Showing posts with label tracing app. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tracing app. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Waiting in the Car, Picking up Needed Groceries, & Awesome Roast Beef Supper - Along With Headlines on...



November13, 2020

Again today I spent time in the car waiting for my husband, only this time it was for x-rays of his back. I went with him because the idea was to accomplish several things in one trip, except that's not the way it worked out by the time he got out of the medical center (it took over 1.5 hours for his x rays which we didn't know about and hadn't planned on it taking), there was barely any time left to do the rest of the stuff, we had planned. So we stopped at a grocery store on the way  home and picked up the few things I wanted there - I think, but I'm not sure as I left the store thinking I had it all when my knee started acting up. As I left the flyer in the carriage, I have no clue if I got everything that I wanted there. 

When we got home I put the thawed out roast beef in the oven with some whole mushrooms around it in the pan and some potatoes. I cooked some broccoli to go with it. It was delicious.

While that cooked though I helped my husband package some pork cubes and pork cutlets that he made out of one of the pork roasts I bought. The other is in the fridge for tomorrow night's supper as a pork roast, or maybe Sunday night's dinner as we have things to do tomorrow and as pork has to be well cooked, I won't be here to cook it in time for supper. So Sunday, since we're not going anywhere. 

Our beloved dachshund is back to her usual self, doing all the stuff (that she's allowed to do) she did before she hurt her back earlier this month. It's awesome to see her play, hear the noises she makes when playing, to play with her, cuddle and hold her and just to see her being her usual self. 😃🐶

Now on to posting more Covid 19 related headlines, so I can come to the end of the October headlines someday soon, hopefully. It's doubtful it'll be tonight but you never know. If I get it an extra effort, maybe.... 
But first here's the scary headlines of November 13th (my 1 headline that I allow myself of the current day each day - if there's any of particular worthiness or needing attention) which I found this morning and needed to bookmark in order to alert people of how badly this plandemic is being used to thwart people's rights. 

Which I imagine is the same here in Canada only worse as we've been put under lockdown and get fined if we don't wear masks or social distance and here in QC the cops have the power to enter private homes if they think there's a gathering of any kind there. We're one short step away from totalitarianism. But most Cdn sheeple don't have the guts to stand up and fight back. They just sit back and let the gov't trample their rights in the name of this plandemic of theirs. 
 Now on to the October headlines....
Your home insurance policy may soon carry a COVID-19 exclusion Insurance against a communicable disease or conversely no insurance against it.... This is literally the first time insurance against a communicable disease even crossed my mind. I mean how many people are going to sue someone else for catching the flu, a cold, the measles, or covid19? I mean that's just ridiculous. By having a story like this, the insurance companies and journalist in question are setting up stupid lawsuits to begin by litigious people, who just live to sue people for whatever reason they can think of. I bet they never thought of this before - yeah maybe for AIDS as that was different, but other communicable diseases similar to those I named above, I doubt, but now they'll probably start pondering some such lawsuits. Now that they know such lawsuits might actually be feasible in a court of law. Watch out now, every litigious American who's ever had a cold will be clogging up the courts with lawsuits to sue whoever they think gave it to them. That should be a  fun  circus.


The area where most people have been fined for breaking coronavirus rules Here in Canada, it's probably QC that has issued the most fines for breaking the rules. 


More & more covid19 is being blamed for just about everything, that you can think of and then some. This is just another classic example of that.
Police 'don't have power to enter peoples' homes to break up Christmas gatherings', says legal expert I wish we could get some Cdn constitutional lawyer with guts to weigh in on the police powers Legault recently gave cops in QC when it comes to gatherings in private homes. 

With restrictions extended, Legault hopeful small Christmas gatherings will be permitted Like I said, whether they're permitted or not, I'm having Christmas with my family and I want to see them try to stop me.



The other numbers behind Canada's 10,000 pandemic deaths These deaths are to be laid on Tam's, Hajdu's & Trudeau's shoulders and they should be tried for mass genocide or mass manslaughter - take your pick, but either way they  need to account for those deaths and the million or more people who lost their livelihoods, and the thousands that will be left maimed and scared either physically or psychologically from this whole event due to their gross negligence at failing to close our borders to everyone and everything the moment they heard about it occurring in Wuhan. Because of their failure to act when they should've we taxpaying citizens are the ones paying the price for their negligence and stupidity. So they need to be held accountable before a court of law. 

Audience capacity at Confederation Centre expanded to 300 This is what happens when you shut your borders to one and all. You either don't get the virus at all, or if you did get it, you manage to get rid of it, so you can start reopening your society back up again, as opposed to implementing shut downs and lockdowns like everywhere else in Canada is doing now. If the imbeciles that run this country would SHUT THE MOTHER F'N BORDERS DOWN COMPLETELY & LEAVE THEM SHUT DOWN ONCE & FOR ALL.....WE MIGHT ACTUALLY GET RID OF THE VIRUS. But as long as we're letting anyone on a flight from anywhere in, all the truckers and even people in minivans from NY (like we saw out there on a local road - NOT A MAIN HIGHWAY but a local roadway) in, we will NEVER EVER GET RID OF THE VIRUS BECAUSE THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE NEW BRINGING IT IN & INFECTING US!!!!!! So PEI had the right idea. Close all borders to everyone including other Cdn provinces. We might even want to think of doing that as well, if we need to. 
Bylaw officers and police ready to enforce B.C. health order to only gather in smaller groups  Were QC'ers the guinea pigs for this gestapo method or what? Seems to me we were, because soon afterwards the UK adopted these draconian measures (but I don't think outside the Magna Carta that they have a Rights & Freedoms charter like us) and now BC appears to be doing the same. So in other words the so-called free and democratic countries are going all totalitarian on us? Would seem to be the case, considering it's creeping across the country and around the world, trying to seem like it's innocuous and won't infringe on our rights. But that law does and it should be repealed immediately or the ash holes who enact such laws, overthrown. Revolt en masse. 

