Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Continuously Convoluted &....

Crazy COVID19 News

June 1, 2020

Each time I think I'm getting somewhere and I'll be able to hand my husband's computer back to him, because I'm pretty much caught up on this insanity, more insanity associated with this pandemic erupts. It just doesn't seem to quit, it's worse than the Energizer Bunny.... Because it just keeps going and going and going. 

The coronavirus headlines now are so tangled and mixed up with everything else, it's almost impossible to separate this virus from anything else. 

I thought I'd have a couple of days at least if not more to be able to get back on my computer and set it up the way I want and settle in before I'd be so inundated in headline stories that I would have to post in here, but nooooooo..... Of course not. It just never quits and in fact gets more convoluted and crazier by the minute almost.

What was that Chinese curse? Something like "May you live in interesting times", isn't it? Well I guess we've all been cursed pretty good considering things couldn't get more "interesting" if they tried I don't think. I've never seen so many angles and new things associated with anything else out there, in my life. 

Though I will admit the 60s psychedelics and flamboyance over all along with the nightly news reports of US protests, comes pretty close to this, but not close enough because we were still allowed to get together and enjoy life, without having to stay 10 light years apart and everything enjoyable or fun being verbodden  to us, like now.  When I look back on the 60s, that was a fun time compared to what is happening now. 

Now it's like some Stephen King nightmare novel come to reality, or something along those lines. Will we ever wake up from this nightmare or will it just keep going on and on and on like that tireless Energizer Bunny? 

Fortunately here in Canada it's no where near as crazy, scary and dangerous as it's been in the US for the last week or so and boy am I glad about that! That's one thing we have to be thankful for here in Canada I guess. Let's just hope it remains this way or gets better, but definitely not any worse than now.

My Position on Race

Is that we are all the same under our skin. As a young kid my mother gave me a lesson on racism that I never forgot. Having grown up in a fishing village in Nova Scotia where the only races I ever saw were white (us) and native (MicMac) and basically loving them all (as nearly everyone was either related or friends of our family), I had no exposure to other races like Indian (India & Pakistan), Chinese, Japanese, etc, blacks etc...  

So when we came to Quebec, and I was outside playing with my friends, they were verbally taunting and being nasty to a Japanese boy, who hadn't done anything to any of us.  While my friends were doing that, my mother stayed inside and minded her own business but the moment she heard my voice chime in, she came flying outside and lit into me, like I never forgot. She was super angry at all of us but as I was the only one that was her kid, I was the only one she could chastise. She basically asked me if I thought that boy had a heart and feelings like I did when I said yes, she asked me how I thought I'd feel if what we were saying to him was said to me and I said I wouldn't feel very good and so she asked me if  I thought he felt very good and I said no. So she told me to apologize to him and to tell my friends that if they continued to behave like that I wouldn't be allowed to hang around with them anymore.  So I complied with both orders. After I told my friends that if they didn't stop I wouldn't be allowed to hang around with them anymore, they stopped too and never did anything like that again either. 

A couple years ago, I had to chastise my adult brother who was by then in his mid 50s for his racists comments he was making about some people where he lives. I just looked at him and asked him if he could help being born with the colour of hair, eyes and skin he had and he said "pht, no, what do you think? That's genetics" so I looked at him and said "ummmm duhhhh so how do you think they that had any say in how they were born?". So he started to argue with me about but.... But the things they do and how brain washed or stupid or whatever they are.... And I said that has nothing to do with their race, that has to do with them and their personality, beliefs and upbringing. And that I have no problems holding against people. And I don't. 

If you're born into a murderous cult that claims to be the "religion of pieces" and you don't like the brush you're being daubed with by others, well you can always quit the religion and join another one. If you're born into a certain culture where thieving, lying, drug dealing etc is the norm and you don't want to be labelled a thief, a junkie or whatever, simply stop doing that and associating yourself with those types and learn a new profession and associate with those types instead. It doesn't mean because your father was the head of the drug cartel that you have to inherit that lifestyle. If you want to leave that and become a doctor instead, what's your father going to do? Murder you because you want to be a doctor? Same thing with everything else. 

It's not the skin you're born into, it's what you do with your life and how you treat others, that allows me to accept or reject you, based on your actions. 

And as a nurse or anyone working in the medical field knows, we all have the same anatomy and underneath our skin (in x-rays or when opened up on the operating table) we all look the same. We all bleed red blood and all our other excretions are the same too.  

So being racist based on someone's skin colour is just WRONG. PERIOD. END OF STORY.  In fact it doesn't even make any sense.

