Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Getting Back On Track...

With Continuing COVID19 News

May 26, 2020

As the Weather Network currently claims it's 32C or for those on the old farenheit scale 90F but feeling like 39C or 102F outside and not wanting to tempt fate with no air conditioners yet installed, but feeling fine as I am, I decided to work more on the blog and post some of the stories I've come across during my off-time over previous days but didn't have a chance to post prior to this. 

However, I will probably still have to take some time to help install an air conditioner or two and go buy one, if we can, so I may not have as much time over the next few days to work on this blog as I initially thought, but I'll do my best.  Anyhow I'll post as much as I can each day until I've run out of stuff to post (because my husband really wants his computer back soon, so am trying to get to the end of the stuff so I can give it back to him and go back on my now repaired computer).

After writing this we looked around online for a decent 5,000 BTU air conditioner at a decent price and found several at the Pincourt Canadian Tire for $149.99. When we checked there were apparently 72 in stock at the time, so we went and bought one. Apparently a couple other people did the same since, but there's still plenty left for those who need an affordable small air conditioner for a bedroom or sitting room.  That's at the Pincourt Canadian Tire. The one in Dorion-Vaudreuil (where we looked first) didn't seem to have any.  So if you're in the Dorion-Vaudreuil, Pincourt/Ile Perrot region looking for air conditioners to battle this heat, your best bet is in Pincourt.  Now on with the news....

MACE E PAI COVID 19 Analysis PDF File A downloadable file that seems to support the theory that the Wuhan lab was shut down in October maybe due to an accident at the lab.

1st known case of coronavirus traced back to November in China Making the timeline go back further than the official Chinese gov't's timing would put it.

Coronavirus: France's first known case 'was in December' The "known" cases are those that the health authorities knew about for some reason - probably because the patient was seeking medical attention for it. But that doesn't address the many "unknown" cases, like those who may have had it but in a mild form and so didn't seek medical treatment and just battled it out on their own. Or even those who would've tested positive, had they been tested, but showed no signs of the virus. So it's pretty much a given that this virus was around a lot longer than just in December. 

International Workshop of Biosafety Laboratory Management & Techniques  This was held in Wuhan China between the 3rd of November and the 9th of November 2019. Coincidence that the virus is said to have started spreading then? 

Wuhan Institute of Virology This is a page where they published their own research articles on COVID19 (not sure all are also in English but I am assuming the English ones are accessible from this page).

Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China A Lancet Medical Journal article about patients infected with COVID19 in Wuhan China.

White House now predict swift economic recovery, despite warnings that major problems could persist Like everything else to do with this plandemic, it doesn't surprise me that there's all kinds of mixed signals coming from all diffrent directions on this and everything else to do with the plandemic. I think it's to keep us confused and off balance and not sure of what to think or do and so out precaution err on the side of presumed safety.

Weekly mortgage applications point to a remarkable recovery in homebuying This is a US report about mortgage applications there, but is it the same story here in Canada as well?

High Doses Of Vitamin D Cannot Prevent Nor Treat COVID-19, Study Warns So if you were thinking you'd either prevent it, or treat it yourself, by laying out  in the sun soaking up the vitamin D, while turning yourself into a crisy critter, it's probably not worth the skin cancer risk.

First Human Trial Of Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Triggers Rapid Immune Response, Few Side-Effects Well it looks like there might be some hope for a vaccine after all. 

Millions of Americans Skip Credit-Card and Car Payments This headlines is kind of at odds with the other economic/finance based headlines already posted above. So it kind of makes you wonder which one is right and if some aren't just painting rosier pictures than they ought to be doing right now.

Coronavirus Tattoos Are Here—Including Toilet Paper Ones There's all angles to this pandemic and this is just another one of those angles. 

Epidemiologists brace for 2nd wave of COVID-19 — and it may come in September As one doctor pointed out, we're not even through the 1st wave yet, so how can anyone predict when or if there'll be a 2nd one. 

