Friday, March 5, 2021

Anger, Confusion, Despair, Ready to Outright Revolt Over the BS Surrounding....



March 4, 2021

I chose this picture as the tamer of the 2 pictures at that I downloaded to depict how I feel about the BS going on out there in plandemic land. The other picture I may still use yet, of a man jumping off a skyscraper to his death... Seriously what's going on where I live in QC is plain unadulterated BS, that's making me so angry I don't know whether to crawl in a hole and wait to die, take a long walk off a short pier (well here where I am - and I'm within feet of the river - it's frozen over so I could pretty much walk to the other side of it, before anything other than falling on it happened to me), or a long walk off the top of a tall building, or perhaps see if I can find a rocket launcher  the military doesn't want anymore, (which is highly doubtful)  and practice using it on the National Assembly building in QC (preferably when it's fully stacked with all the liars and buffoons said to be representing us - when in actuality it's only their overlords like the UN, Schwab, Gates, Soros etc and their own interests, that they're representing and not us). I am beyond furious and I'll explain as I post the headlines. 

Seriously I just canNOT wait for our next provincial election because as far as I'm concerned I won't vote for any incumbent on the ballot. Or any name that I recognize as being in politics at the moment. They'd have to be all new fresh faces in there from now on as far as I'm concerned because the heaps of sheite with hair on them that's in there now, are nothing but power tripping monsters, who if they could get away with it, would usurp our constitution and start ruling the province with a draconian iron fist where we'd all have to be in bed and asleep by 7pm and up by 5am and relentlessly acting as a cog in their economic machinery without any time out other than for a few minutes at meal times and the rest would be us slaving away mercilessly for them. I can see that happening the moment they think they can get away with it. Especially the group of power hungry gestapo ash holes that's in there now. 
For Arruda to go along with that, he should have his license revoked because part of the doctor's sworn oath is to do no harm and by him going along with all the BS that Legault and Dube cook up, he's causing plenty harm in so many ways it's unfathomable (I mean seriously, there's economic harm, psychological harm, sociological harm, physical harm from those who have other illnesses but weren't being treated because of this BS disease, and you freaking well name it). So if any doctor in the province has caused harm it's that one and he needs to have his license revoked!!!!! He's supposed to be there to PROTECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH NOT MAKE IT WORSE!!!! By NOT  going along with Dumbe and Dumber who have no f'n clue about medicine at all and are only chomping at the bit to get all the money from as many fines as they think they can get away with, and so set up situations whereby they can enact ridiculous fines and save money (in all manner of ways - like by doing triage to let people die instead of treat them, or letting those on pension aka the elderly die, by not wanting to hire enough staff to deal with the situation AND maintain the normal medical procedures at the hospitals - like deal with cancer patients at the same time they're dealing with the plandemic etc..., by letting people contract the disease in the first place, because they wanted to hoard the masks and not buy more until it was obvious that they were going to have to anyhow etc....). It's all of that that's gotten us into the mess we're in and we'll be lucky if we ever get out of it again the way they keep mismanaging everything in order to save a cent here or there. 
Now on with the depressing, confusing, angering and just plain frustrating, BS headlines about this plandemic and the way it's being handled....
INSIGHT-“When will it end?”: How a changing virus is reshaping scientists’ views on COVID-19 I can just see numbnuts in Ottawa and DuMbe & Dumber in QC just jumping up and down and salivating like the drooling vicious mad dogs they are. Numbnuts because Singh is giving him a pass in order to stay in power as long as the plandemic drags on as Singh said he wouldn't endorse an election during the plandemic. So yippie kay yay! We're going to have Mr. Dressup in charge forever and a year it looks like because this plandemic isn't anywhere near being over. Meanwhile DuMbe and Dumber in QC are salivating chomping at  the bit figuring out yet more ways to curb our freedoms while gouging the eyeballs out of our heads in fines. I'm beginning to wonder where the money from those fines goes - if maybe it goes directly into their swiss bank accounts or what. 
COVID In Colorado: Gov. Jared Polis Envisions A ‘Very Close To Normal’ Summer I hope he's closer to reality than the other one cited in the article above.

