Rremember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu
stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for
injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than
welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them.
You can visit the blog mentioned here: Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: May 15, 2022
As of midnight May 13th - or 12:01AM May 14th Quebec removed the mask mandate for most public spaces - the last territory in all of North America to remove the mask mandate. Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault isn't finished playing dictator just yet though.
Apparently he got such a taste of dictatorship during the plandemic and now he just can't let that feeling go, so now he's enacting Bill 96 a French language law here in QC, that basically erodes and abrogates charter rights of other linguistic groups. He's even going so far as to allow the OLF to seize computers and cellphones too apparently without warrants and without notice.
Large protest held in downtown Montreal against Quebec's controversial French-language bill
Kind of follows in the footsteps of allowing cops to enter homes without warrants where they might have thought one too many people were in there and issue fines to everyone present during the plandemic. It wasn't enough to fine people walking too close to each other outside, or being out past curfew, they had to enter homes where they suspected more than the allowable number of people were congregating inside and fine them too. He's on such a power trip now, it's unbelievable. And going by this he obviously doesn't care if he gets elected in the upcoming election or not - probably because he's going to be borrowing some of Jacques Parizeau's old tricks of stuffing the ballot boxes with favourable ballots to him (like Parizeau tried during the last referendum).
All of this autocractic BS and trampling of our constitutional rights, started nation wide during the plandemic. All of the leaders of each jurisdiction including the Feds, ruled by autocracy and used the plandemic as an excuse to do so, and to abrogate and trample almost all of our constitutional rights. Probably setting us up for what's yet to come and if Legault's brazen BS moves are any indication, it's more of the same only worse.
While they play the charade of a free and democratic society with free and fair elections, how are we to know or believe them - considering they can stuff the ballot boxes anytime they like (they have in the past, so they can again). Or with another wanna-be dictator, be propped up forever with a clown in a turban and as both of them want to run the country the way they want, they might even shred the constitution and decide to stay in power forever and with their collective numbers the other opposition parties collectively don't have a majority of even one person, so we're apt to be stuck with those two wanna be dictators forever. Then the premiers of each will be wanting to do the same as the others are doing. So whether we like it or not we'll be hoodwinked into a dictatorship and giving up all our rights and freedoms, like we were during the plandemic.
As for me and the masks.... Yeah I think I'll forego wearing one for the most part, but will keep one on me in case.... In case I'm told I have to wear it, for whatever reason, or in case, there's a few coughers on the premises and I start feeling like maybe it's not safe to go maskless, I'll have one to put on "in case".
But I am going to be vigilant about all the moves the gov'ts are making - and how many more constitutional rights they are trying to trample.
I know you're thinking.... Wow that old lady is out there now....
Not really, since the plandemic started, that was an experiment in how to hoodwink populations out of their constitutional rights and into dictatorships - with one autocratic ruler. Since they succeeded once, they're now on a power tripping binge of trying to usurp all rights and freedoms, it looks like to me. Oh whoopdie doo, they gave us back our "right" to go barefaced instead of wearing masks and to get together with others. But now they're trying to remove other rights to replace the ones "given back". One particularly egregious example is what this article is talking about:
Canadian government's proposed online harms legislation threatens our human rights And up until now the Cdn government never gave us back any of our rights, that they removed.
It just seems to be one draconian measure after another in Canada lately - since the plandemic started.
Anyhow due to excessive heat, and rains that are promised to cool the place down that never comes, our dog barking at everything in sight and even then some things not in sight, I've gotten only about 3 hours of sleep last night, but can't sleep anyhow because of the unrelenting heat and her constant barking, I figured I'd keep myself busy dumping some more backlogged headlines in here for your perusal. So sit back and start perusing....
Conspiracy theorists are pushing toxic bleach and other harmful treatments they claim can 'de-vaccinate' people Okay well I'm telling you right now, bleach is a CAUSTIC CHEMICAL, that means IT EATS HOLES INTO EVERYTHING IT GOES ON WITHOUT EXTREME DILUTION. So if you inject it, swallow it, get it on your skin in pure form it will burn holes in the parts of the anatomy that it touches. So if anyone thinks that's a solution.... Yeah in one way it'll de-vaccinate you and along with that solve whatever other problems of all types too, as it'll probably kill you if you ingest or inject it.
Vegan who refused COVID vaccine in stand against animal testing died of virus after begging for jab That's all we ever hear about in the news are those who were unvaccinated begging for a jab while hospitalized with COVID. Funny, the news never seems to carry any stories of any of the THOUSANDS of fully vaccinated people who died from the disease despite being vaccinated. How come there's no stories with them wondering why the vaccines didn't protect them and why are they dying despite being fully vaccinated? There's never any stories like that out there, but there's plenty of them as thousands of fully vaccinated have died from the disease.
