Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Grand Finale of...

All the Intense Comprehensive

Covid19 Coverage

For Now, At Least

July 1, 2020

As this will be the last post of thorough comprehensive COVID19 coverage and as I hope to have it all done and posted today, I will make very few comments on them and those that I do comment on I'll try to keep as short & sweet as possible. 

Happy Canada Day Everyone!

2 Links - 1 for your computer or laptop and the other for your cellphone (you'll need to download the app first though). I guess both versions start at 10PM. So enjoy. 

Canada Day Celebration Kit  With 4 different activity packs, that each are comprised of several more activity packs based on that particular theme. Suitable for kids of all ages.

Grand Finale of Comprehensive COVID19 Coverage

Why Coronavirus Cases Are Spiking Around the World  Just as long as they don't start spiking here in Canada too, I'll be happy!

The best edible plants you can actually grow indoors: Which ones are worth it? Perhaps some of us should start thinking about doing something like this.

The best DIY face mask material and fit? Quilting cotton beats bandana, new study suggests  This article has pictures demonstrating just how uneffective these masks really are, when it comes to coughing and sneezing.

2 years of coronavirus pandemic is ‘best-case scenario,’ doctor warns This isn't what they were saying in March when they imposed the lockdowns - back then it was just for a month or so until we got through this pandemic. Now 2 years is the best case scenario? Wow..... Wondering what's the worst case scenario then?

Consumer shopping habits have changed during COVID 19 pandemic, says Couche-Tard I guess so that they have to go out less often to get those things.

Americans' concerns about coronavirus jump as cases surge, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows  My question is, why weren't they concerned when they were out partying at beaches and rioting in the streets?

Lloyd's calls for state-backed 'Black Swan' reinsurance

MUSK GO Tesla ‘fires five factory workers for not coming to work over COVID fears’ despite Musk saying return was not mandatory

Three Months In, These Patients Are Still Ravaged by Covid’s Fallout

COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu

Dozens of goats quarantined after shepherd tests positive for coronavirus  So the goats are under quarantine but not the shepherd?

El Al cancels all flights until further notice

Adam Silver: On track but coronavirus spread may stop NBA

Florida Hospitals Are Flooded With Partying Younger People

Pizza Hut and Wendy’s Operator NPC Files for Bankruptcy

CRA CERB Update: 2020 Just Went From Bad to Worse

Reopening the Canada-U.S. border will be a long, piecemeal process

Not so sweet season for B.C. farmers, cherry pickers due to weather and COVID-19  It seems like lots of things are converging this year to cause food insecurities and price hikes. Even my own garden isn't doing so great. None of the seeds that I planted are growing. The only things growing are the perennials that were planted previously and the seedlings I bought to plant. I have no clue why the seeds aren't growing at all. It's not just one kind of seeds it's all of them.

Coronavirus: US buys up almost entire world supply of COVID-19 drug remdesivir  I knew countries would do this. That they'd hog the entire supply of whatever medications or vaccines that were produced within their borders for their own population first. Except maybe Canada. We'd probably give it to China first.

Coronavirus: 'Super Saturday' revellers told they must drink responsibly as pubs reopen  I'd be equally concerned about them behaving responsibly as drinking responsibly if I were the UK gov't, considering it's the bad behaviour in general that's putting others at risk.

'Boris Johnson is lying': Outrage as PM under fire over 'missing coronavirus data'

'Living in limbo': Canadians with long-lasting symptoms call for COVID-19 research, support

Coronavirus: Immunity levels 'higher than antibody tests suggest', according to Swedish study   That's great news!

This Stock Market Guru Warns: Sell Your Stocks Now!

'We are not guinea pigs,' say South African anti-vaccine protesters

Coronavirus: US deaths could be 28% higher than official figures, warns study

COVID-19 vaccine candidates with early human-trial data

Ex-Bush Aide Lays Blame For New Coronavirus Spike: ‘This Is Trump’s Plague Now’

In a world economy reshaped by a virus, the new North American trade deal takes effect I'm sure the deal is just as lousy as it was before when Freeland was negociating it, coronavirus or not coronavirus.

COVID-19 reshapes Canada Day celebrations from big parties to online shows the links to them are given at the very top of this post.

'Invisible disability': Masks making it harder to communicate, deaf and hard of hearing say

Ottawa 'remotely' inspected Ontario farms while COVID-19 infected hundreds of migrant workers  Remotely inspected!?! How the heck do you "remotely inspect a farm"? Is that code, for didn't bother and let it pass anyhow?

Provicial health officer 'expects' British Columbians to be wearing masks  It's not a law or a rule just an "expectation"....You might as well make it a law now, because those not wearing masks are going to face all kinds of grief from the illiterates who think it's a law, when it isn't.

The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada  and these are the latest charts and graphs they've released as well:

To enlarge any of the charts or graphs above simply click on them.

B.C. to allow designated visits for residents in long-term care after months of restrictions

Free field trips at Orwell Corner a big hit with Island families   I think we're all looking for something fun to do, after months of being cooped up with nowhere to go and nothing to do. We're all kind of bored and antsy now, all wanting something different, fun and interesting to do for a change, I think.

