Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Houseplants, Contractors, Groceries, Homemade Chinese Food &



October 20, 2020

Recently a neighbour gave me a couple of houseplants and wanting to ensure that I don't inadvertently kill them (because I'm good at that), I tried to find them on the internet based on looks at this site: Indoor & Tropical Plant Identifcation  
They even identify fruit, vegetable and berry plants along with ferns and flowers. All you need to do is click on the classification like if it is a houseplant a fruit plant or maybe a flower and then scroll through the pictures until you see it. Then click on it and it'll give you a bit of basic information on it.  With the names of the plants I was able to find more care information on them. So hopefully this time they'll survive awhile. 

I basically did that, while waiting for a contractor to call, but instead of calling he just showed up. He gave us a rough idea of how much it was going to cost us to get the work done that we have to do, but he doesn't know when he'll be able to do it. Hopefully it'll be soon, like between now and the end of the 1st week in November because it's starting to get cold outside. 

After he left I had to go get some groceries and we needed gas, so we took care of those things and when we came home we made a nice little Chinese dinner for ourselves using Chinese Rice, a wok "salad" that we mixed with cubed beef and stir fried before adding the sweet & sour sauce, and some store bought egg rolls, with plum sauce.

And now as per usual for this time of night I'm seriously trying to keep my eyes open and not fall asleep again. Maybe I'll make myself an espresso, if we have any. Got a double espresso. That should work. Hopefully.

Now for more headlines. Get yourself a double espresso too as you may need it by the time you finish reading all the stories. 



Coronavirus: Is the world winning the pandemic fight? The chart looked pretty scary there. So it's doubtful we're winning.

Coronavirus: 'The masks you throw away could end up killing a whale' It's certainly not my idea to wear masks, nor make anyone else where them either. So instead of putting the onus on the people being forced to wear them, why don't you stick that in the politicians faces huh? 
COVID-19 restrictions coming for Montreal, capital, as infections surge 28 Days my ash. It was never going to be 28 days. It'll be until the end of November then they'll let us have the holiday shopping period, Christmas and New Year's themselves and then January 2nd we'll be back under lock down again because whoops the vaccine hasn't been invented yet and maybe never will be, but we've got to be under quarantine until it is, or until we've had enough of this BS and just have a major all out revolution.

Elon Musk who is undoubtedly the world's smartest man at the present time, says he & his family won't get the vaccine, then it makes you wonder why on earth anyone would if he won't? 


Yep, this is definitely an issue we needed spelled out to us in vivid detail, because we are deemed, too stupid to figure it out on our own apparently.  
Antibody Cocktail Shows Promise; NYC Positivity Up: Virus Update  The original headlines was "Global Deaths Reach 1 Million", which sounded a lot more dire and alarmist then this new headlines.

Really???? What braindead scientist thought that, when it was obviously pretty contagious in Wuhan! 
Puzzled scientists seek reasons behind Africa's low fatality rates from pandemic This is my thoughts on it but I am probably wrong. They seem to be outside more often and for longer durations than people living elsewhere and so maybe they have higher concentrations of vitamin D in their system. They say vitamin D plays a large role in whether people get sick with it and how sick they get depends on how much vitamin D they have. Maybe this should be tested with other people who spend large parts of their lives outside, like fishermen, farmers, forestry workers etc.... And compare their findings. Also in people with various amounts of melanin in their pigmentation, to see if the darker their skin the more vitamin D they absorb from the sun etc. That may be why, because of the amount of time in the sun and the amount of vitamin D absorbed from the sun based on how dark their skin is.




Calgary hospital restricts visitors, postpones surgeries as COVID-19 infections grow Annnnnddddd here we go again. People with real problems outside of COVID19 have barely had time to see a doctor because there's been such a backlog, and now they're getting put on hold again. Some how as a former nurse I'm inclined to think that a person who's dying of a heart attack or cancer has just as much right to life saving treatments as someone dying of COVID19. I think this COVID19 BS is just a criminal excuse used by the medical establishment to not have to actually care for anyone unless they have COVID19. That's what I'm starting to think. Giving specialists in other fields of medicine time to go play golf or hop on a flight to anywhere their heart pleases for extended vacations. 

Waiting for a vaccine is costing lives too. Those lives that don't have COVID19 but some other problem that if treated their life could be saved, but probably won't be because they don't have COVID19 and so no one wants to treat them. Wondering how many lives those will wind up being in the end or if anyone is even keeping track of them or not?
How Quebec went from COVID-19 success story to hot spot in 30 days Oh this is a sensational fairy-tale too good to ignore. QC was a COVID-19 success story was it?????? When was that????? Care to refresh my memory for me???? Because I live in QC and I don't remember the success story and what's more my blog which has basically all the news stories from back then, in here, doesn't point that out either!!!!! So please enlighten me on when this supposedly occurred there dear fairy-tale author!!!!!!

Your questions on new restrictions in Quebec's red zones, answered If your friend is a colleague at work, or another student in your "bubble" in your school, they yup you can see them everyday at work or school, but don't dare socialize with them after hours because that's forbidden. As is having any kind of fun you can think of.

U.N. chief urges increase in funding for IMF to help pandemic-hit countries Oh this is rich.  The UN wants countries to give money to the IMF. The bloody vultures who descend upon financially struggling nations and dictate terms of rescue to them - making them pay it back with interest but also allowing them to take over valuable resources of their country for their own benefit. If anything some organization or mob should be paid to torpedo the IMF out of existance as they are a large part of the problem in the world today. 

How Canadians will benefit from the Liberal-NDP agreement Assuming the gov't doesn't fall before they can get any benefit from it, considering bozo brains has a minority gov't and just about every conflict or bill they want to pass they are hanging out as a "confidence vote" issue. So with that in mind they're apt to be taken down and we'll wind up at the polls voting in a new gov't. Hopefully if that happens the Cdn public will have learnt their lesson and not be voting in Mr. Corrupt Treasonous Lying Quick Change Artist Genocidal Santa Trudeau again. I hope they can remember all the hell and high water he's already dragged this country through and I don't know about anyone else, but I've already had more than my fill of it.


Canada snapping up COVID-19 vaccines at expense of poorer countries, experts say It's about frigging time Canada looked out for itself first. We've been looking out for poor countries more than our own over the last several years, at least as long as bozo brains Trudeau has been in office and probably a lot longer than that. If we had all the money our politicians have doled out and squandered on poorer nations (a lot of which that got hijacked and stolen by armed militia, the military or the dictators themselves) OUR OWN NATIVES WOULDN'T BE LIVING IN SUCH POVERTY & SQUALOR!!!!! Has no one heard of take care of family first? Well Canadians living in Canada are part of the Canadian family and they ought to be taken care of first. Not to mention all the other less fortunate groups like the homeless, poor, senior citizens, disabled, single mother parents, etc.... We have plenty of our own people to take care of FIRST! Before we start worrying about the poorer nations, because honestly if we keep letting things deteriorate here in Canada because we're so busying flaunting our wealth by giving it all away and being a bunch of Generous Georges for our own prestige and image in the world, WE WILL WIND UP AS A 3rd WORLD COUNTRY OURSELVES. Just take a drive through much of rural Atlantic Canada and in Raleigh Nfld in particular and then tell me we're a rich country. And I'll tell you you're an inbred idiotic lunatic who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Anddddd that's it for now. Take care & stay well until next time.





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