Sunday, February 6, 2022


 Covid 19


February 5, 2022

And here I thought I'd be posting LESS in this blog rather than more, but it seems the obstinate idiots in charge - namely the one infected with COWARD-19 and thus is in hiding from everyone, refuses to do the right thing and talk to the protesters out there in Ottawa and across the rest of this country.  But Mr. Chicken Shit Dressup, can't be bothered. 
And he says we're a country run by the "rule of law" well hello Mr. IDIOT CHICKENSHIT MORONFACE THE CONSTITUTION IS THE TOP LAW OF THE LAND!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU ARE ABROGATING THOSE LAWS IN THAT CONSTITUTION LEFT RIGHT & CENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over this plandemic of yours AND the right to protest and FREEDOM OF SPEECH and you f'n well name it you f'n TYRANT IN HIDING!!!!!!!  
And I wouldn't be tarring others with the "racist" and "terrorist" brushes anytime soon. Considering your go-to costumes for at least 3 occasions  was BLACK FACE and YOU ARE THE ONLY TERRORIST SUPPORTER I KNOW OF IN CANADA!!!!! After paying 3 of  them over $10,000,000.00 in Canadian taxpayers money! Not to mention probably importing a half a planeload more when you were busy bringing in all the muslims from the Middle East at our expense as soon as you were first elected!!!!! So when you talk about racists and terrorists in Canada, you'd better be looking in a mirror when you say that.
Gawd, I hope and I hope and I hope some more, that SOMEONE FINDS YOUR HIDING PLACE AND DRAGS YOU OUT ANY WHICH WAY THEY HAVE TO. Whether that's in handcuffs for violating ALL OF OUR RIGHTS, or by the arms and legs or if need be by the f'n scruff of the neck and FORCES YOU TO FACE THE BS YOU CREATED & THUS ARE TO BLAME FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF & YOUR BS TO BLAME FOR ALL OF THIS!!!!! 
If you weren't so over the top wanna-be dictator trying any which way you could to suppress and oppress us and ram your BS down our throats and were more willing to dialogue and compromise on things, THIS WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!!!!! (Gawd the trucker protests here in Canada is even scaring Putin into letting up on the restrictions in Russia - & Other gov'ts are starting to reconsider their BS on account of the trucker protest  going on in Ottawa as the headlined stories will show) But you want to continue to be a little dickhead tyrant ramming YOUR BS DOWN OUR THROATS FOREVER & A YEAR, with NO compromise in sight. 
So what did you expect would happen huh? That the good little Canadian doormat sheeple would continue to take your BS forever without even so much as flinching?????? 
Well doormat sheeple or not, we all still have a limit to the BS we can take and ENOUGH IS A FREAKING ENOUGH incase you're too obtuse to understand any other means of expressing that. Because obviously even the threat that even the military doesn't want to take on, of all those truckers and heavy machinery you're too obtuse to f'n understand, and keep trying to ignore and defy. 
Maybe when they've had enough and  start inflicting serious damage on the parliament and infrastructure there, you MIGHT JUST MIGHT (but that's HIGHLY DOUBTFUL) start to understand that we mean business.
 But I hope for everyone's sake, that it doesn't have to come to that. I hope that you grow a brain and a backbone and get your big boy pants out of that Mr. Dressup trunk of yours and put them on and go out and face the music (which is of your own making) once and for all and put an end to all of this COVID shit immediately.  
Even Tam is saying it's time we get on with normal life because this plandemic is never going to end. The one you've been listening to all along. So why aren't you listening to her now????? Eh you little f'n tyrant!!??!! Other than being high on abuse of power, what else is wrong with you? 
Was your mother constantly stoned and drunk while she was pregnant with you? So you suffer from some kind of fetal syndrome that makes you not all quite there? Is that it? Because the signals being sent to you from Tam, across Canada and right there in your own backyard is pretty clear to anyone with eyes and ears and a single braincell, so I can't quite figure out why you're having such a hard time comprehending it. Must be related to all that substance abuse that fried Maggie's brain. She must've consumed most of it while she was pregnant with you. That's the only logical explanation I can see. After all she was a mega party girl making the rounds on a regular basis in the 1970s.
Sorry if I sound so brusque but I've had my fill of all these plandemic restrictions a long time ago, living in the most oppressive province of the entire country all during this plandemic. It's to the point where I can't take it anymore and as soon as this house is sold, I'm out of this province altogether. So much so that in our search for houses on the MLS site while we've seen lots of nice houses in this province, we decided we'd rather go elsewhere - they too have nice houses as well. It's not only QC with nice houses. In fact, some places not only have nice houses, they also come with way cheaper taxes and lots nicer scenery with more space between houses. All criteria we've been looking for, along with the premiers of those provinces having lifted or going to lift the plandemic restrictions ASAP. So that by the time we get there, we'll be back to living normal lives again. Hopefully. 
We've just had it up to the eyeballs with Legault's and Dube's BS (neither one would know a bandage from a syringe - as both were in the business community  prior to being elected - and I don't even know if Dube was elected or if he's just appointed - in any case my Dachshund has as much medical knowledge as either of those 2 cretins so she's just as qualified as they are) regarding this plandemic. They claim they're following the science when in fact they aren't. The only "science" they might be following is "political science" that describes how to oppress and suppress the masses on a continual basis. That's about the only science I see them following as it's definitely not medical science that's for sure.

COVID-19 has taken a toll on churchgoing in America as country shifts its views on religion Same here, churchgoing has been hit with restrictions too. Capacity limits and closures etc...  In fact that was one of the pictures from that I was going to use for this message - a picture of yellow police tape cordoning off church pews, but I tripped over the other picture above and decided to use that instead - as it's apt portrayal of how most people are feeling here in Canada these days, I think. Enraged to the point of near revolution, if not a full scale, no holds barred revolution - which may still be in the works if the morons in charge don't sit up and take notice of what's going on out there.

COVID’s Turbo-Mutation Is Killing This Vax Dream, So What’s Next? What should be next, is letting us get on with living normally again. That's WHAT should be next, but here in Canada that probably only will happen when we get angry enough to overthrow the assholes in power. Overthrow one and the rest will capitulate that's a guarantee, but first a big enough and angry enough mob has to  get together to over throw the first such jackass. So that the others cave-in afterwards.