Well that's good because they'd likely assign that by-law the same number already used by the dairy farm by-law and get them mixed up between them with the dairy farm number (that's still on their books) and the mask by law number and then when someone didn't wear a mask and cited the by law number which was also the dairy farm by law number, the judge would have no choice but to throw it out of court.  So maybe Regina is learning their lessons about by laws and so don't make them unless they have to because of all the useless obsolete by laws they have on their books now.




Opioid deaths skyrocket, mental health suffers due to pandemic restrictions, new federal report says And yet they don't seem to care. They're not doing anything about it, except making the restrictions tougher and lasting longer. I'm wondering if there might be a psy-ops involved in this plandemic too, to see just how close they can get to completely shattering our psyches before we fight back? I know after 9/11 in the US they had a psy-ops going on against their people, trying to keep them terrified and I guess as a result 100% compliant with the gov't, homeland security and all forms of authority. I know this because I'm the one that discovered it and indirectly caused it to stop. See every Thursday after 9/11 occurred until about March of 2002 they issue a "Terror  Report". Indicating that something was going to happen usually on that following weekend. I was doing work for a US talk show host and I found it super suspicious that these terror reports were issued only on  Thursdays and usually involved a terror warning for the following weekend in some big city and the citizens of that city were implored to stay home. The cities changed from one week to the next but the terror reports were always issued on Thursday, of every week until I discovered what was going on and alerted my boss  who then broadcast what I discovered and various assumptions as to what was going on and why.  From that time on there were no more terror alerts issued.  So I'm wondering if these increased numbers are for real and if they're not cranking them up as a means of scaring us and as an excuse to implement jack booted gestapo policies like what was first implemented here in QC and then the UK and now BC? So I'm wondering if something similar to the terror alerts are being employed here in this plandemic too? If so, to what ends?




Of course. Gouge the eyes out of everyone's heads because they want to have some fun. Why don't you gouge workers eyes out for going to work where there's more than 1 other person working? Or kids for going to school in classrooms full of kids? Seems a little hypocritical to me, that it's alright for workers to risk their lives and that of others by contracting the disease from colleagues and giving it to others at home, but it's not alright for those same workers to contract the disease while enjoying and living their lives. So it's okay to get sick and die, just as long as you're doing it for the economy, but if you're doing it for yourself, it's not. I say F the economy and either let everyone live their lives after their workday is finished, or close everything down until this virus is eradicated, but don't force people to go to work and come home and not have any fun to blow off the stresses of the workday and this virus, that's just not fair. It's either all or nothing. Because your happy mediums just aren't working, in fact those happy medium measures of making people go to work and kids to school and come home and stay home, is only making things worse. You can't blame the bars and restaurants now for the sky high rates, because they've been closed since the beginning of October, but the daily case numbers just keeps increasing day after day. So obviously it wasn't the restaurants and bars causing the increases, it's the asinine way you have things rigged now, that's causing it.


Coronavirus: Second wave could last until April in ‘worst-case scenario’, leaked document reveals I don't know how they'd know how long it'll last, or not. The only thing I can figure is they're planning on pretending it's lasting that long in order to implement whatever it is they have planned.




Police will enter homes and break up Christmas dinners if families break lockdown rules - and there will be riots, predicts police commissioner Yup draconian jackbooted gestapo at work not only in QC but in the UK too.... I don't even see how the taxpaying voters can even put up with this and don't demand a repeal of such a draconian law, or simply overthrow the tyrannical gov't. I know here in QC the Cdn sheeple are  too chicken to even consider it, never mind try or actually do it. 


Coronavirus: Remote Marshall Islands records first cases See if someone from outside the islands with the disease wasn't let onto the islands they still wouldn't have the disease. This disease was carried by people around the world and it's the idiot governments of the countries around the world that let those people in. Like I've been saying if the borders were closed to everyone from everywhere on January 21st we wouldn't be going through this now. It's as simple as that and the fact that the borders are still porous sieves letting all kinds of people in from everywhere still doesn't help us get it under control, any faster.

Banks roll out robots as pandemic shakes up IT plans Yup I suppose any excuse is good enough when it comes to automation and cutting back on employees.


With that unique and neat idea, I'm going to close for now and until next time take care & stay well.



Wednesday, November 11, 2020

It Seems Like I'll Never Finish With October's Headlines of

 Covid 19

November 11, 2020

A solemn Salute to all our veterans and war dead on this Rememberance Day in Canada. 

I just took a look at the amount of headlines still in my bookmark file and I almost fell over. Those are just until the end of October too. There's no new headlines for November in there and even still it looks and feels like I'll probably won't be finished posting them until at least the end of next week, which will be 2/3rds of the way through November by then and I still won't have had any time to work on the things I wanted to make for Christmas. Grrrrrrrrrr..... 

So I'm going to try to get as many of them in here today and probably with fewer comments unless I'm really provoked by that particular headline. But if you're coming here for the headlines and not my comments, that should be fine with you. Otherwise if it's my cynical comments you're after, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I seriously want to get through posting these if I can. Because now it seems like it's going to go on forever and a year and that's only up until the end of October. I can guarantee you that if I kept going with the headlines on the pandemic the pandemic will have been over for at least a year before I finished posting the headlines on it.... And I just can't do that. Even slogging through this amount of headlines is starting to feel like a chore and a half.

Two headlines from today (yup the salient headlines that can't be ignored) I will comment on though and here they are....

I posted this headlines because of the obvious..... It's a Gates backed vaccine that you ought to be aware of and remember if you want to avoid anything to do with his vaccines and what might be in them.  I figured it was important enough to post even though this news was released today - Nov 11, 2020 and not back in October and should be posted as soon as possible so that the visitors to this blog can learn about it, if they haven't already. 

You have to wonder WHY he'd sell 60% of his stock in the company the day the vaccine was announced? Is it because it had to do with the reasons given in the story or maybe the fact that he was ashamed of being associated with Gates in this collaboration? So he sold off the majority of his shares to minimize that association and shame/guilt? 

Now to continue on with the October headlines....