Greece mandates COVID-19 vaccinations for residents over 60 Wow! Just wow! Fining the elderly if they don't want to get vaccinations..... The group that's least able to afford new costs. Wondering what the F is in those vaccines now, considering all the effort the gov'ts are going through to FORCE PEOPLE TO TAKE THEM.... Considering they don't do anything to protect against the disease or spreading it if asymptomatic. So what's in those vaccines that they definitely want everyone to get them? Something to modify our DNA for some future project (like offering the vaccinated up as sacrifices to the hungry "gods" (read aliens) that may be enroute and have certain dietary requirements requiring certain DND modifications or something?) maybe? Or are the gov'ts that callous and greedy that they want to make money from investments in the vaccines, by forcing certain segments of their population to get the vaccine? Is that why it's the elderly in Greece, the nurses in QC, the cops and firemen and military in the US? Yeah I know that seems like those would be the people they'd want to protect the most.... But what if the aliens don't want any opposition to anything - like no one with guns, needles or gurneys with restraints to go against and well as for the old people they're nice and tender and mild and probably good alien grub.
Virus that causes COVID-19 found in Quebec deer So if it's in QC deer, aka large ruminant wild life, it's probably in all sorts of other wild life too, from otters to foxes and then some. I mean I don't understand how a deer, got covid unless it is habituated to and hangs around with humans.
WHO warns world creating 'toxic' recipe for new variants Not to mention the non conformity of the vacccines being used. Some protect at 96% while others protect at 60% and others vaccines protections wane after a few days or weeks. Then there's those who've had 2 different vaccines, while others had only 1 type but the bare minimum required or the maximum required. Like I said before viruses and bacteria, evolve based on the conditions they encounter. That's also why I don't believe in the bazillion booster shots as well. Just like I don't believe in taking antibiotics for every little thing. Because the more booster shots you get, the stronger the virus will get so that it can overcome those bazillion booster shots and still infect you, like all the bacteria out there that are evolving to beat the antibiotics used against them. So the best defense in my books is your own body's defense - let it learn to fight these viruses off by itself and you'll be better and stronger for it. Especially if you've already had the 2 main shots, you should let your body recognize the virus and fight it off itself, with the base foundations of the 2 basic shots you had.
Who's watching? How governments used the pandemic to normalize surveillance Oh not just surveillance, but how to normalize autocracies (basically headed by one wanna-be dictator) and how to trample our constitutional rights and freedoms and just ram all their draconian BS down our throats. All the while calling us the threat to democracy and terrorists and the like. The real terrorists and threats to democracy are in their respective legislatures - and more specifically the head of the reigning party of that legislature. Ie; Mr. Monkey Face Moron Waterhole, Ford, LeGo, Kenney, Moe and all the other provincial leaders.
‘Striking’ vaccine resistance in Omicron variant: Columbia University So telling people to get a booster against Omicron when they don't do anything to prevent catching it, is ridiculous. Either the authorities are just being incredibly stupid or incredibly greedy. Either they're too stupid to understand that if a vaccine doesn't work against it and suggest getting more doses of that vaccine to try to prevent getting sick from it, or else they have shares in the company and so don't give a rat's ash about you and only want you to get that vaccine, so they can get the dividends that that shot would generate for share holders.
Americans increasingly refuse to obey mandates in the name of fighting COVID I wonder why, especially after seeing how the authorities handled it. Considering they sat on their heels "waiting to see what it did" before deciding what to do - they couldn't "see what it did in South Africa" so they would KNOW what to do before Christmas approached as they had well over a month to start to act, but instead they all chose to wait until Christmas was only a few days away before actually deciding. And that usually meant curtailing gatherings or lockdowns and forbidding gathering altogether at the last minute - when everyone's bought and prepared everything for the people they thought they'd be hosting. Same here,it wasn't just in the US that people were refusing to obey.
Fauci says Fox News and RFK Jr. attacks 'accelerated' death threats Wah, Wah, Wah. My heart just bleeds for you, you f'n lying leech. Isn't it time you retired anyhow? I mean you must be older than Methusala by now! You sure you're not too senile to handle the complicated science behind this virus and all surrounding issues including treatment of it? I think you must be delusional if you think your thinking skills are still top notch at your age.
COVID-19 in Canada: Why next week will be a game-changer for Omicron in Canada I finally made it up to mid-January 2022's headlines. As you will note there were a lot of December's headlines that aren't posted in these posts and that's because as with all the other major or important headlines of the time, they were posted when they were actually relevant and not now in a catch-up fashion. So this blog is chronological up until a certain point and then I stopped posting a lot of the headlines but kept them in my bookmarks folder. Which I've been trying to post as many of as possible in recent days.
At least now, I'm no longer in last year's headlines, now I'm at least in the current year. Hopefully I'll manage to get caught up soon. But I don't know precisely how long that will take so, you'll just have to hang in there.
Anyhow, that's it for the time being. There are still lots of backlogged headlines to catch up on, so stay tuned. In the meantime, take care & stay well.
the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu
stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for
injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than
welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them.
You can visit the blog mentioned here: Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: