Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Rainy Day, Stubborn Dog, Spaghetti Sauce & ....


 Courtesy Pixabay.com

Sept 29, 2020

I'm getting an early start on today's post because of there literally being nothing else to do, besides stirring the spaghetti sauce, or sleeping. I just finished fighting with the dog to go outside to relieve herself - she hates going out in the rain, so like I said there's not much else to do. 
So I'm going to try to get as caught up on the headlines as I can. But I doubt I will get them all in this post as there's a ton of them. But I'll do the best I can. So grab your preferred beverage and get comfortable...

Salvation Army gets early start on holiday fundraising campaign to 'rescue Christmas' amid COVID-19 pandemic As we're under lockdown again, or I think, but it's hard to know because the way QC has coloured our region is striped orange and red. So does that mean we're in the red zone or are we in the orange zone? Or a combination of both - which means what exactly? But as I was saying as I think we're locked down again, I intend to make some of the Christmas presents this year - which will help defray costs, cut down on boredom and give me something to do, while keeping me from having to shop for those gifts (so out of the stores). So maybe they have an idea.... Start preparing for Christmas now, so that way when it arrives you won't be frazzled to death and be able to enjoy the holiday in a more relaxed mood, no matter if anyone's coming or not. 


Nor does Canada by the looks of it. We're behind in everything and the vaccines that are made here are light years behind the others out there in development. We're as bad off as most of the 3rd world countries are I think.
As Big Pharma Players Race Against Time for Covid-19 Vaccine, Here's When it May Actually Reach Us As you can see by this article Canada is not mentionned in it at all, hence as I said above it could take us forever to get a vaccine for our population, because the government cannot dictate where the 1st, middle and last doses goes to. So even though bozo brains claims to have bought a gazillion doses of vaccines from various sources it doesn't necessarily mean we'll be seeing those doses in any relevant time frame. We may in fact be the last to get them, making them almost irrelevant as the rest of the doses supplied elsewhere will have created a herd immunity, so by then we won't need the doses being supplied.

We had an oppportunity months ago to secure  rapid test kits that Canadians could buy in a pharmacy and use at home, and those kits were made right here in Canada, except the Art teacher in charge of Health Canada, is too stupid to figure out how to read the data coming out of other countries that already used them, in order to okay them for use here in Canada.
Trump Health Aide Alleges Broad Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt I can certainly understand that. What I don't understand is why it hasn't happened and why even here Canadians hardly even protest let alone revolt against what's going on. They're nothing but a bunch of compliant sheep that goes along with anything and everything the gov't says, without stopping to think for themselves and do a little research to find out just how bad things really are. But you'll never know because they never ever tell you the numbers of the recovered, only the amount of cases (but that amount is a total accumulation since day 1 and not the actual amount currently out there in the community), the amount of hospitalized and in some cases they also delineate the amount in ICUs along with the amount of deaths, but those deaths are the accumulated number from day 1 as well. It's a way of scaring you into compliance, if you believe there's still near 75,000 cases out there wondering around in the province of QC, when in actuality there's maybe only 1,000 active cases in the whole freaking province, but they won't ever tell you that, because if they did there would be in our eyes no justification for this BS lock down sheite and we would revolt en masse. It's only on the Federal government's site where you can find a chart indicating the amount of total cases, deaths, and recoveries and active cases, here: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update
There's a map above at the top of the page but if you scroll down you'll get all the numbers broken down by category and province. Then you'll see it's no where near as serious as they're making it out to be, by their own numbers. To figure out the real number of cases in the community, take the total number of cases, and minus the number of deaths along with the number of recovered, to get the actual number and then minus the current number in the hospital and ICUs and the actual amount of people out there in the community with the disease will be the final number, you're left with.
Vaccine maker got $1 billion from taxpayers. Now it's boosting drug prices  Oh the gov't rip-off games the corporates love to play and the bigger the rip off and company is the more they get away with it, it seems.

Eviction filings by big landlords surged after Trump issued ban  Very sad, but I imagine the same thing is happening here or will after the government handouts stop coming. 

They ought to know, since the 21 owners of that bank owns all the other banks in the world too. They're the ones that sets the policies for them and knows what's going on between all of them. I was wondering when they're rear their head in this plandemic that was created to cause all kinds of economic failures, prime for the pickings of people such as these. 




Pandemic preparedness panel slams collective failure to heed warnings They are 100% right!!!! The collective leaders and their so called head doctors like Tam and Health Ministers like the art teacher, world wide all need to be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity - starting with that Chinese tyrant. Hopefully, when this is all said and done, that's precisely what happens! If we can try war criminals who knowingly killed thousands of people, we should be able to try political criminals that knowingly killed millions of people!