COVID-19: Staycation tax credit in Ontario looks to kickstart tourism industry  That actually sounds like a good idea, if it weren't a tax credit. For that to be of any benefit to anyone they'd have to be paying more in income taxes than that benefit is worth. For low income seniors etc, that's nothing more than helping those who don't need the help and ignoring those who do. Tax credits are designed for the rich or at least those earning enough that they need those credits to help cut down on taxes that they pay. While those who NEED the help never get any. 

Worker absenteeism — not trucker vaccine mandates — impacting store shelves: Metro I dunno, but as Metro is the store closest to us in distance, it's the one we frequent the most and I've yet to see any empty shelves or missing personnel. Maybe I'm just walking around with my eyes closed or something. I don't know but I haven't remarked on any empty shelves.

'So many angry people': Experts say online conversation around trucker convoy veering into dangerous territory   Gawd, those so-called "experts" must have had their heads up their asses, to not have noticed before this. The simmering rage, at having our livelihoods, our lives, our rights & freedoms, the say over our own bodies hijacked by wanna-be dictators. It's been coming for months and months and months. So the media circus clowns had better find better "experts" to consult the next time they want to quote some for a news article, because it just makes the journalist look totally stupid and uninformed.

COVID's New Divide: Risk Takers vs. the Risk Averse Okay well here's a thought for the "Risk Averse"..... It doesn't matter what you do, if you're going to get the virus, you're going to get it. Look at all the fully vaccinated AND boosted people who wound up in the hospital with it. Having a vaccination and even boosters against it, isn't providing much if any protection against it. So why are you so hell bent at forcing those who are reluctant to get the shot, to get it???? What's it going to do for you if you've already gotten all the shots and boosters required? Considering that the vaccinated and boosted people are still continuing to spread the disease. So you could still get it from it from them anyhow. So your point of forcing unproven and ineffective vaccines and boosters on everyone is??????  That you have shares in those vaccine manufacturers and want as many people to get the vaccine to increase your share profits???? Because if that's not the case, then I don't see the logic in forcing people to get vaccinated using vaccines, that might be dangerous to our health and genome in the long run, that don't really work anyhow. If it is because of shares and profits thereof, then you don't deserve any - trying to profit off snake oil elixirs was made illegal way back in the 1900s. So I hope  you get sued good for supporting and profitting off such snake oil elixir manufacturers. Otherwise I can't understand the logic behind  your pushing others to get the vaccine, when it clearly doesn't do very much.

Denver, some other counties to drop 'mask or vax' requirement Friday for businesses GOOD! The Denver citizens will finally get to have their freedom back!
Finns to end virus restrictions next month Lucky Finns and Danes! Perhaps we should all move to those two countries en masse and leave numbnuts without any taxpayers to pay for his BS, salary, perks and pension! Leave the little imbecile high and dry. 

Unvaccinated NYPD officers set to be terminated next month: sources NY city will look cute without any cops. That would be so much fun to visit, kind of akin to the night the lights went out in the 60s. 

He’s declining a coronavirus vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’  Not everyone is afraid of death.  I know I'm not especially after the NDE I had when I was 6 years old, after breaking my neck in a car accident.  But I am terrified of the deaths of my loved ones, because each time one dies, I find it harder and harder to cope after each death.

'Sextortion' study: Men at higher risk for online blackmail in pandemic than women Well maybe if what the men were doing wasn't illicit or immoral they wouldn't have to worry about it. But well if you're cheating on your wife, or fooling around with underaged girls, then you get what you deserve and I have no sympathy for such men. 

Lockdowns had little or no impact on COVID-19 deaths, new study shows This is one piece of science both Legault and Dube will pretend to ignore or not have seen. Like I said the only science they're interested in, is the part in political science that deals with oppressing the masses and keeping them that way.


Vulnerable downtown residents hit breaking point as convoy enters 5th day Sorry have no sympathy whatsoever for any of you clueless wonders..... You're at your breaking point????? Well you know what you HAVE TO DO, is DEMAND THAT MR. CHICKENSHIT DRESSUP GETS HIS F'N MORONIC UGLY ASS OUT OF HIDING TO ADDRESS THE PROTESTERS AND MAKE REASONABLE COMPROMISES!!!!!! If enough of you clueless wonders figure that out and bombard his email account (which is easy enough to find online but here I'll give you a helping hand ..... This even includes the phone number for the imbecile: The contact number of Canadian Prime Minister is 613-941-6900. Email Address of Canadian Prime Minister The email address of Canadian Prime Minister is you might actually accomplish something. So now get on the ball and start pestering the moron silly, if you want your city back as soon as possible. 
Health first, freedom second? How Covid is changing democracies Or so the powers that be and the media hoped about a month ago. Guess they got a rude awakening though with the Freedom Convoy here in Canada.


Crowd in Ontario cheers on anti-vaccine mandate truck convoy It wasn't only in Ontario where they were cheered on, they were cheered on all over the place including here in QC too.

Watch: Anti-Vax Trucker Convoy Travels Across Canada In Protest Of Vaccine Mandates It looks to me like there's way more than a couple hundred supporters like the Canadian media would have us believe.

Trucker Convoy to Shut Down Ottawa in Protest of Vaccine Mandates Again the American media is showing the TRUE AMOUNT OF PROTESTERS & SUPPORT the Freedom Convoy has and not the miniscule amount the Canadian media would have us believe. The Canadian media was bought off by bozo brains in one of the recent elections where he gave them $600 million to be favourable to his BS - so basically bought them off. Like the USSR did with Pravda and the other news media and publications there.

