Monday, November 16, 2020

Back At It Again Giving It the Final Push to Get Caught up to Oct 31st Headlines on ....


November 15, 2020
Hopefully, I should theoretically anyhow, be able to get to the end of the Oct 31st headlines today. I'm going to give it my best shot anyhow. 
As a forewarning to visitors....... If I do manage to get to the end of the Oct 31st headlines in my bookmark folder today, this will be the last post in here for awhile. The blog will be left online -  probably forever or until Google takes it down (which is unlikely as my daughter's dormant blog is still online almost 8 years after her death, they haven't taken it down and I can't as I don't know her passwords she used). 
If things change drastically in the pandemic I will resume posting headlines, but they will not be anywhere near as thorough as they have been because I simply can't keep up with it all, all by myself as you can tell when it takes me over 2 weeks later to finish posting the last month's headlines. And when you see the volume of the headlines posted in each post. To that end I plan on making a "snapshot" of where we stand on it in the world today - case and death count globally and Canada wide and here in QC on it's own. Which provinces are under lockdown or severe restrictions and which aren't. And try to find out what's the most promising outlooks (like which vaccines are due to be released when, if I can), in this post, so I have something reliable to compare conditions etc to in the future and not just relying on my memory. So I'll be able to check on the stats from time to time to compare in order to judge whether or not I resume posting, because as I said before if it's just the same old stories over and over again, it's getting rather redundant and a waste of time. If however there is a drastic change in conditions or restrictions or lockdowns or a cure on the way - something that drastically changes things for better or worse, then I'll resume blogging about the pandemic...
In the meantime though I will still blog in here but about things that I think might be of interest to people,  and also that promised Bill Gates / Great Reset exposee I promised. 
Now for the eyebrow raising headlines of today's date - the few that I post at the top of the page before getting to the Oct's remaining headlines....

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...... Tell me which Quebecer didn't see this one coming?  Anyhow I'm old enough now that I may not have many more Christmases to spend with loved ones, so I intend on spending whatever ones I do have left with them and I want to see the ash hole that thinks they'll stop me.

Because of the asinine way they've handled everything, putting the whole society into lockdown when all they had to do is do a strict and mandatory quarantining of people who have the virus and their contacts for longer than 14 days - quarant - the root of that word is 40 in French, so 40 days.  If they did that to begin with and let everyone else continue on with their daily lives, we wouldn't be going through stuff like this now.  

Well at least there's a newly discovered little ray of hope in this depressingly gloomy plandemic of theirs.  

Well what'd they think was going to happen when they were sitting there in Wuhan with Bill Gates and the WEF planning this little plandemic out? Did they think people were just going to sit still and take it? Just goes to show you how short sighted and stupid these world leaders are, doesn't it? Not only the fact that they have to have an article like this, like as if they're just waking up to this fact, but that they didn't see the rest of it coming either!?! Because if they did, I wonder if they'd have implemented this little plan of theirs to start with? It's doubtful. 
Worldwide Cases: 54,184,358   Worldwide Deaths: 1,314,904  
Case Increase Since Oct 31st: +7,598,497
USA Cases: 11,050,151  Daily Cases: 159,121 Deaths: 247,777
Canada Cases: 295,072   Country-wide Daily Cases: 4,613  Cases Per Million People - Total: 7,769
Canada Wide Cumulative Deaths: 10,947 
Quebec Cumulative Cases: 123,854  Daily Cases: 1,211 Hospitalizations: 587 +4 Today 
Cumulative Deaths: 6,626 +15 Today
* the + sign in the QC stats means that those are added into the cumulative numbers but are the new numbers for today.  So today 15 died, but those 15 are a part of the 6,626 cumulative death figure.  
So far as I am aware the vaccines made by Pfizer, Moderna and Medicago (a QC based vaccine maker) are the contenders for the closest delivery dates for vaccines here in Canada.  
England, France, Belgium & Spain are in lockdown and other European countries are considering it.
So those are the stats I have to compare with to see how good or bad things are going in order to determine whether or not I should revive this blog. For sure things will change, hopefully for the better, when the disease either runs out of people to infect, or there's a vaccine made to ward it off, so I will be blogging then for sure, but if things takes a drastic turn for the worse, like more gov't's are using the plandemic to become jackbooted gestapo types like here in QC, BC & the UK (another stat to measure against there), or there's a drastic increase in cases etc... Then yeah I'll resume posting for sure, just not so prolifically or thoroughly as before though. 
Now on with the end of October's headlines and here's hoping I make it through to the end too.
Please forgive the bold headlines. For some reason blogger is acting stupid again today. It automatically turns the bold feature on at the beginning of each new hard return.  
Coronavirus: Doug Ford says COVID-19 measures have been 'working,' asks health officials for reopening plan  Yeah for sure, they look like they've been working alright, especially considering your daily case numbers are higher now than they've ever been.
Covid-19 and Halloween: Lockdown means witches' coven 'can't meet'   Hmmmm..... Well I guess that's what it means in England. Here in Canada it would mean the kiddies couldn't get any candies.


