February 18, 2021
Well, while my husband is outside frigging around with the frozen car battery, trying to get it to go so we can go do our errands we have to do today, I thought I'd start working on the headlines because there's quite a few of them to get to and I doubt I'll get them all done today/tonight.
So getting started on the headlines now....
Like I said before, this will just never end, as they said there's over 4,000 strains out there, so we'll just be hit with strain after strain or wave after wave - like the waves on the ocean - neverending amounts.
Australia approves AstraZeneca vaccine, bolstering inoculation programme Canada should do the same, I don't know what the slow pokes are waiting for anyhow. To run out of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines first? For the majority of us to get the disease first and potentially die from it (requiring less doses to be bought of future vaccines)? I mean, I really can't understand the delay in approving this vaccine considering most of the rest of the world including the WHO already did.
Crippling storm hampers vaccinations as FEMA opens new sites Wow.... The US really doesn't handle snow that well does it? Wondering if Maine, NH, Vermont, Michigan, WI, Montana, Idaho and Washington states can handle snow? They should be able to considering they all border Canada and we get plenty of it every winter. So that being the case, why don't the states further south ask their northern counterparts how they deal with winter and decide to make purchases of that equipment to have on hand "just in case"? That way they aren't hamstrung when it comes to winter storms like this.
FDA officials regret flooding the market with Covid-19 antibody tests I don't know what kind of stupidity that was that caused them to do that. But that seems to be par for the course for this virus. Everyone from the get go has mishandled, misinformed, misinterpreted and just plain misunderstood anything and everything to do with this virus. If there was a wrong way to do something, they found it and did that first and then said "um duh, that's not working, I wonder why..." but by then when they found the right way (and in most cases they still haven't found it - like quarantines don't mean that you quarantine the entire population, but rather just those with the virus & their contacts, that's all), it was too late to fix it as the damage was already done. And they wonder why..... Um duh, I dunno....
Look I can't see the problem with this, especially if we as a nation (meaning ALL provinces & territories) were able to get our entire population inoculated in 3-4 months against the H1N1!!!!! I mean what makes this one any different in approach to that???? Or does the medical establishment have collective amnesia and can't remember anything about how that was done? Even though it wasn't that long ago? It was only in 2009!!!!!!!! It's not as though I'm expecting the medical establishment to remember how we were all mass inoculated against smallpox, as most of the medical establishment who would remember that is retired already probably. But 2009 is not as long ago as that and most of the medical establishment who are around now, should've been and probably was around then!!!!! So stop using f'n excuses and just get it done!!!!
Rigghhhhtttt..... THIS is the ONLY REASON I can see for why we wouldn't be able to get it done. Irregular and non dependable vaccine supplies and ash holes in Health Canada being too slow and stupid to approve any viable (as in easily accessible) vaccines, such as those made in North America at least if not Canada like the Medicago one, the one being developed on the prairies and any other Canadian made vaccines.
And they can't seem to figure out why they have one of the highest case numbers and death counts in the world..... Hmmmmm..... That's beyond me....
Wait a couple of weeks and like the song by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warrens goes, you'll be right there "Up Where We Belong" in the case count again after all the travelling done this past weekend according to the report headlined directly above.
Could it be that the virus has "just run it's course"? Like used to be the explanation for when other viruses seemed to fade out of existance before? Or maybe they already have herd immunity from those who they know were infected with it and those vaccinated against it, but also those who were infected that the authorities weren't aware of (like the asymptomatic and those who had mild symptoms so didn't present themselves for medical assistance)?
The World Will Pay More for Meat as Food Inflation Deepens That's why when you see a good deal on meat if you have a freezer and freezer room for it, you should get as much of it as you can or you want and can afford and freeze it in portions suitable for 1 meal for however members of the household there is. So say 4 people - 4 steaks or chicken legs per freezer baggy, with the contents and date written on it before freezing it. That way there's no waste as you get only what you'll eat at the time out to thaw up and use. If it's things like large chuck roasts or pork roasts, you can butcher those things into whatever cuts of meat you want like strips, cubes, steaks, roasts, ground beef or pork, etc.... package and freeze it. Same with veggies, when they're on special buy whatever amount you want or think you'll use over x period of time, then blanche and freeze them in meal size portions in labelled freezer bags and just pull them out of the freezer at meal time open and use them in your meal by cooking directly from frozen. That's how to save on the cost of food. Even perishable food, like fresh veggies. A lot of fruit can be frozen from fresh too. Just cut into usable sized pieces or bite sized before freezing and freeze in portions as well.
