Monday, December 28, 2020

It Doesn't Feel Like Anything Worth Celebrating Because of .....



 December 27, 2020

I have to say that this year is one of the saddest Christmases second only to the year that was our daughter's last Christmas. Not because anyone I know died or even suffered from this horrible virus, at all this year or even over the holidays. Fortunately, everyone I know is and has remained healthy throughout this plandemic. Though, I, our son, his wife, and a couple of neighbours of ours do believe we had this virus way back in January and February before it was even acknowledged to be in this country, we all recovered within a few days on our own, thankfully (but we don't know for sure). Other than that though I am not personally aware of anyone being afflicted by this disease, to any extent let alone dying from it. 

No what makes this Christmas so sad and dreadful is everything surrounding it, from the news stories, the lockdowns, the cold weather line ups to get into stores to buy last minute anythings from soup & soap to Super size TV screens and everything inbetween, to the extra effort everyone put into decorating their homes trying to add cheer and colour to such a miserable holiday. To not being allowed to visit friends, family, neighbours or anyone else to celebrate with. 
Though I will remark that while we were enroute to and from our son's place to have Christmas with him & his wife (yes I'll admit we did that because I can't see the difference between one senior being allowed to visit with a family of 4 for the holidays or 2 seniors being allowed to visit with a family of 2 - in fact, because this equation has 1 less person involved in it, I'd think it'd be safer than the 1st equation of one senior and 4 other family members), not too many people were heeding those directions and there were no cops at all out on the roads or highways to even check for inebriated driving (whether due to alcohol or weed), let alone where everyone was heading to. 
Most Christmases in the past there'd be at least 1 cop car here or there just to make the sloshed drivers pay a little more attention to the road then they were before they saw the cop, if nothing else, or there'd be road blocks set up with breathalizer tests going on, or something. Not this year. 
There were no signs of the cops on our way there or back. So it looks like it wasn't being too well policed either. In fact days ago, I read a story in the Montreal Gazette where the Montreal Police were basically telling the population to do as they pleased because they were going to basically turn a blind eye towards any celebrations unless they absolutely had to and had the time to do so because apparently Christmas Day is usually a high crime day in Montreal - or so they tried to lead us to believe. It seemed like an article that was intended to let the population know in a wink and nod kind of way that they wouldn't be showing up on everyone's doorstep inspecting to see if there were more than 4-5 people gathered around the Christmas dinner table.
But the sad thing is we were all doing this, "in secret" so we couldn't share our cheer or plans or even what we did or ate or who we saw with anyone after the fact for fear of being reported. So the cheer and merriment was lacking big time I think. Or at least that was my perspective of it. 
Then again maybe  I made the White Christmas cocktails way too strong and promptly passed out on our son's sofa after drinking mine, after dinner. Not that anyone was angry or even mildly annoyed with me, because if they were they didn't show it. Maybe I made the drinks too strong for me, but just strong enough for them, to put them in a happy giddy place and that's how I got away with passing out. Anyhow we sobered up before leaving to drive home again. Good thing because it was snowing and the roads were slushy and everytime a vehicle passed us on the highway we got a windshield full of road slush sprayed or splashed all over it. So I can't imagine what driving in those conditions half cut would be like.... We'd be lucky if we made it home in 1 piece then I think.

I just know the impromptu gatherings, surprise visits, and merriment was missing. Though we did have one surprise visit from some neighbours who called a few minutes before showing up. They called to tell us they were coming to have some shots with us and brought some yummy rum that they poured into shot glasses for all of us and as we downed one shot glass they poured another, until I was started to see double and told them I couldn't do anymore. Good thing because my husband was knocking his shot glass over and spilling it all the time. I think he'd had enough then too. That was the only impromptu surprise gathering we had this year. While it was nice (and probably "illegal") and I enjoyed it, I still miss all the other ongoing  celebrations we'd be having at this time of year. But we definitely needed that impromptu visit from our neighbours. Just to remind us what it feels like to have friends and celebrate things a little bit together. 
Those neighbours are the one and same that thinks they had the virus back in January too - and given the symptoms she described to me, I believe they did too. So probably little to no danger of catching anything from them now anyhow. Same with our son & his wife, if they had the virus back in February like they believe they did (and she's a nurse - so she's as good a judge of that as anyone else if not better than most lay people would be), they wouldn't have posed any risk to us either, assuming I didn't already have it in January like I thought I did. So I'm hazarding what's probably a pretty safe bet in saying we weren't in any danger of contracting anything despite meeting with these people because we all had the virus way back before it was even acknowledged being in Canada.
Despite all that, Santa still found his way through the gloom & doom to our house for Christmas. He brought me a new computer (which my husband is in the process of setting up for me now), some cannabis (yeah it's legal here so I can say that), a gift card to Michael's (craft store) and a daily dog calendar. He dropped off a 43" HDTV for my husband, a rainbow lit keyboard, a weather station and a big bottle of rum. Our dog got a couple of toys and a new winter coat from Santa too, along with a bag of her favourite treats. 
I hope Santa found his way to your house and dropped off some much needed cheer and lots of nice presents for you and yours as well!

