Sunday, June 26, 2022

Too Hot to do Much Except Try to Catch Up on Headlines About....

 Covid 19


June 25, 2022

It is so excruciatingly hot (to me anyhow) that I am doing almost nothing today. I should be smoking the meat I prepared today, but there's no way I'm going outside in this heat. No we don't have air conditioners installed yet, but we do have a few fans, that are working and that I don't intend to step away from, because it's hot and humid and nothing's moving outside (in the way of leaves or anything - to show signs of a breeze at least if not wind, but nope nothing's moving). So in the sun it's likely to be hotter out there than it is right here parked under a fan and beside 2 large fans.  

I still had lemon zest and juice to use up by making/baking something, but it's too hot to turn the oven on even, that's why we're having tacos (meat cooked outside on BBQ burner) rather than the shepherd's pie we had planned. 

Since my last entry in here, things didn't quite go to plan. I didn't get to make the lemon related things I had in mind and the first one that I made,  had a good taste to it, but just the grossest texture of a cake I've ever seen. Yuck. Will not be making that one again. The other one turned out fine, I guess, we didn't cut into it yet - want to freeze it for later on.  Now with the remaining juice and zest there's a toss up between lemon bars, lemon bread and a cake made with rhubarb, amaretto and lemon. Thing is I don't have any amaretto on hand and would have to make some and it's even too hot for that.  

I discovered I do have a gallbladder after all and that gallbladder attacks hurt like a SOB.... I also discovered that pickle juice and or dandelion wine will take care of that problem toute de suite. I think I guzzled a half a 750ml bottle of dandelion wine last night to try to take care of my 2 day gallbladder attack that came on after eating zucchini fritters that my husband fried up for us and then just fished right out of the oil filled frying pan and plopped directly into our plates without first letting them drain on paper towels. I told him to do that, but he didn't want to, so shortly after that I didn't know where to put myself I was in so much agony. I never experienced such problems before in my entire life. I guess now though that I've one gallbladder attack, I'll probably get more as time goes on.

Last night after coming back from the Polish Restaurant "Stash Cafe", where they serve super yummy Polish food in downtown Montreal,  which is where we went to celebrate our daughter-in-law's birthday instead of going axe throwing (which I spent the week psyching myself up to be able to do), I did some research on how to alleviate gallbladder pain without going to a doctor (as they're pretty much non existant in QC now that the CAQ has basically dismantled our medical system) and found out dandelions work wonders. So while watching some shows on TV,  I drank a half a bottle of dandelion wine as we don't have dandelions out there on our property now - that season has blown past. I'm sure some more will appear later on in late summer like they usually do, but right now there's none. Now we pretty much have to rely on our own resources, herbs and maybe shamanism to cure whatever ails us thanks to Gestapo Legault and his gang of merry wanna be dictators.

Oh and I guess Nurse Ratshit, finally came to her senses after the cop that she sent to arrest me last week, talked some sense into that thicker than a brick skull of hers, because I see that they've put the post markers for their soon to be built fence up and they're basically in the same place where the other fence used to be. So I guess she got told by the cop that it's illegal to steal land just because you want it and you're richer than the person you're stealing it from. And her husband obviously thinks that fixes things, as he's trying to be friendly by smiling and waving at us as we drive by their house. It's a genuine friendly smile not a hypocritical fake smile. But it's going to take more than capitulating my land to me, to fix things. They shouldn't be trying to steal it in the first place, like they shouldn't have cut 9 branches off my maple tree, or tried to have me arrested 2x for nonsense BS things, just because they felt like having me arrested. Only they're too stupid and self-centered to realize any of that, so they seem to think just because they're not stealing the land they intended to steal that that makes everything alright. NOT BY A LONG SHOT. 

They still owe me for the damages done to my tree and a profound and profuse apology for trying to have me arrested every 6 months and having a confrere of their son's scare the crap out of me when he allegedly came to check our smoke alarms in January. They were supposed to check everyone's smoke alarms this June apparently. Well June's almost over and I haven't seen any of them around here checking everyone else's alarms, so I think that email I was sent, was a bunch of BS, after I threatened getting a higher authority to go after them when they wanted to check our alarms over 3 times in a 2 week period back then. Asking if the citizens of our little town would approve of wasting tax dollars just to harass us on behalf of his confrere and if we should get the city or cops involved..... That's when I got the reply about we were randomly chosen (that's when I asked, randomly chosen 3 times in a row?) Doesn't seem too random too me.... And asked about tax payers finding out and the city or cop involvement, which brought the response that we were chosen randomly then but that they'd be doing a door to door inspection in June. There's not that many days left of June and our town isn't that big that they should've  been able to come by this area by now.

