LILLEY: Trudeau government warns against travelling ... seriously
Sask. restricts family visitations at ICUs
Health-care staff shortages could be on the way as COVID-19 vaccine mandates loom Which the gov'ts all chickened out from implementing at the last minute, because they were afraid they'd be left with hospitals full of patients and no one to look after them if they went through with the mandates.
Most Canadians support health-care workers refusing treatment to threatening, disrespectful unvaccinated patients: Nanos survey That was a load of BS if I ever saw it. I don't know of anyone who thought that. They all realized that everyone pays for medicare and some make bad choices but still get treated anyhow, as in the case of skiers who break their necks flying down skihills, or motorcyclists who wind up half mangled due to riding a motorcycle or being a risky rider, drinkers who wind up in mangled wrecks due to their overindulgences and driving afterward, and smokers who just can't seem to quit until they need oxygen tanks strapped to wheelchairs or double lung transplants. Or those who love food a little too much or not nearly as much as they should. Or kids who cut themselves etc... Nearly everyone at some time in their lives has done something, risky, stupid, or adopted habits that were bad for their health. So while I heard a couple of callous beitches on the radio talk shows suggest that they shouldn't be treated in hospitals if they refused the vaccine, for the most part I don't know anyone in person and even the talk show host on the radio was aghast at the callousness of that idea. Asking the beitch that suggested that if that were even legal since everyone pays for medicare and could they just refuse it to someone like that because they didn't agree with the choices that person made. I believe medical care under the medicare act and the constitution is actually a constitutional right to all citizens of Canada so for beitches to suggest such a thing, I suggest for those particular beitches that when it comes time to treat them for their cancer (as I'm sure someone like that WILL develop cancer and since she's a beitch it's likely to be breast, ovarian or cervical cancer) that we should find an excuse to not treat her - as in she put out too many times for too many people or animals (whatever turned her crank) or she was such a dried up prune she never put out or had kids and as a result didn't contribute anyone else to the human race, so she wasn't needed and so we don't need to treat her cancers. Or if she ever smoked (cigarettes, cigars, tea leaves, cannabis, seaweed, weeds - the good old garden variety - no matter what), drank, worked in places where any of those things were consumed and used - as in liquor stores, pubs, bars, restaurants, tobacco stores etc, then all cancer related medical services were denied to such beitches. I would. That would be on all the questionnaires I handed out to cancer victims along with what did they think of those who didn't get vaccinations against covid (multiple choice answers there too) and depending on how that form was answered would depend on the type of treatment the person got. It just blows my mind to see such a bunch of sanctimonious assholes out there. Who would deny people the right (even after they pay for the right through their taxes) to medical services, because the gov't has scared those moronic assholes silly and brainwashed everyone into believing that the vaccines protect everyone. Yet it's the assholes who've had their vaccinations that are super paranoid of the non-vaccinated. It's the NON-VACCINATED THAT SHOULD BE THE ONES THAT ARE PARANOID OF CATCHING IT ******** NOT THE VACCINATED ******* because if the vaccines actually worked as they're supposed to the vaccinated would be immune to it. But again we're talking about Canadian sheeple which for the most part have been scared silly by the wanna-be dictators in power. So since they've been scared silly that's what they are now, SILLY. Too stupid to think for themselves. But again we're also talking about snake oil elixirs that aren't really vaccines and only placebos at best.
Russia's new COVID-19 infections, deaths near all-time highs
Finland joins other Nordic nations in curbing Moderna shots
Moderna plans African vaccine plant as drugmakers urged to help poorest
AHS responds to more than 3,000 COVID-19 health measure complaints
This area has Ontario's highest vaccination rate. One of the lowest is just 100 km away
N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 109 new cases, 63 people in hospital
Italy is about to bring in the strictest COVID-19 measures in Europe
VERIFY: Can the COVID-19 vaccine lead to a false-positive mammogram?
Moderna asks Health Canada to approve COVID-19 vaccine booster shot Which they obviously did.
Sydney reopens after nearly four months under lockdown
Resistance against vaccines rising among U.S. first responders You have to wonder why, if the vaccines are so great and work so well, so many medical personnel from nurses and doctors to 1st responders are refusing them. You'd think being medical personnel, that they would KNOW without a doubt how good or bad those vaccines are and how reliable they are at protecting people from the illnesss. With so many of the medical personnel refusing the vaccines, it only leads one to believe that those vaccines aren't all they're cracked up to be and probably should be avoided altogether if medical personnel who are in daily contact with covid patients are refusing the vaccines. You'd think if they were constantly in contact with covid victims they'd want to protect themselves from catching the disease by getting the vaccine, but yet they're refusing them. So obviously those vaccines probably aren't as great as the authorities would have you believe if medical personnel are risking their jobs by refusing to get jabbed.
