Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mint Jelly, Revolting Restaurant Meal & ....


Sept 16, 2020

Okay now.... Let's see how well this works now, seeing as how they've removed the classic blogger option.  Already I had a problem trying to find the regular picture I am using from, I had to click on the area where it is, 3 times before anything appeared. Eventually though it loaded with all the other graphics and pictures used in this blog.  Now I need to see how well the Labels and Search Description settings work in here.  In any case, this post will stay on the blog no matter the outcome, but like I said previously.... Not having the ability to label posts or set up search descriptions makes a blog as big and extensive as this useless, as no one will be able to find anything, without being able to click on the labels or search for keywords.  So rather than add tons more stuff that can't be labelled or indexed in any way for future retrieval and reference, which will plainly be totally useless to anyone, I'll just leave this and all previous posts there and that'll be it. If it works, great. Then I'll be able to label things and add search descriptions like always and that's all I want. 

Today was spent making Mint Jelly from a recipe in the Bernardine Home Canning recipe book I have and have had for years now. It's really good, making 5 - 250ml jars, which is good because I couldn't get any 500ml jars when I went looking for some before. It's a really tedious long process as you need 1.5 cups tightly packed,  of finely chopped mint. Even using a food chopper, it takes a while because of the stems, even though they're the smallest and finest stems and not the thick lower stems of the plants.  Anyhow, I finally got it made by suppertime, and that's it, it was suppertime at that point. So no time to cook a chicken and the sides to go with it. So my husband said "oh we'll go to St. Hubert BBQ" as we hadn't been there in years and well being a true dyed in the wool Quebecois, he wanted to go, just to go and maybe have something good, that he hadn't had in years. 
So okay I get ready to go out to dinner with him and we get there and park and go in and we get stuck in this booth where no one not even the wait staff can see us very easily and we can't see anyone else including wait staff at all. Oh boy they were johnny on the spot to take our order, no problem. Except there was which I'll explain a little later. I asked for water as my throat was dry, we sat there and we sat there and we sat there some more. No drinks (we also ordered drinks as well), no nothing came. Meanwhile I start coughing because my throat is dry. You'd think hearing someone coughing would be enough to freak them out a little to come and at least ask if we're COVID carriers or not. Nope. Nothing. 
First my husband sat there with his hand raised above the plexiglass hoping someone would notice. His arm fell asleep and so he put it down and I raised mine. Mine started feeling numb so I put mine down. 
Finally I see the scallwag that was supposed to be our waiter saunter by towards the bar and I stood up and yelled at him and motioned for him to come over, so he did and I said "hey, where's my water?", so he doesn't reply he turns on his heels and takes off and I thought great if it doesn't come soon since we don't have any of the stuff we ordered I'm leaving as I need liquid ASAP. I was getting ready to stand up to leave and he plunked the water down in front of me. 
Another guy came and plunked our drinks down in front of us and we barely had time to take a sip and our meals came, sans the coleslaw, which says plainly in the menu "unlimited coleslaw". The ribs meals were supposed to come with sauce, a bun, and unlimited coleslaw, veggies of the season and one of a choice of 7 sides (which we chose french fries), but we did not get any coleslaw. Then I asked him before he left if we could have some salt and my husband asked for mayo, he said yes and took off. 
Again, we each did the raised hand thing until our arms started to go numb and put them down and again I caught the weasel rushing by towards the bar and yelled at him again and he gives me an annoyed look and asked "what now?" I said we asked for salt and mayo. Another little while goes by and it suddenly appeared at the table, by then though we hardly had any food left, well the food we wanted those things for - namely the fries as they were the only part of the meal we got that was fit to eat really. 
I have never in my entire life had such revoltingly awful ribs, never. Even in our younger years before we figured out how to cook anything decent we could make better ribs than that. 
It tasted like it was marinated in pure white vinegar and ground black pepper and that was it. Holy gawd, what crap on a plate!  My mojito was alright - what there was of it, but even though I had a highball glass it was crammed solid full with ice cubes, lime wedges and mint leaves, hardly any room whatsoever in it for liquid of any kind. Oh it looks good and tastes good, but you get ripped off on quantity for the price you pay for it. 
My husband ordered a Pina Colada and it came in a huge glass and I guess he enjoyed what he had of it, but poor guy, I spilled half of it accidentally on his food (he had the same as me and he thought the same about it as I thought of mine, so it gave him an excuse to throw it in a doggy box and bring it home for our doggy - but he washed the meat off from the pina colada and that hideous vinegary BBQ sauce - if you can call it that).  
Then the waiter brings us the bill and I noticed what it said on the menu about the unlimited coleslaw and I confronted him about that and he tells me (euuuuuuuuuuu I wanted to grab him and dump a ton of pepper down his throat for being such a cussed little bald faced liar when he told me...) that he asked if we wanted some with our meal. In the same area where it says it comes with that, it also says it comes with the bun and the sauce as well. How come he didn't ask if we wanted those as well? Because as far as I'm concerned any restaurant that thinks the bottom half of a hamburger bun is a bun needs to learn what real buns are and I'd have said no, same if he asked about the sauce, but he didn't. Because he didn't ask about anything to do with the things that come with it, except the choices as in the 7 different choices you have to choose from for sides. 
So I figured I'd give the lying little cuss a really rotten tip. I left him 5% for a tip and as I didn't see my debit card receipt from that transaction, he probably kept it so he could photograph it and paste it on the net, showing the lousy tip I left him. I have never in my entire life since I was 18 (which was eons ago as I'm a senior now) left a tip below 10% and lately I normally tip at 18% because of the government adding their tips into their taxable income, even though they earn less than standard minimum wage. But that little jerk didn't even merit half of the tip I left normally on all restaurant meals over 4 decades ago.  
I never did like St. Hubert BBQ, but I have to get reminded of why every decade or so I guess. This experience though should stick with me for longer than a decade now, unless I develop some form of dementia or alzheimers. Anyhow our doggy liked the meat my husband brought home and washed off for her. She gobbled it down in no time flat.
Okay, now I'm finished beitching and moaning so on with the show..... 

