Monday, December 28, 2020

Picking Up From Where I Left Off On....



December 28, 2020

Since I posted the story about it finally reaching Antarctica yesterday, I figured it was only fitting I displayed the World Tour graphic from today, since it officially made the world tour of all 7 continents. Not that that's anything to be happy about, for sure. But it is an established fact now, so for the record and posterity's sake I figured I'm make an opening screen about it, in order to alert those who don't know that yet. 

As the title says, I'm picking up from where I left off yesterday in hopes of getting it all done today as I'm going to be crazy busy until after New Year's Day, so I want to get as much of this out of the way, as I can, while I still have some time to do it. 

It'll probably be a shorter post than yesterday's was, because I tried to include as many headlines as I could before passing out for the night in yesterday's post in order to make it easier on myself today.  So don't be too disappointed if it seems a bit short to you. 

Don't worry you'll be able to quench your thirst for more COVID19 news after the 1st of January, as there'll be more to post then too. It's not going away anytime soon it looks like, so you're good for a long time to come, if you don't get tired of it before then.

So here we go for this installment of COVID19 headlines....

Dangerous U.K. Coronavirus Variant Jumps Borders In Europe, Canada It probably jumped the borders long ago - back in October sometime probably, but you're only realizing it now, because you've just been informed by the UK gov't about it now, even though it was in the UK at least since mid September. In which case it's had plenty of time to travel the world via aircraft.

The Cambridge seniors residence in Pointe-Claire latest to be walloped by COVID It's time Canadians started taking actual physical responsibility for caring for their own elderly at home and stopped shunting them off on the seniors death camps like that. 

Nobody has an obligation to provide any information to anyone for anything unless that person has a warrant demanding it. Even banks can't demand you give them more information than they need to reasonably open and secure bank accounts and credit accounts. Passwords etc can't be required to be given not even in person. That's why tellers don't want to hear or know your PIN numbers when you get a new card and want to activate it and might ask the teller for help on doing that if you've never done it before. 
‘We are not prepared’: The flaws inside Public Health that hurt Canada’s readiness for COVID-19 OMG this author covered it all and hit the nail right on the head in the subtitle of this article! He's 101% correct! FINALLY a journalist that delves into things to find the truth behind the scenes. This guy should be awarded the Nobel Prize or whatever prize they have for journalists, because he's bang on. But you have to wonder why they dismantled the pandemic apparatus last year? Was that because they knew that this was coming and had a head's up from Gates, the WEF, and the WHO about it and that it was a global plan to decimate the population and rework the entire jiggings of the world from the finance sectors to the general over all economies and what they're based on and what kind of work is done in them etc???? Because I find it suspicious (but not all that suspicious considering the moron at the helm in this country and his depth of thought - or shallowness thereof would be more apt) that they'd dismantle a system that was meant to protect us from such atrocities as this plandemic, at all. Anyhow this article is worth your time reading especially if you're a taxpaying Canadian. In fact even if you're just a resident without being a citizen, you should read it too as this affects you as well, if you're living here and covered by our medicare system and rely on the imbeciles at the helm to protect you from harm of any and all kinds, including that caused by plandemics like this.


Could it possibly be due to the fact that it was Christmas day and hence people were reluctant to leave their new Christmas toys and upcoming Christmas dinners unattended to go stand in line to get tested? 

Depends on what and who you read, because everyone seems to have a different take on it. Some say that it gave the climate a reprieve and time to somewhat heal and  others say it didn't do anything at all and in fact may have made things worse - that it just changed the kind of garbage litter and pollution from one type to another and same with pollution - from downtown to other areas surrounding the downtown cores.



Sorry to rain on everyone's parade that likes to piss all over Rubio, but he's right. Faucci did discourage mask use and did distort the amount of vaccinations needed by his own admission. So Rubio isn't accusing Faucci of something that he didn't do and didn't admit to doing. The people jumping all over Rubio's case needs to take a pill and chill out a bit. Only in America can people be that willfully blind & stupid!
More cases of U.K. COVID-19 variant found in Canada Oh trust me, if you want to go back and examine all the tests done since mid October, you'll find lots more cases too - which probably accounts for the crazy increase in cases since then too.

Oxford vaccine dubbed ‘winning formula’ as variant spreads across the globe I hope it is the winning formula and gets approved here in Canada ASAP.


Does the EU not have any charter of rights and freedoms for the individuals? I mean if they do, wouldn't this constitute a  huge breach of their right to privacy?
Man's fatal heart attack likely unlinked to vaccine he took 2 hours before Hmmmm.... well we kind of have to wonder whether it's linked or not, giving the timing of it.

Please explain to me in terms that makes logical sense how tracking who (and not how many) gets vaccinated is vital for public health? If that's the case why don't you track who got the polio vaccine and who got the DpT vaccine and the MMR vaccines? Seems to me that polio, diptheria, tuberculosis and measles are all still very deadly diseases, maybe polio was wiped out but a while ago I heard of a resurgence of it somewhere - don't know if that was wiped out too or if it's still around. I mean if we can make a case for this vaccine why not all the others? What about the H1N1 which was the virus that was inherent in the Spanish Flu bug and which went around the globe in 2009 that a lot of people got vaccinated against? We didn't, as we had already had H1N1 by the time the vaccine was available here for us to take. Since then we haven't had any flues or colds or anything else like that - and maybe the reason I recovered after having had this stupid coronavirus back in January. So I don't see why knowing who precisely had this vaccine and who didn't is of any help to the public health dept. Knowing how many had the vaccine in a given area at a given time frame, would be vital, but knowing who exactly, I don't see how. If you want to be able to identify the people that had the vaccines, issue them cards to carry in their wallets or record the vaccine shot in their personal health carnet (like they have here in QC). Then when the doctor asks to see the card or the booklet he'll be able to ascertain if they had the vaccine or not if he needs to know.
Covid-19: Concern at 'unprecedented' infection level in England Like I said before, by the time the vaccines are all rolled out and deployed they won't be needed anymore as everyone will have acquired natural immunity to it, by having had the disease themselves. 

Now I know for sure I had the virus back in January, because off and on I keep smelling burnt toast and not just here in the house where the toaster is, but everywhere including in the car. I just thought it's like one of those songs that stays in your head for hours or days, once you hear it, that once you smelled some burnt toast that day, the smell lingered in your smell memory kind of thing. But I guess, it's the virus that's to blame then. 
One of America’s Richest Islands Got Pummeled by COVID. Then the Warring Started. You'd think that since they're rich they'd be of higher class - I mean with the class and manners afforded the wealthy in our society, rather than have the class and manners of gutter scum, which seems to almost be the case here.


Small Number of Covid Patients Develop Severe Psychotic Symptoms Like all the other weird symptoms attributed to this virus, I am wondering if this is the case that this is another actual symptom or is this like they say in the medical field a comorbidity? Whereby she has something else along with the virus? 
Anyhow that's all the coronavirus news for now. Until next time take care and stay well and if I don't post before then....





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