Well they're bullies, who raised a bullying  brat, aka NHL player son so what can you expect? It's been proven that Hockey Canada (the league/association) are corrupt bullies if not out right criminals (as in rapists) and as Hockey Canada is in charge of everything below a couple of other league levels (that being the professional levels semi pros so NHL and whatever the other league's name is) to do with hockey in Canada and where ALL THE CANADIAN NHL TEAM MEMBERS COME FROM. Meaning their son from the time he put his first cheese cutter skates on and joined the preschooler league right up until the time he was drafted by the NHL he was under the pervue of Hockey Canada - that corrupt, bullying organization. Where the players are basically encouraged to bully others if not taught outright the proper bullying methods. I mean who knows? That's what it seems like to me, because it seems to me to be a hockey player or even a fan of hockey you have to have some level of bloodthirst or a bully in your personality.
Our neighbour across the street is completely the opposite personality. Last night after we got home from Stash Cafe, I checked my email and found one in there from him, asking if we were alright  because he hadn't seen us outside in a week (well it's been raining most of the week but my husband was out mowing the lawn inbetween times - doing it piecemeal as he could, but I guess he didn't see him when he was out) and was going to come on over the first thing in the morning if he had no response from me last night. That's the kind of neighbours we've always had here until the bullies broke the mold and moved in next door. Everyone here looked out for everyone else and helped each other no matter how rich or poor everyone was compared to everyone else. This is a neighourhood that is slowly being gentrified from what were cottages and simple bungalows into McMansions - like we basically see all around us except for a few remaining original properties. The neighbour across the street bought that land about 5-6 years ago and built his own version of a McMansion complete with what would almost pass as a public botanical garden complete with statuaries and all. Most of the other newer built houses here are McMansions as well. There's no modest houses being built at all now at least not in our area.  But with the exception of the assholes next door the rest of them are all decent people. 

Now if I'm ever going to get to the end of the headlines, I guess I'd better start posting them, as they won't post themselves in here (despite how much I wish they would oblige me and do just that)....

#BoycottTimHortons: Tim Hortons' alleged vaccine mandate for campers inspires criticism, praise online While everyone's at it, they should also boycott all Metro grocery stores, for the way they treat senior citizens who've been injured on their property due to their negligence, despite the fact that that senior citizen was a loyal customer of theirs for over 40 years - and boycott Intact Insurance too, because they don't honour their policies by paying out claims for such legal liabilities, despite the fact that they admit their client's guilt in a round about way.
RCMP cleared border blockades without Emergencies Act powers, committee hears Considering the fact that they were able to do that, AND the Ottawa Gestapo was able to go into the area where the trucker protests were going on and start rifle butting heads, trampling people with their horses and destroying private property with their rifle butts,  without the emergency act being enacted when they did that, I don't see what use that emergency was for other than to give the wanna be Banana Republic Dictator at the helm more powers to use and abuse against his TAX PAYING VOTERS. That's all it was was a sheer unadulterated power grab. Which he'd probably use as an means to declare anything - even a legal constitutionally mandated upcoming Federal Election as a threat to national security and override the legally mandated election - in other words - using it to stay in power without any elections, indefinitely.

But now that he has the too tightly wound turban sporting moron propping him up he can maybe use his lust for power as well, to stay in power indefinitely if he declares that other oxygen to the brain deprived moron that he can be co-dictator along side him, come 2025. I can just see that happening too.

Growing share of Covid-19 deaths are among vaccinated people, but booster shots substantially lower the risk Growing share????? Ya think???? There was a report awhile back - headlines posted somewhere in this blog, that's for sure..... Where in the UK the MAJORITY OF DEATHS FROM COVID WERE FROM THE VACCINATED.  So in other words more vaccinated people than non vaccinated people were dying from Covid. Funny.... You'd think if the vaccines were really vaccines, that they'd work like vaccines should and that is PREVENT PEOPLE FROM GETTING SICK FROM THE DISEASE IN THE FIRST PLACE OR AT LEAST PREVENT 100% OF THE VACCINATED FROM DYING FROM IT EVEN IF THEY DID GET SICK WITH IT!!!!! Obviously that's not the case, from everything I've been reading.


