Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Canada Day Amidst This "Wonderful" Plandemic Sponsored by.....

 Covid 19


July 1,2022

I seriously thought we'd be over this by now. Never did I dream this blog would be going on this long as I thought this whole pandemic deal would've been over and done with in a couple of month tops. But as things progressed it started looking more and more like it would never end and the dealings going on, on account of it, the autocratic grabs for power, the money being made on all things to do with it,  the excuses to curb rights and freedoms, to increase prices and gouge our eyes out with inflation and taxes. It basically became every dictator and wanna-be billionaire's wet dream, if they can figure out how to exploit this plandemic in their favour. And there's millions of them that have on their own.  
Then there's enclaves for the political elite to school each other in what to do along with coordinated schedules on when to enact certain measures etc... So that they're coordinated across the globe. There's enclaves (but they like to call them conferences) for the billionaires on how to siphon the wealth off the lower classes so they can get richer and richer (as if they need all that money). So essentially everyone with wealth and power are using this plandemic to gain more wealth and power or both. So that being said, do you think this plandemic will end before they've siphoned off all the wealth there is to get or gone total draconian dictatorship on us? Doubtful. They'll just keep finding more and more ways to subjugate us and rob us blind, unless we put them in their place - considering we have the numbers - there's more of us then there are of them and they might want to take note of and remember that too.
Anyhow before the headlines part of my bookmark file gets to be too long, here's the latest again...


VIRAL WAVE Covid cases close to 300,000 a day and heading for highest ever levels, expert warns Yikes! That's scary even if it is in the UK and far away from us!

'The worst version' of COVID is spreading. Can we update our vaccines in time? How can you update a vaccine that isn't a vaccine to begin with? You mean by creating one from scratch that actually works as a vaccine should? If it does, then maybe there'll be no need to update it.
Tweaked COVID boosters in US must target newer omicron types  Well yeahhhh.... Otherwise what's the point of making newer ones if they just do the same thing the current ones are doing now? 


Trudeau has 'no solid plan' to tackle inflation, Canadians say: Yahoo/Maru poll Oh but he sure as hell had one solid plan creating the inflation though! Standing on his steps outside every freaking day in the spring of 2020 handing out gajillions of dollars to this group and that group and every other f'n group except for the disabled and elderly. That he had no problem with. Guess he thought companies would just sit passively by watching the handouts without drooling about all that money being handed out to potential consumers without scheming how to get their hands on as much of it as they could whenever they were allowed to resume operations again? If he couldn't figure out what all the extra money would do to our economy then he's a total and utter idiot, even I was alarmed at how much was being given out and sometimes for no reason other than he thought that was his voters demographics (like those with kids that needed 600 per kid per month EXTRA to sit home and munch on mommy's cookies while squabbling with each other), when there were groups that were virtually ignored and not given much of any help. 

Canada Day 2022: Flags, celebrants and marchers back in downtown Ottawa  I wish they could get their story straight about that table that was dismantled. Earlier on televised CTV news it was said the table held a petition for people to sign and that's why it was dismantled. Now it's said that first it was selling items in support of the Freedom Convoy and then buttons that said Trudeau should be arrested for treason (yes he should but that's beside the point here) and the table was dismantled because of that and then the Koala Bear that runs Ottawa said it was because hate messages wasn't going to be tolerated. Huh? How is saying Trudeau should be arrested for treason a hate message anyhow? The only hate I see going on there are the authorities against the protesters because they're afraid of them and what they represent.  Anyhow I wish they could get their story straight about that table. I'm more inclined to believe that it was set up for Freedom Convoy supporters to sign a petition intended to be given to the clowns in power, than any of the rest of the crap mentioned in these fake news articles. 

Freedom Convoy protesters return to Ottawa for Canada Day Whoo Hoo! Veterans For Freedom! Yes we NEED you now! If the little autocratic dictators don't resign on their own maybe people who knows how to operate tanks and big defensive weapons like that, will be needed to in order to put an end to this autocratic dictatorship we all face across this country! I mean if they won't listen to their voting taxpayers aka their bosses, then maybe the bosses should call in their army to make sure those morons get the message one way or the other.

Canada Day enforcement in Ottawa sees 275 parking tickets issued as protesters return Which is probably roughly the same amount issued on any given day in Ottawa. I know way more than that are issued here in Montreal.

Physician expects new COVID-19 variants every few months: 'Whole world is a petri dish' Of course our wanna-be dictators will love this and so will Pfizer, Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwabb et. al.

A person caught Covid from a cat, first confirmed case says Scientific American Then that cat was probably handled by (pet, or held) by someone with covid and released. They said that animals could carry covid on their bodies but not get sick by it, like asymptomatic people do, so if that's the case I don't see why they can't "give it to someone" the same way an asymptomatic person would.
In Canada Day message, Trudeau says Canadian flag represents promise of a better life  Only if you come from one of the 10 worst countries to live in, maybe. Otherwise I wouldn't be so sure of that especially not with this moronic wanna be dictator at the helm.

Edmonton's Canada Day fireworks back in full force Lucky them. Here in QC, it's moving day, more than it is Canada Day. So we haven't seen nor had many fireworks celebrations on Canada Day in recent years. 

Ontario reports week-over-week uptick in COVID hospitalizations for first time since May  Nooo Ontario, that's the WRONG direction to be going in!

Canada extends COVID-19 border measures for incoming travellers They just never seem to know when to quit, do they!?! 

Poilievre leads march of convoy protesters beside man with far-right extremist ties Maybe it's not so much hte man with the extremist ties he's there to support, but rather the cause of the march - and that is to stand up to the draconian dictatorships in power across this country who've abrograted all our constitutional rights and freedoms and used and abused their powers in order to do so. Maybe that's what he was supporting there and not necessarily the man walking beside him. Maybe that man put himself beside Polievre and kept pace with Polievre no matter how fast or slow Polievre walked. Is that not a possibility too?????  I mean leave it to fake news to concoct schemes to suit themselves.

Quebec COVID-19 hospitalizations rise again as thousands of health-care workers remain absent Remain absent or layed off/thrown out? Just wondering by the way Gestapo Legault has been going on dismantly our medicare system - starting as soon as he took power in 2018, 2 years before this plandemic began, he started closing CLSCs and walk in clinics - he closed all the ones in our area. Now that he basically has winnowed our medicare system down to "phone a medical professional" (not necessarily a doctor) or go sit 5 weeks in an ER waiting room to be seen, I wouldn't doubt what I surmise about layoffs and firings to be the actual facts rather than "missing thousands of health care workers".

WHO adviser says G7 leaders must prioritize COVID-19 or face economic harm, unrest I won't even address this because anything coming from Tedros is just as crooked as the whole plandemic deal itself is.


Poilievre marches with soldier protesting COVID-19 mandates ahead of Canada Day  I hope he wins the Conservative leadership race, so I can vote for him to be out next PM if numbnuts doesn't find some excuse to usurp our next election, using the too tightly wound turban to back that BS.

Wow! That was a short one.... Glad it didn't take as long as the others have taken me to do! Still took long enough though, for a hot and muggy night with no air conditioning to sit in this pseudo-leather chair with legs stuck to the seat of it.  Anyhow, until next time take care, and stay safe.

And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:


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