Showing posts with label vaccine tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccine tests. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2020

Waiting in the Car, Playing Games, Radio Listening, Dr.'s Office & Listing Headlines For ....

 Covid 19



November 9, 2020

I quite literally spent most of the afternoon sitting in our car waiting for my husband who had a doctor's appointment for his back (it's about freaking time). While he was in there, I was in the car, playing games on a tablet of mine and listening to the car radio. Not a very thrilling or interesting day and I accomplished a whole lot of nothing on top of that. 

I did call my son though to find out how he was and to tell him (as he's the one that predicted it and I posted it - without citing him as being the one that said it) that he was right about what he said about if Biden won the presidency, how the week after he wins, we'll suddenly start seeing vaccines being made and being made available. I mentionned that since Biden won we'd be seeing vaccines getting approved and maybe even being made and distributed this week, earlier on my blog on November 7th to be precise, in this post "New Toilet Installed, Motor Cycle Accident, Waiting Anxiously For News, & Posting Headlines on....", in the comment on Herculean Effort on Vaccines,  And sure enough! Look at the headlines that greeted me on Drudgereport this morning November 9th, when I signed onto the net: 


Not sure  - what's going on right now. I can't put it back in non-bold nor align left mode. It stays centerized and in bold face.... That's going to make things really awkward here. 
As this is obviously a super glitch in the "new blogger" thing and I can't seem to get out of it, consider this the blablabla portion of today's headline posts and follow on to the next post to get the actual headlines.   So hang in there as Part II will follow.....

 .......                                                                   Part II
Sooooo.... Um yeah that was fun.... Continuing on from all that fun with the above post, here's the headlines: 
The following few headlines are based on the front page on Drudgereport this morning - which is in the previous post for today. As I said that I wouldn't be posting any more news stories with after the Oct 31st headlines, it's been hard to stick to that because everyday there's an extraordinary headline related to COVID 19 that can't be ignored. Yesterday was some military type was saving that WWIII was going to start because of COVID19, so that story got posted because of it's significance in how bad things could get. Then today that headline from Drudge, that I couldn't resist posting in here was a dramatically different tone.  And so like I said the following few headlines are from today and related to that posting on drudgereport's site.They have absolutely nothing to do asa


TSX jumps following Pfizer vaccine news, Biden victory Even here in Canada it had an effect already. 

Now I'm not sure this is the big change I was talking about or not. So I'll follow the headlines for the next few days and see where it's going. If it is a change (the one I was hoping for - not necessarily Biden winning but the turn around in outlook and stories) or not. If it appears to have momentum and keeps on going I'll resume posting the headlines from the day I decide it is indeed a change and enough of one to warrant reopening the blog, but only after I can finish all the headlines leading up to Oct 31st. Still have those to post. 
So resuming from where I left off last night....
The holidays are coming. Does the COVID-19 pandemic mean you should skip even small family gatherings? What experts say. Doesn't matter what the experts say, I'm going to have a family gathering for Christmas. Line up the gestapo boots outside my door now so incase.... 

I wouldn't know what those are exactly, since I don't have time to work with any of my hobbies, as this blog fills all my free time and just as I thought I was going to put it to bed at least for a little while, so I could work on some of my hobbies in order to make Christmas presents..... Surprise, surprise, we might have a pandemic turn around, which means if we do, I'll have to resume posting the current headlines as soon as I get caught up on the October headlines. So, much for my free time and hobbies eh?  
She wasn't infected. Why she almost lost her life because of Covid-19 That's what I've been saying about this plandemic, that there's a lot of other people who are also dying because of COVID19 but not because they have it, but because they don't and the doctors refuse to treat them because they don't have COVID symptoms.
Pollution and Covid-19: Delhi hit by 'double whammy' No wonder they have such high rates. It was my contention from the very beginning while it was raging in Wuhan, that it might be hitting it really hard because of the pollution (because China isn't exactly renown for it's pristine beauty and pure fresh air), same with India, Brazil and even the parts of the US where they were particularly hard hit like California, NY and Florida. Chicago should be up there in the ranks as well, not sure why it isn't unless it's because all it's smoggy air gets blown across the border into Canada....

They don't have those old laugh and clap tracks that they used to use on sitcoms before they had live audiences come to watch the live taping of it? Those used to be used all the time. People, like my mother caught on to them because there was apparently certain sounds that was evident everytime the tracks were used, like a certain sound of someone laughing a certain way or something like that that she vowed up and down was a taped laugh track and everyone called her crazy until later on they revealed that yeah they did use such contrivances for both laugh segments and clap segments. So if they had and used such a thing in the 1960s can't they dust them off and maybe redo the segments so they're not the same ones and use such types tracks again now?
Eerie photos reveal how Covid curfew is transforming Paris Our son showed us pictures of the major downtown Montreal streets Ste. Catherine, and Sherbrooke during the 1st lockdown when he was down there one day. They were kind of similar to these pictures but with a lot less cars and traffic. To see the difference in those pictures place your cursor on the center line in the picture and drag it from one side to the other & vice versa. 


