Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Conflicting Measures, Draconian Measures, Flouting the Measures & More.....

 Covid 19

Courtesy Pixabay.com
January 12, 2021

Technically yesterday is the day most kids in QC returned to in person classes, despite all the evidence proving that that's a f'n stupid move to be making amidst a pandemic for which we get thimblefuls of vaccine at a time, from the manufacturers. Ergo, no chance of putting an actual dent in it circulation of it anytime soon, especially coupled with asinine gov't policies like this that sends kids back into classrooms that don't even have proper air purification or circulation. 

The way Legault, Dube & Arruda are handling this tells me 2 things. 1st thing is that they're all a bunch of clueless idiots and don't know their ashes from their elbows about anything. And the 2nd one is they don't give a flying F about the population at all. Just the economy and how much money they can gouge out of people in the way of fines for flouting their draconian measures they put in place, that will do SFA because they're only half ashed measures to start with. Um duhhhhhhhhhhh......

As you can tell I'm already frustrated and angry with the headlines of today and I haven't even started posting them yet. It seems we in Canada are saddled with a bunch of inbred idiots at the helm who have a hard time chewing gum and tying their shoelaces at the same time, nevermind formulating actual strategies to combat a raging virus that's decimating populations around the world and here too. Instead they can only come up with half ashed measures that allows them to gouge the eyes out of heads in fines. That's it. That's all these lamebrained idiots have done to allegedly "protect us from the virus". 

Just for the fun of it, I tried the calculator on when I can expect to get vaccinated available for Canada here: Vaccine Queue Calculator for Canada  
Since I'm below 65 (but not by much), I'm in the "stage 3" phase, which is only expected to start near the end of July and go until September, while my husband gets his around March 15th.  By the time July and September rolls around there ought to be enough people vaccinated to provide herd immunity - in fact it says there's approximately 22 million ahead of me - well there's only 35 million in all of Canada so by the time they get around to my group there'll only be 13 million left to vaccinate. So when the numbers are like that, you can pretty much depend on herd immunity to protect you whether you have a vaccination or not. I think if I have to wait that long for one, that's precisely what I'll do, they'll be able to shove their vaccines up their derrieres for all I care, then.  Seriously. Why does someone my age have to wait that long to get a vaccination when other countries are pulling out all stops and vaccinating anyone and everyone no matter their ages? I mean the UK, the US & Israel are, so why can't Canada???????????????
 It's total idiocy and incompetent mismanagement (like it's been like that, since we heard about it in Wuhan China - so day one) that's costing Canadian lives, while the public let's it go on by not demanding these incompetents step down or non confidence votes to cause elections so those idiots can get replaced, hopefully with others who are little brighter and more competent than the ones they're replacing. 
 Personally I still say that Tam, Haggydodo, Mr Waterhole Bozo Brains Numbnuts PM, and now I'm adding Dube to the list (because like Haggydodo he has ZERO QUALIFICATIONS IN MEDICINE & KNOWS IT BUT STILL RETAINS HEALTH MINISTER STATUS) should be held on crimes against humanity with a charge of gross negligence causing genocide (that genocide would be Canadian citizens - no matter race, religion or tribe) and face a death penalty that's brought back just for them. 
And we wonder why doctors are committing suicide. Because they're honest doctors that knows things could've been controlled if other higher ranking doctors stepped forward and got the conniving genocidal witch doctor out of there and took control and shut the borders down the moment they heard about the epidemic and how bad it was in Wuhan. If I heard about it, I'm sure those who live, breath and work in the medical environment did too and I'm sure they knew it could get here if it were let to cross the borders. 
I know infectious disease experts know how to contain an outbreak - there's one story coming up in here by one that you should read. And it's not the way any of the idiots and dunces in charge of most of the terrorities of the world did. It's more like what some of the isolated island and more primitive societies did - stopped anyone and everyone from entering their territory - and that's how they kept it out of their populations. THAT'S HOW. By preventing it's spread. Period end of freaking story. It's not rocket science, like the imbeciles in charge would have you believe it is. The fact that they're too daft and braindead to figure it out doesn't mean others can't.  

