Showing posts with label Free Air Conditioning For Seniors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Air Conditioning For Seniors. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2020

Covering COVID19

Some More...

May 28, 2020

There never seems to be any let up in the amount & variety of news this virus has generated. 

One of the recent stories though that I want to get to first as it's probably of urgency to a lot of seniors forced to endure this current heatwave we're having in southwestern Quebec and that is of air-conditioning. The other day I mentioned some inexpensive air conditioners available at Canadian Tire in the region, but I realize that not everyone can afford them, despite how inexpensive they are and that free is a much better and more affordable price. So tonight while listening to Montreal at Six news on CTV, Mitsumi did a segment on free air conditioners being given out to seniors, I took note of the story here: Keeping Seniors Cool With AC Donations  and of the place where the girl has an online application site where any senior over 65 who needs an air conditioner but can't afford one, can put their name in to apply for one. Just visit: AC For Seniors and fill in their online form - it's a bilingual site so French people can also apply for one. 

People who have functioning air conditioners that they no longer need or want can donate them to either of the 2 organizations - the AC For Seniors organization that supplies individual seniors with free air conditioning units,  or the other one mentioned in Mitsumi's segment, that supplies the seniors residences and long term care facilities with free units for the rooms in those type buildings. So if you have an air conditioner that's still working that you would like to donate please contact them, it'll be for a good cause, I'm sure.

Toronto officials condemn 'dangerous' behaviour of people who packed park  They should've left the picture/s there that went with story because as they say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Anyhow if you didn't see it and aren't aware of this story, there were massive crowds in the park with large groups huddled together on the grass, with barely any distance in between them. Like they would've been any other year on a nice day like the few nice days we've had recently.

'Canary in the coal mine:' Meat industry says more safety coming with COVID-19 People are acting like deadly contagious viruses like this are going to strike us all the time from now on and are forgetting that the last virus of this magnitude was 102 years ago that it struck. And honestly I don't see any company any where in the world carrying on with such extreme measures from now on unless there's a need for them. And I would hazard a guess and say that after this virus has petered itself out, it'll be at least a few decades if not another century before we see another one of this magnitude. So are they saying they'll never remodel, never change their way of doing things, never upgrade and will remain with this paranoid rigging for the rest of their company's existance? Because I find that hard to believe, because usually whenever something new comes along, that's either more efficient, saves money, or even more aesthetic and pleasing to the eye (ergonomic or not sometimes), they'll be jumping on those band wagons as soon as they can afford to do so. Because after all it's imperative to most companies to appear to be keeping up with the times at least.

‘Up to a Dozen’ COVID-19 Variants in the United States Well that right there is your answer to will they ever have a viable vaccine available to prevent this virus from infecting you..... Given that vaccines usually only work against the variant used to make the vaccine with, if there's over a dozen variants you'll need a vaccine with all of those strains in it, or 12 different vaccines available and that's assuming no more strains emerge. 

France to retaliate over British quarantine measures Oh here we go, playing tit for tat with this pandemic. It's not enough that people are suffering enough and have had enough already huh? They have to play politics with it too, to make even more peoples lives miserable on account of their petty squabbling?

Coronavirus is taking 'different path' in Africa due to age differences yeah and also - directly quoting the article here via a copy & paste: 

"Africa is the youngest continent demographically with more than 60% of the population under the age of 25. Older adults have a significantly increased risk of developing a severe illness. In Europe nearly 95% of deaths occurred in those older than 60 years", the WHO added.
The global health body also highlighted that African governments swiftly imposed restrictive measures on their populations in attempt to curb the spread of the virus.
And despite "significant progress in testing", rates of testing in Africa remain low in comparison to other countries. 

So it's not just age demographics at play here, it's also due to the way they handled it, and in most countries that involved shutting the borders down to incoming travellers. 

If western countries had've done the same, we'd probably have the same or similar results but no, like I said this was a coordinated effort between them and for the longest time I couldn't figure out why they'd want to crash all their economies simultaneously. 

