Sunday, May 16, 2021

Caught in a Flux Between Busyness & Restrictive Laws Pertaining To....

 Covid 19


May 16, 2021

What'd ya know.... I'm back again and way sooner than I planned ..... Who'd have thought? I sure didn't. All I know is there's been several developments that I wanted as part of this COVID19 record, that this blog is and the only way I know how to do that is to make a new post to include them.

Life has been crazy busy lately. Even though we're supposed to still be under lockdown and curfew etc, it doesn't feel like it. It seems that everyone's getting antsy and wanting to get out and do things and socialize once again. 
So aside from the usual, keeping me busy, neighbours, friends and family have too. In fact last night around 9:30pm or so I was informed by my son that they were inviting themselves over for supper tonight. Even though I was in middle of preparing the tons of dandelions I'd gathered for making dandelion wine and knew I'd still be doing that today as well, I said okay. Anyhow I just finished dealing with the actual dandelions themselves just as they arrived. Still have to go through all the other stages to make the wine though, but will have to do that tomorrow. 
They've had to hightail it home though before curfew strikes. Or else they're apt to turn into pumpkins and won't be allowed to attend the ball or get fined a gazillion dollars by the jack bootied gestapo police we have patrolling out there after 9:30pm in Quebec.

Life feels like it's gotten back to normal already even though none of the draconian laws have been lifted or anything like that. It's just that everyone is flouting them now as common practice it seems. All of our neighbours have been out socializing with each other without masks or distancing and probably without too much worry about hand sanitizing either for that matter. No one's gotten sick or any hint of an illness on account of it either.  No one seems the least bit concerned or worried about it either.

The reason for this posting is due to several different articles I felt were of importance and needed to be included in the blog, in order to form a complete picture of the whole plandemic going on out there. So I'll post those (again I have no idea how few or many there might be, so scroll down the page to see before deciding how comfortable you need to make yourself before starting to go through them).

Pressure increases for US to send vaccines to Latin America Most of the Americans who want to be vaccinated already are, so why do they insist on hording the vaccines anyhow?
Coronavirus cases hit a seven-month low Probably due to the number of people who've been vaccinated against the virus.

There seems to be a shortage of everything out there these days.  

Covid Forecasters Warn India Deaths May Double in Coming Weeks That is just awful, considering how generous and helpful their government has been to other countries around the world. 
Scientists see path for the coronavirus to invade the brain This virus seems to be the be all and end all of all viruses, considering it's capable of just about everything according medical science. Pretty soon they'll be saying it's capable of making us all grow wings and fly around too.  Personally I'm not too inclined to believe all of these "discoveries" about this virus. Yes, it may be able to do just what they're claiming it can do, but maybe there's other factors involved and not just the virus alone or the virus at all. Like other comorbidities or certain medications being taken for those comorbidities that is interacting on the virus itself, causing it to do those things. It's hard to know at this stage of the game.

A Small Brazilian Town Is Beating Covid-19 Through a Unique Experiment Precisely the same reason the case & death numbers are dropping in the US too.

Good for the police officer for standing up for civil liberties! In my opinion the "crackpot" spreading misinformation is the professor. He should f'n well know better if he's attained a level of education that allows him to be a professor, considering how all of these previous pandemics were handled in history was via SOLELY quarantining those who were affected by the virus and their contacts for 40 days and it was a strict quarantine and not society in general.  Obviously that professor never had a history lesson nor a lesson about public health in his entire life. He's probably a professor of art or maybe snowboarding like the  dimwits at the helm here in Canada are.
Fake COVID-19 test results: Travellers slapped with $9,000 for showing false documents at Toronto airport  What kind of highway robbery and undue hardship is that nonsense anyhow? Why not demand the keys & deeds to their properties and first born too while they're at it? Might as well given that fines like that will bankrupt a person, couple or family (depending how many are involved that survive on the same income together). They make the Sheriff of Notthingham of Robinhood fame, look downright  munificent. 

Of course not, because that genocidal c___ wants to keep this charade going for as long as possible, considering she's probably well aware that she'll be ousted the moment this is over and maybe hung out to dry for crimes against humanity. On top of that, why would they want it to end, considering the income the gov't is raking in all those ridiculously harsh fines like shown in the headlines above. Not to mention the draconian laws that keeps everyone in their place and prevents clandestine gatherings or large gatherings that may be fixing to overthrow these draconian wanna-be dictators (as they should be). There's lots of reason this gov't doesn't want to relinguish their power over this plandemic - mostly though I surmise is because they don't want to face the legal music at the end of it, and so they want to hang on to power and these draconian laws for as long as possible (to keep people afraid and compliant). 
CDC Limits Review of Vaccinated but Infected; Draws Concern  That is strange to say the least. You'd figure they would want to get to the bottom of why vaccinated people are still being infected.  But then this is the CDC we're talking about and given their behaviour since the beginning of this plandemic it's pretty much par for the course. As strange, stupid and uncharacteristic as possible. 
Mixing COVID-19 vaccine doses leads to more reactions, study finds, which may be 'first sign of success' Is everyone in medicine & the media in Canada total inbred idiotic illiterates or what? That's what I want to know.... More reactions doesn't sound like "success" it sounds way more serious and dangerous to me. But then what do I know I was "just" a nurse, not some art teacher or pencil necked accountant like the health ministers in Canada & QC and or some wanna be fiction writer who couldn't sell even a short fiction story turned journalist who's pretending to not only understand medicine but actually know medicine writing these ficticious fake news stories.

