June 14, 2022
What's next, is right! I'm beginning to wonder why the universe likes taking dumps on me all the time.
I mean I don't get what I did to deserve all this sheite it keeps throwing at me. What? I Gave someone one too many meals? Or perhaps one too many jars of preserves or perhaps, helped someone with something once too often? I mean those up until now have been my general interactions with people both in the neighbourhood and elsewhere.
It's not like I go around vandalizing people's properties, stealing, killing their pets, or maiming their kids. So I don't get why the universe is dumping all this crap on me since those sheiteheads next door moved in. If it's not one thing it's another and now I'm just fed up and tired of it all. Especially since SUPER INSANE ASYLUM CANDIDATE BEITCHE NURSE RATSHIT TRIED once again to have me arrested on Sunday again for nothing. This time the cop that showed up said she saw the file that's already open and that she saw they were always trying to victimize me, from it. This time it was because I was refusing to let her put her fence on our property and like a little kid that puts their fingers in their ears and makes a ton of noise when you're saying something they don't like that's how nurse Ratshit reacts. She used to just abruptly walk away while you were in midsentence saying something to her, if she didn't like what was being said, but this time because she had her cellphone in her hand she decided to call the cops and say "ouiiiii bon mon voisin me menace" instead of try to talk to us about anything. Oh my gawd, it's a good thing my husband was standing beside me and yelled in good ole joial no one's threatening anyone so the cops on the other end could hear it, or I would've given her something to report. What a psychotic beitche, that one is. I almost feel sorry for her husband having to live with that psychotic beitche like that. I guess technically though he doesn't HAVE to, he could always divorce her or at least separate from her. But I guess that house that the braindead son gave them probably keeps them together as he probably made them have it in both their names.
It's since they appeared in the area that bad voodoo vibes are going on, (the whole neighbourhood at least down at this end anyhow) we've also been having problems with skunks, foxes, gophers and other critters we've never seen or had contact with in the 36 years we've lived here. The skunks of course are trying to take up residence under everyone's houses. We had to get animal repellent to put around the perimeter of our house last year. So far, this year, knocking on wood, things are fine as far as skunks and other animals trying to take up residence under our place goes.
Well by now everyone visiting the blog must know about my thumb saga as well.... So won't go into that again except to point out that rotten luck also happened to me since they appeared on the scene.
Then I guess the city thinks it's a good thing, but someone who hates heat like I do, could probably argue that with them, but they decided last month to redo the roads in our area and in front of our properties by tearing up the light coloured paving that was there and replace it with the blacktop crap that draws and retains heat like a freaking heat magnet (and then the global warmers wonder why it's getting so hot - well ummmm duh, I dunno.... Pave over everything with black tarmac kind of crap and wonder why afterwards.... sure beats me).
It almost seems as though they dragged all that lousey crap with them to here. I mean we lived here for 36 years in peace with everyone around us, we weren't even bothered by wildlife either. Then they show up and all of a sudden everything goes to hell in a handbasket all in one fell swoop.
And on top of that they keep trying to have me arrested what seems like every 6 months. Maybe the frequency will increase but hopefully it'll decrease, and I'm really hopeful it'll stop altogether. Though I'm not holding my breath and I'm not holding my breath that I'll get any justice either as the cops don't seem too inclined to want to do anything to them either - even though they could arrest them for eavesdropping as that goes against the criminal code in Canada and the Quebec Charter of Rights. I bet she could call to have me arrested everyday 2x a day and even then they wouldn't do anything to her, like even arrest her for making nuisance calls - like they can do already. But I bet if I did that they'd be here with a SWAT team ready to take me down. I can imagine the guffaws, imagining the SWAT team being needed to take down this little ole lady that I am.... Go for it people, because it is a hilarious scenario. Like my mom used to say "might as well laugh, as cry".
Our son recently informed us, that he's now a professor of Interior Design at his alma mater, that he graduated from roughly a decade or so ago. So our congratulations goes out to him for landing that job, so now we have a college "Professor" in the family too.
