Monday, May 9, 2022

Happy Mother's Day During this Plandemic of....


May 8, 2022
Here's wishing all mothers out there a happy mothers day and that  you got to spend some quality time with your kids, just enjoying the day and each other. Here's something to keep in mind the next time Mother's Day rolls around..... Mothers spend 97 hours weekly on parenting tasks — equivalent to six-figure job! So I'd say that deserves some kind of appreciation for mother both from her kids and the father of her kids.
Unfortunately our son wasn't feeling well and as he didn't want us to catch whatever it is he has, he cancelled the day and said we'd do it next weekend instead.  He intended to take us out for a nice restaurant meal, which we'll still get next weekend, I guess. 
But I honestly prefer it like that as I haven't had much time lately to do the things I need to do here since we had to go out several different days in a row to get the food on special and for other errands, so I haven't been home to do the things I needed to do. 
One of them being smoke the meat that I prepared for smoking using the Montreal Smoked Meat recipe I used last year. Which honestly did not taste at all like Montreal Smoked Meat (which I'm not a big fan of) but much much better, however I didn't want to sit outside watching my charcoal wood chip smoker and so we went and bought an electric one - the last one on sale in the area - yesterday. So today we set it up and have to "season" it which takes basically all afternoon to do and as you aren't supposed to leave it outside, we'll have to put it away once it cools off and smoke the meat tomorrow. This one though has 4 racks instead of just one, so I'll be able to put both slabs of meat on it.  It's a whole brisket cut in half - ergo 2 slabs. They were supposed to have been smoked yesterday according to the recipe (it's a 9 day affair with the smoking on the last of the 9 days), but it looks like they won't be done until tomorrow. 
My husband said he'd take me out for dinner for Mother's Day before we knew about the amount of time it's going to take to "season" the electric smoker. So now I don't know, I guess we'll be having something here, but I'm not sure what as I didn't get anything out of the freezer to thaw up as we originally weren't going to be here for dinner anyhow.  Update ---- My husband took me out for Chinese food at a restaurant nearby here. It was delicious, now I'm stuffed.... So the following comment was made before we went out for supper.
So while I wait to figure out what's going on for dinner, being the mother of this household, I figured I'd work on the next post for this blog, as I've already done the post for the Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims blog, set up a confidential email address where anyone who's suffered injuries or losses due to Metro's negligence can add their name, contact information and a small description of the injuries or losses incurred due to whatever circumstances (ie: ice, wet floor, broken pipes, etc..) and amount of compensation sought, at: Plus I posted a post on  Reddit which seems to have disappeared. I will try reposting there and on a few other social media sites but in the meantime you can keep up to date with the progress of the attempt to get others who've been injured or incurred losses due to their negligence to join a class action lawsuit against them. In the meantime continue boycotting all Metro stores in Quebec and Ontario. 

I hear that most "high end" grocery stores like Metro, Provigo, Loblaws, etc are losing customers due to the skyrocketing prices and instead everyone's gravitating towards the cheaper no-name brand stores like Super C, Maxi and the Yellow stores. Personally, I hope these Metro stores  in my area (all owned by the LeMay family) lose enough customers to the other stores that they wind up going out of business, for the way they treat loyal customers of 40 odd years when they sustain an injury, they deserve going out of business and straight into bankruptcy, if you want my opinion. I mean if they're too poor (more likely stingy is the case rather than poverty being the reason for it) to give someone a couple of those boxes of cheap cellophane gloves to protect a splint/cast on a thumb, then they're really going to go down hill and into the poor house if many more people like me quit going there.

