Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Sore Foot, Out Visiting, Pure Exhaustion & ....

More Covid Coverage

Courtesy Pixbay.com

August 17, 2020

Well I see Google hasn't forced me back onto the new crappy editor of theirs and left me alone on this old one. Hopefully, that'll remain the case until or unless they allow linking headlines directly to the URL links, in the new one, like I am able to do in this one.  So for as long as I am able to link the headline titles to the actual links themselves so that when you click on the headline you're taken to the story, without having to read long and sometimes inane and sometimes seemingly irrelevant URLs, all the while trying to not only decipher it, but to figure out if you'd actually like to go and read that story or not.  The way it's able to be done and I've been doing it since day one on here, seems to be easier and more efficient for everyone concerned. And I hope it remains that way even when they're finished with the "new" version.

In the meantime though, as much as I wish I could keep you up to date with the COVID19 headlines it probably won't be possible, because as I said it's harvest time and I have a garden (although at this point it just looks like a giant field of weeds because due to the heat and humidity I haven't been taking care of it, there are still several food items to be found in it, like tomatoes for instance - which I currently have coming out of my ears). So all that food (which won't be as much as there would've been had I have been a better and more weather adaptable gardener - more able to withstand the insane temperatures here in the summertime and so more able to get out there and work on the garden as needed) still needs to be taken care of. Otherwise what's the point of having a garden at all if you're not even going to harvest the food that's there is and use it? 

On top of that we do have other things to do as well, like the usual errands and occasional other outings like visiting people. So as not to contravene any laws, regarding COVID19 out there, the "other people" are the people in our "bubble" - namely our son & his wife. Just to get out of our house and leave the cooking and cleaning to someone else. 😋 Which is what we did yesterday. 

Today, I was either supposed to go with my husband to do errands with him, or stay here while he went, and catch up on working with food, as I have a ton of it to take care of. Neither of which I accomplished because I have a sore foot and couldn't hardly stand on it at all today. It wasn't until after supper tonight when my husband looked at it and says it looks like a small blister (but it doesn't have the same pain as a blister - it feels more like a bruise or a puncture wound). Unsure of what it could be, means I'm unsure on how to treat it. So for now I'm relying on things like Voltaren and the spray on pain reliever Novarnica. Maybe if it gets bigger and we can clearly define what it is, tomorrow I'll be able to make a decisive "treatment" to remedy the situation because now is not the time for me to be sitting things out due to a foot problem, when I clearly need to be standing in front of the stove or at least nearby working on food.

So for the moment at least, I can and will add a few more of the headlines here for your perusal. Many of them might be rather old and so you already know about them, but some might also not only be old but obscure and you were aware of them, so they'll be like new news to you in that case. I will try to get as many headlines in this post as I can, but it still won't be anywhere near being caught up. So away we go....

Secret recipes for McDonald's McMuffin, Disney's beignets, more to make in quarantine  I don't know if I posted this link before or not, but I thought I'd start off with something a little more sweet and less scary than the usual headlines. 

Bill Gates says other nations had better coronavirus responses than US   He makes this sound like it's not an orchestrated effort amongst western nations and that everyone just did their own thing, which couldn't be more untruthful if he tried, considering it was the larger nations like the G20 that went along with this horse sheite on how to treat a pandemic while the smaller 3rd world countries used good old fashioned medical knowledge to handle the pandemic and they did much, much, much better than any of the G20 or western nations did following the WHO directives. So we have to ask ourselves why. Especially countries like Canada, who has a charter of rights and freedoms and things like epidemics and pandemics have clearly defined guidelines on how to handle such things - which is the common sense medical way (the way the 3rd world countries handled it) and didn't involve shutting down whole areas of populations. Considering the  Gates Foundation and the WEF (World Economic Forum) held a symposium on what would happen in the case of a global pandemic just a few weeks before this pandemic got going (and in the very same city where the pandemic started, incidentally). Any thinking person - or those with a thimble full of brains would be wondering why the World ECONOMIC Forum and NOT the World HEALTH Organization aka the WHO would be invited to that symposium with the Gates Foundation.  I mean does it make any sense to you that they would invite an economic agency over a health agency to a symposium about a global pandemic? Because it doesn't to me. 