Well that should be quite a significant number of people considering their population is about 67 million. So that is roughly 3.5 million people who have antibodies and I wonder if they had 3.5 million positive cases yet? 

Okay all I want to know is how high were the fevers these people who are losing their hair had? If they were really high, then that's probably why they're losing their hair like that. It's lucky they aren't losing their skin too in that case. I'm not joking - as I'm the only known survivor of scalded skin syndrome in the world, I'm speaking from experience here. My fever was so high they couldn't register it on the thermometers they had, and they thought I was going to die. I didn't. But after my fever went down and I got better and discharged from the hospital my hair started falling out in clumps and I was shedding my skin and nails even several layers deep, so that my newly exposed epidermis was a sticky bright pink colour and not my normal skin tone and it was like that pretty much all over my body. My nails also shed several layers or if they were thin they just plain fell out and new ones grew back in. But generally speaking high fevers do things like that to you. It's like as if you got an ultra mega sunburn or something or akin to a burn from a house fire - maybe 2nd degree or so burns. So that's why I suspect high fevers in these people.  The things I've had and survived is almost mind-boggling. From that to a broken neck, to 33% of hemoglobin left in my system, to several accidents and near drownings and on it goes, ... It's almost like I'm indestructible.  I know I have more than 9 lives as I've already used them all up and then some....

Cancer research another long-term casualty of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists say The list would be so much shorter if we just listed the things this plandemic hasn't affected. Oh I know.... Politicians plans, their lives and livelihoods & thus incomes. Hmmmm well I guess that's about it or all I can think of as it's affected just about everything and everyone else I can think of.

Ramped-up ICE arrests amid Covid outbreaks show 'irresponsible disregard,' Hispanic Caucus says Yeah kind of like the ramped inspections and fines the Office de la Langue Francais is giving restaurants and bars (who have been forced to close because of the pandemic) now. Like it's an extra kick in the head, as they apparently haven't had enough kicks in the head, gut and groin so far this year from all the lockdowns and closures due to not being able to remain in business, so now just to make extra sure it's really ONLY THE SUPER TOUGH & STRONG STANDING at the end of the pandemic it seems like Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault has sent the OLF after les maudits anglais sale qu'ils ont les nerves de poster les chose en anglais. Just to make sure that when the pandemic is over with and they can all reopen again the only ones that will will be Lafleurs Chien Chaud, and La Belle Province frits & hamburgeois et non les maudit sale restaurantes anglais. It's called "kick'em while they're down".


Oh doom & gloom are us.... I doubt it'll last forevermore.  At some point in time either science will find a way to conquer it, or it'll wane or we'll wane out of existance as a species. 

Not if every other economy holds them responsible for devastating their economies via their virus that they let loose on the world and sues them for damages. Canada should whether other countries want to or not, considering all the grief that country has caused Canada. I think China is Canada's main #1 enemy at this point. If we had nukes and I was in charge I'd have them all pointed towards China and wait for them to make even the smallest aggression towards us as an excuse to wipe them off the map. I am so infuriated with them it's not funny.


Hey pot users you should have no problems recovering from the lung damage then!
Italy Did Everything Right to Stop a Second Wave of the Coronavirus. So What Went Wrong?  We'd all love to know the answers to questions like that because even though we're under strict lockdown here in QC our cases are growing in number on a daily basis. 


I'm a couple decades younger than that, but I feel the same way. Whatever time we have left we want to live and enjoy it. Not stay stuck in a house or room with 4 walls. Anyone who can't understand something that simple has no business running anything, much less a country, a province, a state, a city or even a frigging hamlet of 3 for the total population.
Well that's it for tonight.... Until next time take care and stay well.



Sunday, November 8, 2020

Aggravated, Exhausted & Posting Headlines About

 Covid 19


November 8, 2020

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to strangle your significant other? If you have I'm sure you'll easily identify with me on this day when I say I seriously was considering it, if only I could get my hands around his throat. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

Talk about aggravation.... I think he did everything in power to drive me crazy, from driving like a total idiot - like dragging his ass inbetween lights and then speeding up near the lights when they were red or when there were slower vehicles in front of us and just barely slowing down or stopping in time. I mean his driving was so crazy, I was almost tempted to get out and call a cab to go and do the things I had to do.  Then we get to the grocery stores and yes I know his back is screwed up, and so he can't come in and walk around with me to get the groceries, so he stays in the car and waits, but when I get back to the car with the grocery carriage, I have to wait for Mr. Man to deign to open the trunk inbetween his socializing with every passing creature. Sir Yak-a-Lot doesn't know when to quit sometimes and will just completely ignore me and leave me standing there with a shopping cart full of food waiting for him to open the trunk. Then finally he finds the right button and pushes on it to open the trunk but do you think he'll get out of the car and help me lift the heavy bags from the cart into the trunk? Not on his life, he even had a young woman feeling so sorry for him, she offered to do it, and I refused her help because I know his back isn't all that bad. Not half as bad as his cussed laziness sometimes. And I did it myself to show the miserable jerk up for what he is. That wasn't just once that happened today. No that happened at both stores we went to. I had to go in and do all the shopping myself while he waits and then come out and put everything in the trunk of the car myself on top of that. 