‘Vial Of Death’: Louis Farrakhan Pushes Vaccine Conspiracy Theories In Videos Posted On Facebook, Twitter Hmmmm.... I dunno about this one. I always thought this guy was short a few cards of a full deck, now it seems like he's proving it.

If that's the case, according to the 1st story above that means those checks should basically continue forever. Can any gov't afford that?  

‘The East Is Rising’: Xi Maps Out China’s Post-Covid Ascent You know, I'm starting to wonder if this virus wasn't genetically manipulated to severely infect everyone else except the Oriental Race? Considering the low infection and death rates they've suffered compared to everyone else on the planet. Given that it was speculated (and probably rightly so) that the original SARS & MERS viruses genetically targeted certain segments of the population while not bothering other segments and this is a "relative" to those viruses.... I'm wondering if the 1st 2 versions of it, weren't trial runs. But the Chinese got the 1st version extremely wrong when it appeared to favour the Oriental Race above all others. Then China got it wrong again when MERS basically appeared to favour those of Middle Eastern descent, when what they probably were aiming for was the caucasian race. So now it's perfected so that it affects mostly everyone else EXCEPT THE CHINESE & OTHER ORIENTALS. Watching everything unfold the way it is, it's one of many logical conclusions people can come to.

Another bit of relevant information to lend credence to what I suggested above. 
Virus variant races through Italy, especially among children Very sad and very scary considering it's going after the kids now.
Sunak Plans Highest U.K. Taxes Since 1960s to Pay Pandemic Bill Guaranteed the cry baby lizard lady that's our finance minister here in Canada will try to stick it to us to pay the entire debt off all at once, once the plandemic is over with. Assuming she's still alive and in power by then, given the timeline predicted above where it could last forever....
More signals of a Roaring '20s rebound for Canadian economy when pandemic ends From what I could understand from my father and aunts and uncles the "roaring 20s" were only "roaring" for the few lucky rich ones or who invested in the stock markets, but for the average person, there was nothing "roaring" about them. Just average, live and let live kind of living. 


UK to receive 10 million AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine doses from India's Serum Institute I personally want to thank India for sending the Astra Zeneca doses that it did, to Canada. As a Canadian who's seen a dismal failure of a vaccination campaign run by the universal idiot Mr. Dressup, I do sincerely appreciate the timely delivery of those vaccines and the generousity involved. I for one would be lining up right now to get one of those, except I'm not allowed because of the asininity of QC's vaccine rollout.


That could be worrisome.
Mayor in Nunavut hopes curfew order, bylaw patrol will bring drop in COVID-19 cases Another one instituting a draconian gestapo like curfew.... Gawd, the power grab and power abuse seems to be as contagious as the freaking virus itself is.


Travellers complain about food, organization at Canada quarantine hotels I wouldn't doubt any of this, because again it's just more half assedness from bozo brains in Ottawa and his hotel CEO buddies of his.


Lucky them!
States rapidly expanding vaccine access as supplies surge Unlike here in Canada, where they expand, contract, change their minds, waste shots and you f'n well name it. 

F that sheite.... I intend to do whatever the F I want to do, as I'm sick and tired of all this sheite especially here in QC, where they're even stricter than they are in Ontario.
Biden plan to distribute virus aid irks some governors Well that's to be expected, the have and well to do employed Americans begrudging aid offered to the poor high unemployment areas. It's always been a country of "Looking Out For #1" and "#1" was themselves personally, before helping anyone else.

OMG! That's amazing! Especially considering they said they wouldn't even start taking registrations for shots, before the 15th of March! 
San Francisco to reopen with indoor dining, movie theatres Ohhhhh.... I wish I could move there! I loved it there, except for the cost of apartments and so on.... 

Oh lookit that! Another Ontario region that's a full 11 days ahead of schedule! Wow.... Guess the general that's in charge got a boot up his ash and told to get his act together and get going eh? Certainly looks that way!