Trudeau announces plan to purchase 76 million doses of Canadian-made COVID-19 vaccine Wondering if Gates has his grubby paws into this one too, or not?

Just 5% of Ontario coronavirus cases used COVID Alert app to report infection Good! Glad to know that there aren't as many gullible naive people in Canada as I thought there were. That's just a tracing app meant to track you (that's how it works), so why would you want the gov't tracking you anyhow? 
One in four Canadians say their mental health is worse than during COVID-19 outbreak Because we're just extremely fed up with this BS, probably. I know that's my case. 
New Scientist - October 24, 2020 This is a PDF version of the New Scientist magazine, which in this particular issue is predominantly devoted to COVID19 - that I thought might interest you. It's downloadable at the longfiles link given on that page.

The gift of a book can help ease the pain of a lockdown Or ebooks can work just as well. To find several resources for ebooks of all types on the net, just click on the "ebooks" label in the right hand column.
In Quebec, the battle against COVID-19 shifts to workplaces This should've been thought of before you sent everyone back to work & school. But oh no, the precious economy comes before anyone's health or lives, apparently.

Covid-19 is not going to ‘wipe us out’ and people will have immunity – experts Seriously? Are people that stupid and panicked that they couldn't reason this out for themselves considering the amount of cases there's been, and the amount of people that recovered versus the amount that died? There's way more recovered cases than deaths. So if they couldn't deduce this on their own just by the numbers, then there's seriously something wrong with them that they'd need reassurance like this. Gawd, that's just sad. Pathetic really.

Coronavirus: Up to 90,000 people getting infected with COVID every day in England I hate to sound callous here, but if that keeps up in a little under 2 years your whole population will have been naturally inoculated against it, vaccine or not.



Of course the Simpsons had to find a way to incorporate the virus into it's show too. 


Yeah be sure to avoid all family, and friends even household members especially around the dinner table. Remember as well to avoid all fun with them or even by yourself as well and COVID19 seems to be attracted to people having fun and enjoying a few minutes of life. The best advice is become a hermit, don't talk to anyone (not even on the phone because you never know - the germs might propagate via the landline or in the air over the airwaves that carries the cell signals), or even on the net, because you know you've heard of viruses attacking computers and other electronic gadgets wells who's to say the COVID19 isn't trying to figure out a way to morph into a digitally transmissible virus now too? Don't associate with anyone, least of all the nay sayers and conspiracy theorists (who probably aren't but just happen to know a few more quirky details than most do), but definitely do cosy right up to Bill Gates, not for his money of course as Melinda gets that and his charity to himself the Gates Foundation, but for all his potentially micro chip infested vaccines. He's the only person you're allowed to associate with by law, everyone else who might be fun or interesting or related, is forbidden. I'm filing this headline advice under STUPIDITY. Especially when we all know that all the sources for this virus usually comes from OUTSIDE the house. For it to start with someone in the house giving it to you, it means that someone would've had to leave the house originally to go somewhere where they picked it up. It didn't just sneak in through the mail slot in the door or the open window (unless you have malicious neighbours that purposely stand outside your open windows to sneeze and cough through them).  So no, having dinner with close family and friends is NOT the source of it, outside is the source.  Yes if one of your table mates has the disease you're going to get it for sure. But your table mate isn't the source of it. They picked it up outside, just like you yourself could've picked it up outside and brought it home and given it to them. So if you don't want anyone contracting it and then giving it to other household members you should all quarantine in house and not go out to school or work - because there's almost nowhere else to go anyhow. So it goes without saying that if someone in your entourage contracted the disease they more than likely got it from school or work and not from having grand galas somewhere. So this dinner thing is a pack of BS, just another means of "socially" distancing you (which is what this whole gimmick seems to be about anyhow - not physically distancing but socially distancing people). So don't let them, we all need our social support groups (whether that's immediate family members, extended family members or friends and neighbours) no matter what happens. I know the authorities want us to become boring recluses with no fun, no family, no friends and nothing of interest in our lives except school and work, but F them, they've f'd our livelihoods, lives, physical health and now mental health over enough. Nothing is getting any better despite all their so-called good intentions in fact it appears to be getting worse despite all these idiotic measures taken on account of "the economy". If they really want to get rid of the virus and not us, then they should take the measures they took in the spring. Total lockdown except for necessities. That almost wiped the virus out but not enough for it to make a come back under ideal conditions - like what the gov'ts have given it now.

There's a simple solution to all these problems - either don't touch them at all, or else where surgical gloves. Then again a lot of this is hyperbole to keep you off center and scared.... For instance the public hand sanitizer pump..... Yeah you touch the pump part in order to get the hand sanitizer squeezed into your other hand, but assuming you're like most other people you'll use the hand sanitizer that's in the other hand to sanitize BOTH HANDS - meaning the one that previously touched the pump too. I guess the person who did that article doesn't drive, otherwise they might've included the gas station pumps at self-serve gas stations. And I'm not entirely sure why YOUR cellphone would be contaminated with the virus unless you have the virus yourself. Then again there's lysol wipes etc you could use on that if you're that paranoid of your own germs.

All the while conveniently ignoring the other videos that shows all the stuff escaping face masks when someone sneezes or coughs.  I'm sure you can find a link to one of those videos in my right hand side bar probably under a heading like "do masks work" or something similar. 

If most of these are scariest symptoms, the person writing this article hasn't got a clue what scariest symptoms are, nor the most painful either. Another "scaremongering" story to keep you compliant. Most symptoms listed here are very mild, that wouldn't even bother a child enough to cause them to even fuss and moan about, so if adults can't handle them, their pain thresholds are rock bottom, to say the least. Yes, encephalitis and stroke are serious and painful, but most of the rest of it, isn't even painful or dangerous let alone scary. Very mild and very benign.