Then when we got home and he had to unload the trunk himself and bring it in the house and the antics once he finished. Leaning on a chair pretending he's going to have a heart attack. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or just throw a can of something at his head. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... He's the one that's going to have the heart attack because he did 5 minutes of work unloading the car to bring it inside, while it was I who traipsed up and down all the store aisles looking for everything, lifting it out of the carriage (especially the heavy stuff) to pay for it at the cash, put all the packed and thus now even heavier bags into the carriage took it out to the car, took the bags out of the carriage and put them in the trunk, took the carriage back into the store and came back out and got in the car. I did that both times at both stores which took at least a couple of hours of work by myself, while poor "Mr. My Back is Killing Me" sat in the car, listening to the radio and yakking at anyone walking by the car, getting out of or into a car next to ours and just generally taking it easy. 

Then after he brought the bags in the house, I was the one once again who had to unload them and put them away. Meanwhile he was helping himself to the food in the bags (whatever he found that he liked and could eat without cooking or liked to eat raw), while I was busy putting them away. So he already gorged himself, while I was starving because I hadn't eaten anything at all as I didn't have the chance to. Then he wondered why I was angry......  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I seriously wanted to kill him at this point because all my joints from my hips on down hurt by now, I'm tired and want to sit down and now my back is killing me too. Ummmm I dunno why I'm angry there Mr. My Back is Killing Me Genius.... 

Anyhow I just plunked my butt down in a chair and refused to move once the groceries were put away while moaning about how hungry I was. So whatever was left over from the sausages I had bought that he hadn't eaten raw already, he decided he'd cut up and fry with some rice and veggies to make a meal for us. It's not the usual way we eat the sausages, but it was good. Well at that point it was food and he knew he needed to make amends to me, or he'd be hearing it all night long. So he made and served supper. 

And after having relaxed a few minutes after supper and played a card game on my computer, I'm here trying to get some more of those October headlines posted here:

Lately because I don't want to post any headlines after the end of October here, there's been some interesting headlines to say the least (the last couple of days there's been at least one I posted in those posts along with the October headlines) well here's today's intriguing over the top headline: 
Now I'm not sure how or why he would think that. I think if there is a WWIII it'll be between the citizens of the earth and their rulers. I mean I can easily see citizens turning against their leaders and wanting to overthrow them given all the harsh measures they're enacting on account of this idiotic plandemic of theirs. But why country would fight against country? That just doesn't seem likely. It's more likely to be massive world wide revolts against the governments of the world.
Coronavirus: Food prices to rise across Canada as COVID-19 pandemic continues That's for sure! Especially canned food! Have you seen the price of a tiny little tin of Paris Pate lately? I mean there's like a thimbleful of pate in them and they're almost $1.50.  A box of KD is $1.75, cripes I remember when they were 11 cents a box. Yeah I know I sound like I'm older than Methusala, but honestly the price of that has risen astronomically, like instead of it being a box of elbow noodles with some kind of fake powdered cheese inside it was gold noodles with some exotic hard to find moon dust or something. I mean  get real, there's not even a cup of noodles in the box and that weird cheesy powder isn't worth the fortune they seem to think it's worth these days. A package of 2-3 slices of cold cut ham is almost $7 and forget canned meals like spaghetti or ravioli, or stew or things like that, the prices of those are just insane as well. We used to buy those sometimes for my husband to have for lunch. I don't eat lunch but he does, and doesn't always want sandwiches (can't say as I blame him - I personally don't like sandwiches much). Or at least those were the prices I was looking at at IGA & Metro today. Maybe at Costco they're different. 

I don't see anyone admitting failure anywhere. Even here in QC where we've had draconian lockdowns which still hasn't cut down on the spread of the virus.  

COVID-19: Montreal police receive 1,365 complaints, inspect 1,135 locations Wow.... That's a lot of snitches out there on the loose. Wondering how come the cops didn't investigate the other 230 locations?



