Sunday, August 2, 2020

Nothing But.....

Covid Coverage....


August 2, 2020

Wow the year is just about 3/4s done with and we're still mired eyeball deep in COVID19 and it's resulting fallout world wide. I wonder how much longer this is going to last? Because the general population has to start to be awakening from the fear they've been lulled into in order to obey all the commands and directives that've pretty much ruined their lives, along with their livelihoods and as a result the overall economy. This heads buried in the sand because they're too afraid to dig them out and look around to see the facts for themselves, attitude,  has to come to an end at some point in time. 

I mean from mid-March or so, until now, has to have been long enough even for even the most sheepish of the population to start digging their heads out of the sand to look around to see what's going on and reading the numbers posted daily about world-wide cases, deaths and recoveries and realize that it's nowhere near as bad as the governments world wide are making it out to be. And that just because there's a lot of "cases" doesn't mean they're all serious cases. Some of them could've just tested positive without any symptoms, some might have super mild symptoms (like a headache), others might have mild symptoms as in fever cough and headache, while others have serious symptoms that requires hospitalization (not necessarily in the ICU), while others are more serious and require that ICU hospitalization for round the clock observation and then others might wind up on ventilators in the ICU (being the most serious of all).  So as you can see there's wildly differing degrees of severity of the "cases". Where hospitalizations are counted as well (like in QC), that is how you can determine the difference between "cases" and "more serious cases". It's the more serious cases and deaths that you need to use to make a judgement on severity of the disease in comparison with the actual number of overall cases, that determines how serious this is. So when you have x amount of deaths and x amount of serious cases versus the overall case numbers,  you can see that it's not nearly as serious and scary as they make it out to be.  

Asymptomatic cases and very mild cases aren't worrying cases and so shouldn't worry the public neither.  But all of those varying degrees of cases are counted as cases, from asymptomatic to the very serious and on ventilators, they are ALL the cases. But as I demonstrated earlier most of those cases are nothing to worry about, and are no worse than the common cold. Those winding up in the hospital are a little more serious, but the really serious cases that needs to worry people are those on ventilators. But those are very few out of the overall majority of people who get the virus.

Just stay informed about what's going on and what kind of BS angles a lot of people with vested interests in this virus (because a lot of money has been invested by a lot of different parties who have a vested interest in things turning out in their favour) are saying and what measures they're pushing the governments to take.  That is why I am posting everything including the stuff the mainstream media doesn't want you to see, because I want the visitors to my blog to be informed on both sides of the situation and then they can see behind the scenes (as much as I can at least), to see and understand what's going on and then decide who to trust, believe and follow during this crisis. Whether they want to trust and believe their own governments, and follow them, or maybe someone like Bill Gates, or perhaps the anti-vaxxers instead, or maybe no one and just revolt, it's up to them.  I just want them to be as informed as possible about all the various angles and aspect of this virus as is possible for me to achieve. 

Personally I'm an old lady and I'm angling for the revolt scenario myself because it's all a bunch of contrived BS to achieve a lot of different things at the same time using the same "opportunity". Much of those ambitions I think have already been achieved.... 

Like killing off the infirmed elderly, collapsing the economies, throwing people out of work. 

Now they're cutting off their financial support that was given to them by the governments, so a lot people will suddenly find themselves homeless (as they can't afford to pay all the back rent or mortgage payments), with no income coming in and nowhere to live, there'll be a lot of destitution, desperation, misery, hunger & along with that a lot, a lot of crime (but the police have been kneecapped by the BLM movement with the defunding campaigns going on). So you'll need the police that you no longer have in order to deal with the upcoming crime wave. Then it'll be a case of the have-nots against the haves, where the have-nots try to invade homes to steal life necessities like food, clothes, etc and maybe even decide to move in with the family in question and take over the home. You never know.... But we're looking at a major rejigging of society and the economy in general. Unless the government extends the payments and support they were giving to the people who were arbitrarily all thrown out of work at the same time by their various governments. 

That's not to mention all the death and harm caused to ethnic groups and the lower echelons of society, by this pandemic already.