Swedish study finds link between Covid vaccination and reduced household transmission
COVID-19 updates, Oct. 12: Too soon to say what impact looming mass suspensions will have on health system, Dubé says That's because he's a DuMbe, too stupid to figure out that if everyone is suspended there won't be anyone left there to look after the patients. Um f'n duh....
A record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August, led by food and retail industries Headlines from October in the USA.
A record number of workers are quitting their jobs, empowered by new leverage
After family members contracted COVID-19, Ozzy Osbourne says worshiping Satan protected him from virus hehehe.... There's all kinds of fruit loops out there of all different colours and flavours and this one seems to be the darker crispier more burnt one, that stayed in the oven a lot longer than the others. He's not half baked, he's fully baked in fact to a burnt crisp if you ask me.
'Desperate for tires.' Components shortage roils U.S. harvest
Parents sue Wisconsin schools after their children catch covid: ‘Recklessly exposing the public’
Hospital Patient In Denver Shares Story Of 20-Hour-Long Wait For Room OMG that's a short time compared to the 36 hours my husband spent lying on a stretcher in a hallway in our local hospital in 2014 - so no covid to blame that on then. Then it was just standard operating procedures at most QC hospitals - plagued with shortages of staff, beds, and rooms etc... Thanks in large part to Peg Legged Lucien Bouchard, that decided to close a large number of hospitals in the province while he was premier. I don't know what the moron was thinking when he did that considering he knew the population was getting older and there were more people in the province who would eventually need medical care. Ironically the moron himself needed dire medical care shortly after he did that, as he had flesh eating disease and one of his legs had to be amputated. At the time I was so angry at him having closed most of the hospitals that I wished it was his head that needed amputating instead of one of his legs. But you can see over the years (when you live long enough and can see in hindsight what each action does) how you wind up with 36 hour hallway gurney waits for rooms in hospitals and that's before any plandemics came along. Now, it's probably more like a few weeks or your entire hospital stay (unless you have covid - then they find you a room pronto but otherwise....) before you get a room with a door and a connecting bathroom.
Rising COVID-19 numbers returning to pre-vaccine levels in Minnesota
Why Some Nations Have Deadlier Outbreaks With the Same Vaccines
Russia to test COVID-19 vaccine in form of nasal spray
This Couple Caught COVID-19, So Authorities Drowned and Burned Their Dogs THIS is SO SAD & SO SO SO CRUEL!!!!!! Those men should be stuffed in bags and drowned and then have their corpses burnt too. I'm sorry but you just don't treat animals like that, not if you're a decent human being that is.
Bookings for COVID-19 boosters jump as seniors in Alberta eligible for 3rd dose
Alberta doctors, nurses redeployed to COVID-19 units and ICUs share what it's like on the inside
Alberta reports 1,256 new COVID-19 cases, 16 deaths ahead of Thanksgiving weekend
Alberta's COVID-19 vaccine verifier app launched
COVID-19: 'Serious errors' by ministers and scientific advisers 'cost thousands of lives' during pandemic, says report by MPs Serious errors were made in Canada too. But given that they seemed more intentional than errors, I'd say they were serious crimes as in against humanity, genocide and senocide to name a couple of those serious crimes.
Cabinet Minister Refuses To Apologise After Damning Covid Report Gawd those clowns in the UK have a nerve and a half, asking HIM to apologize. What the F for? For telling the truth? If anyone should apologize it should be the assholes to made those "errors" - that is a polite way of putting it I think. I think they should more aptly be called criminal negligence rather than errors.
COVID-19 pandemic not in 'rear view mirror' for hospitality sector, pubs boss warns PM
Report concludes UK waited too long for virus lockdown Waited too long for a LOCKDOWN???? What about having waited too long to CLOSE THE BORDERS TO PEOPLE TRYING TO ENTER THE UK FROM ELSEWHERE????? THAT would've done more to protect the population than lockdowns did - especially since those were proven to be useless for disease spread and harmful to the economy and education.
Ex-police will enforce COVID-19 rules, 'secure isolation site' to relaunch, Sask. doctors told in other words more Canadian gestapo tactics being used here.
Shuffling health-care workers around won't solve COVID crisis: Sask. nurses' union president Of course not. They proved here in QC that shuffling health care workers around amongst the CHLDs (long term care homes) is what helped spread covid from one facility to another. It's just a way to keep the disease going - being transmitted from one institution to another.
COVID-19 deaths are surging in Russia, but vaccination lags
That's it for now.... Hopefully, I'll get to more of the backlogged headlines soon. In the meantime take care and stay well and remember....
the meantime remember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu
stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for
injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than
welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them.
You can visit the blog mentioned here: Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:
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