Well hey, some men do act like babies that need their wife/mommy figure to smack some sense into them. Mine occasionally  merits a good smacking too, but in public like that I prefer the dirty looks treatment - like "don't press my buttons now mister or you'll get it later" look. I can't help it. I mean sometimes you just have to treat them like little kids, especially when they're behaving like one. I'm not sanctionning physical abuse here, but I am sanctionning a wife standing her ground and when need be making her spouse behave himself especially in public. Men would have no qualms at doing that and no one would think anything of it (not smacking her in the face but maybe grabbing her wrists and giving her a stern talking to) and there wouldn't be any headlines for that. Even the smacking her in the face part might not generate headlines either depending on the area of the world that occurred in. 

I've gotta stop the comments.... Geez..... Okay trying now....

Not sure if that's only in American stores or Canada too? Probably only the US.
Dr. Fauci's Unhealthiest Things You Can Do I'm telling you he's an ash hole playing to the politicians tunes.... Considering just about everything named in this article is forbidden here in QC and has been since the beginning of October, but yet the case numbers are still rising, he hasn't got the foggiest idea about anything. We might as well ask our dachshund what's the healthiest things we could do. I bet she'd come up with a saner list than that. Like stay home, stay in bed and relax, don't let strangers come to the door and chase them away if they do, keep clean - clean your butt as often as you can, inoculate yourself by exposing yourself to as many germs as possible in your environs, play with playmates and family to keep your spirits up and in good physical shape especially if playing things like tug of war, fetch and rough housing, hug, pet, cuddle  and kiss each other often. Those are the ways she's been keeping healthy throughout this whole ordeal. Almost the exact same things Fauci says is unhealthy.

Just a side note here.... Another beautiful sunset graces the end of the day here today. Highly unusual for this time of year.

The #1 Thing People Did Before Getting COVID So then according to this, the family gathering to  sit down to Thanksgiving Dinner, Monday lunch, or Tueday Supper should be equally dangerous and fraught with risk for catching COVID19. What about sitting on the sofa to watch a Netflix offering with another family member is that equally as dangerous? 

Oh my I wish I could just download the sight of that gorgeous sunset right into my blog here without having to traipse around the house looking for a phone or camera or something to take the pic with as it's over the top beautiful now.  Just gorgeous!

Well it's Nov 11th now and they've upped  the scaremongering death count to  400,000 by February. An increase of just under 15,000 from the estimate in this article.


Like all the politicians know all about it. 

And the imbecile lawmakers can't figure out where the spread is coming from eh? Maybe they ought to try following up on all their VIPs that they keep letting into the country without a quarantine requirement! I mean how do the imbeciles in power know that these "special people" (said in a mocking tone), aren't the ones bringing the virus in with them and spreading it around? And yes, even long-haul truckers could be the source of some of it. 


Not the half assed way they're doing them now, they won't. The way they were doing them in the spring, it would've worked, if they maintained it long enough. They let up on them too soon while there was still a rather big pool of the virus left out there in society (you need to be down to like 1 case and have that one resolved before you can declare the end of that wave or let up). Which no one did. Except maybe the maritime provinces but then they continued to let flights into their provinces - with potential COVID19 carriers aboard. And they wonder why they are seeing other cases out there in the community. Maybe that's why? I mean if the disease has been totally eradicated but you're getting new cases from somewhere, then maybe that's the somewhere?


That's the Canadian way make the ones suffering the most wait the longest or make the French wait longer. Either way is the Canadian way, combine both together and this is inevitable.

Another scaremongerer on the loose, who can't seem  to distinguish between current active cases and total cases since the beginning of the pandemic. She's acting and talking as if the whole 100,000 cases are the current case loads in the hospitals now and not that that is an accumulation of the overall cases since the pandemic began and that most of those were either mild or asymptomatic and quarantined at home, and went  nowhere near a hospital to be treated for it. These people have to stop screaming fire fire and setting their hair on fire to try to prove it.  
Pandemic fuels need for digital ID, online access to government services Yup this plandemic is working so good for the gestapo elite isn't it!?! Just one short step away from having those digial IDs inserted into our bodies - maybe that's what that vaccine is all about and why Gates is so enthusiastic about the vaccines because he gets to be the one making and supplying those chips to put in the vaccines? 

I'm sure between Biden & Bernie Sanders they'll have their own brand of socialism maybe bordering on communism or who knows what? But I sincerely doubt bozo brains is going to be teaching too many people, too many things except maybe drama or snowboarding.
Canadian companies that have filed for creditor protection since pandemic began Wow! There's quite a few of them, more than I realized and those are just the larger ones. I'm sure there must be lots of small mom & pop businesses and recent startups that are having just as many if not more problems as these bigger companies are having.

I can't even fathom why a Canadian would want to go to any EU nations right about now with all the COVID cases they have - they should be the ones to talk about Canada. Belgium a country of 11 million people is getting 7,000 cases per day. England it's 10,000 cases per day. Spain's and France's numbers must be pretty high too considering the measures they're taking to try to curtail it. I bet they're higher than Canada's daily numbers are. If Canada is letting them in then yeah we need a wake up call alright but not the way this author inferred.
Conrad Black: Coronavirus hysteria will soon come to an end In case anyone cares about his opinion. I don't because as far as I'm concerned he's a thief and had to be threatened in order to get our money back. So I don't care about anything he has to say and if this blog were solely for me I wouldn't even post that link and even though it's not solely for me, I'm wondering why I'm posting it anyhow. As most people coming to this blog may not even be aware of this story and even if they were they'd probably just think I never saw it and so that's why I'm not posting it. But anyhow..... 