So now let's see what else is going on in the Coronavirus Circus aka pandemic...

'Hockey will happen': Yukon gov't gives OK to organized sports, live music  Like everyone else everywhere else, they need some fun and entertainment in their lives too.

Early in pandemic Quebec didn't follow expert advice to expand quarantine order   Actually March break for schools wasn't early enough either if you want to be technical about it. January 21st when the Chinese gov't made the announcement to the world about the virus in Wuhan wasn't even early enough, considering a lot of Chinese travellers and people had already come from there during the entire time the epidemic was going on there in China and before the Chinese gov't made the announcement. So let's get honest and get real shall we? There's very little if any honesty in this Covid charade, which has made me question why ever since it all started. And the only conclusion I've been able to come to is "that it was planned this way". But the question "why" still remains. Why would governments so willingly put their populations and economies at risk like that? Why? What's really going on and what's the game plan to this whole thing anyhow? 

Coronavirus: Investigation of criminal acts in long-term care ‘needs to go through proper channels’, minister says  Don't let the Minister of Long Term Care weasel out of doing what needs to be done and that is for her to use her role as minister to force negligence charges with the police on behalf of the patients and their families. If she doesn't have the authority to do that (which is a cop out, if you ask me) then who the F does??????? Maybe she should also be held in complicity if that's the case! When I see gov't officials stonewalling and trying to stymie justice that just infuriates me even more than I already am over this whole fiasco.

Ontario launches commission into COVID-19's effects on long-term care homes  Is this just another stalling tactic to use for a "cooling off period" so the families and victims thinks there's actually something being done about this when in reality nothing is being done or ever will be done????

Coronavirus: England highest level of excess deaths  Compare these numbers to their case numbers to see if it's really all as scary as they're making it out to be.

How Covid-19 could destroy indigenous communities  Diseases seem to be good at decimating indigenous communities. At least the whites won't be blamed for this one.

Will Covid-19 make urban cycling more inclusive?   I know Valerie Plante Montreal's mayor thinks it's the only mode of transportation that will be used, I guess even in the bitter cold, slippery and snowy roads. She was trying to remove parking spaces, make streets one way and remove traffic from main streets altogether in favour of bike and pedestrian traffic, until people started speaking out against it and in one case one man said "next election, she's gone". The following day she completely reversed her decision that caused him to say that. But I agree with the man. She's a colossal idiot with a Cyrano de Bergerac nose. 

Face masks are screwing up facial recognition software  All I've got to say about that is AWESOME!

Women are in a terrible new bind   Of course, it's always the women that are the ones being hindered or prevailed upon to sacrifice their career or independence to care for kids or others.

U.S. weekly jobless claims rise for a second straight week, total 1.434 million

How Government Entities Use Geolocation Data To Identify Everyone   Think about this before downloading one of those COVID apps.

Bill Gates & Congressman Negotiated “Tracing Deal” BEFORE COVID-19 Panic  More for you to consider, before downloading and using one of those apps.

The Worst Is Yet to Come: Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing  They've already implemented "Contact tracing" in Montreal bars and restaurants. You have to not only sign in, you have to leave your name, phone number and address as well, when you sign into a bar or restaurant as a paying patron.

Study finds higher viral load in young children, raising questions about how likely they are to transmit the coronavirus  Hmmmm.... Wondering if it's not the little ones that are the super spreaders or silent spreaders?  Something for everyone to think about before we start opening all the daycares and schools back up for elementary school kids.

Coronavirus cases in Canada: Just under 116,000 infections and 8,900 deaths

Coronavirus Continues to Wreak Economic Havoc as Global Cases Top 17 Million  This is a quote taken from the same story: COVID-19 has killed more than 668,000 people - Figure the percentage of deaths compared to amount of cases WORLD-WIDE and you'll see the reality.

