Showing posts with label COVID19 resurgence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID19 resurgence. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Yikes! I've Fallen Behind,

In the Coronavirus Coverage & Craziness

June 16, 2020

As I've already posted my COVID19 rant for the day in the previous post on Father's Day, I'll spare everyone the antics here and just get straight to the matter at hand - Coronavirus. What else? Doesn't seem to be much else besides that and BLM movement and riots going on out there anyhow.

CDC warns U.S. may reimplement strict coronavirus measures if cases go up 'dramatically' More and more that's beginning to look like a good possibility.

The World’s Nightclub Capital Faces an Existential Crisis I'm sure it'll come back given our nature to want to party and have fun together.

The Economy Is Reeling. The Tech Giants Spy Opportunity. Personally, I think some of those companies are already large enough and need to be reeled in by the governments and if need be broken up into smaller companies and have strict measures imposed on them to prevent them from overstepping their bounds.

Animal baby boom at Palestinian zoo after people disappear See? Even animals like a little privacy in their lives.

Indigenous Services eyeing Canadian trial of antiviral drug that could prevent COVID-19 Geez they're brave, aren't they? Personally I wouldn't want to be high on any list of recipients for trial drugs. I've had enough harm and pain inflicted on me by the medical establishment, trying this treatment and that method, or medication out on me "as a trial". I'm not interested in being anyone else's guinea pig, thank you very much. And I don't see why others are so anxious to be either, because usually the first ones to recieve or buy anything new are the ones that the product, medicine, vaccine (take your pick of words there) are the guinea pigs that end up with the bad version  that doesn't work and needs tweaking or a total upgrade before it works properly and sometimes it's several upgrades and tweaks that are needed in order to achieve that.

One country, two pandemics: what COVID-19 reveals about inequality in Canada

Can stores refuse my money? Your COVID-19 cash questions answered  What I want to know is if a store can force me to buy a greetings card worth nearly $10.00 just because I picked it up to look at it? It's totally inappropriate because it's to a relation I don't even have. I picked it up to read it, thinking that it was to a generic female - as I wanted a birthday card for my daughter-in-law and didn't see the word "sister"  on it, because it was below the level of the card showing in it's case (you know with the wood/metal bar across the bottom that holds the cards in place in the rack). I picked it up to look at it and read the interior of it, when a clerk came along and told me I couldn't touch the greeting cards and if I did I had to buy the one/s I touched. So that card I was holding when she came along I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it and it was nearly $10.00 in cost. But that's super idiotic not being allowed to touch greetings cards unless you're going to buy it. How do you even know if you want it until you've opened and read the inside and how do you do that without touching it? I mean at nearly $10.00 a shot, that's almost the cost of a freaking book or magazine with many more pages and words inside than that, so we should be allowed to read it, before we buy it, if they want that much money for something as short and sweet as a greetings card.

The 9 Best Dog Breeds for People With Anxiety There seems to be no shortage of people with anxiety after lockdown began.... Pretty near everyone is manifesting symptoms of anxiety or stress it seems - judging by the behaviour I witnessed in some people today.

COVID-19, Civil Unrest Could Trigger Mass Migration in Post-Pandemic World Of course everyone in the world will want to migrate to the places they think are the safest or had the best security nets set up to protect their people from the disease or the economic fallout or both. That's normal. But once they get there, maybe the next thing to hit won't be anything remotely like what just passed and be something totally different that is handled a totally different way by that new country they migrated to. For instance, wars and pandemics aren't handled in the same way usually.

Pregnant Women at Very Low Risk of Transmitting COVID-19 to Their Babies

COVID-19 May Trigger New Form Of Diabetes, Researchers Warn Okay then as a former nurse, my brain is screaming at me right now, does this mean that diabetes II could be caused by a virus? Maybe a coronavirus like the common ordinary cold virus? Could it be that type II diabetics contracted a certain strain of the coronavirus that made them diabetic only the medical community hasn't researched or established that and thus doesn't realize that that might be the actual underlying cause of most type II diabetes cases? 