Hey I have an idea instead of just skipping right over 2 and going directly to 3 - just to make it sound impressive to the rest of the world.... Why not just skip on over all the numbers from 2-98 and go directly to wave 99? You idiots can call it whatever you want, but as Fauci said you're still in wave 1, nevermind the 2nd one and forget a 3rd one entirely. That one's purely a figment of someone's over active imagination, that's what the 3rd wave is.
Hajdu says some provinces 'chose to deny' federal government's COVID-19 testing guidance Oh this is rich Haggy Doodoo says some provinces chose to deny federal gov't COVID 19 testing guidance???? hehehehe... That's because they're not stupid enough to rely on YOUR guidance Haggy Doo Doo, considering you are MERELY A FRIGGING ART TEACHER & DON'T KNOW SFA ABOUT HEALTH CARE LET ALONE ANYTHING AS TECHNICAL AS A TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you know what!?! I don't blame them! Instead I commend them, for using their better judgement and perhaps the advice of their OWN PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERS - which HOPEFULLY ARE REAL DOCTORS and not pencil pushing idiots like Dube here in QC and you there in Ottawa masquerading as our Federal Health Minister. Personally, I don't think anyone should be listening to anything you the DAMNED TAM and BOZO BRAINS in Ottawa has to say about this virus as it's you 3 imbeciles that got us into the mess we're currently in with this plandemic of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Instead I think maybe all 3 of you needs to be sitting behind bars for mass genocide at the moment, if not mass manslaughter. Either way you 3 scumbags are responsible for the deaths of  thousands of people here in Canada and you should be made to pay for it. Maybe a life sentence for each person that died. That should see you Bozo Brains and the Damned Tam sitting behind bars for the rest of eternity.

I guess they thought this news item would get buried under all the COVID news stories and no one would ever see it and be the wiser eh? That dirtbag in Ottawa knows no limits does he? The gazillions of refugees he brought in at our expense and the ensuing backlash wasn't enough for him, he didn't get the picture then and so is going back at it again, only trying to hide it under the COVID news inundation hoping no one will notice! I've never seen a slower learner in my life and that's saying something as we know of several kids who attend a disabled camp (for all sorts of disabilities including mentally challenged and mentally disabled). He is about as swift as they are.





Well if it's not the lunch counters and public transit trying to take advantage of the average worker, it's the internet companies now instead.  No matter where they work they can't catch a break it seems.

Oh well. Get a real job and maybe you would be entitled to it.

I don't live in the UK, but I'm pretty sure that I got it in the first week of January and I live in QC. Our son and his wife (who's a nurse) thinks they had it in early February. Fortunately for me, I got it on a Wednesday and by Sunday I was over it.
Fear and anxiety spike in virus hot spots across US A lot of that has to do with how the media has whipped the masses into a fearful frenzy without reporting the actual case numbers and always referring to the overall case numbers instead, and just basically doing everything in their power to keep everyone as scared as possible all the time. It's much easier to manipulate the scared masses into doing whatever the media owners masters' (usually the government), wants. You have to see the media as the governments propaganda machines and take all information coming from them accordingly.


Another classic case of how the jack booted gestapo QC government loves kicking people while they're down, especially the Anglophone and minority populations.
Well the nursing home where my father resided before his death back in the 1990s thought they were above the law. They literally stole just about everything my father owned, including his truck and everything else from him and the useless tit of a NS government and RCMP weren't any help either. So yeah they acted and proved to be above the law as no one who regulates or enforces the laws would get involved. They probably still are or presume to be anyhow and are so long as the inept governments and RCMP allows them to be.

And of course they only show the number of cases and deaths, but not the number of resolved (or recovered) cases, nor the active case count. Yahoo has started doing that and I have to give them that for clearly delineating the amount of cases from deaths and current active cases.
Trump claims the worsening U.S. coronavirus outbreak is a ‘Fake News Media Conspiracy’ even as hospitalizations rise The problem is that the general public have no way of verifying the numbers involved in the virus and hospitalizations. For instance my daughter-in-law works in the same hospital that Arruda is supposedly the head honcho of here in Montreal and he claims there's over 300 odd kids in there with Covid19, while my daugher-in-law isn't aware of any and she is a nurse that visits all the wards in the hospital as she's one of  the ones tasked with drawing the blood for blood tests. Now you'd think since she's drawing blood and could potentially be exposed to COVID19 via close contact with the patients she'd be told to wear PPE if coming into contact with any such patients. But she hasn't. So it sounds to me like Arruda is releasing whatever made up figures he wishes to release but that they're not based on any facts. So I question his numbers and where he gets them from because his numbers don't sound right based on the hospital procedures for staff.


I'm pretty sure we all knew this without having to be told.


French doctor warns his country has ‘lost control’ of virus Okay well this article is alarming in more ways than 1. First of all they don't even really know for sure how many cases they have per day as no one is keeping track of them, so it could range anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 a day in a population of roughly 67 million - which is a little under 2x our population.  From what I can gather today's numbers (November 11, 2020 - a few weeks on from this article), here in Canada is roughly 3500 new cases all told. Which if we had roughly the same size population France does, meaning roughly 2x the population that would translate into 7,000 new daily cases not 50,000 to 100,000. That's to start. So the fact that they don't know the real numbers in France is scary in and of itself, but if the numbers they surmise to be true are correct, then that's even scarier. But the 2nd way this is scary is that they're using numbers pulled out of thin air to base all their measures on. Because they might have the number of cases they think they have, like they might have none and all those numbers are just being made up for the benefit of the politicians so they can use them for their own agendas. But even if the proclaimed numbers are more inline with what would be the numbers for that same population size in Canada, it doesn't mean they're real actual numbers. Just like here in Canada, where Arruda the head of the Montreal Children's Hospital is claiming there are at least 300 kids hospitalized there with the virus (and that's quite a sizeable chunk of beds going towards that if there are), while my daughter-in-law who's a nurse working on all the floors and wards there drawing blood, doesn't know of even one single case of COVID19 being there. So who's telling the truth and who's lying? I think Arruda is lying and my daughter-in-law is telling the truth. Arruda is lying because he's also the Dr. that sits beside Legault in all his Cornavirus briefings to the press and I think he relies on inflated numbers or even made up numbers to ensure their policies and dictates are followed by the scared and compliant masses. Which wouldn't be so scared and compliant if the numbers were close to 0 (all the numbers from case numbers to deaths to hospitalizations etc..). So I don't see how this doctor can claim they lost control when they don't even know what any of the numbers actually are. 

Ohhhhhhh I'm sure there were way more than 7, just that the cops didn't catch any of the others.
Canada Revenue Agency: 2 Crucial COVID-19 Tax Breaks for 2020 Just in case you are already worried about your annual income tax return due next April 31st. 