Cruises are smashing records despite covid on board Cruises aren't something I see the attraction in.... Floating in a confined area petri dish is not my idea of fun. Doesn't matter if it's COVID, the cold, a flu, Norwalk Virus, or the Black Plague. 


Ontario ice cream maker tarred by 'lies' from anti-vaxxers, this time after doctor's 'nice' tweet That's too bad, as Chapman's Ice Cream is by far the most creative ice cream maker in Canada - coming up with different ideas, flavours, serving sizes, etc, away from the worn and weary types made by other companies, without feeling the need to gouge your eyes out because of the uniqueness. 

COVID-19 survivors' families stuggle with PTSD: study The same could be said of families of several different kinds of patients, from cancer and stroke to sudden accidental death - especially after medical intervention that fails ie: car crash victim rescued taken to hospital operated on, placed in ICU is in coma for a time and then dies without waking up - just one example of such. There's always a trauma with a long drawn out painful death like cancer and covid and a sudden loss but with a glimmer of hope of survival and recovery inbetween the actual accident and death. Sudden losses like deaths from heart attacks in what was thought to be a healthy person, or death from an accident or suicides, are equally hard. No matter who you talk to, a death of a loved one is stressful and traumatic whether it was sudden or long drawn out. So yeah Covid family survivors struggle with that, but so do most other people who have lost family members for one reason or another.  It's called grief. We all experience that when a loved one dies. In some weird way while we know our loved one who has cancer is in terminal stages, we still choose to hope for the best. and while we hold out hope for our loved ones, we know that eventually the end is going to come. Some of us get to a stage where we hope it comes sooner rather than later because of the suffering we see that our loved one is going through. So even though they died sooner rather than later, we still feel as bad or even worse because then we think we're responsible for their premature death. So those people too feel a form of PTSD, even though they know the death probably saved their loved one many more days or weeks of suffering.

The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room I am pretty sure I linked to this headlines much earlier in the blog, but in case  you missed it here it is again. Not only should you read this page, but ALL LINKED PAGES including his "bibliography" of sorts, for an education on this whole plandemic  we've been subjected to for the past 2 years.

Official Account: Plandemic Documentary Series I believe this is one of those links I bookmarked for myself for perusal whenever I had freetime.

Threat of violent extremism rising in Canada, MPs told "fuelled by misinformation..." MISINFORMATION MY ASS! There's NO MISINFORMATION THERE, when the FACTS OF THE MATTER WERE WE WERE HAVING OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TRAMPLED BY AUTOCRATIC DICTATORSHIPS FROM DAY ONE OF THIS PLANDEMIC. People eventually saw through that BS and so THAT'S WHY PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING NOW (AS IS THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT -ANOTHER ONE OF THE RIGHTS YOU TRIED TO TRAMPLE USING AN EMERGENCIES MEASURES ACT), to stop the autocratic dictators that basically usurped our rights and the constitution for their own purposes, using the plandemic as an excuse to do so. THE ONLY MISINFORMATION OUT THERE WAS THAT BEING SPREAD BY THE GOV'TS & LAMESTREAM MEDIA!!!!!