When my daughter just suddenly up and died of a stage IV cancer after having had an 8 hour operation with 11 metal screws inserted in a broken leg 7 or 8 months prior to her suddenly being diagnosed with late stage IV cancer (which was a super rare cancer on top of that) and knowing that usually long difficult operations like that usually involves some form of blood transfusion, I started wondering back then in 2012 if cancer could be conveyed via blood (like AIDS and Hepatitis  & other bloodborne illnesses). I was told I was crazy, that that doesn't happen. Then lo & behold a couple of years ago, they started realizing that several kinds of cancers could be detected in blood tests. So if they're detectable in blood tests, they're conveyable via blood too. So I was right about that though it's several years too late to help my daughter that they discovered anything to do with that.

Now my brain is screaming if it's causing diabetes, why can't other more common strains of coronavirus that causes common colds etc have also caused diabetes as well? So I think that's something the medical community really ought to be looking into.

Isolated Seniors Miss Hugs From Loved Ones More Than Anything Else During COVID-19

Better Love Life, Worse Diet: COVID-19 Outbreak Taking All Types of Tolls on Americans  and Canadians.

Kelly Clarkson Felt "Divorce Was Her Only Option" After Quarantining with Her Husband in Montana

Why those under 40 now make up the majority of COVID-19 cases in Alberta

Australia's COVID-19 successes shine a light on Canada's troubled long-term care sector

COVID-19 has been the push some Canadians needed to move out of the city As far as I'm concerned, living in the country is much nicer than living in the city. Where we live we have the peace, tranquility and beauty of the countryside, but convenience of city life as Montreal is only a hop skip and jump away from where we live. I can't think of a better place to live really.

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson launches review into 2m social distancing rule Seems like everyone is reviewing that rule, because here in QC, they are now saying if you're 1.5 - 2 meters away that's alright.

How backpacking towns are coping after being left empty by coronavirus Tourist industry in the UK and how it affects them.

How our brain is processing the pandemic This is a whole post in itself, which I can't afford to get into right now, but suffice to say some of the more malevolent powers that be in this world thrive on the kinds of energy put out by people with all this anxiety and fear. Like they keep telling us, we're all connected. Well so are our thoughts and fears and anxieties and there are those that just feed off those like vampires, to empower the more malevolent power players out there.

Celebrity chef José Andrés: 'We are a food planet' A chef who's trying to feed the hungry in America.

Coronavirus: How sex workers are surviving in Uganda and Nigeria Yet another angle on this virus and it's repercussions.

Coronavirus: Fact-checking claims it might have started in August 2019

How anxiety affects your focus

Rent relief? This U.S. city is looking to cancel rent for tenants hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic

I'm over 60. Stop talking about coronavirus 'culling' me  I'm sure most if not all of us seniors would agree with this one.

A mutation shows why the coronavirus is such a formidable foe

Images show how coronavirus is overrunning Rio's hospitals Like they say, a picture is worth a 1,000 words - so there's a few thousand words represented here.

Pandemic blues: Crush it with creativity Hopefully, if I can get life to cooperate with me for a few days where I don't have a bazillion things to do and am run ragged by everything, I might get the chance to try my hand at creativity, doing something I enjoy doing like working with polymer clay or something else.

Sedentary lockdowns put kids at risk for obesity. Here's how to help them stay moving

CDC posts tips for minimizing everyday coronavirus risk We got a booklet from the provincial gov't the other day that is along the same lines as this.

COVID-19 liability waivers now part of going to hair salons, gyms, theme parks and more Okay.... this is just going a little too far I think.  But then in the US where everyone likes to sue everyone else over the least little thing, maybe not. Maybe it's required.

Scientists try to keep coronavirus masks from being swallowed by culture wars

90-year-old couple reunites after wife recovers from COVID-19
Allison Hanes: Globetrotting Dr. Arruda lacked judgment  If you ask me, everyone who has had anything to do with this pandemic from the Chinese right on through, has lacked judgement. It's been mishandled from the get go.

As the race for a vaccine ramps up, so do calls for vaccine injury compensation Even if there's compensation, I still wouldn't take it until or unless it's fully tested and we've had time to determine what if any side effects from it appear.