Northumberland Ferries to offer 6 sailings daily as Atlantic bubble opens

What it’s like to go to the dentist during the pandemic

Alberta expands gatherings for outdoor audience events to 200 people

'Catastrophic' Alberta bee population losses blamed on cold winter, pandemic

Coronavirus: Immunity may be more widespread than tests suggest  That's great news!

Coronavirus: The human cost of fake news in India

How Covid-19 is changing women’s lives  Yet another aspect of this virus and what it's doing to us and our society at large.

Despite warnings, the US wasn’t prepared with masks for coronavirus. Now it’s too late  It was already too late in January while everyone from China was still being allowed into our respective countries.

'We won't be social distancing' at Mount Rushmore celebration with Trump, says SD Gov. Noem

'A mask is not a symbol': Restaurants take a stand amid coronavirus pandemic Well well well masks required in restaurants. I guess you're allowed in and to order, and pay for it, but not eat whatever it is you ordered and paid for then huh? Otherwise I wish someone could explain to me how you eat food with a mask on.

RV rentals rise as Americans prepare for Fourth of July road trips That seems like the only viable way to travel this year considering all the restrictions and lack of amenities here there and everywhere.

Reopening the economy doesn't mean Covid-19 is getting better. It just shifts more responsibility to you  Yup now it's up to you to make sure you stay safe after the inept nitwits in control of this world, lost control of the virus, the economy and everything else.

We're students from different generations. Here's what quarantining alone taught us.

He was an athlete in the best shape of his life. Then Covid-19 nearly killed him I could show you before and after pictures of me and what happened to me as a result of a dislocated knee and inept idiots masquerading as doctors for 4 years in my area did to me. When we have a severe or prolonged illness or disability as a result of an injury, we lose strength, muscle mass, or in my case lithness, agility and gained weight as a result of not being able to do much for 4 years solid. So there's usually always a before and after picture in severe or prolonged illness cases.

Grad student mom: This is something I can't fix

Young adults unconcerned by coronavirus "may be killing other people," doctor warns

Groom may have been coronavirus super-spreader at his own big Indian wedding

Potential coronavirus vaccine has ‘right sort of immune response’ in trial: scientist  Hooray! There may be hope after all!

Canada Day during a pandemic: What's open and closed across the country For those who still aren't sure what's opened and closed in general in their region you can take a look at this, because I was surprised to find most everything open in Quebec now.

Suspected COVID-19 exposure on Toronto to Halifax flight  I guess even though they tried to make it as difficult as possible for anyone from Ontario to get there bearing the COVID19 gifts, they still found a way even without having to drive there (which given the impossibility of toilet, food or sleep breaks on the way there, would've made the feat next to impossible).

Windsor medical officer won’t let migrant farm workers with asymptomatic COVID-19 back to work

Quebec announces 66 new COVID-19 cases and 24 deaths  these are today's numbers.

Pointe Claire and SADB reopening pools  At least people in Pointe Claire & Ste. Anne de Bellevue will be able to get some relief from this heat this summer.

BREAKING: Alberta confirms 41 COVID-19 cases Tuesday  I hope we're not looking at a resurgence here in Canada too.

Public health tracking four COVID-19 outbreaks linked to Edmonton restaurants

Coronavirus: Could 'immunity passports' create an antibody elite?
Something I proposed back in January after I had what I am sure was the virus but didn't know if I did or not and the passport idea was as a means of being identified as a potential antibody donor. Which I guess could also be used as a kind of "get out of jail free" card as far as the pandemic goes.

Most People With Coronavirus Won't Spread It. Why Do a Few Infect Many?

5 things we've learned from the first wave of COVID-19

Protest versus Africa's 1st COVID-19 vaccine test shows fear

Lockdown loneliness: COVID-19 quarantine has quarter of adults feeling like they have no friends   This is just sad.

Phew! Finally! I'm finally caught up on all the world's COVID19 happenings current as of July 1, 2020.

Now I intend to only post Canadian COVID19 news with a special focus on Southwestern Quebec, and important incidents/developments in the COVID19 news stories once a week from now on.

 Unless or until there's a drastic change here in Canada, as in we've declared Canada COVID free, or everyone's been inoculated or declared immune, then there won't be a need for more COVID19 coverage here at all in which case I'll leave this blog dormant or maybe keep it quasi active by posting things of interest to me, if not anyone else, just to keep it from being archived and put away off the net by Google, so that it'll remain easily accessible to those who'd still like to avail themselves of it.

The other change that will affect it in reverse is if we have a resurgence here in Canada and laws and rules change again and/or we're put back into lockdown (which we probably will, given that there is a 30 day out of lockdown and 50 day lockdown cycle being bandied about out there). Then in that case, I'll probably resume the comprehensive coverage postings almost every day like I've done so far.

But until then just look for a once a week update on COVID19 happenings in Canada and Southwestern Quebec, with an occasional post thrown in about other things that I might find of interest, in between the COVID19 posts.

I'm not sure which day/s I'll base the weekly posts on, but it'll be near the end of or start of the week - like a Monday maybe (where it might appear on Tuesday as I tend to work on them late in the night and even though the post shows the date I started I generally don't finish them until after midnight, so they don't appear until the following day's date). Anyhow just keep checking back and you're bound to find out.

In the meantime take care, stay well, keep cool and enjoy the summer with your family & friends.

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