If that were the rules around here, I'd take up smoking again just long enough to get the vaccination (preferably the AstraZeneca one), despite the gouge your eyes out taxes on cigarettes.
I'm impressed. Considering that Ontario said it was only going to start taking registrations on the 15th, but yet they seem to be in full swing inoculating people province wide, UNLIKE THE DIMWITTED GESTAPO IN QC!!!! who are ONLY VACCINATING 80 YR. Olds & 70 Yr. Old Caregivers EXCLUSIVELY ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL & LAVAL!!!!! While keeping the rest of us in the red zone lockdown with curfews. 

Well they certainly didn't lose me, because they never had me as a viewer to begin with. 
CRA says 'rare' error in some tax slips lists repaid CERB as taxable income Oh gimme a break, would you!?! Liars R Us, expects us to believe that BS do they after the "rare" error of not distinguishing between gross or net income for the CERB benefits and then trying to claw back and tax on the larger of the 2 amounts. It seems that this gov't is beset with perpetual errors one right behind and sometimes even on top of the other!!!! It's to the point where I don't believe anything they say. Well I didn't much believe Mr. Dressup from the beginning but at least gave his cabinet members & gov't departments the benefit of the doubt, but not anymore.

Ummmm geez, I wonder why we're jealous???? Because we have a PM that's been in power since before the plandemic began who had plenty of time as opposed to the NEW president to plan for and direct a coherent rollout of vaccines and programs but hasn't been able to because of his ineptitudes meanwhile Biden who's only been president for less than 2 months???? Taking office well into the last part of the 1st year of the plandemic has managed to not only organize, and  initiate but also successfully implement his rulings and rollout the vaccines even faster than he said he would. I mean anyone with a half a braincell would see the difference there and of course be jealous that the Americans actually got a thinking and effective president, compared to the genocidal treasonous nitwit we have in power.
It was only a matter of time, I suppose, but I wasn't expecting anything like this until after the plandemic was over with. But I guess the best time to curate the items while they're still in good shape would be now, while it's still going on and things can be bought new.

All foreign countries who have Chinese visitors should do the same - but ONLY to the Chinese. So what it's prejudiced? They don't appear to have a problem with that, considering they're the ones that started those prejudicial procedures to start with! Show them what a bunch of ash holes they really are!

 I have a friend that lives in Buenos Aires.... She's apt to be ecstatic about that! I hope though that she'll be safe from the virus.

It SHOULD be a WORLD WIDE COLLABORATION but we all know how all the countries love to collaborate on things, don't we!?!

Why so you could send your filthy germ carriers back over onto this continent again? And I'm not talking about the average Chinese citizen here, I'm talking about the surreptitious virus containing vial carriers, to release yet more viruses here? Is that why you want the border loosened? Probably.
How AstraZeneca's vaccine got mired in politics and mistrust to become Europe's least favorite shot For those who think politics has absolutely nothing to do with any of this.... 

Now they don't have a spring break the same time we do (if they even have such a thing), but yet.... They're going to loosen restrictions starting this coming Monday  - or March 8th.... And this isn't planned and orchestrated by a world gov't anywhere when everyone is fixing to lift some restrictions on March 8th? Here in QC they're using the Spring Break as an excuse to do it, but not in Germany because I don't think there is such a thing there. But coincidentally they're choosing the same day to lift some restrictions... WHY???? If the gov'ts aren't doing all of this in lock step collusion why are they acting like it????

Personally, I couldn't care less. 
California clinics: More vaccines going to rich than at-risk Sounds like that might be true of lots of places and not just California.


COVID-19 pandemic could be over in Canada by September, microbiologist predicts Couple this article with the very first one listed in this post and you'll understand some of my confusion.

