Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Hodge Podge of Stuff

From Cooking, To Thoughts of Mine

To Visiting Fun Sites and Random Information

April 27, 2020

Everyday I wake up hoping that we're getting closer to be let out of confinement, only to discover that the powers-that-be keep finding more and more excuses (most of them lame and without any validation whatsoever) to continue this lockdown charade. They don't even want to let those with antibodies out because they might get reinfected themselves or still be shedding virus and infect others. Gimme a break.... I'm getting about ready to go hang myself listening to all this unbridled idiotic nonsense and the public gobbling it up as though it's the truth. When it's not and what's more we have huge shiny example of that with Wuhan. If anyone was going to get reinfected and have mass outbreaks, don't you think that that would be occurring right now in Wuhan China? Wuhan China if anything is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that antibodies are conferring immunity to those who have had the disease, and they are not shedding the virus causing others to get it. But hey that won't fit the scenario that those crooked clowns have in mind I don't think so that's why they're turning a blind eye to that and trying to scare the masses into staying home for the rest of their lives, or so it would seem. 

I mean how stupid can all the medical professionals get all at the same time? It's like they all drank from the same stupid kool-aid mix, not one of them is using any previously acquired medical knowledge to base their opinions and work upon. All I want to know is why, what kind of bonuses are the governments giving them on their salaries to keep their mouths shut and go along with this charade is all I want to know? It would also be nice if they could remember their oath they took of "DO NO HARM", by not speaking out and stopping this neverending charade they are DOING PLENTY OF HARM

Harm to those who are having mental health issues because of this pandemic, harm to those patients whose medical treatments have been put on hold or put off altogether because of this disease, harm to society as a whole especially when authorities are using it to get people to snitch on their friends and neighbours so the communities can make money from fines, harm to the economy & financial sectors, harm to people's livelihoods and hence ability to manage to keep their homes and feed themselves. There is so much harm being done by this and we're not even 1/6th of the way through it yet if we have to wait 18 months for a vaccine. 

Just recently I've been reading reports of farmers burying their crops because the "supply chain is broken" - I guess that means there's no truckers willing to transport their produce to their destinations, because truckers themselves are having a hard time to find places to even go to the toilet while on the road. Then today I read stories where pigs and chickens were being euthanized by the 100s of thousands for the same reason. Which in the long run is going to turn into a very costly famine where people won't have food or those who do will have to pay a fortune for it. 

So those doctors who think by doing nothing and keeping their mouths shut about all this idiocy is doing no harm, ARE BLATANTLY WRONG!!!! IN FACT IT'S ONLY YOU DOCTORS WHO CAN RECTIFY THIS SITUATION BY COMING OUT AND SPEAKING OUT AGAINST ALL THIS NONSENSE & HOW BLATANTLY AND PATENTLY WRONG ALL THIS BS IS! AND IF NEED BE, POINT OUT TO THE IDIOTS IN POWER THAT WUHAN IS NOT RELIVING THEIR PANDEMIC NIGHTMARE BECAUSE THEY LET EVERYONE OUT OF QUARANTINE!!!! And those who don't speak out to try to rectify this situation, I hope when you see what happens down the line and see people starving or kicked out of their homes because they couldn't afford their rent or mortgage on them anymore, you remember what I said and I hope it burns a hole in your conscience forever, because you'll be as guilty as the rest of them putting on this charade if you don't try to stop it before it's too late. 

I've been trying to at a few forums over the months but I'm only a former nurse, not a doctor. So while people eventually clue in months later and do what I advocated months earlier (but I'm sure it's not because of me), something has to be done now to stop all this insanity of house arrest because as medical professionals we all know that quarantining everyone in the population is not how quarantines work and if we're to continue to have an economy and a reasonable society should not work even now under these circumstances. So please some doctors somewhere brave enough to face the frauds Tedros and Tam come out of hiding and speak up we need you now more than ever not just to save our lives but to save our way of life and livelihoods. If you're afraid of repercussions like having your licenses yanked, band together as a collective. What are they going to do? Remove all of your licenses especially now when we need all the doctors we can get? I think if several of you signed a petition and made it public with your real professional opinions on the handling of this fiasco and how it should really be done, the public would soon see that there's several more doctors advocating normal standard quarantine measures and reasonable sane medical practices on one side with only Tedros, Tam and a handful of other doctors on the other side. That would put Tam and the art teacher in their place along with the idiot PM as well.

Because as we are seeing now, one thing leads to another. Restaurants and truckstops are closed, so truckers have no where to use the toilet, so they've stopped trucking, so because of that the farmers are plowing their crops under and euthanizing their livestock, which down the road will lead to excessively priced food causing a lot of people to go without and thus suffer from malnourishment if not die from starvation. There's massive domino effects going on here with one little break down in the chain and the rest further on down the line that depended on that component goes kaflewy. The only way to fix that is to get the economy up and running again but no one will because they're all terrified that antibodies won't confer immunity because of a few bozo brains doctors who want to win a nobel peace prize by being heros that saves humanity so are spreading  BS rumours that they don't and what's more the people with them might be shedding virus that could infect others (which as I pointed out, is not happening in Wuhan China - so it's obviously a BS scare tactic) that's all it is. But we need professional qualified doctors to speak up about that. 