'Don't tell me what to do': How Canada underestimated the anti-vaccine community In MY particular case, being fully vaccinated it has SFA to do with anti-vaccine, it has to do with being tired of having my rights violated on a never-ending basis. I got fully vaccinated even before passports were even really being bandied about by the politicians. I did it because my husband has health issues and is over 70 and wanted us both to get vaccinated. PERIOD.  
Then when the passports came into effect in September we got our passports so we could go to restaurants and bars if we wanted to. 
But then we had all our rights and freedoms taken away at the end of December by the 2 shitfaces in charge here in QC. We were suddenly told we couldn't see anyone or go anywhere or do anything to celebrate New Years and what's more we had a curfew implemented and all the bars and restaurants shut down again. So what was the point of getting the vaccine passport if they can just decide that even though you have it you can't use it to do anything you might want to do (so curtail of rights and freedoms again). 
Then they decided you need to show it everywhere you go except to a grocery store or pharmacy. Just waiting for the gas jockey at the gas pumps to ask to see it now, is all. So I went into revolt mode and went to the SAQ and bought all the spirits we would want for the next year or so, before having to show the passport in there became mandatory (which it did). Then it became mandatory to show in  all the big box stores like Costco, Walmart, Canadian Tire, etc, which we've yet to step foot in one of them and will not unless we have no choice.  Then and only then will we, but if we can get things elsewhere (even the black market isn't ruled out), then we will, rather than let the gov't trace us via our vaccine passport. It's none of their F'n business where we go and what we do. 
Then on top of that my unvaccinated son (who refuses to get the shot because he's in the age group that's affected by the myocarditis from getting the shots and I support him in that decision), was wondering what was the point of him living anymore. If it was just to pay taxes to the politicians so they get to live their cushy lives while all he can do is go to work and come home. That all he's allowed to do outside of that is get groceries, but he can't even go shopping with his wife for housewares, or clothes or anything they need or would like to have, that she has to do that by herself, now. They can't go out for dinner or to a movie together (whenever the despots in power decide to allow such things) or anything because she's fully vaccinated and he's not vaccinated at all, so he can't get a vaccine passport. So he feels like if he wants to live a life he has to risk it by getting one of those totally unproven and for his gender and age group unsafe vaccines.  So he's basically seeing no point to living and having lost one kid already (albeit to cancer) I'm in no frame of mind to lose another kid. If that happens due to these measures...... 


As anti-vaccine mandate protest enters 5th day in Ottawa, some worry about how it might end Well the little moron has no one to blame but himself for how it ends. If he can muster the spine and braincell or two required to talk to the truckers in a civilized manner, it might not end nearly as badly as people think it might.

Legault drops idea of anti-vax tax, citing need to preserve social peace Then he should also drop the vaccine passport requirements too, especially the BS with the SAQ & big box stores. That is just super over the top draconian.  Gawd, I hope this fascist dictator is voted out in the elections coming up this fall.

Convoy protesters' use of Nazi symbols 'shocking in 2022': genocide expert Really????? Well then what right do you have calling yourself an "expert" if you can't see any parallels going on here? First of all there is not only a genocide going on here, but also a senocide along with fascist curtailment of rights and freedoms as enshrined in the constitution. If you can't see or understand that, then you're blinder than a bat and dumber than a bucket of shrimp. Period. End of story.

Some urge vaccine certificates to require three doses as Ontario set for reopening If that's the case, they can take my vaccine passport and shove it up their asses. Like that Rambo guy who was a heavy machine operator that went to QC City this weekend said in French - he was going to shove the vaccine passport up someone's rectum. I'm with him on that especially if you're going to decide it requires 3 doses to keep. Because there is no way in hell either of us will be getting a 3rd dose and subjecting ourselves to unknown science, when the crap doesn't work. Three or three hundred doses it's not going to work better than the 2 doses we already have. So that's all, there is to it.
COVID-positive Trudeau calls out abuses at trucker protest He wants to call out abuses does he? Well how about these many abuses he and the gov'ts across Canada have perpetrated on us, aka violation of our Charter Rights and Freedoms: 

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Fundamental Freedoms

Marginal note:Fundamental freedoms

Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

  • (a) freedom of conscience and religion;

  • (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

  • (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

  • (d) freedom of association.


    Mobility Rights

    Marginal note:Mobility of citizens

  • (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.

  • Marginal note:Rights to move and gain livelihood

    (2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right

    • (a) to move to and take up residence in any province; and

    • (b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.

You DO see all of those rights and freedoms that have been violated, do you not?  Starting with freedom of opinion & expression (ergo it should be illegal for gov'ts and companies to ostracize or fire employees for speaking their mind on the issue of the plandemic, that goes for all the doctors and nurses too). Then it should be illegal for the gov'ts to prohibit our rights to free assembly (getting together with friends and family) and association.  Then you will note the right of every citizen to enter, remain in and leave Canada at will and to move to any province and take up residence there and to pursue the gaining of a livelihood (which was MAJORLY VIOLATED BY EACH LOCKDOWN AND FORCED CLOSURE OF BUSINESSES).  

Then we have these rights which were mega violated as well:

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. (NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED TO TAKE UNPROVEN MEDICATIONS - Whether it's a vaccine or a cough syrup - until the long term effects are known and well documented for a couple of decades at least). Otherwise how can they say they have "security of the person"????

Marginal note:Search or seizure


Now.... Do you see who the REAL CRIMINALS ARE IN OUR SOCIETY???? Maybe the so-called "expert" cited in a news story above about Nazis wants to sit up and take note of those rights and freedoms and violations of such and then tell us that there's no comparison to the fascist nazis and the fascist Cdn nazified gov'ts.

Gravitas: Truckers protest turns into Anti-Trudeau movement 

False Slander on Freedom Convoy 2022 Explained That's one of the points I wanted to make about Cdn media coverage, was that they keep ignoring the bigger issues like constitutional rights violations and nit picking on the minor events happening. Detracting and deflecting from the real issues and focusing solely on the idiotic minor distractions going on, instead. It's as if  your house is burning down but all anyone focuses on is the fireman with the pink hair and beard that showed up to fight the fire.  Just pure ignorant lunacy like that. Like my mother used to say "small things amuse small minds" and that's precisely what the media seem to have is small minds as it's the small things they'd rather focus on rather than the bigger much more important issue of our constitutional rights being trampled by wanna-be fascist dictators. Instead let's focus on a Confederate flag (which by the way represented one faction of the US civil war parties and has SFA to do with Canada) and the Nazi flag (again nothing to do with Canada, except what our so called democratic society is devolving into - a fascist gestapo like regime). 

