Covid 19
Dr. Adalja agrees. “There’s no specific concern with this variant yet, over and above the concern with Delta,” he says, adding that it’s “unclear” if the mutation will do anything to change the state of current COVID-19 cases.
“We have to step back a bit and say, ‘Let’s see how this develops,’” Dr. Sellick adds. “We’re not going to modify our treatments and vaccines based on a few cases.”
That said, it’s important for the public health community to track Delta Plus. “We don’t want to ignore it or blow it off,” Dr. Sellick says. “If it becomes dominant, it becomes an issue.”
No of course not, why would they modify the vaccines that barely work? We can't have that, because then they might actually work and do the job of a proper vaccine rather than a watered down placebo!
I can just see Fauci dancing around his office in fits of glee with dollar signs in his eyes though - Gates too as he's heavily invested in Pfizer as well. This is just what the pharmaceutical companies wants to hear, lackadasical approaches to this like this, suits them just fine. I guess though when the population starts dwindling because of massive die offs, and the pharmaceutical companies start seeing their customer bases dwindling too because of it, they'll smarten up and fly right, but it might be too late by then.
Delta variant: ‘This is a wake-up call for everyone in the country,’ emergency physician says
Is the Delta variant making younger adults 'sicker, quicker’? Maybe after coming into contact with the older people who were vaccinated against the original variant, it became stronger and thus when it attacks a younger otherwise healthy individual it's a stronger variant that can cause more serious illness in them easier than the original variant could before. That's what happens when you don't mass inoculate everyone all at the same time and pick and choose people to vaccinate and drag the campaign out for eons on end. The circulating virus has time to come into contact with the partially inoculated and fully inoculated and mutate and adapt and then float around in the healthier unvaccinated younger crowd and infect them and cause them serious problems on account of it. I guess though scenarios like that are just too hard for those rocket scientists in charge of the vaccine manufacture and infectious disease specialists to envision or understand.
COVID’s return is a human cooperation problem. Plus some politics. Actually it's the medical establishment's problem. They've got to get their freaking act together and come to a concensus on the problem and how to treat it and do so in lock step with 100% effective vaccines. Politics is what took this problem and made it 10,000 times worse than it probably is or was or ever will be by the way they handled it and the measures they implemented or implemented too late for it to matter (like shutting down borders etc...). So politics has NO BUSINESS in meddling in this problem until or unless there's a concensus in the medical community agreed upon by the MAJORITY and not just by the head honcho in charge of it like haggy the witch doctor Tam in Canada's case or Tedros in the WHO's case or Fauci in the US's case. I mean the medical COMMUNITY AND MAJORITY OF DOCTORS WHO ALL AGREE ON PROCEDURES & PROPER VACCINES TO BE USED (hopefully they'll agree on one vaccine with the HIGHEST EFFICACY RATE and not merely the one being pushed by this person or that and they'll make sure that the vaccine IS EFFICIENT and not merely a smidgeon more than 50% like now AND A TIME TO ADMINISTER IT TO ALL - shortest time period possible similar to when the H1N1 was circulating, to give the virus the least amount of time to adapt to it and mutate). That's WHO HAS TO BE COOPERATING HERE NOT JOE BLOW & JANE DOE & THE MILK MAN, they can't do anything about it even as a collective, except riot and vote draconian wanna be dictators out if there's an election (like we Canadians will have the privilege of taking part in on Sept 20 - I plan on voting Mr. Dressup out of office so he can be thrown in jail to face criminal charges for all his crimes he's committed while in office, but most especially the crimes against humanity for genecide and senecide, and hopefully that's precisely what will happen to him too).
They realised they were wrong too late: The anti-vaxxers making the best case for the Covid shot
What should I know about the delta variant? Except that some vaccinated people have gotten severely ill and one at least that I know of died.
Fully vaccinated Delta-COVID patients face much lower odds of severe outcomes: study
Fully vaccinated man dies of Covid in West Virginia As I said above...
Analysis: Delta variant upends politicians' COVID calculus
FAQ: Can Vaccinated People Spread COVID-19? Here's What We Know
Covid third wave: Americans 'scared and angry' as pandemic worsens So is this the 3rd or 4th wave now? Even the lamestream media can't keep their stories straight now.