Coronavirus LIVE Updates: Young People Not Invincible, Says WHO after 6 Months of Pandemic; Global Covid-19 Cases Cross 17 Million

The fashion influencer who fled NYC for the Hamptons while infected with COVID-19 received up to $350,000 in government PPP loans, report says

'It’s actually quite astonishing': The most dangerous hand sanitizer mistakes

COVID patient didn't recognize body after double transplant   Did this have to do with the virus itself, the coma, or perhaps the lungs she received? Just wondering, because I have heard of people receiving transplant donations and somehow intrinsically acquiring the tastes of the donor, or skills the donor had, or just intrinsically knowing and recognizing people from the donor's existance. So I'm wondering if the reason the body was unrecognizable is because when she awoke she was expecting to see the donor's body instead? So this might actually have more to do with the transplanted organs than the virus itself.

Random camping on the rise in Alberta, for better or worse, during pandemic

Rodrigo Duterte: 'I'm not joking - clean masks with petrol'  Ummm yum, breathing in gas fumes all day long is one sure way of not even knowing or caring if you have the virus or not.

Garth Brooks Reveals Daughter Allie Tested Positive for Coronavirus, Urges Others to Follow 'the Guidelines'

Coronavirus: Ford says teachers have right not to go back to classroom, but encourages return  I guess he's getting tired of always going up against the teachers union there, so that might be why he's allowing them the right to refuse.

China Rejects Accusations of Hacking Attempt on US-based Covid-19 Vaccine Developer Moderna

Twin Cops Who Were on Covid-19 Duty Throughout Pandemic Succumb to Infection 10 Days Apart

Children Younger Than Five Carry Major Amounts of Coronavirus, Small Study Finds So opening the daycares might not be the smartest or best thing to do now.

Champagne industry loses its sparkle as pandemic hits demand

Colourful Threads Gather Dust, 'Rakhi' Vendors Sit in Silence as Pandemic Fears Untie Business Hopes

The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada for July 31

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now

Millions of Britons Banned from Meeting Indoors in New Lockdown In the UK's case, I am even more suspicious about this because of the big brother state it's become with cameras and microphones eavesdropping on everything everywhere. So is this just another ploy to use this pandemic to forbid them from having private indoor meetings where there are no listening and watching devices, as means of forcing everyone to gather outside where they can be seen and watched easier? To make sure they're not planning any mass revolts or coups?

Park drinking over indoor gatherings? Experts say finding risk mitigation is key  Okay, this used to be illegal and anyone who did was daubed "rubbydubs" or "winos" and given tickets for inebriation in public places. So now it's going to be legal? So how are provinces going to ensure that underage kids aren't imbibing alcohol in parks too  then? And worse yet, sharing the same bottle amongst themselves, while one of the kids in question has the virus?

Elderly Covid-19 Patient Drives to Bhopal Hospital after Not Being Offered Ambulance for 24 Hrs

Coronavirus spread ‘largely due to households meeting’ – Health Secretary

Philippines extends coronavirus curbs as infections hit record for second day

Elon Musk is sparring with Bill Gates after he criticized Musk's coronavirus comments. Here are 10 other rivalries that have formed between some of the world's biggest tech leaders.  I covered how I feel about these 2 in my previous post on here but I can't help reiterating that Musk must be the smartest man on the planet while Gates is the smartest conniving thief on the planet.

The CRA Increased $8,000 CERB to $12,000: Will it Increase the Benefit to $16,000? Aren't they doing away with the CERB and replacing it with Unemployment Benefits?

The ethics of a COVID-19 vaccine and who gets it first

Coronavirus vaccine development ‘progressing well’, says U.K. drugmaker

Nearly 36,000 Albertans had COVID-19 by mid-May, new serology study suggests
This means that if you add the additional "cases" that weren't recorded in the number of "official cases" and you do that to all the additional unrecorded cases around the world, it means this virus is much LESS DANGEROUS  than we've been led to believe!  As more people have had it, but with little to no symptoms so didn't seek tests nor treatment and that number of people added to the recorded cases, means the death rate against the total number of actual cases (official and otherwise), is way way lower than what it appears to be now.  There have been flues with higher death rates than this virus. The 2017-2018 flu season is a classic example. This is what the CDC says about those numbers JUST FOR THE USA ALONE IN THAT FLU SEASON:  

CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2017–2018 season was high with an estimated 45 million people getting sick with influenza, 21 million people going to a health care provider, 810,000 hospitalizations, and 61,000 deaths from influenza.  