Now on with the bleak, soul-sapping numbers and stories surrounding this plandemic....


‘CAN’T KEEP IT OUT’ Supercharged mutant Covid strain is ‘probably already in the US and may even have started here’, scientists warn Well given how fast and easy it's been spreading there as well as here since October despite lockdowns and all attempts to slow it down it's just been getting worse and we were wondering why, well um duh, I think we have our answer now. Too bad the Brits didn't see fit to warn the world in September when they knew about it. 

Wow.... Just wow. Well I guess there'll be a larger traffic problem there in the future then, as more people buy cars in order to go places.

Then I can tell you, my husband and I are seriously trying to put an end to the pandemic given the amount of time we're sleeping lately. I've gone from practically being an insomniac to a narcoleptic that can barely keep their eyes open.
COVID-19 variant found in the U.K. not detected in Canada but could become a 'more common' strain, Dr. Tam says Not detected because we've not checked for it as we didn't know about it before now. The exact same conundrum that we faced when the virus itself started raging around the world. We heard about it in Wuhan in December, but no one outside of China or possibly even Wuhan itself, bothered to check for it in patients that presented with symptoms that could be or matched those of the virus' instead it was chalked up to be anything else like the flu or even your imagination, but not the virus because that supposedly stayed in Wuhan, even though all transportation hubs to the world and back were still open there and everywhere else. Same thing here. Its' been in the UK since mid September, so you'd have to be one gullible braindead idiot to discount the fact that it's probably already wide spread here too given the fact that we have international flights leaving Heathrow every few minutes still (well up until flights originating there got banned at touching down in countries since the announcement about the variant got released lately). So yet again do you NOT think it's possible that the variant hitched a ride with a passenger or two from the UK to North America (both sides of the border) long before now? And since it's way more contagious, that means it spreads easier, that being the case, might that not account for the sudden uptick in cases since October? I mean QC went into a partial lockdown but no matter what it didn't bring the numbers back down to what they were in line with in the summer, instead they just kept increasing, no matter what we were allowed or not allowed to do. Now we're on a 2 week lock down even more stringent than in March because now even big box stores are only allowed to sell essentials unlike before - if you wanted something not sold at a grocery store or pharmacy you could've always gone to Cdn Tire, Costco or Walmart to get it. Now it doesn't matter where you go, if it's not an essential you're not getting it. So let's see if that brings the numbers down or if they just keep going up anyhow.
Quebec premier, opposition leaders show united front in support for holiday restrictions Meanwhile they probably all had happy holly jolly holidays with not only their immediate households but all their extended family & friends thrown in together. They're such hypocrites.



If it's not one long term care home it's another.... 
Montreal offers 'light therapy' in pandemic winter Yup in the middle of downtown where hardly anyone goes anymore, not only because there's nothing to go there for as in office jobs, but also stores being closed, but because the braindead mayor has made getting there as hard as possible for most who live outside the area. So this light therapy must be set up for her high rolling friends that can afford to live in the penthouses of the empty office towers.

Study finds women drinking more during pandemic Really??? Nawwwww...... Whatever gave them that idea? 


I'm wondering which variant is worse? Or what would happen if they managed to somehow combine together?