What I Learned After Living With My Parents During the Pandemic She's got a couple things right, life's short and we don't want to wind up regretting things and life can throw some real curve balls at us, that we didn't see coming. Some that change our lives drastically. This plandemic would be an excellent example of that.
AstraZeneca recipients frustrated after being forced to cancel international travel plans
Moderna says its COVID vaccine is still effective after 6 months This is one of the sub titles in this story, that I wanted you to see.
Moderna says its COVID-19 vaccine 93% effective six months after second dose You don't have to scroll down so far to read it here.
Trudeau asks top public servant to look into mandatory vaccination for federal workers Like I said before this is how it starts.
Move vaccine appointments up or restrictions will continue, Strang tells Nova Scotians
N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 13 new cases, province has no strategy to increase vaccination rate
Alberta plan to remove COVID-19 measures is ‘risky gamble,’ fed health minister tells Shandro
Federal health minister pens letter to Alberta, asks for science behind plan to lift COVID-19 rules hehehe this is hilarious. The Federal "health minister" aka genecidal kindergarten art teacher asks for science behind something.... Even if there was actual science behind it, they'd have to respond to her with cartoon drawings and captions in order for her to understand. Kind of the way Brian Mulbaloney got his daily briefings from cabinet. Otherwise the subject matter was way beyond his grasp.
COVID-19 booster shot might be needed by winter, Moderna says as study continues I don't care if it is, two were enough for me thanks. I don't think I'll be getting any more shots, the 2nd one was rough enough and I don't want to be going through that or worse again.
Black Canadian Barbie: Toronto doctor makes history with classic doll in her likeness amid COVID-19 pandemic Good for her! Too bad they're only making one for her and not a whole production series for little girls who'd like a Barbie like that.
U.S. COVID cases hit six-month high as Canada prepares to open border to vaccinated Americans Of course little Mr. Wussy Boy Dressup would cave in and let the disease ridden Americans in here despite the fact we aren't allowed to go there.
Most children recover quickly from COVID-19, but some have lingering symptoms, a study says
Germany to give COVID vaccine boosters to vulnerable groups in September
French will need health pass by Monday after court approval Did Macron and Legault collude and scheme with each other over this as a way to get the rest of their unions (Europe & Canada respectively) to go along with it and create a standard on both sides of the Atlantic? Because it just seems awfully funny both come out with the same ideas at the same time even though there were no public meetings between the two.
Countries pressing ahead with booster shot plans despite WHO plea
French President Macron: third COVID vaccine doses likely for elderly and vulnerable
Israelis told to 'stop embracing', elderly urged to get booster as Covid-19 cases spike Again as demonstrated by this story and the one right above, this is how this starts, by "offering it" to the elderly and vulnerable and after those populations have had it "offered to them", next comes the younger groups (we've already seen this scenario play out with the younger groups and next younger groups and so on being "offered it" until we get down to the last few reticents and then it's no longer being "offered" instead it's being mandated). We've already seen this show and I don't know about anyone else, but I've been there and done that already and ain't doing it again for love nor money.
The Dystopian Quarantines That Crushed Olympic Dreams
U.S. Health System Ranks Last Among 11 High-Income Countries Eh don't get so smug there fellow Canucks! We're ranked 10th. That's how bad our medicare system has gotten over the decades. Now here in QC it's so bad that there are no or very few walk in clinics so if you fall and severely skin a knee and need to see a doctor right now, forget the walk in, you'll have to go to the ER where more serious medical emergencies (that's what that word in Emergency Room means - EMERGENCIES - and sore throats and skinned knees aren't medical emergencies) should be seen and not ALL medical care for everything given. Even family doctors won't even talk to you on the phone here anymore let alone see you, because OMG they might get Covid - I don't know how their secretaries can get Covid from answering the phone, but anyhow.... Just seems like a good excuse not to have to work while being able to collect a salary, if you ask me. And of course our "health" minister Mr. DuMbe is too f'n stupid to realize that if he mandated that the family physicians actually started treating and seeing their patients that that would cut down on the patients showing up at ERs and swamping the hospitals with patients. I mean enough is enough. Make the f'n doctors start to work again or fire them and get it over with. Maybe take the money you save from their salaries and build more hospitals - so we'll at least have more ERs to go sit in for eons in order to be seen by a doctor for our minor ailments. Either way, like my mother used to say piss or get off the pot DuMbe.