CMHC’s Evan Siddall Warns Canadian Homebuyers Face ‘Debt Cliff’ This Fall Isn't this what it was all about? To force everyone into such debt that they could never hope to pay it off, and that way everyone could get foreclosed upon and dragged through bankrupcy proceeding, so the stingy greedy 1%'ers who already own most of the world can have the rest of whatever it is they don't have already? In other words all your money, possessions and whatever else they can get off of you. They'll fleece you like a sheep in no time flat, then turn you out onto the streets without even so much as a pot to pee in, like my parents would've said.  Back in my grandparents time they had poor farms and work houses where people who were in debt and couldn't pay it off were sent to work it off. Giving the rich yet another way to exploit the poor after fleecing them for all they were worth to begin with. Wondering what the gimmick will be this time around as there's no way the economy will be able to absorb all those foreclosures and bankrupcies on the horizon. So I'm sure some evil genius will figure out a way to recoup all of that on the backs of the poor yet again.

'Bloody terrifying': COVID-19 will raise household debt levels and 'drag on GDP growth,' CMHC warns  Just to emphasize the above story even more the National Post put the "Bloody Terrifying" phrase in there as well. But this contrasts markedly with the positive economic stories posted near the top of this post. I hope they're more accurate than these latest economic/financial stories are. 

Smashing eggs, dumping milk: Farms forced to waste food in pandemic I'm sorry I don't see the logic in these practices and never could, especially when so many people are going hungry and would love some of that food being wasted on purpose. I know it's to maintain the prices and they'll do that at all costs. But what happens when the economy is so lousey that no one can afford those prices anymore? What then? Are you still going to keep going with those insane practices of wasting food to maintain prices?

Rex Murphy on the COVID-19 crisis: The opposition asks. The Liberals do not answer  Ahhhh Rex Murphy..... I've missed his sometimes sage, sometimes inane ramblings and bemusements, so when I saw this opinion piece by him I couldn't resist reading it. And I have to say I agree with him on this issue at least.

Trump’s Vaccine Czar Has Vast Ties to Drug Industry, Posing Possible Conflicts Don't they all have vast ties to the drug industry? Fauci did, as did the head of the CDC. In fact some of them have their own companies and organizations that wanted to make the drugs so they could be the sole beneficiaries of the profits. 

Florida knew a COVID-19 pandemic was likely; state leaders didn't warn the public  By February 15th, they were already tracking over 65 individuals with COVID19 that they knew about. So you have to wonder how many more were walking around with it showing no symptoms or had it and got over it on their own without seeking medical attention and how much earlier? 

Why are Africa's coronavirus successes being overlooked? Why? Because the WHO and all the idiots at the helm of all the countries that let the virus into their countries don't want to admit that they're stupider than the heads of African countries and African doctors who did the right things at the right times to KEEP THE VIRUS OUT OF THEIR COUNTRIES TO START WITH. That's why. There was a right way and a wrong way to go about this and all the western countries all collectively fell on their heads and developed amnesia and forgot the right ways and purposely went with the wrong ways. I guess, it was purposely done to crash the economies and as Africa for the most part, has either no economies or very shaky ones at best, felt their economies were already crashed enough and didn't need to take the moronic route the rest of the leaders in the world took.

Fearing for her child's health, woman puts her job on the line by refusing to work with COVID patients She shouldn't have to choose between her kid's health and her job. That's not right and anyone forcing her to do so, should be thrown out of their job.

Quarantine and a monitoring bracelet for Hong Kong returnees They look like the ankle bracelets given to criminals to make sure they stay home while under house arrest, only these are on their wrists.  I can tell you that being someone who likes to keep her hands busy, typing, knitting, cooking and doing other crafts and already suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome those bracelets look like they'd just cripple me if I had to wear one. I wouldn't be able to do any of the things I just mentionned if I had to wear one of those, I'm sure. So I'd find that cruel and inhumane punishment to say the least. It might look snazzy and like some kind of new funky tech jewellry to some but to me it looks like manacles that would impede me in anything I like or want to do even in the confines of my own house.