There is a certain pecentage of the population who are immune compromised, as in having things like HIV/AIDS, diseases that attack themselves, like inflammation related diseases, psoriasis, diabetes, etc.... Quite possibly it's patients like those are don't develop immunity. But as in all diseases that confers immunity after having had it, it doesn't mean that you'll automatically be immune if you did have it, especially if you are immune compromised for one reason or another.
Men far more 'comfortable' than women with having sex outdoors after Tier 2 indoors meeting ban And we needed a news story to tell us that boys are more brazen then girls???? I think most people know and understand that intrinsically.


Centre to import 1 Lakh MT of medical Oxgyen anticipating Covid-19 cases surge in winter I have no idea what a 1 Lakh MT is but I think it must be a measure of some type.

Yes, the man is a walking plague factory we all know that. It's unreal how they painted him during his term in office. No matter what he said or did, they were always after him. From the moment Hillary Clinton lost they went after Trump. I'm not defending him at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
The US is betting on 3 types of coronavirus vaccines, one of which is totally unproven. A diagram shows how they differ. Guaranteed now that Biden won the election, one of those 1 will start being mass produced, another will qualify for approval by the FDA and the other will start being distributed this week.


I wish there was a way to enforce something to crush the WHO and the corrupt overall organization that's it's a part of, the UN.  

Border Crossing Caught on Camera This is an illegal border crossing between Quebec Canada and Vermont USA, that was caught on camera.

Euuuuu isn't this tyrant generous! Allowing ONE visitor for solo dwellers. What about a young adult that lives alone and the parents want to visit for some reason? I guess they're not allowed.

Quebec's public health director says he has a driver and bodyguard because of threats Hey you clowns are earning your threats! People aren't threatening you for the fun of it! They're threatening you because of the sheite you keep pulling in the name of this plandemic of yours! So smarten up and fly right and stop with this draconian BS of yours and maybe you wouldn't be facing so many threats!
Dear Premier, you're abandoning women in Quebec's COVID-19 recovery plan Women aren't the only ones being abandonned. Seniors, homeless, the poor, the disabled and many other disenfranchised groups are also being abandonned. 

COVID-19 in Canada: Trudeau debunks COVID-19 'internment camp' misinformation and rumours; Ontario's daily case count jumps up over 800 He can deny whatever he wants doesn't mean he's telling the truth. The truth is that here in QC there is an "internment camp" or something akin to that for those testing positive or don't want to follow the guidelines. There's a video that you can view using the "QC Secret Facilities" label on the right side, of a gov't official admitting that here in QC. Go view it for an eye-opener.


Too much! Sometimes I wonder though how anyone manages to stay with someone else for 60 years even though we've been together for 45 years and known each other for 50. It's just that there's days like today where I wonder how I managed this long with him and if I'll even get through today without breaking up nevermind another 15 years together.
Covid: How to protest during a global pandemic I think we all need to know this. But given that it's a BBC article - ergo gov't owned media site, this is HOW THE GOV'TS WISH YOU'D PROTEST.... So maybe it's not a good idea. Because if we're not going against the grain we're not really protesting. 








They make this seem like a bigger deal than if he shot someone. There's a bigger bruhaha over the fact that a cop has a mind of his own and his own opinion (and the last I checked he has a right to it and to express it as well unlike shooting people), than if he shot someone. Unbelievable!




1,000 Fredericton customers at risk of water shut-off I thought according to the UN everyone has inalienable rights to air and water. So if that's the case,  how can the city just shut water off on their residents and how much do they charge for it anyhow? It must be pretty steep if they can't afford to pay for it. 

With no avenues left, families take fight for school-trip refunds to court months into pandemic For some unknown reason businesses operating under the "tour" industry banner and insurance companies seem to think they're above the law and don't have to adhere to standard practice business law. I hope when they get sued the judge throws the book at them as a precedent setting case to make sure all other tour and insurance companies in the future don't try stuff like this.

St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto declares COVID-19 outbreak among ER staff That's not good when the ER staff are going to be absent for long periods of time under quarantine, because they're generally always short staffed as it is and the ER is where the greatest influx in the hospital is.

Well this pretty much goes without saying since everything else all year long has been cancelled, so why not Santa parades too???? Just wouldn't be 2020 if they weren't cancelled.
As calls flood mental health hotline, premier encourages struggling Quebecers to pick up the phone I'm beginning to think he, Dube and Arruda are the ones that need their mental health checked! Considering how paranoid they are of this virus and how over the top draconian they've become over it! It's either their super paranoid of it, or they're using it to go on a super power trip - either way it's a mental health problem that they should have checked.



Well "fake news" goes right along side "fake doctors" and "fake pandemics". So what can you expect you genocidal witch doctor? 

That's probably a similar if not the same story here in Canada too.
That being said.... This is it for the night.... Until next time take care & stay well.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Leaf Blowers, Groceries, Crashing Shelves, Testing Appliances &....