So that being said, let's get on with the weird twisted COVID19 news now and please don't think I'm in any way discounting the gravity of the situation going on in the US when I mention that the riots are probably also due in part to the lockdown measures for COVID19, because they were getting pretty antsy and riled up before the death of Mr. Floyd happened and it was festering and going to come to a head sooner or later. It just happened that Mr. Floyd's death and the ensuing rage over that, unleashed all of the pent up rage and anger that's been brewing for a while over there I think and I think that's probably why they can't bring it under control because there's just too many people angry over too many things, from Mr. Floyd's death and pervasive racism that runs rampant in the US (and elsewhere), to the lockdown, the loss of jobs and businesses, causing poverty and hunger like they haven't seen since the Great Depression in the 1930s and whatever other grievances people might've had against the authorities and governments in the US. It just all came to a head now, and I don't think they'll be able to put pandora back in her box yet, not until she's finished unleashing all her nastiness that she has to release. 

Given the confluence of events and all that they entail that may take some time and some doing. 

So let's get on with it....

Blood of Recovered Covid-19 Patients Is Becoming a Hot Commodity   Like I pointed out before, anyone buying any blood purporting to be from recovered COVID19 patients are just nuts. Paying any money let alone $1,000 for 1 milliliter is just insane, considering you don't even know if it comes from a COVID19 patient or not to start with and if so what other viruses they might have floating around in their bloodstream, like say HIV or Hepatitis, or even cancer (yes it's possible). Or.... If it's even human blood to start with. How would you the purchaser know if it was human, pig, horse or elephant blood? So this is one of the crazier headlines too. 

CDC chief defends failure to spot early coronavirus spread in U.S. Well if there were cases before anything was known about the virus from China, it's understandable that they failed to spot it's spread. However if they did autopsies on those who died from it, some of those autopsy results must've seemed to be a little different at least from the garden variety flu autopsies, so shouldn't they have flagged those for further investigation, whether anything was known from China or not? I mean it is entirely possible that a new disease sprung up in their country and not in China, so they should've been investigating any weird autopsy outcomes to find out why, whether any other country mentionned something about an epidemic or pandemic or not.

Protesters rally against anti-black, Indigenous racism in Toronto This is response not only to Mr. Floyd's murder in the US, but also the death of Regis Korchinski-Paquet in Toronto, who wound up on the ground from a 24th floor balcony after cops were called to her home, last Tuesday - a day after Mr. Floyd's death.

Russia's COVID dissenters: Underground bars, gyms and hair salons flout tough quarantine rules I guess instead of rallying and protesting they deal with it differently kind of treating it the way the Speak Easys treated the prohibition era in the US.

Food truck owners struggle to get answers on whether they can operate during pandemic If it's meant to be a fun experience or you offer fun and interesting foods, then no you're not allowed to operate. If it's meant to be purely functional with as plain as possible food, then I guess you can. Anything, fun or interesting seems to be prohibited while basics are allowed and that's about it, from what I can see.

COVID-19 border closures worry Americans who come to Canada to buy insulin It doesn't worry me. In fact I think it's great that they can't come here and deplete our pharmaceutical supplies, on us.

Protesters demand shutdown of virus-hit meat plant  which will contribute to more meat shortages, which will make the price of the meat that is for sale even higher.

Isolation diaries: Living in solitude during a pandemic has left some feeling lonelier than ever I understand her and I'm not belittling her experience, but what I find hard to do is offer any compassion or sympathy to her, considering as seniors we've been couped up in our houses since mid-March and a lot of us haven't even been out of the house to even see anyone to buy a loaf of bread , let alone seeing colleagues on a daily basis like she does. Most seniors don't even have anyone for companionship living with them and extended family members have been terrorized into not visiting them, so they haven't seen another living soul in the flesh for months now. So I just find it really hard to sympathize with someone who goes out to work and buys whatever they need whenever they need it and as a result sees people pretty much on a regular basis. No they may not be having a social life like going out partying and getting together to paint their nails and gossip like they might've done before, but at least they see other people. Seniors haven't and continue to not see anyone either for the most part.

Here’s What Happens to Your Dog’s Brain When You’re Home All the Time One of the very few awwww stories associated with this virus.

Masks Are Here to Stay, Even After Covid Goes Away I wouldn't know about that. Only about 1/2 the people I see out there in line ups etc, are wearing masks the others aren't.

'Two crises': Protests could fuel coronavirus resurgence, officials warn Of course it could with all those people in close proximity to each other like that!

Survey shows benefits of pet ownership during pandemic Having a pet has benefits all the time and not just during pandemics.

