Showing posts with label Clean Face Mask info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clean Face Mask info. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Still Covering the COVID Pandemic Despite...

Suffering with a Sore Foot & Exhaustion


August 18, 2020

If only..... I could wake up for a few minutes at a time it would be amazing. Not to mention make this sore foot that I have no idea what happened or where it came from, go away. 

Just out of the blue, both my husband and I have been having a real hard time holding our eyes open for any length of time. I mean we'll be sitting at our computers and suddenly dozing off, at the table doing something and dozing off, watching TV and dozing off. We go to bed for naps and then don't feel like getting up. It hit both of us at the same time. So I'm wondering if there's another virus going around like sleeping sickness or something. 

Then there's my foot. Last night it felt like a puncture wound but there was no visible sign of a puncture, and the sore spot was about the size of a puncture wound too. Right in an area of my foot, that makes it hard to put my weight down or walk. I tried everything almost, including antihistamines etc... Nothing worked. Then this morning I woke up to find the "spot" thicker, flatter and much bigger but it was softer too and still just as painful. At first I thought maybe I stepped on a shard of broken glass (I walk around in my barefeet a lot) and that was why I couldn't see the puncture nor the thing that might've punctured it, but when it was bigger and flatter and softer this morning, I started thinking insect sting/bite. But if that were the case the antihistamines should've done something to alleviate it.  All I can think of really is landing on it from a great height - like jumping off of something and landing hard on that foot causing the area in between the balls of my foot (just behind the toes on the bottomside of the foot) to get injured somehow. But I can't jump, never mind from anything high or even highish like say a chair.  So that's doubtful, unless, I've taken to sleep walking and scaling buildings in my sleep, and leaping to the ground, figuring I'm spiderwoman or something.  I mean there's no other explanation I can think of that would cause the pain and how it's developing from a puncture wound size sore area, to almost half my foot from my toes to the beginning of my arch, and nothing works on it. The only thing I haven't tried yet, but probably will, is heat. Maybe that'll help draw whatever poison that's there, out.  Otherwise it's a trip to the doctor's tomorrow, I guess. I mean I have to do something soon. Because tons of food is going to go bad if  I can take care of it on account of my foot.

As the only things I can do comfortably is sit down or sleep, there isn't a lot for me to do sitting down except this, or watch TV. It's still too warm for things like knitting etc... So won't be starting that until later on when it starts cooling down some. In the meantime, this and TV are what I have to fill my time with if I'm sitting down. So might as well, add a few more COVID19 headlines to this blog, after-all that's what this blog is all about. 

Increased Risk of infection, ICU Admissions: Why it's Important to Reduce Tobacco Use amid Covid-19  I seriously don't even know why there even needs to be a news story about this. It should be a basic no-brainer for anyone with a thimbleful of brains, to start with.

How to wash your face mask: Everything you need to know, from how often to the best temperature  Since these nuisance accessories are going to be with us for the undetermined future, we should learn how to take care of them so they last and do the job they're meant to do.

Coronavirus: Second COVID-19 wave twice as big as the first without effective test, trace, isolating strategy, says new modelling study  We have to honestly get through the 1st wave before we start worrying about the 2nd one. First of all we're no where near through the first wave, given all the daily cases we keep seeing around the world. Second of all, when a country (such as NZ for example) does get rid of the pandemic (aka 1st wave of it anyhow) they'd do well to shut their international borders down entirely until the entire global pandemic (all it's waves) are over with for several months on. That goes for Canada and any other country finally ridding themselves of all cases in the 1st wave. To prevent the 2nd wave from entering the country they have to have strict border measures. I don't mean stop all land crossings but let in gazillions of people via air traffic. That's not how shutting the border to outsiders works. It only works if ALL INTERNATIONAL TRAVELLERS ARE DENIED ENTRY NO MATTER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TAKEN TO GET HERE! Like the Americans are doing now. They've figured out if they can't drive across the border to get here all they have to is hop on a plane and land in whatever city they wished to go to in the first place, et voila! They made it. Because that seems to be the case now. Then Canada wonders why the numbers never drop and stay dropped.... That they just keep coming back time and time again...  Ummm duh Sherlock it sure beats me.