This should be a no-brainer and shouldn't need a CDC study to find out about, considering it's a coronavirus, so are most other cold viruses.... So if someone in the family brings home a cold or flu, guaranteed it's going to spread to other family members. Unless they're all immune to it. 
Legal group says cities may be violating Constitution by banning trick-or-treating because of coronavirus  That's in the US, but that might also apply here in Canada, because of the gov't over reaching their authority.


Wow if spreading the COVID virus were an Olympic sport, they'd be winning hands down!


Oh go F yourself you lying witch doctor imbecile! I was a nurse in the 1970s and since the beginning of this pandemic (because it involved coughing ergo droplets being sprayed in the air - this is ANCIENT SCIENCE YOU IDIOTIC C!, EVEN I KNEW WE NEEDED MASKS IN THE BEGINNING). But you wanted to hoard them to send to China instead, like as if we owed them anything.  Then you wanted to hoard them for medical personnel - yeah after you sent most of our PPE to China, I can understand you wanted to save what was left for the medical personnel, but IF YOU IMBECILES DID NOT SEND THE PPE TO CHINA & INSTEAD KEPT IT FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC - AT LEAST THE MASKS TO WEAR WE WOULD NOT BE GOING THROUGH THIS NOW BECAUSE WE WOULD'VE DRASTICALLY REDUCED THE SPREAD OF IT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING YOU MORONIC GENOCIDAL BEITCHE!!!!!!!!!!  Ever since doctors have been doing operations and trying to figure out how to protect themselves from the germs of the patients or from giving them their germs to the patients,  or nurses having to treat people in isolation, we have KNOWN ABOUT THE VALUE A MASK HAS AT PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF GERMS. It's NOT NEW SCIENCE YOU LIAR!!!!!!!!!!! SO F OFF AND DROP DEAD!!!!!!!!!! Gawd, I can't stand that lying negligent genocidal witch doctor, at all. Sorry about that outburst, but this is one of the reasons I have to stop for a time, because when I see lies like this from alleged doctors (yeah doctor alright - rolling eyes, more like a witch doctor that got her license out of a cracker jack box, but that gives cracker jack a bad name) I blow more than a few gaskets and if I'm not careful myself, I'll wind up in the hospital too, but not as a COVID casualty but rather a stroke or cardiac victim.  If there's any conspiracy theories out there they're started by the likes of these liars and the media that propagate them.

For posterity's sake, to provide a glimpse into how it was celebrated this year with the plandemic going on.
Tombstones placed outside Manitoba premier’s house to protest COVID-19 response  Some of these should've also been placed outside  Tam's, Trudeau's and Hajdu's houses too. 


That's why if you have the tap option on your card, you'd be better off using that than the keypad.
Use COVID-19 to build back better, cities told I didn't know any cities got demolished during this pandemic..... 

This is an interesting article about pharmaceutical distribution here in QC.


Obama praises Canada's COVID-19 response as he blames Trump for deaths Nothing like meddling in successive elections. I wonder how he'd have felt if Bush meddled in the elections he ran for? I've never seen that before, where a former president meddled in a successors election. Anyhow.... I think all former presidents and PMs should be forced to sit down and shut up when their terms are up and let the others conduct their own campaigns and elections without any unsolicited advice from the peanut gallery.