And THIS ACCOUNTS FOR MY SEETHING ANGER!!!!!! Especially considering that it's ONLY MONTREAL & LAVAL WHERE THE SHOTS ARE BEING GIVEN & NOT HERE IN MONTEREGIE WHICH IS ONE OF THE RED ZONES SURROUNDING MONTREAL, ALONG WITH LAVAL WHERE THEY ARE GETTING SHOTS!!!!!! So WE are BEING CONFINED & RESTRICTED WITHOUT SEEING ANY LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL, WHILE MONTREAL & LAVAL ARE!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but as a senior that's been housebound pretty much since this blog began a year ago (with NO WORK & NO SCHOOL TO GO TO TO ALLEVIATE THE MONOTONY & SEE OTHER PEOPLE), I've had more than my fill of it, and like Bruce Cockburn's "If I had a Rocket Launcher", I'd launch one at the Quebec National Assembly when it was packed full of the hypocritical lying powermonging monsters and be done with it!!!!!! I have LITERALLY HAD IT! As there doesn't seem to be any hope in sight for us in the Monteregie, we don't get any reprieve from the lockdown measures and curfews, nor do we get any vaccinations either. We're just being held captive by the gestapo party in QC, that's all!!!!!!! So literally no hope of anything. No hope of enjoying a few more hours out at night, or going some place nice other than to the store (as something to do) and no hope of being vaccinated either, it seems!!!!!! It's almost enough to want to commit suicide and get it over with. I mean if I'm not allowed to live at all, I might as well die now and finish the suffering once and for all. That's the way I'm starting to see it. I'd dearly love to see everyone of those ash holes in power to get the most severe form of this virus and die a painful horrible death, ESPECIALLY LEGAULT, MS. GESTAPO BOOTIES (the "security minister"), DUBIOUS DUmBE and the HYPOCRITICAL LYING ASH HOLE MASQUERADING AS A DOCTOR - ARRUDA (WHO BTW OUGHT TO BE HELD ON MASS GENOCIDE CHARGES ALONG WITH TAM, HAGGYDODO & MR. DRESSUP). I am sooooooooooooooooo f'n tired of this BS LOCKDOWN NOW, IT'S UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quebec flip-flops on vaccination eligibility for caregivers 60 and over  And YET MORE REASON TO BE ANGRY AT & HATE THEM WITH A F'N PASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They hold out hope for a few minutes and then yank it away, without any plausible reason other than they're just a sick bunch of saddistic f's on powertrips. That's all.
Variants and vaccines: Quebec embarks on 'a race against the clock'  Bull F'n Sheite!!!!! IF YOU WERE SERIOUSLY ON A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK YOU'D BE VACCINATING THE ENTIRE RED ZONE, SINCE MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO LIVES IN THAT ZONE WORKS EITHER IN MONTREAL OR LAVAL & TRAVELS TOO & FROM THOSE AREAS ON A DAILY BASIS!!!!!!!!!!! And YOU SACKS OF LYING SHEITE KNOW THAT!!!!!!!! So if you were TRULY on race against the clock because of the variants you'd be VACCINATING THE POPULATION OF THE ENTIRE RED ZONE AREAS & NOT JUST THOSE IN MONTREAL & LAVAL!!!!! So it's time you lying scumbags started coming clean and telling the truth for a change!!!!! Except in your sorry ashed cases, you probably wouldn't know the truth if it bit your nose off and kicked you in the shins at the same time.
Quebec is 'in a period of calm seas,' but beware of sharks, Arruda warns  Oh I'm well aware of the f'n sharks in QC's waters... Namely you Arruda, DuMbe and Dumber Legault. Those are the sharks we need to be aware of, from what I can see.
COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know on Wednesday What you need to know the most is that Dube, Legault and Arruda are lying hypocritical sheite bags. End of story.

Vaccines are 'weapons of mass reduction' in Quebec's fight against coronavirus variants, health minister says Funny, because I could've sworn you were using them as mass manipulation and deception... more than for any other purpose.

Given that the clowns at the helm of this province change their f'n minds and mandates like a freaking whirligig, what they said here won't be what it is on the 15th. That's a freaking guarantee. They'll have changed their minds a million times between now and then so it'll be something else totally different by the time the 15th gets here. Meanwhile they'll make every new proclaimation as it crosses their mind as if it was in law, so that the population won't know which way is up on the 15th and will so utterly confused they may not even care to try to book a vaccination for themselves by then.
Quebec vets giving humans COVID-19 vaccines Maybe I can try to get our dog vaccinated at the same time then.