Hardly Anyone Knows About Covid Death Payout Scheme, PM Told After Just Two Families Get Cash  Do you honestly think  governments are going to be bending over backwards trying to make sure everyone in kingdom come knows about money give-aways? Doubtful. In fact, I'm wondering if Canada has such a scheme that Canadians don't know about either. Maybe it's worth enquiring into if you've lost a loved one due to COVID19.

6 months after declaring the coronavirus a global health emergency, WHO director says there may never be a 'silver bullet' for it  I think we should reserve all the silver bullets for those who are responsible for letting this epidemic in China turn into a global pandemic and getting into all the countries it got into globally.  Wondering how many of those bullets might be needed anyhow. I know we need at least 3 here in Canada. We need 1 in the WHO at least - so that's 4 to start with.

Challenged On 'So Many' COVID-19 Deaths, Trump Snaps At 'Fake News CNN'  Wondering why the American press can hold Trump's toes to the fire when it comes to how badly he dealt with the pandemic, and why the Canadian press doesn't do the same with Trudeau? It seems like here in Canada the media treats with Trudeau as if he were a god or something and doesn't hold him to the same account the American press tries to hold Trump to. They're both the same. They both let the virus into their countries and said "oh no we don't need to worry about it, wash your hands and you'll be fine". They both took the exact same stance & measures at the exact same time, but both are treated differently by their respective media. In the states like here in Canada it's the state governors who all adopted various laws and regulations for their respective states to use to deal with the virus, like here in Canada where the various premiers all adopted their own measures. Trudeau, Tam & Hajdu didn't do anything at all to try to circumvent or curtail the spread of the virus. The only thing Trudeau did (which is probably why he's still in power) is stand on his doorstep day after day doling out our tax dollars to everyone except the very group he said he needed to protect (and the whole reason they were shutting down society and implementing strict measures) that being the seniors. Well he gave money to some groups not only 1x, but sometimes 2 & 3 times over, while he barely gave the seniors anything and he made sure they had to wait well into July to see it. So I take it there's barely any seniors left in Canada for him to worry about how they vote, because he pandered mostly to those who have kids - as they probably make up the majority demographic. But honestly the same brush the media is busy daubing Trump with could also be used to daub Trudeau, Tam and Hajdu with as well.

‘We Have Dead People’: COVID-19 Infighting Gets Ugly in Oklahoma   I think just about everywhere that has COVID19, they'll have dead people. So your dead people aren't unique.

7 more potential COVID-19 cases identified on Vancouver flights in past 2 weeks  What they did here, with the flight numbers and seats and rows, they should've done when that first woman from Iran sauntered through the Dorval terminal to board a plane to Vancouver. They should've listed the seats and rows of the plane she came into Dorval on and then the seats and rows of the plane she went from Dorval to Van on. That right there might've alerted a lot of passengers who might've been in contact with her, and allowed them to get tested and take the necessary steps needed to prevent further spread. But aside from that WHY OH WHY ARE THERE STILL INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY??????? Isn't the border closed down????? 

How the pandemic pushed puffin research back years  That's a shame, as they're such awesome birds - very beautiful and cute in their own way. But I can't imagine that that's the only research being put on hold due to the pandemic.

Coronavirus economy: 'I'm just looking for whatever I can get'  Personally, I only know of a couple of young people being supported by their parents, for the most part, the rest are out trying to make it on their own. 

How one of America's biggest motorcycle makers is planning for Sturgis during the COVID-19 pandemic  This was put out before the Sturgis rally, but it will give you some idea on the precautions the Indian motorcycle company was planning on using.

California Coronavirus Update: Top Health Official Reveals State Has Been Underreporting New COVID-19 Cases; County Numbers Also Have “Discrepancies”   And governments wonder why we don't believe or trust them. How and why should we, if they can't even be decent & honest enough to give us the real numbers on COVID19? 