B.C. man forced to leave N.B. after dream of moving to P.E.I. sours at Confederation Bridge This is just total insanity. What happened to letting a person enter a province to pass through without going anywhere and then at the destination province like PEI making them do the mandatory 14 day quarantine once they arrive at their destination? Why are international travellers still allowed into various provinces if they quarantine but Canadians moving from 1 province to another aren't?  Double standards there. No?

B.C. records 11 new COVID-19 cases, announces ban on overnight camps for children this summer  Like I said anything that kids would find fun (or adults too for that matter) isn't allowed at all this year.

Meet the world's richest farmer who made billions from swine flu and the coronavirus pandemic When the rest of the world is culling their meat because of meat processing plant problems he's making money with his.

Alberta's campers turn to public land due to COVID-19 It seems like all provinces are preventing visitors from other provinces, coming into their provinces,  this summer. So it looks like it's the summer to plan to see your own province instead of other places. 

Ottawa pledges millions to promote holiday travel in Canada during pandemic Won't that be a waste of money considering most provinces don't want out of province visitors?

Palliative care has been put on the backburner during pandemic, experts say Which really isn't right. It's not right to make other non COVID patients suffer just because they're non COVID. 

Globetrotting Brits wait out COVID-19 pandemic in Whitehorse parking lot — for 2 months Sounds like they have all the patience in the world and really don't mind it at all. 

Demand for online learning services soars during pandemic Yeah, there's so many things you can learn online. Awhile back, I did a post with things to do online and one site had hundreds of courses of all kinds you could take - most of them free. Plus there's Coursera University (okay no it's not Concordia or McGill but it doesn't cost the same as those universities either - in fact I think for the most part their courses are free). Probably their diploma doesn't have the same weight as a McGill or Concordia diploma does either, but if it's just for personal edification and not so much for the diploma at the end of it, then it shouldn't matter.

COVID-19 has Canada's banks worried about sickly loans, but they're still raking in the cash, Yeah, I don't worry too much about the banks because it's only the government, the banks and the insurance industry that can basically do as they please to make a profit without hinderance. 

Young Canadians seek refuge in parents' homes as COVID-19 disrupts jobs, lives and dreams Families have to stick together because after all that may be all we're left with, when they finish shaking us down for our lives and all the rest of it.

Family seeks class-action against CHSLD Vigi Mont-Royal for 'gross negligence Oh I'm sure this won't be the only or last such lawsuit. I'm sure we'll see hundreds such lawsuits by the time this is over with.

Watch: Video of Police Truck in New York Plowing Through Protesters Viral after George Floyd Killing And they can't understand why the people revile and hate the cops so much in the US? Ummm lemme see.... Because they kill people for stupid reasons and do stuff like this, maybe? Could that be a remote possibility as to why?

A night of fire and fury across America as protests intensify And given the incident with the police plowing into a crowd in NYC, we can certainly understand why the protests are intensifying. 

New coronavirus losing potency, top Italian doctor says  Good so we may not even need a vaccine, if this is true because it means it might just fade away like SARS and MERS did on their own. 

Will the Protests Spark a Second COVID-19 Outbreak? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe by then everyone will be immune to it because they've had it already, or maybe the virus will lose it's potency here too, like it's doing in Italy.

COVID no match for Cupid as P.E.I. wedding goes ahead We need a happy outcome story out of this stupid pandemic once in awhile too.

Testing for COVID-19 in sewage could serve as 'advance warning,' help prepare for 2nd wave They've been doing this for years in other cities - especially Boston, looking for impending epidemics or pandemics.

Alberta records one new death, 13 additional cases of COVID-19 That's really good! It shows there's some hope somewhere after all.

Fact check: Early research shows fabric could neutralize coronaviruses Don't get your hopes up. It's not every kind of fabric. It's a special kind of fabric.

One in 10 Covid-19 patients with diabetes die within a week, study finds Oh brother! I don't know the percentage of diabetes in the population, but I know there must be tons of them, considering I know quite a few of them myself. So I certainly hope they're wrong about this.

Trump, Putin and Bolsonaro find their populist playbooks are no match for coronavirus I think that's true of all the worlds leaders. Coronavirus has them all beat hands down, except for the nations that knew enough to keep it out to begin with.

North Carolina hospital turns to drones to aid Covid-19 response  I guess someone there in administration needed to justify the cost of his toys to a department head and so said they got them to do this, when probably it could've accomplished in 1 daily truckload instead of 10 daily drone flyovers.  Anyhow... I just find things like this ultra stupid and a waste of time and money when it would be so much easier to place an order for the day or week and get it all delivered all at once in a truck.

Cheers to the virtual cocktail party Hey why not? We've got to take the edge off this crazy scary scene going on out there in the world now-a-days. 

