice....
21 Pumpkin Cakes That Celebrate Fall in the Best Way Instead of pie here's another alternative for Thanksgiving dessert.

Bonfire or not, you might enjoy one of these with your Thanksgiving dinner.
33 Delicious and Creative Ways to Eat Pumpkin Seeds This Fall When you're preparing your pumpkin to make your pumpkin pie, don't throw out the seeds, they're a great source of potassium, magnesium and iron, and a great source of dietary fibre, making for a great healthy & tasty addition to these and other recipes. 

Now we're into the healthier a lot less sweet recipes for the side dishes for your Turkey dinner.
33 Easy Ground Turkey Recipes to Switch up Your Weeknight Dinner Routine This might help using up the leftovers. I know we're having club sandwiches made with 3 slices of toasted bread, mayo spread on each slice, with lettuce, sliced cooked turkey, sliced tomato & cooked bacon - with the turkey and lettuce between 2 slices of toast. After placing the top slice mayo side down on the turkey lettuce layer, spread the up facing side with more mayo and then place tomato slices and bacon with the final slice of toast on top. Cut into 1/2s or 1/4s and enjoy. 
50 Easy Thanksgiving Cookies to Pile High on Your Dessert Plate More ways to indulge your Thanksgiving sweet tooth.

In case you'd rather have your pumpkin in soup form rather than pie form for your Thanksgiving dinner. 
81 Best Apple Recipes: Dinners, Desserts, Salads, and More Who says we need to have our apples in pies, they can be in other dishes instead. 


They started singing this song a couple of weeks ago. Trying to wreck whatever little enjoyment we might get out of this holiday too. Well they've got to go for broke and make sure our lives are as miserable as they can possibly get, by forbidding us to celebrate anything worth breathing for, this year. So I say they can go F themselves royally now, as I'm just tired of it. Because if there's no enjoyment left in life for us and only sitting here waiting to die (because essentially that's all it is, as we're retired and have nowheres to go, no jobs, and aren't allowed to socialize with anyone outside our household, which is me and my husband) it's like big whoopie. Might as well be dead because there's only so much anyone can say to a single other person and only so many TV shows you can watch with very little else to do, besides housework (yippie Kiyay for that! What would we do without a comet can, hertel, a rag, and some windex? How would we ever be able to distract ourselves & keep busy otherwise?). So um yeah as far as I'm concerned the gov't can go take a flying leap off the nearest tall building (hopefully more than 10 stories in height to make sure they have a splash landing). 
Quebecers asked to limit contacts, cancel Thanksgiving plans amid COVID-19 spike Like I said above they can go F themselves. I've had enough of having the life sucked out of me. Covid doesn't have to actually even touch me to kill me, all the other BS surrounding it will. If it's not having anything worth while to do or look forward to, it'll be the hamstringing the medical community to look after and care about anyone else that doesn't have COVID19, that will.

Yet more choices for the big meal.
Quit socializing for next month to stop COVID spread, Quebec health minister pleads These annoying SOBs are starting to sound like a freaking broken record. What makes them think that if they say that a million times that anyone's going to listen more than if they just said it once? If someone doesn't want to know or to listen they won't and I'm one of them. I've had it with their lies and BS. And I'm just waiting until this plandemic is over with so that they can all be rounded up and held for crimes against humanity and charged with mass murder if not genocide and for causing undue hardship by wrecking everyone's lives, any which way they could.

I don't know about in Europe - the focus of this story, but I know here in QC they are. Oh it's alright to go to work and comingle with co-workers (who have husbands probably working in another company with other coworkers, and thus picking up whatever diseases (colds, flus, coronaviruses, etc) that they might be carrying) but they probably also have kids who go to daycare or school and those kids also pick up those various diseases and then they all go home at the end of the day like the big happy family they are, and share all those viruses with each other - like a f'n petri dish and that's okay. Just don't try to socialize with friends after work though because those germs are even more lethal than ones being shared amongst family members during the day. If you want to limit contact so that people don't get sick then do that, but the RIGHT WAY. As in FULL QUARANTINE MODE. Don't go exposing each individual family member to a different group of people (and thus germs), during the daytime and then regroup them together at home at night so they can exchange all those germs between them and then go back the next day and pass them all on to others at work or school who don't already have them (and maybe pick up new ones themselves to drag home at night to share with the family). I mean hello? Where's the logic and sanity in that? And why do you think people should even be bothered to risk their lives to do that if it's only to keep the economy going which mainly benefits the politicians and businesses, more than the private citizens?