The story behind this photo of downtown residents blocking a truck's path

'Hostages in our own city': Ottawa residents say '#GoHomeTruckers' as convoy protest noise, blockades turn to 'a form of torture'  Well hey, you bunch of clueless wonders you do not have my sympathies. Yes, I agree the noise is torturous but you have no one but your weak willed clueless selves to thank for this never ending torture. All you have to do is avail yourselves of the PMs phone number (and hey since you're in the same area code, it's not even long distance for you) and email address and badger the little coward silly and insist that he goes out there and deals with the truckers in a satisfactory manner that appeases them so they'll stop and move on. That's ALL YOU HAVE TO DO. Drive the little cowardly imbecile sillier than he already is with over the top non stop phone calls and emails. SPAM the mother f'r if you have to. 

How Canada's 'freedom convoy' was overtaken by a radical fringe What a crock of shit this is.... Did you see the amount of people in the convoy and supporting it???? If they're such a fringe group how come there's so damned many of them then?????? This is more pointing at the pink bearded and haired fireman rather than concentrating on the fire that's burning down your house. With ass holes like that in the media no wonder everyone's yelling about fake news. Because it is.

‘Take back life’: More nations ease coronavirus restrictions  Except of course the draconian fascist wanna-be dictators in Canada. 

Austria Starts Criminalizing Vaccine Holdouts in Divisive Gamble I hope that if there is ever any issue at all down the road with those mRNA vaccines that they were forced to take by the gov't, that the gov't gets their asses sued off, so badly that Austria ceases to exist because they were sued into bankruptcy and thus can't pay any of their debts and so gets taken over by the IMF. That will serve the wanna-be fascists right. Thought fascism was outlawed in Austria and Germany.... Guess not eh?

The first 2022 Olympic event: avoiding COVID

GoFundMe pauses anti-vaccine mandate protest fundraiser I don't even know what to say about this, except this is a load of BS if I ever saw one.

'All options on the table' to end protest ensnaring Ottawa, says police chief Lots of talk but still looking to see the walk - which I don't see. Just a lot of chest beating bravado by the chief of police is all.

No clear end to Parliament Hill protest for police or residents

New Zealand Wants to Fully Reopen to the World—in October  

Rosemary may help fight COVID-19, other inflammatory diseases like Alzheimer’s Mmmm yum.... One of my favourite herb mixes to put on meats, is a mixture of rosemary, garlic & onion powders. I also like rosemary & sage on chicken. Now, I might use those mixtures a little more often, knowing that.

Ottawa police expect 'Freedom Convoy' protest to grow this weekend

EVERYTHING KING: Convoy shows how Canadian society has become 'sick' Quoting this super biased jerk who is trying to pass off as a journalist:

There may have been an original message, but all I saw was a mess.

You lost me when reporters trying to do their jobs and cover the protest got spat upon and verbally abused.

You lost me when the woman being interviewed said, “the media is not covering this” literally as it was being covered. It wasn’t that there was no coverage, it was that you didn’t like the report.

See what kind of BS media bias we've been dealing with here in Canada? Even this jerk off that wants to pretend to be a journalist admitted as much when she says "it was that you didn't like the report". 

Well no.... If it's lopsided and unbalanced and you're only covering the side you want to cover while ignoring the rest of it, it's NOT BEING COVERED AT LEAST NOT PROPERLY. Gawd what the F is wrong with everyone these days? It seems like it's only morons out there in the world these days from what I can see - both in the media and in our legislative assemblies. 


The fact that this Ms. Wendy King doesn't know that - that journalists are supposed to be unbiased and report all the facts and nothing but the facts tells me she either never went to journalist classes or flunked out severely. Either way I wouldn't call her a journalist of any standing since she clearly misses the mark by lightyears, as evidenced by the report linked above.

Alberta law experts weigh in on Coutts border blockade 

Rex Murphy: A Canadian insurrection? It is to laugh  Gawd, you've got to love Rex Murphy. I know I do, I used to watch CBC News ONLY so I could listen to his commentaries. I know most Canadians probably had a hard time understanding him as his vocabulary is quite extensive and consists of words bigger than the average 1- 4 letter words most Canadians are familiar with. That's precisely why I loved listening to his commentaries, that and his sense of humour about everything. I generally found myself in 100% agreement with everything he said too and this commentary of his is no different. I am in 100% agreement with him once again on this issue. 

Province Reports Seven Cases of Myocarditis Following Immunization This is precisely the reason my son refuses to get vaccinated. But as a consequence he can't go anywhere or do anything except go to work and come home from work and pay income taxes (oh that he's allowed to do and in fact is forced to do - so the gov't can get to enjoy some of his earnings - whatever portion of which goes towards their salaries, perks and pensions, but he's not allowed to enjoy his own earnings as he's not allowed to go anywhere or do or buy anything except groceries, medication and gas). Then people wonder why there's so much depression and suicides happening out there as I'm sure my son isn't the only one so affected by these gestapo measures.

More Than Half of NL Deaths During Omicron in Partially or Fully Vaccinated People From these wonderful vaccines that work so well according to the liars at the helm. 

Protest organizers dig in and say only politicians can clear Ottawa's downtown

'It just sucks': Service workers in Quebec say they aren't paid enough for all the stress, abuse 

Pfizer asks FDA to allow COVID-19 vaccine for kids under 5 Oh, isn't it so convenient that they're now saying that more kids are getting covid than in all previous waves? Not sure if the Pfizer asking for the FDA approval for under 5 vaccinations was planned to coincide with the announcement that little kids are now getting it more than before? Or if the approval request came before the uptick in kids getting it? Or if as I'm trying to elucidate but don't seem to be doing a very good job of it..... If Pfizer asked the FDA for approval, but as there were hardly any kids getting it, they had to manufacture news to the effect that all of a sudden lots of kids are getting it now, in order to create panic if not anxiety on the parents part so they would all be vying to get their kids inoculated asap. In other words I don't believe the coincidence at all. I think Pfizer asked for approval and then leaked "reports" (albeit false ones) of more kids getting sick with it than before. That's what I think.