The World’s a Mess. So They’ve Stopped Saving for Tomorrow. Finally they're wising up. I was told as a young child, to live for today because today was the only day that was a given, as I could never be sure if I'd have a tomorrow. Basically that's the way I lived my life making sure shelter costs (rent/mortgage heating/electricity and utilities) were covered first followed by food and then whatever other necessities & bills of the moment were covered and then after that whatever was left was ours to enjoy or use for things we wanted - that weren't needs so much as wants. That's how we've managed our entire lives to have the things we needed and some of what we wanted without going into debt or needing credit. We've never had a loan or a credit card or even mortgage in our lives. We were inspired by a sign we saw in a window out west in a general store  that read "if we don't have it you don't need it", so we modified that motto to be "if we can't afford to pay cash for it, we don't need it". That is called living in your means but also means you don't really need to save if when you get paid you cover all those costs first, then if you do have some money left over no matter what all your necessities are already covered and you should be covered until your next pay period and therefore the money that's left over can be used for whatever purpose you wish - whether it's to save for a "rainy day" or to have fun with or buy something you've been wanting for a while, it's entirely up to you at that point. After seeing my mother and my daughter, friends' kids and a few patients all die young (and there's relative meanings there - because young in some cases were as young as 9 and young in other cases were 53 yrs. old), I decided that after all obligations are met to myself and my family whatever money left over inbetween each pay period was ours to enjoy - whether that was going on a trip, or buying a new play thing - like a computer game or computer, or going to an amusement park for the day with the kids (depending on amount left over), we could and should do that because all of our time is limited and none of us knows how long we're here for. So enjoy each day as if it's your last - if life will let you.
Rather than save our money to take one overseas trip to see everything or the things most appealing to us at those overseas destination, we decided to take several smaller trips to see the things on our own continent that we wanted to see instead, and to do things spontaneously to see/experience something new or fun. That way instead of waiting for something that we may never attain, we get to experience a lot more things and have more fun doing things that are a lot more affordable and more attainable - ergo living a fuller life during the life time that we have. For security purposes though make sure all bills are paid (including insurances), you have food and medications to last at least until your next pay period and everything is in tip top shape (house and car repairs not needed). Once those are taken care of, you can do whatever you want with confidence knowing that no matter what, when it's over you have a safe secure place to return to. Living frugally and within your means is the best way to accomplish that. We still live like that. 
So think of it this way,  instead of saving enough money to go to Egypt to see the pyramids and then tour the safe parts of the middle east (taking about a month's time to do so), which mileage wise is about 1/3rd of Canada's provinces size (like say the size of the prairies combined). You could see ALL of Canada taking a roadtrip across country and back experiencing a ton of different events staying at some of the best camp grounds or even half decent roadside motels for less than half the cost of what it costs for that Egypt/middle east trip. Don't kid yourself there's plenty different cultures and cuisines to sample on that Canadian roadtrip of yours if  you want to.  Not to mention some of the most awesome scenery in the world. In a month's time you'll be able to travel leisurely back and forth across the country taking time to take in sights and events as you go. Driving straight through coast to coast (depending on how you drive it could be more or less but let's say you stick to the speed limit) it takes about 5-7 days to drive straight through changing drivers every so many hours -1 drives while the other sleeps.... So if you stay overnight somewhere each night there and back and take in various events (like say Calgary Stampede and then Buffalo Days in Regina and stop at various attractions along the way without rushing like a crazy person) you should be able to do it in a month, going and returning and for half the cost of the other trip. And a bonus (well now-a-days it'd be a bonus anyhow) you won't need a passport for any of it. No vaccine passport and no Canadian passport (which seems to be near impossible to get these days). No language barriers (less you're pure anglophone and wish to explore Quebec - maybe you might have a language issue depending on who you run into in the Quebec service sectors and their attitudes). Most of 'em can at least understand if not speak English too, it's a matter if they want to or not though. Some of them it depends on the day of the week and the colour of your eyes if they wish to or not it seems.

So regardless of if the world's a mess or not.... Live each day as if it's your last and enjoy whatever opportunities you're given in life, make sure your current life is secure first though at least until your next pay period (for us ole geezers that's until we get our next pension cheques). Jump at whatever opportunities you're given as you might not get them again. Basically almost all of the most amazing and fun things that happened to me in my life (which we can get the  gist of in a previous post - either the last one or the one before that) were all spontaneous offerings/occurrences. Things that I had no idea would happen, but did and gave me an incredible experience that I didn't have to pay for, but were offered freely to me and sometimes to my entire entourage too (like family and friends that were currently visiting us - as in the real flight simulator experience). So enjoy life while you can.

Had Covid At Christmas? You Could Get It Again Now I know I've had it 2x. Once in January 2020 and again near the end of March this year. Plus I had my 2 full dose vaccine shots too.

The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots Nothing like crying fire in a crowded theatre....

More research links air pollution exposure and covid-19 risk As a former nurse that is also an ex-smoker, I knew this was the case and why so many were getting sick in China in the beginning -because of their massive smog problem that they had back then while all the factories were in full gear cranking out western orders.