October 15, 2020

Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! I wish for once in my frigging life things could go as planned instead of all kinds of other sheite happening like it did today!!!!!! (Please excuse my language but if I could string someone or something up right about now, I would, that's how angry I am).

Yesterday we had to go do errands, get groceries and a new leaf blower because our old one was beyond repair. So that's what we did and I thought today, I'd have plenty of time to work on some of the food I still have to work on, like the cranberries, turkey, raspberries, and apples and get at least some of that taken care of before it's no longer edible. But noooooooooooo......

Not on our frigging lives would anything go to plan even if our lives depended on it and my husband's life nearly did depend on it. Mine too if you want to count the near heart attack I'm sure I almost had when I heard the noise from it. I was sound asleep and I'm a sound sleeper - it's hard to wake me up with noises and I heard this ungodly noise - where I actually thought part of the house collapsed because there was all kinds of things falling and glass shattering and loud bangs and a sundry of other types of noises all happening together. 
So I jumped out of bed and ran towards the sound without even putting anything on my feet and as I got to the archway between the kitchen and livingroom, I found myself standing in a ton of broken glass (which I didn't even know what it was until I bent over to get a better look - because it was in the early hours of the morning and still not all that light in the house) and my husband standing there about 2 feet in front of me - where he was when it happened - as he had put his oatmeal in the microwave to warm it up when it happened - with all kinds of junk, with oil and debris and broken glass all the way around him. He was totally unscathed though, not a drop of oil, or shard of anything touched him.  Like as if someone or something shielded him - lucky him because he could've gotten hurt really badly or worse yet died if hit with the wrong thing the wrong way. 

What had happened is the shelves above where the microwave sits had a bunch of small appliances on them. Those shelves have been there for a long time - at least 15 years if not more, with the same appliances on them then as now - except maybe newer replacements of some that might've died over the years. And it's still a mystery as to what happened because the boards are intact, so are the brackets and the metal things on the wall that holds the brackets in place are fine too and not pulling away from the wall or anything of the sort. It's just like as if the shelves just decided to jump off the wall in my husband's direction at that time, for no apparent reason. The broken glass was from some of the covers of the things like crock pots and rice cookers and the oil from the deep fryer that was on the shelves there too. 

I tested everything there and so now I need to get a new crock pot a new rice cooker and a new blender. Those are all shot, the rest of the stuff there needs to be cleaned up but they all work. Thankfully.

Now to replace the shelves so we have some where to put them again....  I don't trust the brackets or metal things on the wall anymore, so we need to find another solution to the problem.

Anyhow, that was my day. How was yours? Better than mine I hope!  

One thing that doesn't care about how my day went is the coronavirus and I don't really care how it's day went either, but anyhow here's some of the backlog of headlines on it that I have to post. So get comfy and dig out your reading glasses for the headlines that are posted below:


Coronavirus has stranded 25 people from Easter Island in Tahiti for 6 months Lucky them! I'd love to be stranded in Tahiti for 6 months! That would be awesome!

Of course, more cancellatons. Sure, why not? Everyone else is doing it so they might as well too.
Queen Elizabeth II to trim costs as COVID-19 hits income So you mean she's going to have to give up on the gold edged stationary? And quite possibly the gold & platinum, diamond encrusted horse drawn carriage she wanted? Oh boo hoo for her. 

US-China feud escalates as American diplomat accuses Communist Party of turning ‘local epidemic into global pandemic’  Oh they had lots of help in that effort, starting from them maybe to Tedros at the WHO and all the world's governmental leaders and head of their health depts. They all turned it into a global pandemic, by all falling down on the job and failing to act to keep it out of their countries when it was time to.


The only way I'll know a vaccine is safe is when I see the gendocidal beitche Tam take it. If she won't take it, then I'd be suspicious of it. Trudeau et. al. (like him, his wife, mommy dearest, Haggydu etc...) are all too stupid and wouldn't know whether it was safe or not, they'd just take it because they were told it's safe or they wanted to impress on the rest of us, that it must be or they wouldn't be taking it.


Coronavirus: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says COVID-19 exposed problems, says action needed I hope he does get pharmacare and dentalcare taken care of. That would definitely help us seniors. 



U.S. records over seven million COVID-19 cases as Midwest outbreak surges  Again that number is the number of cases they've had since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of them have recovered and well sadly over 200,000 of them have died as well, but there's not 7 million current active cases there now.

You know I'm getting super suspicious of how they come up the origins of these community transmissions. How come none of these community transmissions ever comes from public transit where people are breathing down each others necks for the duration of their commutes? Or no one ever  gets it from a co-worker or another student in the same class and all the outbreaks stem from bars, restaurants and social gatherings only? I'd really like to know the answer to that one. 


Well once everyone's had it, they aren't likely to get it again. So that might be why.