Bill Gates says the pandemic wiped out 25 years of vaccine progress in 25 weeks Actually you arrogant lying ash hole, you are the one, that wiped out 25 years of vaccine progress long ago while you were in African distributing your vaccines that were sterilizing women and killing fetuses among other things. It's just that now the western world is learning about this sheite of yours thanks to the Anti-Vaxxers alerting the rest of us about what kind of piece of work you are and what you probably have planned for this vaccine (the one/s you have a hand of any kind in that is). Some say it's a chip that has to do with the new digital currency reset that's allegedly planned for 2021, whereby people are monitored for certain movements to do with their jobs, in order to be credited the digital currency due for that precise amount of  work. I don't know if that's the case or not or if the chip is something else, or if there's a chip involved and not just you salivatating over the amount of money you could potentially make per dose of vaccine given to us 7.8 billion others on this planet. Even at $1 per dose that's $7.8 billion at $25 per dose (which is more realistic), you stand to make $195 billion if it's more then you stand to make that much more assuming you had your hand in all the vaccine puddings being prepared out there and so make a cut off of each of them.  


Good it would've been so embarrassing if that colossal idiot that was posted to the Irish Embassy won the election. Nothing like trying to capitalize on one moment of glory like in the parliament when there was a shooter in there. But it's not like he was an MP or even the janitor, he was the head of security there, so it was his job to do what he did then! And NOTHING HEROIC! His "reward" for doing that was that posting to Ireland as he wanted to go there, but which he messed up royally by acting like a total clueless idiot. So it's good he didn't get elected and he resigned from politics.
Coronavirus Vaccine Won’t Be Available to Everyone Before End of 2024, Says Serum Institute Chief So that means that Canadians won't be seeing any doses until the beginning of 2025. Hope you're enjoying your lockdowns people, because unless you grow a brain and a backbone to think and stand up for yourselves and revolt, that's how you'll be living until then. Guaranteed.

Russian excess deaths over summer outstrip COVID toll by more than 3 to 1 That's why actual autopsies and death certificates are so useful. They help determine the causes of death, so that way the actuarians in government offices and the insurance industry has an idea of the death rates caused by various diseases, and other incidents. If there are no autopsies to determine the cause of death and no death certificates issued well then it's easy to classify everything as being one particular cause - like COVID19 for instance, like in the US. Only they do provide death certificates, just not the autopsies to determine true cause of death instead they just chalk pretty much every death us as being COVID19 on the death certificates.

That would be nice, except we (my family) already have that, having had the H1N1 virus that went around in 2009 (the one the governments had their shorts in knots trying to vaccinate everyone against - probably because they knew it was basically a cure for the common cold and flus and would hurt the pharmaceutical  sector, if they couldn't sell anymore cold & flue remedies and vaccines). So in order to save them from financial loss they tried to get everyone inoculated against H1N1, the cure to colds and flus. So we don't need that shot in order to be immune to those things, as we already are.
Robot can detect if people are wearing masks Wonderful, now what can we expect? A whole army of robots unleashed on the sidewalks roaming around looking for noncompliant people in order to issue as many tickets as possible?

WHO Delivers Europe Death Warning As Infections Hit New High I wouldn't know how stale or fresh that news article is, considering they have the announcement that bozo brains won a second term. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that LAST October? Like a whole year ago.

The Carnival Cruise Ship That Spread Coronavirus Around the World Oh I'm sure plenty of cases got spread by planes too and not just that ship.

hehehehe 😏😏 What a laugh, considering most everyone on earth wonders whether they can trust any vaccines Bill Gates had his hands in. 
The Bunker Magnates Hate to Say They Told You So What the pandemic has done to politics, society and all aspects of civilization is causing mass paranoia and feeling like they need to become survivalists and being totally self-reliant, even living in bunker in seclusion from others. 
I personally wouldn't want to live in a bunker, but I can see the need to be self-reliant given the economic collapses, food shortages (mostly man made) and other restrictions. So if you have to rely on yourself for everything from your own food to health care (because unless you have COVID - the doctors and hospitals don't care about you & don't want to see or treat you)  and everything inbetween, you begin to wonder why you need a government and why you pay them taxes, when you need whatever piddly amount of money you have for yourself. Seriously. 
You feel segregated from everyone and everything and alone in this world to look out for yourself as no one else will. So you begin to wonder why you need a government at all especially if all they're good at doing is locking down and shutting down everything everywhere and not doing anything else to actually rid us of the disease or prevent the economy from collapsing and not just certain sectors of the economy but all of it, from the dance studios and bars, to the grocery stores and liquor stores (those were deemed an essential service here in QC - because they're owned & operated by the government - hence they get all the revenue generated by alcohol sales in this province). 
People should still be allowed to not only subsist but to live and enjoy life. Otherwise what's the point of living? Just to pay bills and taxes? Is that it? Because that's what it feels like it is to me. 

