Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Early Start to Serious Effort To Get This Done

 Covid 19


October 30, 2020

As plans for today have changed, I find myself with a bit of extra time, which I am going to devote to trying to catch up as much as possible on the Covid headlines so I can finish this as soon as possible...

So.... Let's get started....

COVID-19 modelling shows B.C.'s curve has bent back downward

This would be great news if it stays like that....

Quebec introduces COVID Alert app as daily case tally tops 1,000 for 4th straight day 

Which I think most people are suspicious of and distrust. 

China, 25 other countries call on Western nations to lift sanctions amid coronavirus So they want to be rewarded for spreading the virus world-wide by having sanctions lifted eh? Yeah, let'em dream in technocolour.... 

White House blocks new coronavirus vaccine guidelines that would delay approval

This is probably nothing more than more political subterfuge, since in the US this whole pandemic thing seems to be a political game of some sort, where because the pariah president promised a vaccine before the elections, the CDC and other powers that approve of vaccines etc, is bound and bent to stymy whatever efforts are being made to get one out before the election, in order to pander to the president. So even if there are a half dozen vaccines ready and willing to meet market demand and go, the CDC and other regulatory powers that are decidedly anti-Trump will find ways to hold them back and prevent them from coming to market before the election. But I betcha if Joe Biden wins, they'll start approving them right away and they'll be on the market before the end of the week that the election is held. I could almost guarantee that.

Active COVID-19 cases jump to 894 in Edmonton Whoo.... They're getting up there too. 

Trudeau promises federal help for COVID hot spots in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta

B.C. NDP leader promises free COVID-19 vaccine during town hall 

Court rejects attempt to accelerate COVID-19 testing in Quebec schools  The "health minister" (more like pencil pushers minister since the bozo is an accountant totally UNrelated to the health field) didn't offer a clear & unequivocal promise.... 

Canada opening border to international students going to coronavirus-ready institutions

Ontario's backlog in COVID-19 testing making some international travellers miss their flights Oh boo hoo poor babies missing their flights. WTF are they doing travelling during the pandemic and lockdowns anyhow???? 

6 Americans fined for violations while driving through Canada to Alaska — despite tougher rules

Good! Serves them right! 

Coronavirus: Iran’s Rouhani cancels top meeting amid fears of contracting COVID-19 

Amid rising infections, Israeli ultra-Orthodox defy lockdown

Mexico reports record daily increase in coronavirus cases, deaths 

Europe’s Second Covid-19 Wave Starts to Spill Over From Young to Old  

Study finds neurological symptoms in most COVID patients This definitely isn't good. Let's hope these symptoms aren't permanent.

Florida teen arrested at school after refusing to wear mask 

Western views of China hit new lows amid pandemic Ummm geez, I wonder just why that would be?

Fed chair warns of economic tragedy if America can't control the coronavirus

Fed Chair Powell calls for more help from Congress, says there’s a low risk of ‘overdoing it’

Another angle on the story directly above this one.... 

Covid hospital cases jump nearly 25% in England

Four Covid rules broken by Trump and the White House 

Covid: White House aide tests positive as military leaders quarantine 

'Long Covid': Why are some people not recovering? 

Coronavirus: How to tell which countries are coping best with Covid 

The quest to make a global vaccine in 12 months 

Should you get paid based on where you live? I say no. Because it's not fair at all. Pay should be commensurate with experience and knowledge in the field and not based on how much you managed to save on rent or mortgage. I mean what's next? If you go there are you going to start reducing their pay based on how much they manage to save on utilities and insurances? What follows? How much they're able to save on groceries because of coupon usage? No, how much someone pays to live where their do is their business and not the company's period end of story. Maybe they manage to live in swanky digs because their spouse is the one with the high paying job, or maybe they manage to live in a pristine tranquil area because they found a luck on a fixer upper that they fixed up themselves or inherited a farm, and not necessarily because of the employee's salary. So no definitely not. It has nothing to do with the company where someone lives. Maybe some of them live under a cardboard box under a bridge right around the corner from the company because they can't afford the rents in that city. Does that mean they'll pay them more because of it? I mean if they're going to reduce salaries because someone managed to find a comfortable lifestyle, does that also mean that they'll bring the wages of the cardboard box dweller up to par to be able to live in an apartment nearby his work? Especially if both employees have the same experience and same wages? If they do increase the cardboard box dweller's salary they should then increase the swamky lifestyle's salary too, since they were equal in experience and wages before the cardboard box dweller got an increase. Fair is fair. No one should have to suffer because they made good decisions in life while others made the worst possible decisions they could possibly make and get rewarded for it, while the good decision makers gets punished for it. That's just plain evil, not to mention stupid and unjust. 