And we are currently ONLY up to 17 million cases and 660,000 deaths WORLD WIDE with this pandemic. 

That's not conspiracy, those are facts that anyone anywhere with an online connection can verify.  The numbers speak for themselves. 

Johnson & Johnson Starts Human Trial For Its COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate  

UK scientists to immunize hundreds with coronavirus vaccine 

A Canadian man set out on a solo sail around the world in October. He returned 9 months later in the middle of a pandemic.  That would be like a surreal shock to the system, for sure.

A healthy woman had no typical coronavirus symptoms. Then she suffered paralysis, lost her ability to speak, and almost died of COVID-19.

Conspiracy theories around COVID-19 continue to spread. Experts weigh in on why people believe them.  We believe them if we do, because for the most part the connections to what some believe is the real truth just screams volumes at them. There is an awful lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to a lot of the conjectures that people are calling "conspiracy theories". I can point a few out right here.... 1) In 2016 both Gilead Sciences and the Chinese gov't began fighting over a world wide patent for redemsivir - the ONLY anecdote available against a disease they said they didn't know about until December 2019. - You don't make anecdotes or vaccinations or any other medication to fight diseases you don't know about. 2) Bill Gates, the WEF and the US Military were all in Wuhan China prior to the disease starting to run rampant and they were all there discussing paradoxically how a world-wide pandemic like this might be handled. One thing anyone with a braincell must ask themselves is why would the World Economic Forum, be there with Bill Gates to discuss a pandemic? Shouldn't it have been the WHO instead? You know the health branch of the UN and not the economic branch? And why would the military need to be there at all?  (The answers to some of those questions will be in my upcoming exposee on Gates and his BS). 3) And the methods used to scare and control the population in order to herd them all into mass vaccination campaigns that Gates & Fauci vehemently wants.  Because both stand to make gazillions of dollars on the vaccinations when they're ready to be administered. Those are all facts - not conspiracies but the conjectures from those facts leading us to wonder why all this is happening, might be leading to some conspiracy theories. I don't know as I'm personally not aware of any outside the G5 network stupidity.

Risk of Disease Spread Bigger in Era of Globalisation: Health Minister Harsh Vardhan

COVID-19 survivors could lose hearing along with sense of smell, taste I hope those losses aren't permanent.

A Summer Camp Took Almost Every Precaution. The Majority of Kids Still Got COVID-19.

RICH GET RICHER Amazon sales jumped 40%, Facebook profit increased by 98% and Apple posted more than $11BILLION profit in last quarter Wondering if the buy everything online strategy wasn't hatched at the WEF at that conference they had with Gates in Wuhan, as a means to make sure the rich got richer while the poor got poorer?

COVID-19 in Canada: Ontario implements more public health measures in restaurants, Canada launches COVID Alert app

The White House reportedly scrapped a national testing plan because the virus was mostly hitting blue states  This just sounds so political and so typically American. 

Coronavirus update: Fauci, CDC face Congress as US coronavirus cases spiral higher

Photos of the Most Beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Sites  Not a pandemic related story. Just a zen moment for us to calm down and enjoy a peaceful moment sans COVID19.

S. Korean tries washing money over virus fears, suffers loss Talk about money laundering. hehehehe.... You've really got to see the picture to see what happened. Like they say pictures are worth a thousand words well this one in this story sure is!

Trudeau says feds will create EI-like benefit for gig, contract workers

Bill Gates is quietly advocating for the US to lead the global fight against COVID-19  Is this moron a total inbred idiot or what????? Is he that blind and stupid that he can't see how badly they're failing on their own fight? Seriously? And he wants them to lead the world in the fight on it? So in other words he wants almost everyone on earth to get it and die from it? Because that seems to be what's happening in the US right now. Almost all of them are getting it and a good portion of them are dying from it too!