I'm just glad I'm not a nurse now. I wouldn't be committing suicide, but I would be letting my thoughts be known to any and all in my milieu, whether they liked it or not and then depending on how bad the rants were, I'd quit before they fired me. I don't care, but I can't see how the medical establishment who KNEW THIS WAS COMING (there's no way they couldn't have known if they had a braincell in their heads) BUT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT OR RAISE ANY ALARMS ABOUT IT BEFORE IT GOT HERE. I mean I knew it. And like I said I was a nurse in the 70s so it's been awhile but I still knew it. So gawd there must've been others in the medical community who knew it too and could've done something about it to prevent it getting in here. 
Like I said a doctor with some authority could've had Tam's license looked into and maybe yanked and had her replaced with an actual doctor and not a jungle witch doctor. And demanded that an actual qualified medical doctor be the Health Minister of Canada and ALL provinces! I mean gawd, this country has been led through this pandemic by a jungle witch doctor, a snowboard instructor who likes to play Mr. Dressup every now & then, and an art teacher.  Literally.
For awhile at the beginning of the pandemic here in QC we had an actual doctor as our health minister alongside Arruda who's supposedly a doctor too, consulting with Legault on strategies etc.... The numbers were going down. Then he replaced the doctor with Dube the pencil necked accountant who over rides Arruda on everything it looks like and we wonder why we can't get anything under control anymore. Because Dube is an accountant and all he cares about is the bottom line, how much money can we save by not giving vaccines, how much money can we bring in with ridiculous eye gouging fines etc.... He doesn't give a flying F about actual lives. It's just money that's all that pencil necked creep cares about.

Phew.... Now that that's out of my system.... On with the day's headlines.... So settle back in a comfy chair with your tea and glasses at hand and dive in....
Shock therapy: Curfew to curtail COVID-19 spread might just worsen public mental health, morale Yup exactly. The moment I heard that on the news about the curfew I looked at my husband and basically wanted to cry and told him, that's it, I'm stocking up on all kinds of junk food now. So he smiled and hugged me. 

China's 'long Covid' study reveals that common side effect is being unable to sleep I dunno.... I'm sure I had the virus last year in January. But lately the last few months I've been having difficulties staying awake. Even today I'm fighting with my circadian rhythm after having slept nearly 19 hours yesterday and having only been up 6 hours so far today, I feel like I need to crawl back in bed for another good night's sleep - even though it's only noontime here. I mean I don't know what's with me. Narcolepsy is the only possible thing I can think of, except I don't fall asleep when I'm doing something - I mean other than computer related or watching TV. No matter how mundane, and repetitive the task is, I don't feel sleepy and don't fall asleep at all. It's only when I'm watching TV, on the computer or just waking up - when I'm waking up sometimes I fall back asleep before I manage to get out of bed. It's awful.
Deloitte to track Canada’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts I hope they do a better job then the rest of them who are involved with the vaccination efforts have been so far. 

Quoting the story: But the chance to buy up to 16 million more doses has now expired, the department said today. The government has not disclosed the terms of those options.   ---------- I quoted that portion of the story because it's important for you to remember the real reason rather than the BS reason given in a later article, that I'm posting below...... I'm guessing what the terms of those options really were - probably higher prices than they originally negotiated for the first doses. Those are probably the terms - the original prices probably expired because they didn't buy them soon enough and Moderna got better prices from somewhere else. That's probably the why it expired. You will note that the term "expired" was used there.... And you will note in the later story the lame BS excuse given hasn't nothing to do with anything expiring....
Canada is falling behind in educating the public about COVID-19 vaccines, experts say Canada is falling behind in having anything to do with COVID vaccines, in any way, shape or form.
Vaccine requirements for travel would be ‘discrimination,’ global tourism group says  Let me turn this argument on it's head right now.... NOT having vaccinations would indeed be discrimination AGAINST THE HOST POPULATION at the traveller's destination! That one traveller would be putting other people's lives at risk, wherever they wound up. So yeah it's discrimination alright but not for the traveller themselves, but for the people they'd be in contact with wherever they wound up. 
‘It Was a Joke’: Some Small Businesses Got $1 Relief Loans That's sad. Very sad. Those who need help the most, get the least.

Merkel and Mr. Bozo Brains in Ottawa must be using the same vaccine roll out guide.

I think I've had the virus last year (a year ago precisely now) and I've had no problems at all no matter where I went, who I saw, hugged, shook hands with or whatever. So either I am immune or I'm lucky or maybe both. But in any case, given the date they project for my vaccination at that calculator, and the fact that there's 22 million ahead of me in line and there's only 35 million of us altogether, I think that whether I had the virus or not, I'll be protected by herd immunity by then, so I won't be getting it anyhow. But even if I were at the beginning of the line, I don't think I need it and so don't think I'd be getting it. 