Then I realize that it's near the end of April and I still haven't even dealt with the dead growth from last year's garden so I won't be able to plant anything until I do, whereas most years the cold weather crops would've been planted by now. Then I also see the end of the month creeping up real fast on me and I still haven't done our income taxes yet either and I only have 2 days to deal with those now because on the 30ieth we have appointments and won't be here. I see things in the fridge that needs to be dealt with before they have to be thrown on the compost heap and just turn around and close the fridge door. I don't know what's wrong with me, yeah I always procrastinated when it came to doing income taxes, but not on all the other stuff, but lately I just don't seem to care or have the energy or anything to deal with it. Depression maybe? Don't know, never felt like this before, but likely considering the neverending confinement. I mean we never really went anywhere anyhow, but it was nice to know that if we needed something at the store it wasn't a big deal to go and get it. Now because my husband is over 70, I can't get anything without a decent mask (not just those stupid make your own masks but N95 or better - we do have P100 masks but.... those are big rubber masks with 2 filters one on each side of the face and not all that comfortable to wear - nor are the N95 masks for that matter but still) and gloves because we couldn't find hand sanitizer so I wear gloves and wash or sanitize them each time I go in somewhere and remove them before getting in the car and then wash my hands when I get home. I mean it's a huge production now just to run to the store for a litre of milk because we ran out or I forgot to pick some up when I did the groceries.  Now it's getting so I can't find gloves either. If this keeps up for 18 months, I'll just go insane, is all.  I don't know if anyone else feels this way or if it's just me.... 



Changing gears now, or trying at least not to be so maudlin and outraged and a little chirpier to try to lift spirits - mine at least if not anyone else's. So I thought since we all need to eat but for some of us cooking is a more or less new experience and aren't quite sure how to make the most of the food we panic bought when the outbreak happened (you remember all those cans of soup and tomatoes etc), that I'd start with cooking (maybe it'll inspire me to get into my own fridge and start cooking to take care of some of the produce there before it goes bad).  And the first link here fits in perfectly with what I was talking about: 

Speaking of Canned Tuna Recipes my mother used to make salmon loaf for dinner every now and then and that uses those large 14 or 16 oz cans of Salmon (in Canada they come in weird slightly conical shaped cans - you know narrower at the bottom than at the top). It feeds a family of 4 quite economically and I like it, so maybe you will too. So while I think of it, here's the recipe: 

Salmon Loaf or Salmon fishcakes/patties

1 large can salmon & liquid
1/2 small onion chopped
1 stick of celery finely chopped
1/2 cup fine bread crumbs
1 egg
1 Tblsp butter or margarine
milk - enough to make the mixture just moist but not wet
pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients except pepper together well in a mixing bowl using a fork or spoon, when well mixed put into a loaf pan and pat down. Sprinkle with pepper to taste. Bake for 45 mins at 350. 

You can also add more bread crumbs or mashed potatoes (as a way of using up leftover mashed potatoes) and make them into salmon patties or cakes (whatever you wish to call them) that you fry on top the stove. In fact you can basically do that with almost any kind of fish including tuna.

Online Cooking Classes

The Best Free Virtual Cooking Classes To Take During Self-Isolation   This is a list put together by Huffingtonpost. I haven't checked any of the sites out so don't even know if they're operational or not, let alone how good they are. But you're free to explore them at your leisure.

6 Virtual Cooking Classes to Inspire You In the Kitchen Right Now  This list is put together by My Recipes site. Some are pay sites.

Canadian Museums & Galleries

Now for some virtual tours of Canadian art galleries and museums. I will start off with a site that seems to link to most if not all of the virtual museums of Canada:

The Art Gallery of Ontario

Royal Ontario Museum A walking street tour of the museum.

History Museum of Canada

Canadian Museum For Human Rights

On Demand Stratford Festival I'm not totally sure, but I think you can watch some of their previous productions online at this site.

Other Places of Interest

 Explore Google Arts & Culture

Museum of the World  is hosted by the British Museum and is a virtually interactive timeline of history.

Space Center Houston Exhibits & Experiences

Amazing Bryce Canyon Virtual Hike - 4K Footage for Fitness Equipment/Training Simulators - 1.5 HRS 
This is just an awesome site. We found it by accident because it wasn't on any maps we had when we were in the area and it didn't seem to be all that well known and the only thing there was a Best Western Inn, no park gates (to pay admission to) or anything. It was rather weird seeing the Inn sitting almost on the side of the canyon there like that. But it is a beautiful place.

