Friday, April 17, 2020

Are We Going From Bad to Worse?

😱Let's Hope Not, But....😱

April 17, 2020

Many of the recent headlines don't look very promising considering that we should basically be at the peak around now, but in many instances that doesn't seem to be the case and numbers are still increasing. But then there are so many conflicting stories out there, it's hard to know which one to believe. Yeah I know the fake news mantra, but most if not all of these publications are in the mainstream media. So which one of them is guilty of publishing fake news? Not sure I know, so I'll let you decide: 

Canadians would not have backed strict pandemic measures in mid-January, says official  If this isn't an excuse I don't know what is. Everyone I know and have talked to would've backed them closing the border to everyone coming from China back in mid-January. 

New York area walloped as global virus deaths pass 100,000  This story was from a week ago, so of course the numbers have increased, since then.

Military intelligence unit issued coronavirus warning in January  Another news story exposing the gross negligence of our government and health authorities.

Civil liberties need to be monitored amidst pandemic, experts say  And this particular issue affects us seniors more than anyone else, as we're the ones who's liberties have been "suspended" (but more accurately removed) indefinitely. In other words when the house quarantine is lifted for most of the rest of the population it will still be in effect for the seniors. How long will that last and is it even constitutional? 

Coronavirus found in air samples up to 13 feet from patients  So the 2 meters or 6 feet distance is only half the distance away that everyone should be from each other to remain safe. 

Missed opportunities to address COVID-19 early may prolong response measures, experts say  Another story about Canada's inept health authorities and government. 

Your Mask May Not Be Enough if COVID-19 Is in the Air  Definitely. Cloth masks and surgical masks are not enough, N95 and P100 masks are really what's needed if COVID19 is in the air, for sure.

Here’s Where Coronavirus Hides in Your Body To the best of my knowledge this is merely a supposition and hasn't be proven, but then again I may be wrong.

Documents reveal Canada’s slow initial reaction to COVID-19 - There's just no word for the criminal negligence going on in the upper echelons of this country. Grossly gross criminal negligent mass homicide and or genocide. Nothing else would cover it.

New signs suggest coronavirus was in California far earlier than anyone knew  Oh I'm pretty sure that's true of all of North America. That it was spread all over the place before anyone even knew the Chinese were contending with it in Wuhan.

It’s ‘People, People, People’ as Lines Stretch Across America  This is just sad. It reminds me of the pictures we used to see of the Great Depression in the 1930s where everyone was standing in super long lines. Well these are super long lines too, but of cars and I guess as long as their car is paid for and they have gas in the tank they'll be using their cars and only resort to actually standing in those long lines when the car payments aren't made and the car is repossessed or they can no longer afford gas. 

Canadians mark Easter as COVID-19 continues to cause pain, grief for many Especially for those who lost loved ones in the shoddy seniors residences and for those who couldn't be with their families for Easter dinner. While the self-entitled and those in Ottawa who think they're above the law, not only got to spend Easter dinner with their families but the entire weekends and one of them even decided to travel hundreds if not over a thousand miles via plane with other people onboard to see his family. While people in Montreal or Laval or the South Shore or off the West Island, wasn't allowed to cross a bridge to just have a dinner (not a whole weekend, just a few hours to have dinner together) with their families. Especially not if their families included seniors. If the seniors aren't dying from the virus they'll make sure the seniors die of boredom, loneliness and cabin fever instead.  But one way or another they'll die and in the meantime before they do, they'll keep the seniors out of sight and thus out of mind, until the seniors are forgotten about altogether, I guess. 