This demonstrates some of the underhanded the less scrupulous law makers stoop to in order to get unpopular laws passed, by burying in bills to help those who need it the most while they sit in their mansions with all their expensive furnishings munching on the gourmet meals their private chefs prepare for them while they spend all day toiling away at work trying to come up with devious ways to get their unpopular bills passed into law and not hesitating to try to use a bill that they think will get passed in hurray because it's purportedly meant to help the desperate victims of the pandemic. Except it didn't because the house reps are way too stingy and only wanted the victims to get $600 each whereas Trump wanted them to get $2,000 each, so he refused to sign it into law. Meanwhile they're busy making him look like the heartless ash hole that doesn't care by not signing their crooked conniving laws into law for them and saying he's the one stalling the passing of the bill to provide the measly $600 relief that they'd get, instead of the $2,000 each he wants to give them.

Almost in line with what I was saying in my opening paragraphs of this post. Some of us though defied the BS authorities and saw our loved ones anyhow, knowing how life can be snuffed out anytime for any reason and it's not just covid19 that can do that. It was a close call for my son in October when he had his motorcycle accident. Eight years ago it was the last Christmas we'll ever spend with our daughter as she died shortly afterwards from a cancer that she only found out she had when it was already in late stages Stage IV. So I'm not about to let a Christmas go by that I don't spend it with my loved ones if I have anything to do with it. We don't know if any of us will make it alive to next Christmas and like I said it's not merely because of covid19, there are plenty other ways we can go, each one of us. So it doesn't matter how obedient and cautious we are we might get zapped by a bolt of lightening out of the blue on a clear summer day and still not get to see another Christmas. When it's our time to go it's our time to go and being as obedient as we can be won't prevent that. If we were meant to go one way but didn't, well our maker will get us another way if he has to. But we'll go, whether we want to or not.

Sure why not. After having had a year to scrub the lab, shred the documents, reassign all the workers that were involved and knew anything about it..... I guess they could as they'll look as squeaky clean as possible now, that they've had the time to do all of that.

I hope he demanded that the bill be amended to remove all the extraneous garbage that has no business lurking in a relief package, and upped the amount they were allowing per recipient. 



Canada could see ‘grotesque’ spike in coronavirus cases after holidays: expert We could, but it's just as likely to be because of the various variants that got into the country as any of us miscreants misbehaving.

Cutting in line. Definitely. Using the excuse that they're setting an example, by showing they're not afraid of it. I don't mean to sound cruel, but I hope that all the politicians that used that as an excuse to cut in line, comes down with severe side effects or long term effects from it. It'd serve them right from trying to be first to ensure they had their shots before anyone else got one.
Autopsies are only a fading practice because the CDC and maybe other medical boards elsewhere, decreed that they stop being performed and just write COVID on basically any and all death certificates that could reasonably be chalked up as having been that, in order to save time.  Just click on the "CDC's Guidelines on deaths....." in the side bar to be taken to the page with the link going to the document that was sent out nationwide decreeing that.

Without social distancing, face masks alone aren’t enough to stop COVID-19 Without "social" distancing? Or without "physical" distancing? I know they want us to socially distant in more ways than one - hence the reason they're depriving us of family & friend get togethers and contact, but I would call staying 2 meters apart physically distancing as that's a more apt term than socially distancing. But like I said the social distancing is actually what they want to accomplish here and not so much the physical distancing.



Line Stretches 15 Blocks As Actress Ta’Rhonda Jones And Her Foundation Give Away Toys, Food In West Garfield Park Wow.... So much deprivation and desperation.... I hope everyone in that line was able to get something nice for Christmas for themselves and their families.

Hospital Workers Start to ‘Turn Against Each Other’ to Get Vaccine Oh oh.... That's not good. Yet another example of what this virus is doing to us. 


More seniors turning to Fredericton shelters for housing It's more than just a lack of affordable housing and closing rooming houses. It has to do with lack of funds. If the Canadian government could be a little more generous to seniors and not just the money grubbing whining millennials who need more than a senior gets in a month per kid and they have no qualms of cranking as many kids out as they can so they can get as much as possible per month. I swear some families are probably raking in as much cash as a houseful of seniors, in a month. I mean seniors have no one else (like no parents to ask for money like millenials do, or their brats do) to depend on and no jobs either as most are out of the work force, where as babies, Jack, Susie, Tommy, Lilly, Frankie and Joey provide an income of between $2,400 a month to $3,600 a month to mommy & daddy and that's besides mommy's and daddy's jobs where they each make that much a month and more given that $2,000 a month is pretty much a minimum wage salary and a lot of people make more than that. Two seniors together don't get that much in one month from the government and they can't have any babies to get more as all are beyond that now. Those very same seniors got a whopping $7.00 a month per kid back when they had their kids and no you couldn't live a month on that much. In fact it wasn't even enough to cover one package of pampers diapers. So those seniors since they didn't get any help raising their kids ought to have some help now to make it through their senior years without having to starve and freeze on the streets in the wintertime. So if bozo brains in Ottawa could get it through his f'n thick skull that it's not only his friends and cronies that need help but others in this country like seniors, the disabled, the homeless, the working poor (whether they have kids or not) need help. He's so focused on kids and parents and the middle class (his middle class which is really the lower echelons of the upper classes) that he can't see or think of anyone else out there that might need a helping hand and more money than what they're getting.
Republicans block US$2,000 virus cheques despite Trump demand this is what I was talking about above, but it seems he's passed the bill earlier today, but I don't know what it contains if it's still the same one he refused to sign or if he managed to get it amended to suit what he wanted.