David Crosby and Stephen Stills ask to remove their music from Spotify What a bunch of hypocrites.... Oh Daddy Ohio (about the Kent State University riots protesting the Vietnam war, no?). Well if that's the case, how would you hypocrites have felt if your music or songs were censored due to it going against the Nixon administrations agenda?????? Tell me that oh ye hypocrites of renown! Same with all the rest of the pukey artists - who incidentally are nothing but whiners - they sound like it in their songs, like Neil Young, Joan Baez et. al.  Every freaking one of you ESPECIALLY Crosby Stills Nash & Young (yes the Neil Young named seperately above) and Joan Baez had tons of protest songs that you whined about in your recordings. EVERY FREAKING ONE OF YOU, but NO ONE BACK THEN THOUGHT TO CENSOR YOU OR FORCE THE RECORDING COMPANIES YOU HAD CONTRACTS WITH TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS BECAUSE OF THEM RECORDING YOUR PROTESTS AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT!!!!!! See some of us are old enough to remember the events of that time and even know the words to most of your songs - ergo no need for lyrics servers. So stop with your f'n abusive practices. EVERYONE and NOT JUST YOU HAS A RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION & FREE SPEECH!!!!!! So from now on, even though I'm right there in the middle of your typical consumer demographic group, I will be boycotting all your shit just on the principle that I can't stand hypocrites like yourselves.

CMA, activists call on Canada to speed vaccine access globally to stop new variants Yeah and like right now too. Stop badgering us to take a million shots each and give some to other countries.

What the Omicron wave is revealing about human immunity 

BA.2 Highly Contagious Omicron Sub-Variant: Symptoms, Transmissibility Rate And All You Need To Know

'Next two to three weeks will be crucial' in Quebec's COVID fight, Boileau says  You're full of shit pandering to the gov'ts agenda and since you're NOT ELECTED but rather appointed, we don't have to listen to anything you have to say or to obey you.

COVID updates, Feb. 2: Police 'ready to intervene' if Quebec City convoy protest degenerates, Guilbault says  Yup, that's gestapo Barbie's response to everything and only manner she knows how to deal with people, and that is sick the QC gestapo on everyone for everything.  That's it, that's all. So this was no big surprise.

Incidence of Omicron: One-in-five Canadians report COVID-19 infection in their household since Dec. 1 This poll is definitely skewed, because out of all the families I know I don't know one who had a member of their family come down with any form of Covid, nevermind Omicron. 

Canada's trucker protesters aren't who Americans might think This guy at least seems to have a better idea of what's going on, then most Canadian "journalists" sent there to cover the whole event, but wind up covering only the "fireman with the pink beard" while ignoring everything else.

In New York City Sewage, a Mysterious Coronavirus Signal

WHO sees pause, even end of pandemic for Europe What about for the rest of the world, huh?

Sweden joins others in announcing end of virus restrictions I bet Canada and more specifically Quebec will be the ABSOLUTE LAST ON THE ENTIRE PLANET to end all restrictions. I wouldn't doubt it, as Legault found his glory spot - being wanna be dictator, is something he canNOT resist.

'Absolute disgrace:' Ottawa mayor blasts Conservative MPs for visiting 'Freedom Convoy' protesters The absolute disgrace here is the Ottawa mayor wanting to deny taxpaying voters the right to be heard and for any dialogue to take place with their elected officials. He the Ottawa mayor would have Canadians denied their rights all in the name 934,243  citizens vs the rights of 37,742,154 - which are the rest of us. Another one of those wanna-be dictators, I see.

What’s happening in Ottawa is an assault on democracy That's for sure! And the ones doing the assaulting are the pigheaded cowardly politicians, who refuse to even meet with the protesters let alone listen to them or try to compromise with them. And those shit for brains cowards wants us to continue to pay taxes and listen to them? Why? They no longer represent us or our wishes! They are only there for themselves and to avail themselves of the taxpayers trough it looks like. So if that's the case we should stop the flow of funds to that trough and see what happens to them.

Quebec health rules could be tightened again, depending on next two weeks: health officials Yup and the CAQ could be totally decimated in the next election too!

Who really needs a COVID-19 booster shot? Not everyone, it turns out 

Watchdog slams ad criticizing COVID border restrictions for comparing travellers to hostages  Oh they can criticize it all they want, but I personally see it as a very apt ad. It basically epitomizes what's happening here in Canada.

If policing can't end Ottawa's protest, then what can? Ummm.... Lessee  now.... Um duh.... What about Mr. Monkeyface Dressup getting off his lazy cowardly ass and going to meet with the protesters and coming to some kind of agreed upon compromise with them? Um, duh, it's just a thought... But I know it's way over the heads of most media people out there. Something they'd never in a million years think of. 

Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID

Freedom Convoy: No plans to call in military, says Trudeau That's probably because you already tried but they refused to do it, as per another headlined story I'm about to post here. Mr. Chickenshit Dressup it's time for you to get up off your cowardly lazy ass and do what we pay you to do and that is listen to legitimate Canadian protesters and try to resolve the problem/s. But you're too chickenshit to even come out of hiding here. 

Ottawa Fears Vaccine Protest Has Morphed Into an Occupation Good! I hope it has at least until shitface gets a brain cell and a backbone. 

Spotify Booted Far-Right Podcaster Stew Peters Over COVID Lies It seems to me Spotify is just another gov't shill.... Doing the bidding of the gov't, without even knowing the first thing about medicine, vaccines, or anything else, they make pronouncements and then policies based solely on their bias (which is towards the gov't) without even knowing if the gov't is right or wrong or has a hidden agenda or not. Nothing like being an unpaid gov't enforcer and mouthpiece. Wow.... It's just amazing to see what has become of democracy with every lunatic in the asylum quashing people's rights to freedom of expression and opinion and freedom to dissent among other things. If you don't agree with me and what I say or think, you have no right to exist, seems to be everyone's motto out there. 