How secure are New York's vaccine passport apps? They don't seem to be much more secure than those in QC's and if you caught Montreal News at 6 on CTV with Mitsumi Takahashi, and saw the segment on the QR code and the passport, you'd have seen a security expert who talked about the insecurities involved with it, AND ALSO mention the fact that this will be used for other purposes in the future as well (meaning the vaccine passports we're issued). Like I said before.... It's a nasty piece of work that starts by putting your vaccine info on it, which will then include all your vaccinations and then whoops we've got to put your whole medical file on it to make it readily accessable to all medical personnel who might need to consult it. Then pretty soon it'll be your driver's license and driving record, then your financial information and employment record along with all the performance evaluations and bonuses or disciplanary measures taken, salaries paid, criminal record (if any), all other licenses like fire arms, or pilots or nursing or boating etc... along with academic records as well. I mean they'll be able to stick your whole life in that QR code and you won't know what's there because unless you can hack it, you'll never be able to read it yourself. That's what I see that pass as being used for whether it's on paper or digital doesn't matter. It's what's programmed into that particular QR and shows when being read by the people with the reader that can read that info, that matters. But yeah NY's passport looks about as secure as ours does.
Moderna Earnings Were Pretty Good. That’s Not Always Enough Following a 141% Rise. Geez if I could've invested in it when I wanted I'd be sitting pretty today. So would our son have been if he invested in it when I told him to.
'We are backsliding': The pandemic momentum has been squandered Because like Canada instead of having one leader who's taking control of the situation and saying this is how's it going to be whether you like it or not, everyone is their own leader deciding for themselves what they're going to do, when they're going to do it and how, instead of the one leader saying line up everyone you're all getting your shots NOW and come back in x amount of weeks for your 2nd shots and that's it. Do it all at once and get it over with. Instead you just dick around and dick around like there's no tomorrow.... Same here in Canada. Everything's so disjointed and disorganized that it's a miracle we haven't all fallen flat on our faces because we tied all our shoelaces together or something. I mean if we as a society were as dysfunctional as this when it came to H1N1 no one would be needing any more cold medications or flu shots, as everyone would be immune to those now. But miraculously the pharmaceutical industry world wide got their ashes in gear and cranked out the shots like there was no tomorrow (and they made damned well sure that they were 100% effective at preventing the virus, because they knew the stakes their industry would be facing if they failed) and got everyone lined up at every available clinic, pharmacy, school and you freaking well name it to get those shots into all the people's arms in record time. I think everyone here was vaccinated in less than 3 months time (and that included kids below the ages of 12 too). They've had 8 whole freaking months to get everyone over the age of 12 here in QC vaccinated against COVID, and they still haven't done it. Why? Seems to be a colossal failure on the gov'ts part on this one compared to the H1N1 virus which was actually a BENEFICIAL VIRUS AS IT PROVIDES IMMUNITY TO MOST IF NOT ALL FLUES AND COLDS. But yet they wanted all the citizens vaccinated AGAINST IT - SO THEY COULD CONTINUE TO GET FLUES & COLDS. And yes you read that right! So with all the concerted dithering and dancing and sticking their heads in the sand BS going on now that they got the much vaunted vaccines they were whining about the lack of last year, they're doing everything in their power to impede the progress of getting it into people's arms. When I just demonstrated that in 2009 when H1N1 came out they had the entire population here in QC vaccinated against it in 3 months time. But then of course we had competent leaders at the helms of both the country and our medical system unlike the genecidal trio in charge of that now. That's how those monkies in charge are squandering it.
L.A. gets aggressive on vaccine requirements as Delta surges. How it affects you
Exclusive: Intel agencies scour reams of genetic data from Wuhan lab in Covid origins hunt Here's wishing them luck with their hunt! I hope they find what they're looking for!