1 million COVID deaths but only 350K families have asked FEMA for funeral cost help I guess not everyone needed or probably could qualify for the help.

Much relief, some concern as Quebec becomes last province to lift COVID-19 mask rules Remember this autocratic draconian dictator and what he pulled during the plandemic at the upcoming election and how he used and abused his authority over us. 

Why COVID is a key suspect in severe hepatitis cases in kids worldwide Yup, I went through this explanation before, concluding the ONLY RELEVANCE COVID CAN POSSIBLY PLAY IN THEM GETTING HEPATITIS OF ANY KIND, IS IF THEY GOT A VACCINE JAB VIA A PREVIOUSLY USED HYPODERMIC NEEDLE THAT WAS USED TO INJECT SOME ONE ELSE WITH PRIOR TO GIVING THE KID THEIR VACCINATION. That's the only possible connection there can be to COVID if what medical science says about the various ways there are to contract Hep A, B or C is true. Either that or the kid is sharing razors with a COVID patient who also has Hepatitis, or having sex with a covid patient that also has hepatitis, or eating food prepared by a Covid patient with hepatitis who happened to cough on the food while preparing it. I mean there aren't a lot of ways to get Hepatitis. Unless the kid is a heavy intravenous drug user that shares needles with their hepatic COVID wheezing uncle... All of which I discount except the idea of them getting vaccinations using pre-used hypodermic needles as being the ONLY CONNECTION - but that still wouldn't explain how they also got COVID too. 


If you thought the CRA wouldn't follow up on improperly claimed CERB and other benefits, think again OMG, of course not. They won't let you have 1 cent more than they figure you're entitled to - unless of course your name happens to be Sheitehead Turdeau.  Then you can skim as many millions off the taxpayer's trough as suits you. 

It's about time that workers wised up and realized that they were being treated and paid like indentured slaves.
Oil falls as China coronavirus lockdowns spark demand concerns Really???? Because I haven't noticed. If anything all I've noticed is it increasing like crazy to the point where we're now paying basically $10.00 per gallon if not more. That's f'n insane. Criminal is more like it. Criminals at the oil heads and in the tax gougers offices.

NYC raises COVID-19 alert level to high  Wondering if this has anything to do with all the various mandates being lifted? If so, were they lifted too soon? 



VIRAL LOAD Warning to parents as 12 kids die in mysterious hepatitis outbreak and 450 fall sick School/daycare cafeteria workers who are preparing the lunches to blame maybe? 

Covid-19 The Great Reset schwab2020 an ebook available for download in any of the 3 following formats, PDF, epub or mobi - choose the version you want and get enlightened. 

Coronavirus Replication and Reverse Genetics Another ebook available for download for the more scientific minded.

home deaths

A Moderna exec will be paid $700,000 despite leaving his job after 1 day, a report says That kind of tells you what kind of money Moderna makes if they can afford to pay this.

Coroner says Quebec Health Department chose to ignore COVID-19 risk in long-term care  Of course because to do otherwise would be going against the world wide agenda of cutting down on the "useless eaters" as deemed by the ultimate useless eater ever - Henry Kissinger.

China's economy cools sharply in April as lockdowns bite As I've done since I put a re-freezable ice pack on both my chest and back. I had no choice as I was melting worse than a snowman in hell... Whoo.... feel lots better now and able to continue doing this - otherwise I'd have had to call it quits.