Personally, seeing as how lousey these vaccines really are - in that they provide little to no protection and wear off faster than my mosquito repellant does in some cases and not knowing the full ramifications for our health or genetic integrity years from now, I'm out on the issue and would like to hear and give an opportunity to both sides of the debate, to hear what some of the pros and cons might be. But unfortunately we're not allowed to hear any of the cons these days it seems, only the pros - but as there aren't any there should be nothing said about these vaccines at all then. 

New study reveals why COVID-19 often causes loss of smell

Don’t touch me: 2 in 3 people have become ‘germaphobes’ since pandemic began This is just unreal. People have totally lost it and gone luney tunes if that's the mindset they have now. 

Balance between normal life and managing COVID may be more attainable now: Tam Ya think? The witch doctor finally acknowledges that we have a normal life or had one before she, Haggydodo and Mr. Dressup allowed that virus into our country to wreck our normal lives.

Canadian economy lost 200,000 jobs in January A perfect example of how they've wrecked our livelihoods and economy too.

Joe Rogan spouts new controversial Covid thoughts in his first podcast back at Spotify after censorship row AGAIN The peabrained journalist getting caught up in minutia. Who cares when that stupid curfew ended? Really! I live here and I don't care when it ended. What I care about is someone publicizing the fact that we even had one to begin with! So he doesn't know the exact dates, but he does KNOW and DISSEMINATED THE INFORMATION THAT WE EVEN HAD ONE which the LAMESTREAM MEDIA IGNORED.  And Mr. Rogan mentioned that there's studies showing that those curfews do NOT work, but again the peabrain who wrote that article couldn't be bothered to reference the study which is MORE RECENT THEN THE ONE CITED BY THE PEABRAIN, that Mr. Rogan was referring to, the one done by John Hopkins University as per this article: New study confirms COVID-19 lockdowns did more harm than good  So Mr. Peabrain journalist do some research first before besmirching people who's message/s you may not like. I don't like your message either, but at least I took the time to find the facts to rub them in your face, unlike you. You couldn't be bothered to extend the same curtesy to Mr. Rogan.

Dwayne Johnson Calls Joe Rogan’s Apology ‘Great Stuff’: I ‘Look Forward’ to Being on the Podcast Good! At least he has the courage to go on his show without being a self-centered, egotistical sanctimonious ass hole like the other celebrities appear to be. At least Dwayne Johnson seems to realize that there's still free speech and expression as the law out there and isn't running roughshod over someone's rights just because he may or may not agree with them. At least he's giving him a chance. As it should be. I don't know whatever happened to courts of law and rights and freedoms out there anymore, but it seems like society as a whole has devolved to the days of the Inquisition and Salem. People are being ostracized, penalized, threatened and having their livelihoods put in jeopardy if not outright yanked out from under them just because someone else doesn't like something they said to do with this plandemic. Maybe I'm just an idealist - a pollyanna that believes that everyone should have the rights to freedom of expression and opinion and that shouldn't factor in to anything at all. That if you don't like what they're saying you change the channel or ignore them, but you don't ostracize, threaten, penalize or have them fired because of it. And that before any ostracizing or penalizing or firing could take place that you took them to court first to see if your retaliatory actions are even legal and if not you put up and shut up. PERIOD. So I commend Dwayne Johnson for going on his show despite everyone else's reactions to it.

"More spectacle than substance:" Spotify's new COVID-19 policy You know what maybe they're right to not be acting on anything! Maybe they want a healthy discourse and debate on the whole subject. Maybe they don't have an agenda to be the gov'ts unpaid police and mouthpiece. Maybe they want their users to be able to get opinions and facts on both sides of the issue. And quite frankly I think that is a GOOD THING, allowing for healthy debate like that.

Ottawa police launch 'surge and contain' strategy to manage protesters Yup a 150 extra cops ought to do it. 😂

Recordings reveal duelling realities of trucker protests  Please keep in mind as you listen to this that the CBC stands for Canadian Broadcasting Corp (which is a crown corporation - meaning it belongs to the Canadian gov't). So while they might be pretending to be non-biased probably in the end they'll have snuck enough merit points for the gov'ts side of things to basically promote the gov'ts point of view and agenda while discrediting or denying the protesters view and demands. I didn't listen to it in it's entirety, but the claim that MOST Canadians see this as disruptive, couldn't be further from the truth. As upcoming stories will attest to.

Moderna or Pfizer: Which vaccine is a better booster? Experts weigh in Moderna is.

Trudeau rules out negotiating with protesters, says military deployment 'not in the cards' The cowardly fascist dictator is too chicken to come out of hiding to negotiate with anyone. And of course the military is not in the cards as they don't want to get involved. Who can blame them? The military should never be used against the citizens of the country they're sworn to protect, but aside from that who can forget the Oka fiasco? 

'Where is the olive branch?' Candice Bergen blasts Trudeau government's approach to Ottawa protesters I agree with her!

Why experts say Premier Moe's claim vaccines no longer protect against COVID-19 is based on misunderstanding I'm sorry but this statement of his, is 100% correct - I have tons of news articles in here proving it: In a statement published on Saturday, Moe wrote that "vaccination does not keep you from contracting COVID-19" and that "vaccination is not reducing transmission."  So for someone to say he's spewing nonsense, I think that person ought to go study all the facts AGAIN. I don't care if you're the top professor of community health & epidemiology in the entire universe, YOU ARE WRONG according to all the other stories I've read on the subject. So are you basically saying you're right and the rest of the world is wrong? Because that's what it would seem like to me.

ACR Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance to Include Fourth Doses Recommendations See? If we don't put our foot down now and refuse to get any more boosters, it'll just keep on going, like the Energizer Bunny. We have to know when to say when and personally our when stopped after the 2 initial vaccination shots. We refuse to get the 3rd one, so we're most certainly NOT going to get a 4th one. Personally, I think my 3rd & 4th dose should be given to someone in a third world country, who didn't even get one dose yet. That's what I want done with my 3rd & 4th doses. Donate them to someone who needs them and maybe help cut down on the variant merry-go-round.

Quebec ready for convoy

Kenney commits to lifting COVID-19 restrictions as Alberta highway protests continue 

Protesters for and against COVID-19 restrictions gather outside Saskatchewan Legislature 

COVID-19: Thousands take part in trucker convoy protest in Quebec City 

Premiers take different approach as provinces to loosen COVID-19 restrictions Not Legault and definitely not QC, that's for sure.