COVID pandemic prompts initiative to offer free legal aid to anyone in Canada Legal aid is usually only given to those who need to defend themselves from some accusations or other. So why would the average person in Canada need free legal aid because of COVID19? Now, if they want to extend their services to those who want to sue the various gov'ts and others who mishandled things or were plain negligent in their duties, then yeah that would be a good thing, as I'm sure there's lots of aggrieved people who would love to sue some people for their losses and deaths of loved ones and infringements on their freedoms etc.... But unless they're offering those services I don't see why average Canadians would need legal aid. And the 5 hours free service they are offering, does what exactly? That's not going to be enough to defend you nor sue on your behalf. So what's the point?

'Great medical mystery' as COVID-19 'long-haulers' complain of months-long symptoms I'm wondering if these different symptoms and problems really are related to COVID and not some concurrent health problems these people are having alongside COVID or immediately following their recovery from COVID. Because it just seems rather bizarre to me anyhow that nearly everything in  the health related issues to come along since COVID came on the scene, is being lumped in with it as being COVID19. Personally, I think some people who have the disease may also have other health related problems alongside the COVID disease, that are totally unrelated to COVID but which are being lumped in with it, merely because the person experiencing those problems also happened to have COVID19 at the same time or just prior to or after whatever the other issues are.

US COVID-19 survivor receives $1.1 mn hospital bill  If this isn't reason to want to protect our medicare from those who would dismantle it on us, I don't know what is, considering none of us Canadians would be facing any bills like that no matter how long we were hospitalized for whatever reason, COVID or cancer or whatever else that could come along and cause us to require extensive hospital stays and expensive treatments.

Blood Tribe elder and residential school survivor dies of COVID-19  Taking a quote from the story: "Our elders are our most precious resource and we ask that you respect their homes and their space. They are a vulnerable population," Fox said. 

You'd think that whites should feel the same about their elders. But apparently not. Not after they've been shuffled off to an old age home, where they were left to either die from Coronavirus or perhaps abandonment causing dehydration and starvation.

Longer lines, higher fares and no booze: Flying is about to get more aggravating  More aggravating? How can it get more aggravating? I thought it was already pretty aggravating in 2018 the last time I got on a plane. 

France must seek greater economic independence after virus, says Macron Like I've said before, I think all countries should become more independent and self-sufficient so that they can stand on their own in times of trouble, without relying on anyone or anything else.

COVID-19 refund struggles There needs to be better laws put in place to safeguard consumers and their rights, no matter if it's in a time of pandemic or war or prosperous peacetime. If people paid for something and didn't get what they paid for they deserve to be reimbursed for it. Period. 

Care-free days at theme parks giving way to virus safeguards  At least they can go to theme parks, here in Quebec at least having fun of any kind seems to be forbidden.  It's either stay shut in at home or go to work or school, like good little robotic slaves. It's forbidden to enjoy life though, or at least that's how it seems to me.

Pandemic has been 'spiritually painful,' archbishop says, as churches reopen gradually It's been more than just "spiritually painful" that's for sure. I'm sure most people would agree that it's been not only physically painful but psychologically painful as well economically painful too.

Housing crisis amid a pandemic: Parc-Ex residents call for pause on evictions I hope this isn't going to wind up causing massive social unrest in Montreal or the province when the pause on evictions expires.

Iran president decries reduced respect for virus rules You know I recently came across an article where Muslim women in Canada were crying about wearing their "veil" on their faces and they couldn't see the difference between wearing one of those and a surgical or N95 face mask and figured because it covered their faces they should be allowed to wear their "veil" instead of a proper mask. I just wish those women would look at the picture that accompanies this story which is from the "Gulf Times". It shows Muslim women in their traditional wear, but with surgical masks on and not veils. So even there in Iran they are expected to wear surgical masks at least and not merely veils. So why do they insist that they should be allowed to do that here?  I am so sick to death of their double standards and hypocrisy and lies.

Don’t Plan on Summer Holidays in U.S., Fauci Tells the British I can't even get my head around why he thinks anyone in their right minds would want to go to the US this summer with one of the highest death rates and case rates of COVID19 in the entire world. Talk about hubris. That has to be the height of it, if you ask me.

Putin says Russia dealing better with virus than US I guess we have to take his word for it, because everyone else who might disagree with him, seems to be jumping to their deaths from hospital windows.