'SNL' COVID-19 plan? $150 checks for audience members to meet New York restrictions 

3 annoying face mask problems and how to fix it

How has the pandemic altered dating? Survey says more roommates are hooking up I'm not really sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing really. In most of the roommate cases I know about I think it would be a rather creepy thing, to say the least.

Gov. Kristi Noem issues claim that South Dakota has proven a point during COVID-19 pandemic: Lockdowns are 'useless'

They would seem to be, considering since QC has gone back into lockdown for the most part, we're seeing higher and higher daily case numbers, as opposed to before we went back into lockdown.

Dow swings 600 points after Trump rejects stimulus plan 

From the Rose Garden to rallies: What large gatherings can teach us about the spread of coronavirus 

CNN Poll: Biden expands lead over Trump after contentious debate and President's Covid diagnosis 

Cleaning staff in hazmat suits sanitize the West Wing as Trump returns to White House Americans have always held a love of the overly dramatic even melodramatic, so what can you expect? After all is it any coincidence that Hollywood the movie capital of the world, is in the United States? 

At least 1 of Trump's military aides tasked with carrying the nuclear 'football' reportedly has coronavirus

Arkansas Republican County Chair Dies of COVID-19 Weeks After His Committee Hosted Maskless Gathering 

Race for Covid-19 vaccine slows as regulators, top Warp Speed official tap the brakes

‘If Anything Happens to Me...’ Inside One of America's Worst-Hit Nursing Homes This almost sounds like it could be a story from the Quebec nursing homes back in the spring.

COVID-19 could cause male infertility - new Israeli study

How about if we just simplify things and say COVID19 could and probably does cause everything!?! Wouldn't that be much simpler?

Fight breaks out on flight after man with face shield refuses to wear mask 

The IRS Is Being Investigated for Using Location Data Without a Warrant

Here's something to think about when deciding to use the tracing app from the Feds for contact tracing of the virus, as there's apt to be Cdn companies/institutes buying this info from that company as well. Not to mention that there maybe be Canadian equivalents doing the same sort of thing, collecting location data from various apps on your cellphones and devices.  Maybe you should stop allowing those apps to get your location data, I mean unless you're playing that weird pookymon game where you need to slay local monsters what does your book reader, or card game app need your location for anyhow? Personally, I don't allow anything, no location info, and no use of the camera either. So what I lose out on using a certain app, there's probably plenty other better apps than that around that doesn't ask for permission to use or track those things. So just think about that before downloading and using that contact tracing app of the Fed's.

'There is hope': COVID-19 vaccine may be ready by the end of the year, WHO boss says I wouldn't believe this lying dirtbag if my life depended on it. And if he's right, they're probably the injections that will finish the job of killing off all the "useless eaters". In that case I say everyone at the UN, the WHO including that dirtbag, and the WEF, and all the world leaders and health ministers should be the first one to get those vaccines. 

Ontario researchers develop model that determines who should get COVID-19 vaccines first 

Vancouver mayor recommends $30M in COVID-19 homeless relief measures 

Five students living in McGill residences test positive for COVID-19 

Toronto’s top doctor wants restaurants to close — Doug Ford wants them open. Health experts say those mixed messages could result in more cases Maybe the population and restaurant and bar owners should be listening to those with the science behind them and not merely the politics behind them.

Health Canada approves 1st rapid antigen COVID-19 test, feds plan to buy 20 million

CRA rolls out new benefits 

Doubts persist about security of federal COVID-19 notification app

As they should. It would be a very stupid and gullible person who just wholeheartedly trusted such an app.

GOLDSTEIN: Public and private sectors have different pandemic priorities I pointed something like this out the day in here, but more in regards to social and psychological health, than wealth, though that tied into what I was talking about as well. 

Time for Quebec to think outside box for COVID testing, experts say

And who or what is going to protect the sniffer dogs from getting it? Maybe those proposing that dogs risk their lives sniffing out a potentially harmful virus for us, should be the ones trained and deployed to do the sniffing. That way if anyone gets sick it'll be one of those idiots and not an innocent dog.