One interesting occurrence though... But we'll see how interesting it really is in due time, I guess.... Is on my way down our driveway to the street to go to our next door neighbour's to bring her something, - across the street in one of our neighbour's driveways was this lady applying the boat registration number to the bow of the boat. I wasn't even half way down our driveway when she started talking and saying hi and how are you etc to me. I thought maybe she was related to the people in that house and as they're friendly to us, I didn't want to alienate them by ignoring her, so approached and said hi and we just started talking like as if we'd known each other forever almost. Everything she was doing and saying was basically like she was saying things that I think and do (in the craft world). We just kind of fell into talking about all sorts of crafts and stuff and talking about things like that, but no she wasn't related at all to the people in that house. In fact she had never met them before today. The man in that house found her online (she advertised doing vinyl lettering etc...) and got her to do the registration number that needs to appear on the boat before he can put it in the water, for him. Normally that's painted on boats hulls, but I guess he wants to be different and wanted it cut from marine vinyl to be adhered to the hull. Anyhow she gave me her contact info so I could contact her later, if I want to. But I enjoyed our little encounter today so probably will give her a call sometime in the future when I have more time, than I have currently. By then she probably won't remember me, but anywho... We'll see.
Other than that - yeah we had time for other things besides fighting with that half baked beitche..... We had a ton of meat to take care of, because fortunately we found a bunch of different kinds of meat on special lately. So we bought enough to refill the freezer almost completely while it's affordable. So that meant we spent an awful lot of time carving, grinding and packaging and labelling it to freeze.
I guess if we sell the house in the next couple of months from now, and we don't buy a home close by (which we don't intend to because we want to get out of Gestapo Legault's regime because of his biased laws against everyone except les hostee separatists - comme qu'ils dissent en bon francais), we'll have to give all of that meat away as there's no way it'll keep during the move to wherever - especially if it's more than a day's drive away from here, for that to be less than 12 hours away it would need to be either in Ontario somewhere or New Brunswick. Ontario is out of the question because of how unaffordable everything is there and NB's property taxes are insane compared to most other regions of Canada even compared to where we live now.
Enough ruminations and speculations about future events.... And on with the Covid headlines from mid April or so onward.... Well I am catching up slowly but surely, considering I was working on headlines from last October when I resumed posting them not long ago. So I think I've made some pretty good progress. But lately there's more and more COVID headlines out there.
In fact today there was a headlines that sheitehead in Ottawa got COVID
Prime Minister Trudeau tests positive for COVID-19, for second time on the same day Mick Jagger also got COVID
Mick Jagger has COVID, Rolling Stones concert cancelled (what're the odds - Mick Jagger was one contender put forward as being sheitehead's father.... considering there's no way P.E. Turdeau was likely to have been considering Maggie was a "Part TAY" girl and I say that with a REAL LOOSE DEFINITION OF PARTY.... She was known to have part tayed with the Stones when they were in North America before little sheiteheels was born. Then again she probably part tayed with Fidel Castro too... So take your pick for sheiteheels' father.
So starting in mid April here are the backlogged headlines:
From the U.S. to China: A 3-Month Quarantine Horror Story That's the way I feel about my own horror story with nurse Ratshit next door, that if I don't write it down it'll seem like a really bad nightmare that I just dreamt because it's too surreal to imagine otherwise. I mean as far as my placid, almost boring life goes, it IS surreal and just way out of the ordinary, so much so it might as well be a horror story playing out in my mind or in dreams and not in reality, but the thing is it IS reality. So I have to document it in order to actually believe that kind of crap was happening to me and not some fictional character out there la-la-land.
Why Global Supply Chains May Never Be the Same - A WSJ Documentary It would be good actually if most countries had to return to the days of being self-sufficient and only trading in goods that their country canNOT grow or produce - as in the case with Canada and tropical fruits and veggies and our inability to grow them ergo make products (like tinned fruit or preserves) from such things because we don't grow them. Not that we can produce them but don't want to for whatever reason - because that makes us dependant on those who will produce those things for us. If for some reason they are no longer able to produce those things for us, well then we're kind of stymied because of it. So we're better off doing it ourselves whether it's something we like/want to do or not.
VIRAL RISK Warning to over 50s who had Covid in last six months over risk of another virus I have a feeling these articles are being put out to deflect blame from the vaccine manufacturers for their side effects, because all of a sudden after 2 years of this disease being in circulation they're saying that all the worst side effects of the vaccines are actually because of the virus. Well if that's the case, how come during the first full year where there were no vaccines, none of these side effects listed in that laundry list at the bottom of the article were ever reported to have been caused by the virus? If there were they were rare. Now that everyone's been vaccinated and in some cases quadruple vaccinated, these "side effects" are suddenly more prevalent. Well if they're more prevalent now, it's more likely it's because of the vaccines and all the doses given of the vaccines that's causing the problem rather than the virus itself.