'The most dangerous criminals in our country': Federal, provincial politicians clash on vaccinating prisoners in Canada's correctional institutions These murderous SOBs should be AT THE END OF THE LINE & NOT THE BEGINNING OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad they die. They didn't give a sheite about the person they murdered that got them put in jail in the first place, so why should we care about their sorry pathetic criminal ashes anyhow???????????  I mean seriously! An old lady like me has to wait until kingdom come arrives before I can get a vaccination, but these murderous raping mother f'ers gets vaccinated now????????????????????? In which perverse universe is their life more valuable than an old lady who CONTRIBUTED TO SOCIETY AS A NURSE & HAVING 2 KIDS - THEREBY GIVING LIFE TO 2 PEOPLE, RATHER THAN TAKING A LIFE OR LIVES!?!?!?! Explain that one to me you moronic imbeciles at the helm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PULEASE!!!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And anyone reading my blog wondering why I have such contempt for our politicians and authority.... Maybe you can understand why now. They're nothing but a bunch of inbred, perverse, moronic imbeciles who do sheite like this.

Les syndiqués des Services correctionnels demandent d’être vaccinés Oh boo hoo.... 352 cases in Stony Mountain. If they're in Stony Mountain they did something to get themselves put in there and whatever it was it wasn't all that good. So why should we have sympathy for them? I'm sure they had and showed no sympathy for their victims while they were murdering, raping and mutilating them, so I have no sympathy for them. Let them f'n die. Which is what would've happened to them if Diefenbaker hadn't taken the death penalty off the books! IF we have enough vaccine left over after everyone else out here in the CIVIL society gets their vaccination then the swine in Stony Mountain and other prisons can get whatever's left over if there's any. If there isn't, oh well too bad, them's the breaks for those who break the laws. 

By the time I finish this post I'll be a perfect candidate for this hotline. Too bad there isn't an internet version of it too.  

I don't blame them because again the "public health minister" is Dube a pencil pushing accountant creep who doesn't know SFA about anything to do with health, air purification nor anything else except numbers and that's it. So it's going to cost money so he'll say it doesn't work that way you don't need it. It's as simple as that. If it's going to cost the gov't money, it's no good and doesn't work or we don't need it. If they can find a way to gouge your eyes out in fines, they will though that's a given.
Sask. woman finds her art again amid isolation of COVID-19 pandemic Good for her. I wish I could find my art again, but honestly I made a promise to keep this blog going until the end of the pandemic and unfortunately for me, there doesn't seem to be any end in sight, it just keeps getting worse instead of better and as I made a promise to keep it going, I've got to keep my promise. Or I think I should, at least for future reference and maybe posterity's sake. 



If the gov't could give it's low income seniors that much extra money per month they wouldn't need to rely on those hamper programs. But of course the gov'ts would probably rather give that much extra to middle class parents for their brats that they already get $400 - $600 a month for EACH. Like as if they need it more than seniors who are so far below the poverty line it's unreal.

Government coffers going "kaching, kaching, kaching".... now.... For sure.
Possible curfew in Ontario may not address root causes of coronavirus spread, experts say That headline should be corrected to read "will not" because that's the facts of the matter.

COVID-19: Are curfews effective at reducing cases? Not unless they're coupled with complete lockdowns like we had in the spring.

Doctors in Canada think they have it hard, they should read this story, where if they wear PPE equipment people are so afraid they get beaten up because of it, or having to ride a hay wagon to get to clients houses - because they do house visits there still etc.... 

COVID-19 updates, Jan. 11: Quebec hospitals swamped, 140,000 surgeries in limbo Yeah so don't get sick, don't have any accidents and in general just remain healthy right now, otherwise you're in trouble.

Schools are spreading COVID-19 in Montreal, new study finds Oh but we must reopen them! How else are parents expected to go to work to be the good little cogs in the economic engine they are if the schools don't reopen to take care of their brats, while they're at work?

Yet another well laid brick in the path to dumbing the kids down, using the plandemic as an excuse to do so.
Montreal family who received curfew tickets argue they should’ve been considered exceptions This is the couple I was talking about in a prior post about the idiotic curfew and gouging people's eyes out with ridiculous fines.

That's scary considering the headlines is inferring that there's roughly 90 patients with the virus who are 29 and younger. 