Oh but I'm destined to go there one more time as I did get my Metro & Moi money certificate after all. It was in last week's mail. So now I have to go spend that there - and get whatever that buys me from that stingy seemingly uncaring and callous family. At least it'll be that much and then that's the end of it. 
Never again will I set foot in a store owned by them. They've made the last penny on me that they'll ever make, unless they make like they have some compassion and a soul and make a reasonable offer to me. 
And I can tell you that after shopping there for 40 odd years (at all incarnations of their stores), they will NEVER EVER PAY ME MORE THAN THEY MADE OFF OF ME, unless they give me a ridiculously huge amount, but that would only occur in technicolor and surround sound dreams I think. And what I asked for is nowhere near that ridiculous amount of money. 
But you can imagine how they balked even  at that reasonable fair sum I wanted, after the way they treated me when I asked for those boxes of flimsy gloves - even to pay for them ourselves - we were still denied the gloves. So imagine.... That's what I'm up against.... I'll leave it to your imagination to picture the type of people they are. 
As for the plandemic, while everyone is wishing and behaving as though it's gone away for the most part, it sure doesn't seem like that in the headlines out there. I am having a helluva job catching up to them with all the ones gathered in my bookmarks file already, but there just doesn't seem to be an end to new ones either. So I have no clue when I'll ever catch up to the current ones at the time of their actual posting in here.... So these are all old ones as well and will be few a while more I think.... Not sure as I'll ever catch up  to be current again, by the way the headlines keep coming.... Anyhow, here's more old headlines that you may have missed when they first came out:
Pandemic’s Peloton Obsession Turns to Peloton Fatigue  An old headlines from Sept or October last year.... 

Chinese Citizen Journalist Who Documented Covid-19 in Wuhan Resurfaces After 600 Days We can only imagine where he disappeared to for that amount of time..... Basically the same place anyone China doesn't like including the 2 Cdn Michaels, usually disappears to.  Glad he's out now though.

China Is Building a Chain of Giant Covid Quarantine Centers Looks like they had what's happening now with the brutal inhumane lockdowns they have going now, planned for all along then.... Considering this is old news from October last year.  So what's happening in China now was planned for months in advance. Sometimes it's good to have old headlines, that way we can look back in hindsight and go ah ha that's what they had in mind when they were doing this. That's precisely the case now, I think.
Fast-food chains close some indoor seating as U.S. cities mandate vaccine checks Restaurants really hated doing that. I know of one restaurant around here that checked the passports but hated doing it and expressed it many times to customers about how they hated playing cops for the gov't. 

COVID SCIENCE-Delta increases COVID-19 risks for pregnant women; Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine antibodies gone by 7 months for many That tells you what a wonderful vaccine that is. Imagine if the MMR, polio, smallpox and other vaccines all worked like that what kind of viral soup would be floating around the world now on top of COVID19.  So for them to say it's a vaccine, is a bald faced lie. That's all there is to it.
California first state in US to require students, staff be vaccinated for COVID-19 Nevermind the fact that most vaccines don't work,  or don't work for very long and that most kids don't need a vaccine. But hey gotta make sure everyone has been DNA modified so got to find ways to ensure they are.
COVID-19 and the flu: Canada preparing for first surge of other respiratory infections during pandemic We both had our flu shots back in November last year, but the flu didn't start circulating around here until this spring apparently. So I hope the flu vaccines we had last longer than the stupid COVID vaccines we were given, so we'll have at least one circulating virus less to worry about.



COVID is killing rural Americans at twice the rate of urbanites I can guarantee you it's basically the same picture in Canada, when it comes to availability of health care in rural communities. The poorer the province the worse it is. 