China's censors scrub viral Shanghai lockdown video from online platforms Then I guess it's good some people captured it and posted it outside of China, so it can be added to the historical record instead of expunged. Like the Cdn media did with large segments of the Freedom Convoy - they basically tried to only side with the gov't and their views on it, which was essentially that the truckers were terrorists. So almost everything to do with that protest was expunged from Canadian record - EXCEPT A LOT OF INTERNATIONAL MEDIA was able to save large segments of it, showing just what kind of draconian chicken sheite asinine dictatorial ass holes really reign supreme in the Canadian parliament. And what Canada's equivalent to PRAVDA looks like.... Like sad sack of sorry gov't ass kissing idiots.
How much did the trucker convoy threaten Canada’s security? We may never really know I don't need a study to tell me what I already know and that's that they DID NOT THREATEN ANYTHING OR ANYONE EXCEPT SHEITEHEAD'S AUTHORITY. That's the ONLY THING THEY THREATENED & ONLY BECAUSE HE WAS ACTING LIKE AN AUTOCRATIC DICTATOR! If he was still being a reasonable leader in parliament allowing for full parliamentary functioning and not being such a ram it down our throats dictator they may not have been a threat even there. It's only his dictatorial actions that brought that on by the truckers and if he felt threatened by it, oh well, that's what you get for usurping just about every right and freedom we had under the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. If you didn't do that you wouldn't have had any call to feel threatened by anyone, as you probably would not have been.
Unvaccinated people increase risk of COVID-19 infection among vaccinated: study Oh what a crock of sheite this is.... Look if the vaccinations worked like they were supposed to, no one would be able to put the vaccinated at risk, not the unvaccinated or the bazillion times vaccinated, no one. The thing is the vaccinations do NOT WORK so EVERYONE IS EQUALLY AT RISK FROM EVERYONE ELSE. Capichimo people????
COVID infections driving up Winnipeg emergency wait times, WRHA CEO says In QC, it's Gestapo Legault driving up the ER wait times as he's closed down ALL THE WALK IN CLINICS basically and made it so you can't see a doctor at all and can only maybe if you're lucky ever talk to one on the phone. Probably because he's shuffling the entire medicare budget over to the French Language Office and Got to Discriminate Against ALL Other Languages & Cultures Offices. That's probably where all the medicare money is going.
Finally heading back to the office? It's getting more expensive to do that No sheite.... Kind of reminds me of what Naomi Klein wrote about Pinochet's gov't in Chili where it basically cost the citizens more than their day's pay to take the bus to work that day. Basically the cost of gas is looking to be kind of like that. Where it costs more to put gas in the car to go to work than you'll actually earn at work that day.
Could Covid lockdowns be behind hepatitis surge in children? I don't even know how that can make sense. A surge in bad colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, flu, and childhood diseases spread by coming into contact with others who are contagious with such.... But hepatitis? I really don't understand how anyone can come up with that idea. I mean unless they're sharing needles, putting things in their mouths that they oughtn't be putting there, eating contaminated food (for Hep A), or swapping body fluids with someone I don't see how kids can be getting Hepatitis any letter because of lockdowns and mask mandates and the like. That's just a lot of hot air and conjecture and plain old BS if you ask me. Unless that's a new trick Covid has up it's sleeve - giving kids hepatitis. (Maybe it's the needles the vaccines were in that gave them hepatitis - especially if the needles were re-used). That's the only way I can see them getting hepatitis as a result of COVID - it's not COVID that gave it to them so much as cheap assed medical personnel who decided to save on the cost of a syringe and reused it from one kid to the next to adminster the vaccines. That's more likely the case than anything else.
Anger Erupts at Xi’s ‘Big White’ Army of Lockdown Enforcers Hmmm..... I'm hard pressed to figure out why everyone's so angry at them.... ummmmmm duhhhhhh..... If everyone was not angry at them and placidly went along with them or even started fawning over them, THEN I'd wonder why. What was wrong with the Chinese population that they were reacting like that instead of with anger. Then I'd think there was some heavy-duty brainwashing going on and be seriously worried for them as a result. But healthy anger shows they're still mentally all there and haven't been totally and completely whitewashed into oblivious compliance.
COVID cases rise across bulk of the U.S. This headlines was posted the very same day the one just above was posted. So you can see the hypocrisy of Fauci - he along with all politicians world wide basically are afraid of the backlash that will surely come if they keep pushing this on us.
And with that I should basically get prepared for bed, because honestly I can't see out of my eyes anymore.... So 'til next time take care and stay well....
And in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc....
If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee
agreement in QC, and want to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate
it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.
Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help
me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the
money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which
would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for
a lawyer if you did that for me.
And in any case....
the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu
stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for
injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than
welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them.
You can visit the blog mentioned here: Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:
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