Showing posts with label virtual social interactions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtual social interactions. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Baking, Trying Desperately to Stay Awake &



October 19, 2020

I have no clue why I am so tired all the time. I could sleep all day and night long it seems. That's what happened last night. Immediately after supper, I crashed. I couldn't even hold my eyes open long enough really to finish supper.  Then I slept until our dog woke me up because she wanted to go out near midnight.  So I got up and put her out and tidied up the kitchen and did dishes because as I said I could barely hold my eyes open to finish dinner. I watched a couple of shows on Netflix and the History Channel and then passed out again - while watching the last of the shows on the History channel. My husband said I should go to bed if I'm that tired. So I did and then I didn't get up until 2pm today and even then my husband said it was a hassle to get me up. He said he tried for 2 hours straight but I wouldn't even wake up let alone get up.

But since I pried my eyes open this afternoon I managed to make that apple cake I promised my husband and cranberry muffins, having made the cranberry bread the other day. Now all I need is for the weather to cooperate so I can pick more raspberries and then I'll see what amount I have in order to figure out what I can make with them. If the weather doesn't cooperate soon though, I may have to wind up making muffins or freezing what I have. That's what I made the raspberry ice cream with earlier this year, frozen raspberries that thawed up when the freezer went kaflewy. So frozen raspberries can still be used in things like that or sauces or other things that uses sauced or almost liquified raspberries.

Now hopefully, I'll still be awake after supper and be able to spend some time posting some more of the neverending covid headlines, but I'm going to get a head start on it and start adding some now while I wait for the baked goods to cool off enough to handle them:

If you're looking for a job virtually,  you probably hope the potential employer will like you, this article may help with that.
The rise of the ‘virtual water cooler’  I guess that's something different and new that people will have to get used to - how to have private gossip sessions without eavesdroppers listening in, virtually.

That occurred at the social distancing faux pas earlier this year.
Canadian ski resorts wrestle with pandemic-vs.-profit dilemma as COVID-19 persists Hmmmm I always thought skiers tried to keep a distance from each other otherwise they risked colliding together and getting hurt. So that's a sport that's naturally adapted to social distancing, so what's the problem?

Well since peg-legged Lucien closed all the hospitals in the 1990s thereby drastically cutting down on hospital facilities and beds in the province, what can you expect?


This is very sad. 



Carla Bruni on Remaining Hopeful During COVID and the Time She Confronted a Lying Trump I guess we almost have no choice about remaining hopeful. It's either that or give up and crawl in a  hole and die. 

I can relate to this, as I'm sure most other dog owners can too.
First of all, I don't even know why international air travel is STILL ALLOWED??? If the borders are closed except to essential goods and services (like international trade or fire prevention services etc) then that's what it should be. It should be that unless you have a semi rig hauling a bazillion items or pounds of goods, or you're a firefighter coming to put out fires, you're not allowed into this country, no matter which method of transport you choose!!!!!! Otherwise what's the f'n point of closing borders if anyone with a few extra bucks to spend on airline tickets rather than merely gas can get in and circumvent the rules anyhow????? 
Most executives seek work-life balance after experiencing pandemic blues: survey So they're starting to realize that life isn't always about chasing the buck?   Good for them. Too bad it took a major pandemic for them to put things into perspective like this though. 

I can kind of understand that, because I got mad at the QC gov't for imposing measures to limit us travelling during this lockdown as I wanted to go take a ride for a day, just to get out of the house and change scenery by going to the Laurentians for a day to see the fall leaves. But nooooo.... We're not allowed. It's not like we planned on going into every establishment along the way and spreading our non-coronavirus germs (as we don't have the coronavirus) or anything. We just wanted to go see the leaves. We would've brought our camera for sure, our dog, some jackets and sweaters, a blanket for the dog, some bottled water, and maybe just maybe a picnic lunch that we could've pulled over somewhere to eat, along with dog bowls and dog food. Just for an outing for the day to see the leaves. That's all. No big deal. But apparently it is now, because we're not allowed to go more than 2 feet from our front door I guess. Maybe that's why we're no longer getting a grocery flier to a certain store that we normally shop at because it's not right in our immediate vicinity. Which is too bad, because they usually have the best prices on food. So the minute we can have fun of any kind, whether that's get togethers, travel, or shows and concerts, I'm going and doing all of it or at least as much as I can of it.  So I understand the Chinese.