Bill Gates explains how he would fight coronavirus if he was in charge: 'Don't mislead people' "Don't mislead people"..... Like the way you didn't mislead IBM when you stole CP/M to present to them as MS or PC DOS????? It's getting so that if I ever saw this pretentious jerk in person, I'd spit in his face before I said two words to him. I mean who does he think he is? Don't mislead people. Well then maybe he should come clean about him wanting to make gazillions of dollars on a vaccine that would be needed by the entire world's population against a virus, - that he was probably behind, producing and releasing too for all we know and who wants to crash the world economies so he can introduce his digital currency chip that everyone would require to keep track of their digit currency credits.... You mean that kind of "don't mislead people"? Then if that's what you mean, you are the biggest, greediest and most dishonest culprit of PURPOSELY MISLEADING PEOPLE I've ever seen!  And you need to be stopped!

Bill Gates & Congressman Negotiated “Tracing Deal” BEFORE COVID-19 Panic  Think about this when you read the next headlines....

12 People in a 3-Bedroom House, Then the Virus Entered the Equation  It's always those with the least (space, money, food, health, whatever) that is affected the most by whatever bad things are happening in society, whether that's job cuts, gov't aid cuts, pandemics, whatever....

Hawaii set to welcome Canadians without quarantine restrictions starting Sept. 1  Okay here's my feelings on Canadians wishing to travel outside the country during the pandemic. Since there's so much volatility regarding the pandemic and you never know when, who or how many people are suddenly going to have it and you come into contact with, I think that any Canadians who choose to leave the country to go else where during the pandemic for whatever reason,  have to stay there until until the pandemic's over with and that they're denied re-entry into the country. It was their own selfish desires and stupidity that led them elsewhere, so why should the rest of us have to suffer for their own selfish stupid decisions if they get it and come back home with it? Nope, once you're out, you're out until the pandemic is over with and if that takes decades, or centuries, oh well.... C'est la vie - get used to it and learn to live with your own stupid selfish decisions.

Six Months After WHO Declared it Global Emergency, Coronavirus Cases in the World Top 18 Million

Asia Today: More restrictions in Australia's Victoria state

Birx warns US is 'in a new phase' of coronavirus pandemic with more widespread cases

Britain to roll out millions of 90-minute coronavirus tests  Canada should invest in tests like this, especially if they could determine current and past brushes with the virus as in positive, negative or antibodies exist, kind of test.

Coronavirus: Iran cover-up of deaths revealed by data leak

Coronavirus: The hidden heroes of India’s Covid-19 wards

World / Countries / United States   This page shows the current up to date number of cases in the US, you can also get the current up to date statistics on other countries at this website by choosing the country in question.

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic  The link to compare the countries of the world and to see where your country ranks. Canada is currently the country with the 24th highest amount of cases. By comparison, The USA is number one and the country with the least amount of cases is Anguilla according to this site.

Some COVID-19 survivors suffer psychiatric disorders, Italian study says

Singapore to make travellers wear electronic tags to enforce quarantine   Canada should've done that from the beginning and then we probably wouldn't have had so many cases.

Those coronavirus vaccines leading the race? Don't ditch the masks quite yet

The land with no face masks: Holland's top scientists say there's no solid evidence coverings work and warn they could even damage the fight against Covid-19  I wish the Canadian head honchos over this pandemic would read this. Especially considering that they're  now starting to rethink whether it's a respiratory illness or if it might instead be a circulatory related illness instead.

Advice from a woman who survived covid-19, the 1918 flu - and cancer  Wow! And I do like her advice too!

More than 100 executives warn Congress of 'catastrophic' consequences without relief for small business

Influencers allegedly test positive for COVID-19 after ‘irresponsible’ house parties: ‘Y’all caused an outbreak’

Dollar Sends Warning That U.S. Is Losing Its Grip on the Virus  Losing? I'd say Lost, considering they have the most cases in the world at the moment!

Feds keep lid on company names, dollar amounts in some COVID-19 contracts  It's only our money, after-all. So why should we have the right to know about where it's going to and for what purposes?

Coronavirus: What tests are available?