South Africa lifts spirits with Jerusalema dance amid virus At least their gov't wants them to dance and to have a little enjoyment in life, unlike our slavemaster governments.


Of course not because that's too steep of a learning curve for Haggydu to figure out if those tests work or not. She's too stupid and daft for that and too proud to admit it, so we're in trouble fellow Cdns. It'll be one long miserable haul before this pandemic is over in Canada with the inept idiots and genocidal beitches leading us.

Newsroom Ready: Conservatives say Liberals have failed on rapid tests for COVID-19 That's because we have a kindergarten art teacher as the health minister and she's too stupid to figure out the best way to evaluate the tests.


Elections BC says 160,000 voters ask for mail-in ballots amid COVID-19 pandemic I suppose it is quicker and easier than standing in long lines waiting to vote. 


Drug reveals promising results as potential COVID-19 treatment Let's hope it lives up to it's potential.






Isn't he the hypocrite that was crying and screaming about there's no way they could have one ready before the election? Well I know November or December isn't before the election, but it's awfully damned close. 


COVID's real-life 'Romeo and Juliet' get engaged after falling in love from their balconies during lockdown I certainly hope they don't wind up like Romeo & Juliet. That's for sure.

Yes, and I think we really need to know it too.
Are we living at the 'hinge of history'?  Something for you to ponder on....

Until next time. In the meantime take care and stay well.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Rhubarb Jam, Raspberry Picking, BBQ'd Steaks & More Anger Inducing News About...



October 6, 2020

As the headlines of this post suggests, I spent the day making Rhubarb Jam,
using the recipe found there, which made 2 full 500ml jars and one other 500ml jar almost full, but not full enough to can. Then I went outside and picked a bunch of raspberries, so I see some raspberry muffins in our near future either muffins or cupcakes, can't decide. Plus I made a macaroni salad to go with the steaks my husband BBQ'd for supper tonight. 
The anger inducing news that I'm talking about won't show up in this batch of headlines, because it was from today's news, where they're basically telling us flat out to stay home, but not having the guts to call it a lockdown. Because it isn't really a lockdown when everyone is associating with everyone they normally associate with at work and school, but bringing whatever  they acquired out there at those venues home to their families, which could be COVID19, like it could be seasonal colds and flus or other things. So essentially it's alright to get sick if you're risking your health and lives and potentially that of your family's as well, so long as you're being a good little cog in the economic wheels, but it's forbidden for you to enjoy yourself ever or at all, because the only reason you should be risking your health or lives is for the sake of the economy but not for your own sakes.  
Well, I don't give a flying F what they say. They can go screw themselves royally (excuse my language, but I've had it with their draconian authoritarian BS presuming to tell me what's good for me when in reality it's only good for them and their economy) as far as I'm concerned. I've stopped listening to this sheite altogether and am doing the equivalent of sticking my fingers in my hears and going lumlumlumlumblahblahblahblah as fast and loud as I can to block out their BS noise makers, namely the talking heads of gov't and health depts and doing my own thing. But because I don't feel like contributing to their illicit coffers where the politicians all have their grubby paws pilfering the contents of what's in them, paid by poor unsuspecting citizens who were set upon by eye gouging cops with tickets for the stupidest sheite, I'll wear my mask and pretend to be going along with all their crappiola just so I don't impoverish myself more and enrich them at my expense. But not because I believe it's helping me or anyone else beat this BS plandemic. Because as Trump says "don't be afraid of it, it's no worse than the flu". For once people ought to believe him, because he is telling the truth, for a change.

I'll tell you who isn't telling the truth though. I don't know if any QC'ers have seen it yet or not, but everytime I see this commercial on TV of a woman who appears to be in her 30s or 40s telling everyone how rough it was having covid and how she couldn't walk to the bathroom unaided because she couldn't breath even after she was released from the hospital and how she had to "teach herself to breath again"..... My head just spun.... Teach herself to breath.... Now that's a good one. Who taught her to breath when she was first born? Who consciously helps her breath while she's sleeping? Gawd I want to crawl through the screen and choke her good so she really has a problem breathing then, everytime I see that commercial. Breathing is a autonomous reflex - we don't consciously breath, it's automatic. We can't consciously make ourselves breath nor make our hearts beat either for that matter. We can control them, through meditation or breathing exercises, but our hearts would beat whether we did or not, and our diaphragm would continue to push our lungs in and out so long as we're alive. That's controlled by our nervous systems. So for the gov't to be airing that commercial to try to make people be compliant, is just another lie on top of all the rest of the lies associated with this plandemic! No wonder people don't believe them and don't want to obey them, because all they do is lie. It's one lie after another. Like my mother used to say "they lie worse than a frigging  rug".