Grand Canyon National Park Virtual Rim to River Run Down South Kaibab Trail 4k  This virtual hike lasts 2 hours, I hope you're up for it.

Hoover Dam Rail Trail Virtual Hike in 360 VR This hike of the Hoover Dam Rail Trail is only half as long as the previous hike.

Redwood National Park 4K Virtual Hike !  This hike lasts about as long as the last one, but you get to see some gorgeous huge trees while hiking.

CA 1 0:00 / 10:18 Top 5 BIGGEST Trees on Earth  A video exploration of the top 5 biggest trees on earth. The tree you see on the opening screen I stood in front of while my husband took a picture of me in front of. In order to get the whole tree from the base to the crown of it, in the photograph he had to back up to the other end of the parking lot in order to do that. So in the picture, I look like a miniscule little thing in front of the tree. You can barely see me in the picture, that's how far away he had to get in order to fit the whole thing into the viewfinder.

Highway 9 through Zion National Park Utah, the best scenic road in the USA A virtual drive through this park, which at the time we went through it was unmarked. The only way we knew it was special was by the scenery we were seeing, but we had no way of knowing the name of it, or if it had a name because it wasn't indicated on our map and there were no signs or park entrances indicating it as such either. 

Canadian Rockies National Parks in 4K Some beautiful Canadian Parks. The Rockies really are awesome, if you ever get the chance to go out west to see them, you can't pass it up.

Pyramids of Giza Walking Tour (4K/60fps) This is an almost 2 hour walking tour around the Pyramids of Giza. Doing it this way is perhaps less dangerous and less strenuous than actually taking the walking tour in real life.

Tour the Sydney Opera House in 360° | Featuring soprano Nicole Car and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra  Wow! This is definitely different. Not only is it a video on YouTube, but it's an interactive video in that you get to choose the direction you wish to view. Very interesting.

4K Virtual Hike Near River through the Forest - Baker River Trail & Chain Lake Trail 
This is a pretty long virtual hike through the woods - almost 3 hours long, so only take it when you have the time.

Havasupai Falls Full Hike 4K  Another walking hike this time through what looks like the southwestern area of the US in amongst badlands and lots of rocks.

VR Hike - Nicole Bloom Memorial Trail Hike  This hike through the snow is a lot like the tour of the Sydney Opera House, in that you can control the direction you want to look.

VR 360 Video of Top 5 Roller Coaster Rides 4K Virtual Reality  Another controllable virtual reality experience. This time it's wicked roller coaster rides for the big kids in us or our grandkids.

360 3D VR video T-Rex Dinosaurs Jurassic World 360° Virtual Reality  Another virtual reality video of dinosaurs that your grandchildren say 7+ might enjoy playing with.

3D 360 VR skydiving experience with the Vuze camera (4K)  If one of the things on your bucket list is to go sky diving but you haven't had the opportunity or when it comes right down to it, you don't know if you have the guts to or not, and prefer not to find out, here's one way to get at least an idea of what it might be like when everything goes according to plan.

Red Bull F1 VR / 360° Video Experience  Virtually drive an F1 racing car around the track in this video.

The Jungle Book: King Louie's Lair in 360 Degrees  The younger grandchildren might enjoy this virtual reality video.

3D 180 VR video of hiking in Zion National Park  A very pretty short walk through Zion National Park.

Smithsonian Institute  They have so much to explore you're apt to get lost in here for hours if not longer.

Silk Interactive  Very nice abstract drawing app online, to put you in a zen mode - relaxing and calming. Just to show you what I'm talking about this is one I made:

A National Film Board of Canada site where you can learn about the Ocean.

Cryptaris  This is a military training simulation.

Radio & TV & Movies Online

These are sites where you can listen to radio stations from around the world, watch Canadian TV channels online and find and watch other TV shows and movies online as well. 

Radio Garden  You should be able to listen to live radio broadcast from anywhere around the world. I tried the Montreal area and all I could see were a few of the stations but not all of them. So I don't know, but you may still like it anyhow.

CTV What To Watch Stream shows from the CTV channel. I do believe these are older TV shows that are no longer aired, but there may be some current shows in there as well. Not sure. If you click on Full Episodes I guess that's where the current shows are.

CBC Gem - Watch TV Shows Allows you to watch CBC shows online. 

The next three links are to various PutLocker sites - because they have a tendency to be up, down and sideways. So if one doesn't work try another. But these are sites where you can look for specific shows, or movies that you'd like to see, and watch them online. If one of the PutLocker sites doesn't have what you're looking for try another maybe they have it, or maybe their copy is of better quality.

Until I get the chance to finish adding some of the other interesting links aside from the COVID19 stories, I hope this helps pass some of the time you have to spend under house arrest, aka quarantine. Enjoy.


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