Friday, March 11, 2022

Penultimate Post in this Blog About ....



March 3, 2022

I can finally say with some certainty, that this blog will be coming to an end in the very near future, because all the measures put in place against Covid19 will be dropping in coming days and weeks. For us QC'ers it's March 12th that most restrictions including the passports will be dropped, and by mid April compulsory mask wearing will be dropped. Or so they say now - but we all know how fickle the QC gov't is. One second it's this and then whoops no it isn't it's that in the next second. So you never know. 
But we finally know that this has all been a political ploy for unopposed power - whereby Legault got to rule unilaterally without any opposition from any opposition parties or any debates in the legislature. Same for all the rest of the wanna-be dictators across Canada and they had in mind to keep it going for 2 solid years - by the looks of all the March 14th dates - considering 2 years ago on March 14th is when all this BS started. So they wanted to see if they could rule us unilaterally without any opposition to their rule, for 2 solid years. That's what that was all about, in case you were wondering folks. And no it's not a hairbrained conspiracy theory I've come up with, even the QC Liberal Leader Dominique  Anglade has complained about that fact publically. So it's actual fact, and when you piece all the information together, including a new news report released by CBC news in French, you'll realize that. The link to which will be posted here, with the relevant information interpreted in English by me, so the English readers can get the gist of the more salient points.  So while their main concern might've been the spread of the virus, that wasn't their only concern. 
Like the old saying goes - it'll all come out in the wash. And that's what's happening here. All their hidden agendas and BS are starting to come to light now. For which they should all be held accountable. 
Which  all of you Canadian voters ought to remember the next time you go to the polls and cast your ballot. Which incidentally, should also provide no compunctions even to the most moral among us, about having each and every one of them strung out to dry on charges of genocide, senocide and crimes against humanity, considering they had no compunctions about using this virus in order to go total draconian dictators on us and usurping our consitutional rights under those bogus measures of theirs.
 It's time they paid the piper for all their crimes against us Canadians - both the survivors of the plandemic and the survivors of the deceased from the pandemic. They need to be held responsible for their crimes against the Canadian populations. 
For letting the disease in, in the first place and not closing our borders the moment they heard what was happening China back in early January 2020. 
Then for telling us to wash our hands and we'll be alright while hoarding all the surgical masks for themselves, knowing it was a respiratory virus. 
Then for letting personnel abandon long term care homes and letting the patients starve to death or die on their own from the virus.  But first for their f'd in the head ideas of allowing people working in covid areas in hospitals (before there was any vaccines available) to go to work in those long term care homes and alternating staff from those homes with staff from hospitals overloaded with covid patients. 
Then for abrogating our rights - from freedom of association (not allowing us to see friends or relatives - but allowing them to see co-workers and students - if they were teachers - ergo they could see tons and tons of people on a regular basis, so long as they weren't anyone you actually cared about - or to worship at a place of worship), to our freedom to work (by closing down all kinds of businesses) or freedom to travel in Canada or to re-enter Canada after leaving (without jumping through hoops). 
Then trying to force people to have the mRNA vaccines (as that's all that was available) or forfeit their jobs (breaching 2 other rights - security of person and right to work)  or not be allowed to use any form of public transportation (thereby stranding people and limiting their movement within Canada). 
I mean these collective gov'ts have done everything in their power to subjugate and oppress us, short of using electric cattle prods and rubber bullets to keep us more than 6 feet apart from each other. Instead they used onerous fines (which I think could be illegal) to make us comply with an illegal law to begin with. 
Not to mention all the rest of oppression we've experienced - everything from needing a passport to enter certain establishments (it's a wonder we didn't need fingerprinting too on top of that), to censorship of anyone who had anything other than wonderful words of praise for the idiots at the helm or who disagreed with what they were saying about the whole plandemic - virus and tactics etc...  And those who were chastised for speaking out, by being made a pariah of sorts or having lost their jobs over it. Which is another abrogation of our rights - freedom of opinion and expression. So they were busy fulltime trying to figure out ways to abrogate our rights and freedoms and grind us into the ground it seems. 
For that reason I have no compunctions whatsoever about promulgating their arrests on the various grounds above - and that would include all their collaborators as well - in other words the fake science officers and doctors they used to continue this charade against us. And yes even if these so-called doctors and scientists have their degrees, they're still as fake as all the fake news supporting this tyrannical charade is.

March 11, 2022

As you can tell by the dates, this was started awhile ago now. I planned on finishing this post later on that same day that I saved the start of it, buttttt...... As per my life story, nothing ever goes to plan. I didn't get around to it that day and was going to do it the next day when we came back from doing our errands and groceries, but that's not what happened.