Bill Gates: Trump admin meddling with FDA caused 'very unfortunate' setback Very unfortunate setback for Gates, as he wasn't able to start raking in the cash and inserting all his micro chips as soon as he thought he'd be able to, probably. 

Oh oh.... That doesn't sound very promising for the economy....
Vaccine maker Pfizer raises concerns about ‘unintended consequences’ of possible pandemic probe in Canada And trust me if they're in cahoots with Gates on this vaccine, they have plenty of things they want to keep secret probably, from whether there's any micro chips in the vaccine, to if there are, what kind are they and what do they do etc.... 

As I said, so much for the bozo that thought they were already in the 3rd wave. 



Annnnnd I'm leaving it there for the night. Until next time, take care & stay well.






Saturday, October 31, 2020

Early Start to Serious Effort To Get This Done

 Covid 19


October 30, 2020

As plans for today have changed, I find myself with a bit of extra time, which I am going to devote to trying to catch up as much as possible on the Covid headlines so I can finish this as soon as possible...

So.... Let's get started....

COVID-19 modelling shows B.C.'s curve has bent back downward

This would be great news if it stays like that....

Quebec introduces COVID Alert app as daily case tally tops 1,000 for 4th straight day 

Which I think most people are suspicious of and distrust. 

China, 25 other countries call on Western nations to lift sanctions amid coronavirus So they want to be rewarded for spreading the virus world-wide by having sanctions lifted eh? Yeah, let'em dream in technocolour.... 

White House blocks new coronavirus vaccine guidelines that would delay approval

This is probably nothing more than more political subterfuge, since in the US this whole pandemic thing seems to be a political game of some sort, where because the pariah president promised a vaccine before the elections, the CDC and other powers that approve of vaccines etc, is bound and bent to stymy whatever efforts are being made to get one out before the election, in order to pander to the president. So even if there are a half dozen vaccines ready and willing to meet market demand and go, the CDC and other regulatory powers that are decidedly anti-Trump will find ways to hold them back and prevent them from coming to market before the election. But I betcha if Joe Biden wins, they'll start approving them right away and they'll be on the market before the end of the week that the election is held. I could almost guarantee that.

Active COVID-19 cases jump to 894 in Edmonton Whoo.... They're getting up there too. 

Trudeau promises federal help for COVID hot spots in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta

B.C. NDP leader promises free COVID-19 vaccine during town hall 

Court rejects attempt to accelerate COVID-19 testing in Quebec schools  The "health minister" (more like pencil pushers minister since the bozo is an accountant totally UNrelated to the health field) didn't offer a clear & unequivocal promise.... 

Canada opening border to international students going to coronavirus-ready institutions

Ontario's backlog in COVID-19 testing making some international travellers miss their flights Oh boo hoo poor babies missing their flights. WTF are they doing travelling during the pandemic and lockdowns anyhow???? 

6 Americans fined for violations while driving through Canada to Alaska — despite tougher rules

Good! Serves them right! 

Coronavirus: Iran’s Rouhani cancels top meeting amid fears of contracting COVID-19 

Amid rising infections, Israeli ultra-Orthodox defy lockdown

Mexico reports record daily increase in coronavirus cases, deaths 

Europe’s Second Covid-19 Wave Starts to Spill Over From Young to Old  

Study finds neurological symptoms in most COVID patients This definitely isn't good. Let's hope these symptoms aren't permanent.

Florida teen arrested at school after refusing to wear mask 

Western views of China hit new lows amid pandemic Ummm geez, I wonder just why that would be?

Fed chair warns of economic tragedy if America can't control the coronavirus

Fed Chair Powell calls for more help from Congress, says there’s a low risk of ‘overdoing it’

Another angle on the story directly above this one.... 

Covid hospital cases jump nearly 25% in England

Four Covid rules broken by Trump and the White House 

Covid: White House aide tests positive as military leaders quarantine 

'Long Covid': Why are some people not recovering? 

Coronavirus: How to tell which countries are coping best with Covid 

The quest to make a global vaccine in 12 months 

Should you get paid based on where you live? I say no. Because it's not fair at all. Pay should be commensurate with experience and knowledge in the field and not based on how much you managed to save on rent or mortgage. I mean what's next? If you go there are you going to start reducing their pay based on how much they manage to save on utilities and insurances? What follows? How much they're able to save on groceries because of coupon usage? No, how much someone pays to live where their do is their business and not the company's period end of story. Maybe they manage to live in swanky digs because their spouse is the one with the high paying job, or maybe they manage to live in a pristine tranquil area because they found a luck on a fixer upper that they fixed up themselves or inherited a farm, and not necessarily because of the employee's salary. So no definitely not. It has nothing to do with the company where someone lives. Maybe some of them live under a cardboard box under a bridge right around the corner from the company because they can't afford the rents in that city. Does that mean they'll pay them more because of it? I mean if they're going to reduce salaries because someone managed to find a comfortable lifestyle, does that also mean that they'll bring the wages of the cardboard box dweller up to par to be able to live in an apartment nearby his work? Especially if both employees have the same experience and same wages? If they do increase the cardboard box dweller's salary they should then increase the swamky lifestyle's salary too, since they were equal in experience and wages before the cardboard box dweller got an increase. Fair is fair. No one should have to suffer because they made good decisions in life while others made the worst possible decisions they could possibly make and get rewarded for it, while the good decision makers gets punished for it. That's just plain evil, not to mention stupid and unjust. 

'SNL' COVID-19 plan? $150 checks for audience members to meet New York restrictions 

3 annoying face mask problems and how to fix it

How has the pandemic altered dating? Survey says more roommates are hooking up I'm not really sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing really. In most of the roommate cases I know about I think it would be a rather creepy thing, to say the least.

Gov. Kristi Noem issues claim that South Dakota has proven a point during COVID-19 pandemic: Lockdowns are 'useless'

They would seem to be, considering since QC has gone back into lockdown for the most part, we're seeing higher and higher daily case numbers, as opposed to before we went back into lockdown.

