Thursday, December 3, 2020

Christmas Baking

 Getting Time to Start

Our Christmas Baking


December 3, 2020

I know this year feels really dreary, sad and just downright depressing made even worse by the dark dreary skies outside. I know some of us wonder why bother with all the preparations like baking and decorating if no one is going to be able to come over during the holidays because of the lockdowns and those tasks just seem like weighty chores that we're reluctant to tackle.

On the other hand, what about us? Ourselves? Our own small family in our household? Don't we ourselves deserve some cheer and happiness and fun? I am positive we do, as we've been deprived of it all year long on everything. So despite the fact that the authorities won't allow you to have anyone over for the holidays, defy their attempt at making you as miserable as possible (because that's what it seems like to me, now), and have a rockin' rollickin' Christmas just for you & yours in your household anyhow. 

Decorate the place like as if you're living in a Christmas or Santa themed village. Splurge and go overboard (I mean what else are you going to spend your money on - you can't go anywhere to enjoy it - no shows, concerts, or games - they've all been cancelled). 

Bake like crazy. Find recipes you want to try and make as many as you want or at least can afford to make. Excess bakes (like cookies especially) can be put into cookie tins and tied up with nice ribbons and bows and given as gifts, or wrapped & sealed tightly in freezer bags and frozen for future use. It won't go to waste. So with that in mind indulge yourself.....
There's such a huge choice here, I wouldn't even know where to start or what to try first. They all look so yummy.  
Or maybe you have a recipe that you prefer to make for Christmas, that was handed down to you or given to you by a friend. Perhaps, if you wish, you could share it with the rest of us in the comments section below, to add another choice - but one that we know has been vouched for by someone who's made it themselves.  
I know we would all appreciate whatever recipes or Christmas related crafts, stories and know-how you care to share in the comments section below.

Since most of us are under lockdown, we'll have plenty of time to work on the baking, decorating, crafting and gift making and wrapping between now and the 25th. So that should keep you busy until the big day gets here. 
Until next post stay well and take care.

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