Very convenient not only for people to cross the border who might have the virus but for all sorts of other cross border activities, whether legal or not.

I wasn't even aware they celebrated Halloween.


Wouldn't those rapid tests come in handy here? So, why don't we have any?

Quebec's centralized COVID-19 response is costing lives, doctors charge This is as stupid as expecting an army field hospital set up in Afghanistan to have to get all their decisions passed through Ottawa first before doing anything. Meantime half the troops die while waiting for a decision to be made and come back to them. I mean if that's what we're looking at here, I agree 100% with the doctors against the pencil pushing moron in charge.

In my case, a lot of tactile interactions like hugs and caresses help me the most when I'm feeling down. Those are forbidden from anyone outside the home. But if you live alone or you don't but the other party has problems of their own and can't hug you (like say a bed ridden person), words like "it'll be okay and keep your chin up" etc.... don't do nearly half as much for me as hug and a caress on the back or shoulders does. So you can talk until you're blue in the face and all they are well meaning but empty words to me. I'm probably not the only person like that. Some people just want to be held while they let it all out, or hugged and told not to worry or other tactile interaction that soothes and calms them and makes them feel better. Words aren't the only means of comforting and helping someone who's stressed out, but we're not allowed to use those interventions anymore. So no wonder half the population is breaking down unconsolably. We need human touch and interactions and not just words. Without those interactions it doesn't feel as safe, secure, warm or even human, no matter how many soothing words are used, with some people. 

FINALLY!!!!! Others are catching on and starting to agree with me! We aren't being told the truth and we aren't being led by any qualified medical personnel. Just art teachers, business managers and accountants oh and yeah snowboard instructors. Those are the professional qualifications of, in order respectively speaking: Hajdu, Legault, Dube and Trudeau. NOT ONE OF THEM is even qualified to put a bandaid on someone else's papercut. Seriously! Nevermind lead a nation or province through a pandemic. And I'm not sure of  Tam's qualifications.... She claims to be a doctor, but a doctor in what? Parapsychology? UFOlogy maybe? How about witch doctorology? Because she sure doesn't seem to be much of a medical doctor, that's for sure! But I can easily see her with a bunch of burning twigs in her hand shaking them over a patient while rocking back & forth on her heels, in a trance chanting at them and then shortly after she stops proclaiming the patient cured. That yes, I can easily envision that, but practicing actual medicine, nope. That's a stretch my imagination cannot make.
Covid-19: Austria and Portugal announce restrictions Poor Portugal they're facing the same grounding that we Quebecers have faced since the beginning of October. Which has done absolutely nothing to bring the numbers down. If anything they've caused them to rise. 

Well let's see how accurate those charts were. The end date was Nov 14th - so yesterday. So let's see if there were close to 150,000 cases reported today 1 day after the 14th is 159,121 daily cases - so the cases actually exceeded the predictions, with over 11 million accumulated cases to date. 
Mossad brought Chinese coronavirus vaccine to Israel Wondering if that's the same one the Chinese stole from us?

I agree wholeheartedly about the UN being dead, but I'm not sure we would want nor need another global organization getting in our faces and telling us what to do and how to do it. Look at the messes the League of Nations and then their successor the UN has left the world with. The most recent mess the plandemic that they allowed to spread world wide before doing or saying anything about it, so that the clueless idiots that runs the countries could take steps to protect their citizens from it.
For a while there, I thought I'd never make it to the end of the October 31st headlines, but I finally did it tonight!  Thankfully!
Anyhow as I indicated before, unless there's a super drastic change in the pandemic, I won't be resuming the blog until then. Though I will be posting my promised post about Bill Gates and the Great Reset and maybe the occasional post that I think might interest some visitors - like ideas for holiday celebrations and so forth.  So it won't be totally dormant, just that it won't be as active as it was up until now. 
So here's wishing everyone a safe & happy rest of 2020, Happy Holidays and stay well.  



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