Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Neverending Doom & Gloom that is....


January 13, 2021

As I haven't done anything of any interest today or even lately and I've pretty much run out of rants to express, though I'm sure I'll find more as I go along, there's not a great deal to say to start off with. So I'll just get on with posting the headlines and my opinions of them....



COVID-19: F1 season rearranged due to coronavirus travel restrictions I'm pretty sure it was also rearranged last year too, because I remember the ruckus the bar and restaurant owners on Crescent St. in Montreal were making about it. Lamenting all the lost revenue because of it.

Government secures another 20M COVID-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer  Which we won't get until the end of March and then it'll still only be enough to vaccinate 3 million people. Meanwhile the rest of the world including the 3rd world nations will have already immunized their entire population, and we can't even get 1/10th of our population done by then! Someone in Ottawa who has a propensity for playing Mr. Dressup needs to be strung up by his gonads for his gross negligence and mismanagement on this whole affair from the get go.
Very, very sad. But you have to wonder about her newsroom producer and why they were so callous as to assign this assignment to her, knowing her recent loss. Why? Was it to hurt and humiliate her? To rub salt in the wounds or what? Poor girl. If there is a superior to the jerk who assigned her that story, she should go to that person and ask them to look into the motives as to why that jerk assigned her that story in the first place.




Well obviously the pencil necked moronic accountant that thinks he qualifies as a Health Minister has no f'n clue about what he's talking about when he wants to drag his ash on giving the 2nd doses when required, by saying it's not necessary and he can use those doses to inoculate others. The guy is so f'n cheap he squeaks, for him it's all about the bottom line. How much money can he save here and there and he doesn't give a flying F about the people's lives he's affecting with his stinginess.  Another one that needs to be held accountable for crimes  against humanity and negligence caused deaths and illnesses. I hope the families at Maimonides sues the gov't and sues them good and wins a huge settlement because obviously these people got infected because they didn't get the 2nd dose when they were supposed to.

Don't they have that in reverse????? Instead of getting a 1 million dollar pay out for flouting travel restrictions, shouldn't it be a massive whopping fine instead? Maybe jail time too? So like I said.... Here in Canada, we reward law breakers, criminals and terrorists. Here's another classic example of that. Well at least he didn't get $10 million like Omar Kadhr did.... But um yeah we reward criminals, terrorists, and "freedom fighters" aka terrorist separatists in this country either with cash or with positions of power and authority. Canada is as bad as or perhaps worse than any banana republic you want to name, in those respects and always has been for as long as I can remember anyhow.


Well here in QC, apparently the cold hearted accountant that masquerades as our health minister, Dube, thinks we should just let the "useless eaters" die, that they're not worth erecting field hospitals for or trying to find space for in other hospitals that have the space. To him we're nothing but dollar signs. How much is it worth to save us or let us die? Apparently letting us die is much cheaper, so that's what they'll do. Hopefully, one of those lives they have to triage will be his, or someone near & dear to him like one of his parents maybe, and the doctor figures "umhf, that's just a useless eater, unplug them" and let's them die. That would serve that prick right - instant karma as they call it.

Quebec restaurant files class action against 'abusive' delivery fees during pandemic I seriously do not get why Quebec restaurants even use those services, considering they do KNOW about having their own delivery services. I mean gawd, look at St. Hubert BBQ, Dominos, all the pizza and chinese food restaurants in their area and see what they're doing and how they do it. They either have their own fleet of vehicles (which is expensive) like St. Hubert BBQ, or they hire drivers with their own vehicles that allows the restaurant to put a magnetized sign on top or the side of the car and that guy delivers for them for probably either tips or minimum wage plus tips and perhaps things like gas and mileage. Or it's a restaurant employee - like say the potato peeler/dishwasher who also doubles as the delivery person. I mean it's not that big of a deal to have your own restaurant delivery operation without relying on those blood sucking enterprises. Like they say, after-all, it's not rocket-science here.

I was thinking of something like this when I heard on the news tonight the various hot spots of outbreaks in Montreal and realized they were all low income areas with lots of older apartment buildings, where janitorial services were bare minimum to none and where the common areas - hallways and stairwells etc, were probably teeming with all sorts of bacteria and viruses and no wonder people in those areas were so affected by the virus.
Poland's PM: Social media need anti-censorship regulations  Now I know this particular story has nothing to do with this topic, but it does. I've talked about the insane censorship going on in regards to this virus before and how mainstream media puts out stories, but later labels others who are using or talking about those stories as being conspiracy theorists and them promulgating for the removal of those stories and what was said. I do believe the reason it hasn't happened to me here, is 1) the audience isn't big enough to warrant much concern amongst the powers that be and 2) I actually post the link to the news stories from whence such alleged conspiracy theories came - usually from the mainstream press themselves. So they'd be in a bind trying to censor me when they see links to themselves all over the place in here, and trying to explain that to the public. Not to mention by doing so it might attract publicity and therefore more visitors then I normally get, which would expose their hypocrisy if that were to happen. But I agree with this PM of Poland and I do believe that he should propose the law to be global in nature and not just in Europe.  That way all the citizens of the world would have protected free speech and be able to dissent and oppose whatever the lamestream media and other conglomerates might have in mind. 




Yeah? You sure about that? 'Cuz I think the Maimonides case here in Montreal would demonstrate otherwise.
Doctors, nurses call on B.C. to test surgical, emergency patients for COVID-19 I would've thought that all patients admitted to a hospital for whatever reason would be tested for COVID19 as a matter of course.... 