Road trip? Quarantines mess with Americans’ travel plans

Summertime Blues: U.S. Consumer Sentiment Sinks Deeper Into Coronavirus Resurgence Funk

Vietnam records first Covid-19 deaths  Very sad. I was rooting for them!

Coronavirus: Why is Melbourne seeing more cases?

Summertime Sadness: Resurgent Virus Dims Crisis Recovery Hopes

Berlin protest against virus curbs draws thousands  Seems like they're starting to wake up and realize the truth of the situation. Which is what I wish Canadians would do here, except Trudeau is busy buying their complacency, so of course they won't rise up and revolt as long as they can keep getting free money doled out to them. But kudos to the Germans for finally standing up and fighting back.

Anti-lockdown demonstrators proclaim Freedom Day in Germany

Thousands protest in Berlin against coronavirus restrictions Just look at the pictures here. They've had enough and are fighting back now because they realize it's all just a sham and nothing more serious than some of the flus we've already lived through sans panic, sans lockdown and sans vaccine.

Russia preparing mass vaccination against coronavirus for October   Well I guess they've hacked into enough databases on the research into vaccines they've been able to cobble one together now as a result of that huh?

Japan Acted Like the Virus Had Gone. Now It’s Spread Everywhere.  Kind of like the US. They acted like it was gone too and now it's spread everywhere there as well.

Mexico eclipses Britain with third highest coronavirus death toll

One-Room Schoolhouses Make a Covid-19 Comeback—in Backyards and Garages Innovative I guess. 

Recovered from virus, Bolsonaro says nothing to fear

Small Business Owners Are Leaning on Credit Cards to Survive  So are a lot of people, especially the elderly.

Bill Gates says 3 coronavirus treatments being tested now 'could cut the death rate dramatically.' They may be available within months.  Oh yes, trust Dr. Gates. He's a bonafide Medical Doctor, so you can trust him. After all, being such a great well renown Doctor like he is, he must know what he's talking about. When is this clown going to take a pill that brings him back to reality so he can realize he knows more about stealing computer operating systems and graphic users interfaces than he does about medicine!?!

Vietnam miracle escape from Covid may be down to 'natural immunity'

Canadian-American couple who wed over FaceTime devastated that Canada won't recognize marriage  I'm pretty sure the government recognizes it for what it is, a scam to get the boyfriend into Canada.

New Ontario law requiring personal info for dining in prompts privacy concerns When you order delivery service, you have to provide your address and phone number. When you make reservations you have to provide your name and phone number, so what's the big deal here?

Prepare for wave of evictions as rent comes due, Ontario NDP warns 

Covid-19 Patient Jumps Off 3rd Floor of Tripura Hospital, Dies 

CERB Alert: 2 Ways the CRA Can Take It Back! 

When a COVID-19 vaccine arrives, which Canadians will get it first? 

10 die drinking hand sanitiser after India bans alcohol sales during lockdown 

UNB professor working on a mask that would kill the coronavirus  Sounds like a good idea. Hope it works.

She sold her clothes, her furniture, and even her curtains to stay afloat. But now her rent is due tomorrow and like millions of Americans she has no way to pay.  Canadians might be in the same boat soon.

Vietnam says up to 800,000 have left virus epicentre Danang 

Don't panic about waning coronavirus immunity: Your T cells go to bat when antibodies disappear 

More than three-quarters of Americans blame China for the spread of the coronavirus around the world, survey finds  It's probably more like 3/4s of the world blames China.

B.C. reports 50 new COVID-19 cases, one death on eve of summer holiday weekend 

Quebec health director files police complaint over personal info shared online I guess people are getting fed up there Arruda. They're not the first ones getting fed up either and probably won't be the last ones, plenty of people around the world are getting fed up. Take a look at what's happening in Germany now.

California officials report first virus death of a child 

Nova Scotia reports new cases of COVID-19 for first time in more than two weeks 

COVID-19 guidelines lay out fall session rules for B.C. universities, colleges 

13-year-old N.S. mask maker stitches colourful designs using African patterns  very pretty.

Alberta worker at Diavik mine tests positive for COVID-19 I guess that means the diamond will be shut down, which will be blamed for an increase in price of diamonds I suppose.