An immunologist makes the case for delaying Quebec’s second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine Quebec has tons of doctors graduated med school by the skin of their teeth and this is probably one of them.


Health Canada-approved COVID-19 treatment drug rejected by British Columbia You mean the art teacher approved a treatment that an actual doctor in BC is rejecting? How come? 

Oh here's the English version.... But it's not the vice premier doing it. It's the actual premier.

Unlike some provinces we could name.
Military medical intelligence warnings gathered dust as public health struggled to define COVID-19 What good are intelligence warnings if the clowns at the helm are either too stupid to understand them or just ignore them? 

Let's wait and see what this mRNA stuff does to our bodies first as it is a genetic code technology and as it's basically the first uses of it in these covid vaccines, and as the doses have only started to be administered to people, we don't know the long term effects of it yet, if any. So maybe hold off on the gung-ho, giddy-up, go approach for awhile. No?
2 Gorillas At San Diego Zoo Safari Park Test Positive For COVID-19, Third Symptomatic Poor guys. I hope it's not severe cases and that they recuperate quickly.

More than half of Canadians think the wait for a COVID-19 vaccine is 'too long,' survey finds Well when you're talking about people like me who has to wait until kingdom come to get a shot, yeah. I mean July - Sept for someone who will be close to 65 by then. So if I have to wait that long how long does a healthy 35 year old have to wait? Half a century or longer maybe? Oh but if we go kill someone and get thrown in a Federal Pen as a result, we'll have it in no time, in fact we'll be ahead of the line!

Maybe just maybe we could take lessons from them, rather than from the idiots we have in charge here in Canada now.
Cosmos Pizza offers free small pizzas to anyone facing financial hardship That's really awesome of them. If others out there in the communities across Canada followed their example there'd be a lot less deprivation and hunger.

If you were depending on Canada to help get you there, then that's for sure. Because Canada won't even have herd immunity for itself the way things are going.


Couvre-feu: 26 contraventions dans l'agglomération de Longueuil They're starting to add up. 26 Here, 21 in Gatineau, 17 in Montreal and on and on.... Each one is worth at least $1,500 to the gov't. So it's a great cash grab for them.

Quebec Couple Fined After Woman Found ‘Walking’ Partner On Leash After Curfew hehehehe.... You gotta hand it to them for their ingenuity, even though it didn't work as well as they probably hoped. 


And precisely how are they supposed to get the patients vitals that way or palpate the patient, or examine the ears or nose or throat? Or test for  neurological  symptoms or anything else? I can't take that seriously, I'm sorry. That might be good for follow ups for the doctor to check to see if the patient is improving and following the directives etc, but it's not good for diagnosing the first place, I don't think.

Hey bozo brains there's 2 companies that we still have signed contracts with to produce vaccines for us until the end of March! Renew those contracts and we won't be needing to build anything, that won't be finished being built until after COVID is vanquished.
Canadian bank CEOs bet vaccine will 'overtake' virus, aiding economic recovery The way Canada's vaccine roll out is going, that's questionnable to say the least.


If you ignored the link I posted to it above and would like to check out your timeline of getting the shot without having to scroll all the way back up again, here's your chance, as there's a link to the calculator in this article.
Canada rejects WHO request for immediate vaccine donations to lower-income countries Finally, Mr. Bozo Brains did something right, for a huge change.

This is the BS story about the 16 million doses they "passed" on. Read the first story about this above and you'll see it had nothing to do with the reasons listed here.
Pfizer could withdraw vaccine supply from Quebec if two-dose schedule not followed: Legault If that's the case then they'd better withdraw their supply from the UK & the US as well then! Then they'll be stuck with a sheiteload of vaccine phials and nothing to do with them, if they're going to be such sanctimonious ash holes as that.

Quoting the article: Wasteful income support programs: Each morning from March 12 to June 30, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made COVID-19 support program announcements that totalled $170 billion, by far the biggest and fastest expenditure commitments in Canadian history. This “announce-it-now-fix-it-later” approach was understandable when much of the economy was shut down virtually overnight. But the flaws in the programs were not fixed later, even after they became clear. One of the most serious flaws is that a lot of the money went to those who didn’t need it. A study by the Fraser Institute found that, of four programs totalling $82 billion, over $22 billion went to making recipients better off than before the pandemic.   ------------- Exactly. Those who did need it, like the seniors living on their own, the disabled, the working poor (read essential grocery store worker) didn't get anything. The only ones who seemed to get anything were middle class parents with kids. In that case they had tons of money thrown at them, while everyone else sat looking askance. The rest of her article is bang on too. 
Long lines for first day of city of Jacksonville COVID-19 vaccine rollout It's the first day of vaccinations for seniors 65 & over there, who are waiting in long lines for their shots.


