Sunday, September 27, 2020

Vicarious Tropical Vacations, Pizza Party & Blogging About...



Sept 26, 2020

Since I last left things in here, I've been busy catching up on some zzzzzzzzzzzzs. I don't know what it is but it seems that at least once a week now I need a day to just sleep. So that's pretty much what I did yesterday and eating some KFC.

Today I had a blast making a couple of pizzas to take to our neighbour's for what was supposed to be a backyard pizza party until the mosquitoes drove us indoors, so it became an indoor pizza party, after which we were shown several pictures and videos of their latest tropical vacations to Cuba, Panama and Mexico. I don't know but I thought the Panama vacation was probably the most fun as they went on several tours - through the jungle, through old and new Panama and to see the Panama Canal. Which reminds me of a canal near here only the Panama is much larger for much larger boats. The prettiest beaches though were in Cuba. Just beautiful. That's where they were when COVID19 lockdowns were declared. They got out on the last flight out from Cuba before they stopped allowing planes to fly from there. When they got home they had to quarantine for 14 days, so even though we looked after their dogs while they were gone and had their key and a few other things they left us in case we'd need them, we couldn't give them back to them until 14 days after they'd been back. By then everyone was in lockdown including us. 
Due to the lockdowns and the rules surrounding socializing being so damned strict up until lately we hadn't had a chance to have our backyard pizza party before now and see those pics and videos. We planned this last week before Dube, Legault & company decided that we shouldn't socialize anymore for at least a month. Since it was something we normally do at least once a summer but couldn't because of the stupid rules surrounding this plandemic we didn't do until now - because rules were loosening a bit more, until suddenly whoops it's back to tighter than a drum without being a literal lockdown.  It still is technically except that people are allowed out to work and school. Basically this is more akin to the government grounding all of us delinquent teenagers, because we insisted on having a little fun, and being grounded, instead of being treated like flat out criminals and put under house arrest.
Now if I don't fall asleep again while doing this, I'll post whatever headlines I can for now...
A supercomputer found a promising theory about why COVID-19 cases go downhill fast. It even explains the bizarre range of symptoms. I actually found this one to have some credibility and if that's the case, doctors may be able to treat severe covid19 cases differently than just shoving ventilator tubing down their throats hoping for them to survive the ordeal. At least it provides an idea of what might be happening and why and maybe as a result a better way of treating it.

Anti-mask protest in Montreal draws large crowd, propelled by U.S. conspiracy theories You know based on the news stories from mainstream media that I've posted in this blog (which is mostly comprised of such stories), I can't help but agree with many of those theories, because the stories I've seen tend to support them. Those are the mainstream media stories too. Just read back in the blog anywhere and you'll see tons of stories lending credence to and  supporting those "conspiracy theories".  

Immigrants say their lives are in limbo as pandemic blocks their path to citizenship News flash for all you special people aka "immigrants"..... I, nor my husband, nor son, nor daughter-in-law, nor friends, nor any of our neighbours are immigrants but all of our lives are in limbo because of the pandemic! We haven't been allowed to live one normal day since this started. Everyday there are things we would like to do, but can't or are forced to do but don't want to (like stay home, and wear masks). So what makes you so special that your lives shouldn't be in limbo because of it anyhow?
Harshmallow: Virus prompts pause for Peeps holiday treats Deciding that already? Geez theres a few more candy coated holidays before Easter to come and get through, like Halloween, Christmas, and Valentines to be specific and we haven't gotten to or through those yet, so how do you know what Easter will bring? Besides disappointment according to this story....

Mason jars, lids hard to find during pickling season I think I posted stories about this before, but the case is still the same, at least around here it is. That's why I still can't make my rhubarb jam, that I so want to make and had to freeze the rhubarb in hopes that someday soon I'll have the jars required.

They did that a couple of weeks ago, but honestly I don't think that'll be enough and I find that it came really really late in the need, because after all it's 6 months since a lot of people have lost their jobs and thus incomes. So there should've been a food drive like this long before now, and there should be more between now & Christmas as well and not just to collect for Christmas, but for October & November as well.
Will the COVID-19 pandemic permanently change the way we work? I wish the media would stop doing stupid stories like this, because unless the person they're talking to is a time traveller that came back in time to talk to them or has a crystal ball, it's all just speculation as no one knows for sure. But knowing human nature and how gregarious we are as  group, I doubt it. People are going to want to get back to work with others even if it means fighting traffic jams in order to do so. 

Bye, bye, browsing: High-touch Edmonton stores rethink retail strategies during pandemic This is just pure unadulterated paranoia and nonsense. If they're going to use "high touch" browsing as an excuse to close stores then they'd better start closing all grocery & convenience stores too. Have you seen the amount of people that pick items up off the shelf to inspect them (like BB dates, and ingredients, and prices if hidden on the bottom)? Because I have. Now they've even added a new reason to pick them up off the shelves and put them back,  - in order to show them to the person they're talking to on the phone. Just saying that it's a jar of whatever and the ingredients are such isn't enough, now they have take a pic and send that to whoever they're talking to, so they can see and read it as well. And of course they never like whatever it is they're seeing on the product and so put it back. Or have you seen how many people paw the fresh veggies and fruits over trying to find the best one/s of the bunch? I kid you not, I stood and watched a woman one day at Super C pick up and inspect every bunch of bananas that was in the banana case. I wanted to buy bananas too, but after watching that, I decided against it. But I'm sure she's not the only one that pawed them over before I got there. And we eat this stuff. I mean we put this stuff in our mouths, unlike books & records. Unless you're a really strange person with a really strange paper & vinyl diet.

ECB's Lagarde shifts burden to governments to aid recovery Sounds like she's still working for the IMF and not the ECB, considering the IMF loved indebted countries, that way they could offer financial assistance in exchange for whatever resources they could pilfer from the country - sounds like she's trying to get the  European countries so far into debt they'll have to go begging the IMF hat in hand to get bailed out whereby they'll demand whatever resources they have in exchange for their help. 




I hope they stay locked down forever! 

Coronavirus: Bamboo shortage forces Canadian zoo to return pandas to China Too bad, because so far as I'm concerned they were the only good things to come out of China in recent history.

Coronavirus: How will the world vaccinate seven billion?   That's what I've been wondering but I'm sure Bill Gates has been salivatating over this for a long time and so has it all already figured out how he's going to corral 7 billion captives and inoculate them forcibly 1 by 1 so he can charge x amount per dose and turn into a googleaire overnight.  Or him and his cohorts - maybe they're dividing the populations up between them, so they all have a equal share and thus make equal amounts of money. That would be my guess.

In case you missed the previous articles posted about this in prior posts here's another one.  
Face masks could be giving people Covid-19 immunity, researchers suggest The way I see people even health authorities like Dube here in QC, & Arruda, along with Fauci in the US and others treat their masks when they take them off to speak, they don't follow their own advice they give. Their hands are all over the outside of the masks. Some of them including bozo brains  Trudeau, shoves them into their jacket pockets while talking and then takes them out again to put on, with the outside of the mask as the part that's handled with their barehands and touching the insides of their pockets. So when I see stuff like that I take the masks BS about as seriously as I take the tooth fairy and santa clause. 


Anyhow, that's about it for now as it's getting pretty hard for me to see anything and I'll soon be waking up with keyboard imprints on my face, if I don't go hit the sack now. So take care and stay well until next time.





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