It's a little late in the game now, doncha think there bozo???? Maybe this time last year, would've benefitted us, but instead of thinking of anything like that you were instead thinking of not hurting Chinese visitors feelings by refusing entrance to anyone coming from China. Instead you welcomed them in with open arms and kisses on both cheeks while giving Cdns who voiced concern about this, the middle finger. Numbnuts R Us...
BC residents will not be able to select their preferred version of the COVID-19 vaccine It's their body and so if you want them to be immunized you should recognize the fact that they have a say over what goes into their own bodies. Instead of being more powermonging dictators like those in QC.

Knowing this gov't it's probably intentional.
Get ready for end-of-day vaccine clearance doses as Quebec tries to avoid spoilage Hey monkey brains! What's wrong with allowing 60+ seniors to get shots too, that way you'd have more people booking appointments and enough of them showing up so as not to waste anything, probably. But of course that's too simple of a solution.

N.S. to direct its first doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to people aged 50 to 64 Gawd, maybe I ought to go back to NS in order to get inoculated, because it doesn't look like I'll be able to here in QC and besides I'd probably have to have one of those RNA vaccines that I don't want here in QC too. 



New evidence COVID-19 antibodies, vaccines less effective against variants Oh just freaking wonderful (said with head in hands).

What else can you expect from rebellious, fickle, flighty teenagers anyhow?
The CDC is giving advice on preparing for a zombie apocalypse. Here's why experts applaud the move. That's what it is now, isn't it? Because if it isn't it sure feels like it is to me.

Biden cuts 16 million people off from stimulus checks after striking deal with moderate Senate Democrats, study says Is Biden taking lessons from the Legault gov't here in QC on how to reneg on promises etc????


International demand for Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine soars Considering most other countries don't want to share theirs, I wonder why there's such a sudden interest in Russia's?

How to avoid COVID-19 vaccine scams Don't listen to the QC gov't and just do what you want to do is one way besides those listed here. 

 Sure why not? The seniors need something to smile about and these are definitely worth smiling about seeing as how cute they are!

 If I were her, I'd be furious and looking for justice.
With third wave possibly just weeks away in Montreal, rush is on to vaccinate elderly But the elderly in the Monteregie (that other red zone right beside Montreal and Laval) are going to be hung out to die???? Ooops meant dry.... Seems that way to me.
Dark for a year, Broadway theaters to start limited reopening in April Dark for a year also describes my outlook on life.
Legal challenge to Quebec common-law rules seeks equal rights for unmarried spouses Yes, this too, has a tie-in to the plandemic here in QC.
Quebec eases restrictions in some regions, maintains Montreal at highest alert level ALONG WITH Laval, the Montreregie and the Laurentians - which is where MOST OF QC's population is. The rest of QC is mostly populated by trees, moose, coyotes, foxes and skunks (like those in the gov't), so who (literally) cares if restrictions are lifted there? The trees maybe? Maybe the moose or the coyotes? Perhaps the stinkiest of them all the skunks and the less odorous foxes???? Because really there aren't that many large communities in the orange zone areas.
COVID colour zone decisions shouldn't be political, says TBM mayor I agree! So please tell that to the ash holes in charge here in QC too!
Ontario’s plans for COVID-19 contact tracing wearable devices threaten freedom and privacy Could any more Cdn gov'ts outside of Ontario & Quebec get any more draconian or Big Brotherish?
GTA health units waiting on vaccine supply boost Aren't we all, all across Canada???? Yet that doesn't seem to have stymied the rest of the country the way it has the GTA in Ontario!
Northern Ontario health units on alert amid rising COVID-19 infections Just keep on dithering and dancing around and you'll have even more cases. Dithering and dancing isn't what prevents the virus from infecting someone or spreading, it's being vaccinated against it that does that. But you won't be able to do that until you stop dithering and dancing and get your act together and start inoculating people.
Chief electoral officer in Newfoundland and Labrador defends hand-delivering ballots Really? People are getting their shorts all wadded up over this? Did it ever occur to any of them, that by him doing it that way, it was actually safer for the recipients than stuff sent through the mail and handled by any number of people starting with the mail carrier that picks it up in the mailbox or from the post office (in which case you've got to add the postal clerk in who accepted the mail for delivery and maybe charged the postal rates on it), then the personnel at the sorting plant and then another mail carrier's truck to take it to the destination post office where it's picked up by the mail carrier who's going to deliver it to the final destination. He cut all those people (at least 5 other people handling that mail)  out by just delivering it himself - hence way less risk of viral transmission from other sources. 
‘I’ve forgotten how to make small talk’: Are you suffering from re-entry anxiety? Oh don't worry, if you once had the gift of gab, it'll come back naturally without you even trying. Shy people on the other hand might need some time to regain social confidence again, but they'll eventually regain that too.
Expect COVID-19 vaccine guidance to keep changing, say federal health officials Considering our gov't officials it'd be a miracle if it didn't keep changing. 
How many teachers have had COVID-19 but didn't know it? Researchers want to find out Nevermind just teachers! There's plenty of us in the general population that thinks they may have had it, but don't know for sure whether or not they actually did! 
Chief medical adviser says Health Canada preparing for quick approval of boosters Don't you think you should approve the ACTUAL VACCINES FIRST BEFORE worrying about approving the boosters???? My gawd, you clowns couldn't be more bassackwards if you tried.
At a vaccination site in Miami, some wonder whether to choose Johnson & Johnson or Pfizer At least they're given a choice, unlike here in Canada where the gov't is going to dictate to us which vaccines we can have or not have, apparently.