Trust laid low by COVID-19, but crisis could give 'civil' society new life What's out there now is no where near a definition of "society". There's no society there, when everyone has to remain over 6 feet apart and if you dare talk to your neighbour who's in their yard and more than 6 feet away from you, you get snitched on by other jealous neighbours (who either don't like you or the neighbour you're talking to). When people are encouraged to snitch on others because they're talking to one another even while obeying physical distancing rules (that's why they are calling it social distancing because that's the aim - to socially distance us from each other more than just physically distance us), is just beyond the pale and goes against what a society is. Soci is the first four letters in Social meaning it's a base root of that word. What they are doing and enforcing has nothing to do with being social it's the exact opposite - as in social distancing so how can they call that a society or even civil for that matter? Snitching on neighbours were what the Soviet citizens were encouraged to do to each other and what we were taught to frown upon, but I guess that's the new in cool way of behaving. Like a bunch of mindless little robots who can't think or reason anything out for themselves and follow the government's orders to the T. In my mind though I'm super suspicious of this new snitch rule/law. I think it's not about the disease anymore, so much as it is in the authorities not being able to eavesdrop on in person conversations. See while we're being kept apart, if we want to communicate we either have to use the phone, the internet or a fax - all of which they can capture and eavesdrop upon, whereas people standing in their driveways talking to each other over the fence is impossible for them to eavesdrop upon. And in a time like this where everyone is under house arrest (basically that's what it amounts to, no matter if they're calling a quarantine or what they're calling it's still house arrest), and getting antsy and wanting this to be over with, they're probably afraid of a grassroots uprising and they don't want neighbours passing the plans on to other neighbours up the block via over the fence chats. I mean why else would they be encouraging people to snitch on others who are obeying the physical distancing rules? And for anyone to call that a "civil society" just boggles my mind.

Leaders seize new powers to fight coronavirus, fears grow for democracy  Obviously, I'm not the only one with those fears.....

COVID-19 a 'failure of early warning' for Canada, intelligence expert says  Yup along with leaving various medical staffing jobs unfilled, closing hospitals, cutting back on medicare payments to the provinces over the years and you name it. They've done everything in their power possible to put us in this situation from the get go. Including getting "social workers" involved in recommending (read forcing by law) seniors to go into those death traps called long term care and seniors residences, because I'm sure most if not all of them would've been better off at home in their own houses or with relatives than in those death traps that first had no fire alarms, no doorbells (for residences locked out of the building at -30C in the middle of the night), no way to isolate one's self from the rest of the community if they so choose. They're forced basically to go for meals with all the other residents at meal times, so they're forced to be amongst the general population there whether they like it or not. Not allowed to have phones to call their relatives etc.... But hey the government always thinks they know what's better for us than we ourselves do and meddle in our lives to our detriment & not theirs.

China's new coronavirus cases rise to near 6-week high  This story was from a few days ago, so I'm sure not much has changed and the facts still apply.
This Pandemic Will Lead to Social Revolutions  I'm sure it will, but I'm not so sure anyone is going to like what the new society will look like when it's all said & done.

Pope Francis pushes for universal basic income   Now I have 3 questions here.... 1) Why is the pope pushing any financial schemes at all, I thought he had to do with religion and not economics? 2) Is this the beginning of a universal income hence a universal government as in a 1 world government like some in the UN have been fomenting for since it's inception? 3)  If so, why is the Pope involved in promoting this? 

No work, new debt: virus creates perfect storm for slavery in India That's coming here too, when the government runs out of money to give everyone and they can no longer continue to pay their bills and eat at the same time. 

Starving, angry and cannibalistic: America's rats are getting desperate amid coronavirus pandemic And now the authorities are afraid of what the rats might do to some of  the homeless population in the area. So that's something else to think about amid all this gloom and doom out there. Like as if things aren't bad enough already.

Canadians taking mortgage deferrals charged interest on interest  Another instance of the poorer being taken advantage of, by the elite. Like the seniors with the credit card interest charges they'll have to pay on all the goods and services they're forced to order over the phone because they're not allowed to go out and shop personally themselves so have to order everything but in order to pay for it, they need credit cards, because most every delivery service while free doesn't have a debit machine and won't take cash. Even if they did take cash seniors can't get to banks to get any. So it's just another way to bleed seniors dry of whatever little money they have, before killing them off with the virus, or loneliness or boredom.

Pet fur as vehicle for COVID spread? Vets say distancing applies to animals too  This is precisely why we didn't allow our dogs out to see our son & daughter-in-law when they came over the other day with McDs for supper & to pick up the stuff we had for them. Our dogs love them and would've been all over them in an instant, if we'd have let them out to see them.  So you have to be careful with your pets too.

