Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cooking & ...

COVID Craziness

Courtesy Pixabay.com

July 21, 2020

I am almost totally wiped out for the day. It turned out I had a lot more things to do today than I thought or planned on. First I found several more packages of meat that needed immediate attention, then a colossal mess in the fridge (because the meat was in bags, and the bags leaked), along with my planned on household chores, which still aren't totally finished.  

I will have to thank my husband for picking up the slack for me today though. He helped out a lot especially when it came to the deep frying, mostly I guess because he was afraid I'd hurt myself (well I am a super clutz at the best of times, so don't put me around anything as dangerous as an open pot of bubbling hot oil at 375 degrees and expect everything to go fine, because it probably won't). Then at suppertime when I was just so tired I didn't care what I put in my mouth or if I put anything in my mouth to eat or not, he prepared it and also some dessert, using his resourcefulness and imagination. He made something like little raspberry shortcakes using ready made sponge cakes, raspberries that he found in the fridge (that was from the freezer and previously thawed out) that he sweetened up and then put some dream whip on. So he added a touch of sweetness and niceness to my day from hell. 

Now, I'm going to try to relax and hopefully not fall asleep at the keyboard here, while I do some Coronavirus updates (they just never-end). So if you're interested get your favourite refreshments ( I know I'm going to make myself a double espresso)  and pull up a chair and dive into the following reports:

 Coronavirus updates, July 16: With cases on the rise, Quebec mulls shutting down bars again Well the SAQ has been deemed an essential service so even if bars close, you can still get your alcohol. You'll just have to find some bartenders recipes and make your favourite cocktails yourself, that's all.

Bank of Canada Hints at No Interest Rate Hikes Until 2023  What I'm always afraid of is when the interest rates goes into negative territory and it starts costing you money to keep your money in the bank. If it does that we'll need to pull our money out and stash in under our beds, at least it won't be losing value there. It's bad enough with the difference in value between the US & Cdn dollar seesawing up and down all the time.

Russia to mass produce experimental COVID-19 vaccine -wealth fund head  Based on their own formula or someone else's formula that they stole? That's the question.

Nearly One-Third Of Florida Children Tested For COVID-19 Test Positive   And they've been telling us for months now, that kids can't get it. If that's the case, how come so many are testing positive for in Florida?

A British mother died from the coronavirus after giving birth and didn't get a chance to meet her baby Very sad, but many mothers die in childbirth without ever getting the chance to meet their babies with or without other extenuating circumstances.

Coronavirus: 'My once-in-lifetime holiday hasn't been refunded' Why does this not surprise me? If it were a small company in Canada trying to rip people off like this, not only would the BB, but some government agencies would be all over the company's case, but there'd be writes ups about it in all the consumer reports across the nation and CBC would do several segments about it on Market Place probably. I bet the same is true in the UK, since we're pretty much modelled after them, their laws, practices and accepted standards of operations.

Brazil tops 2 million coronavirus cases, with 76,000 dead  Just so sad that so many have to get this disease and die from it, like that. 

An Arizona man who was in a medically induced coma for 20 days because of the coronavirus woke up paralyzed This is so sad, waking up paralyzed after coming out of a coma would be one of my worst nightmares. I'd rather die than wake up paralyzed. 

America Is on Track for a Million Coronavirus Cases a Day, and at Least 800,000 Deaths, by the End of 2020  In that case, by the end of next year everyone there will have had it and they won't need a vaccine or anything else to contain or control it. 

In interview with Fauci, Zuckerberg says U.S. failed on coronavirus response Finally Suckerberg said something I can agree with. It's not often that happens.

Get used to fewer employees for the next three months: Statistics Canada  I guess coupled with CERB and employers only being allowed to recall a certain percentage of their workforce for the time being, that might account for it.

Home renovation sector, fuelled by COVID confines and government cash, on bust  Well now's the time during lockdown and temporary layoff or vacation time to get those remodel, patio and shed projects done. It's a little difficult to do in the winter time or while working full 40 hour weeks or when you're short on funds.  This book which is an epub, downloadable at the longfiles link,  might help: Black & Decker The Book of Home How-to, Updated 2nd Edition

64% distrust Trump on coronavirus pandemic; approval declines as cases grow: POLL I don't know how anyone could trust him on the coronavirus pandemic. I mean I can't even perceive of 1% nevermind 36% trusting him on it. 

Long-distance couples must show coronavirus 'love contract' at Dutch border before reuniting  Isn't that just nonsense? Who has a "love contract" anyhow?

As Australian COVID-19 cases surge, state bans "dancing, mingling" at weddings Yeah let's have the most stoic, boring puritanical, all dressed in black with black top hats and black bonnets and long stiffling hot black gowns and black suits on and stay 2 meters away from everyone in the room including your own spouses and kids, weddings.  And let's use those dollar store extensions to pick things up off the floor without bending over, or off high shelves without climbing, to clink our glasses at the toast to the new bride and groom because we don't want to get too close or friendly or have too much fun. Having fun and enjoying life is not allowed during this pandemic, even at weddings. I mean come on.... No mingling? So you can't stay 6 feet away from a relative you haven't seen in a blue moon to say hi and catch up on things, and have to stay relegated to your own little corner the entire time the wedding goes on? So what's the point of going if you're not allowed to talk to people you haven't seen in a dog's age, or have fun? Might as well just stay home and send a wedding gift and card and save yourself the other expenses then.

Is international travel allowed? See reopening dates for Canada, Mexico, Maldives and other spots  Even if it's allowed, I doubt I'd want to go, considering that I wouldn't want to put myself at risk in a foreign country where I might get it and die there. If I get it, I want to be here in Canada so in case I die, I can be buried or cremated here, because I'm quite sure airlines won't carry coffins with corpses that died of COVID19 onboard. So I'd wind up having to be buried or burned in the foreign country. That's besides the cost of hospitalization and treatment, if my travel insurance refused to pay or only paid for certain things and not all of it.  And I wouldn't want to spend 14 days of my vacation quarantined in a hotel or some place like that at my cost. 

Don’t Expect to See Concerts Before 2022, Top Touring Exec Marc Geiger Says  That's fine by me. I haven't seen a rock concert since around 2008 or 2009 when the Australian Pink Floyd group played the Bell Center in Montreal. So I'm quite sure I can live a few more years without seeing another one.

Russia denies hacking attempt on COVID-19 vaccine trials, Pompeo says China will pay price for pandemic  Right. We believe you, thousands others wouldn't, but we do. 😉


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