Ten Canadian companies with rapid COVID tests awaiting Health Canada approval They'll probably be waiting forever because I don't think the Feds want to actually know for sure, how many people have it here in Canada. That way they can look better in the eyes of the world for having lower case numbers than many other countries, if we don't have so many being tested and proven to have the disease. Right now the numbers are probably way lower than they ought to be, because we just don't have the capacity to test more people. Like Trump said "fewer tests means fewer cases" and I'm sure that's what numbnuts in Ottawa is relying on to make Canada look better than other nations when it comes to this. After all to that idiot in power, appearance is everything, substance, not so much.

Why vaccine nationalism could prolong the COVID-19 pandemic And why shouldn't rich countries have their own supplies anyhow? Especially countries like Canada who has a tendency to put everyone else in the world before their own? It's about time countries like Canada put their own taxpaying voters first!

Fauci: As many as 400,000 Americans could die from coronavirus

Remember folks, the operative words there are: "As many as" and "could". It doesn't necessarily follow that that many WILL die from coronavirus though.

NYC mayor warns of bleak days ahead with coronavirus outbreak 

Hosting during a pandemic: 30% of Americans will take guests’ temperature before allowing them in

World's first Covid passport technology will be trialled on flights from Heathrow this week in bid to let passengers travel without risk of quarantine in future BUT requires authorities to trust test lab results from abroad The idea of a passport for those who were no longer a risk to others was mine way back in January or February, posted in comment section on a major news site. Maybe I should ask for copyright rights on that idea....

Billionaire wealth reaches new high during COVID-19 pandemic - UBS

Contrast that with the billions of people world wide who are getting poorer on account of the pandemic.

‘Great Polarization’ may be next for world’s richest, UBS says Until or unless the rest of the world has collectively had it with those greedy hogs and finds a way to take them down. Like they say what goes up must come down. So at one point or another they'll come down, it may not be the easy way either.

Long-term jobless figures rise, underscoring economic pain

Oh but the greedy hogs mentionned in the 2 stories just above this one sure aren't feeling any pain. the US government should start confiscating the wealth of the greedy pigs highlighted in the stories just above and give that money to the poor and those taking care of them - like the food banks and missions etc... Or FORCE the greedy pigs to donate 20% of their annual wealth to such charities (and not ones set up in their own names as those are only charities to themselves) and if not the gov't takes that much extra from them in the way of taxes and gives it to the charities themselves. But set up laws so that rich pigs can't keep grabbing and hogging all the financial resources in a country and force them to be civic minded citizens as well, where neither they nor any of their companies or foundations stand to benefit from that charity. So that it's not just a transfer of money from one of their hands directly into the other one.

Scotland faces temporary booze ban as virus rules ramp up

Well tell those thirsty Scots to relocate to QC, because the SAQ (Societe d'Alcohol de Quebec) is deemed to be an essential service as are grocery stores, and wine and beer are sold in grocery stores and harder liquor is sold in the SAQs. So they're open all pandemic long. 

Pope Francis Doesn’t Wear a Mask, Kisses Priests at Vatican Event 

NYC Orthodox community holds large protest over new coronavirus restrictions 

She's 13, and the Source of a Family's COVID-19 Outbreak 

Trump coronavirus: Morning Joe host says president could be guilty of ‘manslaughter’ if he infects Secret Service and White House staff

I think all the world leaders that let the virus into their countries are guilty of mass manslaughter if not genocide.

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet focused on their 14-year marriage in quarantine: 'It’s been a beautiful time to work on us Good for them, I hope a lot more people worked on their marriages too rather than trying to figure on ways of getting out of them, as apparently the divorce rate has skyrocketed in the US and maybe here in Canada too, if we could ever get the figures on that.

COVID-19 immunity: Declining and pre-existing antibodies, the concept of T-cell immunity and what reinfection could mean

COVID-19 patients in Mass. asking about President Trump's experimental treatment, doctors say 

Amid Slump in Crude Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, Saudi Arabia Doubles Down on Oil to Outlast Rivals 

Warren Buffett says this is the way you get through COVID financially 

Plexiglass barrier at VP debate won’t stop spread of COVID-19 aerosols, experts say Really? So then how come we're expected to believe that it stops the aerosols at the grocery, drug, and other stores and banks then? If plexiglass barriers won't stop it at debates presidential or otherwise, it won't stop it anywhere. So what was the point of installing them in the first place then? 

Trump calls off stimulus package talks, meaning Americans likely won't receive a $1,200 stimulus check before the election

Secrets Nurses Want You To Know About Staying Healthy Yes I definitely concur with all that advice. It should help you stay healthy or get healthier than you currently are and as far as COVID19 is concerned I agree with the vitamin D recommendation too, except I think you should probably take 1,000 ius (international units) per day if you're an adult and especially if you're over 80. 

Trudeau government survives key confidence vote

Trump says not to fear Covid-19. Do Americans agree? 

I think he's right, though the media has done such a fantastic job of scaring the pants off of everyone in favour of the demoncrats or lieberals and their agendas, that the public probably is too afraid to agree with him even if they wanted to.

Coronavirus threatening expat exodus from the UAE

Venezuelans brave 'brutal' migrant route made tougher by pandemic 

Are we in the midst of a touch crisis?

Yes! Why did you have to ask such a dumb question anyhow?

COVID-19 cases rising in 39 states – 9 months into the pandemic: 'We are overwhelmed' Look at the date on that storyline and you'll see it's been since the beginning of the year that this has been around in the US whether they'll openly admit it or not.

From Trump on down, people of means have shaped our COVID-19 experience. That must change.

Is Trump contagious? How is Chris Christie? We're answering your questions about the president and COVID-19 

BuzzFeed News Pulls Reporter From White House, Citing Virus Risk

White House readies Oval Office for Trump return, just days after COVID diagnosis 

What pandemic? Crowds swarm the Great Wall of China as travel surges during holiday week

Virus that causes COVID-19 can live on your skin for 9 hours, study finds. Here's what kills it in under 20 seconds. 

Saturday Night Live performer dropped after flouting show's coronavirus safety protocols

Coronavirus in Africa: Five reasons why Covid-19 has been less deadly than elsewhere 

Lilly applies for emergency use of COVID-19 single antibody treatment

COVID-19 in Canada: Trudeau prepares for possible 'disruptions' after U.S. election outcome; More Quebec regions to become 'red zones' 

Ontario faces 'runaway train' of COVID-19 cases if families don't scrap Thanksgiving gatherings, doctor warns

Wondering just how many doctors and politicians did just that? Or if they all flouted their own advice and rules?

Cape Breton University continues with online classes into winter 

International couples plan reunions in Canada under new travel exception

Calgary Food Bank saves potatoes from compost heap by turning them into soup Good for them. If they had some corn, clams, seafood, or leeks they could've turned them into interesting chowders.

Calgary firm to make 40 million medical masks for Alberta health-care providers

Yukon gets more federal money in northern COVID top-up for health, vulnerable 

Evangelist at Prince Albert, Sask., church linked to regional COVID-19 outbreak says singers didn't wear masks

'Jurassic World' shoot suspended after COVID-19 positives 

COVID-19 outbreak at Nunavut's Hope Bay mine at 10 cases but 'contained,' government says

Calgary Catholic students will not have to write provincial achievement tests this year I guess some students are catching a break because of COVID19.

Few to use new sickness benefit for COVID-19 diagnosis, PBO suggests in new report

That's maybe because the gov't has made the benefits as hard to apply and qualify for as they possibly could. Which is pretty typical of the gov't.

Coronavirus: Ontario health minister says work being done to get COVID-19 testing for homeless 

Saskatchewan declares multi-community COVID-19 outbreak linked to gospel events

N.B. reports 17 new COVID-19 cases at nursing home in Moncton 

Vote Compass: Majority of Saskatchewanians believe provincial government is handling the pandemic well

Public Schools Branch reviewing routes as more children take the bus 

Theatres call out N.S. government for delaying emergency funds

Ontario, Toronto seem at odds on how to tackle COVID-19 surge in the city Follow prescribed medical science and you should be fine or failing that the method laid out in the charter of rights & freedoms in Canada, for quarantine law.

Anyhow, that's as much as I can get to today. Will try to get more going tomorrow being Oct 31st and all, but I can't promise much as we have plans that pretty much take up the whole day and half the evening too. So I'll just have to continue this on Nov 1st until I'm caught up to the Oct 31st headlines. So take care and stay well until next time.