1 in 8 say loved ones with opposing COVID views won’t get holiday gifts Yup the socially distancing experiment seems to have worked wonderfully at being able to tear families apart over stupid sheite like views on Covid. I perhaps have one of the largest compendiums to do with COVID (all facets of it, fairytales, truth, conspiracy theories and outright outlandishness) and I have yet been able to detect which is fact and which is fiction especially when it's said to be coming from the "authorities". Since there are multiple types of authorities when it comes to this subject from political, to general science scientists, to biologists and epidemiologists, to public health, to cardiologists (pretending to be an authority on contagious diseases) to general physicians and everyone in between and none of  their views align with each other for the most part, it's really hard to tell what's what. Then you have the companies that made the vaccines in who's interest it is to sell as many doses of their vaccines as possible telling everyone they need 10,000 each to be safe and those who are heavily invested in shares in those companies like Fauci and Gates etc who are telling everyone that if they don't have those 10,000 doses they'll surely die of COVID before the week is out.... Meanwhile watching all the news stories about all the full dosed people catching and dying from it..... I'm hard pressed even after all the stories I have here to know the actual truth about this plandemic. What I do know for absolute certainty though is that it was used for a lot of things and none of which was to do with our health, that I can guarantee you. Because none of the measures they took to try to "protect our health" did diddly squat in that area. That's a proven given.  So like I said above the socially distancing (they never used the term physically distant yourself from others - but SOCIALLY DISTANT yourself from others - ever wonder why? especially when what they determined "socially distancing" to be was putting physical space between you and others and not to "socially distant" yourself from others by being callous, rude, or other means of "socially distancing yourself from someone else". They used socially distancing as the term ON PURPOSE while pretending they meant physically distant yourselves from each other. They meant that too, but what they really meant was socially harden yourself off from others, to socially distant yourself. Much easier to come between each other that way, if we've become socially distant and callous toward each other. This is the proof above, in this story. But like I said in my comment how anyone can determine the right and wrong sides of this issue is beyond me, because like I said I probably have the largest compendium of articles on it in the world and even I can't come down on the right or wrong side of it. 

Russia sees no hurdles for WHO approval of Sputnik V vaccine Wondering if the world slapped sanctions on that company too or if they're going to use the vaccine in other countries anyhow despite what's going on between Russia and Ukraine?

What the world can learn from Bhutan's rapid COVID vaccine rollout That the rest of us are pathetically slow and stupid? Which the world won't learn because THEY ARE pathetically slow (as in mentally slow along with physically slow) and stupid.



'Entitled Know-It-Alls' Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner Hijacked COVID Response, Book Says Just like the entitled know-it-all skiboard instructor in Ottawa did.

Military began monitoring COVID-19 in early 2020 but still failed to predict pandemic's path, documents show You ought to read this article. It depicts what kind of slack dimwitted morons defend this country both from military threats and viral threats (whether they come from plandemics such as the one we're in, or bioweapons). It's unbelieveable, considering I saw on the news in early January 2020 or late December 2019 doctors having nervous breakdowns in China because they couldn't keep up with the influx of  patients and the numbers of them that were dying. One doctor said she saw over 100 COVID (but they weren't calling them that at the time) patients per day and there were 10 doctors in her clinic and they were all seeing at least the same amount each themselves. So in that one walk in clinic alone there were at least 1,000 a day (if you do the math that's what it comes out to). The camera panned around the staff lounge where there were doctors sitting on benches and bent over desks looking at papers etc and most of the ones sitting on benches looked totally exhausted, dejected, down and some were even crying - heavy sobbing and one was a woman and she was bent over clutching her stomach and heaving heavy sobs and wailing. As a nurse, I've seen and felt emotional tolls on me and other colleagues, but nothing like that ever ever ever. I mean if we lost a patient or something horrible happened to a patient as a result of a treatment, we would have our moments of sadness or grief, but nothing even remotely close to what was happening in that staff room. If no one outside of China who saw that news story could comprehend the gravity of the situation going on there, especially in positions of authority (those who were responsible for protecting their populations from such things) then they were total clueless morons and should not have been allowed to operate anything more complicated than a slop  pail and a broom, because anything beyond simple janitorial duties was beyond them and their intellect. I mean that's all I had to see to know what was coming down the line, but I thought from my years of nursing - we have public health officers - that's what they're there for, to stop it from entering the country, so we should be alright. Ha! Yeah! Rigghhhhttttt..... What a joke.

Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence Here's an interesting smoking gun showing the NIH (National Institute of of Health in the US) giving funding in the form of grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study the Bat Coronavirus. It's a very long read 204 pages to be precise. I tried to find a way to download the PDF to read offline, but couldn't. But it's there for you to peruse online if you wish. It's eyeopening to say the least. Maybe something Fauci wishes didn't come to light while he was still around. 

NIH Documents Provide New Evidence U.S. Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan Something else Fauci probably hopes you never see too.

Quebec to allow full capacity at indoor venues as of Oct. 8  Until the end of the year that being 2021.... 

Military nurses to land in Alberta Monday to ease health-care strain from COVID-19 Well I guess it wasn't the end of the plandemic out there after-all, eh?

Delta COVID-19 variant has pushed vaccine target further: Tam Actually it seems to me like it's more unbridled greed that has pushed vaccine targets further.
Rising food prices are forcing grocery shoppers to change habits: ‘It’s been hard’ Back then in October the rising food prices were hardly noticeable, now they're freaking insane.

Canadians may need COVID-19 boosters by Christmas, Moderna president says I didn't get one by then, and I still haven't had one up until now and I don't plan on getting anymore either, as I'm taking Moderna (the vaccine we were given) at their word, which is it's a vaccine. If that's the case it should last longer than few months, it should last years if not a lifetime and not merely a few months with this booster here and then a few more months with that booster there. As far as I'm concerned, I was told it was a vaccine so I'm trusting it to behave as one and confer immunity to me for several years if not life.

Unvaccinated Manitobans to face slew of new public health rules ahead of Thanksgiving What a bunch of convoluted BS rules those were... What I would like to know is what would happen if someone who wasn't vaccinated had 11 people (including themselves) instead of 10 at their Thanksgiving dinner? What would happen then? Was there a Gestapo force like we had here in QC where cops were given permission to enter a house where they thought more than the correct amount or types of people were gathering and give them all outrageous fines? Was there something like that in Manitoba too? Or what? What happened if no Gestapo were on hand to break up peaceful parties and issue insane fines? Just wondering what the consequences were of not obeying that morass of BS rules was....
Not everyone wants a Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine. Why not offer them something else?  Because then that wouldn't be abrogating any of our constitutional rights on us, if we were given the freedom to choose what we want.


Alaska allows hospitals to ration care amid COVID spike I hope that's for the more minor things like ingrown toenails, scraped knees and minor cuts and burns and not serious stuff like heart attacks, strokes and cancer. 

Overwhelmed by Covid-19 Patients, Alaska’s Doctors Make Life-and-Death Decisions Like I said in my comment above..... The cuts should've been made to the minor medical ailments rather than the "life and death decisions". But then again that wouldn't accomplish what this plandemic was intentionally let loose to do and that was cut down on useless eaters aka, the terminally ill, feeble and feeble minded.  So rationing care to the kids with the sprained ankles, ingrown toenails and scrapes and cuts would've been too logical and easy to do, so instead they ration care to those that need it the most - the sickest amongst them. I hope there's a crimes against humanity tribunal set up when this plandemic is over and done with and all those people who (politicians, cops, scientists, doctors and other medical professionals) who unjustly "rationed care", abandoned (as in the senior death camps), arrested and fined injustly - and I mean fined and arrested on account of some BS law some gestapo gov't passed, and all those politicians who used this plandemic for a money grab, and other social and finanical experiments get dragged before that tribunal and found guilty and hung by their gonads until dead. 

Wall Street’s wild party in jeopardy as Fed threatens aid cutoff  Yup now it's time to suck everything and everyone dry in preparation for issuing the new digital currency they have planned to foist off on us eventually.


After 18 trying months, blind Nova Scotians say their pandemic needs haven't been met Not surprising coming from a province that has only certain days and certain hours of those days where their ER hospital rooms are open and that was BEFORE the plandemic was even on the radar, so I can imagine how bad and sporadic their services have become since the plandemic arrived.