Chuck's Roadhouse employee worked while infectious with COVID-19

Study finds novel coronavirus on shared medical equipment in long-term care homes
Does none of them own or know how to operate an autoclave? Autoclaves should be able to kill the coronavirus, considering they kill most other viruses. 

As opioid-related deaths in Yukon double, officials say COVID-19 pandemic is amplifying the crisis

Businesses could qualify for one more month of rent relief as program extended

B.C. Muslims celebrating Eid al-Adha under unusual pandemic circumstances

No masks for students, for now: Quebec says it's sticking to its plan  Maybe it should re-evaluate it's plan considering the new information about kids harboring high levels of the virus.

South Korea sect leader arrested over coronavirus outbreak

Yukon warns of possible COVID-19 exposure in Whitehorse, Dawson City

Coronavirus deals 2nd blow to Toronto’s construction-laden Little Jamaica

Free masks available around Calgary as mandatory mask bylaw takes effect today

Federal government to invest $59 million to help migrant farm workers

3 students have now tested positive for COVID-19 at Catholic summer school in Calgary 

Vietnam's Danang to test entire population as outbreak spreads beyond city  All countries should test their entire populations if you ask me.

Cottage life beckons in COVID-19 days, say realtors  Personally, I'd rather have or be able to rent an RV so we could travel and explore new places we haven't seen before.

Researchers look for unique ways to collect data as COVID-19 changes methods 

COVID-19 symptoms left this student singer barely able to speak. Now she's graduated top of her class  

Coronavirus: Pubs 'may need to shut' to allow schools to reopen  Okay well that makes no sense to me whatsoever.  But hey, if that's one way of getting them to cut back on drinking, then whatever it takes, I guess.

Coronavirus: Millions of Americans set to lose key $600 benefit 

Dr Fauci grilled on virus spread during protests  Oh boy, that's a contentious issue in the US, for sure.

What a post-vaccine world looks like for seniors: It's time to learn telemed. Oh, and how you travel will change.  Yup  taking of vital signs, palpations, measuring height and weight, examining eyes, ears, nose & throat, along with other areas that may be of pertinence will not & cannot be done remotely, no matter what they say. Certain things have to be done hands on like palpations and examinations of eyes, ears, nose & throat and the taking of vital signs requires the equipment necessary at the location of the person being assessed. If the patient doesn't have a stethoscope, thermometer, no way to take their blood pressure or check on their oxygen levels then there's a problem, for that as well. So as much as they like to think this is the future, I highly doubt it. I know most doctors already like to sit as far away from their patients as they can get and not touch them for anything if they don't have to (and that's pre-coronavirus era), but there are some things they do have to approach the patient for and I've named some of those off already (or a nurse would have to at least). So that's just not going to work for everyone.

FDA's list of hand sanitizers to avoid grows again with more than 100 identified that may contain methanol Another list for you to check your hand sanitizer against.

36 crew infected on Hurtigruten ship: Passengers disembarked, potentially exposing communities

Coronavirus updates: New tests measure amount of antibodies in blood; Louisiana ravaged twice by virus; cruise crews test positive

Who should get the coronavirus vaccine first?   From what I read, in another story, here in Canada the healthy adults and senior citizens are getting it last. When all the kerfuffle was about "protecting the seniors" - that was the priority given for the lockdowns. To protect the seniors. When what they really meant was to kill them given the treatment in the seniors residences and long term care facilities. Now they're making sure they're amongst the last to be vaccinated, so that way they'll have a longer time to be exposed to it and die from it. If that turns out to be the case, that seniors are the last to get it, the governments should be collectively gathered together and lined up against a wall facing a firing squad, because they're nothing but a pack of immoral, genocidal, liars. 

Canada cracks down on those traveling through the country to get to Alaska  It's about frigging time.

Coin Shortages Are Causing a Liquidity Crisis at Laundromats  I don't understand why there's such a coin shortage in the US, but anyhow...

Coronavirus: Is Canada's economy starting to bounce back? 