Wish I knew this in the summer when we had problems with our freezer. Anyhow, my husband managed to fix it and it's still working now, so he must've done an awesome job at it.

New Ontario-wide COVID-19 lockdown bans Christmas light drive-thrus Of course, even though people are driving through in their cars, they've got to take even this little bit of enjoyment away from them. Why don't the powers that be, just cancel life altogether? Oh I forgot because they don't have enough androids and robots to fill in for us mere cogs in the machinery, that's why. Otherwise if we were all expendable they would. They'd find a way to make sure we all died, rather than just stayed out of their faces and minds, by shuttering us in our houses out of sight to them.

Quoting the article now: "It's like a tiny, tiny fraction of all the cases that we're seeing in Ontario," said Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease physician and member of the Ford government's vaccine distribution task force. "So, no, it's not zero, but it certainly is not driving the epidemic in Ontario.... Was in the past, but it isn't right now."  --------------- What a crock of sheite!!!!!! Does Dr. Bogoch have that short of a memory that he can't remember back 9 - 12 months ago????? I mean how does Dr. Sheite For Brains think this virus got into this country in the first place if it wasn't through international travel????? So of course it's driving it now like it's always been since the moment it got here!!!!!! Just that now it's being made worse by other strains also creeping across our borders because this country has just TOO FREAKING MANY DOCTORS LIKE HIM - THAT HAVE SHEITE FOR BRAINS! AND NOT ENOUGH ACTUAL REAL DOCTORS WITH A WORKING BRAINCELL OR TWO IN THEIR HEADS!!!!! 
I mean look at the classic example we have for our Federal public health doctor - the witch doctor Scammy Tam or maybe that should be scummy or scuzzy Tam or shifty Tam personally though I prefer genocidal mass murdering Tam. Along with the art teacher in Ottawa that masquerades as our Federal Health Minister. So we have doctors who are so pathetically stupid they can't see beyond the end of their short sighted short memory noses like Dr. Sheite For Brains Bogoch here, Witchdoctor Tam and the loupy ditzy art teacher Haggydodo that thinks she's a health anything, leading this country through one of the worst pandemics in history. No wonder we're having problems getting rid of it. Then when a premier who has no medical training suggests closing the borders might help keep some of this virulent crap out, he gets push back from some inbred idiot that probably had mommy & daddy buy his medical license for him, instead of cooperation. Personally I'm all behind Ford. He's right and he should be listened to in this case and that so-called dr should have his license to practice medicine revoked, along with about 80% of the other doctors in this country who did nothing but sit on their ashes twiddling their thumbs while Tam and Haggydodo were busy greeting this virus at the border with kisses on both cheeks and free passes to the country, instead of trying to keep it out and alerting the public to their egregious professional conduct and negligence and demanding they be replaced with people actually qualified to hold their positions of power they hold. But nope. Not one doctor stepped forward to mention anything of the sort to the press, the public or even the politicians in power. Then again good luck in getting  Mr. Dressup to understand anything of that level let alone take it seriously and act on it. 
Snowbirds in U.S. in line to receive COVID-19 vaccine before most Canadians Yet another incentive for Cdns to go south and not just the good weather. But you've got to admit this year more than most makes it super tempting to go south despite the virus. For one thing there's no where near as many restrictions on everyone there as there are here. If you're a rich Cdn who wants to spend time with extended family & friends, there's nothing stopping you from flying them all to an American destination in order to do that, whereas here in Canada it's forbidden to even smile at them, hug them, or even shake their hand, let alone have a get together of any kind with them. We can't go anywhere or do anything, I mean for gawd's sakes even drive through Christmas light shows are forbidden in Ontario now and we don't have anything like that here in Quebec, but if we did, it would be forbidden too. No happiness, joy or even mild amusements are allowed this year. So no wonder everyone wants to escape the country and go somewhere else. If we could afford to, we probably would too, just to get out of this soul sapping place for a few weeks.