Unvaccinated Josh Archibald out indefinitely with COVID-related condition As I can't stand NHL'ers all I have to say about this is GOOD, I hope the REST OF THEM WIND UP OUT INDEFINITELY -  HOPEFULLY FOR GOOD, TOO!

To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Scientists Seek One Vaccine for Many Coronaviruses I'll give you a hint  - it's called H1N1. Take it from someone who contracted that virus when it was circulating back in 2009. Never got another cold or flu after that. Even my 2 bouts with COVID19 & Omicron were basically mild compared to what a lot of people experienced.


Study suggests Pfizer/BioNTech antibodies disappear in many by seven months  And they have the nerve to call that a vaccine. I call that a major waste of gov't taxpayers money, that's what I call that. It's no more a vaccine than my breath is a vaccine for some illness.


New Covid-19 vaccines will be necessary by mid-2022 to combat ‘next generation’ of virus strains, BioNTech CEO says I wouldn't be surprised that when that statement was released, they were already working on the next generation strains - not the vaccines - that comes after they've got the strains made and already circulating. I am sure that's part of what's going on with that neverending mutating virus and all those neverending doses we need.



I’m not sick! 7 in 10 worry others will mistake their seasonal allergies for COVID I have asthma and have to cough once in awhile and a lot once in awhile, so imagine.....


Where does natural immunity stand in fight over vaccine mandates?  Annnd there's no where near as much to be made on natural immunity as there is on vaccines for those with financial interests in such vaccines.

10-Year-Old Died of COVID After Teacher Made Her Be ‘Nurse’ to Sick Kids, Parents Say I dunno, but when I went to school, no matter the school level, the school district or even province the school was in, there was ALWAYS A NURSES OFFICE IN EVERY SCHOOL I ATTENDED. So there must've been one at that school too, so why weren't the kids sent to the nurses office instead of to  that 10 year old who had no medical training/knowledge?

'We simply cannot afford a repeat scenario': Kenney says no indoor Thanksgiving dinners for unvaccinated Albertans How's that song go? Flip, flop, fly.....? Mr. Flip Flop Kenney couldn't seem to make his mind up about whether the plandemic is finished or not, apparently....


U of G study shows there's little chance of catching COVID from grocery store surfaces It took nearly 2 years into the plandemic for them to figure this out and tell us. 



COVID-19 pandemic no longer Canadians' top concern: Nanos survey Now I'd say our top concerns are our constitutional rights, having our eyes gouged out of our heads with insane price hikes everywhere but most especially at the gas pumps and NO GOVERNMENT REGULATION TO REIGN THE GOUGERS IN, BECAUSE THE HIGHER THE PRICES ARE THE MORE TAX MONEY THE GOV'TS RAKE IN. I mean think about it.... as an example most provincial sales taxes along with the  GST comes out to somewhere in the vicinity of 15%, well 15% on $1 is only .15 cents, but 15% on $10.00 is $1.50 the governments would rather rake the $1.50 per transaction in rather than merely 15 cents. So why would they regulate prices when it's equally beneficial to them as well? 

'The virus has become smarter': COVID variants causing more severe disease, Canadian study shows  Or maybe the people tweaking the mutations are getting more and better ideas on how and what to do in order to try to sell yet more doses of that snake oil elixir to us.


Fully vaccinated Saint John councillor tests positive for COVID-19 Because those much touted vaccines work so wonderfully at NOT DOING THEIR JOBS & PROTECTING US.

