Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Wasted Time, My Cheesy Potato Leek Chowder & Dreariness Caused by


Courtesy Pixabay.com
October 12, 2020 

Everytime I see the date October 12th, that reminds me of our daughter, who 8 years ago this month came home for her last Thanksgiving dinner with us (which she couldn't eat), having been told she had stage IV cancer. Then as now October 12th was Thanksgiving Day if I'm not mistaken. Anyhow today's date was the last full day she spent here at home and in fact anywhere outside of a hospital, before finally dying of cancer in early 2013. This little blurb wasn't planned, it's just what resulted when I realized the calendar date and not just the mere fact that it's Thanksgiving. 

Now back to regularly scheduled programming as they say.....

I was trying to work with some of the food we have here in the house that was grown in the garden and harvested earlier last week, and other food we bought. And part of that food was  garden greens - a mixture of the various garden leaves like spinach, kale, mustard, etc that I blanch and freeze in the right proportions for the 2 of us. I washed and cleaned and trimmed all the leaves of bad spots and blanched them only to realize that one of the plants I hadn't removed the stems beforehand which made it a tad tough to chew even after blanching. So I had to throw it all out, because if I can't chew it properly and I have all my teeth, my husband who doesn't like that stuff to begin with and is missing a few teeth won't even bother with it. So it was a colossal waste of time - most of the afternoon in fact.

Then I decided to tackle the 5 pack of leeks I bought that was sitting in the fridge and this too is another vegetable I have a hard time getting Mr. Fussy Pants to eat. I swear having to contend with a toddler at the dinner table is easier than contending with him sometimes especially when he doesn't want to eat something.  I said I wanted to make leek soup with some of them and I saw his nose curl up and I thought oh great, not that too. He used to not mind leek soup, so I thought I'd make it again - but he said he didn't like the recipe I used for it before. Which was a typical potato & leek soup recipe I found on the net and used several times in the past - which he suddenly said he didn't like anymore. 

So knowing his tastes and what he likes and doesn't like I decided to make my own, only instead of calling it a soup I called it a chowder (well it is much thicker and way more filling than a mere soup, as we found out at suppertime - it was to be the opening course of the meal, but wound up being the only course as we were stuffed after just 1 bowlful each).  This is it:

My Cheesy Potato Leek Chowder
4 potatoes cut into bite sized pieces
1 leek thinly sliced into disks
2 cups 35% cream
1 cup 10% cream
1 cup of reserved water from boiling the potatoes & leeks
1 Tsp butter melted
onion powder
parsley flakes
garlic powder
1 cup shredded Tex-Mex cheese

Boil potatoes and leeks together until potatoes are fork tender, drain all but 1 cup of water - remove vegetables from the water and reserve 1 cup of the water.

Meanwhile while the veggies are boiling, heat the butter in a large pot until melted, add the 2 types of cream and spices to taste, heat to just below simmering point, add cheese and stir in until completely melted, add the potatoes & leeks and stir. If it's too thick, wait until the reserved water cools below boiling point and add a little at a time, stirring to test consistency. When satisfied,  with consistency serve.  
Anyhow the verdict on that chowder from my husband was that he liked it a lot. Well at least he ate the entire bowlful that I gave him. Instead of pushing it aside and getting up and going straight to what was supposed to be for dinner but wasn't because of how filling that chowder was. 
Then the dreariness of the news and sadness that permeates the country from not being able to get together with friends and family for the holiday and psychologists talking about how it affects people. Normally since our daughter came home to die, just before Thanksgiving in 2012, Thanksgiving hasn't been that cheerful of a time anyhow, unless the date is far-ish away from the October 12th date. Which is usually rare. So it's been pretty much for the last 8 years a maudlin time of year for me anyhow. Our son & his wife do what they can to bring a happy mood and try to keep our minds off of it, and they always succeed for the time they're here, but it's when they're not around it comes creeping back. This year that was made only that much worse by the news amid the plandemic, plus the fact that I wasted most of an afternoon on something. I guess I'm just down at the moment and the plandemic isn't helping things either.

So now.... Let's get on with those news headlines..... So I can get depressed some more...

So who says kids can't get it? 
Co-op customer smashes wine bottles after being told to follow one-way system Okay that's just a miserable tantrum and I hope they get sued for the damage they caused. But I can certainly understand people not wanting to follow those dumb 1 way arrows on aisles in large grocery stores, especially people like me who have problems with their legs and hips and it hurting to walk sometimes. I mean the way some stores are laid out it would require me walking almost to the end and back of the store to get something basically in the middle of it, if I followed the arrows, when I can just go to the top of the aisle and walk down mid way to where the items are that I want, turn around leave the same way I came (which would be the right way - but the way I went to get there would be the wrong way and I'd have to walk to the back of the store from the produce section, all along the 2 refrigerator aisles a the back of the store, to come back around the refrigerator cases paralleling the wall refrigerators but in middle of the floor until I get to the aisle with the stuff I want). Then after I get it, I have to walk to the end furtherest away from the cashes and doors at the top of the aisles in order to get in line - as they have the whole damned way cordonned off - so even when there's no one already in line you have to walk that distance. If the line is long then you might have to walk to the furtherest back corner of the store to get in line and then walk back towards the cashiers and doors in that line. When I was even 10 years younger that wouldn't have been a problem, but since then I've had a few accidents that sometimes causes me a lot of pain in my hip and my knee and I'm lucky on those days if I can walk from here to the bathroom without a problem. So yeah I can completely understand someone being peeved because of being told they're not following the arrows, but to do what that person did, is just plain wrong.  Just leave the store and find another place to shop, that's all, if it bothers you that much.
Court to decide if dad's asthma reason enough to keep kids home from school Yup leave it up to lawyers & judges to figure out the medical cases. Might as well ask 2 monkeys and a dog to make the decision too, considering they're probably all equally versed in medicine as the lawyers and judges are.