White House pushes student vaccinations as hospital admissions, deaths rise about 40% in a week As I said before, when I was a kid going to school we had to have all required vaccinations before we could start school and that even included one against smallpox (which is now eradicated because we were all forced to get that vaccination back then, otherwise it would still be circulating now). But like I said above, IF these vaccines were 100% or at least 95% effective on a longer term basis than 6 months to a year, then I'd say yeah if they're safe enough to be administered to kids younger than 12 and as young as 4 1/2 - 5 years old then I'd say yeah make them mandatory for students, but as long as that's not the case and the only ones really benefitting from such a policy are the pharmaceutical companies & their shareholders then I say lay off and let everyone make up their own minds, whether they figure the risks outweigh the benefits or vice versa, for themselves. That in that case, no one has the right to require some one else to take shots that aren't as beneficial to them as they should be and might in fact cause serious harm to them instead.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... Study warns of 'irreversible transition' in ocean currents that could rapidly freeze parts of North America Just thought that while we've been so immersed in COVID 19 there were other things that might be much more grave than COVID going on out there that we ought to know about too and this one was right there at the top of the pile screaming at me. ⛄⛄ That's what we'll all look like if that scenario came to pass. We'd all be frozen stiff snow people who wouldn't have to worry about COVID, vaccines, or lack thereof then.... Again think of this as another addition to my "journal" here - because it was something that came to light while this plandemic was in full swing.
Singh calls for feds not to clawback benefit money for seniors Well of course the moronic little senecidal prick has to claw as much of it back as he can get because he's got to give yet MORE money to today's brats that already get $500 - $600 a month each in family allowance, PLUS they also have mommy's & daddy's income to live off of too, while the seniors have ONLY their pensions and if they're getting OAS it's because they're the poorest of the poor there are as far as seniors goes - meaning they get only that supplement with their regular pension to live on, they don't have fancy company pensions and RRSPs and stocks and bonds and dividends from those coming in every few quarters to live on, nor do they get family allowance or anything else and the only hope they have of getting a raise is when or if the gov't is feeling generous enough to allow a 1 or 2 percent annual raise (which isn't every year I can tell you that much). They can't go out on strike because they don't like their income and demand to be paid more or else they stop working altogether. The gov't probably hopes they do, that way they don't have to pay them a pension and it's cheaper for the gov't. Then they have more money to give to the snivelling snot nosed brats who already are spoiled rotten and don't deserve even 1/10th of what they're getting per month from the gov't. I mean what did they do to earn that? The seniors actually EARNED & PAID INTO THEIR PENSIONS AND IT'S THEIR MONEY THEY'RE GETTING BACK! But what did a 4 year old snot nosed brat do to earn the same amount per month that a senior who worked all their lives gets???? Pulease tell me and tell me why you think it's alright to claw money back from the poorest of the poor seniors!!!!!! Why don't you claw Mommy Dearest's pension back - I'm sure she could get by without her gov't pension and doesn't need it. But I don't see you doing that, instead you prefer picking on the poor and downtrodden thinking you'll be able to get away with it easier than when you pick on the rich beitches out there. It shows what kind of petty miserable little man you really are. At least Singh has a heart and seems to care about people and wants to help them. I hope he knocks your moronic genecidal ash hole off your pedestal and you get thrown out of office and directly into jail. That's all I have to say about you.
'Go Quebec! Will be the safest jurisdiction in Canada’: Canadians applaud province's COVID-19 vaccine passport plan Really??? How the F do you come to that conclusion anyhow???? First I demonstrated in my last post how that's all a bunch of BS by the trainloads by pointing out how it's the restaurant and bar staff who do NOT HAVE TO BE VACCINATED IN ORDER TO WORK THERE who will be in CLOSER PROXIMITY TO OTHER PATRON'S THEMSELVES & THEIR FOOD & DRINKS THAN THE OTHER PAYING CUSTOMERS WILL. So they have more chance of getting the virus from the staff anyhow as they're not being vaccinated, than they do from other customers vaccinated or not as most other customers in the establishment won't be anywhere near them or their food/drinks. That's to start. Second, what's the big deal about this vaccine passport and the vaccines themselves since they're not 100% effective and most people who are getting and passing the virus on to others ARE THOSE WHO ARE FULLY VACCINATED!!!!! So the point of this passport other than to use it as an excuse to get you to carry it (so you can be tracked or have all your life's info dumped into the QR code on it) is what? Passport or vaccine or not, we can ALL CARRY & SPREAD THE VIRUS. So it doesn't mean because I'm fully vaccinated and I can present a QR code indicating that, that I'm safe for others to be around, because I could be carrying the virus and spreading it myself. So what's that passport really for? That's what I want to know before I start using it..... Because to prove I'm vaccinated seems to be a rather hollow and lame reason for me to have one, as vaccination status is irrelevant to the virus and all who are susceptible to it.