COVID-19 exposure notification app now available  Wondering if this has anything to do with Gates and a "tracing deal" he might've made with the  Cdn government/s too?  You might want to at least ponder on that before downloading the app, if not research it - not only what it does and who made it, but who backed and financed it as well.

Canada adds 285 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, most in Ontario and Quebec 

CRA UPDATE: Almost Everyone Can Claim This 2020 Tax Break

Downtown Montreal looks nothing like normal -- and the city is leaning into it  Well if they're "leaning into it", why is it we hear nothing but whining and complaints about what's going on outside their places of business or residence every freaking night on the Montreal news?

Dining out? What new normal for Toronto restaurants looks like

The seven skills you need to successfully work remotely—and how to master them  In case you haven't mastered them by now after nearly 5 months worth of practice.

After Fauci Touts Europe's More Effective COVID-19 Tactics, Trump Says He's 'Wrong!'  Well if you don't test for cases and thus don't know how many cases you have because you didn't do the testing you. You could have 1, like you could have 1 million cases, you just wouldn't know. If you test and know out of those you've tested how many cases you have so far, and it shows a lot then yes it's because you did a lot of testing and so go back a lot of results, some showing negative and some showing positive. But like he said if you don't test, you don't have any cases and if you test a lot you'll have a lot of cases, until the virus goes away, then you can test a lot and not have any cases either. So if the European countries didn't do anywhere near the amount of testing the US has, then Trump is right despite what Fauci might say. If however their testing was basically on a par with the US's and they did have less cases then Fauci is right. The thing is I personally have no clue who did more testing than the other so don't know who's right or wrong in this argument. 

Hairdressers may be passing on Covid to customers because of 'inadequate' visors, ministers warned  Okay well just look at the picture posted in that article. The hairdresser is standing behind the client while the client is seated in a chair. The hairdresser's chin is basically level with the top of the client's head. The shield leaves the mouth and nose open. Now look at your nostrils and tell me if they point down or up. If down like mine then the hairdressers nostrils must point down as well. In that case every breath she exhales is going to be hitting the client on the head or face (depending on how close and which angle they are in proximity to each other). That's just her breathing. Now what if she talks or coughs or sneezes? So no, those stupid face shields are not suited to that purpose. If they want face shields they should also require them to wear masks as well. 

Lawmaker With COVID: My Health Choices Are Up To Me. Critics: That's What Women Assert.  Hmmmm why is it that personal health choices of lawmakers are up to them, but the voting taxpaying public aren't afford those rights as well?

Expect 'lengthy' coronavirus pandemic, warns WHO Thanks in large part to your diddling and dancing around on this issue, instead of taking decisive measures when they were needed and called for.

Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

'Holy land' under attack in another sign of Biblical apocalypse, preacher claims  

It’s Not Dreaming, Any American Who Needs Covid-19 Vaccine Will Get it in 2021: Anthony Fauci  Pay attention to the wording here "Who Needs" are the key words in this phrase. In other words if you merely want one but don't really need it because you're in a group they deem able to withstand and survive the virus, you might not be able to get it.

The Canada-U.S. border could be closed for months. Here's what you need to know now  Good maybe it'll give us a chance to get our own pandemic situation under control.

State Of Disaster In Victoria As Over 670 New COVID-19 Cases Reported  For Australia that is a large number, considering they had next to no cases, not too long ago.

Coronavirus: South Africa cases pass half million mark

Coronavirus: 'When will this Covid curse be finished?'  *groan* I'd love to know the answer to that question too.

Can summer survive America's coronavirus spike?  Oh summer will definitely survive, many Americans may not be so lucky though.

Kashmir's open-air classes offer stunning solution to lockdown  I don't see why something like that can't be done in Canada at least until the cold weather sets in.

Coronavirus: The misinformation circulating in Africa about Covid-19

Coronavirus: How fast is it spreading in Africa?

Uganda - where security forces may be more deadly than coronavirus

Coronavirus weddings: 'It's heartbreaking to see my fiancee's face'  Like they say, "where there's a will, there's a way", so if you truly want to get married despite the roadblocks put in your way, you'll find a way, even if it's not "your ideal way".