I should literally copy & paste that whole article into here, if for no other reason than so we could look back on it and see how right or wrong these futurists were. Because I distinctly remember in the late 60s and early 70s futurists saying we'd all be owning and using flying cars, living in domed cities (because of such bad air pollution) and all sorts of things. Even a singing duo Zagger & Evans got in on the action with their song Zager And Evans - In The Year 2525.
So far as I know none of them were right. So, I'd be totally amazed if these guys were right as well.
FDA will make it HARDER to get a coronavirus vaccine approved in a move that could block Trump's plan to have a shot before Election Day  This is when you know that the powers that be, couldn't give a rat's ash about the public and it's purely political. This whole dammed plandemic is an opportunists political wet dream, no matter which country you're in. The politicians and elite find a way to profit off it one way or the other while making sure it kicks the rest of us in the head one way or the other.

Like I said a  political wet dream. Despite Global News having worked on it to make sure that we could learn about conflicts of interest regarding the vaccines, they didn't go to many lengths to disclose more than 1 of them to us, while there were apparently more. Nor provide any direct web links where we could go to see for ourselves.
Canada's top doctor warns of sharp rise in COVID-19 cases if Canadians don't follow guidelines How come this genocidal beitche couldn't have foreseen what was coming out of Wuhan back in January and closed our borders to them? Is she that stupid and shortsighted that she needed the corrupt lying genocidal ash hole  Tedros to mention "pandemic" first before she didn't anything to prevent the Wuhan "epidemic" from coming to Canada????? 

Seriously??? 2nd wave eh???? We didn't get through the first one as there was 0 as in ZERO Days let alone 0 or ZERO WEEKS where we had 0 CASES!  Since it started, ergo we're still in the 1st wave with a strong resurgence because you clowns sent everyone back to work and school all at the same time. And nothing was ever ever ever sterilized - like China did spraying disinfectant everywhere all the time and knowing that this virus lives on surfaces for up to 28 days, something (a doorknob, a handrail, a book, a whatever) could've gone untouched for 28 days and then whoops it was touched once again and so the virus now has a new victim to attack and on it goes. So we never got out of the first wave yet Arruda! And we won't because of you inept idiots who have no clue about what you're doing nor how to do it. 

Oh isn't this rich..... A F'n ACCOUNTANT CHIDING AN ACTUAL DOCTOR for comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu. Ummmm hmmmmm Wondering who I should believe in this particular case.... Geez that's a tough call. THE LYING IMBECILE SHOULD GO BACK TO COOKING THE GOV'TS BOOKS FOR THEM BECAUSE HE OBVIOUSLY KNOWS MORE ABOUT THAT THAN HE DOES MEDICINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And LEAVE US THE F ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they wonder why no one wants to listen to them anymore..... Ummmmm duhhhhhhh beats me, that's for F'n sure!!!!!!!!!!! 

Coronavirus: WHO aims for 2 billion doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of 2021 | FULL That's only 1/4 of the world's current population. So how are you going to determine which 1/4's lives are worth saving over the other 3/4s that can wait?

Why ‘Schitt’s Creek’ is the perfect pandemic Emmy winner I'm not even sure I understand why they won an Emmy to start with whether it's to do with the pandemic or not. If I had to guess, I'd say probably because all the recipients all live at the same address, so less running around to award the prizes and less people to come into contact with for the presenter of those prizes? Because it surely can't be for the show itself.

I hope those poor pooches being deployed don't wind up getting the disease themselves. I mean there must be a better way and a safer way to be detected.
New York’s Online Class Sizes Could Reach Nearly 70 Students  Wow! I pity the poor teachers who'll have to teach those classes.

'It was really disgusting': 2 cases of bedbugs reported at N.W.T. isolation hotels Talk about cruel & unusual punishment. Geez isn't it bad enough that they have to go into a 2 week isolation without having committed any crime, and will probably be in some agony of some sort but now they also have to endure bedbugs? I'm sure the NWT government could've found a touch classier joint to put them up in than that. No one says they need to be housed at the Ritz, but damn have a little decency when choosing a m/h/otel for them.