Coronavirus pandemic: Tracking the global outbreak 

Coronavirus pandemic creates America's first female recession amid child care, unemployment woes I'm not sure about that.... I remember quite vividly myself having to stay home to raise my kids because child care was just too expensive as there were no government subsidized daycares when I had I my kids and so I would've had to hire baby sitters who wanted roughly minimum wage wage at the time. Meaning half my salary as a nurse. The other half which would've equalled minimum wage is where my income taxes would've been taken from but for the whole amount and not just from the minimum wage I'd have been left with, plus my uniform costs, travel and lunch expenses etc.  In the end I was left with barely enough to cover groceries. So to me, it wasn't worth the effort of going out to work and risking my health while doing it just to cover grocery costs. So I stayed home and was here for my kids. Which is maybe why they turned out the way they did, meaning kids that I got complimented on in the community, who were good, decent and kind and ambitious.

Laundry tips to wash away germs amid the coronavirus  Lemme guess. I'm not going to bother reading this because I assume it's pretty much like all the other germs out there.... Use hot water, soap and bleach and you'll be fine kind of deal. But feel free to read it if you wish.

Here are five things to know about how grocery shopping has changed in the pandemic  Prices are higher is pretty much a given. Just about every sector of business uses whatever's going on out there as an excuse to raise prices from "climate change", to ISIS, to war, oil prices to pandemics, to the cost of the Cdn dollar against the American dollar, to whatever excuse they can come up with, to raise their prices. They never lower them back down to what they were before the alleged cause of raising them goes away, though.

As cruising resumes in some parts of world, multiple cruise ships affected by new COVID-19 cases  Isn't a lot too early to be resuming cruises?

US firearms purchases skyrocket during pandemic, according to FBI records  Considering how they've been going crazy trying to kill each other there, lately, I believe it. It's like if the COVID19 virus doesn't get them, they'll take care of it themselves.

Students at Indiana school back on campus after classmate sent home with positive Covid-19 test  I have a feeling a lot of that will be happening here in Canada too, once school resumes.

Tie-dye on the rise as a pandemic pastime  Well why not? We've got to have some fun and colour in our lives. Don't we?

New York's Cuomo calls federal COVID-19 response 'worst government blunder in modern history'   Actually let's call a spade a spade shall we? I mean get real and honest about this whole charade once and for all..... The worst government blunder in modern history was done by all the G20 & western countries in collusion with each other,  but since it was colluded upon, it's not a blunder but a planned catastrophe made to look like a blunder, because all the governments did it when they let the virus into their respective countries by refusing to closing their international borders to all those coming from abroad. If they did that back at the very moment they heard about this epidemic in Wuhan in mid January, none of these countries would be going through any of this now.

CDC says at least 17 people have West Nile virus — here’s how to distinguish symptoms from COVID-19

James Lovelock: Gaia theory creator on coronavirus and turning 101

How a long-forgotten word rallied a nation  Maybe we should all learn that word and what it means to practice it.

The Swiss court ruling on home workers’ rent To bad that law doesn't apply universally.

WHO urges caution over Russian vaccine claims

Coronavirus: How Iran is battling a surge in cases

Coronavirus: When home is both prison and sanctuary

COVID-19 outbreaks in agricultural communities raise harvest fears I understand this, given that I only have a garden and a sore foot, but still it's enough to prevent me from getting all that I need to do done and so some food may spoil on account of that.  So I can understand the farmer that has to stop the harvest because some people are sick with COVID19. For them it's even worse because they have way more crops to harvest than I do and their livelihoods depend on it, whereas in our case it helps cut down on grocery bills, that's all.

Around the world, countries thought to have contained the coronavirus face new waves of infection  That's the thing they haven't contained it or eradicated it. If they did and they didn't let anyone else into the country from outside, they wouldn't be having those resurgences. Those resurgences are coming from previously unknown sources, like people who were in contact with those who had it, but have been incubating the virus in their system silently over time until the symptoms manifested and they then became identifiable patients.

'He don't talk back to me!' Seniors receive robot pets to help with quarantine loneliness  Okay, I just find this to be total silliness, like giving toys to seniors. Yeah I know they say when we get old enough we regress into our second childhood, but this is ridiculous. There's a huge difference between these furry robot dogs and the real thing. If you have a well trained dog, they aren't apt to "talk back to you" either, but rather obey you, instead. It's been my experience that all dogs can be trained with lots of love and patience, and they'll be trained your way to do the things you want them to do, too.

Good Covid-19 News From Italy...and Sweden  Good we need some of that once in awhile - good news.  So here's this portion for now....

Anyhow, that's about all I can manage for now. Take care, stay well and stay tuned for more....

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