Ontario’s top health official says it may be time to 'reassess the value' of vaccine passport requirements I know it is, but not what it should be required for and by who, but shouldn't they be done away with altogether? I think they should be abolished CANADA WIDE. So that the young men especially, who are afraid of getting the vaccine due to concerns about myocarditis don't wind up feeling futile as if their lives aren't worth anything other than to pay taxes. That they can't live life and can't go anywhere or do anything because they're not vaccinated and don't want to be vaccinated due to real valid concerns. I don't think it's fair for them or others who can't be vaccinated due to other health related issues or those who don't want to be vaccinated due to other valid concerns. Especially given that the long term effects on our bodies or genome aren't known yet. So for those reasons I think the passports should be abolished altogether.

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know Friday

GoFundMe ends payments to convoy protest, citing reports of violence and harassment Really there were reports of violence and harassment? Hmmm.... I didn't see those at all and I know how the Cdn media loves besmirching this convoy, so I'd have thought if there were any such incidents they'd be all over it like fleas on a dog's back, and that's all we'd be hearing about.  Personally, I see it merely as an excuse for them to get out of their obligation because they themselves (the head honchos at GoFundMe) is either against what the convoy stands for (as in trying to silence them)  or they just don't like it - for whatever reason and want to get out of their obligation to give the truckers the money on the donators behalf. Apparently though they found another organization to accept the donations on the truckers behalf, so that's good. 

Ottawa police hire elite crisis-management firm to handle protest messaging I hope they wind up citing the cowardly chickenshit PM as being the main cause of this whole problem.

More dialysis patients saw strong antibody response with Moderna vaccine: study

Truckers protesting vaccine mandate snarl Toronto traffic GOOD!

Canada PM tests positive for COVID, rips anti vaccine demo Hey numbnuts, if the vaccine and it's booster shots are so great how come you tested positive for COVID then huh moronface? So considering they're no better than injecting water into our bodies why are you so hellbent at forcing everyone to get them???? Getting kickbacks from the manufacturers? Got gazillions from Daddy's trustfund tied up in shares in those companies??? I mean WHY do you continue to push people to take shit that YOU PERSONALLY KNOW DOES NOT WORK!!!!!! I mean you have first hand experience there, but yet you insist that they're great.

Slap in the face of every health worker’: Canadians, top doctors respond to convoy protest threats, suggestion to avoid scrubs in streets Okay well having been a nurse at one time, I can say it's just good advice they're giving you, to NOT wear your scrubs or uniforms in the streets. We weren't allowed to wear our uniforms outside of the hospital, due to possible contamination - our uniforms leeching possible germs to the general population or our uniforms picking up germs from the general population and then taking them into the hospital. So it was strictly forbidden. If they're allowing you to wear the uniforms or scrubs outside of the hospital now, then that explains a lot of what's wrong as far as MRSAs are concerned. That with the unsanitary conditions now pervasive in most hospitals. I mean gawd almighty people, get a handle on reality and logic once and for all would you? 

But I see the truckers point of view, considering that ALL DOCTORS & NURSES TOO, COULD'VE CALLED OUT THE LEADERS & TAMS BS BEFORE IT WAS TOO LATE which would've circumvented the entry of the virus into our country. But no, each and everyone of you sat on your thumbs and let this virus waltz across the border unchecked and not one of you had the courage to try to warn anyone at all about what you saw going on in China and what YOU KNEW TO BE THE PROPER PROCEDURE FOR PREVENTING THE VIRUS FROM ENTERING THE COUNTRY. 

The tiny little nation currently covered in volcanic ash due to that massive volcanic explosion in the Pacific Ocean not too long ago, KNEW WHAT TO DO & MANAGED TO KEEP THE LITTLE COUNTRY COVID FREE! Now if doctors and epidemiologists in that tiny little country could figure it out and act on it, why couldn't one of thousands if not hundreds of thousands medical professionals do the same for Canada and Canadians? 

Why did you shut up and let the genocidal witch Tam and the snowboard instructor and the art teacher handle it instead? NONE OF THEM NOT EVEN THE WITCH DOCTOR was qualified to make any such decisions but ALL OF YOU MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS WERE BUT DID NOTHING!  

So they have as much right to be pissed off at all of you as they do the assholes in power.

So yeah don't wear your scrubs outside, for a few reasons. 

Olympic teams raise concerns over quarantine hotels 

Increased COVID cases at Beijing Games no reason for concern, organisers say Of course not. At least not until they have difficulty getting on a plane to come back home because they keep testing positive.

COVID rebellion brews in Canada, sending warning across globe  Even other leaders in other countries are starting to sit up and take notice about possible backlash about their covid policies due to what's happening here. But the leaders here are blithely ignorant or unaware of what potentially could be the literal end of them, as in Marie Antoinette kind of end, if they don't start paying attention and trying to negotiate with the protesters instead of trying to ignore them.  But then to be a Canadian politician you probably can't have an IQ higher than a flea anyhow. So that probably explains it.

White House gets set for cautious pivot on pandemic Even the US want to backtrack on some of the measures if not all of them. EVERYONE EVERYWHERE EXCEPT IN CANADA IS RETHINKING THEIR RESTRICTIONS BECAUSE OF WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE IN CANADA. It's only the Canadian politicians who are so intent on imposing their will over and above that of their voters  that they'll ram it  home if they have to. Or they'll try at least. Wait until there's one or two crazy "don't give a shit" truckers in the bunch that decides to ram the blockades and go for the doors of the legislatures. Then you'll see them peddling really quickly to come up with a compromise or a solution. Until then they're trying to wait it out hoping the truckers will get tired and leave. Come to think of it, it's probably the Cdn gov't that got to GoFundMe and asked them to not give the money to the truckers. So GoFundMe came up with a bunch of lame excuses in order to comply. What's going to happen though if the new organization collecting donations for the truckers doesn't comply with the gov'ts wishes? What then? Especially if by not complying that allows the truckers to literally live there for the foreseeable future. 

