Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Restocking Freezers & Pantries &

Continuing the COVID19 Coverage

Courtesy Pixabay.com

July 27, 2020

We're not quite finished restocking the freezer yet, as there was way more food given away and perished than what we were able to buy today. But basically today was spent grocery shopping trying to restock the freezer and maybe pick up some depleted pantry items here and there.  So we're probably going to have to finish that tomorrow.  If we can. Looking at next week's fliers I'd say we'd better try to finish it tomorrow or we're not going to have the same selection of meat nor the same prices. 

Other than that, it's just trying to keep on top of the COVID headlines, which are looking scarier and scarier by the minute lately.  Rather than talk about them, maybe I should post them and you can see for yourself, what I'm talking about. So here we go....

Eerily prescient 2020 plague novels  Summer reading suggestions?

Is it safe to stay in a hotel amid the coronavirus pandemic?  I don't know how safe it is or isn't. All I know is that since Aviva one of the biggest insurance companies in Canada won't insure hotels against COVID19, it can't be all that safe, or at least not in Aviva's estimations.

Movies delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, including 'Mulan,' 'Bill & Ted 3' and 'Tenet' This virus has to get into everything and cause a problem with everything. Doesn't it?

Seniors who struggle with technology face telehealth challenges and social isolation  Perhaps the younger generations can help the older ones adapt, learn and cope with the technology that is used for telehealth and keeping in touch remotely, before we go into lock down again. If necessary print out the procedures in numerical order of what to do first, 2nd and 3rd, in order to logon to computer or tablet (even explaining how many rapidly successive clicks or taps to use on which icons etc...) to get to a certain program or application in order to use it and then how to log off and shut it down again. If their memories are bad, forget setting it up with a password for logon or if one is absolutely required, make it a simple one and write it down for them.  Because as we age, some of us find it harder and harder to learn new things, never mind things to do with new technology, even just memorizing their own phone number if it's recently been changed can be a chore and a half for some. So help them out the best you can while you can get within an arm's reach of them, to help guide them through it the first time or two they use those things.

Four California teens create Covid-19 coloring book for children and raise money for charity  Good for them. It would be nice if more kids used initiative to do things of benefit to the wider community, whether that's something like these kids did, or just spend a few hours with seniors who live alone keeping them company and helping them with some of their harder chores like lawn mowing or snow shovelling and things like that.

How the coronavirus almost killed a healthy woman with "no normal symptoms"

Camper van rentals seeing business double during pandemic  If we could've afforded such a luxury I wouldn't have minded renting one and touring the province of Quebec. Yeah I've seen it pretty much from east to west along the TransCanada (highway 20) and parts of the Laurentians, but there's still a large swath of it I haven't seen and would love to see, while I still have my health. But alas camper rentals are only for the well to do and not for people like us.

Trump faces backlash after declaring most COVID-19 cases "harmless"  Well when you consider the amount of cases there are world-wide compared to the amount of deaths, you pretty much have to agree with him there. But the ones being swamped treating such cases and the ones suffering through a case of it, probably don't agree with him. But in all honestly it's just because of how contagious it is and how fast everyone's getting it - meaning all at the same time, so it looks worse than it is because of the sheer numbers of people coming down with it all at once. But when you look at the amount that came down with it, the amount that recovered and the amount that actually died from it, he's basically right.

Pandemic: A snapshot of life in Rome

COVID-19 rashes: How your skin can be a sign of the virus

Today’s coronavirus news: Ontario’s public health units report 143 new cases in the last 24 hours, but no fatalities

'I feel like I’m being forced to choose': Alberta parents concerned over school reopening plan  Most parents around the world probably feel like this too.

What constitutes a second wave in Canada?

Pfizer Vaccine Deal at $20 a Dose Sets Ceiling for Rivals  Shouldn't they have one already made and ready to go before setting prices?

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians could get a tax break for working from home during pandemic

'Very shocking': Video captures huge crowds, lineups in Niagara Falls Another resurgence on the way in Ontario it looks like.