Don't hold your breath waiting for this to happen dear fellow Canadians. Because I can tell you right now that if those genocidal c____s Tam & Haggydodo and Mr. Dressup has anything to do with it, we won't. It's that simple. They want to pretend that this thing is dragging on forever so they can keep their grip on power and us forever. Have them removed from office and you'll see how fast this virus goes away. It'll be a thing of the past so fast your heads will spin. That's how fast.
‘The lost month of February’: COVID-19 was preventable, report shows THIS IS THE STORY I WANTED TO MAKE SURE GOT POSTED. Basically, I hate to say "I told you so", but this is what I've been saying since day 1 and FINALLY I FEEL VINDICATED!!!!!!!! EVERYONE CHOSE TO SIT ON THEIR HANDS & DO NOTHING. BUT..... Were they following the directives given by Bill Gates and the WEF at Event 201?????? That is something we all need to be asking ourselves and investigating.  Because it seems like it probably was, since they basically followed it to the T. If it was, then the heads of state that decided to follow it to a T, along with Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, & Karl Schwab should all be tried for crimes against humanity and mass genocide.
'Zero evidence' COVID booster jab will be needed, top scientist warns In the case of Moderna they said the efficacy rate was 92% with one shot. So why would anyone need a second shot? It's highly unlikely that a 2nd shot would bring it up to 100% anyhow, maybe closer to 95 or 97%  - and 92% isn't far off that. I'm not sure I'll get a 2nd shot because I figure 92% is up there near 100% and for the extra possible 8% difference I'd be getting in immunity (if I got that much), is it worth it? I'm not sure it would be to me. 


It's not bad enough that they have a particularly wicked variant to contend with, now some of them have this to contend with even after recovering from Covid19. That's really sad.
People are panic buying homes as prices skyrocket around the world Like a friend of mine said the other day, she was thankful she owned her own home and didn't have to worry about buying one or having to rent an apartment because even apartment rents were skyhigh these days too.

Women are noticing changes to their periods following COVID vaccine Particularly women who've had the Moderna vaccination need to take note of this article. I know I was relieved after finding and reading it, as I was panicking thinking I had the same kind of cancer my daughter died of. But I don't - I just had the Moderna vaccination is all.  Phew.

I don't think Astra-Zeneca has the monopoly on burning hands though. Last night before even seeing this story while sitting here at the keyboard I told my husband it felt like the bones in my fingers were burning. It was the strangest sensation - like my fingers were burning on the inside near the bones. It didn't last long but I attributed to the vaccine I had - which was Moderna.  So is the vaccine/s doing that? Or something else?
Hundreds of bodies found buried along Indian riverbanks This is just horrifying. I can't even imagine the danger to the health of others in that area. That's just super dangerous, unhealthy, unsanitary and downright sickening. That should not be allowed at all under any circumstances whatsoever.

Look if that doctor Malthouse that sent that letter didn't think he would find other doctors who agreed with him why would he have sent it in the first place if he was wrong and he knew it? I think the doctors that are wrong are the ones trying to censor those those who think or know they can prove the contrary of this plandemic. It seems to me that the doctors like Vance, are so afraid that they might actually be proven wrong that rather than risk it, they want the dissenters censured and shut up.  It's entirely possible that in some areas there are NO or very LOW numbers of cases while in others there's a large/ish cluster of them. But it doesn't mean because there's a large cluster here that there's large clusters everywheres. So let's be realistic and let others speak their truths too. Vance you're not the only one with a truth or a view to this plandemic. Others have their own lived truths and realities and they should be allowed to voice them even if they don't jive with your own.  I know in my own little world here amongst everyone I know and that includes nurses and social workers too (people who are in contact with people in the health care system on a regular basis) don't know of anyone who's had the illness let alone died of it. I live just outside Montreal and one of the nurses I'm talking about works at the Montreal Super Hospital downtown. So put that in your peacepipe and smoke it, there chump Vance.

TWO just TWO out of a 100 thousand or so protestors????? And you want to use that as an example to scaremonger people with, do you CBC????? Well you'd better try harder than that, considering that just 2 people out of a hundred thousand or so people grouped together and maskless makes the point I've been making all along - it's no worse than a bad flu. Thanks for making it for me though.
Families want visitor rules relaxed in highly vaccinated Ontario long-term care homes There's no reason they shouldn't be relaxed, unless these long term care homes don't want visitors in because they still have something to hide and don't want visitors seeing the deplorable conditions their family members are living in. That could be a reason why they're reluctant to relax the rules and not because of anything to do with the virus and immunity issues. 

Anyhow that's the headlines I felt were important and needed to be posted as a means of providing a full picture of this plandemic for posterity. Assuming there is a future post, take care and stay well until then.

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