Quoting this fake news story now: Why couldn't Canada be first? Now that some vaccine doses have arrived, the conversation has partly shifted from arrival time to Canada’s limited production capacity when it comes to making vaccines. It started with the privatization efforts led by former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who’s government sold Connaught Labs in 1986. ----------- Oh what a bunch of MulBALONEY that is. There were standing agreements with the Harper gov't for a couple of vaccine production facilities in Canada that are due to expire in 2021, all numbnuts in charge had to do was renew those contracts and we'd be good to go and crank out as many vaccine doses as needed like we did in 2009 when H1N1 was making it's rounds - long after Connaught Labs was sold out by Mulbaloney. I am so f'n tired of of asinine BS floating around in the media and them pretending it to be factual news stories when we all know it's nothing but made up BS to suit their story lines and agendas. And this story is quoting yet another Dr. Sheite for Brains.... Oh wait! His name is Dr. Brown.... Ummm wondering why.... Wondering if he's even a real doctor and not one the media circus clown Kahn made up as a "quotable source" for his BS story? I'm sorry.... Am I one of the only ones in this whole entire country that has any idea about the facts and what's going on here???? And they wonder why there's so many conspiracy theories floating around out there. Well gawd, with stories like some of the ones posted in here tonight, it'd be hard to see why there wouldn't be any conspiracy theories floating around out there because they sure are busy making it look like they have sheite to cover up when they keep changing the "story" every few minutes like they do. I mean gawd.... Media morons, do some research before writing another BS story would you for frigs sakes????????? 'Cause I'm literally getting sick and tired of pointing your BS fake news out because there's so damned much of it, it's like a freaking dinosaur pile of manure I'm digging through for the few shards of truth in it, the rest is nothing but one big heaping, stinking pile of dung excreted by you mental moronic media types who can't be bothered to do an iota's worth of work (like check facts for instance) before churning out your BS fake stories. 
Fauci says he's been intentionally moving goal posts on herd immunity estimates This guy in my humble opinion is nothing but a compulsive liar and opportunist. It's amazing that so many people trust him, because quite frankly I'd trust the lying creep about as far as I could throw him. Which isn't far.

A MOBI ebook that you might wish to read during the lockdown period, which you can download at the longfiles link.  


Oh well, what else is new eh? What's more socially distanced sporting activities than sledding and tobogganing anyhow? I mean how many kids does the city think will fit on a sled or toboggan and how many of them are going to wind up close together at the bottom of a hill? I don't know about the jerks working at Pointe Claire's city hall, but when I was growing up, we had 1 per sled and 2 per toboggan (kids that is) and when we went down the hill we were taught to not go directly behind the group in front of us, to go off to the side a bit and go down there so we don't crash into the ones who'd just gone down and the off to the side a bit was generally way more than the 2 meters distance they want everyone to maintain. So what's the problem here? Having fun? Getting some fresh air? Actually seeing other people outside (at a distance)? It's probably the having fun part that's the problem because those are the only activities that gets cancelled. 
December Is Now the Deadliest Month of the Pandemic Then I guess those of us able to read this story ought to count our blessings for being able to make it through to the end of the month this year. I don't mean to sound so cavalier and I really do feel for those families who are grieving their loved ones, but honestly we have to try to see the other side of the coin once in awhile if we're going to be able to maintain our sanity. So while it's proper and polite to express condolences and feel for their losses we have to also be able to feel happy that we ourselves aren't included in those numbers and that we're still here ready to enjoy life whenever we'll be allowed to again.

Canada ‘actively monitoring’ new coronavirus variants Yeah now that you know about them, but guaranteed if the Brits never said anything about them and we didn't find out about the South African and Nigerian variants you wouldn't be monitoring for them, you'd just be going along your merry way still stymied about "why oh why do we have such an uptick in cases since October and we can't seem to get them down again?" Because that's the mantra you've been singing since then, now all of a sudden you want us to believe you've actually been monitoring for these variants all along? Hehehehehe.... What a joke, you couldn't monitor your own f'n thoughts all along because if you could you'd see all the idiosyncrasies in them and how crazy and stupid you all sound, from one moment to the next. And how one side of your faces makes liars out of the other side. Gawd, give us a break from all your pathetic BS and lies would you!?!