So I can easily see why such scenarios and purchases might be a strong draw to some people.  So.....  Welcome to Shadowland

So instead of just a fine, you get a criminal record for not wearing a mask.... Wow. Just wow! I think whoever that was that warned Trump against an armed revolt is right, because I can see one coming if things like this keeps on happening there. 

Further lockdowns possible if COVID-19 cases continue to increase: Ford Yup just keep it up. We don't need COVID19 to suck the life out of us, when we have you politicians doing it to us. 

Very sad. 

For those who are lucky enough to have sufficient jars to do your canning you might be interested in some of the recipes found here. I have one of their recipe books and I just love it. 

Coronavirus: Bill Gates says rich countries must help make vaccine accessible to all Of course because the vaccine developers are in the rich countries, where he's had a hand in the making of their vaccines, and so as a result is probably entitled to a share of their profits. So the more people inoculated the more money he makes. 
The surprising benefits of talking to strangers Which we can't do anymore as we're not allowed within 2 meters of them. 


A 9-year-old who's been battling coronavirus for 6 months says the illness is a big deal From a 9 year old boy. So imagine what it might be like for frail seniors.

Only 60%? What about the other 40%?
Police break up mass gathering at 'Jersey Shore' house  Are there really that many obtuse and stupid people in that one area? 

Underlying conditions common among kids and teens who die of Covid-19 As we suspected. Like I think it is for adults below 60.


Oh gawd, where is Bigfoot when you need him then!?! We could stand a little excitement around here, I think.


That's very generous of them! For such a small country being able to offer that much help to others is really amazing.
Ottawa wants to pay Canadian tourists $100 to visit It sounds interesting except I think here in QC they plan on implementing closures to regions outside our own, so we wouldn't be able to get there. Though I'd love to go assuming we could find a hotel/motel that would accept dogs too, and all the awesome museums were still open to the public.

I wouldn't mind seeing that documentary when/if it ever comes to TV.
4 days and more than 80 calls later, N.L. mother finally books COVID-19 test Sounds like par for the course for much of the country.

Canada desperately needs access to rapid COVID-19 tests as winter approaches, says leading doctor We could've had them months ago, since there were some made right here in Canada that the manufacturer first tried to sell to our government, but they didn't want them. So the manufacturer sold them to other countries and they used them by the millions. Now all of a sudden doctors are saying we should have those tests here too. What happened back in May that we didn't need such tests huh? All I'm going to say about this whole fiasco is bozo brains, Tam and the art teacher are running this whole pandemic thing and everything related to it like a Mickey Mouse show. Idiots R Us reign supreme in Ottawa.

They should also demand the names and addresses of those they claim had it. Anonymous people and numbers doesn't mean anything. Point to those who actually had it or died from it, so we can verify for ourselves that these numbers are real and not just pie in the sky pulled out of someone's butt, numbers. Since the First Nations population is smaller than the rest of population they could maybe demand such information and check on it, to see if it's for real or bogus. Because right now, I'm going with bogus in both populations, since no one I know knows of anyone who's even tested positive for the disease, let alone had it and the nurse in my family doesn't know of any cases of it in the hospital where she works either. I'm not saying there are no cases of it, I'm saying I doubt there's anywhere near the number of cases and deaths the authorities claim there are and that a smaller more manageable in size population could maybe check those stats out if they had all the information like names, & addresses of the living and names and next of kin of the deceased so they could verify it. I bet though if we started demanding such information as that they'd pull back and say "oh it's a matter of privacy that we can't give you that information" to protect themselves, or if forced to by a court of law let's say, there would wind up being a lot less cases and deaths. So yeah, I'm saying that while they can get away with it, I bet most of the numbers are inflated to scare us into compliance.

Good! It's about frigging time!
Canada’s coronavirus testing capacity can handle surge in demand: Tam Yeah it sure sounds like it, with the 4 day waits and multiple phone calls (and that's just in NL). Here in Montreal people line up for days and don't get to see anyone and have to come back again the following day. You're nothing but a bald faced lying genocidal beitche! So why should we take your word for anything anyhow?

But yet you want to pay tourists $100 to visit the city. Why would they want to go? Just to quarantine themselves inside some fancy hotel room for 3 days? Is that it? I mean you can't start cracking down on things while trying to entice people there because I can't see why they'd want to go in that case.
Most borrowers who deferred mortgages will resume payments, Canadian banks say Good! I hope they're right, otherwise we'll be looking at an economic crash.