Given the announcement that Trudeau wants to work with the UN to coordinate a global economy recovery plan, I think I know why African did what they did and why we did what we did..... 
If we have a global restructuring of the economy it means we have to have a level playing field to start from. So we have to do a couple of things - one is crash the affluent societies down to a certain level while raising the most impoverished societies (think Somalia and Bangladesh as examples) to a certain level, but it's best if we don't also cause their already subsistence economies to sink even further to start with, so that when the new economic measures come into play we're all on a more or less level playing field. Especially if a 1 world currency is introduced that is valued the same in all countries. So one UN Eagle (maybe, probably from the junk I've seen and read over the years), might be equivalent to 5 cents Canadian (hence the reason we got rid of the penny). So whatever is being sold for 5 UN Eagles anywhere in the world will be able to be purchased anywhere in the world without it costing anyone more (as in exchange rates) than someone else somewhere else in the world. Is that what's happening? I don't know, all we can do is wait and see, but it seems to me that that's probably the only logical reason this was done like this. 

Coronavirus in South Africa: Outbreak closes Mponeng gold mine   Oh oh! What are the 1%'ers going to do without their regular supply of gold, during this pandemic anyhow?

Coronavirus: China accuses US of spreading 'conspiracies'  Now there's so many it's hard to know what to believe or if we should believe any of them. Or maybe there's a partial truth in all of them.

How staying indoors affects your immune system This isn't the only story suggesting that staying inside isn't helping us.

Doctor who raised concerns over PPE shortage admitted to mental hospital Like I said many times before, there's something suspiciously weird going on with this virus and the way it's being handled.

A cluster of coronavirus cases was reported in Arkansas after a swim party Hmmmm.... Wondering why. If that swim party was anything like all the other outdoor parties this past weekend, where everyone was huddled around and on top of everyone else there, I think we know why....

China's Wuhan says conducted 1,146,156 COVID-19 tests on May 23 It's been months since this pandemic has been ravaging Canada, but we still haven't even done half that many tests even if you combine all of them done right across the country, I don't think. So doing that in one day would be an impossible feat for us apparently. But if we could've done that our entire population would've been tested at least 2x over already.

Lockdown saved no lives and may have cost them, Nobel Prize winner believes I am inclined to believe him, because as I've said about a hundred times before, this is not how quarantines are done. You quarantine the sick & their contacts and not the healthy. You leave them alone to live their lives and continue working to keep the economy going. But as we will see when I get to that article in question, this was probably all orchestrated from the beginning because now Trudeau and another one from the UN wants to lead the coordinated economic recovery. Imagine putting Mr. Spendthrift in charge of economic recovery especially when he has a hard time to do grade 2 arithmetic and can't figure out the total of 2 plus 2 without a calculator and Sophie's help. 

Betty White, 98, 'Doing Very Well' amid Coronavirus Pandemic: 'We Always Have Laughs,' Rep Says  Good for her! Imagine that 98 and being able to laugh her way through this pandemic.

Mourning family of Cargill COVID-19 death feel left behind by company Very heartless and cruel if you ask me. He sacrificed his life working for that measly $500 bonus which they haven't had the decency to pay to his family.  Wondering who they pack for - which brands of meat, because I'll be sure to boycott them if I can find out.

Canadian-led NATO battlegroup in Latvia targeted by pandemic disinformation campaign  Angles & aspects and people & organizations using the pandemic for all kinds of purposes.

Ontario churches, mosques and synagogues open for drive-in worship this weekend amid COVID-19  Another sign of the times, I suppose but honestly I just can't see why anyone would subject themselves to sitting in stifling hot cars (no sense in running air conditioners if you need the windows open to hear the sermons) to worship. There's plenty of places in the Bible where it says that where you are God or Jesus is and there's no need to go to a church to pray or worship.

Wuhan lab had three live bat coronaviruses: Chinese state media  Now this is no conspiracy theory started by the US. This information was put out by the Chinese themselves.

