Friday, October 16, 2020

Leaf Blowers, Groceries, Crashing Shelves, Testing Appliances &....



October 15, 2020

Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! I wish for once in my frigging life things could go as planned instead of all kinds of other sheite happening like it did today!!!!!! (Please excuse my language but if I could string someone or something up right about now, I would, that's how angry I am).

Yesterday we had to go do errands, get groceries and a new leaf blower because our old one was beyond repair. So that's what we did and I thought today, I'd have plenty of time to work on some of the food I still have to work on, like the cranberries, turkey, raspberries, and apples and get at least some of that taken care of before it's no longer edible. But noooooooooooo......

Not on our frigging lives would anything go to plan even if our lives depended on it and my husband's life nearly did depend on it. Mine too if you want to count the near heart attack I'm sure I almost had when I heard the noise from it. I was sound asleep and I'm a sound sleeper - it's hard to wake me up with noises and I heard this ungodly noise - where I actually thought part of the house collapsed because there was all kinds of things falling and glass shattering and loud bangs and a sundry of other types of noises all happening together. 
So I jumped out of bed and ran towards the sound without even putting anything on my feet and as I got to the archway between the kitchen and livingroom, I found myself standing in a ton of broken glass (which I didn't even know what it was until I bent over to get a better look - because it was in the early hours of the morning and still not all that light in the house) and my husband standing there about 2 feet in front of me - where he was when it happened - as he had put his oatmeal in the microwave to warm it up when it happened - with all kinds of junk, with oil and debris and broken glass all the way around him. He was totally unscathed though, not a drop of oil, or shard of anything touched him.  Like as if someone or something shielded him - lucky him because he could've gotten hurt really badly or worse yet died if hit with the wrong thing the wrong way. 

What had happened is the shelves above where the microwave sits had a bunch of small appliances on them. Those shelves have been there for a long time - at least 15 years if not more, with the same appliances on them then as now - except maybe newer replacements of some that might've died over the years. And it's still a mystery as to what happened because the boards are intact, so are the brackets and the metal things on the wall that holds the brackets in place are fine too and not pulling away from the wall or anything of the sort. It's just like as if the shelves just decided to jump off the wall in my husband's direction at that time, for no apparent reason. The broken glass was from some of the covers of the things like crock pots and rice cookers and the oil from the deep fryer that was on the shelves there too. 

I tested everything there and so now I need to get a new crock pot a new rice cooker and a new blender. Those are all shot, the rest of the stuff there needs to be cleaned up but they all work. Thankfully.

Now to replace the shelves so we have some where to put them again....  I don't trust the brackets or metal things on the wall anymore, so we need to find another solution to the problem.

Anyhow, that was my day. How was yours? Better than mine I hope!  

One thing that doesn't care about how my day went is the coronavirus and I don't really care how it's day went either, but anyhow here's some of the backlog of headlines on it that I have to post. So get comfy and dig out your reading glasses for the headlines that are posted below:


Coronavirus has stranded 25 people from Easter Island in Tahiti for 6 months Lucky them! I'd love to be stranded in Tahiti for 6 months! That would be awesome!

Of course, more cancellatons. Sure, why not? Everyone else is doing it so they might as well too.
Queen Elizabeth II to trim costs as COVID-19 hits income So you mean she's going to have to give up on the gold edged stationary? And quite possibly the gold & platinum, diamond encrusted horse drawn carriage she wanted? Oh boo hoo for her. 

US-China feud escalates as American diplomat accuses Communist Party of turning ‘local epidemic into global pandemic’  Oh they had lots of help in that effort, starting from them maybe to Tedros at the WHO and all the world's governmental leaders and head of their health depts. They all turned it into a global pandemic, by all falling down on the job and failing to act to keep it out of their countries when it was time to.


The only way I'll know a vaccine is safe is when I see the gendocidal beitche Tam take it. If she won't take it, then I'd be suspicious of it. Trudeau et. al. (like him, his wife, mommy dearest, Haggydu etc...) are all too stupid and wouldn't know whether it was safe or not, they'd just take it because they were told it's safe or they wanted to impress on the rest of us, that it must be or they wouldn't be taking it.


Coronavirus: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says COVID-19 exposed problems, says action needed I hope he does get pharmacare and dentalcare taken care of. That would definitely help us seniors. 



U.S. records over seven million COVID-19 cases as Midwest outbreak surges  Again that number is the number of cases they've had since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of them have recovered and well sadly over 200,000 of them have died as well, but there's not 7 million current active cases there now.

You know I'm getting super suspicious of how they come up the origins of these community transmissions. How come none of these community transmissions ever comes from public transit where people are breathing down each others necks for the duration of their commutes? Or no one ever  gets it from a co-worker or another student in the same class and all the outbreaks stem from bars, restaurants and social gatherings only? I'd really like to know the answer to that one. 


Well once everyone's had it, they aren't likely to get it again. So that might be why.



South Africa lifts spirits with Jerusalema dance amid virus At least their gov't wants them to dance and to have a little enjoyment in life, unlike our slavemaster governments.


Of course not because that's too steep of a learning curve for Haggydu to figure out if those tests work or not. She's too stupid and daft for that and too proud to admit it, so we're in trouble fellow Cdns. It'll be one long miserable haul before this pandemic is over in Canada with the inept idiots and genocidal beitches leading us.

Newsroom Ready: Conservatives say Liberals have failed on rapid tests for COVID-19 That's because we have a kindergarten art teacher as the health minister and she's too stupid to figure out the best way to evaluate the tests.


Elections BC says 160,000 voters ask for mail-in ballots amid COVID-19 pandemic I suppose it is quicker and easier than standing in long lines waiting to vote. 


Drug reveals promising results as potential COVID-19 treatment Let's hope it lives up to it's potential.






Isn't he the hypocrite that was crying and screaming about there's no way they could have one ready before the election? Well I know November or December isn't before the election, but it's awfully damned close. 


COVID's real-life 'Romeo and Juliet' get engaged after falling in love from their balconies during lockdown I certainly hope they don't wind up like Romeo & Juliet. That's for sure.

Yes, and I think we really need to know it too.
Are we living at the 'hinge of history'?  Something for you to ponder on....

Until next time. In the meantime take care and stay well.


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