Thursday, July 2, 2020

World UFO Day

July 2, 2020

I told you I'd probably be posting other things of interest in between the weekly COVID19 posts.

As it's World UFO Day and as I, my husband, son, daughter & father have all seen perplexing things in the sky that were written up as UFOs by various organizations including the Department of Defense Canada and the RCMP, I have a keen interest in them. In what they might be, where they come from and their purpose for coming here.

These are some of the recent headlines in time for today's World UFO Day:

Navy videos spark renewed interest in UFOs from enthusiasts and Congress

Inside the Mysterious Area 51: Aliens, UFOs, Conspiracies and More

US Senate committee aims to regulate UFO information  I thought that was already done with the  Project Blue Book, Top Secret UFO Files: The Untold Truth, Edition 2 (azw3 format)  and then the Condon Report.

Mysterious 'UFO' captures imaginations in Japan

Pilot's Rare Trip Around Area 51 Includes Pics Of Range Targets, Drone Bases, UFO Legends

Mysterious light orbs filmed over Colorado 

World UFO Day – July 2, 2020

World UFO Day 2020: How close have we actually got to finding aliens, and what would they be like?  Here's a story or two that might answer that: Up to 36 'intelligent alien races' could be living in our galaxy, scientists say  and  We are not alone, study says: There could be 'dozens' of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy

World UFO Day: All You Need to Know

On World UFO Day, Congress Wants 'Unidentified' Sightings to Be Declassified That would be nice.

Right now the only declassified one by an actual government on earth is here in Canada and it's the one witnessed by my father in Nova Scotia. You can check out the Department of Defense's archives information on this incident by going to this site and clicking on the Shag Harbour Nova Scotia incident: Government of Canada Library & Archives 

You can learn more by reading the following book, written exclusively about this particular incident: Dark Object: The World's Only Government-Documented UFO Crash

A couple other books on the subject that might be of interest to you are:

Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence


Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol

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