In the interim from the time I started this, my time and attention has been focused on my broken thumb. I fell on some ice several days ago and broke my thumb so bad, it was bent perpendicular to my hand - facing out to the side. I didn't even realize it until sometime later while I was in the store (where I was  headed when I fell) and was trying to check the freshness of the clementines I wanted to buy, because stores have a habit of hiding the rotten or near rotten ones underneath the fresher top ones in the box. So I was checking for firmness in them by trying to give them a little squeeze (not enough to damage them but enough to determine freshness), except they all felt super squishy even the fresh ones on top. And I couldn't understand why until I looked down at my hand while trying to test them and saw that each time I took a  hold of one, my thumb bent more and more sideways, so I never did have a grip of any sort on them and they all felt soft. It was only then that I realized I had a broken thumb. I guess my endorphins were working overtime to numb the pain. As it was really late in the day by time we got home, my husband put a splint on it for me.  

Since the plandemic came along all our walk-in clinics where we'd otherwise have gone right away for something like this, are now closed. I didn't want to go sit in a covid and germ infested ER waiting room for  hours by myself to see a doctor, so I waited until the  next day when my family doctor would be at our clinic and called to go see her. I couldn't see her that day, I had to only see her the next day. She sent me for an x-ray of it and then told me to go home and when she gets the results she'll call me. 

Well she only called me today and that was to into another medical clinic where one of her doctor friends would put a splint on for me until I can see an orthopedic specialist. So I went and got their special splint on, but it's not doing the job at all. It's not  holding my thumb properly nor protecting it when I touch something with it. My husband's splint was way way way better than t heirs. Although theirs is fancier.... Metal and blue foam as opposed to a popsicle stick, bandaids and scotch tape, that my husband made his out of.

I have to say though that her doctor friend was literally there waiting for me. In fact, he was at the  receptionist desk inquiring about me - I know because I saw him lean over and ask the receptionist something and then said it's okay and pointed at me - I was literally 5 feet or so from getting to the receptionist desk. I handed her my medicare card, she did whatever she  had to do and then he said follow me. I didn't even have time to sit down even for a second in the waiting room. Which must've pissed off everyone else there. For sure, knowing our medical system and how long everyone waits for everything.

It seems like they want to send me to the hospital to fix it surgically and put a pin in it. Not sure I'm up for that, though, so we'll see. 
Right now, using the mouse and keyboard is a little painful so I'm not sure when I'll be posting more  headlines - because unless, I can  get used to the pain or it stops hurting and my keyboard and mouse operations get to be normal - because right now stupid things keeps  happening when I use the mouse, things magically shrink, disappear, turn black or get moved all over the screen or I wind up at totally other pages on the same site or another site altogether  and I have no clue why except that it has to do with this splint as that didn't happen while I had my husband's splint on. But as the injury was fresher then, it was also more painful then too, so wasn't too anxious to use the computer because of that. 

So it may be awhile yet before I get all the headlines posted and I will because I want this blog to be as   full and complete of a record of this plandemic as I can get it. Even some of the old old headlines that were never posted due to time constraints etc, will eventually wind up in here - providing the links to them still work. 

Then I will probably add in all the material on Bill Gates, WEF & Schwabb that seems to suggest a collusion towards all that's happening now - maybe even the war in Ukraine (as the catalyst to make all the prices skyrocket so they can finally accomplish everything they set out to do monetarily wise - and maybe reduce more population while they're at it). Don't kid yourselves folks, I  hardly believe that Putin is the only one behind this - which probably explains NATO's and the west's reluctance to get involved in fighting Putin - as they probably put him up to in the first place. Just like the US put Hussein up to invading and bombing Kuwait in the 1st  Gulf War and then using false videos of babies incubators being thrown on the floors in a nursery in Kuwait, to inflame the UN army against Hussein in order to go "bomb them back to the stone age" - as George Bush Sr. put it , all because the world wanted Iraq's oil.
So stay tuned, as this is  not the end of this or anywhere near it, I don't think, because like I said I want to put in all the old  headlines links that didn't make it in when they should've  and after I've completed all of the covid related stuff, I'll get on that long awaited post/s (may be more than one depending on amount of information I find) about Bill Gates and the digital currency (which I'm sure the WEF and Carl Schwabb are also behind). 
Keep checking back  because you never know when I'll be able to get one or more of those posts going. All depends on how my thumb feels and  how well I can manage with the keyboard and mouse with this splint on.


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