At least 129 people caught COVID at Calgary Stampede, 325 attended while possibly infectious Yee Haw! Yippie Kiy Yay! Wondering how many of those were fully vaccinated.
Thousands jam Philippine vaccination sites over false news We'd better watch out because Gestapo Barbie, Dumbe and Legault here in QC might start taking lessons from Duteurte if they think that's the only way to get people to get vaccinated and accept that stupid passport of theirs.
CanSinoBIO COVID-19 says booster shot can reverse drop in antibodies
China pledges 2 billion vaccines globally through year's end What they really mean is 2 billion phials of Yangtze River water... unfiltered.
Seniors cut off from income supplement after receiving emergency benefits
What is Covid vaccine made of? Scientist behind Pfizer and Moderna vaccine technology explains
Pfizer and Moderna hiked their COVID-19 vaccine prices in the EU after AstraZeneca lost popularity there, report says And now they're trying to capitalize on those higher prices even more by suggesting that a 3rd dose will be needed to stave off the virus.
Canada-U.S. border opening: COVID-19 fourth wave won't come from American travellers, Canada's top doctor says Oooof course not. But it's hard to tell because we're just now entering it, a few weeks after the border was opened, so it's been long enough to enter the country and spread around a bit already. So did it come in from across the border from the US or was it already here and got in some other way like via a flight from India for example? It's really hard to tell with such porous borders as ours. We've been letting everyone from all over the place in since the plandemic began so we have no knowledge of nor control over what's getting in (in the way of variants or any other diseases for that matter) nor how.
Laurentian University researchers plan to tour the North to find out why some people choose not to get vaccinated Why the north in particular? Do they think it's some kind of indigenous thing based on something to do with beliefs or culture? Or what? I mean there's plenty of people in our own population who don't want to get vaccinated that they could ask. They don't have to go up north for that.
CNN fired 3 staffers for coming to the office unvaccinated against COVID-19 Annnndddd..... On it goes.
US coronavirus: Tens of thousands of vaccinated people may catch Covid-19. But the unvaccinated are 'the big highway of transmission,' expert says I don't think the "experts" know, because I've read conflicting reports that seems to indicate that it's mostly the fully vaccinated who are spreading it.
Turned around at the U.S. border, forced to quarantine for 14 days: An Ontario man's 'ridiculous' ordeal If this isn't the height of draconian stupidity and stubborness then I don't know what is.
Covid Outbreaks Tied to Music Festivals Raise Outdoor Transmission Concerns Don't let Legault, Gestapo Barbie and DuMbe know this!
Biden administration considers withholding funds and other measures to spur vaccinations Euuuuu I see someone's been taking cues from Duteurte! Guess he thought no one would find out that he was getting his ideas from one of the most draconian rulers on the planet and he wants to pretend to be a Democrat - maybe they should rename that party to DemoNcrats seeing as how he seems to be following the practices of one of the most ruthless and callous leaders on the planet. Yeah, we caught your tail and horns showing there Biden. Your fake halo is getting rather tarnished now, isn't it time you shined it a little and tucked that tail back up under your robes? Guess you're what's known as a wolf in sheep's clothing eh?
Payrolls increase 943,000 in July as unemployment rate slides to 5.4% In the US, that is.
Okay well that's enough of the sob stories and stories in general for the night... Until tomorrow... Take care and stay well and remember I'm open to all donations for my proposed art project to spruce up the local area a bit, or for my continued efforts at keeping the blog going. Sorry no tax receipts though. That's just the way it is.... So TTFN.