Community furore after police stop St Bernadette’s Glendalough church service to check masks I see QC isn't the only one with a gestapo police force. Gawd what gives the gov'ts rights to do sheite like that in the first place? Especially the Canadian and Australian gov'ts considering they're both supposed to be democratic societies.

Thousands in lost revenue, wages as protest hits one-week mark Oh boo hoo, my heart bleeds for you bunch of 2 faced hypocrites! Let me ask you this one question: How many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS did you lose on account of gov't lockdowns????? How many compared to what you lost now? And don't you think what you lost now, might be worth it in the long run if the truckers are successful at what they're trying to do and therefore makes it so you NEVER EVER HAVE TO LOSE MONEY ON ACCOUNT OF A LOCKDOWN AGAIN???? I can GUARANTEE YOU that you LOST MORE MONEY DURING ALL THE LOCKDOWNS OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS THAN YOU LOST LAST WEEK! So stop snivelling and start supporting them, as they're not only doing it for themselves but you too, you bunch of moronic money grubbing greedy guts!

Thousands protest vaccine mandates in Canada, further fraying nerves 

Man charged in Friday night hit-and-run at Winnipeg protest against pandemic restrictions 

People are severing friendships over convoy protest, with some saying it shows 'true colours' OMG if that's all it takes to severe a friendship, then it wasn't much of a friendship to begin with.

Uncivil society: Ottawa's vaccine protest could be a sign of things to come

Local convoy planned again 

Protesters, counter protesters flood the downtown core; One arrested for assault

Holding off on injunction Good, finally a judge with some decency and regards for protesters rights.

Trucker convoy: Ottawa ‘under siege’ amid ‘nation-wide insurrection,’ officials say Well if it's nationwide insurrection, you'd think the morons at the helm would get the picture and either step down or capitulate because obviously there's more of us than there are them and if we get that steamed at the idiots at the helm, there might come a point where there's no stopping us. Personally, I'm all for having them dragged out and held accountable for all the shit they've done and forcing them to repeal all their oppressive draconian measures on the spot. As far as I'm concerned the sooner that happens the better.

WHO calls for stronger China collaboration on COVID-19 origins They should be FORCED to collaborate or suffer severe consequences if they don't. 

Russia to ease COVID-19 restrictions despite hitting record cases Even Russia is lifting some of their measures. So imagine.... Only the defiant dickheads in Canada won't.

Five arrested as anti-COVID-19 mandate convoys, rallies staged in British Columbia 

Mystery shrouds ‘backchannel’ discussions with MLAs over blockade in Alberta near U.S. border 

GoFundMe scuttles campaign for trucker convoy, stops release of $10-million in donations  

COVID-19 vaccine passports can be reviewed, but experts caution against dropping them So then what's the point of wasting taxpayers money "reviewing" them if you're not going to drop them? Of course you won't drop them as they're excellent tracking tools to see where you've been and maybe even what you did or bought there too, for all we know. 

FIRST READING: Military tells Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers Even the military doesn't want to do shitface's dirty work. They recognize the legitimacy of the protest and many of the military members probably have the same objections to many of the draconian measures that we have and would like to see them repealed too. Now if the military had any kahunas they'd band with the people and over throw the little shitface and maybe hold him on SEVERAL CHARGES INCLUDING GENOCIDE & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. But legally they can't do that as it would not only be a military coup d'etat, but it would also probably constitute treason and sedition as well. So the most they can do legally is refuse to be used as a pawn in this battle one way or the other. I'm glad they chose on the side of the people and I hope they continue to do so! Kudos to the military. The last time they used the military it was in Oka against the Mohawk. 

A friend of mine just sent me the following picture demonstrating the difference in confrontation then and now. I don't know who the author of the picture is, but if you are and don't wish for me to use it, leave a comment at the end of this post to ask me to remove it and I will, as I do not wish to infringe on copyrights and so rarely use anything without permission first. But when I do, it's because it literally gets the message across in no uncertain terms. So I am using this picture, without permission in advance because I think it epitomizes what's going on in QC City now: 

B.C. plans for eventual slow removal of COVID restrictions Most of the western provinces are willing to remove restrictions, it's really only Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec that are the stubborn holdouts here, now. 

In-Depth: Benefits of combining COVID booster with flu vaccine Now that I know they intend to do that, I'll be sure to never get another flu shot too. Because there is no way I want anymore of that unproven vaccine in my body. I had the 2 doses and that's all I ever intend to have. So no more flu shots for us, I guess.

COVID-19 Restrictions In Quebec Should Be Totally Abolished, Says 59% Of The Population See almost 2/3rds of the population here in Quebec thinks all this shit should be abolished. And I agree 100%. We've had more than enough as we were under the most oppressive regime in North America since this plandemic began. 

Pandemic fatigue leaves Canada in 'tricky moment', Freeland says Oh oh, it's a "tricky moment" for the crybaby lizard lady. Guess she can't figure out what should be done so it's not so tricky.... Hello there bozo brains.... Get Mr. Numbnuts Dressup out on his front doorstep to talk to the protestors and find out what they want and what he can do to appease them. That's how to handle that "tricky moment". If that's too tricky for you, then maybe you'll love whatever trickier moments are waiting in the wings if you and Mr. Numbnuts Dressup don't comply. Because remember it's you bunch of morons that  WORK FOR US, it's NOT the other way around there dear. So get your big girl pants on and make that moron do his job instead of hiding like the f'n coward he is.

The World Is Likely Sicker Than It Has Been in 100 Years And I'm likely sicker of this BS than I've been since it started. 

So thankfully, I've run out of headlines to post now. Gawd, I hope that this is the end of them or near the end and that the morons in charge either capitulate or get hauled out by their ears and made to face the music of all the shit they've pulled since this plandemic started. Now, wouldn't be too soon for that to happen, but that's probably way too optimistic. So I guess there'll probably be more headlines coming up in the not too distant future. 

In the meantime take care and stand up for your rights and freedoms and tell Trudeau, Legault, Ford et. al., to all go piss up a stump and play with the steam. That as far as you're concerned they're no longer legitimate leaders and they have to go. 







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