Definitely, and after that a 4th and then eventually a 44th and 444th, and finally a 4,444th wave! Like I said it's never ending because they've discovered at least 4,000 strains and as long as the gestapo bootied gang can keep us scared and compliant and in lockdown to wreck the econony along with our livelihoods so we'll be more amenable to their future plans of indentured slavery, as we won't have any other choice. That seems to be what the Great Reset is all about and what these lockdowns and BS are leading to. It'll work too, if everyone remains compliant and believes all this scaremongering BS they keep throwing at us to keep us scared and in our cages (aka homes). The only way it won't work, is if we stand up to them and say enough is enough - because as I pointed out before, there's way more of us than there of them and by them I mean the politicians, cops, military, judges, jails etc.... If we fight back by refusing to comply and are issued tickets etc we have a choice to fight them in court. If the courts start getting swamped by rebels who refuse to comply, at some point the courts will demand the gov't repeal those laws or just stop hearing cases altogether in which case those who don't pay will be dragged off to jail, but there's only so much room in the jails too..... So oh well.... Um duh, what're they going to do then? But that only works when enough people just get sick and tired of it and refuse to comply, like religious establishments and movie theatre owners are doing now. So if more people and establishments joined them in their refusals to comply, to the point it overwhelmed the establishment and they just couldn't deal with it anymore, they'd have to give in and stop this BS or do like the Chinese gov't did in Tiananmen Square in 1989 with the army tanks. Question is, would they stoop so low as to do that to their own citizens here in Canada and the US?
I think the title says it all, basically.
I don't see why customs can't use those rapid tests on them before they're allowed entry. I mean what use are those tests if we don't use them in the obvious places that they are needed?
There used to be a saying that would tend to agree with this, "idle hands or idle minds is the devil's playground". That's why we were told to keep busy with something. Working, hobbies, studies, playing, reading, watching tv or anything besides just moping around like a bunch of lazy sloths.
Glad to see some people somewhere on this planet will be able to have some fun and enjoy themselves a bit.
Families flock to reopened Los Angeles Zoo Even more people get to have some fun. Wondering if I'll live long enough to see some of those things around here again. And don't talk to me about the stupid West Island Eco Museum. It's a colossal waste of time and money to go there, in my opinion.
Yup and I'm going to go so far as to predict at some point in time we'll have a colossal 4,444th wave too, unless Cdns wake up and realize what's going on here and put an end to it and the scare tactics being used to keep them compliant.
Tourism Nova Scotia prepares for another year in the 'landscape of uncertainty,' says CEO Except for the mandatory 14 day quarantine, NS has a lot of things going for it, to attract tourists, and most of it is outside - so pretty safe, compared to confined indoor quarters. I mean we can start with the obvious Peggy's Cove, and Cabot Trail, and Cape Breton Highlands, but then there's also the old rr #3 along the southwest shore also known as the Lighthouse Route - which is precisely what it is, a route that takes you near lots of lighthouses (most if not all decommissioned now) to the automated one in Yarmouth. Then there's the route through the Annapolis Valley and Port Royal and well an old route near Truro that basically was along a mountainside overlooking the ocean below - which now is bypassed by that stupid see nothing highway of yours. Same thing with Route 3 and 103.... 10x anything is a fast bland boring way of getting through the province without seeing anything except trees, if you want to see something you need to follow the non10x routes like route 3 or route 2 instead of 102 or 4 instead of 104 - if you can find them that is, as they've pretty well hidden them from view from everyone even locals it seems. So advertise those routes again and you can have all the visitors you want as everyone will be outside to start with, to see all those sights along those routes.
Singh pledges military deployment in election campaign-style promise Why do we need that???? Were the military deployed when we got the whole country vaccinated against H1N1 in a matter of 3-4 months???? I don't think so. So if we were able to do that for the H1N1 virus why is this one so much more difficult and complicated? Gawd, you clowns make it sound as though it's rocket science to do this, when in fact it's not!!!!!!
You can also use it to trade with on sites like
Freecycle Network to get something else you'd like, for free. So long as you offer something on their site for free, you are able to get things for free from others. There's 5340 groups around the world with over 9 million members world wide. Of course you will need to look for the group in your area and sign up in order to see the things on offer and to post your offer. There's a large variety of things that are offered at any given time so if what you want isn't listed today maybe there'll be a listing for it tomorrow or next week - you need to keep checking back if you're looking for something specific. And generally speaking the first to speak up for it is the one to get it, unless they don't show up at the agreed time for the exchange then probably it'll go to the next person who wanted it. So it pays to keep checking back frequently in order to find what you're looking for and to be the first one to email the owner about it. So you can use your clutter to find/get other things that might interest you, instead.
hehehe.... I'm sorry but that's funny. Not to mention just plain sad.