In Germany, a Smorgasbord of Causes Results in One Vast Protest March I can almost guarantee that's what was going on here too, only a lot of people didn't have the courage to voice those other causes (a lot of it I think was pent up anger and frustration at how the pandemic and their lives were controlled by the gov'ts) which would seem like the BLM rallies and riots were being hijacked if they did and they didn't need the fallout from that to deal with too. So the BLM was as much a just cause to protest as any other reason, which gave them the means and venues to blow off all that pent up anger & frustration, while lending support to the BLM cause.

RAVE HORROR Man, 20, dies of ‘drug overdose’, woman, 18, raped and three stabbed as thousands gather for ‘quarantine’ raves I think the virus or the lockdowns or maybe both have really done a number on people and their brains. 

Another Coronavirus Lockdown May Be On The Horizon, Centers For Disease Control Warns  Of course there is, after the 30 day reopening is up, the 50 day lockdown will begin again. And on it'll go like this, for how long, is anyone's guess. But mine is that they plan to keep doing this until they have such a bad rebellion that they have no choice but to stop those draconian measures and just let life go on as normal, or until they get a vaccine that they think they can force us to take. 

Wife of Prime Minister Trudeau has Coronavirus: Dow 666 Okay after a REALLY WEIRD NIGHT where what sounded like 2 loud gong strikes about 5 seconds apart,  right overhead woke, me, my husband and our dog up out of sound sleeps and nearly gave us heart attacks in the process. We (all 3 of us) searched the premises inside and out to find what could've made such loud noises - like for fallen metal things or broken glass or anything out of place both inside and outside the house and finding nothing. After calming down and getting our heart rates back to normal my husband decided to go back to sleep but I was too buzzed and afraid to go back to sleep right away. 
So I turned on the TV to watch whatever was on and it turned out it was "The God Code" but it was half way through it and I remembered I had saved it on the PVR when it was on last year, but hadn't watched it yet. So I decided to watch it and found it quite interesting and then after I finished watching it, I decided to do a search and see if there was anything else of interest that was discovered using that code and came up with this page. Which in light of what's going on now with COVID and all, I found to be rather weird and creepy to say the least. So I thought I'd save the bookmark to it and post it here for others perusal.  

Needless to say I also googled Gong Sounds Waking Up and got these two links: Gong sounds waking up.  and the following one, which is even creepier still because some of the sounds in the clip sounds like trumpet sounds. Gabriel's Trumpet? Maybe? As in sounding of the beginning of the apocalypse? Ergo the pandemic and the rest of what's happening now? Anyhow, here's the other link: What IS this strange sound from the sky? Noise heard across the globe for nearly a DECADE - but nobody has an explanation  So if that doesn't creep you out, nothing will.
Governments May Revisit Postwar Playbook as They Tackle Huge Debts    Probably quite a few gov'ts are going to have to figure out how to start to rebalance their books after the pandemic finishes with them and their economies.

America’s Social Unrest Is About to Get Much Worse, Congress Fears Canada's will too, if Trudeau, stops doling out money to support the most vulnerable during this crisis. Although it probably won't be anywhere near as bad as the probable turmoil in the US.

No lockdown should 2nd wave of COVID-19 hit Sask.: Chief medical health officer I don't think they had much of a wave the first time around. So if the 2nd one is about the same as the 1st, then no they shouldn't shut down as it'd make absolutely no sense to wreck the economy for so few cases and deaths.

COVID-19 in Canada: B.C. warns 'it only takes one person' to spread COVID-19, U.S.-Canada border to remain closed  How come  you're only thinking that it only takes one person to spread it, now? Why couldn't you have realized this in the very beginning? You, Tam, Haggydo, Trudeau and the rest of the so-called health officers in Canada? If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation now would we?

Canada sees tight U.N. Security Council race, says coronavirus response could help Ahhhhh, now we see and understand why Santa Trudeau was out on his front steps doling money out like it Christmas, everyday. He thinks it'll look good for his bid for the UN seat showing how benevolant and compassionate he is. It was all about optics and not so much because he actually cared - he just wanted the people in the UN to think he cares. That's all.

Seniors are becoming COVID-19 collateral damage. They're dying because of it, not of it.  Like I said abandonment by caregivers causing death. Those caregivers should be charged with negligent manslaughter - all of them, in both the US & Canada. Because there's no excuse for that. None.

That's it for tonight, but I'm still nowhere near caught up on it all, so there's still lots more to come. Check back again tomorrow for the continuing COVID19 saga.