Ummmm duhhh..... I wonder why? When they can't give clear numbers on anything and can't prove where clusters of cases are coming from and have no freaking clue on how to handle quarantines or pandemics for that matter. So yeah we believe the numbers are bogus and we don't believe officials. I'm one of them. I've caught them lying and doing nothing when they should've been in full emergency mode but instead sat on their hands and twiddled their thumbs and then bungled quarantine measures so badly it hurt our economy and some people's livelihoods and then can't be bothered to show recovered numbers so it looks like the cases just accumulate and accumulate and no one ever got better and so instead of a couple thousand with in the community we have tens of thousands or hundred & fifty thousand or more with it still - when that's a freaking lie and they know it. It's been one thing after another to cause EVERYONE & NOT JUST THOSE WITH THE DISEASE problems of one kind or another. If it's not because of having the disease, it's losing one's livelihood & income, or losing one's business or home, or causing harm to domestic violence victims who are locked for months at a time with the monster that torments them, or phsychological problems  caused by loneliness and isolation. Plus they've isolated us from our friends and family - those who provide emotional and other types of support when necessary - to break down our social bonds. THEY'VE DONE ONE MOTHERF'N NUMBER ON US, SOCIETY, OUR FINANCES AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS!!!!!!!!!! FOR NO REASON!!!!!! ONLY BECAUSE THEY'RE PURE BRED IDIOTS AND CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL PROPERLY!!!!!! I BET MOST ARE STILL LEARNING HOW TO TIE THEIR OWN SHOES FOR F SAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you want us to trust and believe those imbeciles do you???? Maybe if they handled things properly or at least as best they could from the get go we'd have more confidence in them, but they didn't! They sat on their hands and did SFA!  So I'm sorry, I think we're rightly justified in NOT BELIEVING THEM!!!! Anyone in their right mind should NOT believe them either. Everyone else are just gullible idiots. That's all I have to say about that.
Reduce social circles to household members, Simcoe Muskoka’s top doc urges amid COVID-19 uptick  See? Here we go again, trying to break down social bonds between us and extended family and friends. Is this so that when we finally get dragged off to some prison camp or gulag somewhere no one outside our immediate household will know or care? Is that the idea here? I'm just wondering what's the purpose of this? 
Outdoor transmission of COVID-19 has happened in B.C., says Dr. Henry Oh I'd love to see the proof she has on this one.... It must be one humdinger of a lying doozy. 
People turned away from both London COVID-19 assessment centres after reaching capacity And what was that that lying genocidal beitche said again? Hmmmm... Lessee now, what was that? Oh yeah.... Didn't it go something like this? Canada’s coronavirus testing capacity can handle surge in demand: Tam
South Park tackling COVID-19 with its first hourlong episode I don't normally watch South Park, but maybe if I can find that episode I'll watch. 

Porn, guns and racism: Days into the new school year, virtual classrooms have been disrupted by hackers and pranksters  Well I guess the kids are getting an education alright, though, I'm not sure it's the kind of education parents and teachers had in mind when they decided to allow them to learn virtually over the internet.
Coronavirus update: Trump says vaccine ready within weeks; Pfizer says some patients show side effects Trump can say whatever he wants it doesn't mean it will be ready when he wants. 

Very sad.

Coronation Street Filming Disrupted After Actor Tests Positive For Coronavirus As far as I'm concerned, good. I hope it's disrupted forever. I can't stand shows that thrive on doom and gloom and depression (how the make their audience feel most of the time). 

The WHO are worse than Z rated Sci-Fi characters! Stupid, lazy, lying cretins who should all be hanged for crimes against humanity. 

No doubt Steve Bannon is a questionable character, but what does he have to gain by creating a bogus study about COVID19? I mean seriously, why would he bother with such a thing? 




Teacher: Instead of giving me a COVID-19 test, my hospital blindsided me with bills Hooray for our Canadian Medicare system at least, - thankfully we won't be presented with such bills! 
Police called to home of boy with toy gun in virtual class: 'I could have been burying my son today,' mom says The teacher that called the cops on that boy has no business teaching anything. She's not smart enough to qualify as a teacher if she can't tell 1) a toy gun from a real one and 2) that no one is able to shoot anyone else through the internet. 


New York Stage Alliance Launches COVID Relief Fund For Small Theaters Maybe QC'ers into stage productions could do the same about it here in QC, instead of moping and moaning about how they're being affected by everything.

I'd like to know how they know this for a fact.

My question is if the others at Fabricland - staff & clients alike are wearing their own masks what's the issue here? Jealousy because they didn't have the audacity to defy directives themselves and so wore their muzzles, or what? Because apparently if they're wearing their masks they're protected. The one not protected is the one without the mask, so she'll be the one  reaping the consequences of her maskless activities, not them. So what's the problem there anyhow?


ICU doctor sounds note of optimism amid worrying surge in COVID-19 cases At least he sounds honest and points out what's behind the numbers and cases.

On that more or less upbeat note, I'm leaving it here for the night. There's tons more to go and it never seems to end either, so stay tuned for more. Until next time take care & stay well.








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