Like I said before, Cdn doctors aren't allowed to speak the  truth unless it jives with the BS the gov'ts been feeding us. 
Canada’s missed shots: How Ottawa’s COVID-19 vaccine promises were out of step with reality I heard that Canada ranks 44th in the world in getting the shots into people's arms. That's just totally pathetic and embarrassing if you ask me!

Yup all probably coming from off-island in the neighbouring Monteregie area because they're being virtually ignored when it comes to vaccinations. So the people who get sick off-island will probably wind up at hospitals in Montreal as there's not that many in the Monteregie and the ones that there are are probably not equipped to deal with covid.

Too much, too soon? The politics of pandemic spending Or in the case of the monies given directly to seniors to help them through this plandemic - TOO LITTLE & TOO LATE!


QC already has pharmacies giving vaccines - that's what they used to give the flu vaccines back in the autumn. 
Dorval Has March Break Activities Planned  Other communities should do the same.


'I am a better mom': After quitting their jobs during the pandemic to care for family, here's how it changed these women It only stands to reason that if the mother is there when the kid actually needs them (like  the moment they have a problem), or the moment that the kid needs to be chastised or disciplined, they'll be better parents. Letting other people raise your kids with their morals and manners and you only attending to important matters concerning their health or behaviour when you get home from work is a little late especially to little kids, where minutes sometimes seems like hours to them - especially when they're in pain. 
Why kids are hitting the pandemic wall I have 50 years & then some, on the little girl London in this story, but even I feel like she does. So I don't think it's just the kids feeling this way, I think we pretty much all are, or starting to anyhow.
One group that won't entirely benefit from going 'back to normal': Grocery stores Maybe if you stopped gouging our eyes out with your insane prices and had a fresher and better selection of foods on offer you'd increase your sales post pandemic, but if you continue to operate the way you are, with half rotten produce on offer, sky high prices on meat and very little variety in the various sections. Like instead of just things like taco and burrito kits you offered a bigger variety of Mexican foods, and the same with all other ethnic foods. You know add a little variety to it - by adding additional choices. Just do things to attract customers with good deals, fresh food and a bigger variety and I'm sure you'll wind up coming out on top.

Well, well, well.... Much to my amazement I got through all of the headlines again before passing out. I'm getting good at this I think. Of course near the end is when I'd improve at it, if I were going to. Anyhow... Until the next installment take care and stay well.





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