How To Know If Your Own Doctor (Or A Doctor You Might See) Is A Quack  And a reporter for Huffington Post aka one of the mainstream media darlings is relying on "The Daily Beast" for reference material as reported (and supposedly verified) fact. Why didn't they just quote "The National Enquirer" in the story too? The Daily Beast is as a bonefide mainstream media source as the National Enquirer is in my humble opinion. The National Enquirer would tend to be more so in my opinion since they're still in existence from time immemorial without having been sued into oblivion. How long has The Daily Beast managed to avoid being sued into oblivion so far? 5 Years? If that? A tabloid is a tabloid is a tabloid. Doesn't matter it's name. So if you're going to be using tabloid material as your source reference, then your mainstream media garbage story is about as valid as that one is. So if that's all you could find to discredit the doctors mentioned in this story, then your story is as invalid and trashy as the source material you used to write it with. Which means Huffington Post is nothing but a tabloid itself then. NOT anywhere near mainstream media material. This article should be renamed "How to Know if Your Newspaper is Fake News or Not".

Physical distancing, mask-wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even with vaccine, Tam warns This one needs to be spending 20-30 years in prison for her negligence bordering on genocide.

Nunavut officials don't need to isolate after government travel: top doctor  It's free passes like this that allows the virus to continue to find new areas to infiltrate and infection.  I don't see why government based travel is to be excluded. How do you know one of those people weren't exposed to someone else with the virus while on their government travels? 

UK risks big second coronavirus wave if it reopens schools without more testing, study finds  2nd wave? When did you get through and finished with the first one?

Trouble Coming: A Housing Crash Could Happen Very Soon  Hmmmm well the figures released for July would tend to belie this prediction, considering they had the most home sales ever or just about and the home prices increased drastically.

How to stay upbeat on rainy days, even in a pandemic  We all need to know this, I think. 

Anyhow trying to remain upbeat is getting to be a chore now. It feels like we always have to remain upbeat or else we're falling victim to COVID related psychosis somehow. We can't let ourselves even think we're feeling down even for a second because OMG it's maybe COVID depression affecting us and we'll need mental help before too long. That's how it's starting to feel, to me anyhow. And the mere fact that we can't seem to wake up anymore is probably in some clinicians minds some sign of deep depression related to the pandemic, which I would hazard a guess and say it's not. Since it affects both of us and we both have started keeping really wonky hours together. So it's maybe more of a sign of a totally messed up sleep/wake cycle than anything else and we need to find something to force us to stay awake during normal waking hours that also tires us out so we can sleep at night. During this pandemic where we're told to stay home and have no where to go and because of the super heat and humidity that's keeping us inside, we don't even go outside and do anything very physical to even cause any tiredness, we're perpetually bored and basically don't do much at all. So that's maybe more the cause of the constant tiredness, because we stay up all hours of the night and sleep off and on during the day and night, rather than the way we used to. But I bet a shrink would see and diagnose that differently, to come out to the conclusion that I'm delusional and that we're really super depressed instead of merely having nothing to do and sleeping weird times of the day and night.

And that's it for now for this installment..... Until next time take care of yourself and loved ones and stay well.



Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Try to Stay Positive

πŸ™Ever Trying to Remain Optimistic & HelpfulπŸ™

April 15, 2020

Trying to remain helpful if not optimistic as well, I have decided to post these links tonight, for those who would like to avail themselves of the information and services they offer: 

Calgary high school students launch positive message hotline for seniors  This probably only works in the Calgary area, but if that's where you're located and need positive messages then this the place for you. πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄

Calgary youth centre pivots during pandemic to provide lunches to communities in need Another Calgary group helping out the community out there, this time it's not just the seniors but anyone needing a meal. For more information check out the linked article. 🍲🍴

Martha Stewart Is Leaving Drunk Comments on Instagram  As she says this is the perfect time to get those chores done. Hopefully you feel more up to the task than I do lately. It's not that I don't feel good, it's just I don't feel like it.  πŸ”¨πŸ”§

'They can’t sue you today': How to keep bill collectors at bay during the coronavirus pandemic  πŸ’²πŸ“‰πŸ“†

CIBC launches special call handling measures for 750,000 seniors  My husband got a phone call from our branch yesterday morning informing him that we could do all our banking on the phone as our branch is closed except for the ATM.  ☎πŸ’²πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄

These are the COVID19 Self Care Guides in PDFs (direct downloads) in  English from the Quebec government: 

My Medical Record  - A printable form for you to fill in all your medical details, such as name of doctor, medical conditions, medications you take etc...  πŸ“„πŸ’Š

Publications du ministΓ¨re de la SantΓ© et des Services sociaux  Where you can request a printed version of these publications, to be sent to you. ☎πŸ’»