Doctor fears new coronavirus strain emerging after ‘survivors test positive again’ Ummm I don't know how much stock I'd put in this story, because while people are testing positive again, it may not be because of a new strain, but could have more to do with faulty tests and the "survivors" not having actually recovered from it in the first place.

Coronavirus may have spread to humans by dogs not bats, bombshell new research claims  Even if this is true, it's NO Reason To Go Psycho on Any Dogs You See, as THEY ARE NOT THE DOGS IN QUESTION That Caused This.  A Stray Back Alley Dog in China (if ANY DOG DID) Is the One/s Responsible For this. And if it makes you feel any better that/those dogs are probably dead from the disease itself too, by now, if that's the case.  Just thought I'd mention that as I have seen stories about people going psycho on dogs because of this possibility and torturing them and killing them. Your dog and your neighbour's dogs aren't the ones responsible so do NOT hurt them.

Coronavirus social distancing may be needed until 2022: Harvard researchers   Wondering how many of us seniors will be able to take the house arrest and remain out of sight and out of mind for that long? I know I won't. Even now, I'm about ready to flout the laws, because I see no  point to them, because quarantines are not done this way. This is mass house arrest and not quarantine. 

Coronavirus stay-at-home orders stir protests nationwide amid fears of economic collapse  This is in the US, but it'll get here eventually too, I'm sure. 

IMF says the world will ‘very likely’ experience worst recession since the 1930s   This should basically be a no-brainer by now. Everyone should've realized this by now, even here in Canada.

Seed companies can't keep up as more Americans turn to growing their own food, Good! I hope the same can be said here in Canada as well. Those who have the chance (a yard, a little community garden plot, a balcony, a large window or long hallway where you can sit potted plants) should grow as much of their own food as possible. It doesn't hurt to be as self reliant and self sufficient as possible especially in these times. When things improve out there, you can still continue doing it as by then you'll have grown accustomed to the habit of taking care of them and realized the benefits of having your own supply of certain fruits and/or vegetables without having to worry about market prices and availabiltiy.

Jeff Bezos Gains $24 Billion While World’s Rich Reap Bailout Rewards  Yup, have you noticed in the news who's getting the government assistance for the most part? It's not the actual people on the bottom who's getting it, like the seniors, it's the seniors residences (which are where they're dying or being emptied out in droves) that got the money allegedly pegged for "the seniors". I'm a senior and I didn't see one red penny from that assistance and I bet none of you have either, because you're not a corporation with money already. The employers are getting the 75% of the salary payments rather than the employees and the employers are being told to pay the other 25%. Whether the employees see any of that money in the end is another question, some of those employers are apt to keep all the money and not pay anyone anything. Landlords who own commercial buildings are getting the money for their rent from the government, but whether their commercial businesses leasing those premises know if they did get the money or not is another story. The landlord may insist to the business owner that they didn't get any money for their space that they're leasing and so they want the rent from the business owner or they're going to kick them out and lease it to someone else. There are a lot of unscrupulous people out there and it wouldn't surprise me any to hear of things like this happening when everything's over and done with.

More older Canadians die as COVID-19 toll nears 900; economy could shrink 6.2%  And that's double the rate that they've predicted for the rest of the world. 

Fear of an Impending Car-Price Collapse Grips Auto Industry  I'm waiting for GM, Ford & Chrysler to demand another bailout like they got in 2008 citing "too big to fail" as the reason they deserve it over everyone else.

Protesters clog streets in Michigan over Whitmer coronavirus stay-home order  Don't blame them a bit. Doubt that'll ever happen here though as Canada seems to be  mostly population by sheeple willing to follow the leader right off the face of a cliff, no matter how grossly negligent, how much he lies, how lazy and stupid he is, how treasonous he is, how generous he is with the taxpayer's money by doling it out to terrorists, or anything else. Apparently some people can get away with blue genocide and our PM is one of them.

RSPCA warns dogs face abuse as study claims they may have spread coronavirus to humans And according to this story it was a study done at the University of Ottawa that blamed the dogs for transmitting it to humans. 