Why deaths from cardiovascular disease have risen during the pandemic Holy crap, tonight on the news the anchorwoman was interviewing a cardiologist about this subject. He was so angry at the population for not obeying rules and as a result having so many get sick and hospitalized with this virus that other procedures were being postponed and cancelled, I thought he was going to jump through the screen at us. She handled it well in letting him go, but obviously he wasn't finished his ranting and didn't really want to go, and I guess her production team cut him off anyhow, but he was gone whether he liked it or not. But wow.... He was as mad at us as I am at the ash holes that let this happen in the first place and all their asinine measures to try to prevent it. If you can imagine that.


Not me. Gawd, I had a quarter of a pot cookie I made, last night hoping it would mellow me out to unwind. All it did was give me one colossal headache and make me ravenously hungry. I swear if I had've seen a cow, or horse or animal of that size in the kitchen last night, I'd have shot and ate it probably in it's entirety, mane, hooves, horns and all. Instead I got into that junk food stash I bought earlier in the month.... Like I needed that, for sure. I think I'd better stick to things like Mojitos, Margaritas, Rusty Nails, Long Island Iced Teas etc... Maybe a beer or sangria, thrown in for good measure every now and then. At least they won't cause me to visually scour the visible horizon for large animals I can eat on the hoof.   
Ellen DeGeneres slept '16 hours a day,' took 3 medications for intense back pain with COVID-19 Hmmm..... now I'm wondering.... sleeping 16 hours a day.... back pain... sound familiar? Yup, but lasting much longer than 3 days....

UK Records 1,564 Covid Deaths, A New Daily Record Such high numbers. Very, very, very, sad.



The reason? For publicity probably and because no one would recognize him in a mask. Though if some movie producer told him to wear one there because they were going to film it for a movie, he would've no question about it. He can wear whatever the movie gurus want him to wear, but  not what he should be wearing to comply with public health rules. He's a has been and never was all that great to begin with as an actor.
Montreal adding hundreds of hospital beds as city remains COVID-19 epicentre Wow! You mean Mr. Pencil Neck found some extra coins to cover some extra beds? Amazing! 

Well then if Alberta can, the rest of provinces should be able to, too, along with Quebec. So maybe they should because relying on numbnuts in Ottawa is about as good as relying on my dachshund to secure the doses we need, so perhaps the premiers would be better off either collaborating with each other to secure better deals or at least trying to get them sooner for their respective populations. Because as it is now, no one in  the general population will see a jab before April 1st, by then it'll basically be equivalent in the global community to an April Fool's joke played on Canadians by their own gov't, as we'll be the laughingstock of the world when it comes to vaccinating anyone against this virus.
Second year of pandemic 'could even be tougher': WHO The news just keeps getting gloomier and gloomier....

Montreal woman says officer insisted on searching her lunch bag during curfew stop Thought they were told to use good judgement. If that's good judgement then the clown that thought it was has no judgement whatsoever. Like I said before when I sneered at the gestapo beitche's insistence that they'll use good judgement, "first they'd have to have some but unfortunately they don't and it's not something they can just go buy in a store". So um yeah, like that idea of them using good judgement is proven again and again since this curfew started to be a mega failure, because not too many of them seem to even know what "good" is, let alone "judgement" and forget the combination of the two.... That's totally out there in nether regions to them....
David Staples: World's leading vaccination nations will soon open up, but not Canada Exactly! He's right on! You need to read this eye-opening article and then start spamming your MPs in Ottawa and Provincial health ministers with demands for getting vaccines sooner MUCH SOONER. Like demanding them NOW.  Which you may do by going to this site and  Contact Members of Parliament  clicking on List of Members of Parliament
Once there just scroll down the page until you find your MP and then click on their picture or name and you'll be taken to their page where you'll find a "contact" tab. Click on that and you'll be given their email address, mailing address and phone numbers and you can choose the method you wish to use to badger them into securing more and timely vaccine supplies for their constituents at least if not the entire nation. While there look up Haggydodo's email address (as she's supposed to be our health minister) and badger her about the vaccine supply too, because after all she wants to be the head of that dept, so make her accountable for it.  
Because this has just gotten to be so f'n ridiculous now it's time we sent them a message loud and clear that we not only want but NEED TO GET VACCINATED TOO! And not just specific groups like the elderly, natives and homeless, along with the privileged individuals who can strong arm their way into vaccination lines like PR personnel of hospitals and the like.
Canadians aren't staying home as much as they did during the first wave, data shows Because quite simply we've had it up to our eyeballs and then some. Some of us are starting to feel like we're under house arrest and for something we didn't do and we're sick of it.

That would be nice if all regions in QC did that too.


Johnson & Johnson confident of March rollout for its COVID-19 vaccine, still aims for 1 billion doses in 2021 I hope some of those doses will be destined for Canada because at the rate the other 2 companies are supplying us, we won't see the end of the vaccination campaign until well on into the next century, I'm sure.

And here's a place where we can actually keep track of that progress. But remember don't get too excited if you see big numbers there, because it could just be that the original recipients got their 2nd shots, so to be prudent if it's not clearly delineated, just divide the number by 2 for a rough idea of how many have actually been vaccinated.




Geez I hope he's wrong!

So until next time take care, stay well and petition the hell out of your MPs and provincial members to get the vaccine into this country and into our arms in a timely manner.


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