China tells U.S. to stop wasting time in coronavirus battleBLOOD ON BOARDWALK Violence erupts as crowds swarm to reopened beaches for Memorial Day weekend with six shot at Daytona Beach   As the saying goes pictures speak louder than words.... So you've got to see these pictures. I'd say what was going on in them, is the exact opposite of what should've been going on.

The Metro Manila priests fighting coronavirus with the cross Yet another angle on this virus and how people deal with it or react to it. 

'I left my campervan in Argentina' An absorbing story on a road trip gone awry on account of COVID19. 

'Haircut Night in America' is here to save you Don't forget Friday 29th at 8pm ET on CBS. I certainly hope I don't forget.

After 3 Children Die, a Race to Investigate a Baffling Virus Syndrome Is this coronavirus related or a completely other new virus attacking kids?

The Pandemic Is Exposing the Limits of Science I wouldn't doubt it. Half the time I think "scientists" have no clue what they're talking about or doing and over time many of their theories & methods have been disproven, in all sorts of disciplines.

2/3 Of Canadians Want Government To Take Over Long-Term Care: Poll In Quebec especially because they've let the elderly subsist in deplorable and unsafe conditions for decades now. Personally I think all of those death camps should be closed period. And the government should provide in home support for the elderly so they can live safely and peacefully at home until the end of their lives. Now whether that home is a home of their own, where they live by themselves or with their spouse, or with extended family - either way the government should provide financial and professional in home support for them, with regular checkups by medical professionals (if needed), and funds to cover home renovations to accomodate them better and to cover the costs of whatever equipment they may need etc. It would be much more beneficial to the senior and probably cost a lot less in the long run by doing it that way. That way there wouldn't be any large buildings to heat, cool, and maintain. There wouldn't be any need for auxillary staff like orderlies, receptionists, etc. It would be more akin to the VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) where nurses would make regular rounds to visit their patients and help them and if need be have doctors check up on them as well. And if extended relatives are keeping the senior in their home with them, some form of financial help given to those people at least as an incentive to keep the senior there with them and look after them. That's what I think should be done. But those death camps all need to be closed down.  As for seniors suffering from strokes and other debilitating problems that relatives can't cope with, those seniors should be kept in convalescent hospitals or convalescent wards of main hospitals, and not relegated to those horrible death camps ever again.

Compared to other public supports for political parties, the wage subsidy is a drop in the bucket  Is this meant to make us not feel so angry for being taken advantage of by them yet again? Because if it is, it's not working, at least not with me. All I see are pigs at the tax payer's trough again, for the millionth time in my life and now I'm just sick of it, especially when I see so many seniors out there that can barely get by and they're getting basically ignored during this time, while everyone has their heads stuck so far down in the taxpayer's trough (which belongs mostly to the seniors as they're the ones that have contributed to it the longest and perhaps the most, while getting the least from it in return, throughout their entire lives and not just during recent events - which continues to hold true here too), they are probably drowning in it, if not choking on it, such gluttonous pigs, they are. 

Will COVID-19 Wipe Out the Tribes of the Amazon? I sure hope not. We've lost so many indigenous peoples to history, that it would be a shame to lose other ones if we can stop it.

Return to sender: passengers sent back after arriving at Yellowknife Airport And that's precisely what all provinces should've been doing since January. Sending everyone trying to get into our respective provinces from anywhere else in the world, back home. Then we wouldn't be in the mess we're in. But like I said this was planned and orchestrated right down to the very day to initiate lockdowns, because they all did it literally within 24 hours of each other world wide. So if that wasn't planned and orchestrated, then I don't know what is.

Coronavirus: Americans flock to beaches on Memorial Day weekend More pictures that speak louder than words posted here too. 

Ontario to maintain group size restrictions amid rising COVID-19 cases, crowded parks  Well I hate to inform the authorities in Ontario but it doesn't look like they maintained anything, going by these pictures here.

Mink infected two humans with coronavirus: Dutch government Totally new angles and aspects in this story....