This is showing that there's 90.3 million cases world wide, with 609,066 new cases in the last day or so, with 1.9 million deaths with 8,428 of those deaths, in the last day or so.




The tourists who believe travel restrictions don't apply to them Apparently that's most people who travel that think that.

Yup, we have one in our family. He literally passes out when a doctor approaches him with a needle.


Los Angeles students required to get COVID-19 vaccine (once available) before return to school They should here too, except we get our vaccine doses in dribs and drabs and what seems like piddly little dribbles from the vaccine manufacturers, not even enough to vaccinate even a meager few people.

I guess if Pfizer insists on everyone using their 2nd doses before getting more, they'll have to start churning the doses out to keep pace with the administering of the shots or have no say in the matter. If they want countries to administer 2 doses as per prescribed they maybe should try to provide more vaccines than a few so that countries have enough to vaccine enough of their population in a reasonable time frame - unlike Canada's ridiculous time frame.

Hospitals swamped with COVID-19 cases amid questions over vaccine rollout I guess this headline could pertain to just about anywhere in North America today, but this is actually in LA California.

Man dies after judge forces clinic to use unproven COVID treatment This is what happens when you let clueless, idiot, law makers rule medicine and medical practices. Ergo, all clueless, idiot law makers in Canada take note and yes that means you Legault, Dube, Trudeau, Haggydudu and the rest of all you political creeps who thinks they know more than doctors do.

What's new? Whenever there's a crisis retailers will find a way to gouge people. They did it during the '98 ice storm where a small cannister of propane which normally sold for $3 was suddenly $20 each and stuff like that. Jean Charest who was the premier of QC at the time made a law outlawing gouging like that, but they still do. At the beginning of the plandemic you couldn't find a bottle of hand sanitizer for less than $15 a bottle, but yet a few months prior to that they were being sold 2 for $1 at dollar stores in the area - I know because I bought some then.

That's awesome!

California turns stadiums into COVID-19 vaccination centers If we could get enough vaccine here in Canada we could do that too, except the imbeciles in charge will never be able to think of anything like or be able to manage it either.

We should too! Seriously!

Why some hospital PR executives and staff on leave have received COVID-19 vaccines before front-line staff  Because they're VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE, doncha know? I mean how is the hospital going to cope if they lose their public relations staff???

The key words there are "WHEN AVAILABLE TO THEM".... Unless like me, they figure that they won't need it, if they're at the back of the line and everyone else has had their shots before them. 
Montreal hospitals nearing critical triage point, when doctors must 'kill people' to save others Yeah, don't set up any field hospitals like other places are doing, instead force doctors to go against their sworn oaths and kill people. Well Dube loves that idea because it'll save mega bucks on down the line - on field hospitals, extra equipment and personnel to staff them, etc.... The pencil necked prick. I hope he gets it and has it so bad that the doctors figure they can't save him (even though they might be able to if they were allowed to follow previous guidelines and not the merciless guidelines that pencil necked prick set out for them to follow) and pull the plug on him too. Gawd, that would be sweet justice. 

Oh no that study must be wrong, or else Dube will tell us it's wrong soon, because kids have to be in school no matter what so the cogs of the economic engine can keep doing their jobs.
Biden gets second COVID jab as US ramps up vaccinations Well at least someone out there in the world got a second jab of it.... Don't think there's anyone in Canada who did though even though it was here before the US started using it.

Haggydodo, Tam the genocidal witch and Mr. Moron Brains had better sit up and take note and maybe try to do the same here in Canada.

Well that's the end of the aggravating and infuriating BS for the day at least.... Anyhow, go find something soothing and relaxing to occupy yourself with before you explode from such ineptitudes that are driving this plandemic faster and faster.... That's what I plan to do. I actually have 3 chicken torsos to remove meat from and make a soup and some fajitas and freeze the rest of the meat not used in those, to take my mind of this insanity where you just want to strangle the ash holes in power for their total incompetence and idiocy.  Gawd....  Anyhow, until next installment, take care and stay safe.





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