Awesome! Now if you could only make enough of that treatment to go around for everyone we wouldn't have to rely on these iffy RNA vaccines that Pfizer and Moderna put out on the market. 
U.K. variant of coronavirus appears in Canada, elsewhere, despite containment efforts  That's probably because it's been here in Canada and elsewhere since about mid-October or so, since it was floating around in the UK since mid-September. So it's not too far fetched to think that it hopped on an international flight with a few of it's victims and hitched rides all over the globe with them starting back in mid-September onwards. 

No wonder here in QC anyhow, the powers that be have them too busy doing washing hand patrol, socially distancing patrol, mask patrol, entering people's homes because there's too many cars parked on the street in front of their houses, handing out hefty fines (even heftier than they'd get for the worst traffic violations) for all of those broken rules they're policing. I mean how do they have time to do all of that, tend to the traffic accidents, wife beatings (which are up now) and all the other crimes they're expected to go take reports on and document, too? Cut back on the amount of stupid BS patrols for stupid sheite you expect them to do and then they might actually have time to do some real cop work like solve murders, but I guess $1,500 fines takes precedence in the gov'ts eyes over solving murders, because after all that's income coming in whereas solving murders doesn't bring them any revenue instead it costs them money - in man hours to solve it and then in room & board for life for the perpetrator. I'm not being facetious or petty here, I'm being 100% honest. 

This is horrible! I really hope s/he's able to make a full recovery and that this doesn't happen to any other kids. 


Rich countries buying most of the world's vaccine supply has left the rest 'scrambling for supplies,' campaigners say I'm sure if the situations were reversed, they'd be the ones buying most of the vaccines for their citizens and leaving the rest of us to scramble for it. So it's another case of Do as I Say, Don't do as I Do (which this plandemic has been full of from the politicians right on down).



COVID-19 vaccine myths: No, the Pfizer and Moderna doses won't hack your body with nanotechnology No but they're both made with RNA, which is genetic material. As a nurse from a few decades ago, I can't say what if any dangers there might be with that, but I personally have a major distrust of any genetically modified organisms for any reason. I definitely wouldn't want to take a vaccine made with RNA only to find sometime down the road it's messed with my own DNA some how and caused problems like maybe cancer or perhaps (as the former CEO of Pfizer claims - infertility) or some other unforeseen medical problem. So no there is no nanotechnology involved as that involves things like circuits and other things along those lines, but there is RNA involved and that's genetic code.

The same should be done around the world, that way it would cut down on the spread of it and all the various mutations of it. 
Canada expands added screening to travelers from South Africa amid COVID-19 variant worries I don't even understand how or why our borders are even open to international travelers after bozo brains announced that our borders would be closed. Or is that just the land border between us and the US? That they can get into Canada the same way Cdns get into the US via plane? And the same with all other international travellers? Who've pretty much been getting into Canada via air travel since the Titanic sank and airplanes came into existance because otherwise it's a damn long swim to get here by any other means. So in other words incoming international travel hasn't changed one iota - unless of course it's to visit a sister who's dying of cancer then they'll put as many obstacles in your way as they can think of before letting you in. 

So in other words instead of going out to the restaurants you're ordering Chinese takeout or delivery instead....  Yeah big drastic change there, for sure.
Oh oh racist medical staff had better watch out now, now that the Quebec native woman recorded her last few minutes alive in a QC hospital and how she was treated and now this black doctor's recording.... Personally, I can't and never could understand how medical personnel (or anyone for that matter) could be racist like that, but especially medical personnel as they can clearly see that we are all the same under the skin colour. We all have the same skeletal structure, the same number of organs in the same places, all our body fluids are the same colour. I mean we are 100% the same under the skin and medical personnel above all others KNOW THAT. So I don't see how or why they can allow themselves to be racist like that. 

Kudos to all of them and congratulations on the good work.
First case of new COVID variant found in France as cases rise Right.... Since you found out about the variant, it's the first case you found. But what about all the cases before you knew about the variant? Don't you think there were others who had it before now considering the proximity and back and forth traffic between France & the UK?


