Showing posts with label The Great Reset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Great Reset. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Confused & Upset While Researching Things About the Great Reset & ....


February 10, 2021

Okay..... Besides my own issues, I've been dealing with some major confusion and upset relating to some of the stuff I've read in relation to both the Great Reset and this "plandemic". 

This post probably will not have any headlines in it, because for now, I'm not going to post any until I have time to figure things out because the more I delve into the things, the weirder, scarier and just plainly insane some things sound. I mean, I dunno.... I just don't know.... All I can do is hope that it's a weirdo luney tune's conspiracy theory that has absolutely no basis in reality. But the problem is that a lot of it does have a basis and in reality and given that our PM is nothing but a freaking mental case, who knows? Yeah I know I'm going to be one of the ones in those incarceration centers for one reason or another if it winds up being true. But given I've expressed my thoughts about that idiot, over and over again and my opinion about him hasn't changed, I wouldn't be surprised if I do wind up there. 

Second thought, in order to clarify what I'm talking about here, maybe it is necessary to post a link with the pertinent portion of the text, about what I'm talking about here, in order to enlighten you about my babblings.... So here's the link to the story in question:  World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program” which includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements
Which you can read for yourself in it's entirety, or if you wish to cut to the chase, this is the part that's spooked me, baffled me, and made me think I'm reading a sci-fi article from some dystopian future, but then again we have moron for a PM, so everything is possible especially when he's being manipulated like the mindless puppet he is. So here's the portion of that text that's getting to me: 

2020 lock down tyranny is just the beginning of a much larger plan

The upcoming lock down plans are congruent with the “Great Reset” plan outlined by the World Economic Forum and Event 201, both funded and pushed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which seeks worldwide compliance with vaccine experiments and genetic modification of humans. The Prime Minister’s National covid-19 Advisory Commission (established in lockstep in March 2020) is now advising and pushing the Canadian PMO and the Department of Prime Ministers and Cabinet in Canberra to carry out these totalitarian plans.

The whistle-blower said at least thirty percent of the committee members strongly oppose these plans but their voices are being drowned out. It has been made “very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes,” said the whistle-blower.

The Canada’s Office of the Prime Minister has laid out the plan, which includes a secondary lock down by December 2020, that will implement restrictions on a rolling basis, beginning with major metropolitan areas and expanding outward. The media will project that daily covid-19 cases exceed testing capacity and must be curbed using a complete and total secondary lock down much stricter than the first and second rolling phase. The unemployment program will be configured into a universal basic income program by the end of quarter one, 2021.

As the vaccines are rolled out, all viral shedding, mutations, and vaccine injuries will be blamed on a “third wave” which includes a higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Anyone who does not agree to the vaccines will be stripped of their right to travel freely and will either be detained in the isolation centers or monitored on home arrest until they agree to comply.  {Scarily enough this is a new news story hot off the CTV presses tonight:  'Ugly' third wave of COVID-19 around April 'inevitable' for Ontario, expert says }

During this time, medical facilities will reach peak capacity, and government will enhance lock down restrictions, implementing a Third Lock Down by quarter two, 2021. Large inventory shortages, supply chain break down and economic instability is expected, as all individuals are put on a universal basic income program to curb hunger, homelessness and civil unrest. By quarter three, governments are expected to deploy military personnel to major metropolitan areas and roadways to create travel checkpoints. These tactics have already been tested out in 2020. Everyone who is dependent on these systems will be forced onto the HealthPass vaccination schedule. Anyone who disagrees will be deemed a “public health threat” or “enemy of the state.”  {Another news story hot off the presses tonight: Quebec mulls spring break roadblocks to prevent COVID-19 spread }

The whistle-blower said that dissenters will not be tolerated. “Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individual’s best interest to participate.”

“When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer, we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. Those who refuse “refused to participate” in the debt forgiveness program “would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities.”

“Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.”


I don't know.... But that is pretty f'n scary if you ask me. And while I'm not sure how the Soviet gov't confiscated all private property in the USSR, I know they did and so it can be done. Did they use the same methods of debt forgiveness in exchange for the property? If so, what happens to the property that people own, who have no debts? Do they get to keep it? Or will it be confiscated too, under some false and drummed up corrupt pretext?  

That coupled with the news that came out of the UK today..... England: Lying about high-risk travel upon arrival could land you in prison for 10 years

I don't know that's sound super over the top draconian. Dictatorish, in all it's forms. Wondering if the lizard lady aka QEII signed off on this one too? Like the thousands of other parliamentary bills she signed into law (even though she's not supposed to have a say in the matter & is supposed to merely be a figurehead).  

Those 2 stories in red parenthesis above were found after reading the article that I copied & pasted a portion from here. So you can see it evolving.... It's almost like they have a play by play book and are playing from it directly. 

Anyhow.... That's what's got me discombobulated today. The deeper into this plandemic we get the weirder, worse and more worrisome the news and information surrounding it and the great reset get, especially for us poor sitting ducks here in Canada and especially in QC where the gestapo bootied gov't is just on a power tripping high, that they can't get enough of.  

Until next time, take care & stay well....