Good vibrations? COVID quiet time soothes Earth's seismic shakes  Another angle on this virus that none of us perhaps thought of.

BC gov. enlists 'influencers'

Nova Scotia goes one week without a report of a new COVID-19 case   Kudos to you NS.

Not all COVID-19 antibody tests are created equal, but which ones are best?

Worried About 5G? Study On Zebrafish Shows Radiation Exposure ‘Predominately Benign’  Since there's been a conspiracy theory linking 5G & Coronavirus, going around, I thought it worth posting this headline, as a counterbalance to the other 5G related articles.

Va. Tech Professor Creates Surface Coating That Inactivates Coronavirus In An Hour Too bad we can't have all our packaged store bought goods, clothes and household furnishings coated in that stuff.

COVID-19 patients will be ‘sent home to die’ if deemed too sick, Texas county says  
Okay as a former nurse, this is just the height of idiocy if you ask me. You're going to send people who are so sick they'll die, home.  Okay for starters how are they going to get home? Obviously driving themselves are out of the question. So that means someone's going to have to take them  home. Who would that be then? A taxicab? An Uber cab? Maybe dear old dad, or maybe sonny boy? So you're going to risk exposing those people to someone who's so sick they're going to die, which means whoever gets exposed to them will probably wind up almost as sick if not as sick. That's besides all the other people that someone comes into contact with. Okay, now while we've been having that debate, the homeward bound conveyance has pulled into the driveway of the sick person's home. The sick person is helped out of the vehicle and into the house. If they live alone, they're already in quarantine and will probably die within hours as they won't be able to even get or do the most basic tasks for themselves like get to the bathroom unaided or get a drink of water on their own. If they aren't there by themselves and there's someone else who lives there and will be trying to take care of them, then while you're making plans with the undertaker for the patient that just came home, also make plans with the undertaker for all the others who also live in that house. Because that's the size of it. And if the others that live in that house have jobs outside the home get ready to make room in the hospitals for all their coworkers and family member as well. You want to talk about community spread and high death rates? Well that's the way to go in style!  To me it just seems like the whole world fell on their collective heads and knocked whatever few brains they had loose as soon as this pandemic began in Wuhan. This is just another classic example of that.

Two Florida mayors urge residents to wear masks at home Just how are they going to enforce that one, I wonder?

Virus Can Travel 26 Feet at Cold Meat Plants With Stale Air

As it happened: UK PM says 'lessons to be learned' from pandemic

What's driving Canada's increase in COVID-19 infections? See the hotspots

Passengers on 30 flights in Canada potentially exposed to COVID-19  Yeah that's the way we're going to curb the spread of it. Put carriers of it on flights and send them hither & yon across Canada. Are you nincompoops in charge of the airlines that careless and stupid? Maybe you should go bankrupt and that would cut down on the spread of the virus in this country big time. So I don't want to see or hear anymore bellyaching about "oh we're going to go bankrupt if the gov't doesn't let us fly soon". Because the way you are wrecklessly handling it, I hope you do go bankrupt.

Despite uptick in new cases, Quebec opts to allow larger public gatherings

New COVID-19 hospitalizations jump in Ontario as cases drop

Coronavirus: Disney delays blockbuster films due to pandemic   Something else being affected by the pandemic, as if there aren't enough things already affected by it.

Out of date design of long-term care homes left residents more vulnerable to COVID-19: study What actually left them more vulnerable was the way they were abandonned or the way they kept changing the staff. That's more precisely the problem. But don't deal with that because that's a human issue, where actual currently working staff and supervisors could and should be held to account, instead of long dead architects.

Can You Get COVID Again? It's Very Unlikely, Experts Say  Huge huge relief to me and what I've basically been saying all along. And given that scenario, it's highly unlikely a vaccine will be needed by the time one is ready, because the majority of the population will have already either died from it or acquired immunity to it, naturally.

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