B.C. sticking with vaccine plan despite calls to immunize racialized groups sooner Good because as I pointed out in an earlier post the ONLY RACES that are less numerous than whites on this planet are the indigenous and blacks. So they should go first
FOLLOWED BY THE WHITES & since Asian races make up half the world's total population, THEY SHOULD GO LAST!!!!! I mean if you want to play it that way, that's the way it should be played, considering there's 50% of the world's population that are East or South Asian races (Indian and Oriental) and only 16% are white with 13% black and less than 1% being Indigenous. So the Indigenous, Blacks and Whites are more in peril of going extinct and being wiped out than the Asian races are. So yeah if you're going by races then follow that guideline - because CHINESE, INDIANS & PAKISTANIS ARE
NOT THE MINORITIES!!!! They might be the minorities in Canada but they are NOT THE MINORITIES IN THE WORLD POPULATIONS!!!!!
That's generally true of all vaccinations. If you get any side effects from them, they'll mimic the disease you're being vaccinated against. That's normal.
Then this is the test that should be employed everywhere.
Insiders at Covid-19 Vaccine Makers Sold Nearly $500 Million of Stock Last Year Yup, all these vaccines, tests, test swabs, PPE, masks, sanitizers, and so on are huge money makers for those who make the stuff. Then there's the huge gouge your eyes out of your head fines imposed by several draconian wanna be jack booted dictators, that makes money for their gov'ts. It seems to be all about money, how to make money and how to decimate the economy and people's livelihoods, while super inflating the stock markets and housing markets.
IF that's true then that's awesome. But given the propensity that bag of dirt Tedros has for lying, I don't know as I'd believe a word he says. So is it true or isn't it true? Maybe it's just a pipedream of his. Who knows?
If kids can sit in a classroom for 5-6 hours a day, then congregations should be able to sit together for 2-3 hours once or twice a week. Physically distanced like in classrooms and wearing masks there should be no problem. So I'm behind this pastor 100% and I hope he wins!
Yup, can't say as this is a surprise. It sounds like something they'd do, when it comes to Palestinians.
It's all lining up for the Great Reset.
Like what I struggle with everytime I go to their site to read anything and can't get any further than the opening screen with the title splashed all over it. They're lucky I can't find the "contact" or "email" buttons because my common decency would go out the window....
That's an awesome attitude.
Yup, we definitely do NOT want people buying little extra somethings to lift their spirits.... Nope, nope, nope..... Can't have that....
Different perspectives from different people & ages.
That would be an amazing feat, considering the US started vaccinating later than Canada did and has over 10x the population that Canada has, but yet Canada can't get theirs done before September. Optimistically speaking - more like pie in the sky dreams that bozo brains in Ottawa has. Realistically though the way things are going here, we'll be lucky if we're done before 2031 given that it'll 10.9 years to finish at the speed we're currently going.
Stinginess and greed knows no bounds does it!?! Yeah why pay workers more per hour when they're endangering their lives to keep your business operational and earning money?Some employers don't deserve employees. At all and should be forced to do all their own dirty work themselves, and risk their own lives doing it. That seems like a better solution to me.
Oh yeah, he'd just love that! Even more shots for him to make even more money on and have more opportunity to mess with them to add even more sinister ingredients than those already in the first two shots...
This is probably the reason why they tried to screw Canada out of our supply. I wouldn't doubt it. The upgrading facilities was probably just a cover story to feed us, in order to buy them time.
How do we know the COVID-19 vaccines are safe? As for the vaccines made using RNA, we don't know if it's safe or not because that technology hasn't been around long enough in order for us to know what the long term consequences of that might be, if any. So until several decades have passed and all the younger adults (in 20s & 30s now) have reached ages of say 60+, giving a sample of several vaccine recipients over several decades as study subjects to see which percentage of them lived, died, developed weird problems never before seen in medicine or so rarely seen it seemed to be an oddity until these occurrences appearing in that population, cancer, miscarriages, heart problems, and other potential health problems compared against a similar sized segment of population who either had no vaccine or a non RNA based vaccine. Then and only then will we be able to determine how safe or dangerous it is. In the meantime everyone lining up for the Pfizer & the Moderna vaccines are lining up to be guinea pigs.
That's very sad, that there's such small minded people who'd do something like that to such a nice old guy as him.
Well you know it's your own bloody faults there lientists, journalists & CEOs considering all the lies you've told us since this started. In fact, it's my opinion that 95% of you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ash.
Wow! That's scary!
Good! It's about frigging time the courts stood up for the rights of the people!
This is just sad.
There's probably some of that going on here in Canada too, only we don't hear about it. But we did hear about those who worked in and around Health Care Services who were not health care workers but CEOs and bigwigs in the chain getting vaccines ahead of everyone else.
Yet another aspect of this whole plandemic lockdown that we probably weren't aware of.
Some people will do anything for the least little thing, it seems.
Wonder what the stats are for Montreal restaurants?
As this plandemic drags on longer and longer, more and more people who see no end in sight are becoming more and more depressed and some are just downright suicidal now. So that's why I decided to post this story, in the hopes that it may help someone save someone's life, by getting help for them before it's too late.
Anyhow, that's all for now.... So until next time take care & stay well.