Can the "new normal" ever go back to the old one? It will if the powers that be lets it. As soon as the public stops being terrorized over it and the fears start fading away, life will return to normal (or as near as it can - after all the damage that's been done to society and the economies and making adjustments for that). 

After The Pandemic: UK to 'rethink China policy' as coronavirus risks 'fracturing world into spheres of influence'  Canada would be wise to "rethink China policy" as well, considering how they've treated us for the last couple of years.

Pandemonium erupts again in U.S. cities as public anger shows no sign of abating Well there's a lot for them to be angry about and now that it's unleashed it's going to go until it gets burnt out. However long that might take.

Coronavirus: Sex during lockdown with someone outside your household is illegal from today I guess an MP or minister found out that someone in their family was having sex with someone outside their household and wanted to make it illegal. Wondering if that means they're legalizing incest or what....

TD Bank charges $30,000 mortgage penalty to woman forced to sell home due to pandemic Gouging by banks like this ought to be illegal. If it's not now, it ought to be made illegal because that is just ridiculously horrendous.

Fires Rage Outside White House as Protesters Face Off With Police Honestly both my husband and I when we saw these scenes we said we've only ever seen scenes like this in movies before. It's just surreal.

1 Dead After Louisville Police, National Guard Return Fire On Crowd, Officials Say And on it goes.... When are the cops going to get it through their rock hard skulls that these riots and violence are mostly due to police violence and that by doing more violence towards the protestors is only going to exasperate the whole thing and make it worse.

Fauci Says Meetings With Trump On Coronavirus Have 'Dramatically Decreased' I thought Fauci had the virus and was self-isolating. So if that's the case, that's maybe why they've "dramatically decreased"? 

Gilead Falls as Drug Has Only Small Benefit in Large Trial So maybe they shouldn't have fought the Chinese so hard in order to keep the patent rights on it.

Coronavirus could permanently alter 'social life' the way HIV/AIDS changed ‘sexual life’: Niall Ferguson That's doubtful. Most people like to hug, touch, shake hands, handle things others have just touched - I mean how else can you play a game of cards or board game without having to wear surgical gloves all the time or going through a bottle of hand sanitizer per person per game? People like to dance, go to movies, concerts, sports events, walk holding hands, toss a ball around together. So of course social life will return to the way it was and no one in their right minds will go through all the social distancing, wearing masks and gloves etc, if they don't have to. In fact if we don't have any more waves of the virus, I give it until Christmas at the latest and you'll be seeing the last of the mask wearers and social distancing. I think by the time Christmas rolls around everyone will be ready to get together and celebrate the holidays with gusto, having been deprived of all the other joys of the year. 

Trump Was Reportedly Rushed To Underground Bunker For Protection During D.C. Protests  See that's the problem with politicians and leaders today. They can start all kinds of crap, and make everyone else go fight their battles for them and run and hide in bunkers when it gets a little too close to home. Unlike in the medieval days when the kings used to ride into battle with their armies. Now a days they're too chicken to leave their castles, let alone head to the front lines with their armies.

Trudeau promises to speed $2.2 billion in funding for strapped cities What I want to know is what caused the cities to be so strapped. I know Montreal is saying it's because of all the programs for the seniors..... What progams did they start for the seniors? Because I didn't hear of any. All the programs I'm aware of were started by other organizations and citizens who started services on their own to help seniors, but none of that had to do with the city of Montreal. So I'd like to know what seniors programs they're talking about here because after all this blog is to help seniors in the region through COVID19. So if they have programs they started for seniors I'd love to know about them, so I could post them all here. That's 1 thing and the other is Trudeau's speeding this up.... But when is he going to be providing the piddly amount he promised the seniors? Haven't seen any notice on that either.

People living on low incomes already see the economy as 'rigged' – so what next after coronavirus? And that's true not only in the UK, but here in Canada as well. The economy is  rigged against the low income Canadian, where they pay more in bank fees because they can't afford to keep a monthly balance of a certain amount, or can't afford to pay off their credit card every month they have to pay a higher interest rate and it just seems like those who can afford the least have to pay the most on everything. As seniors barely get enough to live on, that includes seniors as well.

Coronavirus 'no longer clinically exists in Italy', top doctor says Hopefully Canada will get to that point too, in the near future.

Toronto police opt for education over fines for ignoring social distancing Well at least they're not like the stingy power tripping maniacs in Montreal that love issuing as many $1,500 tickets as they possibly can. Probably because Valerie Laplant has told them they have a quota of those tickets to issue and if they don't they'll be walking the beat instead of riding bikes.

Our masked identities: Cartoons of India's new normal We need to smile a bit too, so maybe these cartoons might help a bit with that.

And on that note, I'm going to leave it there until tomorrow. Until then stay safe and stay well.

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