Coronavirus updates: Sturgis readies for 250,000 bikers; Texas doc fights 'war against COVID, war against stupidity'; Birx warns rural US  Yeah that ought to be a real coronavirus party with 250,000 bikers in a small area, getting drunk, brawling, etc...

'Everyone knows everyone' in this small Texas town. Now, COVID-19 is out-of-control there.

'Insulin or groceries': How reduced unemployment affects struggling Americans from California to Mississippi

19,000 more Americans could die from Covid-19 in the next 20 days, CDC composite forecast shows

10-year-old creates video journal while fighting coronavirus  Kids that young weren't supposed to be affected by this virus, so this is just sad.

1 in 6 Americans could go hungry amid Covid-19 crisis  That's just sad too. 

5 ways the coronavirus changed how we eat fast food  Other than pizza we never really went out for fast food. Hamburgers and hotdogs, poutines, french fries, and the like were always done at home because we like the homemade stuff better. Less weird fillers in the meat and we can put the condiments we want on them ourselves (meaning as much or little of them as we wish).  Even pizza we rarely went out for or even ordered, because I make my own usually, when I have the time. There again I can dress it the way we like with as much as we like on it.

Coronavirus pandemic strikes a blow to Paris tourism  I think pretty much everywhere, well in Canada at least, is bemoaning the loss of tourism & tourist dollars.

Coronavirus reunites long-lost sisters who haven't seen each other in over 50 years Sometimes there is something good coming out of this perpetual gloom this pandemic has brought upon us.

Airbnb cracks down on NJ ‘party houses’ after 700-person bash violates coronavirus restrictions  And I thought the 200 person party in Ontario was over the top flouting the rules.... Guess this one takes the cake.

Total COVID-19 cases worldwide stand at over 17 million

The medical value of hugs  We all needed one, but couldn't get one for the longest time. 

Despite virus threat, Black voters wary of voting by mail  These voters are in the US of course, so needless to say, I can't blame them. 

Philippines virus cases top 100,000 in 'losing battle'  Well the president is telling people to wash their masks using gasoline... The leadership there is so bad, that it's a wonder the whole country hasn't had the virus by now.

Anxiety, anger as State Dept. moves ahead with reopening despite area infection rate   They sound like our politicians. Wanting a paycheck, perks, pensions etc for staying home and doing nothing. 

Fauci testifies 'highly contagious' virus won't disappear, as Trump jeers at Dems  As long as there's always new people to infect, or no vaccine, of course it's not going to disappear. 

96-year-old student graduates after surviving WWII and now a pandemic  Wow! Kudos to him!

How close are we to a coronavirus vaccine?

How one Montreal long-term care home managed to avoid COVID-19  THIS is what I've been saying! That if action were taken in January to prevent those coming into the country from outside had've been taken by OUR GOVERNMENTS we WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO SUFFER THROUGH ANY OF THIS.  And this story proves my point. Like I said it's good old fashioned medical knowledge, that they used to keep the people in their care safe! If the Canadian government & provincial governments had've done the same, we wouldn't be going through any of this BS today and our economy would've been humming along like it always was before idiots r' us decided to let everyone and everything into the country in order to decimate it! They all need to be strung up by their toenails and left to rot if you ask me.

WHO says pandemic will likely be 'lengthy,' warns of 'response fatigue'  "Response fatigue"? Don't you really mean all out livid enraged anger wanting to target those who let it all happen? Isn't that what you really meant to say because that's what I see coming before we get to "response fatigue".

Quebec reports 141 new COVID-19 cases, three more deaths linked to virus 

Well believe it or not, I finally got caught up on all the headlines.... I hope I can stay current from now on, but given the steady stream of stories to do with this pandemic I'm apt to fall behind in no time flat again.  Not sure I'll be able to take 2 whole days off my real life to catch up on them again like I did this weekend in this one post, so I will probably wind up like before.... Doing as much as I can for that day in question even though it's behind time, and then more the following day and so on. Even if it's behind time, it's still in chronological order, so you can still follow from beginning to end.... However it's going to end....

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