Hmmmm..... I don't know what's going on here now.... But it took 4 times of trying to insert this link here before it stuck. Each time before it disappeared on me, when I hit space bar beside it in order to insert a space between the link and my comment I wanted to post about it. So does it just not like to be followed by spaces on the same line or what?  ----- Anyhow my comment I wanted to make is if they know this (and they do now), why don't they tell everyone to take a certain amount of vitamin D per day - like a daily vitamin? I think most people probably need more than what one vitamin D pill supplement you can get over the counter, contains. So why don't they tell people the daily recommended dosage and as each area and culture in the world gets more sun exposure and therefore probably needs less supplements, they tell each region how much vitamin the people in that region should consume on average per day?  It can't be that hazardous for your health as I get 10,000 ius once a week which is still 3,000 ius more than the maximum of what's recommended weekly for most people and it hasn't caused me harm. But me is not you nor anyone else, so what is alright for me may not be for you. So to be safe stay within the recommended limits of 400 - 1,000 ius daily unless your doctor recommends something different. That way there would be a lot less susceptibility to this virus and a lot less severe illness as a result. If you think about it a bit, it makes some sense.... They said this was originally a virus that affected bats. Bats stay in dark caves during the day and out of sunlight so they (if they do) manufacture a lot less vitamin D in their bodies due to a lot less sunlight exposure. So that might be their downfall when it comes to this virus. But since we know it affects the virus by preventing it from infecting us and or lessening the severeity of the illness when we do get it, if we have sufficient quantities of vitamin D in our system, I don't see why the doctors don't recommend universal vitamin d supplements to everyone, at least until a vaccine comes along. That might be all that's needed.
Second-grader shows off mom's Malibu rum in virtual show-and-tell   Okay, knocking on wood, I think I'm getting the hang of this new blog editor.... Well what good is a virtual show & tell if you can't show something that you wouldn't normally be allowed to bring into school for show & tell anyhow? 😉

Coronavirus Scourge Leaves Mexico Short of Death Certificates    I never realized certificates of any type were that big of a deal, considering they're all printed on paper and most certificates have templates for them and if they use numbers for any reason, they probably have a place where they kept track of the last ones issued, so it should be relatively easy to continue on from there and applying the seal and getting the rubber stamp with the authority figure's signature on it, to sign them. 
Covid-19 Patient Raped by Ambulance Driver Enroute to Hospital in Kerala's Pathanamthitta  This is just unreal and really appalling that men in that country figure they can get away with things like this!