COVID-19 further delaying some overdue military procurements I'm not sure how COVID is delaying the procurements as it's not explained in the article either. Maybe due to a large amount of key personnel being off because of it? Otherwise I don't see the justification in using COVID as an excuse for their glacial pace - because that's the normal speed of government. Glaciers melt and move faster than the Cdn gov't or any branch thereof.

Oh DEFINITELY - They ALWAYS NEEDED IT BUT NEVER GOT IT! That's WHY they've been able to get away with all sorts of crimes like they have for decades now. Crimes like theft, grand theft auto, forgery, fraud, abandonment, and you name it. They were crookeder than f'n snakes long before COVID19 came along. Those crimes I listed above is just what one nursing home pulled when they were looking after my father and according to the RCMP there was nothing they could do because "it's a civil matter" (since when is stealing a truck a civil matter anyhow?) and trying to get vital information like the PIN & plate number of my father's truck from the Motor Vehicles Bureau in NS is like pulling f'n teeth because they use the "privacy act" to not have to tell you anything not even something as benign as that (but that you could use to get the cops to hunt the truck down so you could get it back and sue the f'n C that stole it in the first place). Nooooooo why would they do that? The cops and the gov't are there to protect the criminals and help f over the victims as much as possible. That's what they're there for. So it's about frigging time there was some over site on those criminal blood sucking vultures. I'd rather lay on the floor because I can't get back up again, and starve to death than go to one of those death camps for the elderly. Now you might have a better idea why I can just barely tolerate the gov't and the cops and that I take everything that comes out of any of their mouths with a HUGE CHUNK OF SALT. That's just one incident with the same sort of results as most other incidents I've had dealing with either the cops or the gov't. 

COVID-19: Are targeted restrictions enough to keep cases down?  Doesn't seem like it, because the targetted restrictions of limited social interactions and gatherings and not being allowed to go outside your zone, hasn't kept cases down. If anything they're surging over time. 

From what I can see here in QC, they may have to, because the targetted restrictions they put in place aren't having much if any effect. 
Less waste generated on P.E.I. during pandemic That's good. Good for the pocket book and the environment no doubt. I wonder if it's the same across Canada? 



Cannabis vape companies are experiencing a sales boom during the pandemic They've definitely got plenty of time to get high these days. And as we're not allowed to go anywhere, see anyone, do anything  or have any kind of fun, I can see why there's a lot of people vaping pot these days. 

They should bring back the jukebox then. Then patrons would be able to listen to the music they want while paying for the privilege to do so. Depending on arrangements between the establishments and the jukebox owners, the establishment owner could get up to 1/2 the money put into the jukeboxes in their establishments. My husband used to work for a jukebox company in Montreal and that's the usual arrangement the owner of the jukebox company had with the bars, restaurants, etc they had them in. Then there's background continuous radio music too. Like Sirius. 

Wow! And I thought it was bad over here in our area of the world!
Coronavirus: Ministers ‘set to ban socialising indoors and close pubs and restaurants’ in northern England and London Are they looking for a major revolt? Because it sure looks like they might be, to me.

Farm owner handed £10K COVID fine after fight breaks out at wedding with 300 guests Oh wow! That's a lot of money, but there's still stiffer fines being handed out in various parts of Canada for such things.

Yorkton, Sask., Chamber of Commerce president under fire for masking, COVID-19 views Of course during this pandemic no one is allowed to have different opinions based on certain facts, without the wolf crying majority coming down on them and their opinions (which are probably more scientifically valid than their scaredy-cat set of facts they rely on to bolster their side of the debate). 

From what I read, I agree with them 100%. The idiots in power have no clue where the virus is coming from and being spread from. And as this quote from the article explains: It is seen as an attempt to “scapegoat” the hospitality industry for ministers’ failings on coronavirus.  I agree with.
Conservative MP accuses Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty of scaremongering: 'They want to make your skin creep'  Well it is mid October. I wonder if there's a way to check on the accuracy of their prediction..... They said by mid October there'd be 50,000 new cases a day. Well it's a little past mid October, more like 2/3rds of the way through it now and there's 18,804 cases there today.  So in hindsight yeah you could say they're scaremongering for sure, by more than doubling the figures of what there actually are. They're not the only government that uses scare tactics like that either. Canada and the provinces are adept at such tactics as well.



Police could visit homes to check people are self-isolating from today It sounds like the UK is swiftly turning into a police state.

That would be good. 
Anyhow, that'll have to be it for now. Until next time take care and stay well.