The pandemic housing boom is winding down. Economists forecast a 10-20% price correction Oh what's f'n new? It's basically par for the course for our lives... First we have a construction company that relies on it's clients being able to get mortgages in order to hire us for construction work, and we just barely get established as the best construction company in the city and the interest rates skyrocket to 21%. Then I'm named in a will that has stocks on the Canadian stock market and just as the will is being probated the Cdn stock market collapses. Then I'm named in an American will which is mostly comprised of stocks and just as it's being probated 9/11 happens and the bottom falls out of that stock market. We've barely had our house up for sale for more than 7 months and the housing market starts collapsing and interest rates increasing along with insane inflation to make sure if one of those factors doesn't affect potential buyers the others might. - Just to make sure we don't sell our house or don't get anywhere near what we want for it, if we do. That's the usual way things work for us. We always get the crappiest end of the stick there is to get on any big deal in our lives. It would be super awesome, miraculous almost if something could work out in our favour for once. 
If I have a guardian angel as a lot of people think they do, mine mostly guards me from the good stuff.... I'm allowed all the pain, hurt, hard times, grief and even downright misery at times, that I can stand and then some.... But money, luxury, the finer things in life.... Nope not a f'n chance, not if my guardian angel has anything to say about it. Guess he's the same angel Job in the Bible had....
🎆 --------------------------------------
OMG.... Someone's having a St. Jean Baptiste fireworks display in the area and our dog is flipping out over the noise making it near impossible for me to think. If the kids were still living at home, I'd have been searching for my thongs for my feet so we could go out and see where they were - because we live by the water, it could be anywhere along the shoreline, but usually it's in one park or another hosted by a municipality along the shore line. Guess they're done now - didn't last long - not even long enough for me to have found my thongs if I'd have wanted to go see them.

Accused in Coutts blockade concerned over 'bias' if faced with vaccinated jury  It's not just vaccinated jury members they should be concerned with. They should also be concerned with political preferences of the jurors as well. 

Belief in natural immunity a barrier to COVID-19 vaccination: Hirji Well it has been proven that natural immunity EVEN IN THE CASE OF COVID 19 is a MUCH BETTER MEANS OF IMMUNIZATION THAN THOSE BOGUS VACCINES ARE.


Mom undergoes emergency surgery after swallowing COVID test  Mom's not the brightest crayon in the box, is she?


Vaccine Skeptic Eric Clapton Contracts COVID, Cancels Shows Because He’s ‘Anxious’ The guy is 77 years old, so I think he has a right to feel anxious about contracting covid.

Symptoms linger two years for some; inflammatory protein patterns may provide long COVID clues As the disease has only been around for more or less 2 years we can't tell really how long those symptoms will linger on for. They may linger on for life for all we know at the moment, but I guess we're sure that they can linger for 2 years for sure, but I'd hazard a guess and say probably a lot longer too.

Hundreds of thousands of pregnant people around the world have received an mRNA  Remember we're dealing with the MOST DISHONEST CANADIAN GOV'T IN HISTORY.... So take this info from whence it came, and treat it accordingly.  Personally I'm filing it under G for Gov't Garbage.

Regular travel and public health measures can't coexist: Canadian Airport Council Finally they've got that right, as travel is the best and fastest way there is to spread viruses around the world.

B.C. residents cross border for 2nd booster in Washington state I suppose there's always going to be gullible, compliant if not scared people among us who will always want to be the first ones getting the shots "to protect themselves", without actually knowing if the shots they're getting actually do anything besides generate profits for the manufacturers and shareholders.

Covid cut 2020 US wedding numbers to lowest since 1963 That was a time when there were half as many people on earth as there are now.... So that's saying something.




Lessons not learned: world no better prepared to fight next pandemic Of course not, they didn't have any time to learn any lessons, because they were all too busy playing "Dictators R' Us". 

COVID shows need for better information sharing early in pandemics, UK's Javid says Oh information WAS SHARED by the Doctors in Wuhan who were treating the first patients, but none of you egg heads listened to them, instead you waited for the corrupt ashhole that heads up WHO to issue a pandemic warning and even then you all dragged your feet, before you did anything as you wanted to be 100% positive that the disease was already in your countries before you acted.  By then it was way to late to do anything as the virus was already in all the countries and spreading like wildfire. Which was the whole purpose of why you didn't listen to the Wuhan doctors and dragged your sorry miserable asses to do anything like shut your borders down. Oh you were all Johnny on the Spot to start enacting all kinds of stupid measures to give you clowns excuses to impose exorbitant fines on everyone for the least little thing, and to lock us down and deprive us of our freedoms and livelihoods. Oh you were quick at doing that. That's for sure. And then governing your jurisdictions autocratically (in other words like single head of country dictators). That you wasted no time at doing, too. So what COVID  REALLY SHOWS IS HOW BADLY YOU LISTEN WHEN INFORMATION IS BEING SHARED, ESPECIALLY WHEN DOING SO, YOU CAN USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! That's what it shows!