Again BIG SCARY NUMBERS TO SCARE THE BEJEEZUS OUT OF YOU!!!! THAT'S WHAT THAT 150,000 NUMBER IS!!! Now if you want the REAL NUMBER OF ACTUAL CASES OUT THERE IT'S: 19,008 For October 9 and the "scary number" for this date is:  178,117 - cases since the beginning of the pandemic. You can see there's a considerable difference in numbers 159,109 which represents that many people that either got better or died, but are no longer active cases. The active cases for this date are just over 19,000 COUNTRY WIDE. Or to put that into further perspective, it's less than twenty thousand cases country wide, that being: 6,521 km (4,025 miles) in a country of at least 37.59 million. So any particular person's chances of running into an active case (which should all be home self-quarantining by law so if you run into them, someone's breaking the law, and it's not you - and they should be the ones being punished not you - because theoretically it should be safe out there for the rest of us who don't have the disease if everyone who does have it stays home and obeys the law by self-quarantining) is basically the same chances of a snowball's chance in hell.  Of course there are clusters and that's where the biggest chances are, but if you're not near any of those clusters your chances of running into someone with it basically nil. But if you're concerned you can use this ap Google Maps will now show COVID-19 outbreaks for users

At least Ontario is allowing for a 10 person Thanksgiving. In QC, it's limited to actual household members and that's all. So for us that would be us two period end of story. We celebrated Easter like that and never again. We are seniors with no clue how many days we each have left and we intend to enjoy and celebrate as many of them as possible and that includes Thanksgiving, Hallowe'en, Christmas, New Year's Valentines, St. Paddy's Day (well I am 1/2 Irish ancestry for real), Easter & Mother's Day and there isn't one gawd damned gestapo prick in this province that will stop me! PERIOD. I defy them to. Anyhow they can't stop our Thanksgiving celebrations as we've had them already. 
How Quebec's bungled messaging is hampering the anti-virus effort What can you expect from idiots and imbeciles anyhow?

OMG the premier of Manitoba has his shorts all in knots over this when they're one of the provinces with the fewest cases. So he's going to deny his constituents a Thanksgiving celebration while he probably has one huge family shindig planned for his own family. I think after a year of this sheite everyone should be entitled to celebrate this holiday especially if they're still alive and well - to give thanks for their lives, if not all their loved ones lives (if they all made it this far unscathed).  But nooooo.... apparently that's verbodden.  Well when we all clinked our wine glasses over our Thanksgiving meal, I clinked to us all being alive and well and hoped we all are this time next year too. 
Coronavirus: Ottawa to ease border restrictions for compassionate visits by foreign nationals I don't mean to sound callous and heartless here, but you do get the hypocrisy here, do you not? That it's alright for foreign nationals to come and visit family or near family (as in fiancees) and stay with them if they want but it's not alright for our own family members who live here in Canada to visit other family members for a few hours for a Thanksgiving meal. How's that even fair let alone just?

This is just in case any of us decide to live our lives a bit and actually have a bit of fun with family and or friends. We can't have that as the Nazis in power and their gestapo jackbooted cops will put the kibash on that real quick.  

Well we've had it. Period. End of story. 

They really want to make sure we don't go anywhere else and stay home. 
More Quebec regions are becoming red zones as of Saturday night Because of course Thanksgiving is on Monday, but most celebrate it on Sunday - so that they can relax the next day before heading back to work or school. So that's why it's coming into effect on Saturday night, as a way of ensuring 90% of QC'ers don't celebrate Thanksgiving at all. 