Dow swings 600 points after Trump rejects stimulus plan 

From the Rose Garden to rallies: What large gatherings can teach us about the spread of coronavirus 

CNN Poll: Biden expands lead over Trump after contentious debate and President's Covid diagnosis 

Cleaning staff in hazmat suits sanitize the West Wing as Trump returns to White House Americans have always held a love of the overly dramatic even melodramatic, so what can you expect? After all is it any coincidence that Hollywood the movie capital of the world, is in the United States? 

At least 1 of Trump's military aides tasked with carrying the nuclear 'football' reportedly has coronavirus

Arkansas Republican County Chair Dies of COVID-19 Weeks After His Committee Hosted Maskless Gathering 

Race for Covid-19 vaccine slows as regulators, top Warp Speed official tap the brakes

‘If Anything Happens to Me...’ Inside One of America's Worst-Hit Nursing Homes This almost sounds like it could be a story from the Quebec nursing homes back in the spring.

COVID-19 could cause male infertility - new Israeli study

How about if we just simplify things and say COVID19 could and probably does cause everything!?! Wouldn't that be much simpler?

Fight breaks out on flight after man with face shield refuses to wear mask 

The IRS Is Being Investigated for Using Location Data Without a Warrant

Here's something to think about when deciding to use the tracing app from the Feds for contact tracing of the virus, as there's apt to be Cdn companies/institutes buying this info from that company as well. Not to mention that there maybe be Canadian equivalents doing the same sort of thing, collecting location data from various apps on your cellphones and devices.  Maybe you should stop allowing those apps to get your location data, I mean unless you're playing that weird pookymon game where you need to slay local monsters what does your book reader, or card game app need your location for anyhow? Personally, I don't allow anything, no location info, and no use of the camera either. So what I lose out on using a certain app, there's probably plenty other better apps than that around that doesn't ask for permission to use or track those things. So just think about that before downloading and using that contact tracing app of the Fed's.

'There is hope': COVID-19 vaccine may be ready by the end of the year, WHO boss says I wouldn't believe this lying dirtbag if my life depended on it. And if he's right, they're probably the injections that will finish the job of killing off all the "useless eaters". In that case I say everyone at the UN, the WHO including that dirtbag, and the WEF, and all the world leaders and health ministers should be the first one to get those vaccines. 

Ontario researchers develop model that determines who should get COVID-19 vaccines first 

Vancouver mayor recommends $30M in COVID-19 homeless relief measures 

Five students living in McGill residences test positive for COVID-19 

Toronto’s top doctor wants restaurants to close — Doug Ford wants them open. Health experts say those mixed messages could result in more cases Maybe the population and restaurant and bar owners should be listening to those with the science behind them and not merely the politics behind them.

Health Canada approves 1st rapid antigen COVID-19 test, feds plan to buy 20 million

CRA rolls out new benefits 

Doubts persist about security of federal COVID-19 notification app

As they should. It would be a very stupid and gullible person who just wholeheartedly trusted such an app.

GOLDSTEIN: Public and private sectors have different pandemic priorities I pointed something like this out the day in here, but more in regards to social and psychological health, than wealth, though that tied into what I was talking about as well. 

Time for Quebec to think outside box for COVID testing, experts say

And who or what is going to protect the sniffer dogs from getting it? Maybe those proposing that dogs risk their lives sniffing out a potentially harmful virus for us, should be the ones trained and deployed to do the sniffing. That way if anyone gets sick it'll be one of those idiots and not an innocent dog.

Ten Canadian companies with rapid COVID tests awaiting Health Canada approval They'll probably be waiting forever because I don't think the Feds want to actually know for sure, how many people have it here in Canada. That way they can look better in the eyes of the world for having lower case numbers than many other countries, if we don't have so many being tested and proven to have the disease. Right now the numbers are probably way lower than they ought to be, because we just don't have the capacity to test more people. Like Trump said "fewer tests means fewer cases" and I'm sure that's what numbnuts in Ottawa is relying on to make Canada look better than other nations when it comes to this. After all to that idiot in power, appearance is everything, substance, not so much.

Why vaccine nationalism could prolong the COVID-19 pandemic And why shouldn't rich countries have their own supplies anyhow? Especially countries like Canada who has a tendency to put everyone else in the world before their own? It's about time countries like Canada put their own taxpaying voters first!

Fauci: As many as 400,000 Americans could die from coronavirus

Remember folks, the operative words there are: "As many as" and "could". It doesn't necessarily follow that that many WILL die from coronavirus though.

NYC mayor warns of bleak days ahead with coronavirus outbreak 

Hosting during a pandemic: 30% of Americans will take guests’ temperature before allowing them in

World's first Covid passport technology will be trialled on flights from Heathrow this week in bid to let passengers travel without risk of quarantine in future BUT requires authorities to trust test lab results from abroad The idea of a passport for those who were no longer a risk to others was mine way back in January or February, posted in comment section on a major news site. Maybe I should ask for copyright rights on that idea....

Billionaire wealth reaches new high during COVID-19 pandemic - UBS

Contrast that with the billions of people world wide who are getting poorer on account of the pandemic.

‘Great Polarization’ may be next for world’s richest, UBS says Until or unless the rest of the world has collectively had it with those greedy hogs and finds a way to take them down. Like they say what goes up must come down. So at one point or another they'll come down, it may not be the easy way either.

Long-term jobless figures rise, underscoring economic pain

Oh but the greedy hogs mentionned in the 2 stories just above this one sure aren't feeling any pain. the US government should start confiscating the wealth of the greedy pigs highlighted in the stories just above and give that money to the poor and those taking care of them - like the food banks and missions etc... Or FORCE the greedy pigs to donate 20% of their annual wealth to such charities (and not ones set up in their own names as those are only charities to themselves) and if not the gov't takes that much extra from them in the way of taxes and gives it to the charities themselves. But set up laws so that rich pigs can't keep grabbing and hogging all the financial resources in a country and force them to be civic minded citizens as well, where neither they nor any of their companies or foundations stand to benefit from that charity. So that it's not just a transfer of money from one of their hands directly into the other one.