IMF cautions renewed social unrest possible amid pandemic  Ya think!?! Renewed? I don't remember it happening the first time around, but that's not to say it won't, because I know myself I'm about ready to join the protesters ranks if something doesn't give soon.

Did Xi Jinping Deliberately Sicken the World? PRC moral turpitude forces us to consider the unthinkable.   Given that Gilead Sciences in Wuhan was in partnership with a Chinese organization (company or government - it's not clear) to create an antidote for this virus since 2016 (one of the reasons I don't buy 'it's naturally occurring" - yeah in the beginning but someone messed with it to make it into what it is today, nor is it new). They were fighting over the patent for it for awhile now (the story about that is elsewhere on this blog) and they just announced that Gilead Science's antidote is the most promising of all the medicine (vaccines or other antidotes) produced for it thus far, I believe the Chinese government might very well be behind it on purpose. Think of the leverage it would give them out there in the world now, if they manage to acquire exclusive patent rights for this antidote. If they can, then there's no stopping them. Then they'll be able to use the antidote as a bargaining chip to basically get their way across the board with any and all governments out there. Imagine them offering to supply the amount of doses to Canada that is needed in exchange for the woman that we're holding for the US, for the oil and other resources they might want and need. Now extrapolate that to the rest of the world and China's sitting pretty on account of the medicine they have to beat this virus, which was "created" in China. But if Gilead Sciences manages to maintain full or at least partial rights to that patent, it won't be such a lucrative deal for the Chinese anymore. But it could be that when the virus was released that China thought they'd have the upper hand in determining who got the rights of that antidote.  But as Gilead Sciences is an American company I'm sure the Americans will now step in and put an end to China's pipe dreams of being the king of the world due to the antidote.  Maybe I have a wild imagination and should write books (as I've been told) but then again just about everything I've surmised or said about this has turned out to be right and true, so maybe this will too. 

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days  Actually it's more like 2 and a half months that they let the virus run amok, without warning anyone. Nevermind 6 key days, that's the least of it.

G7 seeks WHO review and reform, commits to coordinated virus response: White House This only leads me to believe that this whole thing was planned from the get go. Coordinated virus responses? Like the coordinated on when to start acting like a lethal virus had invaded their countries? In Mid-March when they were sure it had already spread around the world and the mass quarantines could be enacted globally?  Those kinds of coordinated responses? Why? What else are they coordinating that we ought to know about but that they're not telling us, I wonder...

Coronavirus could cause upheaval across Middle East - Red Cross Could "cause" upheaval huh? I thought that place was perpetually in a state of upheaval, so I don't think it'll be changing things then.

COVID-19 Dashboard A very fascinating if not morbid map of the world detailing all the infected, and mortalities associated with the disease on any part of the globe you're interested in. From what I can tell it's up to the minute (as much as it can be as it relies on stats supplied by other sources). Just click on the areas you're interest in and a pop up window will give you the current stats for that region or country. 

Over 50 Cell Towers Vandalized in UK Due to 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Alex Jones talked about this theory in one of his shows that I linked to in this blog. Look for "audiocasts" in the sidebar and click on that and it should take you to the post where that link is located.

Dow jumps 700 points on hope for a coronavirus treatment, closes at highest level since March  And those hopes are pinned on Gilead Science's antidote that I talked about above.

Some leaders use pandemic to sharpen tools against critics  As I think some people in our government tried to do as well.

Coronavirus began months earlier and not in Wuhan, bombshell UK report claims As I've been saying this started way before the middle of January when the Chinese government first alerted the world about it. I thought going by time lines and inferences about incubation periods, that it started around mid November, but apparently this story claims it started earlier than that in September of last year in another part of China. 

A Teenager Posted About Her COVID-19 Infection on Instagram. A Deputy Threatened To Arrest Her If She Didn't Delete It.  That's one this virus has done, brought out the power trippers in authority in spades. This is a classic example of that.

Recovery from coronavirus may not confer immunity, warn experts  Maybe, maybe not. That's something we'll have to wait and see about. 

US Running out of Frozen Pizzas Amid Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic  Now that's seriously dire considering the next story....   πŸ˜‰


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