BC Health Officials that is...

Legault's message to Quebecers: stay home What pray tell is wrong with forcing the infected to stay home while letting the rest of us enjoy our lives????? How come you can get the police forces to hand out tons of tickets for not standing 6 feet apart and for not wearing those rags on our faces, but you don't have anyone checking on and following up on the how many is in it QC now that's infected but not hospitalized? Let's see if we can find that number for today: 8,128 is the total province wide in a population of 8.5 million. That's not even 1% of the population. It seems to me that the cops would have their hands full doing their regular duties and checking on those 8,128 individuals to make sure they're self-quarantining and not leaving their homes, without running around issuing tickets for everything in sight, from jay walking and speeding to walking too close to someone in front of you and peering through people's windows to make sure there's not too many people inside. I mean gawd apply quarantine laws properly and we wouldn't be having such opposition to your gestapo tactics, now would we?

Oh so many choices.... How to choose.... How to choose...
Tips and tricks for hosting a virtual Thanksgiving Oh yeah! Yum! Can't you just taste that virtual turkey and pumpkin pie now? Just sitting here drooling all over my husband's keyboard because virtual anything is just so enticing and yummy. Gawd, you might as well be having beans and weiners and talk on the phone after dinner if you're expected to "enjoy" a virtual dinner with anyone. Even Kraft dinner and hotdogs eaten in reality would taste better than a virtual anything. Wake up people! When was a virtual anything as good as the real thing? But for those who think it's the thought that counts and it's better than nothing.... There you go, some tips on how to achieve it.

Well at least someone somewhere in this country of ours will be allowed to have some fun this weekend. Hooray for them! Wish we all could be so lucky!
For single Quebecers, a solitary Thanksgiving is the lockdown's first big hurdle Funny, I didn't know we were in a lockdown. No one ever mentionned that so far as I know. I mean, if we're in a lockdown how is it everyone is allowed to go back to school, work and daycare? I thought when we were in a lockdown only essential businesses and SAQs were allowed to open and the rest were closed, so the employees could stay home under house arrest. 

Less & less room in hospitals? Really? With only 444 Covid patients hospitalized province wide???? I know that Bouchard cut back on hospitals and hospital beds when he was in power (his amputated leg was instant karma for that), and other governments have closed off beds and hospitals etc. But really? Most hospitals I am aware of have at least 200 beds in them and now you're kicking patients out of long term care facilities (like some senior with bone cancer that got kicked out of one that we heard about on the news) so you can use those beds for COVID19 patients too. My question is WHY????  Because between all the hospitals in the province and the amount of beds in them coupled with the fact that you're telling everyone else who doesn't have COVID19 to stay away from hospitals, seems to me that we should have more than ample room in the hospitals and there's no need to kick terminally ill patients in a great deal of pain out of long term care facilities, on top of that! It's just lies on top of lies from all I can see.

It doesn't matter what the numbers are, they'll jack them up to justify forbidding us to have a Christmas celebration too. I don't trust nor believe them anymore as I've caught them in too many lies and discrepancies. So like I said above they can go F themselves royally.
Dr. Deena Hinshaw urges smaller family events, fewer cohorts to slow surging COVID-19 cases in Edmonton Yup here's another one. Although she says "small" and not "confined to your household", so I suppose there's some leeway there for people like us who don't want to have a large group over anyhow, just an adult child and their spouse and that's it.  That qualifies as small since it's only 4 people. Lots of families with 3 kids are a larger gathering than that.

Why? Because this is the only stance they could take on this  story since CBC  is the government's  mouthpiece. 

Police will be out in force Thanksgiving weekend Don't kid yourselves they're not just looking for impaired drivers, seatbelts & cellphone infractions. They want to know where everyone is going and why and if the jack booted gestapo pricks don't approve of it, you're turning around and going back where you came from or else.

If you live in Canada that's all your need to know news about Thanksgiving and COVID19 along with a lot of recipes to choose from for your sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner. 

H A P P Y   T H A N K S G I V I N G  🍗