Scotland faces temporary booze ban as virus rules ramp up

Well tell those thirsty Scots to relocate to QC, because the SAQ (Societe d'Alcohol de Quebec) is deemed to be an essential service as are grocery stores, and wine and beer are sold in grocery stores and harder liquor is sold in the SAQs. So they're open all pandemic long. 

Pope Francis Doesn’t Wear a Mask, Kisses Priests at Vatican Event 

NYC Orthodox community holds large protest over new coronavirus restrictions 

She's 13, and the Source of a Family's COVID-19 Outbreak 

Trump coronavirus: Morning Joe host says president could be guilty of ‘manslaughter’ if he infects Secret Service and White House staff

I think all the world leaders that let the virus into their countries are guilty of mass manslaughter if not genocide.

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet focused on their 14-year marriage in quarantine: 'It’s been a beautiful time to work on us Good for them, I hope a lot more people worked on their marriages too rather than trying to figure on ways of getting out of them, as apparently the divorce rate has skyrocketed in the US and maybe here in Canada too, if we could ever get the figures on that.

COVID-19 immunity: Declining and pre-existing antibodies, the concept of T-cell immunity and what reinfection could mean

COVID-19 patients in Mass. asking about President Trump's experimental treatment, doctors say 

Amid Slump in Crude Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, Saudi Arabia Doubles Down on Oil to Outlast Rivals 

Warren Buffett says this is the way you get through COVID financially 

Plexiglass barrier at VP debate won’t stop spread of COVID-19 aerosols, experts say Really? So then how come we're expected to believe that it stops the aerosols at the grocery, drug, and other stores and banks then? If plexiglass barriers won't stop it at debates presidential or otherwise, it won't stop it anywhere. So what was the point of installing them in the first place then? 

Trump calls off stimulus package talks, meaning Americans likely won't receive a $1,200 stimulus check before the election

Secrets Nurses Want You To Know About Staying Healthy Yes I definitely concur with all that advice. It should help you stay healthy or get healthier than you currently are and as far as COVID19 is concerned I agree with the vitamin D recommendation too, except I think you should probably take 1,000 ius (international units) per day if you're an adult and especially if you're over 80. 

Trudeau government survives key confidence vote

Trump says not to fear Covid-19. Do Americans agree? 

I think he's right, though the media has done such a fantastic job of scaring the pants off of everyone in favour of the demoncrats or lieberals and their agendas, that the public probably is too afraid to agree with him even if they wanted to.

Coronavirus threatening expat exodus from the UAE

Venezuelans brave 'brutal' migrant route made tougher by pandemic 

Are we in the midst of a touch crisis?

Yes! Why did you have to ask such a dumb question anyhow?

COVID-19 cases rising in 39 states – 9 months into the pandemic: 'We are overwhelmed' Look at the date on that storyline and you'll see it's been since the beginning of the year that this has been around in the US whether they'll openly admit it or not.

From Trump on down, people of means have shaped our COVID-19 experience. That must change.

Is Trump contagious? How is Chris Christie? We're answering your questions about the president and COVID-19 

BuzzFeed News Pulls Reporter From White House, Citing Virus Risk

White House readies Oval Office for Trump return, just days after COVID diagnosis 

What pandemic? Crowds swarm the Great Wall of China as travel surges during holiday week

Virus that causes COVID-19 can live on your skin for 9 hours, study finds. Here's what kills it in under 20 seconds. 

Saturday Night Live performer dropped after flouting show's coronavirus safety protocols

Coronavirus in Africa: Five reasons why Covid-19 has been less deadly than elsewhere 

Lilly applies for emergency use of COVID-19 single antibody treatment

COVID-19 in Canada: Trudeau prepares for possible 'disruptions' after U.S. election outcome; More Quebec regions to become 'red zones' 

Ontario faces 'runaway train' of COVID-19 cases if families don't scrap Thanksgiving gatherings, doctor warns

Wondering just how many doctors and politicians did just that? Or if they all flouted their own advice and rules?

Cape Breton University continues with online classes into winter 

International couples plan reunions in Canada under new travel exception

Calgary Food Bank saves potatoes from compost heap by turning them into soup Good for them. If they had some corn, clams, seafood, or leeks they could've turned them into interesting chowders.

Calgary firm to make 40 million medical masks for Alberta health-care providers

Yukon gets more federal money in northern COVID top-up for health, vulnerable 

Evangelist at Prince Albert, Sask., church linked to regional COVID-19 outbreak says singers didn't wear masks

'Jurassic World' shoot suspended after COVID-19 positives 

COVID-19 outbreak at Nunavut's Hope Bay mine at 10 cases but 'contained,' government says

Calgary Catholic students will not have to write provincial achievement tests this year I guess some students are catching a break because of COVID19.

Few to use new sickness benefit for COVID-19 diagnosis, PBO suggests in new report

That's maybe because the gov't has made the benefits as hard to apply and qualify for as they possibly could. Which is pretty typical of the gov't.

Coronavirus: Ontario health minister says work being done to get COVID-19 testing for homeless 

Saskatchewan declares multi-community COVID-19 outbreak linked to gospel events

N.B. reports 17 new COVID-19 cases at nursing home in Moncton 

Vote Compass: Majority of Saskatchewanians believe provincial government is handling the pandemic well

Public Schools Branch reviewing routes as more children take the bus 

Theatres call out N.S. government for delaying emergency funds

Ontario, Toronto seem at odds on how to tackle COVID-19 surge in the city Follow prescribed medical science and you should be fine or failing that the method laid out in the charter of rights & freedoms in Canada, for quarantine law.

Anyhow, that's as much as I can get to today. Will try to get more going tomorrow being Oct 31st and all, but I can't promise much as we have plans that pretty much take up the whole day and half the evening too. So I'll just have to continue this on Nov 1st until I'm caught up to the Oct 31st headlines. So take care and stay well until next time.