Gordi: The pop star doctor who answered the Covid call Whoever Gordi is, I can see why they would if they are a doctor. I mean they won't be losing too much money on live appearances since those have all been cancelled. So if they want to continue to make money during this period and put their time to good use besides sitting around at home baking, they will "answer the Covid call".

Covid rules: How will the three-tier lockdown system work? The lockdown rules in the UK explained.


COVID-19: Etches invokes self-isolation order to stem infections; Second wave 'will be harder than the last one': Ford What second wave Ford???? In order to be a second one you have to have gotten through the first one, which you didn't. There's not one single day since the pandemic began that Ontario had 0 cases. So that being the case, what you're experiencing now is merely a resurgence of the first wave. 


Good to know Canadians health records are protected against breaches of privacy especially by the government's mouthpiece, so they can write an article to spin the scenario the gov't wants spun.  I'm sorry but I basically regard anything coming from the CBC as though it were coming from the Russian propaganda rag Pravda. Might as well be, since they're both on a par - both news agencies run by the government. First of all that 8 months ago Sept 22nd as having the first case in Canada, is BS since it was in a patient in Quebec around the Christmas holidays in 2019 as reported by the association of Quebec pharmacists. So unless Quebec is no longer deemed to be a part of Canada, they're blatantly wrong and know it, or didn't do their due diligence in which case didn't know it. But either way they're wrong.

Wow! Aren't these "experts" geniuses? Especially after the tell-tale shortage of canning goods that happened in late August and all during the month of September, because suddenly everyone was into canning whatever they grew. It doesn't take an expert to figure out that if the markets are producing and supplying what would be for normal demand in normal times, might cause shortages of some of those things during these times, especially when everyone has the same idea to do, make, or consume the same things around the same time.  Kind of like Christmas fruitcake, there's a bigger demand for it around Christmas time than any other time of year. So I bet the producers and retailers of such make and sell more in the month leading up to Christmas then they do in all the rest of the months combined.  Same idea here.

Russia ‘so confident’ in coronavirus vaccine it will shoulder legal liability Good! Here's hoping all the rest of them will too, as they should by law! 

How's that for putting things into perspective for you?
Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball Drop Will Be Virtual Why not just cancel 2021 and get it over with? Seems like the powers that be, would love nothing better than that. To cancel our  existance before we even got to 2021, that way they could have everything to themselves if the rest of us just keeled over and dropped dead.

Met Opera Cancels 2020-21 Season   Well finally a good cancellation to come out this. 



Oops looks like they got a little ahead of themselves in the story above.
Disneyland presses for reopening, proposes COVID-19 safety measures Unless they can find a way to make going to Disneyland a begrudging chore for most people, it won't be allowed to reopen.

Oh for sure! Mr. Dube the accountant knows all about 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th medical pandemic waves so he's well qualified to tell us all about them. NOT! In fact he's nothing but an idiotic jack ash trying to pretend he knows something about medicine and presumes to tell actual doctors off. So I haven't got the time of day for that imbecile and won't listen to a f'n thing coming out of his mouth, anymore than I will listen to what spews forth from Haggydu's the art teacher's mouth, who is incidentally our Federal Health Minister. No wonder this country is in such a f'n mess pandemic wise. We have nothing but TOTALLY  UNQUALIFIED (AS IN NOT QUALIFIED) ASH HOLES HOLDING THE POSTS OF HEALTH MINISTERS IN THIS COUNTRY! In Quebec it's a f'n pencil necked accountant and in Ottawa it's a daft and daffy airheaded art teacher. I'd love to know why they even think they're qualified to even help a person with a sprained ankle off a chair and to the bathroom! Let alone guide a country through a health crisis of any kind let alone a pandemic of this magnitude!!!!!!! I'd also love to know the qualifications of all the other provincial health ministers across this country. I bet there's only 2 actual doctors among them and that's in BC & AL and the rest are made up of kindergarten teachers, lawyers, accountants, and maybe even strippers for all we know.  (And no I'm not talking about paint or varnish strippers I'm talking about pole strippers). That's to start. We NEED to find out the actual medical qualifications of all these lamebrained idiots before we can figure out what to do about anything. Right now I say oust Dube and Haggydu and replace them with actual qualified doctors (and no not dermatologists and accupuncturists either.... Actual infectious diseases specialists) and the same with the rest of the UNqualified ash holes that presume to know anything at all about medicine masquerading as health ministers in their respective provinces. Until we do that, we haven't got a hope in hell of getting through this plandemic. Because the people that are presuming to lead us through it, don't know their ashes from their elbows when it comes to anything to do with medicine, let alone pandemics.

Okay that's about it for the night. I'd had more than my fill of showing up what idiots and ash holes are running this country into the ground already. Like I said in a prior post I have my fingers in my ears and making as much racket as I can when I hear them on TV or the radio. I don't believe nor trust a frigging thing they say. 

Anyhow until next time, take care and stay well. And don't let the governments, cops or anyone else screw you over. Whether they like it or not we still have rights and freedoms via the constitution and if we wanted to band together we could put the gov't on it's knees by challenging all their authoritarian draconian laws in court.


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