I will continue to post the headlines, in case something changes, or there's a glimmer of hope at the end of this BS authoritarian tunnel, but I doubt it. I think it'll just go from bad to worse and keep right on going in that direction until the population masses grows a brain and a backbone and decides enough is enough and instead of just protesting they take it one step forward and decide to overthrow the ash holes and put them all in jail for crimes against humanity. 
But I don't see that happening here in Canada because Canadians for the most part are nothing but a bunch of sheeple.  Instead the authoritarians in parliament will start sheiting their pants and decide to resign en masse without us needing to revolt, when they see what's happening around the rest of the world. Making sure they go into hiding to ensure we never find them in order to make them stand trial for the same crimes all the other leaders and head honchos of the health depts in those governments had to endure. Because when you come right down to it, the Canadian government dictators are just as chicken as the rest of the population is.
Now on to what might be more aggravating news.... I don't know as I'm pretty far behind in the headlines. So strap yourselves in it might be a bumpy ride..... We'll only find out at the end of it how bumpy it really was.
Canadians are still flocking to parks and businesses as country braces for second wave Quoting this story: "It feels to me like a lot of people just threw up their hands and said 'I'm tired of this. I'm hugging, I'm going out, I'm seeing friends,'" he told Sunday on CTV News Channel.  -> Of course we're tired of this because if you think about this logically and sanely, you'll realize that until 1) you have immunity from it - gotten either by having had the virus yourself, or a vaccine or 2) there's herd immunity - where enough people in the population had it to protect those who haven't had it, you have no hope of ever having a life worth living again. Merely eating, sleeping, breathing air, watching TV and talking on Zoom/Skype or your smart phone with friends is not a life worth living. It's not even living. It's an existance that's all. 
For those who have jobs that they love going to work might be enough to keep them happy even if they're deprived of a social life and fun outside of work, but for the rest of the population that have jobs merely for the paychecks and essentially can't stand their jobs and just barely tolerate their coworkers, it's not a life worth living. It's a drudgery, a thankless and rewardless chore as they have nothing they can spend their hard earned money for fun, other than booze or weed. Oh yippie kay yay! We can get wasted out of our skulls on our off hours, but at home and probably alone.... Yeah that's a party and a half too. 
In the first half of the pandemic people went along with all the mandated rules and laws etc, and stayed home during the lockdown, trying to make the best of it, because we were initially lied to, in that they said it would only be for a couple of weeks.  Those couple of weeks dragged out to be a couple of months and then some and the authorities only started loosening the screws when they saw the population was getting antsy and ready to basically revolt if need be.  

I guess they thought by letting us out to cool our heels for a couple of months that would take care of that itch and they could lock us down again, except that while they let us out, they didn't let us do anything as everything was still basically closed or so restricted (like allowing 50 people into a movie theatre at a time) it might as well have been closed for all intents and purposes, so what was the point? Most people got out to bike and walk and jog (which they did while there was a strict lockdown in effect too), but they couldn't really do anything of interest or fun and were limited in the people they could see. So the fun and socialization factors weren't requited. There's still a longing and a need for actual fun and companionship and to celebrate big celebrations (like holidays, birthdays & anniversaries) with extended family & friends. Which we never got to enjoy.

Now they want to take whatever little freedom we had away again, in the name of this plandemic while jacking up the numbers drastically. It doesn't mean because they said there were x amount of cases or deaths out there, today, all week, or all month that there actually were. We have no way of verifying any of that for ourselves so we have to take their word for it. They could be exaggerating everything for all we know, as an excuse to reimpose strict measures on us. 
Maybe we should force these politicians to play the SIMS for awhile so they can see how a SIMS vitality drops when they're not allowed to have fun or make friends and can only study & work. Gawd, even kids who played the SIMS could've figured that out without having to be told.

So you wonder why .... "It feels to me like a lot of people just threw up their hands and said 'I'm tired of this. I'm hugging, I'm going out, I'm seeing friends,'" he told Sunday on CTV News Channel. -> to repeat the quote I started with.



Here are 7 potential COVID-19 vaccines that Canadians should know about We only need to know about the ones that actually works and that will actually be available to Canadians. The rest are irrelevant.

Oh pulease, this company has plenty of money and they don't need to be using the virus to beg for some. 
Premier limits gathering sizes provincewide as Ontario reports 407 new cases of COVID-19 At least they're allowed to see others unlike here in QC. 

