Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What a Charade!

πŸ˜’Is It Just Me?πŸ˜’

April 21, 2020

Or are others starting to think this is all a charade too?  

I had to go out to get some things today and we've been hearing "keep 2 meters or 6 feet apart" and keep your distance. So you go out to the stores and you are told to stand in line outside 6 feet apart from the person in front of you. So you do. You get into the vestibule of the store (inbetween the inner doors and outter doors) and you have to wash your hands before you can go in the store. There's a clerk there to wipe a carriage down to give you and keep everyone else from entering until you're through the interior doors. Once in there though, no one keeps 2 meters or 6 feet away from you at all.  There's people together in aisles talking and picking up all kinds of things reading the labels putting them back on the shelves and just in general behaving like usual. They don't seem to care how crammed together they are or others are getting on account of them. But hey stay 6 feet apart for the health of the seniors.  

My day went like this. My husband being over 70 doesn't go shopping, instead I do it all and he wanted  bottled water from Canadian Tire. So I put my mask and gloves on to go into Canadian Tire. Once inside I ask the clerk at the counter right there by the door, about the water and she says I can have someone help me with it, but she neglects to tell me where it is (in front of the cashiers against the outside wall below the windows). So I go all the way to the back of the store looking for it and have to ask another clerk where it is and she tells me in the front of the store in front of the cashiers. So I go all the way back and pay for the amount of water I want and ask the cashier if he can summon someone to help me with it, to get it to the car. So he does. A truculent little 17 year old brat. He picks the water up and puts it on a trolly to bring outside, but he can't be bothered to walk the extra 10 feet to the dip in the sidewalk purposely put there for carriages to go down off the sidewalk and upon to it. Noooooo.... He has to go down off the curb and one of the cases falls off the trolley. So he stops and goes and around and picks it up and rather than putting it back on the trolley, he throws it on. At this point I was thinking you little sod, that better not be broken or I'll go back into the store and see the manager about you and your attitude. We get to the car and he picks them up and heaves them into the trunk in a super hodge podge fashion so we can't fit anything else in the trunk. 

Then I want to go into Pharmaprix to pick up a few things. The last time I went in there I had plastic gloves on and was allowed to keep them on and wash my hands with the gloves on and dry them, this time nope. The 18 year glamour girl on a power trip in charge told me to remove my gloves and use the hand sanitizer, I used the hand sanitizer with my gloves on and she told me to remove my gloves and I said nope not going to. So she tells me I can't go into the store - that store is set up so you have to go in one side and walk clear through the entire store to exit on another side. So I looked at her and said well you'd better open this door for me because I refuse to take my gloves off as I didn't have to last time and I'm not doing it this time. So she was annoyed but I didn't care, that was her problem. So little miss primped out princess had get off her lazy tuff and come and open the door for me to get out. She wasn't pleased about that at all. 

We then went to Rona to see if we could get more N95 masks as we're running out of them and I need them, if we're going to be able to continue to do our errands and stuff. So I stood outside in the lineup for several minutes just to get in there to be told "nope sorry we don't have any and may not for a while to come". 

Then we wanted some stuff from our local Super C - mostly meat, but when we got there there was none left - and the sales go from Thursdays to Wednesdays. We were Monday, and there's none left? So I asked for a raincheck - op, no can get, they don't give rainchecks during this time. Why not? Well that's their policy. I thought yeah it sounds more like the "false advertising" policy that the Maxi near here used to run for years and years. They'd advertise something in their fliers and never ever have enough of it to meet the demand and you'd ask for a raincheck and they'd give you one, but wouldn't get the exact same format of whatever it was back in again until after all the rainchecks expired.  

So because we don't have many masks and I apparently can't get anymore for a while according to the guy at Rona, I wanted to get as much done today with that mask (because they have to be thrown out after they're used) as possible, so we went to IGA to get what they had that we wanted. No line up to stand in, a man greeted me with a sanitized carriage and I got everything we wanted plus a couple extra things, butttt there was a long long line up for the cash, going to the back of the store at the far end. I got in line and as we moved by the aisle with the toilet paper in it, I thought "oh no we needed some of that", but I didn't dare get out of line to get it. But at least I got just about everything else I can think of that they had and we wanted. 

Then we stopped at the mailbox on the way home and in it was a bill, along with a letter from our Federal Liberal MP.... What a load of BS, if I ever saw it. Trying to dress everything that they did for everyone and not just the seniors up as having been done specially for seniors like giving money to Centreaide and an increase in GST payments for April. Anyhow the idiot wanted people to contact him if they had any problems with any of that and I did. I contacted him alright and called his bluff and said they haven't done anything specifically for the seniors, that all the money given out in GST was for all low income Canadians and the rest of the monies "aimed at seniors" was given to organizations like Centreaide and the nursing homes etc. But the seniors themselves didn't see any money at all, but that some seniors are having to pay extra for their food due to the credit card interest rates being charged on their credit cards that they have to use to buy their groceries in order to have them delivered. 

It just feels surreal out there now and honestly it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with a virus, so much as something else more sinister. Like collapsing the economy probably and maybe doing away with as many seniors as possible, without actually helping them out any. It just feels like a charade or a ruse that's being played out with the intention of collapsing the economy and maybe getting rid of the seniors who are seen as "useless eaters" by the elite. But who they're touting that the house arrest and "social" distancing is benefitting. I mean are there ulterior motives to this and if so what are they anyhow? I think we have a right to know!

I'm sorry I'm a senior and it just doesn't  feel like it's of much benefit to me or my husband. How's it benefitting us to be confined to our house with no social contact with anyone? And to have to go out wearing those uncomfortable sweaty masks and gloves all the time to try to get stuff that is either inaccessible (as in the case with Pharmaprix) or non-existant as in the case with Rona and Super C, battered and beat up goods as in the case of Canadian Tire?  Never in my whole life have I had such a rotten shopping experience as I had today. Never. 

Well sorry, yeah I did, both times I ordered something from Walmart online and the time we ordered something from a hardware store online too.  Those times we got ripped off - as in didn't get the goods nor our money back or got stuff that wasn't what we thought it was sent to us. 

Otherwise today takes the cake for lousey shopping and treatment by stores. 

And then to get a letter in the mail full of lies pretending that the Liberal gov't gave us all kinds of things during this pandemic was just the epitomy of bs by the shovel loads to top it off. I don't even know how those idiots in parliament can even claim anything like that. So far as I know with the exception of the $2,000 for those who lost their jobs, all the monies have been going to companies not individuals and definitely not seniors since none of them lost their jobs. My tolerance level for bs and charades for the day,  was just non-existant by the time I opened and read that letter. So yeah the clown that my riding elected to represent us in Ottawa heard back from me, like he wanted. Though I'm pretty sure he won't like what he reads when he reads it.

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