Hospital system says it will deny transplants to the unvaccinated in ‘almost all situations’ Oh wow! Just wow! I hope if I am ever in need of a  transplant I don't wind up in that hospital system and not because I am not vaccinated, because I am. I just wouldn't want to wind up there on principle, that just goes against the very grain of my entire being. I mean how unethical and how judgmental, and just plain wrong that is. I hope that  hospital system collapses and ceases to exist.
UCHealth Denies Kidney Transplant To Unvaccinated Woman & Donor I hope they also plan to refuse operations to the idiots that broke a limb or their necks while skiing on their Rockies slopes and to all the potheads that got into accidents while driving under the influence and all the smokers who ever smoked (even though I am an ex-smoker) or all the diabetics that ever indulged in even one sweet that was NOT NEEDED FOR IMMEDIATE BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL. I mean when you want to be judgmental pricks there's plenty of assholes out there to judge and deny medical services to especially when they caused their own injuries to themselves, like clowns on skis flying down slopes or potheads behind the wheel etc.... Or how about the bolemics or anorexics, or the obese or those who injure themselves as in cutting themselves or try to commit suicide? Do you refuse medical help to them too? What if any of them needed a transplant would they be refused too? I mean if you want to go down that road there's plenty of people who do stupid things medically speaking  that could qualify for the same treatment - including those who  drink too much - we won't say alcoholics because those are the extreme of what I'm talking about. I'm talking about someone who gets drunk one night or lets say a couple times a year, but because they did, shouldn't they and all other drinkers who imbibe more also be put on the same do not transplant list? Seems to me they along with the potheads are the ones most deserving of that list as they aren't apt to treat themselves and their new organs with the respect required.  But hey what do I know about ethics and judgmentalism as I never studied ethics and philosophy, only nursing. 


Experts Say Prices At Grocery Stores Will Continue To Rise For Over A Year Wondering what the experts are saying about rising gas prices?

COVID-19 reinfection likely for the unvaccinated I am vaccinated, but I had the original Covid strain in January 2020 and then when the vaccine became available last year my husband and I both got both our vaccine shots (no boosters though), but then after going to the Montreal General on the 22nd of March of this year, I also got Omicron. So.... It doesn't matter if you're inoculated or not, if you're going to get it, you're going to get it.


Canada’s new COVID-19 travel rules are very clear: ‘You’ve got to be vaccinated' if you plan on taking a trip, PM Trudeau announces Yeah and what about those travelling by car or hitch hiking? How're you going to force your mandates on them? 

Why some unvaccinated Albertans are looking for the Johnson & Johnson shot Maybe because they don't want to chance having their DNA messed with? Is that a possibility?

More people have died so far this year from COVID-19 than last year: Johns Hopkins data A great testament to the efficacy of the vaccines, considering more people died in a year when the vaccine was available from the beginning of the year, compared to the year before when less people died and the vaccine only became available & only to a select few at the very end of that year. Ergo more people died in the year that the vaccine was available from the start, compared to the year where it was only available at the end and only to a select few, but yet fewer people died.  So something's going on there  that doesn't add up. Either the vaccines don't work at all, or people were letting their guard down too soon based on the fact that they thought they were now safe from the disease because they were inoculated. So in essence the vaccines don't work and they lent a false sense of security to people who in turn let their guards down and got infected, even though they were vaccinated. So the gov'ts and vaccine manufacturers have been busy lying to us. That's the only way this story makes any sense. Either that or it's the vaccines that are causing people to get the virus and die. 

Texas man sentenced to 15 months in prison for spreading COVID-19 hoax on Facebook Holy crap, nothing like draconian censorship is there?





I've got to leave this here for now as I'm falling asleep and keep losing track of what I'm doing and where I am in regards to bookmarks in the bookmark folder, so I'm packing it in before I mess things up. 
In the meantime remember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:
Until next time take care and stay well.....










1 comment:

  1. With Covid-19 (and everything else) it all comes down to this...... "When people who are honestly mistaken learn the truth, they will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest!" (Anonymous)

    Throughout your entire life you continually DECIDE to either stop being mistaken –or stop being honest– when learning the truth. Which one of the two true answers applies to YOU in terms of the Covid-19 truth? Read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ...

    "The inhumane abominations, issued by the highly credentialed professional class of psychopaths-in-control and their lauded sycophantic minions, of “No Jews Allowed” and “No Colored People Allowed” of yesterday is the “No Unvaccinated People Allowed” of today." (from cited article)

    ““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. ... The unity of compliance.” --- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist