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr THIS is the anger inducing news!!!!!!!!! Stay home but it's okay to go to work (and keep our economic machine running) and school (because we're too cheap and stupid to figure out how to implement remote learning here in QC), but go directly home after work & school and stay home. Don't try to climb out your bedroom window or sneak down the fire escape because the gestapo police will find you and fine you a gazillion dollars for that your first infringement. If it's a lockdown why doesn't the chicken face call it that? Afraid of a revolt? Well guess what moron face!!!! People are apt to revolt anyhow, especially the large majority of the population who have jobs they don't really like and feel like they're being taken advantage of just to keep your economy going - risking theirs and their family's lives for the mere sake of being a cog in the wheel, while not being allowed to enjoy their lives at all. After all it's their lives so they should be able to determine how they want to live it and the risks THEY ARE WILLING TO TAKE WITH IT. NOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I feel the same way. My life belongs to me and if I want to risk it to have a few hours of enjoyment in it, rather than live years in confinement, I will. And I defy you to try to stop me. There is after all a constitution and you clowns are seriously over reaching it!!!!!! And if the others in this equation are consenting adults - like my kids, then what have you got to say about it anyhow? They don't have kids so they won't be endangering their lives! It's just us and them and we're all consenting adults. So try me! I defy you! I hope there is a revolt and soon! Because you deserve it.
Superspreader events the biggest threat in surging coronavirus cases, deathsYeah like all those intimate family Thanksgiving dinners are ought to be.... Gawd, the morons need to figure out what's causing the problems and it's not a small gathering of less than 5 people that's the problem here... It's events like this. But hey, it's easier to go after the small parties as there won't be as much resistance on a case by case basis.

Good! And while they're at it, maybe they can look into why the seniors got next to nothing, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE TARGET GROUP THE GOVERNMENT WANTED TO PROTECT & HELP THE MOST!  We saw how little monetary support the seniors got and what kind of "protection" they got too. If that was protection, then I hope we never have  war because they'll put all the defenseless women, children and old disabled men on the front lines and let the enemy/ies have at them, before they bring out the actual armed troops. 

New study makes curious observation: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients were less likely to wear glasses I wear glasses most of the time except when I have a mask on that wants to steam them up on me all the time, then I have to take my glasses off, because gawd forbid we're not allowed to take the masks off.
'A heartbreak': Ranchman's searching for new owner amid COVID-19 pandemic I know this bar isn't the only one suffering and closing down and hoping to sell.  By the time this plandemic is done with all the governments in Canada will make sure there isn't one bar left standing because after all they own the liquor commissions and so they'll have the total monopoly on the liquor being sold in the province and the asking prices too. I'm sorry but I see too many greedy grabby paws in government in relation to this pandemic and while you may think it's a stretch, I can easily see it getting there. Sooner rather than later too. Our government is hell bent on destroying anything where we might socialize or have fun and bars are number one places in our society for that.

Legault says Quebec's fight with COVID-19 not over, asks youth to help convince skeptics Yes, definitely ask the youth to convince skeptics, because the youth haven't got two clues about what they're talking about and they've been brainwashed by all the BS they keep hearing about in school and in the media, without doing any actual research on the subject themselves, so all they're doing is regurgitating the government line. Yeah that ought to convince skeptics alright. I think skeptics are a little more savvy than that.

Surprise surprise! It's ONLY our LAND BORDERS that are closed. So if you're trying to cross the land border forget about it. But if you fly across from anywhere or on your way to anywhere, it's wide open. Basically. 



COVID, hurricanes, wildfires, politics: 2020 is an American nightmare that's wearing us out Wait, the year isn't over yet. You never know what the remainder of the year will bring. 

There are several story headline links in this blog alone that depicts how they handled or more accurately mishandled it from the beginning from the head of the CDC's admission to a congressional hearing that the virus was around in January but was misdiagnosed and mistakenly attributed to some other causes of death on death certificates, to their 7 page mandate they sent out to hospitals directing them to label all deaths as being COVID related. Regardless of the actual cause of death - in order to cut down on time spent doing autopsies. 
Floating concert on river in Czech Republic provides comfort from Covid-19 stress They couldn't do anything like that here in Canada because that might've provided some fun for some of us.




Apple picking and COVID-19: What to know before you go Assuming you're still allowed to go apple picking.





Reopening the art world in a time of COVID I would love to know if this is the same case in Canada.


Of course it does! How else did they think a respiratory illness spreads? Via hamburgers or? Or maybe silk sheets? Oh I've got it.... No via ice cream cones. Those must be the perferred mediums for the virus to spread. Of course it's aerosols in the air. Ummm duhhh.....
LAST ORDERS UK lockdown: Pubs to close at 10pm across England as covid alert level RISES to 4 This is because it's a super smart virus that knows precisely what time it is and stops being dangerous or spreadable after 10pm.



Really???? Erroneously???? Wow.... Talk about mind-boggling reversals!!!!

Covid: Is it time we learned to live with the virus? Is there another option? I mean if there's no vaccine on the horizon, how long do you think it'll be before there's a massive revolt due to all of these lockdowns?

Even still who would want to go on one of these cruises anyhow?

Too bad we can't replace the art teacher masquerading as our health minister in Ottawa. 
Anyhow that's about it for now. Until next time take care and stay well.