Coronavirus: Britons urged to 'use common sense' as beaches and parks packed on hot Bank Holiday Monday euuuu boy.... More pictures that just screams outbreak coming, outbreak coming, lockdown, lockdown now and stay down forever.... 

Alberta recommending face masks, but not enforcing their use as economy relaunches Given how useless the surgical masks and homemade ones are, it's useless to recommend them unless they have N95 masks for everyone out there. Otherwise it's pointless to wear those other masks in this heat and for what? To make it harder to breath and cause you to sweat more? Because that's about all they'll do.

Check for COVID-19 symptoms over next 2 weeks, medical officer urges Trinity Bellwoods crowd - actually they should be told to self-quarantine for the next two weeks and when/if they have any symptoms, to extend their self quarantine for 2 weeks from the date the symptoms appeared.  Not told to "check for symptoms over next 2 weeks" while being allowed to saunter around spreading it hither and yon, if they have it but don't know it yet.  Yeah I get it. You need it to operate like that to ensure you have all those extra cases so you can use that as an excuse to throw all the rest of us into lockdown again (but hey you'll be ripping us off of half the time we should be allowed out of quarantine - that being 30 days - 2 weeks is 1/2 of that, so if you decide to lock everyone down again because of the symptoms showing in 2 weeks, we'll have only had 2 weeks out of quarantine before we get thrown back in again). Oxford formula was 50 days quarantine and 30 days off for good behaviour.

Economic shock from COVID-19 to lead to higher indebtedness, Poloz says  You don't say? Imagine that! That's just unimaginable!

Quebec's public health director hands over figurine gift for COVID-19 leadership How come he has to hand the figurine over when he didn't ask for it, and didn't give any favours or anything in exchange and he earned it, while Tony Clement was allowed to keep the gift basket given to him by the firm that was busy trying to avoid paying taxes in Canada? Doesn't seem fair that a sleeze bucket like Tony Clement can keep a gift basket that contained what, we don't know, as it was covered over (could've had a few gold bars or coins in it at least for all we know and not merely chocolate coins either) and he can't keep a figurine that was made specially for him for the job he's been doing in QC. 

Brazil BRF meatpacking plant hit with more than 300 coronavirus cases  Are they also using this virus to get meat off the menu around the world too? Because judging by our local grocery fliers for the week, it sure seems like it. The prices are insane. So it seems to me they're trying to cause a meat shortage (because of cow farts and CO2 in the environment - seriously folks cows emit more carbon dioxide than most things according to the vegans and vegetarians and they ought to be removed from the face of the planet - in other words eradicate all livestock animals from the face of the earth because their farts are way more lethal than all the wild animals farts are apparently - that includes the elephants and hippos farts too apparently). So this virus seems to be playing very nicely into their hands.  But I guess they don't realize their brains are addled from lack of B12 which is basically only available via meat sources. Oh what can I say? It just seems like all the vegans, vegetarians, environmentalists, 1%'ers  and depopulationists are finally having their dreams come true through this virus, as it's accomplishing everything for them.  Meanwhile the rest of us have to stay under house arrest until they accomplish their nefarious end goals. 👅

WHO warns of 'second peak' in areas where COVID-19 declining  Well given all the park and beach scenes over the past week, I can believe that easily. In fact it'll be amazing if there isn't a 2nd peak.

Russia’s Pushing a Quack COVID Cure All Over Africa, if it's not the Russians or the Americans or certain Americans it'll be the Chinese or someone else, but poor Africa they some how manage to always be the prey of others. 

Most Canadians Want The U.S. Border To Stay Closed Longer During Coronavirus Pandemic: Survey  Personally I think all of our international border entries should be closed and not just the physical one on the ground to the US. I mean why do we continually let people into the country from everywhere while we're fighting this virus? Didn't anyone anywhere in government learn anything the first time around? 

Haiti voodoo leaders prepare temples for coronavirus sufferers More angles and aspects for your consideration.

More to follow.....  Until then stay well and stay safe.