Forget casual hookups: We're living in the era of 'hesidating' and 'fear of dating again,' and it's all thanks to the pandemic Because they were busy trying to brainwash everyone into SOCIAL DISTANCING by using that to describe PHYSICAL DISTANCING. They knew if you heard the term social distancing long enough you'd not only equate it with physical distancing but socially distancing yourself from others as well. They knew that, that's why they kept using the term social distancing when what they really meant was physical distancing. It was no mistake that they did that. It was a social experiment or psy ops  like all the rest of the nonsense they used during the plandemic - to see how far people could be pushed before they started pushing back and if they could remove rights under the guise of some stupid health act, and rule autocratically without the public protesting. That's what that was all about. More than any illness that was going on out there in the world. 


COVID Data Tracker For the US.... According to today's date June 25th they're still averaging 102,250 daily cases and 287 daily deaths. So even though 1/3rd Americans thought the plandemic was over with in mid-May when that story above headlined, it wasn't. Not even close if you go by today's numbers.

COVID-Zero: This is how China rounds up thousands of people for quarantine Read and heed, because it may be our turn at sometime in the future, too.




Existing home sales fell in April to the lowest level since the start of the pandemic Well of course, naturally as we're trying to sell our house to get away from the neighbours from hell.


Age of Scarcity Begins With $1.6 Trillion Hit to World Economy This was predicted near the beginning of the plandemic - that the world would experience something that would make the great depression look like a Sunday picnic in the park in comparison, when the plandemic ended. And that's what's happening now. Therre's a link to a story in my blog from April 2020 (1 month into the plandemic) basically saying the whole world would face a catastrophic economic depression when the plandemic finally ends - I think apocalyptic was a word used in that headlines. This was all predicted in advance. So they had two full years to devise a way to soften the blow and lessen the economic misery that would ensue. But did they? Doesn't seem like it, because again they were all too busy playing "Dictators R' Us" to be bothered.

Canada will help rebuild Ukraine’s health system battered by war: Duclos Hey asshole! Why don't you start rebuilding Canada's shattered medicare system FIRST!?! 

Hanes: Is no one ever accountable in Quebec? Well of course they aren't accountable if you let them get away with it. I mean why would they go turn themselves in if they're not charged with anything???? Or why would anyone arrest them if they're not charged? If you want them held accountable you have to make them accountable by having them charged with the crimes they committed. It's that f'n simple. Too bad none of you morons in charge could figure that out on your own and do it! Instead you just let them all off the hook and walk without even so much as a reprimand or a fine or anything, nevermind actual prison time.  The only reason I can see for that is because you (all of you miserable moronic imbeciles in power)  know you are ALL GUILTY OF THE SAME CRIMES & YOU DON'T WANT ANY PRECEDENTS SET THAT WOULD GIVE THE PUBLIC THE IDEA THAT YOU TOO SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH THE SAME CRIMES & TREATED THE SAME WAY THOSE PEOPLE WERE TREATED. THAT'S THE ONLY REASON WHY YOU LET THEM OFF AND DIDN'T CHARGE THEM WITH ANYTHING. 

HealthWatch: Vaccine After Infection Linked To Decrease In Long-Haul COVID-19 Symptoms Just another way to scare people who've had the virus itself into getting a vaccination despite having natural immunity to it already.



The impact of loneliness in older adults Despite the fact that COVID wasn't mentioned in this article, I thought it was relevant to the topic here, because of the enforced isolation many seniors endured  and not just for a couple of days but in some cases for longer than a year. So that's quite a long time to endure loneliness for anyone let alone a senior. 

NPR’s masking rules encourage coworkers to rat each other out  That's another thing this plandemic did was create a snitch society where family, friends, neighbours, co-workers etc had no compunctions in the least about ratting each other out as they were all so sanctimonious and holier than thou themselves. NOT. Most of those snitching on others were sneaky hypocrites that did the very same thing the moment they thought they could get away with it. 


Shanghai district to require all shops to shut, residents to stay home More lockdowns brewing out there in the world....




'People passed the buck' as seniors died at Herron CHSLD, coroner says And you're another one that passed the buck by letting them all get away with it.


Anyhow this not so young person has to go get some shut eye before I wake up with keyboard imprints on my face. So until next time take care and stay well and remember....

And in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:





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