Biggest shopping day of the year moves online due to lockdown And what a gimmick it's turned out to be too. You might remember our fallen shelves that had a ton of small appliances on them that got broken not too long ago that I mentioned in here in a post. Given that fact, I am well aware of most of the small kitchen appliance prices - regular prices. And I can tell you right now that all the so-called deals at most of these stores on those appliances are nothing but a bunch of gimmicky lies. For instance Canadian Tire claims for the most part they're selling them for between 20% - 50% off, when nothing could be further from the truth than that. In fact they showed inflated MSRPs (manufacturers suggested retail prices) on almost all of the appliances and then show their "sale price" which is essentially the same damned price they were selling the very same things for a couple of months ago, when I went to replace them. In fact, some of the things I bought then cost me less than what they're selling for on Boxing Day specials. So go figure. Anyhow, I went shopping on boxing day once with a friend when I was a teenager and found out that the only real sales were on Christmas related items, everything else was barely marked down at all, or they marked it up previously on the ticket so they could cross it out and mark it down to it's regular selling price. I thought since it was online this year, it'd be different, but it's not. It's the same old gimmicky tricks trying to make you think you're getting a good deal when you could buy it any old time at the same price.

This is Australia's Sydney and not NS's Sydney, in case you're wondering.


Unexpected joy is definitely a twist in this pandemic.

'People are being shown no mercy': Online evictions raise alarm in Ontario This makes no sense whatsoever. They had a moratorium on evictions in the summer, but now that it's winter they've lifted it and they're allowing landlords to throw tenants out????? Is that some part of the cruel and unusual punishment they're being subjected to on account of the virus? Or is this part of the plan? Kill off as many as we can with the virus itself and the rest of the numbers we can't achieve we'll let the elements from having to live outside, or starvation from lack of food achieve for us? Is that the plan here? Sure seems like it might be and we wanna all know why there's so many conspiracy theories floating around eh? 

COVID-19 prompts cancellation of Charlottetown polar bear dip Of course that makes sense as we don't want to be giving this nasty disease to the polar bears, nor the seals, nor the ice floes and icebergs either for that matter.  Gawd, I don't even want to know the cockamamie reason for this cancellation. I'm sure because it'll break the monotony and boredom and give people something to talk about amongst themselves on social media and zoom and OMG we can't have anything as distracting as that going on. I mean everyone has to permanently remain in their bland boring no fun no funk lives and can't even risk getting a cold or giving the virus to an ice floe just for the fun of it. 

Economist Steve Moore: 'We're spending too much money' on coronavirus relief Quoting the story:
President Trump's economic adviser Stephen Moore argues passing on 'trillions of dollars of debt' to our children is 'not a very nice Christmas present.' --------- No but letting their parents freeze and starve to death on the streets is a wonderful Christmas present that the American gov't should be giving instead, eh?


 I know he signed that bill into law and I hope for the people's sake he managed to get those $2,000 checks for them.



So imagine the seniors who weren't even allowed out to pay bills, get groceries or medicine and had to order everything online or on the phone or pay bills over the phone or online and never got to see any of these casual contacts! Yet somehow we were expected to endure that with no compensation and without anyone out there even giving us a second thought. Personally, I think the Cdn gov'ts that relegated the seniors to be reclusive shut-ins during the 1st wave owes those seniors a ton of money in damages. That should be another class action lawsuit looking to form in the near future, I think.
How much COVID-19 risk is there in these common winter activities? Oh look you jerks in Pointe Claire! They've rated tobogganing as the #1 safest activity for avoiding catching COVID19! So why did you simpletons shut down the tobogganing hill again??????? Other than just being plain old saddistic. I think that's gotten into all the powermongering politics blood, saddism and cruelty now. Now it seems to me they enjoy causing people sorrow, disappointment and just plain wanting to go kill themselves (yeah I guess that's another means to cut down on population - cause them to commit suicide by making their lives so miserable and boring they can't see why they go through the motions of breathing anymore and just want to end it all). Because honestly  these are all of the suppositions I'm coming to in my mind, when I see the extent to which these powermongering ash holes go to to deprive anyone of any enjoyment in life, I can't help it. 
It looks like it's time for me to pack it in again before the sun comes up and I don't get any sleep and wind up sleeping all day long instead. So until next time take care and stay well.






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