Riot police deployed as youths set cars ablaze in Paris suburbs This is no surprise that people are starting to actually violently rebel against the neverending lockdown. What is a surprise to me is that it took this long to start to manifest.

Chile virus cases soar as soldiers deploy following unrest Yet another one in another part of the world. Again the only surprise is that it took this long.

Study: Patients May Experience Delirium, PTSD From Battling Coronavirus I would imagine the delirium is caused by the fever and/or the drugs given to patients to alleviate pain and the PTSD is after recuperating from it, the memory of the whole ordeal. Yes medical procedures can be traumatizing that's for sure especially if the patient isn't put to sleep first and so they're awake all during the procedure.  So remembering what was done and the pain or discomfort it caused at the time can be traumatizing, which I guess now is called PTSD. 

Path To Normalcy: Cambridge Study Suggests Rolling ’50/30′ Day Lockdown Schedule  Yup 50 days was about the tops this time before people started getting antsy and even rebellious and demanding to be let out of captivity. I predicted what would happen before in this blog about this very thing and so those of you in the Montreal region (can't say about anywhere else), you'd better get everything you need, and have to do done (like car repairs, hair cuts, etc) before the end of June because that's about the time the 30 day expiration comes into effect and then you'll be in lock down until near time the kids go back to school (if they do) and you'll be let out again so you can buy them school supplies and clothes and maybe some things needed for autumn (like car tents that are normally set up near the middle of October). Because the next time you'll get out after that will be near the end of November just in time to go Christmas shopping and spend whatever money you don't have on gifts to give to those who you won't be able to see in person. And if you were alone during this lockdown and don't think you can make it through another equally long lockdown alone you'd better start scoping out your lockdown partner now. Whether you prefer the 4 legged furry kind or a room mate, or maybe a significant other, or maybe a sibling or other relative. Because there will be another lockdown and it'll last equally as long unless we all start getting antsy quicker than we did this time around. 

As America Reopens, Trial Lawyers Salivate at Endless Coronavirus Lawsuit Possibilities I'm sure there'll be quite a few legal cases here in Canada as well, especially over the seniors residences and long term care facilities. Where it was admitted tonight on TV, that over 75% of the COVID19 deaths in Canada were in those aged 85 and over and mostly all in seniors homes and long term care facilities. I'm sure a lot of those deaths could've been avoided too especially in the homes where the seniors were just abandonned by the staff. Those staff members should not only have their licenses yanked but also be tried for criminal negligence. 

Scores of Physicians Want Americans to Know the Truth about Coronavirus: Continued Lockdown Dangerous, Even Deadly  FINALLY Doctors are finding their tongues and speaking out against the way this has been handled. Too bad none of them did this in the very beginning. Like say back in January before it got into our countries to start with!

Julia Roberts, Other Celebs Team up with Dr. Fauci and Health Experts to Promote Global Response to Chinese Coronavirus Doncha just love it when some organization fighting a cause or for one, recruits clueless celebrities? I mean why would anyone in their right mind listen to what Julia Roberts has to say about a medical pandemic? She has no medical knowledge let alone training and all she's doing is regurgitating whatever it is they want her to say and like a good actress she'll keep on repeating the lines until she has them down pat and thinks others believe her.  If you have a cause and you want people to listen to you, then recruit as many people in your field to further your cause rather than turning to clueless actors and other celebrities. I mean I would sit up and take notice more if all the doctors were coming out and saying the same thing here and not just a few backed up by a few clueless mouthpieces.

Nearly 39 million have lost jobs in US since virus took hold  Not good. Those numbers look kind of scary to me, for what we might be looking at down the road.

Mortgage delinquencies surge by 1.6M in April, the biggest monthly jump ever This clearly contradicts the headlines above about remarkable recovery and mortgage applications.

To be continued......

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