I'm sure they desperately need it too. 
Covid-19 Vaccine Developers Prepare Joint Safety Pledge, Say No Shot Until Candidates Proven Safe  Well isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Only asking for approval after it's proven safe? 

Jessica Mulroney Is Offering Free Pandemic Wedding Advice to People Who Comment on This Instagram Post  I'm sorry but who does this one think she is? Why would anyone want advice from her? She can't even hang onto her supposed best friend Megan Markel, so who would want advice from someone like that?

‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles  That's partially why this plandemic was put into action. To make a mega transfer of wealth - from the middle and lower classes to the upper classes, when the middle and lower classes are forced into bankruptcy and foreclosure the upper classes get easy pickings for next to nothing. That's why the country wide lockdowns etc, to ensure as many people lose their jobs and maybe even their businesses as possible, thereby forcing them into bankruptcy and having to basically give their houses back to the banks who will then auction them off to cover the unpaid portions of the mortgages.
Bold hopes for virus antibody tests still unfulfilled   They'll only be available when we have no need of them anymore.

Well hmm.... Doesn't Russia already have a viable vaccine? If so why should be we worried about them spying on our efforts that have produced squat so far? As for China, didn't they steal our vaccine? That maybe Russia ought to have spied on or maybe did and that's why theirs is successful? So that leaves Iran to be worried about.... So because China has our vaccine, why not just redirect their spies eyes towards China then? Problem solved! Anyhow I don't think we have much to be worried about because the ones that could screw us over namely the Chinese, already did, leaving us with nothing to spy on. 

I don't even know why we're still allowing people from China into this country! They should be barred from ever again setting foot in Canada - no matter their race. If they are trying to enter Canada from China, they can just damned well stay there and die there. After what China did to the world and Canada in particular I have no sympathy for anyone who has anything to do with China. You want to go to China then you get what you deserve and that's to stay there forever. Period. 

You wouldn't be related to the genocidal beitch Theresa Tam would you? If you are, I hope you're not another criminally negligent  genocidal maniac like her!
What's behind the unequal threat of Covid Maybe it was genetically manipulated to be gene specific - as in targetting certain ethnicities, like MERS was said to have been.

That is really neat! I'm sure the kid was as proud as punch to see his dad show up at school like that, for him! Wow!
How limits can boost your creativity  Well yeah, I always think of my ancestors in NS who walked ashore in the 1600s with almost nothing to their names and how they all used their own skills and ingenuity to make, grow and build whatever they had and those skills and ways of creative thinking was passed on down through the generations. Then again during the depression how my parents and their parents thought of new ways to use things that maybe still had some life left in them but not for the original use they were intended for. So they learnt how to repurpose things and use things up to the very end, so that there was almost nothing left to toss in the garbage or compost heap. 

For those who use mass transit and are returning to work or school you may be able to get some safety tips on how to use such systems without getting sick as a result.

This is in the US. It doesn't necessarily follow that Canada will use the same guidelines, or methods to determine who gets what 1st in Canada.


It is highly unlikely that food is a source of Covid-19 contamination, experts say Unless it's something you eat raw, cooking it at the normal temperatures that generally kills all other bacteria should also kill the virus. It's a rare virus that can survive being boiled or deep fried at 350F or baked in an oven for long periods of time say 1 hour or more at 350F.  If it can survive those temperatures then we have no hope. Just pack it in now and get it over with. Why prolong the misery?
A plague that will outlive Covid-19 I feel bad for anyone stuck in the same living space as their abuser, for any length of time. Sometimes even a half hour is too long, so nevermind months on end like the lockdown. 

How we spent our summer not-vacations For me that's easy to answer - read my blog and you'll find out. 

Is this quite possibly why they engineered the coronavirus to become a biological weapon? 
Nothing to see: COVID origins off-limits as China's Wuhan touts recovery  Hmmm if they were so squeaky clean here, they'd be pulling out all the stops to make sure everyone knew and understood that in no uncertain terms. Instead it looks like they're going through a lot of effort to obscure it's origins. 

Anyhow, that's enough for now.... More later on tomorrow, I guess. In the meantime take care and stay well.





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